Solid Waste Management: Bibhabasu Mohanty Asst. Prof. Dept. of Civil Engineering SALITER, Ahmedabad

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Solid waste

Bibhabasu Mohanty
Asst. Prof.
Dept. of civil Engineering
SALITER, Ahmedabad
Solid Waste Management: Quantity,
Composition and characteristics of solid waste,
Methods of solid waste collection, conveyance,
treatment and disposal.
In a nutshell “ Solid waste can be regarded as
refuse or waste from any kind of source”. But
any refuse or waste can be economic resource
to others.
Basic terms related to solid waste
1. Ash : the non-combustible solid by-products of
incineration or other burning process.
2. Bulky waste: large wastes such as appliances,
furniture, and trees and branches, that cannot
be handled by normal MSW processing
3. Co-disposal: the disposal of different types of
waste in one area of a landfill or dump. For
instance, sewage sludges may be disposed of
with regular solid wastes.
4. Biodegradable material : any organic material
that can be broken down by microorganisms
into simpler, more stable com-pounds. Most
organic wastes (e.g., food, paper) are
5. Compost : the material resulting from com
posting. Compost, also called humus, is a soil
conditioner and in some instances is used as a
6. Composting : biological decomposition of solid
organic materials by bacteria, fungi, and other
organisms into a soil-like product.
7. Disposal : the final handling of solid waste,
following collection, processing, or incineration.
Disposal most often means placement of wastes
in a dump or a landfill.
8. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) : an
evaluation designed to identify and predict the
impact of an action or a project on the
environment and human health and well-being.
Can include risk assessment as a component,
along with economic and land use assessment.
9. Environmental risk assessment (EnRA) : an
evaluation of the interactions of agents, humans,
and ecological resources. Comprised of human
health risk assessment and ecological risk
assessment, typically evaluating the probabilities
and magnitudes of harm that could come from
environmental contaminants.
10. Garbage : in everyday usage, refuse in general.
Some MSWM manuals use garbage to mean
"food wastes," although this usage is not

11. Landfilling : the final disposal of solid waste

by placing it in a controlled fashion in a place
intended to be permanent. The Source Book
uses this term for both controlled dumps and
sanitary landfills.
12. Leachate : liquid that has seeped through a
landfill or a compost pile and has accumulated
bacteria and other possibly harmful dissolved or
suspended materials.

13. MSW : municipal solid waste.

14. MSWM : municipal solid waste management.

15. Putrescible : subject to decomposition or
decay. Usually used in reference to food wastes
and other organic wastes that decay quickly.

16. Refuse : all kinds of wastes in solid state

excepting excreta from residential, commercial
and industrial area.
17. Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) : fuel produced
from MSW that has undergone processing.
Processing can include separation of recyclables
and non-combustible materials, shredding, size
reduction, and pelletizing.

18. Rubbish : a general term for solid waste.

Sometimes used to exclude food wastes and
19. Waste-to-energy (WTE) plant : a facility that
uses solid waste materials (processed or raw) to
produce energy. WTE plants include
incinerators that produce steam for district
heating or industrial use, or that generate
electricity; they also include facilities that
convert landfill gas to electricity.
Kinds of Wastes
Solid wastes: domestic, commercial and industrial
wastes especially common as co-disposal of wastes

Examples: plastics, containers, bottles,

cans, papers, scrap iron, and other trash
Liquid Wastes: wastes in liquid form

Examples: domestic washings, chemicals, oils, waste

water from ponds, manufacturing industries
and other sources
Classification of Wastes according to their Properties

can be degraded (paper, wood, fruits and others)

cannot be degraded (plastics, bottles, old machines,
cans, containers and others)
Classification of Wastes according to
their Effects on Human Health and the Environment

Hazardous wastes
waste that is reactive, toxic, corrosive, or
otherwise dangerous to living things and/or the
environment. Many industrial by-products are

Substances safe to use commercially, industrially,
agriculturally, or economically.
From where these comes???
Solid Waste in India
 7.2 million tonnes of hazardous waste
 One Sq km of additional landfill area every-year
 Rs 1600 crore for treatment & disposal of these
 In addition to this industries discharge about 150
million tonnes of high volume low hazard waste
every year, which is mostly dumped on open low
lying land areas.

