Block by Bloody Block PDF
Block by Bloody Block PDF
Block by Bloody Block PDF
you see the bright lights, and it gives you hope. Maybe you see the
tall buildings casting their powerful shadows, and it makes you
feel small. But high up, its not that you cant see the forest for the
treesits that you cant see the trees for the forest.
Best way to see whats really going on? Turn away from the bright
lights, big city, and sit down at this card table right here and roll
out a map. Take this box-cutter, and just start hacking it up.
Slice-slice. The docks go to the bloodsuckers, the banks, too. The
projects, we dont know who has them because we cant get close.
And this right here? This tiny piece, this shitty little nowhere
piece thats half the size of a postage stamp? Thats your cut.
Thats your part of this god-forsaken city. You content with that?
You satisfied leaving the fatty cuts and the sweet meats for the
monsters to fight over? Maybe you are. But Im not. So gear up,
because its liberation time.
We shall never understand the environment
until we see it as a living organism.
Land can be healthy or sick, fertile or barren,
rich or poor, lovingly nurtured or bled white.
Our present attitudes and laws governing
the ownership and use of land represent an abuse
of the concept of private property.
Today you can murder land for private profit.
You can leave the corpse for all to see
and nobody calls the cops.
Paul Brooks, The Pursuit of Wilderness
Chuck Wendig
Block by Bloody Block
Written by:
Chuck Wendig
Eddy Webb
Genevieve Podleski
Art Direction and Book Design:
Aileen Miles
Interior Art:
Avery Butterworth
Cover Art:
Samuel Araya
BlOoDY bLock
Introduction 4
New Systems 5
The Territories 11
Financial District 19
Industrial District 30
Nightlife Circuit 35
The Projects 41
Suburbia 47
The University 58
The Others 64
Block by Bloody Block
Heres the good news: the monsters dont dominate this rarely rise above the conflict and instead become part of the
city. No one foul fiend or callous society calls all the streets problem, claiming territory in bloody coups and culling mon-
its owntheyre kept to their corners, hedged into their tight sters in mysterious pogroms. Where do the characters fall?
little territories. Can they stay safe and sane in this mess? Do they climb to the
But with that comes some very bad news, too: with limi- top, or get lost beneath the writhing pile? Do they support the
tation comes desperation, and with desperation comes a host lesser of two evils, or no evils at all? Above all else, can they
of ill doings. If, say, the vampires owned the night, then its snatch territories from the jaws of the monsters?
in their best interest to keep things quiet. They spread out
beneath the surface like an infection, persistent but not bad How to Use This Product
enough to kill the host. Here, the power isnt in the hands of This is something of a combination product. On the one
a single entity or ruling body. Its like several diseases fight- hand, its a generic setting piece establishing a series of gen-
ing for supremacy, competing infections that are running eralized territories that you can pick up and drop into what-
the body ragged. Territorial boundaries press back and forth; ever city you choose to use in your Hunter: The Vigil game,
blood spills as claimed domains wax and wane. Its a war out whether its the default metropolis of Philadelphia or some-
there, and so far, nobodys winning. where else entirely. On the other hand, it introduces new
Thats where the characters come in. Theyre hunters.
Theyre not muchjust one cell operating in the dark of the
night, flashlight beams dimming as the batteries die. Maybe Two Sources of
they have helpor hindrancefrom above, maybe they Inspiration
dont. Either way, they might be just the stabilizing force this
city needs. Then again, maybe they dont care about stability. For this product, look to two
sources of inspiration.
Maybe, just like everybody else, the hunters want their cut,
tooof the money, of the law, of the streets. Grand Theft Auto, any
of the games. Dont look
Territory at it so much for mood and
theme, but more in how it
This supplement is about territory. The city is not one deals with territory: the
giant blobits a series of domains and territories carved up cities are blocked out into
among competing powers. It works the same way that a city neighborhoods, and each is
does in the human world: the cops are strong here, the Latin often ruled by a single
Kings own this part, the Guardian Angels watch that street individual or groupthe game
over there, the Russian Mob has the waterfront, and so on involves ousting these figures
and taking territory, but it
and so forth.
does so in a way that makes
In the World of Darkness, some cities are like thatyes, story paramount.
mortal gangs and institutions control parts of and elements
within the city, but so do the monstrous factions: cults and No Mans Land, a Batman
story arc in the late 1990s.
vampires and witches and other awful things that walk the
In this arc, Gotham is aban-
dark streets and monitor their domains from dark towers. doned after a devastating
Maybe these fiendish factions work to compete with the mor- earthquake, and whats left of
tal institutions, or maybe they actually consider such insti- the city is divided up amongst
tutions (police department, crime family, local government, the monsters and villains.
whatever) as part and parcel of their territories, jerking the Its more obvious than what
puppet strings when they need something done. would happen in the World of
The hunters like to think themselves outside this strug- Darkness, but the story gives
gle, but sadly, theyre not. Hunters are a paranoid, secretive a good look at the push-and-
lot. Some are heroes, but theyre flawed. Some are villains, pull of these factions, and
but theyre sympathetic. They give themselves over to strange shows how territory is a cov-
eted resource.
compacts and conspiracies, and these larger-than-life groups
New Systems
systems to the game that are meant to simulate the push and as assets and liabilities taken on when one claims a given
pull (action and consequence) of a city-wide secret war for its territory. You can find more information under The Ter-
many territories. ritories, p. 11.
The territories are broad, and meant to be found in most Also, each territory has a link to a web page where you
citiesLondon, New York, Philadelphia, Berlin, Rio de Ja- can share your version of each territory with other players
neiro and Mexico City share common elements, from finan- and Storytellers, or look for inspiration from other fans con-
cial districts to slums to mass transportation. tributions. If youre reading this in a print-on-demand for-
Each territory has many small stories bound to it, re- mat or otherwise cant access the links, the website can be
flected in story hooks, characters, locations and other tid- found at
bits. In addition, each domain has control conditions as well php?title=Block_by_Bloody_Block.
New Systems
Below are some new systems that come into play within particular apply to some of the monstrous characters found
this product and apply across the board to all territories. throughout this product.
Block by Bloody Block
New Systems
Skill other than Socialize or Persuasion. The characters cul- Dice Pool: Primary: Intelligence + Academics. Second-
tivated a reputation, for good or bad, that affects Empathy, ary: Manipulation + Socialize or Manipulation + Streetwise
Expression, Intimidation, Streetwise or Subterfuge rolls. The Action: Extended (each roll represents one days worth
two-dot version of this Merit confers the 9-Again quality to of information-gathering)
rolls involving the chosen Skill, while the four-dot version Description: Whether or not the cell wants to try to take
elevates that benefit to 8-Again. a territory for its own, its important to know the details of a
This is tricky, of course, and should be described appropri- given area that goes beyond what a travel guide might say.
ately: a character who has a reputation for lying doesnt gain This Tactic assumes that the hunters want to do a little recon
the potent quality to Subterfuge rolls, because people already to learn the facts on the ground regarding a given domain.
expect him to lie. No, for the hunter to gain a Subterfuge bo- The secondary actors work the area from a Social ap-
nus, the reputation must be one that suggests hes trustworthy, proach. Its a lot about asking questions but keeping those
loyal or honorable. It might be a total sham, but nobody said a questions from raising suspicions. Ultimately, theyre not in-
reputation had to be accurate. Perception is everything. terrogating the people, just poking around, seeing if any hooks
This Merit applies to only one Social Skill, chosen at the and seeds are exposed. Anything weird going on? Where go
time of purchase. the local teens hang out? Any problems recently? Maybe they
Drawback: This Merit wont work on everybody, and the pretend to be local reporters, or just start up some small talk
Storyteller has a right to deny its benefit. A character with a at a bus stop.
reputation for being able to read people or give advice will Whatever they learn, they feed back to the primary actor,
earn the Empathy bonus when dealing with people who were who is in a central location (usually in front of a computer,
capable of picking up on that reputationa famous psycho- maybe even at the local library), doing research. Hes spe-
therapist with a book deal might be able to affect a good por- cifically going beyond the normal avenues of information and
tion of the populace, but wont get squat when dealing with trying to dig deep through archives, newspapers, diaries and
the homeless, foreigners or any who might not have been ex- the like, trying to hone in on certain things that the second-
posed to the media saturation surrounding the character. ary actors were told out in the domain itself.
Every success gained is one fact the characters can learn
Territorial Knowledge ( to ) about that neighborhood. Its important that such facts not
Effect: The characters know one of the citys territories give away information that is ultimately too clandestine to
(pp. 1163, though the Storyteller may have others shes using find using research, though facts shouldnt be useless either.
in this story) intimately. Maybe the character grew up there, Characters might learn that someone named Duncan Vilsick
maybe she works there, or perhaps shes been making recon is in charge of the park conservancy, for instance, or might
missions into that domain for the last year or so. (Its even learn that the park conservancy spends a lot to keep the City
possible that this is something supernaturally-born: consider Park going, which suggests the Liabilities of that territory (p.
a Lucifuge hunter whose infernal dreams carry him through a 11) demand lots of money.
given territory as if flying on the back of a raven.) Its also important to keep this Tactic dynamic and scary.
The character gains several benefits for that territory. This isnt a safe Tactic. The hunters are going into the lions
These include: den to ask curious questions. Theyre on uncertain ground,
The effects of the Direction Sense Merit, but only with- inside the territory of a monster. It could go wrong at any
in that territory; if the character already possesses the general moment. Even the primary actor, if hes discovered, could be
Direction Sense Merit, the effects do not stack together. exposed.
A +1 Drive bonus per Merit dot purchased, represent- The cell can continue to build successes for as long as
ing that the character knows how to navigate this territory they choose to recon, but note that the Tactic necessitates
with an automobile. spending one whole day per roll.
A +1 Initiative bonus per Merit dot purchased, though Organizations: The Union is good at blending in and
this Initiative is only useable when in combat inside that cho- knowing whats up with individual neighborhoods. The
sen territory. Cheiron Group isnt so good at the blending in part, but they
Note that a character may purchase this Merit several have lots of cash and do a lot of recon on territories (either
times over to represent knowledge of myriad domains, though hoping to put up offices or labs there, or using the residents as
never more than once for a single territory. test subjects, focus groups or even as hunters).
Potential Modifiers: Primary actor is at a library (+1),
New Tactic: primary actor has access to good computers (variable; see p.
Territorial Recon 237, Hunter: The Vigil), secondary actors arent welcome
(1 to 5 depending on hostility), primary actor has bad info
Prerequisites: All: Wits 2, Academics 3 (or Academics 2 to start (1), primary actor has an inferior library or an old
with a Specialty in Research); Partial (1): Computer 2 (pri- computer (3).
mary actor); Partial (1): Socialize 2 or Streetwise 2 (secondary Roll Results
actor). Dramatic Failure: Something terrible occurs: the sec-
Requires: 2 or more ondary actors are exposed, the primary actor crashes the com-
Block by Bloody Block
puter, the monsters are now alerted and on the hunt, etc. The
Tactic ends and may not be reattempted for at least a week.
Failure: Either the secondary actors just arent making
If You Have
headway or the primary actor is failing to make use of solid Damnation City
leads. If the overall days worth of this Tactic fails twice in a (Ambiance and
row, the Tactic is a bust.
Success: The cell gains one fact per success, as noted
above. Ambiance and Attitude (p.
Exceptional Success: As with success. 153, Damnation City) are large-
ly for handling entire neigh-
Rapport borhoods worth of people (as
that book suggests, playing a
Rapport is a system by which individual characters devel- hundred people at once). How
op positive or negative relations with other characters in a way can this affect Rapport? On the
that has a rules effect in addition to a roleplaying one. Rapport surface, it probably shouldnt.
is about the building of a relationship, be it good or bad. Rapport deals with individual
Relationships take time to grow and fade. For example, an relationships, not with the
interview subject meets a potential boss for the first timethe overall feel of a given terri-
characters may be in-sync (one definition of rapport), but it torys population. Still, you
takes time to build a relationship of trust and respect (an- might decide that the modifiers
other definition of rapport, and the one were using here). due to Ambiance and Attitude
may make gaining positive Rap-
Sometimes its a conscious thing. The boss is happy with work
port easier (Welcoming, Calm,
performed, feels that its done in a timely fashion and that the etc.) or harder (Unruly, Riot-
new employee goes the extra milepositive Rapport is the ous, etc.).
result. Alternately, the boss may feel that, as time goes on, the
new hire is slipping. Hes lapsing into bad habits and causes
some trouble in the work environmentthe positive Rapport in fact, it may even grow to a negative Rapport with him be-
build starts to trickle away, and may even turn into negative cause over time as he sees her for the self-indulgent demon
Rapport. Rapport can also be built on unconscious signals: junkie that she really is.
over time, two people may form a friendship or romantic rela-
tionship despite flaws and betrayals, and due to some kind of Gaining and Losing Rapport
magnetic social effect the two keep positive Rapport with one A player has two ways of handling his characters rela-
another (or, one keeps positive Rapport in ignorance while tionships using Rapport, and both are valid to use simultane-
the other lets it stagnate into negative Rapport, making for a ously in play (though the Storyteller may very well choose
very complex relationship). only one of the two ways, letting the players know which his
Rapport is a negative or positive number between one and preferred method is).
five, and it represents a modifier to all Social rolls made in in- Casual Rapport
teraction with the subject of that Rapport. Negative Rapport The first is recognizing Rapport is in flux and, for the
is 1 to 5 dice, while positive Rapport is +1 to +5 dice. This most part, unstable. Most relationships are minor, even when
affects all Social rolls except those based on Intimidation they seem major: two long-standing business colleagues may
Intimidation works in opposition to Rapport. Its harder for be willing to stab one another in the back for the right price,
two people sharing positive Rapport to bully one another, and something they wouldnt consider doing when it comes to
so the positive becomes a negative (if Rapport was +2, with family or old high school friends.
Intimidation rolls its now 2). And, it goes the other way: Rapport in this way may rise and fall a number of times
having negative Rapport with someone (say, 3) means that during a story or chronicle. A hunter character does what a
Intimidation rolls work well off that negativity (+3). Note blood slave wants and obliterates the slaves vampire master,
that Merits like Fame, Reputation and Status have no impact earning positive Rapport (+3, because its fairly big) with the
on Rapport. Rapport is ultimately more personal, based on now ex-slave. But the hunter eventually tries to get the ex-
individual relationships. slave clean from the addiction to vampires blood, and the
It is not necessarily a two-way street. It can be, but a ex-slave isnt having any of that guffand so, Rapport drops
hunter who builds positive Rapport with another hunter (down to +2). And it may keep dropping as long as the hunter
may not find the relationship reciprocated. If Agent Tybalt pushes his luck (down to +1, and maybe eventually into nega-
of VALKYRIE does a series of favors for Marianne Crestwood tive Rapport).
of the Lucifuge, he may build up a positive Rapport, which In this way, the Storyteller is the final arbiter of whether
means shes more amenable to his seductions, his lies, his sug- Rapport rises or falls, though certainly players are encouraged
gestions, whatever (i.e. he gains bonus dice to those rolls). to say, for instance, Im hoping to earn positive Rapport with
But he may not be so amenable to Social rolls made by her, this ex-slave or I think this will earn me negative Rapport
because shes done next to nothing for him in returnand, regarding the ex-slave.
New Systems
Casual Rapport can only change once per scene (or only lationship. Alternately, a hunter and his immortal nemesis
once per day, at Storyteller discretion) in either direction. A wont be so quick to set aside their eternal enmity just because
hunter only needs to record the Rapport possessed in regards of a kind word or a common purpose.
to another character (i.e. the Social modifier gained to that This is called deep Rapport and is marked by a Merit, as
hunters Social roll). Note that once Rapport has been estab- noted in the sidebar. Deep Rapport, having been purchased
lished, it generally replaces the bonuses gained from Social- with experience points, is much harder to swaywhether
modifying Merits (like Fame). This is the result of a personal positive or negative, the expenditure of experience points on
relationship. Those Merits are assumed to work on those who the Merit tells the Storyteller that this is a minted relation-
do not possess such relationships. ship (though, if the Storyteller feels that the relationship has
Deep Rapport not yet reached such status, he may deny the Merits purchase
Sometimes positive or negative Rapport is more firmly for now).
establisheda pair of best friends whove known each other Possessing deep Rapport with another character indicates
for 20 years wont let little dings and dents affect their re- a relationship with a strong foundation, whether as friend or
enemy. This relationship is therefore harder to shake than
Rapport held with day-to-day acquaintances. That being said,
abuse to a positive relationship or the dawning of a new day
Merit: on a negative relationship can see levels change. If dots in this
Deep Rapport, Meritpositive or negativeare lost, the character gains back
Positive or two experience points per lost dot as the relationship moves
back toward center. Once it reaches center, dots in the oppo-
Negative site Merit (positive from negative, negative from positive) can
( to ) now be purchased with experience points again, representing a
shift in the long-standing friendship or enmity.
Effect: Deep Rapport is
purchased in regards to a
single other character, and
Cascading Rapport (Optional)
Block by Bloody Block assumes that many of the main
is considered either positive
or negative. The Merit can be players in the city have Rapport with one another, whether
purchased many times, with positive or negative. All these relationships are interconnect-
each instance indicating a ed. Think of it like drops of dew in a spiders web, with each
strong beneficial or harmful droplet bound to the next by a thin filament of silk. If the web
relationship with a different gets plucked and one droplet falls, others may fall.
character. How the hunter characters interact with the big players
If this Merit is positive, (by building Rapport) can affect their interactions with the
then the dots taken in the allies and enemies of those big players. This might be termed a
Merit equal the bonus modifier cascading effect in regards to Rapport, though it really only
assumed on all Social rolls goes one step into the subjects personal network. A character
regarding the other character. possessing Rapport with one subject has a similar but lessened
Intimidation rolls are an Rapport with the allies and enemies of that subject.
exception; they suffer a If the character has a positive Rapport with a subject, he
negative modifier equal to dots now has a positive Rapport with all those that the subject has
taken in this Merit.
a positive Rapport with, though its one point lower (+2 to
If this Merit is negative, +1, for example). Secondary negative Rapport is also reduced
then dots purchased in this by one level of magnitude, e.g. from 2 to 1. Secondary Rap-
Merit equal the dice penalty port of a weak primary Rapport (+1 or 1) does not have a
suffered to all Social rolls measurable influence and results in a Rapport of 0.
regarding the target character,
Example: Jake Johns, a local Union rep, has been throwing
with the exception of
Intimidation rollsIntimidation Duncan Vilsick (pp. 1718) some prey now and again because,
rolls are more easily performed for as much as he finds the Abbey disgusting, Jake finds the fiends
on the target character, taking of the city all the more vile. This has earned him some positive
bonus dice equal to dots taken Rapport with Vilsick, a +2 bonus. Looking at Vilsicks character
in this Merit. web, we see he has a positive Rapport with the vampire Sarah Hav-
Dots in this Merit must be ersham and a negative Rapport with Jimarcus Slidell, witch of the
purchased one at a time, and a Souls Army (pp. 4446). The cascading effect allows Jake a less-
player may not purchase more ened positive Rapport with the vampire (+1), but it also translates
than one dot per game ses- to a secondary negative Rapport with the witch (1).
sion (potent relationships are Example: The situation is reversed. Jake actually loathes
builtor erodedslowly). Vilsick, thinks hes more monstrous than the things that prey on
Block by Bloody Block
the citys people. Hes made it his lifes mission to be a thorn in First, remember that the city is a dynamic beast. The ter-
Vilsicks side, and this has earned Jake a strong negative Rapport ritories are given over to an ebb-and-flow. While this docu-
(3) with Vilsick. That puts Jake at odds with Vilsicks vampire ment approaches the setting from a single snapshot in time,
buddy, inferring a 2 Rapport with the creature of the night. The it cannot remain frozen in the status quo, because thats dull.
witch, though, thinks that the enemy of his enemy is the closest The hunter cell isnt the only game in town. Every charac-
thing to a friend he hasthat means Jake now has a +2 Rapport ter and faction in this document is a potential ally, enemy or
with Jimarcus Slidell. competitor. The cell wages a long and bloody war against the
The secondary Rapport born as a result of this cascading Better Way in Suburbia? Fine. The rest of the city is given
effect can never be greater than what the subject himself pos- over to its own battles. Miss Nyx of the changelings tries to
sesses. If a hunter has a significant positive Rapport of +5 with grab the brass ring of the Nightlife Circuit, while a pack of
a vampire, and that vampire has a lesser-but-still-positive werewolves fills the gap she left when leaving the Subways.
Rapport (+2) with a demon, the hunters secondary Rapport While territories arent gained and lost nightly, you should
with the demon is not +4, because its limited by the rela- make the city feel connected and alive through the push-and-
tionship in place between the vampire and demon. Hence, pull of characters and domains.
the hunter can only have a +2 Rapport with the demon as a Also, try to tie a narrative to it whenever possible. This
result of this secondary cascading effect. The hunter could, product is seeded with story hooks and attempts to show the
however, increase his Rapport with the demon directly, not relationships between some of the characters. Stories connect
relying on other character alliances. these people, and connect the districts to one another. Play
Is this universal? For the most part, it works in regards to off that. The cell will weave in and out of these other stories,
this product where the city is a teeming mass of adversarial and in the process will build their own. Theyll earn long-last-
tangles and strange friendships. That being said, the Story- ing adversaries. They might gain a certain sentimental con-
teller always has the final say whether or not this secondary nection to one domain over another. Theyll feel triumphant
effect is in placebut, Storyteller, always be up front and when they gain a new resource, and theyll seethe when that
clear as to the reasons why it isnt in play, so a player doesnt avenue is lost to them. If you want to connect it to an exist-
attempt to work toward a purpose that cant yield fruit. Its ing story, do so; it should, however, be done organically. Dont
also something best kept to the players characters, benefiting simply switch gears into conquest mode, but slowly drop in
them above all else. hints that certain factions are making themselves known, and
show how theyve claimed certain parts of the city as territory.
From the Other Side The slow revelation that territories have more to offer than
Is it possible that a Storyteller character can have Rap- just physical boundaries may urge the hunters to carve out
port with one of the players characters? Or that the player their own niche in the city.
characters have a Rapport (hopefully positive) with one an- Moreover, this narrative should be veiled in half-truths,
other? Certainly. If everybodys comfortable with it, you have whispered rumors and outright falsehoods. The World of
two ways of implementing Rapport in this manner: Darkness operates sub rosaits grim realities lurk beneath
Let players dictate their Rapport. If the player feels that the surface. Monsters dont advertise their presence. Hunter
his character is growing more or less fond of another individ- organizations dont make the news (though Network Zero
ual (player- or Storyteller-based), then that player can suggest certainly tries!). These groups dont have personnel rosters.
a minor (+1/1) change to her Rapport regarding that other Everything the cell knows about the other characters should
individual. initially be cast behind a thick haze, and the same goes for
The Storyteller dictates everybodys Rapport. This what other groups know about the characters. Navigating the
steals a bit of control away from the player and can be seen territories should be like rowing a boat in the foggy darkyou
as the Storyteller dictating how another character is feeling. never know whats out there.
However, a characters feelings are not always his own, and Finally, remember that players think out of the box.
player and character considerations can be kept separate (a Theyll have their characters do exactly what the Storyteller
character may accept a lie that a player knows to be decep- doesnt expect. It deserves reiterating: keep it flexible. The
tion, or a character can succumb to the wiles of a demons elements of the territories and characters contained in Block
mind-controlling Dread Power). by Bloody Block neednt be set in stonealways be prepared
Alternately, its perfectly fair if the Storyteller and play- for the characters to switch up the story and change the game
ers decide that Rapport just isnt meant to work on them, but on you, and thats not only okay, but its desirous. The biggest
this is something that should be decided before you start using territory grab of all is the one where the players lay claim to
the Rapport system. the story, which is exactly what you want.
