Design and Development of Dual Power Gen

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International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications Vol. 9, No.

6, November 2020

Design and Development of Dual Power

Generation Solar and Windmill Generator
Firas B. Ismail1, Nizar F.O. Al-Muhsen2, and Norul Ilham Noruddin1
Power Generation Unit, Institute of Power Engineering (IPE), Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), 43000 Kajang,
Selangor, Malaysia
Technical Instructors Training Institute, Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract—The fast depletion of conventional energy approaches for power generation world widely. Therefore,
resources and the issue of global warming have encouraged various studies have been conducted on the dual systems
researchers worldwide to come up with the best energy of photovoltaic (PV) integrated with Wind Turbine (WT)
solution. Renewable energy resources such as wind and aiming to maximize the conversion efficiency and then
solar energy have been widely adopted as an alternative
source of energy. In this work, an integrated solar and wind
increase the utilization of renewable energy resources [4]-
energy system were implemented aiming to produce the [13]. It is worth to be mentioned that exploiting the green
maximum possible output power from the available energy resources is not only for producing a clean and
renewable energy resources such as solar irradiance and reliable electrical power, but it is also more economical
wind energy. The proposed system comprised two solar than that comes from the conventional ways [14].
modules and horizontally rotating wind blades. An energy However, since solar and wind are unpredictable sources
storage system plus a charge controller were also used of energy, the use of the hybrid systems approach could
aiming to improve the overall energy conversion efficiency. provide a better opportunity for a continuous power
The results showed that this system demonstrated superior generation. Hemeida et al. [4] studied the configuration
performance compared with the solar modules and wind
system when they had worked individually. The proposed
and performance of PV and WT system accompanied by
system was generating an average energy of 61.729 Wh daily. a storage system. Their results were also compared to a
Therefore, it was estimated that the system can generate an hybrid PV/WT system in terms of technical and
annual output power of about 207.4 kWh. During the economic aspects. The authors' results showed that
conducted experiments, the solar panels worked as the main establishing an integrated system of PV-WT and storage
source of the generated energy while the wind system acted system was much more efficient than install these
as a secondary source of energy during the solar absent systems individually.
times. Moreover, the safety factor was calculated to be Pinheiro et al. [5] reviewed and analyzed the
within the limits of 2 that shows the proposed system can performance of the PV and WT systems in terms of the
work according to the industrial safety limits of Malaysia. 
contemporary techniques that can be used to improve the
Index Terms—Dual power generator, renewable power efficiency of the aforementioned systems. This was
generation, solar energy, sustainability, wind energy comprising a highlighting of several technical and
economic views regarding solar and wind power systems.
Moreover, the on-site systems' performance was also
I. INTRODUCTION emphasized and analyzed. The authors concluded that the
The escalated demand on the electrical power has been integrated solar PV and WT systems need to be
caused by the dramatic rise of population and city considered to overcome the intermittency of the solar and
urbanization. This has led to a fast depletion to the wind energies based on daily and seasonal variance. A
conventional energy resources such as fossil fuels. couple of energy management strategies were evaluated
Moreover, this has also risen the event of global warming based on real-time recorded data for a hybrid residential
as an urgent issue to be quickly addressed [1]. Recently, PV-WT system which was connected with a battery
the renewable energy industry of solar and wind in terms system [6]. A performance model was developed for the
of production and demand have grown substantially in used system considering a range of variable parameters
the last decade [2]. The current technological including the actual site conditions, solar irradiance and
advancements have facilitated the optimum utilization of wind energy in the country of Denmark. Furthermore, the
the abundance of renewable energy resources such as used energy storage system was assessed and quantified.
solar and wind [3]. Nowadays, the idea of hybrid systems It was found that integrating the PV-WT system with an
by using solar and wind energy have become common energy storage system is necessary to address the issue of
the energy variability of the solar and wind. A small-scale
PV-WT system combined with a fuel cell system was
Manuscript received January 8, 2020; revised April 15, 2020; investigated in terms of technical and economic aspects
accepted May 20, 2020.
Corresponding author: Firas B. Ismail (email: [email protected]) in the countryside region of Egypt [7]. The authors’

