MH Absurdia Arc 1 - Bus Hunt
MH Absurdia Arc 1 - Bus Hunt
MH Absurdia Arc 1 - Bus Hunt
The Disturbance
“We’re receiving several calls this morning from people around town claiming to have spotted a
bus roaming the streets of Somewhere. Observers claim it was a fully articulated model with an
old Transit Authority coat, and that it disappeared when looked upon directly - which buses are
known to do. It’s not clear if this noble behemoth escaped from the municipal auto barn or if we
have a rare wild specimen on our hands - but either way this is quite the development.”
- Sebastian Strange, WSOM: Radio Somewhere
1. The Bus appears in town and begins to cause problems (traffic accidents, property
damage, etc.)
2. Factions in town begin to mobilize as awareness of the Bus spreads
3. Tensions escalate as factions become more aggressive in their pursuits, leading to more
incidents as the Bus attempts to escape
4. One of the town’s factions captures the Bus (or otherwise achieves its goal)
The Factions:
Involvement Resources Strategy
Bureaucracy The Bureaucracy wants A jury summons to hunt Since most of code
to capture the Bus to the Bus; a handful of enforcement is very
restore order to town code compliance busy, the Juror is
and to study it’s officers patrolling town primarily tasked with
quantum properties bringing the Bus back
to City Hall