Storytelling Why would a hunter cell try to claim territory, exactly?
Each territory has assets that are both system-based and
Block by Bloody Block is unique in its approach to the story-based. Claiming a territory gives the cell a bit of an edge, and
setting, and demands a few moments worth of discussion with claiming more than one helps to sharpen that edge significantly.
the Storyteller on its use.
The Territories
Its good to have a home-base. A territory can represent tingly made to be slaves or the subjects of violence. They
an area of respite, a great place for the storys calmer moments seek to redeem the territory, actually improving it to the
(including downtime). point where it can more easily resist the depredations of the
Revenge is a powerful motivator. A fiend has control World of Darkness.
of a territory, and the cell wants to punish that monster by A patron figure is behind their action. A patron
taking away what it has. neednt be a single figure, but can be any group that pushes
Many of the monsters are like tumors in these territo- the cell to lay claim to a domain. Cheiron may want to ex-
ries, acting as malignant presences that have metaphorically pand its interests. The Union may want to take back its
(or literally in the case of vampires) created their own blood neighborhood. A vampire group may hire the hunters (openly
flow. Sometimes, its just about doing the right thing: the cell or through human third-parties so as to veil their identities)
sees the cancer and knows that the people in that territory to clear out an opposing group. A wealthy family may pay the
suffer for it, so they aim to cut out the cancer. Something has cell to rescue their daughter from within enemy territory, and
to go in its place, though, which is where the cell comes in. in the process the cell will liberate the people there. Note
In a similar vein, the cell may approach the territory that if a group lays claim to a domain through the cell, the cell
in a way thats less about excising the malignancy and more may still partake of the assets and suffer the liabilities, but so
about redeeming the domain in general. The cell sees that does the patron, be it an individual or a group.
the people there suffer under an invisible yoke or are unwit-
The Territories
Below, youll find the eight territories offered in Block by Assets: Assetsbonuses of some stripe, be they lowered
Bloody Block. First, though, well go over exactly how each experience costs or free Merit dots or whateverare available
territory is laid outnot only will this help you navigate and only to the group that has fulfilled the control conditions and
understand each territory, but it should give you some perspec- can reasonably call the territory its own.
tive on how to create your own territories out of this mold. Liabilities: Of course, taking a territory isnt all about
Controlled By: Thisll tell you who currently claims the cake and ice creamits about responsibility, hard decisions
territory. This doesnt mean that other fiends and monsters do and taking the good with the bad. Just as there wait mechani-
not lurk within the territorys borders, but they dont control cal benefits to taking a territory, there exist system penalties
it or get any benefit from it. too.
Examples: A handful of real-world examples of this ter- Consequences: Consequences are more about the story
ritory in action. and the roleplaying than about the rules: what happens when
Following that is a general description and history of the the cell takes the territory? Each territory doesnt exist in a
territory. vacuum. Theyre all balanced precariously across the spiders
General Modifiers: Each territory is given over to cer- web, and plucking one silken strand might upset the other
tain rulesmodifiers, mostlythat are driven by the condi- spiders. This section discusses the consequences, both good
tions within that area. If all the streetlights are blown out, and bad, of taking control of a given territory.
bonuses to Stealth are appropriate, though penalties against (You can find information on creating your own territo-
Perception are likely. If the domain is home to a well-funded ries in the Appendix, found on pp. 6972.)
library, Academics, Computer and Occult rolls might gain a
bonus. These modifiers are present to any who walk or operate Locations
within the territory. Each domain plays host to several smaller locations wor-
Control Conditions: Want to claim the territory for thy of note, and theyre listed heregenerally, theyre story
yourself and your cell? These are the general conditions to do hooks to be dropped into the world. Some come with light
so. They arent hard mechanical rules that say if you follow rules modifications (dice modifiers, usually), whereas others
this map, the territory will fall into your control. Theyre are geared purely toward the story, characters and conflict.
suggestions, and theyre certainly not exhaustive. They offer
a brief look at a few ways of ousting the territory and claim- Bit Players
ing its assets and liabilities. Players should be encouraged to Just as each domain is home to particular locations,
come up with unique approaches tailored to their characters its also home to a handful of noteworthy characters. These
hunter cell. characters are walking story hooks, and exist somewhere in-
Block by Bloody Block
The City Park
Block by Bloody Block
at 3 (everything is sunny and well-lit!). This reverses at ly, the park also provides a great hunting and staging ground
night (+3 to Stealth, 3 to Perception) due to the seemingly for non-urban encounters: dots in Survival can be purchased
impenetrable darkness that bathes the park. at new dots x 2.
Control Conditions: Claiming the park as territory is no Liabilities: To control the park means to pay up. The
easy feat. Its not just that the Abbey controls it; they control Conservancy handles operations of the park through private
it through a proxy organization that has a legal contract with donors. Annual park operations are expensive; assume that if
city government. The good news is, the contract is up this the characters do not possess or cannot raise the equivalency
yearthe bad news is, unless something can be done in the of 10 dots of the Resources Merit, then parts of the park are
next several months to severely weaken perceptions regarding sure to fall to disrepair. In addition, the Conservancy used
the Conservancy (i.e. crime returns to the park, someone gets money to keep eyes off them. By keeping the park in tip-top
a hefty bribe, tourists stop visiting), the contract renewal is a shape and by filtering money into the hands of politicians and
shoe-in. Going up against them financially will be tough: the other lawmakers, they are able to act without scrutiny. If char-
Abbey hunters are wealthy individuals, able to combine their acters cannot manifest the proper bribes, the police or city
resources into a hefty pool. Violence remains an option, but agents may come snooping.
the Abbey hunters dont advertise their identitiesonly a few Consequences: Anyone who wrests control of the park
are known, acting as the public face (see Duncan Vilsick, pp. away from the Abbey better be prepared to become a bug-
1718) of the organization when interfacing with other cells. light to terror: Lupines, vampires, drug pushers and gang
The best approach would be to take them by surprise, when members would all be thrilled to reclaim the parklands. They
away from the parkor to make a deal with the monsters wont push their luck, though; defeat once is enough to assure
(werewolves in particular) to help on any attack. Of course, them that the park remains in a competent grip. In addition,
soliciting help from the werewolves means turning the park the hunters will have made enemies with the Ashwood Ab-
over to them as territory. beywealthy men and women who have not unreasonable
Assets: Those who control the park control the central influence amongst others who carry the Vigil. (See Vilsicks
office (see below), which means they can access the parks character web, p. 17.)
gates, lighting, fountains, PA system and so forth. The park
is easily defended from exterior forces (most gates and walls Locations
are at least Size 5 with Durability 3). In addition, the private Central Control Office
security force is up for grabs: they know theyre low on the to- The park has an underground central control office,
tem pole, and will help out whoever controls the park. Final- which is basically a room with a control panel hooked up to
The City Park
a number of not-so-hidden CCTV cameras throughout the ticular). The Abbeys soirees are not all outdoorsespecially
park (the Conservancy is happy to have people know theyre during winter, they often move their debauched gatherings to
being watched). The room can hold about ten people, though the pristine indoors of the Orchid Arboretum.
usually only two security officers or Conservancy managers are The Decimus Arch
on-duty in the room at any given time. The room is locked The Decimus Arch is a large triumphal arch designed by
(Lockpicking roll requires 12 successes) and the door is tough London architect Decimus Burton as a gift to the city back
(Size 5, Durability 3). Given only one entrance, its both a in the mid 19th-century. The stone arch is peaked by a pair
very defensible room and a deadly trap. of powerful-looking bronze eagles. On the inside of the arch,
The Gallows however, are a series of small inscriptions written in a lan-
The Gallows is exactly as the name suggestsits where guage that nobody has ever accurately identified. Hunters
the city used to hang its criminals about 100 years ago. Now, its may find that some witches and werewolves speak their own
a playground for children where no child will play. The play- blasphemous tongues, and may be able to translate.
ground equipment sits new and unused. However, the area does The Nests
serve as a nocturnal playground for a host of specters, Those Contrary to its somewhat sinister-sounding name, the Nests
Who Were Hanged. These specters murmur and wail, and giv- are just that: bird nests. Well, hawk nests, actuallythe park
en that the Abbey hunters really only recognize how to deal has been home to countless generations of red-tailed hawks,
with physical threats and not ephemeral ones, they leave the birds that some Abbey hunters (including Duncan Vilsick) use
ghosts be as kind of a curiosity (or as part of an initiation for on the Vigil, subscribing to ancient traditions of falconry.
new members). The Gallows apparently represent the sacred
place the previous Lupine residents were worshiping or guard- Bit Players
ing or whatever it is they do with such locations. Carlos Villarosa, Security Head
The Orchid Arboretum Mental 3, Physical 6, Social 4
The Arboretum sits at the northeast corner of the park Carlos is the head of the private Conservancy security
on 27 acres of land. Its mostly indoors, and a good portion force, and operates a team of about a dozen men and women,
of it is given over to hothouse flowers (rare orchids, in par- with half that on park grounds at any given time. Carlos is a
Story Hooks
Wars brewing. The werewolves across the city have decided
enough is enough. In the shadows, they mass: too many yellow eyes
in the darkness for the Abbey to handle. The lycanthropes will
bring hell with them: blasphemous spirits, unheard-of Dread Powers
and hungry claws and teeth. Worse, they plan on making the attack
in the middle of the day, when the park is full of innocents and
chaos can take hold.
A monster comes to them. Doesnt matter who or what it is
demon, witch, psychic, Lupine. What matters is hes battered and
tortured, with one eye missing and a few fingers gone. Maybe
theyll grow back, but maybe the wounds were cauterized and
sealed. The monsters a nobody, but hes got connections, and he
tells the characters, If you help me, I can help you. Youll get
an in with my people. Please. Help me have my revenge on these
sick fucks. Mechanically, helping him earns the characters a
+2 Rapport with all the monsters of this victims type. For
example, if hes a werewolf, the hunters gain that Rapport with
the local werewolves.
The characters receive a hand-written and couriered invitation
to a party tonight at the Arboretum. If they go, they find that
the Abbey has invited a number of the citys huntersmany of whom
have never before been in contact with one another. At first, it
goes pretty well, but then the truth comes out: This is a witch-
hunt. Vilsick knows that some hunters have been helping the mon-
sters, and this partys meant to root them outand make them the
Most Dangerous Game for the evening. Maybe its the characters.
Maybe its their friends. Maybe its somebody theyve never met.
Can they stand by and let this happen? Other hunters certainly
Block by Bloody Block
ball-busting, belligerent prick, quick with an insult and quicker wolves that escaped; she watches and waits for her opportu-
with a swing of his baton. However, despite his never-increas- nity to help bring the Conservancy down.
ing low-man status in the Abbey (or perhaps because of it), his John the Jogger
allegiance is up for grabs. Show him respect and pay him some Mental 6, Physical 6, Social 3
money, and hell sell out the Abbey in a heartbeat. They treat John the Jogger is a serial killer who takes a single victim
him okay, but he can smell the disdain on them like the cheap from the park every year on the Autumnal Equinox, slashing her
cologne he hoses himself down with every morning. throat and belly and stuffing her with leaves like a scarecrow.
Myrna Jackson, Werewolf Relative His killings once a year for over a decade were always public
Mental 4, Physical 3, Social 5 knowledge, until the Conservancy stepped in. They have John
Myrnas not a monster, but shes family to one. Shes nowjust a lowly, pudgy guy in a gray tracksuitand they use
kin to the werewolves that used to run wild in the city park, him. When the hunt is on, they let him hunt, tooand they
but the Abbey never sniffed out the connection when they even have a special hunt on the Autumnal Equinox where
cleaned house of the Lupines and their ilk. She used to work they release a female monster into the park lands, letting John
for the Arboretum, but now is the assistant manager of the lead the hunt. That helps keep John from killing innocents
Childrens Playtime Theater. Her alliance is solely to the few and if he does kill an innocent, they cover it up. This is a secret
Duncan Vilsick
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3,
Wits 3, Resolve 2
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dex-
terity 3, Stamina 3
Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipu-
lation 4, Composure 4
Mental Skills: Academics 3, Computer 1,
Investigation 2, Occult 2, Politics 2
Physical Skills: Athletics 3, Brawl 2,
Drive 2, Firearms 1, Weaponry (Sports
Equipment) 3
Social Skills: Empathy 1, Expression
1, Intimidation 3, Persuasion (Sell-
ing) 4, Socialize (Loose Tongue) 4,
Subterfuge (With a Smile) 4
Merits: Allies (City Officials) 3, Al-
lies (Police) 1, Fame 1, Fast Reflexes
2, Fresh Start 1, Professional Train-
ing 4 (Third Asset Skill: Persuasion;
Contacts in: Bankers, Country Club,
Art Dealers, Nightclubs), Resources
5, Status (Ashwood Abbey) 4
Willpower: 6
Morality: 5 (Duncan has modified his
Morality according to the Code; see
sidebar for new Code and his Tells)
Initiative: 9 (Fast Reflexes)
Defense: 3
Speed: 10
Health: 8
Type Damage Range Dice Pool Special
Golf Club 2(B) n/a 8 Has Specialty (Sports Equipment)
Cavalry Saber 2(L) n/a 6 Passed down from father; ornamental
(-1) already figured in
The City Park
that the Abbey keeps from other hunters, and even from some Tighten the ball gag and unlock the handcuffs. Wave the
of the lower-ranking members within the compact. torch at itdont worry, it wont bite your hand off. Itll run.
They always run when fire enters play.
Duncan Vilsick, Faction: Ashwood Abbey (Hunters)
Philanthropist and Murderer Virtue: Charity. Its not a lie; Duncan really is charitable.
Quotes: It gets easier. It gets better, too. Its like eating as- It makes him feel great. Part of that is, admittedly, because it
paragus or broccoli when youre a child: over time, you acquire the earns him such positive attention: people love him for all he
taste as your tongue matures. gives. But hes convinced himself that its something more.
Theres nothing better in this life than to give, give, give. Im a Something spiritual.
fount of goodwill toward man. I have been lucky in this life, and so it Vice: Lust. One might argue that Duncans charitable
is of paramount importance to give somethingeverythingback. sensibilities serve primarily to earn him myriad sexual part-
ners. He wouldnt argue that, but everybody else would.
John Dennison
Dennison knows that Vilsick is
friendlier to the bloodsucking
fiends of their nocturnal society
Duncan Vilsick
5 5
Financial District
Financial District
Controlled By: NobodyContested (see below) Finally, the third group is a small, rag-tag group of mages
Examples: Center City, Philadelphia; Financial District, known as the Consilium. The Consilium doesnt belong in
San Francisco; Potsdamer Platz, Berlin; Uptown, Charlotte; this world, not at all. Theyre not businessmen. Theyre most-
Wall Street, New York City ly academics, occult scholars, strange old sages with madness
Its the hub of the citythe nexus of avenues and traffic in their eyes. So, why do they care about this district? These
and trains and people, all coming together to form the beat- old and powerful witches claim that five of the skyscrapers
ing, bleeding, bleating heart of the metropolis. Its likely the within this territory are shadowy earthly representations of
highest point in the city; skyscrapers sit together, forming a something called the five Watchtowers. They believe these
deep canyon out of the busy, smog-choked avenues. Its ev- towers are sacred, and key to well, something. The end of
erything: bank buildings, pharmaceutical buildings, city hall, the world? The dawn of a new age? The return of some lost
hot dog carts, lines of taxis, expensive hotelsyou name it, and idealized civilization? Nobody can really say exactly what
its here in this central business district. is so important about these locations, only that they are im-
It remains perhaps the perfect and purest example of portant. The Consilium is represented by Hierarch Desidera-
how ignorant the masses are of the shadow war that goes on tum (pp. 2729). More information on the watchtowers can
just outside their door. This territory remains hotly contest- be found in the sidebar, on p. 20.
ed, never falling into one groups hands for longa month, This shadow war isnt bloodless, but it seldom escalates
maybe two, then back again. A covert struggle exists in the to overt violence. The witches kidnap a prominent blood-
highest echelons of the glass-and-steel towers, and it carries slave and break his mind, implanting in it a mote of magic
to street level and into the sewers beneath. Ancient secrets that records all he sees and hears, and replays it back for the
are traded for power. Artifacts from antiquity are exploited to Hierarch. But the vampires discover the truth, and instead
damage enemies. Adversaries are tricked, betrayed, abused, summon a venerable old blood-witch from a different city,
murderedbodies float down sewer tunnels, blood is mopped and have her channel a wretched curse through the blood-
up from the floors of executive bathrooms, maddening ciphers slavelike a bullet fired back through the gun, it damages
are buried in Powerpoint presentations. Three main forces the Hierarch and puts her in medical care for weeks. Cheiron,
currently vie for supremacy in this one territory, though oth- of course, exploits the situationif they can have an insider
ers sometimes join the fray. tending to the Hierarch, at the very least they might be able to
The first is the Cheiron Group. Cheiron has a cluster steal a draught of her potent blood, potentially isolating some
of Big Pharma buildings only a block from the biggest sub- of the magic contained within the vial of red. Its a constant
way station in the city. All the big names are here: Weide, push-and-pull, a clandestine game of one-upmanship that
Jones-Klein-Beauchamp, Barthes. Drug advertising has hit an continues month after month. Like a chess game, each par-
almost absurd level of penetration in the center of the city. ticipant has plotted out the moves twenty steps ahead, right
TCG doesnt mind when the monsters war against one anoth- or wrong. Sometimes, two will form an alliance against the
er, because frankly, the casualties often end up on Cheirons third, but betrayal is inevitableand the cycle spins anew.
many autopsy tables. But here in their backyard it disrupts General Modifiers: Something about this area (the lights,
things. And nothing, nothing can be allowed to disrupt busi- the man-made materials, the great herds of unaware people
ness. In this city, Cheiron is represented by Miranda Barthes moving about) creates a very high manifestation modifier for
(pp. 2325). ghosts and spirits (4). Also, the area is given over to some
The second group vying for control is the First Estate Social modifiers: the crowd keeps its head down, for the most
(also mentioned under the Nightlife Circuit, which is a part, shuttling from one corner to the next with minimal in-
territory that likely borders this onesee pp. 3540). Its a teraction, which incurs a 3 to Persuasion and Socialize rolls.
vampire institution that is a bloodthirsty combination of old- However, Intimidation rolls gain a +3 bonus, because the
school monarchy and new-school capitalism. To these vam- minds here seem more pliable and people will give in to pres-
pires, blood and money are basically the samethe blood that sure just to be allowed to escape and live another day. Finally,
flows through a humans arteries is like the money that churns Drive rolls suffer a full 5 penalty here: too many people, too
through a citys veins. They want a taste of all of it. Blood and much traffic, confusing lane changes and kamikaze cabs add
money together make for unearthly power. Here, the First Es- up to a stop-and-go motorized nightmare.
tate is represented by Prince Sarah Haversham (pp. 2526).
Block by Bloody Block
Control Conditions: This is easily one of the trickiest Cheiron is really the most difficult group to ousttheyre
territories to controlany attempts to seize it outright will a multinational medical conglomerate with numerous build-
be met with opposition from three sides. That being said, one ings in the district. The characters cant rid the area of these
could theoretically maneuver those sides against one anoth- buildings, nor can they somehow evict all of Cheiron. They
eryes, theyre already against one another, but at present can, however, diminish the resources of the Field Projects
their shadow war is slow and subtle. However, the waters on Division, the hunter part of the company (keep in mind,
a slow boil and could be stirred to boil over, perhaps remov- most of TCG has no idea that hunters work amongst its ranks
ing one or even two factions from the competition. Its also or where their anti-aging creams and prosthetic limbs come
possible to back one of the current horses in the race and from), which helps the cell lock down the domain. And if the
then, after dominating the playing field, eliminating the ally. cell belongs to the Cheiron Group, they can back TCG and
Whatever happens, consider the fact that these three forces gain control of the territory without ousting them.
are in relative balanceone makes gains one month, but an- Assets: Because the territory is highly-coveted and dif-
other will tip the scales soon enough. The cell might be the ficult to claim, the rewards are great for doing so. While no
unbalancing factor that keeps the scales tipped and changes Social Merits come part and parcel with this territory, all of
the dynamics of this shadow war. them can now be purchased at half the price (new dots x 1 in-
Financial District
stead of new dots x 2). In addition, something about being in a big humming room full of lie-detection equipment. These
the center of the city orients one to the rest of the metropolis; sub-levels are where one finds the surgical stations, the equip-
each character gains the Direction Sense Merit for free. ment rooms, physical therapy for unique prosthetics and
Liabilities: The liabilities are few: both Drive and Street- Miranda Barthes real office.
wise are harder to gain now (new dots x 4), because those The Bowler Diner and Deli
guarding this territory will have a difficult time practicing Given over to the motif of the bowler hat (not a par-
these Skills effectively. ticipant in the sport of bowling), this diners been around for
Consequences: This area will never be safe: Someone well over 100 years. Its open 24/7, and has a stable of regu-
will always want a slice. The easiest solution is, of course, lar customers that run the gamut from big-dog CEOs to the
cutting up this territory into smaller onesthis building, pretzel cart vendors that work the corners. This is reportedly
that building, the city square, city hall, and so forth. In ad- one of the locations where the three matriarchs of the city
dition, destabilizing this area too much can genuinely desta- (see Story Hooks, p. 22) gather in disguise. The purposes of
bilize the citya lot of money travels through this district, these meetings are uncertain, and the story differs depending
and a lot of people count on that money. If the herd gets on who one talks toone might suggest that theyre honor-
spooked, the money drops. When the money in this district able war-room meetings between competing generals, while
drops, its like a heart that cant get enough bloodlimbs another might offer a more conspiratorial bent, claiming that
start to wither. The economy is already unstable; any pre- theyre clearly trying to push the district into constant con-
cipitous drop can put people out of work, which can raise flict for some kind of gain. (Try the pastrami and the home-
crime and decay, which only creates a more tantalizing envi- made pickles, too.)
ronment for the monsters. This territory is a prime example
of how the hunterseven a single cell or organizationcan Bit Players
truly help or harm an entire city. Gwendolyn Barthes, Rebellious Socialite
Mental 4, Physical 3, Social 8
Locations Gwen is Mirandas daughter. In public, theyre a smiling,
The Barthes Building loving family. In private, they loathe one another. Gwendolyn
For the most part, its an office buildingfairly bland, is an unabashed socialite, a woman who loves the spotlight
nothing fancy, just 30 floors of nothing exciting, right? Ex- more than she loves the moneyshes a local celebrity, seen
cept, this is where the Field Projects Division works its grim at only the hottest clubs in the Nightlife Circuit (pp. 3540)
magic, and all below street-level. The sub-levels of the build- and always showing up in the gossip columns of the city paper.
ing are profoundly secure, with keypads, ocular scanners and Heres the thing, though: Gwendolyn is a hunter. She has the
Block by Bloody Block
Lover Lips Thaumatech implant (Hunter: The Vigil, p. 187) (abusive parents, foster homes, bullied at school). The kids a
and uses her socialite cachet to get in good with some particu- genius, and can wax poetic and philosophically about magic
larly high-end monsters. Its very rare that Gwen actually does and the occult for hoursits the only time he doesnt stam-
the hunting herselffor the most part, shes recon, a spy for mer. These days, hes the everpresent attach to Hierarch De-
Cheiron. She gets in, dopes them up, learns what she can and sideratum, often fading into the background until needed.
gets out. The pro-Cheiron activities are about all Gwen has Nasir Shirazi, Hot Dog Vendor
in common with her mother, and when they talk the Vigil, Mental 4, Physical 4, Social 6
theyre both on-target and truly civil. Shirazi is an Iranian who runs the most popular hot dog
Gray Gould, First Estate Lieutenant cart in the districtits dead-smack in the middle of ev-
Mental 7, Physical 5, Social 5 erything, in the middle of glowing billboards and towering
Grays a vampire, operating as Sarah Havershams sec- buildings and a massive five-point intersection. Hes fast, hes
ond-in-command. His appearance is far from normal. His skin cheap and his food doesnt taste like rat hairin fact, his cart
is flawless alabaster and his body is too long and too lithe. is probably the cleanest in the city. It gleams. Shirazi is well
His joints seem to swing both ways, calling to mind the limbs placed to see many things, and he is very, very perceptive.
of a marionette. He is alien-looking, graceful but disturbing. Though he doesnt always know to put two and two together,
He can mask it for a time, looking more or less human, but he still picks up on everything that passes by.
generally he doesnt want to. Gray plays at being Sarahs big- Jennifer Bird, Relic Guardian
gest proponent, her truest confidant in a society full of heart- Mental 5, Social 4, Physical 7
stabbing leeches, but its a carefully orchestrated lie. Right Jennifers a huntershes actually one of the three Ae-
now, Grays content to be the power behind the throne, but gis Kai Doru hunters that work for the Museum of History,
one day soon hes going to make a play for her positionhe guarding the secret cache of Relics that the museum con-
doesnt plan on destroying her if he can help it, but hell re- tains. While the other two hunters (curator Paul Adriano
sign himself to acceptable losses. and Professor Eldon Stackhouse) are academics that work in
Matt Woo, Consilium Assistant the upper echelons of the museum staff, Jennifers head of the
Mental 8, Physical 3, Social 3 nighttime security detailwhich affords her a lot of oppor-
Matts a young magiciana clumsy, socially inept man tunity to keep an eye on things. Shes stocky, with a square
in his early 20s who went through a pretty rough childhood jaw, and has a way with a baton and a Taser. She plays at
Story Hooks
The fact that the biggest players in this district are three
women seems to put to rest the theory that big business is a
mans game. Heres a curious conspiracy theory, though, that
someone puts the cell up to investigating: whispers have suggested
that these three women sometimes meet, always late at night,
often in secret. Nobody knows why, but the rumor is that theyre
engineering this conflict to gain some kind of advantage. Does
conflict create benefit? Does Cheiron happily use the remains of
the soldiers lost in this war?