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doi: 10.18178/ijeetc.9.6.447-454
International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications Vol. 9, No. 6, November 2020

outcomes showed that the integrated PV-WT-fuel cell photovoltaic/wind systems. Besides, various DC/DC
system performed much better when the used system was converters were used. In the proposed design, even
incorporated with a hydrogen production electrolyzes. A though the Photovoltaic (PV) had the priority to meet the
levelized energy cost of about 0.47 $/kWh was achieved required load, a wind turbine system is still integrated
which was claimed as an economically acceptable. into the system to support PV during the demand time. In
Hasan and Dincer [8] developed an integrated new addition, for surplus power and/or backup device during
renewable energy system for the off-grid areas. The demand, both supercapacitor and battery were used as
developed system comprised units of solar PV, WT, energy storage systems. The proposed operating system
electrolyzer, and an ammonia synthesis system. This was mainly aimed to maintain the SoC of the battery
integrated system was thermodynamically evaluated, and above 80%, which consequently could increase the life
it was aimed to be reliable and sustainable at the same span of the used batteries and improve their performance.
time so can be implemented in the remote regions. The The proposed system used a real-time solar, wind data
authors' results showed that the maximum efficiency was and a load of five rural households available at the
achieved, which was around 75% when the generated University of Nottingham, Malaysia campus. MATLAB
power was dominated by the wind energy. On the other simulation that was used in the study showed results that
hand, the minimum system efficiency was recorded when the proposed system could compensate the power
the main source of energy was from solar irradiance. fluctuation and meet the required load without grid
These results were mainly attributed to the high connections. In this study, a dual renewable power
conversion efficiency of the WT system and low generation system of the solar PV and wind was designed
conversion efficiency of the PV modules. Al-Ghussain et and developed. The proposed system comprises of four
al. [9] optimized the size of a grid-connected PV-WT main ingredients which are solar PV module, horizontally
system for Lafarge cement factory in Jordan. Their study rotating WT, energy storage system (ESS), and a
was aimed to use the available renewable energy microcontroller to control the charging power from the
resources, which are insolation and wind, to reduce the PV-WT system to ESS. Furthermore, the microcontroller
reliance on the national grid to the minimum and meet the was also used to control the delivered power directly
factory power demand with a less price for the kWh than from PV-WT system and ESS to the electrical load. In
that of the national grid. The authors found that the site this system, the WT was not only used to substitute the
location must be carefully selected according to the insolation absence during the nighttime but also to
annual availability of the wind and solar irradiance. The enhance the power generation during the daytime. The
proposed system performance was technically and material selection process for the prototype structure and
economically evaluated when it was integrated with WT blades was also included. The results of the stress
energy storage systems. It was also concluded that it was and strain analysis were also analyzed and discussed.
economically feasible to install such systems (a
renewable energy system with reliable energy storage II. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND METHODOLOGY
systems) for this cement factory. Similar results were also In this study, the information is gathered from various
concluded by another study in Germany and Europe that sources in order to determine the design principles and
suggested that using a combined PV-WT system could be elements that will be used for system design.
also technically and economically promising [10], [12].
Furthermore, this could substantially reduce greenhouse A. Wind and Solar Energy in Malaysia
gas emissions and the electricity bill as well. Peninsula Malaysia experiences two main weather
A smart micro-grid of WT-PV-battery with a capacity seasons every year; southwest monsoon starting from
of 6kW was designed and developed by Liu et al. [11]. In May/June to September with an average wind speed of
addition, a management system, which was working about 7 m/sec, and the northeast monsoon starting from
based on the used battery state of charge (SoC), was November to March with an average wind speed of about
proposed to smartly control the system. The operation 15 m/sec particularly at the east coast of the country.
mode of the used WT-PV-battery system was enhanced Another weather event that should be taken into the
and fully controlled based on various operating consideration is the effect of the typhoons seasons that
parameters. Likewise, Belmili et al. [13] presented a could strike the neighboring countries causing most
standalone PV-WT system with an optimization method probably a speedy wind of around 10 m/sec in the regions
which was implemented based on different control of Sabah and Sarawak. According to the annual report by
strategies of the DC/DC and AC/DC regulator in the used Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia in 2016, the highest daily
system. The implemented controllers allowed the output average wind speed could reach 8.6 m/sec at the region of
power of the used PV-WT system to be optimized under Kota Bharu, Kelantan on 25th January 2016, and highest
many possible variations of the supplied wind speed, average wind speed could reach 28.7 m/sec experienced
insolation, and the ambient temperature. Kamal et al. [15] by Mersing, Johor on 15th Jun 2016 [16]. Moreover,
conducted a study about the integration and control of an from the analysis by Christopher Teh Boon Sung from
off-grid stand-alone hybrid wind-PV power generation university Putra Malaysia in 2013, Malaysia has only
system for rural applications that is combining PV/wind experienced a potential wind speed at the early and late
with super-capacitor/battery storage. The power flow was time of the calendar year. It was found that Malaysia’s
controlled to the load and Maximum Power Point Tracker mean annual wind speed is 2 m/sec at a height of 2 m
(MPPT) for maximum power extraction from the from the ground level. It was also noticed that the wind

