Coaching Set 1 Pink

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COACHING d. lb/ft^2 (2116.

21 lb/ft^2)
SET 1 (Pink) e. lb/in^2 (14.6959 lb/in^2)

1.) The specific volume of steam at

atmospheric pressure and 212F is 26.8 5.) The difference in height of the water
ft^3/lb. Find: legs in the open manometer shown in
a. Density (0.03731 lbf/ft^3) figure A is 20 in. (dimension in y). Find
b. Specific weight (0.03731 the absolute pressure at point A in psi.
lbf/ft^3) The specific weight of water is 62.4
lb/ft^3 (15.42 psi)
2.) The density of mercury is 13,600
kg/m^3. Find the density in lb/ft^3 and 6.) In the differential manometer shown
specific weight in N/m^3 (848.64 lb/ft^3 in figure B, Pants A and B are at the
and 133.4 KN/m^3) same height. The mercury is used as
manometric fluid stands 9 inches (y=9
3.) A pressure gage connected to the inches) higher that leg A. What is the
inlet of a turbine reads 400 psi. The pressure difference between point A to
vacuum gage connected to the exhaust B. The specific weight of mercury is 849
of the same turbine reads 28.0 inHg. lb/ft^3. (590 lb/ft^2)
The barometer reads 30.1 inHg. Find:
a.) absolute pressure at the 7.) In the figure, what is the change in
turbine inlet (414.8 psia) potential energy per pound mass of fluid
b.) absolute pressure at turbine at point B and at A. (20 ft-lbf/lbm)
exhaust (2.1 inHg)
8.) Steam flowing in a pipe with velocity
4.) In barometric shown in figure C the of 100 fps. Find the associated kinetic
mercury level in the vertical tube is energy of steam flowing. (155.3 ft-lb)
exactly 760mm above the mercury level
in the reservoir (y=760mm). The 9.) In a certain non-flow process, the
following data also apply, ‘water’ and internal energy decreases 20 Btu/lb and
‘mercury’ can be considered to 77800 ft-lb/lb of work done on the
incompressible liquid having densities of substance. Find the heat added or
1000 kg/m^3 and 13595.1 kg/m^3, abstracted. (-120 Btu/lb)
respectively. The standardlocal
acceleration of gravity is 9.8066 m/s^2 10.) In another non-flow process
or 32.174 ft/s^2. Determine the involving 2kg of working substance
barometric pressure in there is no heat transfer, but the internal
a. inHg (29.9213 inHg) energy energy increase to 5000J. Find
b. ftH2O (33.8985 ftH2O) the work done on or by the substance
c. kPa (101.325 kPa) J/kg. (-2500 J/kg)
11.) At ___ psia and 400F, the specific
volume of steam is 4.934 ft^3/lb and the 16.) Steam at 210 psia and 386F with
specific enthalpy is 1227.5 BTU/lb. Find enthalpy at 1173 BTU/lb. Find quality (x)
the internal energy (1136.2 BTU/lb) and specific volume(V) (x=96.8%, 2.115
12.) Find the pressure, specific volume,
internal energy enthalpy, entropy of 17.) At 950 psia and 535F Find
saturated water at 300F. (P=67 psia, a. SH (2.88F)
Vf=0.01745, hf=269.59, sf=0.4369, b. Enthalpy of a steam (1199.2
uf=268) Btu/lb)