The cell finds another cell dead: these hunters were Ascending
Ones, devoted to the art of sulha, the negotiation. They were
clearly trying to broker a deal between the three warring
factions, but failed. It seems that one of the groups had them
executedbut what if thats not true? Evidence turns up that the
cell had some success in brokering a deal, and that the three
sides were close to agreement. Who shattered the peace?
It leaks out that someone has discovered something of profound
power here in the territorysome feature of the architecture or
landscape that cannot be removed. Whoever controls it has a big
bid toward domination. That means the three factions are no longer
the only ones waging a secret war on this territorythe Loyalists
of Thule want to study it, the Aegis Kai Doru wants to claim it,
the Lupines think its some kind of sacred whatsit, the change-
lings fear it and want to destroy it, and a human cult springs up
around it. The secret war threatens to be not-so-secret. Innocent
lives are sure to be lost in far greater numbers. Can the cell do
anything? Do they want the object, too?
Financial District
being dumb but shes alarmingly well-read on the subject of Vice: Greed. If Miranda werent so focused on the pow-
artifactssometimes, shes able to stump or surprise her two er associated with money, her Vice would be Pridebut its
academic cohorts. The Shield and Spear trio (a cell that oper- money first, money always.
ates with no name but The Three) dont have any interest Background: Most think that shes the oldest living Bar-
in claiming this territory for themselves, but they do want thes, the heir to the entire Barthes Prosthetics throne, but
to end the witches incursion, and will one day make drastic thats not actually trueher father, Norman Barthes, still
moves against the Consilium. lurks in their mansion outside the city, his 103-year-old body
kept alive with various hissing machines and fluid infusions.
Miranda Barthes, And Norman still tells Miranda what to do, offering advice in
the Silver Fox of Cheiron a pinch. She most certainly needs it.
Quotes: You think Im a feeble old woman, dont you? My Miranda was never favored to be the one shepherding
body may appear frail to you, but I assure you, my heart is that of her company to dominance of the prosthetic limb market
a young man. women, frankly, were not meant to control anything accord-
Life is short. One must be ruthless. Sacrifice the pawns and ing to the Barthes family. Miranda had two older brothers,
knights to take the kingbut never sacrifice the queen. Shes the both plainly more qualified by evidence of their Y-chromo-
one with the true power. somes, and that was that. Or so she thought. Her brother
Everything is a commodity. Nolan turned out to be an epic fuck-up, losing himself in
Faction: Barthes Prosthetics, The Cheiron Group (Hunters) drugs, fast cars and loose women. He crashed his Lamborghini
Virtue: Prudence. Slow and steady wins the race. Miura into a drain embankment one night and put himself
Miranda Barthes
Block by Bloody Block
in a coma. He died three years later without ever regaining Description: Shes 71 and has a faint tremble to herits
consciousness. Her brother Nestor was a bully and a cad, but not Parkinsons, its simply that she doesnt eat enough. But
had a keen business sense and wouldve taken controlling in- shes got a handshake grip like a crushing vice, and a steady
terest of the company before too long. Unfortunately, Nestor gaze that never wavers. No matter the hour, Miranda is well-
was shot in the back of the head and dumped in the bay. They dressed, with shoulder-length silver hair and sleek outfit to
found his body, but never the gun. (Miranda still has ita match the occasion. She still takes loversyoung bucks, up-
cold souvenir of the one time she got her hands dirty instead and-comers, competitorsand she attributes her smooth skin
of paying someone else to do the job for her.) and longevity to that practice.
She was the only one set to take controlling interest Storytelling Hints: Miranda is dangerously over-confi-
when her father became wheelchair bound (retired was his dent and reckless in her certainty. She brooks no dissension
word for it), and now shes at the top of the corporate food
Victoria Weyland
Weyland appreciates the occa-
sional donations Miranda offers
(equipment, hunters, money)
+2 3
Miranda Barthes
Financial District
Thaumatechnology Endowment:
Biliary Tree of the Cynocephali ()
This entire bile system (canals, ducts, liver) replaces the
hunters own biliary tree. While Cheiron would have one believe
that such a system can be taken only from the notorious (and
extinct) dog-headed cynocephali, it actually works the same if
surgically extracted from any therianthrope (werewolf, werecat
and the like). Particularly dark rumors suggest that such a
system can be extracted from powerful Ascending Ones as well, but
surely thats just rumor.
Benefit: A character with this implant parses toxins alarmingly
well. Assume that any toxin that enters the hunters body is
considered to have a Toxicity of 5 (which renders most poisons
inert). In addition, the livers ability to create new tissue
helps weaken some diseases, as well. The hunter gains +2 to any
roll to resist disease.
Special: Any time this Endowment must process a new toxin or
disease, the hunters flesh shows prominent jaundice for the next
12 hours. In addition, unless the hunter takes a twice-daily pill
(which Cheiron does not provide under their medical plan, and it
necessitates Resources to purchase), then the character takes
a point of lethal damage upon waking due to the intense upsurge
of searing bile that blasts up the hunters esophagus.
or pessimism about her companys eventual triumph of both youre with me, youre with me. If I dont see a smile on your face,
market dominance and territorial claim. Her power is abso- Ill kick a stake in your heart and put a grenade in your mouth.
lute. Faction: The First Estate (Vampires)
Rapport: Hunters may earn positive Rapport with Virtue: Hope. In the darkest hours of the night, shes
Miranda easilyreally, shes quite in awe of those who actu- pretty confident itll all pull through and in her favor.
ally carry the Vigil in a proactive, gun-toting way. She loves Vice: Lust. Vampires are sometimes said creatures trapped
the agents of the Field Projects Division (and may try to take in a kind of stasis, and this is true for Sarah: she will forever be
one of them, or any hunter, as a lover). Positive Rapport with clawing past her puritanical oppression.
her allows hunters to gain a tour of Cheiron facilities, and Background: Youd never know that Sarah Haversham
may actually earn them limited access to the conspiracys re- came over with the other Puritans to the Massachusetts Bay
sources (though not Thaumatechnology). Slight her, spurn Colony. In fact, puritanical is a word that would probably
her or say the wrong thing, though, and the Rapport goes burn her lips if she spoke it. Its not something she talks about.
negative. Miranda will then use her money to ruin her new She also doesnt really talk about how she was seduced by the
enemiesbuying out their jobs, their homes, whatever she dark Devil in the woods, or how she was dragged into this
can do to spend cash and make their lives difficult. monstrous existence, eventually herself becoming a tempter
Profession: Professional in the woods. She doesnt consider those her proudest nights,
though sometimes she still dreams of them.
Sarah Haversham, These days, Sarah plays at being something of a cipher.
Prince of the City She lies about her origins, blatantly so (telling different sto-
Quotes: Greetings and salutations, worms and serpents. ries to different listeners). She claims to have a whole host of
Tonights entertainmentcoincidentally, also tonights mealhas strange powers that remain unproven, and further purports to
arrived in the iron cage to your left. Blood and circuses, my darling come from some rare bloodline unique to her and her sire. And
freaks. yet, despite her many mingled truths and fictions, shes a pow-
This is war, you fucking imbeciles. We dont hold back. We erful, ambitious figure thats clawed her way to the top of the
dont give quarter. We dont have compassion and hold hands and citys blood-hungry food chain by outmaneuvering, seducing
skip down the sidewalk. We fuck, we feed, we dance, we kill. Now and destroying her opponents. All with great gleeits earned
get to it. her many enemies within her own nocturnal society, but shes
I take great pleasure in what I do. Anybody who doesnt find also accumulated a whole host of wide-eyed zealots who would
pleasure in this, theres the door, this is your chance. Because once follow her tumbling into the snapping jaws of Hell.
Block by Bloody Block
Sarah Haversham
Description: Sarah Haversham is perfectly androgynous to enjoy it. Wild peaks of emotion confirm that enjoyment,
in both physical appearance and choice of dress. Most nights, and give her a perfect thrill.
its some sharp-angled suit or another. Her hair is jet black, Rapport: Impressing Sarah can bring one positive Rap-
cropped close to the skullbut shes not averse to wigs. Her port. She likes those who take risks and grab life by the balls.
makeup also varies: bombshell one night, faux-ingnue an- Shes also keen on loyalty: one tiny betrayal, real or perceived,
other. will turn her very dark, very fast. Those with positive Rapport
Storytelling Hints: Sarahs personality is a bit of a pin- find that Sarah doesnt leave them alone: she endeavors to keep
ball: one minute shes giddy, the next a screaming, invective- them very close, because they make her feel good. Those with
spouting hate machine. She vacillates wildly between moods, negative Rapport are generally below her attentionthough,
and truthfully, she enjoys that. It makes her feel alive again, if those who reach truly low Rapport (4 or 5) will find that
only for a moment. She has eternity, and she feels its her job shell move Hell and Earth to punish those transgressors.
Financial District
+3 +1
Sarah Haversham
1 3
Desideratum (Desi),
Hierarch of the Consilium
Quotes: Trust me, this isnt where I want to be. But this is ductions. Instead, she lingered in her house, writing poetry
most certainly where we need to be. and painting pictures. Oh, she went to school, but she took
The magic here is powerful, and the people blissfully un- as many sick days as she could. All that changed when Darcy
aware. We cant just walk away. We must do anything in our found magic, and she saw her true name written on a wall
power to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. made of gold-leaf, the letters inked in light.
You wont believe how tired I am of all this. It wears at me, It changed her. She stepped outside and stayed there. She
it does. Id do anything to end it [snaps her fingers] in an found that she did not need to write poetry or paint pictures
instant. anymorethe world was her canvas and blank page, and mag-
Faction: The Consilium (Witches) ic was the brush and pigment.
Virtue: Faith. She believes first and foremost in a higher In some ways, she wonders if it wouldve been better had
power: magic. she stayed inside. Over the last 20 years since finding the
Vice: Envy. Others seem able to work magic with little world of occult magic opened to her, Desideratum has expe-
consequence; why is her life so mired in tragedy, then? rienced a series of tragedies. Her cabal betrayed her early on.
Background: Desideratum (real name: Darcy Danielou) A magical error in her mystical casting left her with a limp.
grew up a relative shut-in. She was afraid of the world around She accidentally loosed demons that had to be found and cast
her: school terrified her, boys were a bane and the outside back into the dark channels of the Abyss. The low points al-
world offered troubles that ranged from bug bites to child ab-
Block by Bloody Block
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 4, Wits 3,
Resolve 4
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity
2, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 3,
Manipulation 3, Composure 3
Mental Skills: Academics 3, Computer 1,
Investigation 3, Occult (Witch Lore) 5
Physical Skills: Athletics 1, Larceny 1,
Stealth 2, Weaponry 1
Social Skills: Empathy (Misery) 3,
Expression 3, Intimidation 1, Persuasion
3, Socialize 1, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge
(Hide Emotion) 3
Willpower: 7
Morality: 6
Initiative: 5
Defense: 2
Speed: 9
Health: 7
Dread Powers: Balefire 2, Dement 3,
Destiny (Nemesis: Pangloss) 5 (pp. 56)
Type Damage Dice Pool Special
Ornamental 2(L) 5 1
Rapier penalty
ornamental) already
figured in
ways dragged the high points downward, and she began to personally. While shell not give this feeling away freely, she
wonder if the grass really was greener for other people. believes that if she can claim this domain as her own, her in-
The biggest tragedy, though, came when she and her ability to conceive a child (which will soon become an issue
husbandan older magician known as Panglosscould not of age, given that shes in her early 40s) will fade. But shes
conceive. The failure poisoned their relationship, and she weary, tired of waiting for her fate to come to fruition. Soon,
cast him to the winds. she knows she may need to take more drastic measures and
Still, she remains steadfast in the face of adversity, certain commit to acts with which she may not be comfortable.
that all will work out in the end if she is true to her magic. Rapport: Positive Rapport with Desideratum is often
Her tenacity has given her great strength, but her ascension gained through proximityover time, she comes to trust
to the top of the hierarchy wasnt one of struggleit was one those who are near her and who listen. In this life, she seeks
of seeming inevitability, of what she claims must be destiny. confidants and close friends, people who see through all the
Description: Desis overall look is dowdy, reminding magic and power but who are still willing to affirm her des-
people of a schoolmarm. Her clothes are usually gray or plain- tiny. Such Rapport means that she spills her guts, tells her
color dresses that hint at her Rubenesque curves but mostly life story and offers aid even when it might put her at some
hide them. She wears no makeup, and often lets her hair sim- inconvenience. Negative Rapport, usually born through a be-
ply fall where it may (giving it an untidy appearance). Initial- trayal of confidence or action taken against her friends, brings
ly, she seems to carry herself with great confidence, but hints a whole different side of Desi to light. She becomes the wrath-
of weakness shine through. While the limp doesnt seem to ful matron, a mother figure who will not abide the slighting of
bother her, she fidgets, bites her nails and twirls her hair. her children or her household.
Storytelling Hints: Desi is tired. She believes deeply that Controlled By: The Black Smoke Pack
this territory is key, not just for her fellow witches but for her
Financial District
Miss Nyx
Desis helped keep some of her
own kind out of the Subways,
and Nyx considers Desideratum
something of a role model
3 3
Block by Bloody Block
Industrial District
Examples: Bethlehem Steelworks, Bethlehem; Cal- in the copsand they used to do that. But the cops havent
lowhill, Philadelphia; The Industrial District, Seattle; River- found anything, and shutting the place down only helps to
gate, Portland (OR) kill an already guttering industry. So the lights stay on, and
The air stinks. Its a chemical smell most times, though people continue to die. If they stop, they give up their jobs,
other times it might be a strong aroma of tires burning or the their pensions, their security. In this economy, you hold on to
nose-searing perfume of acrid smoke and steam. Its all gray. what you have.
Its all dirty. Cranes loom. Haze grips the air. Everything is And whos the one doing these brutal slayings? Lupines.
steel, asphalt, rubberand a lot of it suffers from a sheen of The district is home to a feral pack of tooth-and-claw shapeshift-
dark oil and a peppering of black grit. ers that hunt the oily asphalt and the steel heights, punishing
During the day, the places swarm with peopleworkers man for his grotesque indiscretions. A woman known as Mares
in yellow hats or protective gear hauling beams or cleaning out Tail heads the pack. To her, this place is a hell created by man, for
chemical tanks or pouring ladles of liquid fire into a cast iron man. She and her pack are just the attending demons.
pit. At night, the lights come on and the whole place is cast General Modifiers: Despite the bright lights, the stink
into a hazy orange or jaundice-yellow glowa hellish, bleary and the haze make Perception rolls difficult, penalizing sight-
light that washes out every star in the sky. Even then, while the based Perception rolls by 1 and smell-based Perception rolls
ranks are cut by almost two-thirds, the district is never without by 3 dice. The chemical poison thats seeped into the soil
its workersmen and women doing eternal scutwork. here penalizes Survival rolls by 4. On the other hand, Sci-
Used to be that this whole area was for manufacturing: ence rolls gain +1 and Crafts rolls can earn up to +4 (both
building ships, cars, storage tanks, steel beams, whatever. To- Skills gain the bonus from the myriad of useful and high-grade
day, most manufacturing jobs have gone overseas, allowing equipment in this territory).
decay to creep in at the edges. The district is ringed by a se- Control Conditions: A hunter cell has one primary means
ries of failed factories and facilities, places that have closed of controlling this territory, and that involves getting rid of the
up shop over the last decade. The buildings are empty husks, Black Smoke Pack. Unlike some packs, they dont attack en
gutted corpses of rust and broken glass. Squatters and gangs masse, because Mares Tail knows what can happen (see Mares
carve out small territories here, huddled cabals of addicts and Tail, pp. 3234). Instead, they turn to guerrilla warfare, traps or
lunatics that cant survive anywhere but the most blasted ter- attacking from the shadows before retreating. The pack shapes
ritory. The inner district isnt failingto the contrary, its do- conditions to suit its needs before strikingtheyre crazy,
ing quite well. Its a chemical district, for the most part. They theyre feral, but theyre also deeply cunning. They will fight,
make all kinds of products herepigments for commercial every one, to the death. Even if one of them remains alive with
products, atmospheric and specialty gases, advanced coatings the rest dead, the territory is still theirsthey have the shad-
and adhesives, and so forth. It all sounds fine, right? No wor- ows, the ghosts and the spirits serving them.
ries, no concerns. Progress is made. Industry is a beacon of Assets: Controlling the territory means having occasional
success. Thats the large view. The small viewthe view from access to some quality machine shops and laboratoriesboth
the groundis that the workers here dont want to be here. the Crafts and Science Skills can be bought up more cheaply
Theyve seen the truth of those stories themselvesthis place at a rate of new dots x 2. In addition, spending enough time
is fucking cursed. They dont put up those How Many Days in this area attunes one to the spiritual disruption caused by
Since the Last Accident signs anymore, because everybody the Lupines over the course of the last several years, and so
got tired of it never going past two. People get hurt here all the hunters are now considered to possess the Unseen Sense
too easilya man lost in a stirring vat of molten plastic, a Merit as it relates to spirits. Finally, hunters who create a Safe-
gas chromatographer suddenly blown halfway through a brick house here get two free dots in Safehouse (Traps), provided
wall, a foreman doing a pirouette off the top of a crane and they first buy up to two dots in Safehouse (Size).
crashing to the concrete 14 stories below. Liabilities: The place may be sprawling and in many
The murders arent as frequent anymore, but how fre- ways very defensible, but it has quite a few downsides. For
quent do murders need to be before somebody takes action? one, persistent exposure starts to poison the characters: unless
Once every couple of months, someone is violently killed, a character possesses Toxin Resistance as a Merit, after about
their body torn apart, like they were attacked by a bear or two weeks the characters will need to check against a daily in-
thrown into a machine and pulled out the other side. Youd haled Toxicity of 2. Thats the physical effect. Unfortunately,
think with all these killings, theyd shut the place down, bring the territory confers a spiritual effect, tooits a dark, blasted
Industrial District
Block by Bloody Block
lection of toys both new and old (some are worth quite a bit of was never so inclined. Even as a young man, he was dangerously
money, actually). Gillys not big-time crazy, but his Vocaliza- on the edgea predator of local neighborhood animals, a bully
tion derangement (mild) ensures that he constantly mutters at school and a sociopath. These days, he rarely spends time
whats on his mind. Gilly pretends to be deeply afraid of the out of his wolf form (see Werewolves, Hunter: The Vigil, pp.
wolves that hes seen, so much so that he hangs around the 318321) and appears only at night. Despite his sociopathic
workers and refuses to stray too far from where people can see tendencies, hes truly protective of his packobsessively so.
him. But Gilly has two secrets: his brother is actually the plant Erika Ridley, Overworked Scientist
manager at the pigment company, Metro Colors, and Gilly ac- Mental 6, Physical 4, Social 5
tually works for Mares Tail. He helps them isolate victims, he Erika is one of the top scientists at Smith-Novus. She is
feeds them other homeless and he passes them secrets. single-handedly responsible for shepherding a number of promi-
The Burned Man, Mysterious Spirit nent product lines to pharmacy shelves. Shes a focused worka-
Power 4, Finesse 4, Resistance 4 holic, but lately shes been suffering from fugues. She blacks out,
This ghost haunts the edges of the potters fieldnobody then awakens, often somewhere else within the labs. Nobodys
knows who he is, only that he sometimes appears as a cloudy seen her. The many cameras within the building fail to follow
apparition that looks sometimes like a swarm of flies, other herthey distort and seem to lose her image just seconds before
times like a man whose body has been charred beyond rec- she loses consciousness. After the first time, she found a black
ognition. Some speculate that chemicals in the park burned mark on the inside of her right thighshe figured it was a mole
him, while others think he was just another death caused by or skin cancer, but a doctor confirmed that it was actually ink.
whatever it is that haunts the district (i.e. the Black Smoke Every time she blacks out, another tiny dot tattoo appears next
pack). The Burned Man doesnt communicate beyond all his to the others, forming a so-far meaningless pattern. The last time
miserable shrieking. He remains largely in Twilight, but when she awoke, she was in the corporate building downtown, in the
he feels someone is too near to him, hell appear and bums CFOs office, holding a file full of sensitive financial data.
rush them, screaming all the while.
Marrow Wolf, Insane Werewolf Mares Tail, The Wild Woman
Mental 6, Physical 8, Social 2 Quotes: This is our hunting ground. You think you can take
The madness behind Mares Tail is a beast known only as it from us? You think you can contain what sleeps here? Step across
Marrow Wolf (named as such for his propensity to suck the the line and try. Step across that line, and die.
marrow from the bones of his kills). While shed never admit it, Thats a mistake, thinking me human. I was, once, and am
Mares Tail was once a sane, even sweet woman. Marrow Wolf no longer. Youre a disgusting breed, a flock of filthy chickens foul-
Industrial District
Story Hooks
The cell is contacted by a woman named Marissa Roycean
unmarried mother of two. She claims that the bestial wild woman
known as Mares Tail is actually her sister, Corrin. Marrisa is
clued into the truth and wants to save her sister from herself,
and shes willing to pay the cell to do so. The money is pretty
good ($50,000), though eventually the cell might learn that
Marissa sold her home to get access to that kind of cash. She
wants her sister rehabilitateddeprogrammed, she puts it. That
means capturing Mares Tail, which is no easy feat.
The potters field here is home to many bodies and, as
a result, many ghosts. One of these ghosts is said to be in
possession of some knowledge or a sought-after Relic. The cell
wants what the ghost has, but the problem is one has to pass
through this territory to get to the several square miles of
unmarked grave mounds, and Mares Tail owns this territory.
Mares Tail has no love for hunters. That said, shes not stu-
pid. Sometimes, as the saying goes, it takes fire to fight fire.