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International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications Vol. 9, No. 6, November 2020

speed could increase by 10% when the hight level to avoid any possible shadowing and/or to maximize the
increases by double to 4 meters [17]. On the other side, insolation penetration. Besides, an electrical circuit was
Malaysia is one of the Equatorial countries that receive a used to connect the PV modules with the WT system and
large amount of solar irradiance throughout the calendar a solar charge controller. Secondly, vertical axis windmill
year which is increasing the possibility in investing in the turbine, Savonius shape, that consists of a single blade
power generation industry from the solar PV systems. It fixed between two circular plates so that it can utilize the
was proven that the optimum tilt angle for the PV module received wind from different directions. This
is inclined from the horizon by about 5-15 degrees. Al- advantageous design needs a small torque to initiate the
Obaidi et al. reported that Malaysia is exposed to about WT rotation. The generated kinetic energy by the
10 sun hours daily [18]. The sun position in Malaysia windmill turbine will be converted into electrical energy
peaks in the orbit from 1:15 pm to 1:30 pm all year round, with the help of a gearbox and an alternator. Thirdly, a
with the altitude reaching a minimum of 61° in December sealed lead-acid battery, and a solar charge controller that
and January and the maximum reaching approximately was used to control the charging power from the PV-WT
89° toward the end of March and the beginning of April system to the used battery. In this system, the WT was
and September. Moreover, it was reported that the used to substitute the insolation absence and to enhance
average daily solar irradiance in Malaysia is in the range the power generation during the daytime. All the PV-WT
from 4.2 kWh/m2 to 5.6 kW/m2 [19]. system apparatuses were attached to a pole-shaped body
frame and a base that is made of aluminum alloy. The
frame made of an aluminum alloy was chosen due to its
lightweight compared with stainless steel. This may also
add portability merit to the proposed system. Fig. 1 shows
(a) simple schematic diagram for the proposed solar PV-
WT dual power generation system, (b) isometric view of
the complete system structure, (c) The multiview drawing
with complete dimensions for the dual PV-WT system. A
CREO Parametric 3.0 software was used to generate the
3D model of the proposed design. The whole structure
design of the proposed system was able to be replicated
precisely according to proposed system specifications.
C. Design Validation and Material Selection
The proposed 3D design was validated by using CREO
software, and the simulation results were discussed and
analyzed. This process was necessary to ensure the safety
and workability of the proposed design. Meanwhile, a
simple Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation,
ANSYS Fluent code, was adopted to numerically study
the flow pattern of wind energy over the windmill. The
manufacturing materials were selected carefully based on
the required specifications for each part of the presented
prototype as shown in Table I.

Apparatus Specifications
Windmill turbine - High tensile strength.
Glass fiber: - Good corrosion resistance.
Reinforced - High temperature tolerance.
plastics (GRP) - Production process is easy.
- High conversion efficiency, 15%-20%
(b) (c) PV solar panel
- Space efficient.
Fig. 1. (a) Simple schematic diagram for the proposed solar PV-WT Mono-crystalline
- Has longest life span.
dual power generation system, (b) isometric view of the complete silicon
- Perform better at low-light conditions.
system structure, and (c) Multiview drawing with complete dimensions - Longest life cycle.
for the dual power generation of the solar PV-WT system. - High reliability and working capability.
Battery storage
- It withstands a slow and fast charging
Lead acid
- Offers good performance at low and high
B. Prototype Design Specification temperature
- Has high strength as high as 300MPa and
The designed prototype comprises of four main
Body frame, strength-to-weight ratio
systems. Firstly, two small scale commercial solar Battery casing, - High flexible strength or resilience under static
modules with a maximum output power of 20W. The Structure base and dynamic loading
solar PV modules were installed at the top of the Aluminum alloy - Able to maintain its strength at low temperature
- Good heat and corrosion resistance
prototype frame with a tilt angle of 30 degrees. This was

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International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications Vol. 9, No. 6, November 2020

Fig. 4. Wind turbines photos used for the dual PV-WT system.