13.) Properties of steam as 79F. Refer 18.) For a steam at 600 psia and 850F.
to steam table 1 Find SH, V, u, h, s. (SH= 486.33
Vg=652.7 v=1.2465 ft^3/lb, u=1297 Btu/lb,
Ug=1036.7 h=1435.4 Btu/lb, s= 1.6559 Btu/lbR)
sg=2.0384 19.) In a propulsion steam; feed water
leaves the feed heater that enters the
14.) Find the t, v, u, h, and superheated main feed pump is 270F and a pressure
steam at 850 psi gage of 35 psig. Find for water the
(t= 525.39F, vg=0.5332 ft^3/lb, specific volume, internal energy,
ug=1113.9 BTU/lb, hg=1197.7 BTU/lb, enthalpy and entropy. (vf= 0.01717
sg=1.4093) ft^3/lb, uf=238.82 Btu/lb, hf=238.95
Btu/lb, sf=0.39597 Btu/lb-R)
15.) The pressure and temperature of
steam in a line are determined to be 65 20.) Water from the feed pump in the
psi and 298F, since theses are preceeding example enters the boiler at
inconclusive a sample of this steam is 1200 psi and 275F. Find the enthalpy of
passed through a separating calorimeter the feed water. P= 1200 psi and T=275F
and 0.5 lb of water is collected in 5 (246.43 Btu/lb)
minutes. From the orifice data, the rate
of flow of dry vapor is found to be 0.4 21.) 477
lb/min. Find
a. Quality (80%) 22.) Steam initially at 10 psi and quality
b. Specific volume (5.329 of 90% drops to a pressure of 2.5 psi in
ft^3/lb) a non-flow reversible constant volume
c. Entropy (1.3973 BTU/lb R) processes. Show the process in P-V
d. Enthalpy (997.2 BTU/lb) and T-S coordinates and find the:
e. Internal energy (933.1 a. Quality (24.5%)
BTU/lb) b. Heat transfer in Btu/lb (645.5)
exit kinetic energies is neglected,
23.) Four pounds of steam initially dry determine:
and saturated expands isentropically a.) the work done, BTU/lb (481.5)
with an initial pressure of 275 psi to a b.) the power developed, hp
final pressure of 125 psi (18,920hP)
A. Find the final quality 93.9%
B. Find the work done in Btu 228.4 Btu 26.) A bolier receives a feedwater at
1200 psia and 250F and delivers a
24.) The first stage of a 50% reaction steam from the superheater 900 psia
group receives steam with a negligible and 950F. Find the heat added (1259.6
approach velocity at a pressure of 300 Btu/lb)
psia and temperature 520F. The
available energy to the stage is 10 27.) If in the preceeding example. The
BTU/lb and the fixed blade efficiency is feedwater velocity is 3 m/s and the
96%, the velocity coefficient of the steam in superheater leaving has a
moving row is 0.88. The reactive velocity if 50 m/s. Find the:
effectiveness is 90%. The relative inlet a. The addition required to
and absolute exit velocities are 146 fps accomodate the change in kinetic
and 160 fps respectively. Assume the energy across the boiler (1245
stage efficiency is the same as the Btu/lb)
combine blade efficiency and calculate b. The percent error introduced by
the following: neglecting the kinetic energy
a.) the steam velocity leaving the change (9.043%)
fixed blade (490 fps)
b.) the relative exit velocity from 28.) A saturated water at 250F enters
the moving blade (492 fps) feedwater pump… epump= 60%, P2=
c.) the stage work (8.96 BTU/lb) 1200 psi
d.) the combine blade efficiency a. Total head (2865 ft)
(86.9%) b. Whp (180.9)
e.) the enthalpy of the steam c. Bhp (301.5)
entering the succeeding stage (1260.2 d. Wisentropic (3.71)
BTU/lb) e. Wactual (6.18)
f. Final temperature (253.7F)
25.) A propulsion turbine receives steam
at the throttle at 875 psia and 940F at 29.) A water cooled air compressor
the rate of 100,000 lb/hr. After an takes air at 15 psia and 60F and
irreversible expansion process, the discharges at 60 psia and 200F. The
steam exhaust at a pressure of 0.6 psia amount of heat removed is 21.4 Btu/lb.
with a moisture content of 10%. Assume Assume steady flow condition and the
the difference between entrance and work done in Btu/lb (-55 Btu/lb)
30.) A sample of steam was removed 33.) 1 lb of air having a temperature of
from a steam line which pressure is 215 200F allows to expand without flow
psia and passed through an Ellison between pressures of 90 and 15 psia. In
throttling calorimeter. The calorimeter which of the three processes PV=C,
thermometer reads 250F and barometer PV^k=C, PV^1.5=C will produce
is standard. Find for the line steam: maximum work with minimum heat
a. Enthalpy (1168.8 Btu/lb) supplied. (PV=C)
b. Quality (96.24%)
c. Entropy (1.5031 Btu/lb-R) 34.) One kilogram of perfect gas (air) is
d. Temperature to the nearest used to operate a Carnot power cycle.
whole number (T=388F) At the beginning of the isentropic
compression the temperature is 326K,
31.) In a lube oil cooler, oil is entering at and the pressure of 359 kPa. At the end
140F and leaving at 100F at a rate of of isentropic compression, the pressure
400 lb/min. The cooling medium is is 1373 kPa. The isothermal expansion
seawater entering at 60F. The average ratio is a (V3/V2). For the cycle,
specific heat of oil is 0.5 Btu/lb-F and calculate:
seawater is 0.94 BTU/lb-F. If the flow of a.) the pressures,
seawater is at the rate of 500 lb/min, temperatures, and specific
what is the discharge temperature? volumes (V1 = 0.2606 m3/kg, T2 =
(77F) 478.3K, V2 = 0.1 m3/kg, P3 =
686.5 kPa, T3 = 478.3K, V3 = 0.2
32.) Steam enters the propulsion plant m3/kg, T4 = 326K, P4 = 179.5
at 0.5 psia and a quality of 89% and the kPa, V4 = 0.5212 m3/kg)
rate of 100,000 lb/hr and with a velocity b.) the heat supplied (95.17
of 1000 ft/s. It leaves the condenser as kJ/kg)
saturated liquid without any change in c.) the heat rejected (64.85
pressure but a velocity of 10 ft/s. The kJ/kg)
salt water temperature 70F and the d.) the net work (30.32 kJ/kg)
discharge temperature is 85F. Sea e.) the efficiency (31.86%)
water has a specific heat at 0.94
BTU/lb-F and a density at 64lb/ft^3. The 35.) Calculate the available energy in
injector and ____ velocity is BTU/lb, with a source temperature of
substantially equal. Calculate: 3460R, sink temperature of 520R and
a. The rate at which energy is an energy supply as heat of 100 BTU to
extracted from the condensing one pound of working substance. Then
steam as heat (-953.2 BTU) calculate the reduction of available
b. The flow of seawater required in energy for the same Carnot cycle in
GPM (13170 GPM) which all conditions are the same as
before except that the working
substance is limited to maximum 3460R. The entropy change for heat
temperature of 1960R. (AE = 85 addition is :
BTU/lb, Reduction of KE = 11.5 (DeltaS=0.05102 BTU/R)