She comes to the characters with an offer: they can have free pas-
sage and even gain the Assets of this territory (though not full
control) if theyre willing to find the hunters that murdered her
pack and put a bullet in her head. The cell must bring those hunt-
ers to her, where shell extract justice from them. Will the cell
carry out these very brutal executions? Will Mares Tail actually
live up to her deal, or will she abandon her sense of honor and
betray the cell?
ing your nests. Youre no threat. Youre just an annoying creature, Corrin survived, though barely. That night replayed in
a whimpering meal. her head again and again, a deafening nightmare that always
[rumbling snarl] ended in the deaths of her friends. She thought to retreat to
Faction: The Black Smoke Pack (Werewolves) her human life to find some kind of sanity, and if she had, it
Virtue: Fortitude. She was shot in the head and survived. mightve saved her sanity. But her sister received a threat in
She can survive anything. She will survive anything. the mail, with a blurry Polaroid photo looking down on the
Vice: Wrath. The world has punished Corrin, and now death of Corrins packan image clearly taken by one of the
she punishes the world. hunters that almost ended her life, and who was now plainly
Background: Once, things were different for Corrin threatening Corrins sister. She resolved not to allow her sister
Royce: yes, she was a werewolf, made so beneath a full moon to be put in that position and fled her human life entirely.
on a lone country road. But she didnt lose sight of her hu- Shes since carved out a territory in one of the most pol-
manity back thenshe felt that she had a calm heart, a keen luted, foulest districts in the cityit suits her state of mind,
mind, a steady hand. She balanced her life as a creature with and proves to her just how disgusting human beings can be.
a wolf spirit and a human soul. She hunted with her pack, She has a new pack, now, a gutter-punk crew of madmen, mis-
tearing free of her clothes and running down darkened city creants and murderers.
streets and through murky puddles, but she also spent time Description: She was beautiful, once. Now shes too thin,
with her human family (sister, nieces, nephews) and friends given over to ropy muscles and hard edges. Her dark eyes follow
from her old life. her prey, never blinking, and her teeth clench so hard they might
That all ended about five years back with the crack of a snap. The most striking thing is what earned her her new name
rifle shot and a silver bullet that tore through the top of her of Mares Tail: The top of her head, just north of the forehead, is
head. Corrin was out hunting with her pack, stalking the alleys hairless, scarred by a dark, mottled, almost tortoise-shell pattern.
of the city for rogue ghosts and spirits, and they were attacked Its where the silver bullet shattered her skull (thankfully fail-
by a cell of hunters. The hunters, positioned on rooftops and ing to hit her brain). Now her dark mane only comes from the
fire escapes, rained death from above in a hail of silver. Corrin middle of her head and back, so she binds it all up in a clumsy
lay bleeding, gasping in an oily puddle as she watched the rest top-knot. As a wolf, she looks more like a harrowed wild dog,
of her pack cut down in their prime, bullets punching through mangy and rabid. As a half-wolf, half-human, shes a wretched
skulls and spines, wolves grossly contorting in the throes of blur of black fur and blood-stained teeth. In all forms, the top of
death while their bodies shifted to human form. her head is free of fur, left over to skin and skull.
Block by Bloody Block
Mares Tail
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits
4, Resolve 3
Physical Attributes: Strength 3,
Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Social Attributes: Presence 3,
Manipulation 1, Composure 2
Mental Skills: Crafts 1, Investigation
3, Medicine 1, Occult 2
Physical Skills: Athletics (Leap)
5, Brawl 4, Larceny 1, Stealth 3,
Survival 3
Social Skills: Animal Ken (Strays)
4, Empathy 1, Intimidation (Growl) 4,
Streetwise 1
Merits: Disarm 2, Fleet of Foot 3, Fresh
Start 1
Willpower: 5
Morality: 3 (Obsessive Compulsion)
Initiative: 6
Defense: 4
Speed: 15
Health: 8
Dread Powers: Fury 2, Gremlinize 3, Lurker
in Darkness 5
Powers of Tooth and Claw: pp. 318319, Hunter: The Vigil
Storytelling Hints: Shes filled with hate for just about Rapport: To earn positive Rapport with Mares Tail, you
everybodyeven her own pack earns her nips and scratches have to be ruthless and awful, ready to stoop to whatever ter-
more than they do her praise. Her anger has long subsumed rible tasks she asks. It isnt easy. Shes only comfortable around
her grief, but that sadness is still in there, somewhere. She those who are filled with rage, just like her. The exception to
dearly longs to be with her sister, to communicate with her. that being anybody who reminds her of her sister; they get
She leaves her territory on rare nights (birthdays, holidays) to a free pass. Everybody else is likely to end up with negative
watch her sister from a distance. Rapport, and that will only end in pain or death.
5 +1
Nightlife Circuit
Nightlife Circuit
Controlled By: The First Estate changed. The club district has grown darker, bloodier. Bodies
Examples: Bourbon Street, New Orleans; Red Light Dis- have been found drained of blood. The temperament of the
trict, Amsterdam; Rush Street, Chicago; South Beach, Miami nocturnal fiends has been pushed to the edgetheyre hun-
Think of this domain like a vampire: during the day, it grier, meaner, leaner, just itching for a fight.
sleeps. The sun is out, and the nocturnal district isnt much: Itll soon cause the district to boil over. The popularity
a bum with a hand-truck holding all his worldly possessions, of the circuit has diminished in some ways, grown in others
a stalker on a bike, a few bleary-eyed hookers emerging from (some humans are desperate for a little danger, and the threat
the mouth of an alley before catching a cab home. Mostly, its represented by the nightlife circuit gives it an authentic
just blowing trash and a few cars. edge), but its started to draw the attention of the police,
Then, at night, the monster stirs. It shakes off the cob- politicians and especially hunters.
webs anew and lurches slowly out of its torpidity. The restau- Strangely, the figurehead at the top of the First Estate
rants open first: all the fancy hotspots and slick upscale foodie pyramid just doesnt seem to care. John Dennison (pp. 3840)
porn dining experiences shepherded by celebrity chefs. The is an ancient monster given over to the comforts that his age
dance spots, strip joints and sex clubs open around nine and power provide; hes long lost the desire to make any great
neon winks to garish life, a dull gut-thumping bass can be effort to clean things up. And as his territory plunges into
felt on the sidewalk and cars and limos pull to broken curbs. burgeoning chaos, he remains comfortable at his corner table
But even then, the area doesnt really rouse until the witch- in his favorite Irish bar, St. Finians.
ing hour of midnight. Thats when it reaches its terminal General Modifiers: Socialize rolls are pretty easy here
velocity. Banging music. Dancing throngs. Money tossed at everybodys got a certain social lubrication going, so expect
live nudes. Drugs done in bathroom stalls. Drunken brawls to gain a +1 to +3 bonus depending on the hour (the later it
in back alleys. Dark deals done over an expensive foie gras is, the more drunken and more social it gets). Seduction rolls
and spun sugar platter. (p. 84, World of Darkness Rulebook) gain +1 to +3 in the
Point is, characters can find anything they dream of and same fashion. The Fame and Striking Looks Merits are both
desire here in the nightlife circuit: greasy spoon diners, sweet- amplified, with both the bonuses and drawbacks doubled.
ly-scummed strip clubs, high-end dining experiences, famous Sadly, Mental rolls suffer a distraction penalty from 1 to 3
and infamous nightclubs, elite sex showsthe works. depending on the level of noise, light and crowd size present
It is perhaps appropriate that this nocturnal district is (inside a club would be 3, whereas outside the club in a back
therefore home to its own nocturnal society: the vampires of alley might warrant only a 1). Stealth rolls suffer a hit, too,
the First Estate. The First Estate is a coalition of high-dollar with a steady 2 penalty; while it might seem to be easy to be
socialite blood-suckers: bankers, art dealers, club owners, stealthy in such dark clubs, too many people are present for
wealthy dilettantes, cruel Casanovas and so forth. This is their it to be truly effective. The only exception to this is Shadow-
sandboxthe humans merely play in it. In a sick way, the ing rolls, which gain +2 diceits very difficult to perceive
inhuman and human populations have long held a kind of if someone in particular is following you when its dark and
strange symbiosis. The vampires would feed from the humans, crowded.
but in return those select mortals would be allowed free drinks, Control Conditions: A direct assault on this territory
free dancing, free access to the coveted private roomsand is doomed to fail: if alerted, the vampires mobilize quickly
when the bloodsucking fiends grew bored of their pet du jour, and can make collateral damage a threat, even going so far
they locked them out of the privileged world once more, cast- as to holding humans hostage (provided thats something the
ing them back into the long lines and waiting lists. hunters would care about). Unusually enough, perhaps the
That symbiosis has been broken over the last yearthe best way to take this territory is by doing so subtly and from
unspoken and in some ways unknown agreement between the within. The circuit is itself a cluster of streets and avenues
societies of life and unlife has been lost beneath a surge of its the hunting ground for the vampires and they roam in
blood-hungry ennui. The vampires have enjoyed their privi- packs, but do so only at the hottest spots. Should a place
lege. Theyve stayed off the radar and have been able to hunt within the circuit fall out of favor for a time, it goes ignored
freely. As a result, theyve grown greedy. For a long time, it for months, even yearsplenty of time for a cell of hunters to
was a point of pride amongst them that they hadnt mur- stake out a mini-territory of their own. Even better, most of
dered anybodyor, at least, hadnt committed any murders the vampires (those kings of secrecy and paranoia) keep their
that pinged the authorities or made it to the papers. Thats havens and nests entirely outside the domain.
Block by Bloody Block
owner, Dimitri Porykov, has a perhaps not-so-unique formula other hunters try to take control, Esmerelda and the others
for attracting all those celebritiesmoney. He pays big to get wont be so keen to relinquish what they feel theyve worked
the big names, but hes unfortunately over-extended himself. for. She is amenable to a deal, though, that allows one cell to
Frankly, hes on the brink of losing Priceless, and is desperate control the territory during the day while her and her friends
to make fast cash somehow the crowds have already noticed own it at night.
that the celebrities have started to drift away.
The Red Horse Hotel
The Red Horse Hotel is a sex clubit operates as a
nightclub with Darkwave music, but its also a live public sex Story Hooks
venue. They put on shows of their own, but the guests are also
encouraged to get involved or stage their own performanc- A small cadre of vampires
es. Its a females- or couples-only club: bouncers arent keen comes to the cellthey want
to let in a bunch of single men, because in a scant few hours Dennison gone, and they
thats all the place would be. Even now, the city continues want help from the hunters.
Theyre not willing to cede
to try to shut down the club, but it always has a strong cash
the territory to the hunters,
infusion, and some of that cash finds its way into powerful but they are willing to throw
political hands. a big bucket of money at the
Briarwood characters as a pay-off. Is
The big thing going is restaurants started up by famous betrayal in the cards? Who will
celebrity chefs, and this ones no different. Its actually one betray whom? Can Dennison be
of Thomas Salvatores satellite restaurants (you can find the taken downshould he be taken
cannibal Salvatore on pp. 292293 of Hunter: The Vigil), down?
and it serves only very rare meals: still-beating cobra hearts, Its war. John Dennisons
various penis and testicle dishes and poisonous creatures missing. Someone has set fire
rendered (hopefully) inert through cooking, all on the prix to the Red Horse Hotel. Club-
fixe, changes-nightly menu. The dcor is rendered in autum- goers have been found at dawn
nal colors: reds, golds, oranges. The reservation list is full with their throats slit and
two weeks out at any given time, though a well-connected strange things stuffed into
individual might be able to get a table sooner. It should be the wounds (jackdaw feathers,
noted that Salvatore does not himself cook here, though cer- gecko skeletons). Odd ciphers
have been left behind written
tainly thats what they want the guests to think; in reality,
on walls. Whos doing this
its a bunch of wannabe chefs and fastidious illegals working and why? Some mad slasher?
the kitchen. Also, Salvatores true predilection (long pig, The punk asshole, Forty-
or human flesh) is never on the menu hereits only found at Four? Maybe a cell of Jagged
Briarwood Farm, his restaurant out in the country. Crescent Ascending Ones who
want to clear the way for their
Bit Players illicit trade? Do the hunters
Esmerelda Santos, Club Kid take advantage of the chaos,
Mental 7, Physical 3, Social 6 exploiting the madness to
A thin slip of a girl, Esmerelda plays the part of lost their own ends, or do they try
club doll perfectly with hollow eyes and dark makeup, nod- to curtail the chaos, even if
ding her head to a distant pulsing beat all the time. Truth that helps put control of the
is, Esmereldas a hunter, one of the Lucifuge operating with territory back in the hands of
the bloodsuckers?
a small cell (Roger Hamm and Shayna Sinclair are the oth-
ers) inside the Nightlife Circuit. This cell fully accepts that Omar Scalzis the way in.
vampires are not to be saved and deserve no sympathiesin If the cell can get him enough
fact, Esmerelda herself was once one of those girls allowed cash, theyll be primetime in-
vestors in Scalzis new club
a glimpse of the good life with a pair of bloodsuckers sup-
(whatever it may be), and itll
ping at her neck. When they got bored with her, they tossed give them a foothold in the
her out and left her wanting more. She got over it, and got territory. Of course, theyre
some friends from within her infernal bloodlineand now, also going to learn that Omars
theyre wreaking havoc on the vampires society from within. got a whole bevy of strange in-
How? Theyre leaving bodies behind without blood. Theyre vestors, and it puts the hunt-
writing messages in blood on alley walls and nightclub doors. ers in close proximity to some
Its absolutely true that the vampires have gotten sloppy, but dangerous figures. Is it a
this trio of Lucifuge agents is exacerbating the situation night worthwhile trade-off?
after night, in the pre-dawn darkness. If the time comes that
Block by Bloody Block
Omar Scalzi, Serial Club Owner before committing to one action) and Sloth (fail to commit
Mental 4, Physical 4, Social 7 to an action because its easier to do nothing).
Omars a wheeler and a dealer, and some say a total par- Vice: Sloth. See above.
asite. Nobody knows how he keeps bouncing back, but he Background: Lets just say John Dennison owed the
does. This is Omars general arc: he works up lots of money wrong people money. They knew he was a gambling drunk,
from investors and, flush with cash, opens a new club some- a raving loon, a stubborn soul whod grin through broken
where in the district. Then he inevitably does all the wrong and bloody teeth and ask for another pinch of snuff or one
things (rips out a kitchen to put in a VIP room, pisses off the last drop of the River Liffey on his tongue. The men he
employees, puts in a too-tiny dance floor), and the club fails owed money to in Ireland were not human at all, and these
inside eight months. Then, for half-a-year, Omars down on creatures were torn: Did they punish John Dennison with
his luck, but somehow, like an idiot phoenix, he keeps rising death, or did they give him a chance to pay back the pro-
from the ashes only to immolate himself once more. Hes a digious sums he owed them? They decided to go with both.
slick-talker, an ooze-tongued sycophant who will say anything They dragged him out of Killarney to the Black Valley at the
and do anything to convince investors that this time is the real far end of Macgillycuddys Reeks. One of the monsters mur-
deal. Some say he moves drugs or other illicit substances, but dered John Dennison by throwing him to the Beast of the
so far, no evidence of thats turned up. Black Stacks, an ancient bloodsucker kept to the furthest
Marie McLanahan, Blood Slave flung fringes of settlement, out where the darkness is pure.
Mental 5, Physical 5, Social 5 The Beast always exsanguinated her victims with the nest
Marie is the polite, smiling business side of John Den- of fangs one might call her mouth, but then shed weep
nison. Shes his blood slave, addicted to the rush of vampire great tears of black blood and vomit some of her own blood
blood and the almost-immortality its taste provides. Its her into the mouth of her victim. That victim would rise anew, a
job to walk into a room full of (sometimes half-feral) vampires wretched soul with the blood of the Beast pumping through
and calm them down. She offers assurances, payouts, nego- his dead heart. John Dennison was dead, yes, but now he was
tiations, special arrangements, anything to keep everybody given the curse of eternal life: one meant to be spent earning
happy. Its all little stuffall the big stuff Dennison promises, back the sums of money hed borrowed. That was 250 years
well, shes the one who helps ensure that none of the big plans ago, give or take a decade.
really get into motion. Shes a well-rounded individual who It didnt work out like theyd planned. Upon being
rarely flinches in the face of a room full of monsters, which granted the curse of immortality, Dennison found a kind of
actually makes some monsters afraid of her. grim focus, a bloody determination hed not felt in life. Those
Forty-Four, Vampire Punk who were the children of the Beast of the Black Valley were
Mental 3, Physical 7, Social 4 meant to be second-class citizens in the nocturnal society of
Dennison thinks of this vampire as a cancer in the sys- the Damned, forever consigned to being worker bees for the
tem, a rogue carcinogen floating around and unable to be truly true monsters in power. Dennison didnt much like that idea,
quashed. Hes a wild-eyed anarchist asshole, a guy whose face and led an uprising amongst those other vampires who had
is more pierced metal than skin, whose tongue is split down come from the poisoned blood of the old hag.
the middle, whose back is inked with tattoos of a hundred Dennison has fought tooth-and-nail for what he has,
profanities in dozens of languages. He takes his name from the finding a place for himself in the New World, in this city.
two Ruger Blackhawk .357 magnums he carries (old model, By now, Dennisons grown a bit fat and happy; he wont ad-
so theyre antiques that he actually rarely fires). Forty-Four is mit to it, but hes getting old, even for someone theoretically
nothing but problems for the status quo within nocturnal so- immortal. His tastes have grown refinedhe can no longer
cietyhe gathers up a gang and goes on a crime spree, which feed comfortably from the blood of the living and must in-
spooks the herd. Inevitably, the First Estate bloodsuckers put stead subsist on the blood of monsters (vampires in particular,
down all members of Forty-Fours gang, but somehow he slips though he happily sups at whatever fiendish vitae he can get
through and survives to fight another night. into his mouth). Even as his domain has been whittled away
to the point that he only controls this single territory (Night-
John Dennison life Circuit), he sat back and let it happen.
Quotes: Gentlemen. Ladies. We have been selling ourselves His ambitions are small, even though he claims theyre
short. Weve no pride, no grace, no bloody finesse. Its time to big. Really, all he wants is for the lessers within his estima-
make a grab at a brass ring once again. ble organization to stop rocking the goddamn boat. Theyre
Streets are flowing with blood, you say? And thats not a getting too brash, too bold, feeding wantonly, and that only
good thing? Well. So it goes. Find me the offenders. raises ire. So hes looking to branch out, take a nearby terri-
Weve gone and spooked the herd, have we? If the cattle tory (or, if possible, the Subways) where his people can go
stampede, well be crushed. Find the bulls. Cut off their heads, to feed without regard, mucking about in somebody elses nest
and bring them to me. instead of shitting where they sleep. Thats all he wants. Of
Faction: The First Estate (Vampires) course, he recognizes that some of his ambitious inferiors are
Virtue: Prudence. Dennisons nightly existence vacil- going to get uppity and try to take him out. Theyve done so
lates between Prudence (wisely examine all courses of action before, but hes amassed considerable power and allies since
Nightlife Circuit
John Dennison
then. Hes managed to put down every coup so far, though in bar, surrounded by men both mortal and immortal who would
his heart he knows one day theyll catch up to him. throw themselves into a crushing maw to save him. Why do
Description: Dennison has a wild, drunken look about anything that risks the comfort? Easier to lie very, very con-
him: unkempt sideburns, an eternal stubble, hair thats a little vincingly. For Dennison, words speak louder than actions.
too long and a little too greasy. Hes always stuffed into a dusty Rapport: As long as it doesnt screw up his comfort lev-
old double-breasted suita bright red kerchief and a shiny els, Dennison supports a weird sense of honor: if youre on his
gold pocket-watch are the only things on him that look clean good side (positive Rapport), hell do what he promises, pro-
and well-kept. His tongue often plays off his fangs. His yel- vided that theres an expectation that youll keep benefiting
lowed, tapered nails click on the bar table in the corner where him. He doesnt have friends, exactly, but he has a lot of allies.
he so often sits. On the other hand, getting on Dennisons bad side (negative
Storytelling Hints: Dennisons like a diseased spider in Rapport) earns one a spot on his blacklist. For the most part,
the center of the web. Hes all about the big plans, the sweep- he doesnt really enforce the blacklist until one of its listed
ing gestures, the momentous strategies meant to take back the members shows up in his territorythen he sets his men on
city one street at a time. But he never moves forward, because them to bring him the offender. But provided that his enemies
its all just talk. Food is brought to him; he rarely has to go stay off his radar, theyre forgotten until they reappear.
out and hunt up his own meals anymore. He can sit in his
Block by Bloody Block
This bizarre bearded freak came
around and stole a few of
Dennisons vampires; Dennison
sent the old fool packing
+2 +1
John Dennison
The Projects
The Projects
Controlled By: Souls Army got a doctor, got people tending to a roof-top garden, set up
Examples: Cabrini Green, Chicago; Dragoon Courts, people to work maintenance and put guards on each floor to
Detroit; Tasker Homes, Philadelphia (aka The Forgotten keep everybody safe (and in line). It was like a real commu-
Bottom); Couva da Moura, Lisbon nity (or an army): self-sufficient, contained and more than a
High-rise and run-down, the city projects are big, low- little autocratic.
income public housing units that have fallen to crime, cor- So how was it that Jimarcus was able to get everybody
ruption and decay. Theyre doomed placescities combat in line so fast? Jimarcus has a little secret: hes got magic at
white flight by gentrifying old neighborhoods, which means the tips of his fingers. Real magic, some powerful mind-fuck-
demolishing these places. Put up by city government (like the in voodoo shit as he puts it. Jimarcus is an urban sorcerer
Philadelphia Housing Authority), many housing projects end with a will strong enough that he can implant it in others
up forgottentheyre un-policed, left to brutal ganglords and minds. Some say hes got the genuine well-being of his com-
desperate drug kings. munity in mind; others believe that hes using them all for
This one isnt much different: built in 1967, these proj- some nefarious purpose. No one knows whether its temporal
ects were intended to hold 20,00030,000 residents in nearly (drugs, money, violence) or mystical (leeching magical power
two dozen high-rises, each over ten floors a pop. At the peak through the subversion of will).
of its population, over 95% of the residents were below the Needless to say, the demolition of the projects has
poverty line. Crime rose as a viable way to make money, and stopped; any city officials or construction managers who come
so gangs moved in, constantly making violent runs against around get sent home, either with a head full of new ideas
one another for tug-of-war control over the turf. People died. (thanks to Jimarcus mind-messing magic) or a chest full of
Big money filtered through the projects for drugs and weap- bullets. The police dont know what to do. To take back the
ons, but next to none of it ended up in the hands of residents. projects would require a momentous attack, because the Souls
Cops wouldnt go theretoo dangerous, best to leave it and Army is entrenched. (And such an attack would disrupt the
let it burn itself up. gentrification process and probably put white flight back
Ten years back, the city realized that it was a failed exper- on the citys menu.) Politically, its best to just leave those
imentpublic housing simply wasnt a viable solution. Slow- three buildings (Buildings 3, 5 and 7) up and squeeze them
ly but surely, the city began demolishing the buildings. What out over time. Unfortunately, they underestimate Jimarcus
are left are only three 16-floor high-rises; for now, the demoli- willpowerand his narcissism.
tion has stopped, but why? The residents got organized, thats Those entering the projects will find them dark and laby-
what happened. The city didnt care where the people went rinthine: while individual apartments are well-lit and kept
when they started razing the buildings to the groundthey clean, the hallways themselves are kept in shadow. Worse, hes
only gave them six months and $600 to get out and stay out. changed the layouts where possible, diverting some hallways
Most did; what choice did they have? with chain-link fence or busting through apartment walls to
Enter Jimarcus Slidell and the Souls Army. Jimarcus create new through-ways. He does this so to confuse any who
looked around him and saw a land of opportunitythese might attack the buildings, because he knows such an attack
drab, concrete buildings were like prisons, built to withstand is coming. These buildings are alarmingly well-fortified, and
arson and decay. He saw the remaining buildings as his castle he and his soldiers know every nook and cranny.
and kingdom, all rolled up in one, if he could take it as his General Modifiers: Non-residents suffer a 2 to their Ini-
own. Problem was, the people were unmotivated. By Jimar- tiative scores while within the buildings themselves. Percep-
cus standards, they were lazy, complacent no-goods (a term tion rolls are at 2 as well, at least out in the hallways and
borrowed from his grandmother). He decided to get orga- stairwells (the elevators, long-broken, have been removed
nized. He brought in his gang, the Souls Army, and started and locked up tight, leaving the shafts for Jimarcus men to
recruiting. Those who joined up got to stay. Those who didnt traverse alone). Tactics rolls, too, suffer a 2 penalty because
want any part of it were out on their ass (no six months, no its very difficult to get oriented and organized in a place de-
$600 check) or got a bullet in the head. liberately kept dark and chaotic. Of course, these shadowy
And those who did join were put to work. Some worked maze-like hallways also offer some protection (+3 to Stealth
for the gang itselfpeddling drugs, running guns, breaking rolls), lots of places to find substantial cover (3; overturned
legs, doing drive-bys. Most, though, worked on the buildings couches, piles of cinder blocks, coils of fencing material) and
themselves or worked for the good of the people. Jimarcus tons of improvised weapons lying around (rebar, pipes, con-
Block by Bloody Block
The Projects
form guerilla attacks on the cell, even if Jimarcus is dead. Oh, that his kingdom is under siege. When Mildred and Jimarcus
and the characters will get to learn the truth behind Jimarcus left, they didnt cover up the etched scripture. Anyone who
terrifying visions and nightmares, and may be the ones hold- goes down to the boiler room suffers intense terror, a fear that
ing the keys when it all comes to bear. stays with her for the rest of the daythis fear incurs a 3
roll to all Mental and Social rolls until she gets eight hours
Locations of sleep.