Fig. 2. The visual representation for the dual power generator equipped For the presented dual power generation system, the
with the GUI system.
specifications of the power bank were 48V, 200Ah with
D. Graphical User Interface (GUI) consideration of a DOD (depth of discharged) of 50%.
Graphical user interface (GUI) platform was designed The total energy required to charge the used battery when
for monitoring purposes to demonstrate the output power the DOD is 50%, which is the drained energy, is 4800Wh.
of the dual PV-WT system and the battery system SoC. For the simplicity of the design, assumption is also made
The proposed GUI for this dual system was an online that the sun's energy is available for 10 hours a day.
website so the users can access the system from Therefore, a 480W rated solar PV module can produce
everywhere at any time, as shown in Fig. 2. In addition to 4800Wh in 10 hours. However, this is practically not
monitor the system remotely, the used GUI platform can applicable due to the variation of the availability of
be also used to calculate the conversion efficiency of the isolation. Consequently, the solar PV module rating of
solar PV modules and windmill turbines. A JavaScript 175% was selected for this system. This designed rating
software was adopted to create the monitoring interface was only suitable to charge a half-drained battery to
for this GUI system. This JavaScript is receiving the 100% SOC. However, the power system became more
input data from the server and then calculate the power reliable with the incorporation of the windmill generator
saved by the dual PV-WT power generator. Each of the to this system as the power was harnessed from two
generators is tagged with a unique identification so that different sources. The recommended batteries for
the input data will not be mixed up. renewable energy systems were deep cycle batteries. The
E. Prototype Fibrication and Testing size of the battery was chosen according to the capacity
The dual power generation system was fabricated and that is required to provide the needed electricity. In
tested at a wide range of operating conditions. In this addition, the DOD limits and the maximum operating
study, the product design was developed to provide a temperature limit was also considered to ensure a safe
better visual representation towards the project, as well as operation for the used battery.
to showcase for the functionality of the designed system.
After that, the designed product was tested to measure its
performance. Fig. 3 shows an actual photo for the
proposed system and side from the system testing stages.
This also shows illustrations of the system electric circuit.

Fig. 3. The prototype fabrication and testing stage, illustration of the

system electric circuit. Fig. 5. The optimized blade shape (S-shape).

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International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications Vol. 9, No. 6, November 2020

The used windmills, a drag vertical axis small scale A. Generated Power Outcomes
wind turbine, were designed and validated according to In this study, the experiments were designed to be
the conventional Savonius turbine that was adopted by conducted for mainly 5 hours daily starting from 10.0AM
Ramadan et al. [7]. It was reported that this type of wind to 3.0PM as shown in Table II. This was due to the
turbine could have a strong potential for the small-scale hardware limits of the used battery storage and battery
power generation applications. The used windmills’ blade charging control system. Three main parameters were
shape was numerically optimized by using a genetic measured including output voltage, output current, and
algorithm. Fig. 4 shows the wind turbines photos used for the system output power. The trend of the recorded data
the dual PV-WT system, and Fig. 5 illustrates that the shown in Table II are demonstrated in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7.
wind turbine blades are optimized to the S-shape from the Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 show that the generated power
semi-circle shape to enhance the conversion efficiency of slightly increases with the testing daytime starting from
the WT system. 2.08 mW at 10.0 AM to 20.35 mW at 3.0 PM. This was
mainly attributed to the increased solar irradiance with
III. RESULT ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION the daytime. Accordingly, the percentage of the saved
battery power increases from 0.32% to 1.67% at 3.0 PM.
The subsection of the results' discussion and analysis is It worth to be mentioned that the amount of the saved
disciplined into three main sections which are started power can be varied from time to time due to the
with the generated power outcomes of the proposed unpredicted testing conditions such as the weather
system, strength and strain analysis, and then ends with situation. The proposed system mainly designed for the
the CFD analysis for effective airflow characteristics streetlight purpose that it is expected to work for a period
around the windmills of the used system. of 5 hours per day. Meanwhile, the consumed power for
each LED light unit is 10 W, so it is expected to consume
around 50 Wh per day. Furthermore, it is estimated that
Final Power Capacity After Charging the proposed dual PV-WT generation system could
Initial Power
Details 10 11 12 1.0 2.0 3.0 produce energy by about 600 Wh per day. Consequently,
it is expected that the proposed system could feed 12
Voltage ( V ) 12.51 12.55 12.56 12.57 12.58 12.60 12.64
LED light bulb units a day. The implementation of this
Current ( I ) 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.61 1.61 1.61
proposed system is discussed according to the attained
Power 20.02 20.08 20.10 20.11 20.25 20.29 20.35
results of the system. Two sites are chosen as possible
Percentage of power
0.32 0.40 0.48 1.19 1.35 1.67 candidates for implementing the presented dual PV-WT
power generator, as shown in Fig. 8. These sites are the
new students' parking area in the UNITEN at the College
of Engineering and College of Science and Information
Technology. The LED light bulbs supposed to be
connected to the dual PV-WT system according to the
generated power and capacity of the energy storage