36.) In an ideal steamcyclem, heat is

added at constant pressure of 2000
psia, water entering the boiler has an
entropy of 0.0555 BTU/lb-R and steam
leaving the super heater has an entropy
of 1.7395 BTU/lb-R. Superheated steam
temperature is 1500F and heat added is
1744.5 BTU/lb-R (equal h2-h1). Heat
rejection is carried out in a condenser at
constant temperature of 60F. Average 38.) In a perfectly insulated cylinder and
temperature of the combustion gases in piston arrangement, 1lb of saturated
the boiler furnace is 3000F. Calculate steam at 212F is to be mixed with 9lb of
the ff. water at 60F. The entire heat
a.The available energy of exchanged process is to take place at
combustion gases with respect to the standard atmospheric pressure.
sink temperature of 520R, BTU/lb (4951 Determine:
Btu/lb) a. Resulting temperature of the
b.The available energy of an Ideal mixture (T2=172.4F)
cycle receiving its energy at the b. Change in entropy of the steam
constant temperature equal to the (DeltaSs=-1.5055 BTU/R)
superheat steam temperature, BTU/lb c. Change in entropy of water
(2425 Btu/lb) (DeltaSw=1.7602Btu/R)
c. The available energy of the d. Net change in entropy of the
ideal steam cycle, BTU/lb system (DeltaSsystem=0.2547)
d. The mean effective temperature
of the working substances during heat
receipt in the original cycle, F. (575.9F)