Apartment 1213 (in Building 3)
Nobody lives in Apartment 1213. They cant. Oh, peo- Bit Players
ple have tried, but about ten years back, a man enraged by Wallace Wilkins, Sneaky Janitor
the drugs pumping through his system took a shotgun and Mental 3, Physical 5, Social 4
killed his wife and two daughters in that apartment. He then Wallace is the handyman at the projects. Hes an older
went out in the hallway, where a few curious neighbors had fellow, in his late60s, rarely seen out of his janitors jumpsuit.
poked their heads out. He dragged them back into the room Hes a gifted man that can fix just about anything. Its Wal-
and shot them, too, dumping their bodies against the wall. lace that keeps this place in tip-top shape. Its also Wallace
Anyone he could grab and bring into the room, he would, thats spying on Jimarcus and sending back reports to the rul-
and there hed execute them. About a dozen bodies later, he ing council of witches (the Consilium, p. 19) in the city. He
himself was executed: a handful of gang members came in, has no magical inclinations himself (his charmed ability to
guns drawn, and riddled him with bullets. Blood was every- fix machines is just mundane skill) and keeps his thoughts
wherethe bare light bulb was even dripping with it, casting closely guarded. He plays the role of boring old man, as much
the room in a crimson hue. They scrubbed the blood away, a part of the room as wallpaper.
but it always returns, sometimes for five or ten minutes at a Mildred Hepburn (Mama), Elderly Babysitter
time. In the blood, faces can be seen that are always scream- Mental 5, Physical 2, Social 5
ing or weeping in pain. Those who spend more than 12 hours How old is Mildred, exactly? Heres a clue: she calls
in the room end up with a mild derangement; 24 hours makes Wallace Wilkins boy. Mildredor as Jimarcus calls her,
that derangement severe. The derangement fades after one
week (two weeks for severe). Jimarcus uses this room to pun-
ish transgressorshe tosses them in there, locks it up, and Standard Souls
leaves them there for as long as he feels is necessary. Some-
times he even lets two people fight it out in there, allowing
Army Soldier
only one to emerge alive.
Mental Attributes: Intelligence
The Greenhouse (atop Building 5) 2, Wits 3, Resolve 2
Atop Building 5 is a garden and greenhousenot much
special about it other than its surprisingly lush, given over Physical Attributes: Strength
to large vegetables and fruits that provide the dull concrete 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
building with a potent burst of color. Just beyond the green- Social Attributes: Presence 3,
house is a pigeon house, and both the gardens and pigeons Manipulation 2, Composure 2
are community-kept; no one individual tends to them. Char- Mental Skills: Investigation 2
acters may find Wallace Wilkins (below) up here, having a Physical Skills: Athletics 1,
cigarette. Brawl 2, Firearms 3, Weaponry 2
The Boiler Room (in Building 7)
Nobody goes down to the boiler room in Building 7, be- Social Skills: Intimidation 3,
Streetwise 2
cause the boiler room there is terrifying. Mildred Hepburn
(below) took Jimarcus down there one time to show him what Merits: none
he was really inheriting by taking over the projects. She pulled Willpower: 4
away some concrete and revealed a second wall beneath, Morality: 4
a wall of crooked mortar lines and blood-red brick. Etched
into the brick was a language that Jimarcus understood, secret Initiative: 4
words from the language of a civilization long dead. It told Defense: 2
him some of what he already knew: three buildings (castles) Speed: 10
would be left standing, and one king (him) would come to
Health: 8
rule the castles and build an army within them. The brick
scripture went on to say that this is something that will hap- Weapons/Attacks
pen again and again throughout timealways three castles, Type Damage Range Dice Pool
always a king and his army. And in the end, something comes
9mm 2(L) 20/40/80 7
and tries to tear those castles down, and the king dies trying
to protect them. Jimarcus believes this to be gospel truth, but Knife 1(L) n/a 6
thinks hes strong enough not to die when the time comes
Block by Bloody Block
Mamaruns a daycare inside the projects while the chil- cus. He would kill anybody that Jimarcus needed dead (and
drens families head off to work, whether outside the projects has killed, again and again). So when he slept with Petrushka,
or doing work for Jimarcus. Mildreds been around for a long it wasnt something he did intentionally. He doesnt have
time, and has been a part of the projects since their beginning. designs on the throne, so to speak. Hes just a dumb, stupid
She knows as much as anybodys going to know about the his- man who realizes his own failings but cannot seem to get past
tory of these places. Jimarcus doesnt tell anybody, but she was them. He prays that Jimarcus never finds out, but one day,
actually a close friend of his grandmother, rest her soul. Petrushkas going to blow it. Shes going to mouth off and give
Petrushka Kirov, Former Escort it all away just to hurt one of them, and then its ruined. An-
Mental 2, Physical 4, Social 6 thony doesnt know what to do. Hes thought of killing her,
The projects are predominantly African-American, but a but shes also whispered in his ear that maybe Jimarcus should
small contingent of the residents is comprised of immigrants: be the one to catch a bulletafter all, if Jimarcus dies, hell
Russians, Albanians, a few Poles. Petrushka was once a high- die a martyr. Isnt that the legend the man deserves?
price escort in Moscow, but is now exclusively Jimarcus wom-
an or so he thinks. Truth is, the dead-behind-the-eyes girl is Jimarcus Slidell,
a drug addict, which has killed what few scruples she once had. King of the Castle
For the last two months shes been cheating on Jimarcus with his Quotes: You a part of this mans army, son. I got your back
second-in-command, A-Mac (below). This is no hooker with a long as you got mine. Rest of the world can eat a dick and die, way
heart of gold; shes grown cold, emotionless, and has always been I see it.
more than a little conniving. Shes also not that bright (the drugs Its morning, man. Dont fuckin bother me. Talk to me
havent helped), so one day, shes going to slip up. Jimarcus really again, and Ill boot your teeth down your throat.
loves her, and when that happens, the whole of the projects may I got dreams for this place, brother. I see a well-oiled ma-
have hell to pay when his pride is taken for a ride. chine, churnin and burnin better than any gang or government up
Anthony (A-Mac) Mack, Conflicted Lieutenant in this city. Its some glorious shit. Heyyou wanna hear a joke?
Mental 5, Physical 7, Social 3 I got a funny one.
Anthonys loyal, and its not a false front. Hes a big, Faction: The Souls Army (Witches)
broad-shouldered bull-dog, with a tattoo that reads Souls Virtue: Prudence. Jimarcus doesnt fly off the handle.
Army on the back of his neck. Hed take a bullet for Jimar- Hes got a temper, sure, but it takes a lot of pushing to re-
Story Hooks
The hunters prey heads to the projects, and either earns
protection from Jimarcus or simply hides among the populace. The
cell now has to go in there to extract their prey. Its made
all the more complex when the cell discovers that Jimarcus army
has a few Ascending Ones among them, and they want to kick up
negotiations among the cell, the prey and Jimarcus.
Someone commissions the hunters to take out Jimarcus. Whos
setting them on the task? Probably a compact or conspiracy, but
the citys other witches hold no love for this iconoclastic thug
either and may try to get hunters to do their work for them. The
patron wants it done a specific way: they want the hunters to go
in undercover, become a part of his army and learn about the man
and his secrets before they go blasting him off this mortal coil.
Can they do that? What happens when they too become entranced by
Jimarcus powerful charisma and mind-manipulating magic?
Jimarcus bad dreams are right on target, and now its a zom-
bie apocalypse. A significant portion of the citys humans (or
at least those from nearby territories) are dead, but the kind
of dead where theyre up and walking around and trying to wrench
tasty brains from smashed skulls. What caused it? Bird flu? Comet?
Cheiron experiment gone awry? Whatever the reason, Jimarcus is now
the keeper of five powerful, very defensible buildingsand the
cell is trapped there with him. Jimarcus sees himself as the king
of the world, now, being the keeper of a truly safe place. But the
danger from the zombie attack is less about the zombies and more
about the perils born of other human beings
The Projects
Jimarcus Slidell
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3,
Wits 4, Resolve 5
Physical Attributes: Strength 2,
Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 4,
Manipulation 3, Composure 2
Mental Skills: Crafts (Gun Repair)
2, Investigation 3, Occult 2
Physical Skills: Athletics 3,
Brawl 2, Firearms 3, Larceny (B&E)
4, Weaponry 1
Social Skills: Animal Ken 2,
Intimidation 3, Persuasion (Fast-
Talk) 3, Streetwise 4
Merits: Inspiring 4
Willpower: 7
Morality: 3
Initiative: 6
Defense: 4
Speed: 11
Health: 7
Dread Powers: Agonize 2, Destiny
(Nemesis: Ascending Ones) 3 (pp.
56), Terrify 2
Type Damage Range Dice Pool Special
AK47 4(L) 150/300/600 11 n/a
.38 Snubnose 2(L) 20/40/80 9 n/a
Brass Knuckles 1(B) n/a 5 (Uses Brawl)
ally see the mercury pop out of his thermometermost of the gangbangers put out a hit on Jimarcus, throwing five mean
time, Jimarcus thinks and acts with a cool head. hunks of lead into his chest during a drive-by. It nearly killed
Vice: Pride. Jimarcus is small and boyish, but dont let his him, and left him comatose for over a month. That month of
appearance fool you. Hes a proud rooster, chest all puffed out, torpidity is when Jimarcus found himself climbing to a tower
certain that one day hes going to rule the world. made of iron and writing his name in a terrible, haunted book.
Background: Jimarcus was a thug at an early age. Left When he awoke from his coma, his magic was there, and he
with his grandmother by a pair of drug addict parents who used it to carve out a brutal niche in the citys gang culture.
didnt want the responsibility, he was pushing all kinds of poi- It was inevitable, he feels, that he return to the projects
son at the ripe young age of 11 years old. He was always a little where he was born, and he has great pride in what hes cre-
guy, but had a big mouthand he could talk or joke his way ated. He thinks its a mark of honor that the army comprises
out of damn near any bad situation. This kind of charisma those who are willing to work and those who will take their
put him off the charts and up the ladder, but he got tired of own pride in what Jimarcus has created. Anybody who doesnt
working for dopes and dumbasses and decided to move out on want to work, who doesnt have any pride of their ownwell,
his own instead. they can get gone or get dead.
Magic made that a hell of a lot easier to accomplish, and Description: Jimarcus is a pretty small guy, bony and
Jimarcus has to thank his near-death for his power in life. no taller than five-foot-seven. He walks around shirtless or
Not long after forming his own gangSouls Armysome with a blood-red wife-beater (red and blacks the colors of the
Block by Bloody Block
Souls Army) overtop a pair of baggy khakis. He doesnt wear Building 7 as an infinite throng of the decaying undead sham-
much jewelry: just one gold ring on the ring finger of his left ble endlessly toward his home. At the end of every dream, his
hand, encrusted with tiny diamonds (according to Jimarcus, kingdom falls and he is torn to pieces by the undead masses.
its proof that hes married to the projects). The ring is ac- Those dreams stay with him for the first hours of the day, and
tually a magical focus for Jimarcusit grants him +1 to all it makes him cranky enough to smash a bat against someones
Dread Powers rolls, but if its taken away, those same rolls suf- head if they bother him.
fer a 2 penalty. Rapport: Positive and negative Rapport with Jimarcus
Storytelling Hints: Proud as a peacock, cocky as a rooster. doesnt really move beyond the walls of the projects, largely
Jimarcus is loud, charismatic and often times hilarious. When because Jimarcus himself rarely moves beyond those same
it gets down to business, hes still laughing, cutting up, even as walls. Positive Rapport means a character gets to walk freely
hes putting a bullet in some chumps temple. Only time hes within the three buildings, and high Rapport means being
dreadfully, deadly serious is in the morning, until a few hours able to access some of Jimarcus resources (soldiers, weapons).
after getting up. Jimarcus suffers from terrible nightmares that Negative Rapport means either being blocked from entering
place him as the doomed king of the projects, trapped within or being killed on sight.
+3 +2
Sarah Haversham Iggy Bayani
Shes come calling a few times, Jimarcus doesnt see Iggy as
and Jimarcus has given her competition, and in fact thinks
some soldiers for odd jobs the Filipino thug might be a
good ally to set up shop in a
nearby territory, so he provides
him with info, maps and money
3 3
Jimarcus Slidell
Controlled By: The Better Way (Slashers/Cult) from all churches. The groups membership is easily in the
Examples: Bucks County, outside Philadelphia; Framing- dozens, nowall totally unpaid volunteers. Their message
ham, outside Boston; Richmond, outside London; San Fer- and aim is simple: they point out the hypocrisy and negativ-
nando Valley, outside Los Angeles ity present in their community while striving to fix it. The
The suburbs embrace their homogeneity. Roundabouts Better Way does as the name suggests: they point out that
and cul-de-sacs feature cookie cutter housestwo-car garage, there surely exists a better way to do things. Be nicer to one
postage stamp lawn, in-ground pool, two floors, beige or yel- another. Embrace courtesy. Pick up a piece of trash off the
low or taupe siding. On the other side of town, one might street. Say something nice to a neighbor. Do a favor. Pass it
find the same thing from 50 or 60 years pastboxier homes on. And above all else, smile.
given over to pastels and a whiff of art deco. In between lie It sounds great, and in many ways it is. Their group works.
the chain restaurants, the big-box stores, the strip malls and Their improvements are undeniable. But, just like Suburbia
the parking lots. itself, a sinister rot lurks beneath the smiling faces and neatly
Its a bedroom community. Few people actually work pressed clothes.
here; most commute into the city. Its often believed that the The Better Way is a cult. Most dont see that side of it,
suburbs are a white community, and thats true to a point, but when you join, you learn. They perform love bombing
but its really a community about classism, not racism. This to bring in those who are starved of attention and affection,
is where the upper-middle-class reign supremecolor isnt as giving love that is wholly conditional. Fall in line with the
significant as long as one can pay to play. If you meet the un- cult and you are adored and treated with respect and warmth,
spoken, never-noted requirements, you have access to the best but buck the trend and go against the grain, and you earn im-
schools, roads without potholes and a diligent police force. mediate scorn and reprisal.
Its near the city without being the city. It has limited They gather in gymnasiums and living rooms, uttering
connection to public transit; just a single train stop. Very strange, non-religious self-affirming prayers and poems over
little is within walking distance. The population density is and over again. They consult one another instead of old
well below what one would find anywhere in the metropolis, friends and family. They shop at the same places and eat at the
which means the crime rate is low (even if the traffic rate same restaurants. They reward those who reward the commu-
remains high). nity, and spurn those who will not. Even teenagers are getting
Theyre also well-marketed. The suburbs dont get much in on the dealthe Better Way Students is a sub-group of the
a lot of press; when negative stories arise, they get squashed. larger body, a clique within the schools that notes its members
The tales and images rising from Suburbia show smiling faces via the cornflower-blue wristbands they wear. They do not
in feature storiesa cat that can play the piano, a rising bas- glimpse the entirety of the cult-like behaviors, but they have
ketball star, the biggest tomato. their taste of it. Some teenagers need to be loved and wanted
Its all a faade. Decay exists beneath the surface in Sub- by their peers, and this group is a perfect outlet for that.
urbia, always just pushed out of sight. Teens rebel and go mad, Oh, and the Better Way kills people.
given over to potent antidepressants and snorting their ADD Its true, at least for the topmost members of the Better
meds. Crime lurks beneath the surface; meth has invaded, Way, all of whom are slashers. It seems strange that theyd
embraced by a populace who just needs that extra edge to do be rampaging killers, but ultimately theyre not. The lead-
better at work or to get a little extra cleaning done at home. ership of the Better Way, represented by Anton Alexander,
House developers are corrupt, building their new, same-style knows that to bring such goodness into this world is difficult.
homes with materials far below code. The many flavors of To constantly give and give is taxing, and it goes against our
abuse are widespread: reported instances of date rape are biological urges. Anton has come to understand that a kind
down, but actual date rape is up, as is domestic abuse. Abuse of balance must be struck for some people. Those who truly
of prescription medications is through the roof. Nobody sees sacrifice for the community must be given somethingor, in
it, and at the same time everybody sees it. Instead of acknowl- this case, must take somethingin return.
edging the rot in the log, they simply turn it over so a better So Anton kills. He does not kill here in Suburbia; that
side is showing. would only draw negative attention. Nobody who is a part of
One group doesnt turn away from it: the Society for the this community deserves to die. But the city is home to a mil-
Better Way (or simply The Better Way). This community lion wasted livesthe wayward homeless on the street, the
group is unaffiliated with any church, and in fact has members debauched executives who live and work above the clouds
Block by Bloody Block
and everybody in between. To give so much of himself, Anton rolls also suffer 2 dice. Of course, clean and well-lit adds up
seeks to express himself with gleaming knife and hatchet. Its to a +2 bonus for Perception rolls. Most of the people in the
not something he does often, only a few times a year (though neighborhood are politically-oriented (locally and beyond),
its happening more often). so Politics rolls gain +2.
At first it was just him, but he saw the signs in others Control Conditions: The Better Way is entrenched,
among the Better Way. They were having a hard time fully with members are far and wide. This means that putting a
giving themselves over to the improvement of community claim to Suburbia necessitates a war on two fronts. First is the
and society. The negative side threatened to come crawling war against Anton and his slashers. These upper echelon cult
through. Whenever Anton senses this, he takes them to the leaders represent a dangerous though subtle physical pres-
city and shows them the secret. Together, they murder. Its ence. Theyre patient, like a trapdoor spider: When the time
not random: they dont murder those who appear to do good. is right, they emerge from the shadows and stab, bite, hack,
They murder those who are worthless or cruel, who take more shoot. They always try not to kill anybody here, but if given
from society than they give. And it feels good. They revel in no choice, theyll certainly make do.
the blood: Its a powerful release. The second front of this war is for the minds of the resi-
Right now, the Better Way only has about seven slashers dents. The Better Way is insidious, and has the devotion of
among their numbers, but more are sure to come of it. The many citizens, but some of them have been coerced. Amongst
rest are just followers; they serve the society with unswerving the locals is also a not-so-vocal contingent of people who think
devotion. Those who fail to give such devotion are pushed that the Better Way adherents are weirdoes and hypocritical
into it by programming or brainwashing tacticsand, if that crusaders. But its important to note that simply destroying the
fails to work, theyre blacklisted. Theyre left to the wolves, leadership of the cult doesnt actually diminish it, and may in-
and a subtle propaganda campaign is set against them. Soon, stead make it stronger. The members of the Better Way have
Anton believes all of the community will join, or at least em- the ear of the police (and many are police). Theyve developed
brace, the Better Way. Why wouldnt they, after all? a deep connection to local politics. Hunters hereespecially
General Modifiers: In Suburbia, everythings eerily well- those who are strangerswalk on unsteady ground.
lit and many corners are watched by stoplight cams or CCTV. Assets: Assume that taking the territory leads to another
As a result, Stealth rolls suffer a 2 penalty. Streetwise rolls dot of Resources for one of the hunters, because they can tap
suffer a similar 2 penalty (the neighborhood quashes any ur- into some manner of money-making (real estate, protection
ban influence). Its also pretty clean. The faade of a happy, rackets, bodyguard duty). In addition, each of the hunters
safe, organized community makes Survival rolls difficult; those gains two dots in Allies, geared toward one of the following:
police, politicians, fire department or teachers union. Finally, 491 Cherry Lane
Suburbia presents lots of opportunity for (sometimes very The neighborhood kids say its haunted, or that a mon-
fake) social maneuvering and pandering: both the Persuasion ster lives inside, or that a serial killer murders people there.
and Socialize Skills now only cost new dots x 2 to purchase Its a run-down Victorian at the dead end of the road that
Liabilities: Suburbia has a very distinct criminal under- looks nothing like the clone-stamped homes that line the rest
ground unique to this area, but just because it exists doesnt of the street. Plants grow wildivy and wisteria compete to
mean its easy to come bySkills with an illegal bent are see which one can first choke out and tear down the structure.
harder to gain (new dots x 4), and this includes Firearms, Lar- Raccoons and possums frisk around the porch late at night,
ceny and Weaponry. while during the day the place is home to an impressive col-
Consequences: The monstrous consequences are low: ony of feral cats. The Better Way has tried to buy the prop-
taking this territory doesnt seem to ping the radar of most erty, tried to get it condemned, pushed to get it torn down
creatures that stalk the darkness, as they wrote off the suburbs or covered with a big black sheet or excised from the town
a while back. The problem is really a human one. The Bet- mapsanything. But always theres resistance, because some-
ter Way is a brainwashing cult with slashers at its fore, but it one actually lives there, someone very old and very wealthy.
actually does some good for people. Removing them from the Thats not to say the place isnt hauntedit is. Moans escape
equation allows the festering rot to begin all over again: crime from the cracked windows at night. Shadows without much
rises, abuse continues, madness creeps in at the edges. Unless shape move past windows. Occasionally, blood (Oh, surely
the cell can take over the good work that the cult does, theyll its just rusty water) drizzles down the downspouts.
find that the territory slowly starts to fall apart.
Bit Players
Locations Mitch Goldberg, Young Conspiracy Theorist
Goners Arcade Mental 6, Physical 4, Social 4
Its an old-school arcade like you dont see much of any- Mitch graduated from high school last year. He was al-
more. Its filled with old school machines (pinball, Galaga, ways a good boy, a good son whose parents want to give him
Zaxxon) and new stuff (DDR, Mario Kart Arcade, digital the world. They think with his camera skills, he should go to
jukebox) in the space of an old busted-up bowling alley on film school in the city, maybe try to make his way in that in-
the edge of Suburbia. Its a haven for miscreants and malcon- dustry. Thats not what Mitch wantsat least, not anymore.
tents, the types of teenagers and hipsters who think the Better He used to be a big fan of Hollywood, but thats all over with
Way should shove its head up its ass. One of their regulars, now. Hes seen it. He knows somethings up. Mitch has slowly
Dale Burnham, has gone missing (murdered by Anton outside grown more and more obsessed with conspiracies, the occult
the territory limits), and thats freaking them out. Another and the certainty that monsters walk among us. Hes joined
weird thing: theres an old video game machine in the corner, up with Network Zero, and brought a bunch of his buddies
and sometimes it goes haywire. The screen flashes, shudders along, too. Theyre convinced that somethings up with the
and shows some kind of weird cipher. Everybody assumes its a Better Way, but have no proof yet. But hell get it if its the
machine error code: maybe it is and maybe it isnt. Whatever last thing he does, and it just might be if hes not careful
the case, Goners Arcade is where Mitch Goldberg and his Mitch makes occasional forays into the city to meet with oth-
Network Zero crew hangs out (see below). er Netzo hunters, and doesnt realize that Anton Alexander
Central County East High School has been shadowing him for the last three trips.