Fig. 6. Battery power capacity versus time.


Fig. 8. Google map photos for the arrangement of light streets for the
new students' parking area in UNITEN: (a) College of Engineering and
Fig. 7. Percentage of power saved versus time. (b) College of Science and Information Technology.

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International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications Vol. 9, No. 6, November 2020

Stress Analysis B. Stress and Strain Analysis of the Apparatus Structure

(Von Mises) The design analysis was performed by CREO Simulate
Min=1.410 -7 MPa
Max=9.610-2 MPa
software aiming to investigate the relationship between
the supplied loads or the most possible effecting external
forces applied on the structure of the system. This
analysis of the systems’ structure would include a brief
discussion on the results of stress, displacement and strain
analyses that conducted on the windmill blades and
system's structure base. The factor of safety of the
Displacement targeted parts is the main concern in this subsection. In
Analysis other words, if there is any structural failure could occur
Min=0.0 mm
in any parts of the components, an amendment on the
Max=1.910 -5 mm design would be performed immediately. As shown in
Fig. 9, it can be noticed that the design analyses of the
used parts are within the acceptable range of the safety
factor, which is greater than 2.0. On the other hand, the
structure of the system still needs to be observed and
examined from time to time to ensure that the proposed
Strain Analysis design is meeting the safety standard of Malaysia.
(Max Principal)
Min= -1.0110 -7
Max = 3.8210 -6

Stress Analysis
(Von Mises)
Min=1.610-7 MPa
Fig. 10. Flow analysis – velocity results.
Max=1.610 -2 MPa

C. Flow Analysis
This flow analysis aims to analyze and discuss the
behavior of the working fluid (air) that may influence the
performance of the windmill turbine as well as the
proposed system design in general. The air flow velocity
and the surrounding pressure are highlighted in this
Analysis subsection. The obtained results from the numerical
(Magnitude) simulations are discussed and analysed.
Min=0.0 mm Based on the weather forecasting of the annual average
Max=1.0310 -2 mm wind speed in Malaysia, the speed of the airflow was
assumed to be 2 m/sec to conduct the CFD simulation of
this study. It can be noticed from Fig. 10 that the airflow
speed inside the windmill turbine frame is 5.5510-2
m/sec as a minimum value, and 2.14 m/sec as a
maximum value. Furthermore, as can be observed from
Fig. 10, the airflow speed is well distributed across the
windmill blades. The maximum effect takes place at the
Strain Analysis edge of the blades, and then it gradually reduces reaching
(Max Principal) its minimum value at the middle of the windmill blades.
Min= -4.910 -7
This could significantly reduce the forces stresses on the
Max = 3.110 -4
windmill and enhance the conversion process (the power
generation process) to the optimum level of the proposed
design of the wind turbines side. Based on the CFD
Fig. 9. Design analysis for structure base and windmill turbine. results, it can be concluded that the windmill turbine

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could work properly with the assumed flow speed of the Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) and Tenaga
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December 2014. He is focusing on research fields of Biofuels,
renewable energy developments, and
engineering management. So far, he has seven
Copyright © 2020 by the authors. This is an open access article publications, and he has ongoing research
distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY- projects in the field of renewable energy systems development.
NC-ND 4.0), which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided that the article is properly cited, the use is non-
commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.

Dr. Firas B. Ismail Alnaimi is a Head of

Power Generation Unit, Institute of Power
Engineering (IPE), Universiti Tenaga
Nasional, Malaysia. He has 14 years working
experience in industry and academic fields.
His research focus more on deep learning
condition monitoring, big data analysis,
renewable-smart power generation, power
plants solutions, and flow assurance for oil
and gas industries. He has published more
than 100 publications in reputable international journals and conference

©2020 Int. J. Elec. & Elecn. Eng. & Telcomm. 454

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