37.)Using the same source and receiver

temperature as in the previous example
(3460R and 520R). Assume first what
100 Btu of energy as heat supplied
reversible to a cycle such as a34b and
b. highest temperature, T3
c. pressure and temperature at the
expansion, T4, P4 (T4=1454R and
d. Heat rejected, Qr (157.149 or
e. Wnet (195)
f. Thermal Efficiency, Et (55.3%)
g. Power(HP) if mass flow rate is
0.5lb/s (138 Hp)
42.) In the beginning of compression in
39.) A six cylinder, two stroke marine
an ideal diesel cycle using air has a
diesel engine operates at a piston speed
pressure of 15psia, temperature of 75F
of 1200 rpm. The 5inx5.6in engine has
and specific volume of 13.2 ft^/lb, for a
an 18:1 compression ratio. If inlet air is
compression ratio of 15 and heat adition
at 14.8 psia and 82F, determine:
of 352 Btu/lb.
a. The displacement volume in ft^3
a. sketch the PV diagram
b. T2 and P2, T3 an P3, T4 an P4
b. Clearance (C=0.0588)
(P2=664.7psia, T2=1580.5R,
c. air inlet volumetric flow rate
T3=3047.17R, P3=664.7psia,
P4=37.6psia, T4=1341.18R)
d. mass flow rate (lb/min) if the
c. Heat rejected (137.8Btu/lb)
volume efficiency is 85%
d. Wnet (214.2Btu/lb)
e. E (60.85%)
40.)A marine engine produces a BHP of
f. W in HP given mass flow rate of
200Hp running at 1200 rpm, having an
0.5 lb/s (151.5 HP)
IHP of 250 HP, determine:
a. torque (T=875.35ft-lb)
43.) At the beginning of the compression
b. BMEP (89.32lb/in^2)
in an ideal dual combustion cycle using
c. IMEP (112 lb/in^2)
air at a pressure of 15 psi and
d. Em (79.46%)
temperature of 75F and specific volume
e. Frictional power (50Hp)
of 13.2 ft^3/lb the compression ratio is
41.) In the beginning of compression
12 and with heat addition of 176
cycle using air has a pressure of 15psia,
BTU/min constant volume and 176
temperature of 75F and specific volume
BTU/min constant pressure. Calculate
of 13.2 ft^3/lb, specific volume at the
the following:
end of compression is 1.76 ft^3/lb. heat
a. Pressure and temperature at
addition is 352BTU/lb.
the end of isentropic compression.
a. compression ratio, rk (7.5)
(1446R and 486psi)
b. Pressure and temperature at a.) temperature leaving the
the end of heat addition. (T3=2474R, compressor
P3=832psi, T4=3208R, 832psi ) b.) pressure ratio
c. Temperature at the beginning of c.) net work
heat rejected. (T5=1317R) d.) thermal efficiency
d. Heat rejected (134 Btu/lb) If the end condition remains unchanged
e. net work (218Btu/lb) and the pressure ratio increased to 15.
f. themal efficiency (61.9%) Find.
g. horsepower with 0.5 mass e.) net work
(154HP) f.) thermal efficiency

44.) At the beginning of the compression 46.) Determine

in an ideal dual combustion cycle using a.) the best intercooler pressure
air at a pressure of 15 psi and (Px=363.73 Kpa)
temperature of 75F and specific volume b.) the temperature of air per kg
of 13.2 ft^3/lb the compression ratio is operating in a two-stage ideal cycle
12 and with heat addition of 176 between the suction pressure of
BTU/min constant volume and 176 105KPa and the discharge pressure is
BTU/min constant pressure. Calculate (1256kPa). The suction temperature is
the ff: Using air tables:. 25C. (-255.2KJ/Kg)
a. Pressure and temperature at
the end of isentropic compression. 47.) An axial air flow discharges 900 lb
(P2=467.8psi, T2=1391R) of air. Inlet conditions are 14.7 psia and
b. Pressure and temperature at 50F, while the actual discharge
the end of heat addition. (P=757.7, conditions are 162 psia and 648F.
T3=2253, T4=2866) Calculate:
c. Temperature at the beginning of a.) Sketch
heat rejected. (1367) b.) the capacity; ft3/min (11,557
d. Heat rejected (149.41) ft3/min)
e. net work (202.59) c.) the isentropic compression
f. themal efficiency (57.6%) efficiency (84%)
g. horsepower with 0.5 mass d.) the isentropic compression
(143HP) power, hp (2558hp)
e.) the actual compression power
45.) In an ideal Brayton cycle, air enters (3045)
the compressor at pressure and
temperature of 14.5 psia and 75F. The 48. 2Kw centrifugal compressor with
temperature at the turbine inlet is suction of 100Kpa and 25C. The
1600F. For a maximum theoretical net compression ratio of 3 unit and
work, find:
compressor efficiency of 0.7. Calculate
the ff:
a. the discharge pressure
b. the actual discharge
temprerature (455R)
c. the work input in KJ/Kg

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