Recently renovated, the local high school is a three-story Lydia Turner, Perky Shop Owner
Fort Knox of a high school. The building is fortified, loaded Mental 4, Physical 3, Social 6
to bear with cameras and metal detectors and RFID badges so Lydias pretty high up in the Better Way, and shes got
the administration can track individual students if they need enough weight to throw around in the group that she can
to. The third floor, near the home ec lab, is where one can more or less make people come to buy her candles and cook-
find the student offices of the Better Way Students Organiza- ies and other junk. Lydia isnt a slasher (yet), but her life is
tion, which has actually displaced the student council as the weighing on her. Running a store that nobody buys from isnt
ruling body for each grade level. easy. Being chirpy sweet and a courteous neighbor is hard on
Creative Creations Candle Store her soul. Shes taken to drinking in the evenings, and Anton
It seems like an inauspicious little candle store, but to the and the others see whats happening to her. Theyre planning
Better Way, its the front line in a war against invasive com- on inviting her into the city soon. They want to teach her
merce. The Better Way supports small business, but thats the how to vent that stress.
last thing Suburbias been about over the last ten yearsall Efrem Mendoza, Desperate Outcast
the big-box stores have pushed out the little guys. Recently, Mental 4, Physical 6, Social 5
one of the Better Way members (Lydia Turner, below) opened Efrem doesnt belong here. He knows this because hes
her own store selling her own homemade candles and some been told thissometimes to his face, and one time on a note
bakery goods made by other Better Way members. Business wrapped around a brick that made its way through his front
isnt greatgenerally, the only customers are Better Way window. Some seem to think hes an illegal immigrant just be-
cultists who care to support the cause. cause he comes from the city, but thats bullshit. He was born
Block by Bloody Block
in this country. His parents, while not affluent, were reasonably mately shell betray the hunters, leading them right into her
well off. Hes got his own landscaping business, and yes, some husbands deadly hands.
of his employees are illegalsbut, up until recently, everybody
in town was just fine with using them to cheaply get their yards Anton Alexander,
mowed and trees planted. Then the Better Way gained ground, Architect of Death
and they start pulling some kind of down-low propaganda cam- Quotes: I love this community. I grew up here. My family
paign against him and his people. They asked him to join, and isnt just my wife and daughter. My family is all of you wonderful
in typical Efrem fashion he told them where they could cram people.
the idea. Now his life is falling down around him. He can barely Since Im among friends, I want to speak plainly: this town
make his mortgage payments on a pretty nice new house. His has pockets of sickness, and our work is the medicine that will cure
wife is threatening to leave him. Hes had to put his two kids it. Ours is the better way.
into public school. Hes thought about getting into local poli- Youre trash. Youre vile, execrable garbagea bottom-
tics, but all efforts have been stymied probably by the Better feeder, a scum-hungry mud bug. I am going to gut you. I am going
Way. Hes getting angry and desperate. to spill your poison. I am going to purge you from the community
Leigh-Ann Alexander, Antons Wife record, you piece of shit.
Mental 5, Physical 3, Social 5 Faction: The Better Way (Slasher, Cult)
Leigh-Ann is Antons wife. She doesnt work, instead Virtue: Justice. Doing the right thing is paramount, even
managing their householdshes good at both bookkeeping at the cost to yourself. The greater good is the greatest thing
and laundry, and shes a very perceptive woman. So perceptive of all.
that she knows exactly what her husband does. Shes come to Vice: Pride. Doing the right thing is paramount, except
terms with it: Antons a good father, he provides his family Anton cant be convinced that anything he does is the wrong
and community with wealth and love, and the people he kills thing. His self-righteousness blinds him.
are worthless. Leigh-Ann could never do that herself, and she Background: The way Anton tells it, his parents were
hasnt let Anton know that she knows, but shes comfortable paragons of morality, people who were righteous without
with all of it. Hunters looking in from the outside may think needing the church, who were good and honest farmers with
that they can get to Anton by telling her the truth, but ulti- a strong moral compass. And, to a degree, thats true. Anton
Story Hooks
Someones been leaving bodies on the cells turf. The bodies
are cut up with various knives and sawsall elegantly done with
purpose and clarity. Investigating the murders, the hunters
track it back to Suburbia, where they encounter the Better Way
cult. Its likely to be a troublesome encounter: The group is
entrenched, they protect one another and they seem to have
genuinely made headway toward an improved community. Antons
also an influential man, and if he senses the characters sniffing
around, he might come to them offering favors. If they turn those
down, hell offer only death.
One of the Better Way slashers has gone rogue. After all, its
difficult to contain psychopaths, and now one of them is killing
in Suburbia, leaving bodies around and drawing unwanted attention.
Anton doesnt know which one it is. He arrogantly believes he
could never be caught himself, so he approaches the cell and asks
them to step in and investigate. Hes willing to pay handsomely
for them to fix the situation, or at least identify the killer
for him so he can handle it himself.
Really weird shit is going on. That arcade machine has been of-
fering up its weird ciphers lately. The house at Cherry Lane is
starting to make really disturbing noises (like a high-pitched
shrill whine). People have seen things lurking down beneath sewer
grates. Mitch Goldbergs caught some really strange shadows and
flickering lights in the sky on video. Somethings coming. Is it
ready to enter this world because of the Better Way? Have they
purposefully summoned something? Or did they do so unwittingly,
calling to earth some mad spirit or demon because of their oppres-
sive and occasionally murderous ways?
usually leaves out the part where they used to lock him up was out in the city with his mistress, and Anton surprised Bar-
in the barn for hours or even days when he was bad. Several one just as the man was getting into his car to head home after
times he almost starved to death. Being locked in an old dusty a night of hard eating and drinking. He slit the mans throat
barn late at night does things a child; the skittering of rats, and put Barones head through the drivers side window before
the creak of boards and the wind howling through a knothole fleeing into the night. The rush was empowering.
can create some intense images in a young mind. These days, Antons got a wife and daughter (Leigh-Ann
He thinks hes put it all behind him. He graduated high and Antonia, respectively) and will do anything to protect
school with honors, went onto become an architect and them. His daughterage fiveis his proudest achievement in
eventually ended up designing many of the homes that make this life. She can do no wrong. He loves her unconditionally.
up the residences of Suburbia. It was when he discovered the Description: When hes just Anton, hes a tall, fairly
deep corruption in the real estate and home-building markets good-looking mana well-trimmed beard, nicely-groomed
that he conceived of the Better Way. He didnt want to be hair (with just a tinge of silver coming in at the edges), dark
privy to such favor-mongering. He wanted to do honest work, and handsome eyes. His voice is a comforting baritone. But
like his parents. when hes in slasher mode, Anton dons a black hooded sweat-
He formed his group, but found stiff resistance from his old shirt, a pair of dirty and blood-spattered jeans and a filter mask
boss, a local real estate developer named Nick Barone. Barone (like the ones worn at construction sites).
Anton Alexander
Block by Bloody Block
Storytelling Hints: Antons a psychopath, but he be- Rapport: As noted, its easy to gain both positive and
lieves that what hes doing is the right thing. He believes his negative Rapport with Antonserve him, the cult and the
murders are righteous, that his work as a scourging agent and community, and it goes positive. Do anything against the
architect of death is just. Sometimes, a wooden beam is rot- community interests and it turns negative. Positive Rapport
ten or flawed, and you cant leave that beam in the house, leads him to help a character enter the communityhe intro-
lest the structure collapse. He sees himself as simply fixing duces them to important people, helps them to secure loans
errors. Those who meet him in the course of a normal day or gets rid of their problems. Negative Rapport is just the op-
have a hard time sensing the serial killer within; Anton ap- posite: he attempts to ruin that person (like he did with Efrem
pears warm and friendly. Prolonged exposure, however, shows Mendoza) in the face of the community. Strong negative Rap-
his love bomb techniquehe loves you immediately, giving port means hes going to try to stab someone to death.
new members and friends the shirt off his back if need be. But
one tiny mistake and he turns, castigating the person until
they work to re-enter his good graces.
1 +1
Anton Alexander
Mares Tail
Theyre kindred spirits, in a
small way; Anton killed one of
his victims by stabbing him
once and letting him run into
the Industrial District, where
the Black Smoke Pack finished
the job
The Subway/Train System
The Subway/Train
Controlled By: Black Blossom Court (Changelings) minds of most of mankind, and gladly abuses her abilities in
Examples: Berlin U-Bahn, The T (Boston), London favor of momentary happiness gained largely through the dis-
Underground, New York City Subway, Tokyo Metro comfort of others.
Beneath the city is a labyrinth, a tangle of dark tunnels Miss Nyx doesnt hold court on any one train, station or
and dead-ends. Some of these subways have been there for tunnel: she has her people everywhere, both other change-
a long time. Once they served as access tunnels or drainage lings who worship at her feet and those so-called ensorcelled
channels, but now trains punch through the darkness, blast- humans who have been entranced by her myriad powers. If
ing down the shadowed tracks at 50, 60, 70 miles per hour. someone wants to speak with her (which is strange, because
The trains run most hours of the day and night, rocking tubes few even know shes there), she doesnt bother arranging for
filled with a wildly diverse cross-section of humanity: club a time and a place. She just makes the people jump through
kids, late-night workers, early-morning lunatics, priggish so- hoops (Leave 13 blue roses on Track 9 at the Watchers Mar-
cialites, piggish bankers, drunks, homeless, housewives, cops. ket Station, and be sure to wear a pair of blue suede shoes, as
The tunnels themselves are bleak, black passages. The well.) to meet her.
water drips forever while rats scurrying about and tribes of the Recently, Nyx has grown weary of hiding down here. She
homeless gathering in niches around the warmth of exhaust knows the subways are a coveted territory, and shes ready to
vents (some have lived so long in the dark that their eyes give it up in tradeshe wants a new niche, a new playground,
have grown pale, adjusting to the shadows). and is willing to cede the trains and tunnels to whoever will
Its easy to believe that this is No Mans Land, that no- give her a nice slice of domain above-ground.
body really owns or controls the subways and their tunnels. General Modifiers: Riding the subways often enough is
A monsters or hunters passage is all but guaranteed: nothing like Streetwise 101; a character overhears things, sees gang
stops them from using the tubes to traverse the city in relative symbols, identifies easily who belongs to what neighborhood.
safety. While riding the subways, assume that characters can gain
Of course, thats given them some ideas. How perfect a +1 to Streetwise rolls. Stealth is blissfully easy in the dark
would it be to claim the subways, to put a sentinel on each tunnels (+4) but difficult on the mostly well-lit trains (4).
train, to ensure that none shall pass without tithing to the Free wi-fi access allows a +1 to Computer rolls (using laptops
master? or PDAs), but ironically, the cell signal in the subways sucks
Some have tried. Theyve all failed. A pack of vampires so bad that a call cant be kept on the line for more than five
gets uppity, and a few of its members are dragged into the seconds. Nobody seems keen to chat on the trains, so Social-
darkness or pulled onto an empty train car that wasnt there ize rolls suffer a 2 penalty, but Intimidation rolls gain +1 due
before. Hands rip at them from shadows, a straight razor slices to cramped quarters, unpleasant lighting and an expectation
out of nowhere or hallucinations encroach like an army of of abuse and mugging. Note, too, that traversing the dark tun-
demons. Then theyre tossed out at the next stop or thrown nels isnt easythe Storyteller is right to occasionally call for
into a dumpster just as the morning light is about to pierce the heavily-penalized (3 to 5) Wits + Composure rolls to try to
citys steel and glass canyons. find ones way through the darkened maze.
Whos protecting the subways? Whos keeping the peace Control Conditions: Its actually pretty easy to take con-
between factions that think they can war in the tunnels and trol of the subwaysNyx wants to give them up. If someone
on the trains? can offer her something, especially a hunk of territory above
Its a small group of changelings, actuallya rag tag ground, shell probably take it, abandoning the tunnels within
bunch calling themselves the Black Blossom Court, shep- a few nights. Taking her out, on the other hand, is tricky: she
herded by a morose girl-queen calling herself Miss Nyx. De- knows the tunnels quite well, and all her changelings gain +3
spite what it may seem, they dont guard the subways out of to Initiative due to this intense familiarity. Think of her like
some misguided sense of honor or humanity. No, they claim a trap-door spider: she hides, and strikes only when she has
the subways because theyre dark, out of the way placesper- the upper hand.
fect for rejects, lunatics and self-hating fiends whod rather Assets: Taking control of the subways means getting an
stay away from the harsh light of either sun or moon. Plus, automatic free dot of Allies (Homeless), and buying further
all those people! Herds upon herds of unsuspecting fools, all points in Allies (Homeless) has a reduced cost of new dots
so easy to toy with, to make slaves of and then discard! Miss x 1. Controlling the subways also grants a +3 Initiative to
Nyx hates herself, but loves the power she has over the numb those who are able to hold onto the territorythe shadows
Block by Bloody Block
and the confusing tangle of tunnels and train maps can be Blossom Court protects the entryway that leads to the train,
quite advantageous to those who know how to work it. Plus, only allowing those through who have positive Rapport with
theres free transit. Miss Nyx. Some may wonder: Does this gospel somehow
Liabilities: Most hours of the day and night, excepting connect to the one scrawled on the chest of the (supposed)
maybe the wee hours between 3:00 and 6:00 A.M., the char- angel, Eliezer (pp. 6567)?
acters will be in a crowdthe subway trains are usually pretty The Playground
full, full enough that Merits like Fame and Striking Looks It isnt just about tunnels. Sure, the subway systems got
have increased drawbacks: attempting to recognize the char- a lot of them, but tunnels are bigwide and tall enough to fit
acters gains +3 (not +1) for those characters who control the a whole train. The system also has no end of smaller hiding
territory and thus spend perhaps inordinate amounts of time placesdoors that seem to go nowhere, stairs that lead down
on the trains. Also, controlling the subways means spend- to more stairs, access hallways that are half-collapsed, rooms
ing a lot of time theresome Skills are very hard to practice that appear to have never had a purpose at all. One such an
while spending so much of ones time in the dark tunnels or area is considered the playground for Nyx and her Black Blos-
lit trains. Assume that any Mental Skill (except Computer som Courtbetween the White Line and the Black Line sits
and Investigation) cost three more experience points to raise a whole area accessible only by a locked door (one door on
when buying a new dot: going from zero to one dot would each side). The area between, though, is huge: giant fans cir-
mean paying six total instead of three, while going from four culate air as part of the ventilation system, a few computer
to five would mean paying 18 total instead of 15. servers sit beneath a grimy veneer of dust pumping out wi-fi
Consequences: As noted, taking control of the subways while an unused but functional console monitors the trains
isnt really that hard, but keeping control will be. The vampires and tracks and stations. The Black Blossom Court owns this
want this place, and they want it badly. Theyre willing to re- place. If anybody needs to get in to check anythingtransit
new efforts to claim it, because its an ideal hunting ground police, subway adminthey have to go through Nyx. This is
at 3AM, a few bleary-eyed drunks or addicts filled with sweet also where the Court holds morose little parties or mad rev-
toxic blood are so easy. Also, when Nyx goes, she takes her els. Sure, Nyx holds court on any train you can find her, but
small cadre of entranced transit police with her, which means this is where she really gets down to businessplaying with
that the transit police are no longer necessarily friendly to the minds of her human toys, trying a whole host of strange
any controlling owner. Messing around on the subway with drugs, giving deranged pep talks to those gloomy, masochistic
violence can be dangerous, because anything that can be con- changelings who call her queen.
strued as an attack on mass transit can just as easily be spun
as a terrorist incident, which brings local and federal law Bit Players
enforcement (and potentially Task Force: VALKYRIE) into Darnell Hopkins, Lead Transit Cop
the equation. Mental 5, Physical 5, Social 3
Darnell Hopkins is one step below the head of the transit
Locations police in the subwaysthink of him as the on-the-ground
The Graffiti Gospel of the Dead Line leadership, since his superior is in an office somewhere
The tunnels are home to dozens upon dozens of dead downtown and has no idea what really goes on down here.
endstunnels that once were started but never finished, or Darnell, depending on whos looking at him, is either a good
tubes that were walled off at a certain point and left to disuse. man hopelessly devoted to protecting Nyx, or hes her mind-
One, though, is unique: at the dead end waits a lone train raped thrall whod throw himself in front of a speeding train
car. Its windows have long been busted in. Its now a home to to save her. It might be both. Darnell thinks of himself as her
blind rats, hungry spiders and a colony of bats. The train big brother, even though hes a 65 black dude from a poor
called the Dead Line by those in the knowhas been there family and shes a weird little white girl who comes from
since the subway first opened in the 1920s. The train is cov- wherever weird little white girls come from. Darnell makes
ered in graffiti, but few realize that the graffiti changes in ac- sure things work out in Miss Nyxs favor whenever possible.
cordance to whoever is looking at it. Those who have ques- Verm, Feral Vampire
tions to answer or problems to solve can go to the Dead Line Mental 4, Physical 7, Social 2
train and examine the symbols painted there in an effort to Verms a vampire, a hideous, deformed vampire. Hes na-
try to get some direction or a part of a solution. Those who ked most hours of the night, crawling through the darkness of
dont have specific questions find that the graffiti may speak to the tunnels with about as much presence of mind as a hungry
problems they hadnt consciously brought to the surface: fam- dog or a lost cat. Nyx feeds him like a pet. Those who cause
ily issues, guilt over a murder, fears about an almost-forgotten her or the subways trouble (some banker gets grabby with the
enemy. Attempting to examine and decipher the symbols women on the train, some thug tries to steal some kids iPod,
(which may necessitate one or several Wits + Occult rolls) a cell of hunters come sniffing around) might end up dragged
is troubling, though: those who do so gain a mild derange- into the darkness and thrown to Verm the way one throws a
ment or hunter Tell (Storytellers choice) for one week after hunk of steak to a chained-up Rottweilerexcept Verm isnt
visiting the Dead Line train. It must be noted that the Black chained up.
The Subway/Train System
Cataract Sally, Deranged Victim like Nyx, some half-human creature that crawled his way out
Mental 5, Physical 2, Social 3 of a broken fairytale land. Sixes acts as Nyxs representative;
Miss Nyx is capable of guilt. She doesnt show it, and it instead of meeting with her, most get to meet with Kenny. His
doesnt really alter her behavior any, but guilt lurks within her job is to be politely and obliquely obstructive to other peoples
gut, a secret acid forever burning. Sally was once a fashion wants. In fact, Kennys got his own agenda down here in the
modelup and coming, not anybody youd knowthat Nyx dark: he doesnt want to leave the subways, and is fearful that
felt it necessary to toy with, again and again. Nyxs manipula- Nyx is going to sell out their subterranean kingdom. Hell try
tions left Sally lost to hallucinations most hours of the night, to sabotage a deal wherever possible.
convinced that she was hideous and that everyone hated her.
The abuse went too far, and one night Sally put out a cigarette Miss Nyx,
in her left eye and had to be rushed to the emergency room. Queen of Dolor and Despair
Then, like a kicked animal that has grown used to its abuse, Quotes: Oh, boo-hoo, wah, wah. Baby doesnt like being
Sally returned to the subwaysno longer hallucinating, but punched in the eye and chained up in front of his queen? Lick my
her mind plainly broken. Shes homeless now, just one of the boot to say youre sorry, little baby.
others. But Nyx, when she has a free moment, sneaks down I am weary of these trains. My ears ring with the rattle. My
and takes care of Sally, giving her food, money, clothing. Nyx nose is forever filled with the smell of piss and axle grease. I want
doesnt want anyone to see this behavior. something bigger. Something shiny. Can you help?
Kenny Sixes, Freakish Representative Eventually, I suspect youll all betray me. Thats all right.
Mental 6, Physical 4, Social 5 Then the pain will be over, either for you, or for me.
Kenny is Nyxs right-hand-man, a tall, freakishly thin Faction: The Black Blossom Court (Changelings)
slip of a boy with two sixes for eyes (think the way an LED Virtue: Charity. To those who deserve it, Nyxll give the
or LCD readout on an alarm clock glows). He is a changeling moon.
Story Hooks
Nyx is ready to give it upshes been offered a deal that
will allow her to share some of the Nightlife Circuit if shes
willing to hand over the subways to the First Estate vampires
(see Nightlife Circuit, pp. 3540). The hunter cell hears of this
potential deal, and knows when its going to go down. Do they try
to dissuade one side or the other from taking the deal? Do they
use it as an opportunity to try to off both parties on a speeding
subway train? Will they do anything when Nyx is inevitably
betrayed by the vampire lords?
A coalition of compacts and conspiracies (possibly shepherded
by VALKYRIE, or maybe put together by Malleus Maleficarum) decide
to reclaim the subways. They fear a terrorist threat, and dont
want such a precious city resource in the hands of monsters. Those
who arent with them are plainly against them, and casualties
(both innocent and not) are expected. Are the hunters on the
side of the bullying coalition, acting as a part of it? Do they
sabotage it from within or form their own coalition in response?
Or do they join with the monsters to help keep the subways and the
people in them safe?
The real truth emerges: Nyx doesnt want the subways anymore
because shes tired of the burden. Those who control the sub-
way must abide by an ancient pacta pledge, she calls itwith
the city itself. In the deepest reaches of the forgotten tunnels
of the subways is a tunnel that goes nowhereor, more specifi-
cally, it goes somewhere very bad. Light doesnt shine there, but
if you listen very closely, you can hear something growing, like
the sound of vines twisting around one another. Sometimes, things
emerge from this impenetrable shadow, strange fairy tale creatures
with a terrible bloodthirst or a need to destroy mens minds. Who-
ever protects the subways must never let these things out into
the lightand thats something Nyx doesnt exactly make clear when
shes doing the deal.
