Unit-I: One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction: 1 LBRCE, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Unit-I: One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction: 1 LBRCE, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Unit-I: One Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction: 1 LBRCE, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Q1) How the thermal conductivity is varied for solids, liquids, gases and insulating
materials when temperature is raised? Discuss it with physical mechanisms.
Q2) Distinguish the Conduction, Convection and Radiation mechanisms
Q3) Formulate the general 3-dimensional heat conduction equation in Cartesian
coordinate system.
Q4) Deduce the general 3-dimensional heat conduction equation in Cylindrical
coordinate system.
Q5) Obtain the 1D steady state heat conduction equation for a PLANE, CYLINDER AND
SPHERE and mention the significance of terms.
Q6) Develop the expression for critical radius of insulation for cylinder
Q7) What is overall heat transfer coefficient and express the relation for plane and
Q8) Explain the physical significance of thermal conductivity, convective heat transfer
coefficient, thermal diffusivity, thermal resistance, thermal conductance and thermal
contact resistance.
Q1) A furnace wall consists of an inside layer of silica brick 10 cm thick (k = 6.28 kJ/m
hr0C) and magnasite brick thickness 5 cm (k = 20.35 kJ/m hr0C) on the outside. The
inside surface of the silica brick wall is maintained at 750 0C while the outside surface
of magnasite is at 125 0C. What is the rate of heat loss per unit area of the wall? Also
calculate the temperature at the interface.
Q2) A hollow sphere is made up of two materials; first with k=70 W/m K is having an
I.D. of 10 cm and O.D. of 30 cm and the second with k=15 W/m K, forms the outer
layer with O.D. of 40 cm. The inside and outside temperatures are 300 0C and 30 0C
respectively. Estimate the rate of heat flow through this sphere assuming perfect
contact between two materials.