Perdev Week6 Day3

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Teacher MARIBEL N. LOPEZ Learning Personal
Area Development
Teaching October 12, 2023 (3:30-4:30 Quarter 1st of the
DETAILED LESSON Dates and am) First
PLAN Time Semester
(Week 7)

 The learner demonstrates an understanding of him/her during
middle and late adolescence.
A. Content standards  The learners demonstrate of the various aspects of holistic
development: physiological, cognitive, psychological, spiritual,
and social development.
 The learners shall be able to conduct self-exploration and
simple disclosure.
B. Performance Standards  The learners shall be able to illustrate the connections
between thoughts, feelings, behaviours in a person’s holistic
Most Essential Learning Competency
 Demonstrate personal ways to cope with stress and
maintain mental health.
C. Learning Competencies /
Learning Objectives:
 identify the meaning of coping with stress/ stress
management; and
 understand the importance of coping with stress.

II. CONTENT Coping with stress in the Middle and Late Adolescence


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Personal Development Book of DepEd
Personal Development Module 10
2. Learner’s Material pages

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
Laptop, Television, Powerpoint Presentation, Chalkboard, Chalk,
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity

(Pre-Developmental) The teacher will do a short review of the previous lesson by asking
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or the question:
Presenting the New Lesson  What are the ways on dealing with the different sources and
effects of stress during middle and late adolescence?
The teacher will start the lesson and present the objectives to the
B. Establishing a purpose for the
lesson 1) Identify the meaning of coping with stress/ stress
2) Understand the importance of coping with stress.
C. Presenting The teacher will ask the learners to do a collaborative activity called
Examples/Instances of the New “Hugot lines.”
Lesson Activity 1: Hugot Lines!
The teacher will ask the class the following instructions:

1. Divide the class into small groups.

2. Instruct each group to make at least one ‘hugot lines’ about
dealing with stress and coping to their mental health.
3. Each group should share their ‘hugot lines’ to the class
Afterwards, the teacher will process their ‘hugot lines’
The teacher will ask the class to read the poem “Coping with Stress”
Written by: Rebecca T. Arevalo and Edited by Riza L. De Leon.

“Coping with Stress”

Stress! Stress! Stress!

Stress coming from anyone and anywhere
Stress in home and stress in school
Stress in the streets and stress in the markets
Stress from the virus and other issues
Headaches, sweats, and fears are exposed
Eating and sleeping pattern are destroyed
D. Discussing New Concepts and
Tired, irritated, agitated, and broken
Practicing New Skills #1
Are some of the signs of stressed being
I won’t be hindered to reach my goal
By those stressors big or small
With the help of God who loves us all
He will answer us when we call
I will look at the situation in a positive way
Finding solutions to stay healthy
Do simple exercises and sometimes play
To help me become relax and be okay

Afterwards, the teacher will ask the students to share their ideas
about what the poem implied.
The teacher will discuss about “How do people cope with stress?”

Stress is real and cannot be avoided, we need to deal with it. When
we are stressed out, we typically wanted to feel good and well. This
may include knowing the cause of stress, understanding its effects on
us, and finding ways to deal with it.

I. Avoidance Approach
In this approach, people tend to run away from the stress
by denying the presence of stress and by taking steps
away from the causes of stress or stressor. People will
tend to avoid the place, people, situation, feeling, etc., that
would remind them of the stressful moment in their lives.

II. Acceptance
E. Discussing New Concepts and Also known as Action Approach. In this approach, you
Practicing New Skills #2 acknowledge and accept the fact that stress is real, and
that stress has good and bad effects on a person.
Acknowledging and accepting the reality of stress and its
effects would lead you to take actions to feel better or to
resolve stress and have a healthy life. Dealing with stress
leads to finding better solutions.

 Why is Coping with Stress Important?

Coping with stress is very significant in middle and late
adolescence since at this stage, there is a hormonal surge. Stress
creates hormonal imbalances as adolescents face different issues/
expectations, challenges, and responsibilities while handling its
effects on their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Coping/
managing stress is important because it will help you keep moving
amid the daily challenges you are facing. It will help you live a healthy
mind and a healthy being.
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Activity 2: Find ways
Formative Assessment 3) The teacher will ask the class to identify approaches and ways of
coping with stress.
Causes of Effects of Coping Coping Ways
Stress Stress Approaches
G. Finding Practical Application The teacher will ask the learners, “How are you going to cope with
and Skills in Daily Living the stress that you are facing?”
The teacher will ask the students the following questions:

 What are stress management?

 Why is dealing and coping with stress important?
H. Making Generalization and
Abstraction About the Lessons  What are the different ways on dealing and coping with

Afterward, the teacher will give additional input about the lesson

Activity 4: Fact or Bluff!

Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write Fact if the
statement is correct and Bluff if it is not.

1. Every person has the same way of coping with stress.

2. Stress should not be taken for granted instead you have to
I. Evaluating Learning deal with it properly.
3. Coping with stress needs the effort to help you deal with its
cause and effect.
4. Avoidance approach in coping with stress is facing stressful
situations without fears.
5. Coping with stress is important to maintain mental health and
healthy living.
Activity 5: Study Smart!
J. Additional Activities for Directions: Make an advance study on how to face the different
Application or Remediation causes and effects of stress.


VI. REFLECTION A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the formative

assessment: ________
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for
remediation: _______
C. Did the remedial lesson work? _______ No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
remediation: _________
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:

GIP Intern

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