Block by Bloody Block
Vice: Lust. Its not really about sex, though that figures ground and hide from the rest of the world. Once upon a time,
into it. Nyx just has lots of urges and desires, and shes impa- Nyx was just like them, and found herself elevated to the top
tient about getting them fulfilled. of their mad ranks by virtue of being crazier than the rest of
Background: Nyx doesnt know much about who she was them. Lately, though, Nyx has started to re-evaluate her situ-
beforeand claims she doesnt want to know. Secretly, how- ation. Shes still a sad creature, forlorn over a life lost that
ever, she wants to know how it all happened, how it is that might be an illusion, but shes no longer comfortable with
her memories hold the faintest glimmer that she was once a hiding. Her sadness and madness have come together to form
normal girl with hopes and dreams and friends at school and a perfect partnership, and its time, she thinks, to bring this
a pair of loving parents. She wants to know if its true that she to the surface. She wants to carve out a niche for her and her
was taken away in a black carriage bounding down a muddy crazies that doesnt necessitate that they hide underground in
road between two towering walls choked with thorns and ros- the dark tunnels and trains of the citys subway system. Thats
es, or if thats just a dream, a crass justification to make herself her goal: to ditch this territory in favor of a better one. Shes
feel like shes not really the monster. Sadly, Nyx is willing to still weighing her options, but certainly the Nightlife Circuit
believe shes always been a monster out of some twisted fairy (pp. 3540) is just the kind of place Nyx would like to get a
tale, and that her dreams of having once been human are just hold of and choke the life right out of it.
to salve her flagging sanity. Description: Hunters will, for the most part, see Nyx as
Nyx is the head of a rag-tag group of changelings, a dozen just a normal girl, though shes still pretty strange-looking.
or more grief-struck lunatics who are happy to remain under- Shes pale and pasty, and wears rags and tatters of fishnets, silk
Miss Nyx
The Subway/Train System
and leather. The only constant bit of clothing is her stone- shes more than happy to humiliate them, to subvert their will
washed denim jacket with a Huey Lewis and the News logo and make them do her bidding (all the better if she can do it
in sequins on the back. Nyx overdoes it on the dark makeup, without using her Dread Powers, but shes more than happy to
and seems to feel that her hair is the best place for artistic dip into her mystical repertoire if need be). Sometimes, Nyx
expression (mousse-spackled and fire-red one day, pale blue cuts herself with her straight razor, and the dark cuts and scars
and hanging in front of her eyes like a curtain the next). If she show up as inverse spots of bright light on her shadowy flesh.
uses her Dread Powers or if hunters have Endowments that Rapport: Its a bit oddif Nyx has positive Rapport with
allow them to look through a monstrous masquerade, they a character, she dimly recognizes that by liking those people,
will be able to see her true form, which is a photo negative of they have power over her, so she tries to stay away from them.
herself, as if she doesnt naturally exist in the visual spectrum When shes in their presence, the Rapport is there and works
of this world. just fine, but shes not a happy kitten. She doesnt like to be
Storytelling Hints: Nyx hates herself. She wont admit liked, and doesnt feel comfortable enjoying the company of
it, so she often puts herself in situations that earn her ha- others. Negative Rapport works the other wayshe tries to
tred or create enemies. Since she cant always act upon her surround herself with those who have no power over her, who
self-hatred (how would that look in front of her sycophants?), seem to dislike her. Sometimes, she hopes to reward those
she sometimes has to act out her hatred on others. Shes not who despise her; other times, she simply aims to punish them
really comfortable with torturing people or killing them, but deeply.
+2 +1
2 3
Miss Nyx
Block by Bloody Block
The University
Controlled By: The Haven (Demons) infernal fiends, the university is actually known as The Ha-
Examples: Columbia University, New York City; Temple ven. Booth helps lesser demons hide in the shadows and prey
University, Philadelphia; University of London on the unwary, and he assists greater demons with blending
Academia just doesnt look that good these days, es- in, often helping them secure positions working somewhere
pecially not here, in the citys chief university. Not enough on staff or faculty (in fact, the Assistant to the Dean, Sharya
money is coming into the university system, not from public Shah, is herself a greater demonsee Bit Players, pp. 5960).
funding, and not from private. Buildings havent been updat- Frankly, its a playground for the infernal. Demonsonce
ed in decades, and many would probably fail code violations thought of as daimons or daemons, creatures of wisdom and
(but its cheaper to pay off an inspector than to invest the knowledgecan offer easy bargains to desperate students,
cash into fixing the problem). The library has the most up-to- and find a certain kinship with the hierarchical and esoteric
date books if its 1989. The classrooms have mold problems. academic world. Fact is, students have so much they want: a
The dorm rooms are like concrete coffins. The only moder- good grade earned, a teacher punished, a rival diminished, a
nity one will find around campus is from the computer labs body improved, romance inspired. So many Vices waiting to
dotted around the area and the handful of fast food joints that be fostered, and so many demons lingering in the dark, eager
ring the university. to help.
The university is a sprawling heart of academic decay: Make no mistake: Booth is the one in charge. Somewhere
the main urban campus comprises a liberal arts college, a in Hells hard-to-grasp hierarchy he seems to lurk above these
medical school, a law school, and a host of other specialized other fiends, and it gives him some kind of malefic authority.
programs, all on eight city blocks (about 50 acres), almost But despite seeming to be just a creepy scarecrow of a man
8,000 apartments and nearly 20,000 students. Its stuck in pushing a broom, he also carries some authority over humans,
one of the worst neighborhoods in the city, and while few too. Fact is, Booth hates people, and he likes to make them
will admit to it, the crime easily bleeds into campus life. Not do his biddinganything to humiliate these hairless apes. For
enough streetlights and too few campus police (who arent the last ten years, hes put together a false Skull-and-Bones so-
worth much of a damn anyhow) mean that muggings, drug ciety called the Ink and Blood Boys (though it includes female
deals and sexual assaults creep up year after year. It doesnt members). Its a group whose origins supposedly date back 200
affect admission, thougheven if they did release that data, years, but thats just a lie Booth spins to give it some sense of
the fact remains that the university hands out scads of schol- historicity. More on this group can be found on p. 60.
arships and remains a very inexpensive alternative to those General Modifiers: Heres a grim irony: Academics rolls
who live within the state. suffer here. Any such roll made using university resources take
The shadows are long and dark here on campus, and on a 2 penalty because its all outdated, outmoded informa-
thats only the ones the students and faculty can see. Grim tion. The computer lab, on the other hand, is one of the uni-
forces work behind the scenes, too, ensuring that some who versitys strongest resources, and so Computer roll using the
walk the universitys halls are little more than puppets. colleges resources gain +2 dice. Medicine rolls using hospital
The infernal has taken root here. About two decades resources also gain +2 dice. Meanwhile, campus resources in
back, a greater demon known only as Tom Booth took a job places like the computer lab or the hospital are poorly secured,
here as one of the custodial staff. Few know why he gravitated and all Larceny rolls made against standard campus security
toward this university in particular, but speculation has flour- gain the 9-Again quality.
ished. Some say that deep beneath the university grounds in Control Conditions: At any given time, the university
the old tunnels is a gateway to Hell itself, and that Tom waits is home to a half-dozen or more greater demons, and three
on this earthly side to help his diabolical brethren squirm free times as many lesser demons. They have the place in rela-
from that shattered realm. Other stories claim that the library tive lockdown: they control campus police, they control the
is home to a secret cache of old demonological tomespow- administration and they have eyes and ears everywhere (stu-
erful grimoires that could be used to both summon and ban- dents, custodians, maintenance, teachers). A direct assault is
ish creatures like Tom, and that Tom protects these books to doomed to fail because the university is so sprawlingby the
ensure that no one can find them. time the cell gets to Booth or any other demon, the cops are
Whatever the true reason, Toms here, and hes made probably on their way. Booth is preternaturally aware of what
sure to make it a place very friendly for demons. Amongst the goes on around campusits like hes bound to it, somehow.
The University
Thats not to say a direct assault would fail, but hell know the
cell is coming, and the university offers a great opportunity for
The Hadley Vault
innocents getting harmed. A cell could instead war with the
One of the universitys founders, Roger Hadley, had a
demons of The Haven using the bureaucracy against them
brotherCarlton Hadley. Roger was the straight-laced aca-
planting their own agents amongst the staff and attempting to
demic and had a good business sense. Carlton loved knowl-
subvert the demonic influence from within. Another option
edge for the sake of knowledge; the weirder the information,
is bringing something to bear that would get the demons to
the more he was attracted to it. Roger created a room in the
flee altogether, but what might do that? An elder demon, per-
library for his brother, a small vault in the basement behind
haps? Is that why Tom Booth refuses to provide a safe haven
a locked (and now keypad-driven) door. Behind this door is
for such potent fiends?
a wealth of unusual and esoteric books that includes forgot-
Assets: The numerous computer labs make it easier to
ten mythology, strange fairy tales, diaries of the paranormal
practice and learn new tricksbuying dots in the Computer
and a whole collection devoted to demonology. Its a hunters
Skill now only costs new dots x 2, cheaper than before. In
wet dream, because the folklore contained within can give
addition, while holding the university as territory, the hunt-
any hunter an edge (at least a +3 to either Academics or Oc-
ers may purchase the Intelligence Attribute at a reduced rate
cult). The students have no access to this, and only a rare few
(new dots x 4).
teachers even know about the room. Tom Booth is the only
Liabilities: Again, unless the cell is able to punt the uni-
demon with access to this, and he takes meticulous care of the
versity into modernity, Academics is actually harder to gain
tomes within. If hes ever running from a cell attack, hell go
dots in, represented by an increased experience cost (new
to the vault and lock himself inand, if necessary, will start
dots x 4). Also, because this place was so mired in infernal
to destroy the books.
influence, for the first year after the demons are ousted, any
Access Tunnels
controlling group cannot gain Willpower back through ac-
Below the university runs a series of access tunnelsa
tions dedicated to their Virtue while actually on or around
labyrinth of hallways that were (poorly) walled off about 60
years back. Most students know about the tunnels, but only a
Consequences: The cell might oust the demons, but fail
rare few every year actually find themand sometimes, those
to realize that the demons left behind a legacy: a cult of infer-
students go missing. The tunnels are home to a number of
nal adherents known as the Ink and Blood Boys. This gaggle
lesser demons (see sidebar, Tunnel Demons) and play host
of uppity academics (mostly students, but some professors)
to the secret ritual chambers of the Ink and Blood Society.
has grown quite accustomed to serving the demonic. Now the
The tunnels are also a great way to get from building to build-
cult is mostly headless, but like a decapitated chicken its still
ing without being seen. For whatever reason, Tom Booths
running around. The cult remains hidden, using guerrilla-like
preternatural senses fail to track whatever happens in the
tactics to make trouble for the cell.
dark tunnels.
The other consequence of taking the territory is that the
Parking Lot B
university is on a slow-but-steady downward slide. Its a di-
The common warning is dont park there. The lot lights
minishing territorynot in size, but in value. The cell will
are all busted (any time they put up a new bulb, someone
find itself tasked with more than just dealing with monsters;
breaks them with a pellet rifle or .22). The asphalt is cracked
if it wants to continue to gain some value from this domain,
and will sometimes blow out a tire. Its too close to the bad
theyll need to do more than patrol and upkeep; They have
neighborhoods that surround the campus. Unfortunately, the
to foster some kind of improvement. On the other hand, this
rest of the campus is full. Someone always ends up having to
isnt a hotly contested territoryonce the hunters claim it,
park in the 100-space Parking Lot B and walk that terrifying
theyre likely to sit unopposed for a while.
walk to their dorm or to the student union building. And 99
out of 100 people escape unscathed. Its that unfortunate one
percent that gets mugged, beaten up, sexually assaulted, or (in
R&D: Castigation rare cases) drained of some of their blood by an enterprising
(and hungry) vampire.
The Hadley Vault counts as
a repository for books of the Bit Players
Devils Library (pp. 199201, Sharya Shah (Nihasa-nina), Demonic Assistant
Hunter: The Vigil). In addi- Mental 5, Physical 3, Social 7
tion, those Lucifuge who lay The Assistant to the Dean is a greater demon. Shes a
claim to the University as a beautiful, exotic woman in conservative dress, and forms the
territory find that new fantasies of student and teacher alike. During the day, shes
Castigation rites with the all business. She ensures that the university machine runs
Enhance Skill or Incur Derange-
as expected, and she also makes sure that the demonic popu-
ment Features cost two fewer
Practical Experience to create lace of The Haven is given free rein as per Booths orders.
or purchase. At night, Shah is a succubus; its what she does, its how she
feeds. Mostly, its the university dean that is the target of her
Block by Bloody Block
lustful predationsEdgar Rivers is a married man with three Morality) put forth by the fiends. In return, theyre granted
kids (one of whom goes to this school), but most nights he good grades, the prettiest or handsomest lovers, and the best
works late and has a tryst with Shah that he cannot escape. parties.
Those who fall prey to Shahs maneuverings find themselves Timothy Midwood, Ink and Blood Boys Student Leader
deeply enervated after sex with her: the following day, they Mental 3, Physical 6, Social 6
cannot regain Willpower, and in addition suffer a 2 penalty Timothys the student leader of the Ink-and-Blood Boys.
to all Mental rolls (they feel both foggy and given over to dis- Midwood is a middling student and a cocky jock prick who
tracting fantasies of Shah). Those who dare to speak of their gladly abuses his position at the top of the food chain. Once,
trysts with her do not fare wellmost end up missing, perhaps Timothy mightve had a soul or a shot at being something of
thrown into the tunnels for the demons that lurk there. his own man, but thats long left him. Hes given too much.
The Ink and Blood Boys (Generic Member) He wont ever know the value of a days worth of work, and as
Mental 3, Physical 4, Social 6 the days go on, his soul is eaten in patches.
The cult provides an elite in for privileged students Candace Taylor, Abused Girlfriend
that are either not that intelligent or just cant be bothered Mental 5, Physical 3, Social 6
to expend the effort. The cult functions as both an expression Candace Taylor (a sophomore) is Timothy Midwoods
of behind-the-scenes favor-mongering (its members work ex- defeated and abused girlfriend. Shes the target of his head-
clusively to help other members), but also as a vehicle for games and intense passive-aggression, and suffers from his
the worship of Booth and other demons. They worship the insults and (rare) compliments. Luckily, shes growing wise
infernal, and commit immoral tasks (certain to slowly erode to it and starting to get a backbone. Part of that is because
The University
Story Hooks
The demons are riled. A plan comes together. Strange symbols
end up all over campuscampus police thinks its some kind of
hate crime or gang symbol, while the students figure its just a
frat prank or a viral marketing thing. Thats all wrong. Theyre
infernal sigils taken from the pillars of the palace of Lucifers
temple, Pandaemonium. This entire time, Booth has been building to
this: hes summoning an elder demon, the creature above him in the
hierarchy, some kind of archduke or president or general in the
abyssal army. Can the characters get on campus and figure out the
symbols before its too late? Even if they claim the territory,
what happens when they find out the rituals already half-complete
and that the elder demons already starting to come through into
this world?
The Brotherhood of St. Athanasiuspart of the Malleus
Maleficarumhas set its sights on the university. The hunters of
that conspiracy know that the school is home to a nest of demons,
and these extremists arent too thrilled with that idea. So
theyre going to burn it all down. The cell catches wind of this
only one day before the awfulness goes down. What do they do? Is
there any chance to stop it or lessen it?
The Hadley Vault might be considered the real prize of this
territory, but its utility goes beyond the expected. Really, this
room can serve as a powerful Macguffin for any game. The Aegis Kai
Doru may want some ancient Relics and grimoires contained within;
the Loyalists of Thule may want it to complete their research;
the Null Mysteriis may want desire some of the more scientific or
pseudo-scientific tomes; and the Lucifuge may want the demonologi-
cal texts, either to send to Milan or to burn so they dont fall
into the wrong hands (some rumors persist that Tom Booth was ac-
tually summoned to the university by an older, maddened Carlton
Hadley). With so many hunter groups potentially competing over the
Hadley Vault, it makes for a tense conflict.
shes starting to figure out that something really weird is going just give in, to accept that what hes doing is right regardless
onCandace is a smart girl, and before too long shell puzzle of what his mind sometimes tells him.
out the truth about demons. Really, shes almost a hunter, and Vice: Pride. Tom thinks hes better than everybody else.
will soon pick up the candle so many others have in the past. He thinks hes better than the demons beneath him and the
Can she find others like her on campus, and will her curiosity humans way beneath him. He knows hes not at the top of
get her killed? the cosmic ladder, but hes deluded himself into thinking hes
pretty close.
Tom Booth, The Thin Man, True Name: Caacrinolaas-Labolas
The Bone Demon Fiendish Flaw: The Imperfection (p. 284, Hunter: The
Quotes: Im nobody. Just a man with a broom. Vigil)
I see. You want something. You want to know something. I Background: Tom Booth hates you. He has always hated
can make that happen for you. I am a man that knows things. you, though you may never know it. Humanity, to Booth,
Thats a difficult question to answer. My services do not is disgusting and ignorant, a giant squirming mass of fools.
come cheaply. Take this card. Call this number from a campus This hairless ape is the creature that claims dominion over
phone, and someone will tell you where to go from there. The only the Earth? This is the being supposedly sculpted out of the
things I ask you to bring are a fountain pen and an empty inkwell. fundament, made from Gods hands to represent God in this
Fail to bring these, and youll suffer repercussions. Now, if youll material world? The meek shall truly inherit.
excuse me, duty calls. Tom doesnt remember precisely how he got here, and
Faction: The Haven (Demons) hes not sure it matters. But this is the story hell tell to those
Virtue: Faith. His memories of Hell are uncertain, and who are worth hearing it: he believes that he was a being of
his sureness of purpose remains tenuous, so its best for him to pure knowledge, an angel of wisdom who saw that the actions
Block by Bloody Block
Tom Booth
of God were not wise at all. God was bent on making mistake He remembers turning the tables on one such sorcerer and
after mistake, and only Lucifer was willing to illuminate such escaping into the world before being cast back into nothing.
divine errors with an eye toward correcting them. And for He remembers coming to this university, getting a job, and
speaking up, for daring to try to make things better, Lucifer basking in his detestation for humanitys weaknesses.
was cast into the deepest pit. Those loyal to him (like Booth) Booth actually works at the university; its no lie. Hes a
fell willingly into that forever abyss, taking out as many an- janitor, and has been for the better part of ten years. He has a
gels as possible with bloody swipes of shadowy blades. In the small apartment just off-campus, living amongst the students
impenetrable darkness, Booth was a teacher to other demons, just one street over from Fraternity and Sorority Row.
and taught them how to find the cracks in their prison so that Description: Booth is a scarecrow stuffed in a janitors
they could escape into the world that God had made. jumpsuit, a skeleton swaddled in ill-fitting human skin. Hes
The thing is, sometimes Booth actually has flashes of his too tall, too thin, has too many angles to himcheekbones
earliest time, and its nothing like the stories he tellsrather, that might cut, elbows like bony spurs, big teeth that are flat
he remembers being a weak, sniveling thing conjured out of but sharp. This is not his imperfection (see Fiendish Flaw,
shadow in a Persian temple somewhere, and summoned again above), though. No, Tom hides his infernal imperfection
and again throughout the centuries so he could teach forbid- wellhis back is riddled with puckered craters. Theyre like
den secrets to those sorcerers who dared to call upon him. acne scars, but deeper and more numerous. Hunters who
The University
glimpse him out of the corners of their eyes might see his in- Rapport: Its difficult to foster positive Rapport with
fernal nature writ large: Booth is truly skeletal, with wings Booth, but not impossible. First, you have to be smart. A
made of tiny delicate bones (like the bones of a birds foot) person who does something Booth doesnt expect or who
bound together with dark silk. If Booth manifests his Strange somehow outsmarts him is a character that Booth respects
Form, this form gets weirder: his pockmarks manifest mouths and theyre few and far between. Second, it doesnt hurt to
that whisper secrets and blasphemy. be friendly toward demons. Booths created a haven for the
Storytelling Hints: Booth speaks in calm, clear tones, infernal herebeing determined to send them back to Hell is
sounding too erudite to be a university janitor. Hes usually not a good way to get on his good side. Earning positive Rap-
very good at concealing his utter loathing for humanitys port with Booth means he might actually throw the character
weaknesses, but once in a while he fails (mechanically, he some information or a favor without asking for anything in
fails a Resolve + Composure roll) and it comes out with a return, and thats a rare feat for a demon. Negative Rapport is
sneer and a few harsh words. Generally, making deals with easy to earn, however. One wrong word, one dumb action and
Booth is a perilous proposition: he wants what you have. Booth dismisses the person. The deeper the negative Rapport,
Girlfriend, money, beloved diary, whatever it is that a person the more Booth is going to try to screw that character with
claims nearest and dearest, Booth wants a part of it. His deals convoluted deals and no-win situations. He enjoys outsmart-
often end in him getting what a character loves most. ing the foolish and taking what they have.
+2 5
Tom Booth
She and her cronies came
sniffing around, and he made
sure they werent welcomehis
magic will not be hers
Block by Bloody Block
The Others
The city is home to some characters and factions that, Sometimes, man, you got to fuck things up. You got to make
at present, have no claim to territory or only lay claim to a waves. Cut off some hands, maybe some heads, you know?
relatively worthless postage stamp of the metropolitan area. Whatd you say about my lolo? Say it again and Ill cut out
These forces work in parallel to the cell, most likely, trying to your tongue.
reclaim some territory of their own. That means these groups Faction: Pinoy Asero (Mortal Street Gang)
might eventually run headlong into the hunter cell. Will they Virtue: Justice. Iggy has a very strong sense of right and
compete? Destroy one another? Forge a tenuous alliance? wrongtoo bad that sense is totally screwed up.
Vice: Wrath. Every day is another small revenge for Iggy;
Iggy Bayani, any perceived slight, and hell get his vindication one way or
Machete-Wielding Motherfucker another.
Quotes: Time to take back our shit. Background: Iggys got two big familiesthe first is his
real family, his blood. Iggys got four brothers and three sisters,
Iggy Bayani
The Others
and they all have a herd of children. Iggys not the head of Eliezer, Angel of the Gospel of
that family, though. His lolo (Filipino for grandmother) is Vitiare, Prophet of the Void
the matron in charge of the family, and Iggys completely in
awe of the old woman. Quotes: Things are only improved when they are broken
The other family is Iggys ganga mixed Filipino and and rebuilt.
Hispanic gang, the Pinoy Asero. Iggys top dog in that Reduce the finite to the infinite to be shown the path to resur-
group; theyre not a big gang compared to some of the oth- rect the Demiurge.
ers throughout the city, but what they lack in size they make I am a thousand mouths of mercy, a million hands of hate.
up for in spirit. Theyve earned a rough reputation for being I am both the wisdom and the waste. Read my flesh and taste my
completely batshit. They dont carry gunsonly machetes, blood. Become one with the Dead God. Amen.
knives and other bladed weapons. They rarely kill, but they Faction: The Army of 318, also known as the Children
often chop people apart, leaving them to limp home without of Vitiare or the Children of Vitiation
a foot or a hand or either ear. Virtue: Faith. Eliezer is an embodiment of pure faith,
They dont have territory outside a single block just a creature born of the belief that everything he does is the
north of the Projects. But the Pinoy Asero, theyre hungry proper thing, a thing of undeniable fate.
for something bigger. The strange thing about Iggy is that hes Vice: Wrath. Eliezer believes strongly that one should nev-
this close to becoming a hunter. Hes seen things. He knows er make an enemy of an angel, and all his anger is righteous.
somethings going on. But so far, hes not had direct contact Background: This is what Eliezer believes true about him-
with the monstrous factions. Thatll happen soon enough. self: he was child to Nimrod, grandson to Cush. His father was
And when it does, Iggyll be sure to wade into the Vigil with the son of an angel, and Eliezer was both son and servant to
his crazy eyes and rusted machete. his nephilim father. He was given to Abraham to be the head of
Description: Iggys built like a steroid-pumped bulldog: Abrahams household, and helped to rescue righteous Lot from
short, stocky, muscles bulging, veins popping. Iggys got dusty the plains outside Sodom and Gomorrah. Eliezer has memories
skin and small, dark eyes, with a sneering frown thats always of helping destroy those men who would dare to capture and rape
twisted, as if he were baring fangs. the angels. For this act, Eliezer believes he was given a great gift
Storytelling Hints: Iggys a pressure cooker about to and elevated, becoming an angel in service to the Lord and Fa-
explode. Hes intense. Too intense. Say the wrong word to ther (allowed only to do so because his blood contained a spark
him or give him a funny look, and Iggy obliterates the idea of the divine thanks to his half-angel father, Nimrod).
of personal space, getting nose-to-nose (or as close to it as he These days, though, Eliezer is plagued by a terrible truth:
can manage) and growling threats that hes happy to carry God is dead. His bloated corpse smothers Heaven with its rot.
through. All of that fades, though, when hes with his real Eliezer doesnt know how it happened. Honestly, he remem-
family. When Iggys with them, hes all soft tones and respect- bers very little between becoming an angel and now, and isnt
ful gestures. entirely certain how he came to this corrupted land of men.
Rapport: Most straight-forward way of getting on Iggys What he does know is that he cannot go home; hes
good side is to do favors for either of his families, and after trapped here. And he believes that Gods death is surely an
that, Iggys a loyal hound whose primary contribution is one impermanent condition. That said, stirring the deceased De-
of added violence. Unfortunately, it goes the other way, too miurge to life is no easy task. To do so, the world must be de-
negative Rapport with him usually induces violence as well, stroyed and remade, signifying Gods own death and eventual
but in this case he brings it to bear against those who have resurrection. The snake is biting its own tail, but it must be
slighted him or, worse, his family. forced to open its jaws and undo the circle.
Block by Bloody Block
Eliezer therefore is building a small army, and with this Description: Eliezers huge, a giant man with a great round
army he hopes to march across the land (starting with this city) belly and a primal black tangle of beard that lies atop his protrud-
and destroy it. His sacred number in Hebrew is 318, and so he ing gut. His eyes are milky white, utterly without pupils, and his
claims that his army must feature 318 soldiers working in his teeth are all filed to needled points. He wears whatever clothes
service. Right now, he only has a tiny fraction of that number. and rags he can swaddle about his lumbering form. His prodi-
He seeks to spread his influence across the city, but that neces- gious torso is covered with a new gospel, the so-called Gospel
sitates finding a territory in which to build his temple. of Vitiare (or the Book of Vitiation). This apocryphal gospel
How is it, exactly, that Eliezer is gathering such an army? details a story of Jesus foretelling the future to Lazarus, saying that
First, Eliezer can grant those who serve him great power. Sec- one day the Holy Father will die but the world will continue to
ond, he holds none of his soldiers to any kind of moral com- live like maggots on the dead skin of the Lord. It tells how ev-
pass, allowing them to indulge in whatever behaviors they like. erything must be destroyed before itand Godcan be reborn.
Why? In Eliezers view, angels are not bound to ethical doctrine. Storytelling Hints: The man, or angel, or whatever the
They are free to commit any action they choose. Hence, those hell he is, doesnt seem to have moods, per se. Usually, he has a
who serve the angels are encouraged to do as they so desire. As a faint smile, as if he knows something everyone else doesnt. Even
bonus, any mayhem they commit contributes to the inevitable when hes smiting someone with a crushing hand or elevating
destruction of the city and the world. one of his chosen army with swollen power, he still wears that
The Others
eerie half-smile. Further, Eliezer will not (or cannot?) lie, and he hold love? Victorias childhood was one scientific trial after
has a grave distaste for the hunters of the Lucifuge. another, always done with the best of intentions.
Rapport: Good luck getting positive Rapport with Eliezer. Victoria grew up a vehement atheist, so certain was she
The only way to do that is to join his army; doing so, how- that anything religious or supernatural was poison to a rational
ever, earns the aid of Eliezer, which is no small feat. Negative mind. So when her father was murdered in a grisly ritualized
Rapport is similarly hard to gain, though: Eliezer just doesnt fashion (a murder never solved, and even to this day Victoria
care enough. Oddly, those who really earn his ire are the truly ponders how it was that his skin was entirely removed and
moral (and he seems to be able to sense those with Morality preserved in packets of damp cheesecloth), Victoria couldnt
8 or higher), because they weakly cling to a sinking ship and parse the irrational act. She sought meaning, and only be-
want to save a world that cannot and should not be rescued. came more devoted to her rationalist ways.
The Null Mysteriisin particular, Alexander Watts Ra-
Victoria Weyland, tionalist theory (p. 121, Hunter: The Vigil)is a natural home
Rationalist and Fundamentalist for Victoria. Unfortunately, theyre simply not devoted enough
Quotes: The cancer must be isolated, its victims quaran- for her too much pure study, not enough action. Victoria ap-
tined. The rabidity of our subjects is not to be held against the proaches anything purportedly paranormal as something purely
subjects, just as it is not to be held against the dog who suffers from biological, but harmful in the way that cancer is or the way
it. But, please remember: a rabid hound must still be put down. that insects might destroy a crucial crop yield. Her approach in-
We are where we are today because we left the caves, built volves study, yes, but it also involves an approach equal to che-
fire and hammered arrowheads from flint rock. Our weapon is our motherapy or pesticide: she seeks a way to eradicate the plague,
intelligence, the ability to discern fact from fiction, to separate the not simply to understand it. To her, its a scientific approach, a
mundane world from the myths that we are so often sold. medical treatment. To others, its a violent pogrom, which is a
Science is the flawless pyramid, and from the apex of that criticism she utterly fails to comprehend.
pyramid shines a bright and clarifying light. We are that light. At present, she has no territory within the city from
Faction: Null Mysteriis (Hunters) which to operate this pogrom. She, of course, seeks to rectify
Virtue: Temperance. Most nights, Victorias mind is an that. When necessary, shell make deals with more extreme
emotionless computer, calculating strategies and statistics to hunters (perhaps the characters, depending on their approach
determine the most pragmatic outcome. to the Vigil) to help clear the way for her to take a slice out of
Vice: Gluttony. Sometimes, temperance fails. This sin this tumor-ridden metropolis.
is Victorias greatest secret: in her quiet hours, when nobody Description: Little about Victoria could be considered
looks, she overeats. She knows it breaks her image as someone attractive: shes oddly-shaped, a person seemingly cobbled
who values prudent decision and moderate behavior, and she together of mismatched parts. Much of her gives off the im-
hides it expertly. pression of a praying mantis ready to pounce. Her face is a
Background: Victoria comes from a healthy, loving back- scrunched-up, sour mug, as if shes just tasted something ir-
ground... at least, in theory. Her mother was a doctor of ob- ritating and bitter. She has a faintly bulging potbelly that
stetrics, and her father was a renowned psychotherapist. Both contrasts sharply with her wan arms and brittle stick legs, all
treated Victoria like she was an experiment, a trial-and-error awkwardly bundled into an over-starched lab coat.
test of how best to raise the perfect child. They were cold and Storytelling Hints: Icy and rigid, Victoria is a dogmatic ra-
clinical. Sure, they told her that they loved her, and while it tionalist, and will not tolerate talk about anything even remotely
was true, they only told her so to see if it elicited a reaction: magical or religious. To her, religion is unambiguously a poison,
did love improve their daughters concentration, schoolwork and nothing good has ever arisen from it. In fact, she believes
and social connections? Or was it sometimes better to with-
Block by Bloody Block
Victoria Weyland
that religion is what has helped mankind unknowingly propa- moderate, restrained Vigil will find that she knows how to cul-
gate the disease that is the infestation of aberrant creatures. tivate a strong working relationship. Anybody else (i.e., those
Rapport: Victoria only really cares for those very few who who gain negative Rapport) is only in her way, and will be re-
are on board with her ideas. Those who do appear to value a moved from that equation in the most efficient way possible.
Territory Creation
The territories found in Block by Bloody Block arent meant Does it fill a niche?
to be exhaustive. A given city has a wealth of possibilities that sim- The territories presented here aim to avoid redundancy. Ideally,
ply cant be presented here. Chinatown? Little Saigon? Little Italy? each has its own stories and antagonists bound to them, and thats
The Fashion District? The Trendy Neighborhood? The Gentrified important. If a territory ends up covering the same narrative ground
Slum? As much as wed love to detail each and every possible terri- as another, offering similar conflicts and concerns, then it only mud-
tory in your city, we cant. dies the vision of your game. While this product aims to add some
However, we can give you the tools to help build your own ter- strategy to how a hunter cell operates in a given city, it still puts story
ritory. Hunter: The Vigil offers lots of customization for your games above all else, and if throwing too many territories into the game
(creating new hunter organizations, new Endowments, new antago- makes the big picture too homogeneous, avoid it.
nists and so forth), so its only natural that you should enter into the Now, any new territory can have a unique angle and fill a niche,
story with the ability to create your own territories. certainly. Some might take more work than others, but you always
Obviously, its recommended that you try to nail down the ter- have some way of making it unique. Do you feel that you need an
ritories in your city before your game begins, but sometimes the story area that best represents the urban decay put forth by one of the
makes new demands. Players bring new ideas to the table, or may Prometheans from Promethean: The Created? Are you desperate
(gasp!) know something that you dont. One option is that you leave
room in your city (and your schedule) to design new territories be-
fore each session, giving yourself enough time to hash out what the
story or the players need. The other option is to involve the players
If You Have
at some point during the sessionbefore, during or afterand have Damnation City
them help you create the territory. This latter approach serves to
get them invested in a particular territory, because they helped to
(Primacy and
conceive it. Plus, it takes some weight off of your shoulders, allowing Barony)
them to bear some of the burden of world-building. Given that the
players ultimately have just as much responsibility over the story as Damnation City and Block by
you do, its not untoward to suggest that they be involved in help- Bloody Block assume that the
ing to design the setting a little bit. Just make sure that they give characters are controlling
themselves reasonable challenges. Theyre not designing territories portions of the city quite
to be easy or difficult; theyre designing conflicts that above all else differently. Primacy assumes
need to be interesting. that the vampires remain in
With all that being said, lets get down to brass tacks and create their distant, vaunted halls
some territories. and tombs of power, separate
from the cattle they rule. The
The Territory
territories here must be taken
on the ground, from hunter
cells who have to get their
Block by Bloody Block
to use the Chinese Tongs? If the territories here dont cover all the tone. It puts forth an idea. When the cell goes to such a place, it
story angles youve got going on, then you know you need a domain should be distinct enough that even if they cant necessarily speak
for your dangerous religious cult to brew their spirit-possessed nerve the theme and mood out loud, they know something is different and
agent or to throw flowers to their blind, fat sorcerous leader. unconsciously feel (through your narration) the change.
Is it big enough? Again, its not important you explicitly state a theme and
A territory needs to be big enough to warrant its existence, mood, though do so if it helps. Its just a good idea to have a handful
whether in size or importance or both. If the stories present are big of themes and moods in mind.
enough, then its a good idea to ascribe to it the status of an official
territory. Physical size still merits consideration, though. Is a single Organic Systems:
house or building worthy of the status? Probably not, but then again, General Modifiers
consider just how big a fancy apartment building could be. Take a Each territory is governed by a series of small rules and modifi-
look at the Eureka Tower apartment building in Melbournethis ers, but these arent assigned arbitrarily. They should grow organical-
luxury skyscraper has over 550 apartments. Assuming that, on aver- ly from the descriptions youve put forth, and will likely pair nicely
age, an apartment is probably home to two people, youre looking at with any theme and mood youve laid down. The rules should make
over a thousand residents, and a thousand stories. sense in context.
Say youre looking at creating a Gentrified Slum domain, mean-
Points of Reference ing a slum that the city is going to revitalize with little regard for its
current residents. (You dont want to use The Projects because you
The aforementioned Eureka Tower brings up a good point. For feel thats too limited; you want a whole neighborhood under the yoke
this product, youre creating broadly applicable territories that can of gentrification.) Theyll put up new buildings and tourist-friendly
theoretically apply to any city, real or imagined. For that reason, its services and help to revamp the historical value of the neighbor-
important to come up with some real world analogs. The best analogs hood, which will ideally cause property value to rise. That leaves the
are ones that your players are familiar with. If theyve never heard of neighborhoods present inhabitants behind because they cant afford
the Eureka Tower, then the reference falls short. If your players are it. In many cities, its a racial issue, because the city wants to combat
from Philadelphia, it might help to say that this territory is similar to white flight, and most of the residents who are left behind are African-
the Murano building thats going up, a 42-floor luxury condo tower. American, Hispanic or another immigrant group.
Alternatively, if your game is set in Philadelphia, feel free to say this is For a mood, youre going with palpable tension, because these
the Murano if you so choose. Part of the freedom of Block by Bloody many blocks are on the edge of total desperation. These people are go-
Block is that by using archetypal territories, you free yourself a little ing to lose their homes. So, as a theme, you put on the table the idea
from having to always access real world details. that you can only push people so far. Here, the people have been
pushed, and now the territory is on the cusp of violence. The modifiers
Describe Me are in play for anybody acting within the territorial borders.
The rules need to speak to this. So, you put forth the following:
A territorys isnt just a stat block or a map. Each territory is
Social rolls suffer 3 if the characters dont live here. This re-
its own entity, a dynamic beast with a beating heart and pumping
inforces the idea that the locals have grown suspicious of outsiders.
blood. The area has its own look, its own feelthe way the skyscrap-
Some Social Merits like Fame fail to work here unless that
ers form a canyon, maybe, or the way the sun rises and turns the
Fame is bound up into the neighborhood somehow (the child of a
one side of the street into a hot mirrored wall of bright light. It has
famous local jazz singer might get a pass, but a local weatherman
its own smells. (Parts of Philadelphia, for instance, smell like sweet
might just earn jeers and insults).
chemicals, while other parts smell like hot garbage.)
Gangs are big here, and the neighborhood offers lots of nooks
Consider writing up a handful of paragraphs, or even just
and crannies in which those gang thugs can hide. So you rule that
phrases, that exemplify the territory and give your players a sense of
both Stealth and Streetwise rolls gain +2 dice. Alternately, consider
whats all around them. Encourage them to ask questions. A player
that rolls might gain 9-Again or even 8-Again; these are different
should be allowed to ask, Is there a park bench somewhere on the
than bonus dice as they tend to guarantee a greater level of success
street that I can see? or Do I see a businessman with a nice watch
on dice pools that are already large (see p. 66 of Hunter: The Vigil
that I can steal? And you, as the designer of the territory, should
under Benefits of Risk for more information on that subject).
know the answer. An industrial district wont have park benches or
If youre of the mind that there exists a kind of supernatural
businessmen wandering around, but the financial district or the city
aura that pervades everything, you might rule that the intense air of
park will.
near-violence going on here actually grants additional modifiers, like
Theme and Mood +2 to Brawl rolls or 2 to Resolve and Composure rolls.
Again, its important that such rules fit with the groundwork
Theme and mood might result from your description, or you
youve laid out for the territory. Saying that the Gentrified Slum ter-
might choose to start with them. Does your territory give itself over
ritory offers +3 to Academics rolls doesnt make much sense logically
to a specific theme and mood? Its okay if they dont (a given terri-
or thematically.
tory may see many themes and moods come into and out of play,
especially depending on the actions of the characters), but if you do,
you may have a stronger territory at the outset.
Looking at a territory like Suburbia, you might suggest that
Elements of Control
Block by Bloody Block isnt just about providing a setting that
there exists a distinct mood of oppressive perfection, and that the can be dropped into your city (though it functions that way, if thats
domain and its residents embody a theme of perfection has a very all you need). Its about measuring power through territorial control.
high cost. Members of the Better Way strive for perfection, but An- Like the way gangs take over a city, block by block, neighborhood by
ton Alexander and his inner circle have to vent their frustrations neighborhood, both the monsters and hunters of the World of Dark-
as brutal slashers. To them, the suburbs are as perfect as a gleam- ness grab influence in their respective cities by claiming domains.
ing, well-honed knife, and thats more than a little scary. It sets a
Appendix: Territory Creation
Who? flag atop the highest building. The gang of Lupines took control, and
keeps it through their brutal physical presence. Anybody who says
Someone controls the territory at present, presumably. Who? boo gets dragged into a dark alley and torn into unrecognizable
Were not talking an individual, here, though we will get into in- chunks of meat and clothing. The vampires, though, take control
dividual characters. At this point, this is a general who, a group without ever stepping foot into the territorythey simply buy their
of monsters within a larger subset. For example, the Black Blossom way up, around and into the neighborhood, snatching out mortgages
Court changelings control the Subwaysnot all changelings, but and leases and exploiting city loopholes. Only once they control it
this one group of changelings. do they even cross the territorial lines physically.
Once more, youre aiming to organically tie this to description, This also leads into the question of how exactly a hunter cell
theme and mood. Going back to the Gentrified Slum as an example, or organization can take control. A territory isnt tied to one guaran-
it doesnt make a lot of sense that some haughty star chamber of sci- teed method of control. Players and their characters are more inven-
ence-obsessed sorcerers controls the place, and if they do, they prob- tive than you (they are many minds, youre only one), and theyll
ably wont be able to hold onto it for long. On the other hand, suggest- come up with solutions you as Storyteller have never considered.
ing that a group of thug werewolves (something that is both gang Still, its important to define a few ways that the cell could take con-
and pack) stalks the streets of the slums makes total sense. Or you trol, and what ways are going to be easier and what ways are going
can go another way and say that the territory has recently fallen into to be harder. In the Gentrified Slum, is it easier to win the hearts
the hands of a cabal of big-money bloodsuckers who are ultimately and minds of the residents by ousting the gentrifying influences? Is
responsible for draining the vibrant life out of this district, and theyve it merely necessary to get rid of the old controllers? Can the hunters
set the neighborhood on the path toward merciless gentrification. mass a bigger bankroll than the vampires, or can they bring a bigger
gang to the streets than the Lupines? What works? What doesnt?
Why choose to claim the territory? Whats the value? It neednt Pluses and Minuses
be something totally resources- or mechanics-driven, though it can Each territory is governed by a series of mechanics that are
be. The club of fat, white rich vampires wants money and blood. unique to that domains keepers. Why doesnt every member of the
Thats it. The thug werewolf pack, though, gains little from the ac- territory gain access to these mechanics? Its the difference between
tual control, but continues to control it because this is their territory, the renter of an apartment and the landlord of the building. The
and these are their people. Its a point of pride that goes well beyond landlord gets the rent checks. The landlord has access to all the
reason, driven purely by motivations of character. locked doors (and all the apartments). The landlord knows the lay-
out intimately. On the other hand, he also has a lot of bills to pay.
How? He has a bucket of responsibilities. He gets woken up at 3AM to
Its not easy to take control of a territory. So how did the current a belligerent phone call from someone whose sink drain is clogged
keepers manage to do so? They didnt just march in and put up a because they tried to put a hambone in the garbage disposal.
Block by Bloody Block
In the Gentrified Slum, the keepers might gain additional Re- Crucial to this character is the story of how he and his people took
sources dots because lots of money is coming into the area from de- control of the territory in the first place. With the Gentrified Slum,
velopers. Alternately, Streetwise rolls might suffer (3) because the you might suggest that the wealthy vampire who leads his cabal of
residents keep their doors closed to the characters or might know- greedy bloodsuckers is someone named Archer Adams, a giggly old
ingly perpetuate lies. dandy who is a dyed-in-the-wool racist. His secret motivations have
On the other side of the coin, if the characters are taking con- nothing to do with money, but are based off of old-fashioned hatred.
trol of the territory by winning hearts and minds, the mechanics at The way he came to power in this neighborhood is a secret story
stake might be totally different. They might gain Social dice when fraught with callousness, so much that even his fellow bloodsuckers
dealing with the residents (or gain some free Specialties related to might blanch at the torments hes heaped upon the residents of the
the neighborhood), but might lose some Resources dots while they territory.
control the territory, because its earmarked toward keeping out the The bit players are every bit as important, and feed into the
gentrifying influences. larger story. Theyre not all allies of the big fish, and may be competi-
tors, firebrands, parasites and so forth. One bit player here might be
Consequences Salvatore DiMaggio, Archers confidant (and a secret competitor for
Block by Bloody Block assumes a very cause-and-effect rela- the cabals leadership). Another might be Vonda Richmond, a vo-
tionship within territories, and between domains and their given cal activist in the territory who advocates a non-violent approach,
keepers. Its a push-and-pull dynamic. Its not so dramatic that a but is growing wearier of her efforts failing. A third bit player could
butterfly flaps its wings downtown and Suburbia falls to the hands be Cracker Jack, a local Lupine gang tough who wants to burn the
of reanimated corpses, but it does assume that every action has a place down.
reaction and that every choice comes with some consequence and Each character is a story, no matter how you create it. Each is a
even sacrifice. doorway, tooa way for the characters to work their own stories into
Controlling a territory is valuable for a hunter cell or a cabal of the neighborhoods conflicts.
monstersit offers certain benefits. But this isnt a video game; once
a territory is locked down, its not off the board. In fact, sometimes Location, Location, Location
claiming a territory amps up the complexity and conflict. Say the You also want to come up with a handful of mini locations
characters manage to oust the current lords of the Gentrified Slums within the territory, like The Laundromat, The Tunnels, The Bell
and now control the territory. The conflict doesnt just end: Influ- Tower, The Video Arcade and so on.
ences both mundane and supernatural make the claim more than a These locations are tied to the overarching story as well as the
little troubled. In the Gentrified Slums alone, consequences might theme and mood of the territory, and each has its own story. In the
include: Gentrified Slum, you might have locations of, say, Murder Alley,
The ousted keepers making a revenge run against the characters. the Community Center and the Bellwether House. Murder Alleys
Banks and rich mortals buying up buildings and real estate where Cracker Jack and his gang drag their enemies and tear them
critical to the cells control. asunder. The Community Center is Vonda Richmonds pet project,
A race riot. a place she cant quite seem to get off the ground. The Bellwether
A pushback from local gangs. House was a local cheap apartment building for some local fami-
Increased interest from local cops. lies, but developers bought this historical property out from under
Keep in mind, consequences neednt be purely negative. The them, jacking rent through the roof so they could oust the families
characters might earn new allies as a result (including the aforemen- and redevelop it as a touristy bed and breakfast.
tioned gang). By ousting the Lupine thugs, maybe they earn some You can ascribe certain modifiers to individual locations where
respect from someone like Duncan Vilsick (pp. 1718), or even from appropriate. Murder Alley, for instance, might have no lights, mak-
another rival Lupine pack. ing Stealth rolls easier (+3) but Perception rolls based on sight
Also, negative consequences shouldnt be cruel and unending. harder (3).
Dont punish the players (and by proxy, their characters). Youre
looking for good, interesting conflict, not to endlessly batter them Story Hooks
with challenges that take them away from their current story. Whats a story hook? It isnt a whole plot, but the potential of a
plot. A given territory should be home to at least three good story
Streets and Stories hooks, and each hook should suggest a conflict and a few different
ways of dealing with it. Each hook wont necessarily be used, but
The most important thing about your territory is the many sto- each can be. If the hunters are floundering or growing too comfort-
ries it creates and supports. We cant quantify it with systems, but able, throw one of the hooks at them.
every territory isnt just one story, its a hive of possibilities. The play- An example hook for the Gentrified Slum territory might be:
ers probably wont take advantage of every story youve brought up Vonda Richmond is on the edge. She knows now whos got
as potential, but theyll grab hold of some and theyll also add their the neighborhood in a noose. She wants to do some harm. Shes on
own stories to the record. the edge of tossing aside her ideas of peaceful protests in favor of
something more violent. Does the cell steer her toward violence,
Big Fish and Bit Players letting her and her people do the dirty work? Can they not bear to
Each territory is home to at least one big fish character, someone see an innocent rush forth into danger? Or is she worth bringing into
who is more or less in charge of the territory. Their story should be the Vigil, to show her whats really going on?
fresh, and should come alive with its own themes and moods (and ty-
ing those themes and moods to those of the territory is even better).
You can look out over the city and see what you want to see. Maybe
you see the bright lights, and it gives you hope. Maybe you see the
tall buildings casting their powerful shadows, and it makes you
feel small. But high up, its not that you cant see the forest for the
treesits that you cant see the trees for the forest.
Best way to see whats really going on? Turn away from the bright
lights, big city, and sit down at this card table right here and roll
out a map. Take this box-cutter, and just start hacking it up.
Slice-slice. The docks go to the bloodsuckers, the banks, too. The
projects, we dont know who has them because we cant get close.
And this right here? This tiny piece, this shitty little nowhere
piece thats half the size of a postage stamp? Thats your cut.
Thats your part of this god-forsaken city. You content with that?
You satisfied leaving the fatty cuts and the sweet meats for the
monsters to fight over? Maybe you are. But Im not. So gear up,
because its liberation time.