Source: Ministry of Environment & Forest

Growth of Solid Waste In India
 In 1981-91, population of Mumbai increased from
8.2 million to 12.3 million

 During the same period, municipal solid waste has

grown from 3200 tonnes to 5355 tonnes, an
increase of 67%

 Waste collection is very low for all Indian cities

 City like Bangalore produces 2000 tonnes of waste

per annum, the ever increasing waste has put
pressure on hygienic condition of the city

 Source: The Energy & Resources Institute, New Delhi

 Estimated waste generation is 1,00,000 MT/day.

 Per capita waste generation ranges between 0.20 to

0.60 kg.

 Waste collection efficiency in bigger sized cities

ranges from 70 to 90% and in small sized towns it is
up to 50-60%.

 Local authorities spend less 5% of their budget on

waste disposal and maximum cost is incurred on
street sweeping and collection and transportation of
S.No City Municipal solid Waste (TPD) Per capita waste (Kg/day)

1. Ahmadabad 1,683 0.585

2. Bangalore 2,000 0.484
3. Bhopal 546 0.514
4. Bombay 5,355 0.436
5. Calcutta 3,692 0.383
6. Coimbatore 350 0.429
7. Delhi 4,000 0.475
8. Hyderabad 1,566 0.382
9. Indore 350 0.321
10 Jaipur 580 0.398
11 Kanpur 1,200 0.640
12 Kochi 347 0.518
13 Lucknow 1,010 0.623
14 Ludhiana 400 0.384
15 Madras 3,124 0.657
16 Madurai 370 0.392
17 Nagpur 443 0.273
18 Patna 330 0.360
19 Pune 700 0.312
20 Surat 900 0.600
21 Vadodara 400 0.389
22 Varanasi 412 0.400
23 Visakhapatnam 300 0.400
 Littering of garbage due to unorganized primary
 Provision and operation of interim storage facilities
 Irregular garbage lifting
 Transportation system not synchronize with storage
 Processing/ treatment of MSW not practiced
 Final disposal through dumping and not SLF
Effects of waste if not managed wisely

Affects our health

Affects our socio-economic conditions

Affects our coastal and marine environment

Affects our climate

Composition of solid waste
The general composition of solid waste being
generated from the cities of India is 40% Food
& Garden waste, 5% glass & Ceramics, 3%
Metal, 15% inert, 4% Plastic/ Rubber, 6 %
Textile, 27 % Paper.

Total Organic Fraction - 40%, Combustible

Fraction - 37%, Recyclables - 8%, Inert - 15%
Source: CPHEEO Manual on MSW, 2005
Characteristics of solid waste
Three types of characteristics:

1. Physical

2. Chemical and

3. Biological
Physical characteristics
This includes the determination of percent
contents of various ingredients of the solid
Bulk Density is generally calculated.
Function of location, season, storage time,
equipment used, processing (compaction,
shredding, etc.)
Used in volume calculations.
Chemical characteristics

Used primarily for combustion and waste to

energy (WTE) calculations but can also be used
to estimate biological and chemical behaviours.

Waste consists of combustible (i.e. paper) and

non-combustible materials (i.e. glass).
Proximate Analysis
 Loss of moisture (temp held at 105 C)
 Volatile Combustible Matter (VCM) (temp increased to 950 C,
closed crucible)
 Fixed Carbon (residue from VCM)
 Ash (temp = 950C, open crucible)
Fusing Point of Ash
 Clinker (agglomerations of carbon and metals) formation
temperature, 2000 to 2200 F
Ultimate Analysis
 Molecular composition (C, H, N, O, P, etc.)
Energy Content
 Determined through lab calculations using calorimeters
Biological characteristics
 Organic fraction often equated with the volatile solids
(VS) content of the waste
 However, not all organic materials are easily degradable
 Biodegradable fraction -
 Degradation produces odours
 Hydrogen sulfide, H2S (rotten eggs)
 Methyl mercaptans
 Aminobutyric acid
 Methane is odourless.
 Attracts flies, vermin, rodents (vectors)
Factors affecting on generation
of Waste at Source
• Topographical condition • Public Awareness
• Seasonal variation • Frequency of waste collection
• Culture • Charges to collection of
• Rules and regulation waste
• Living Standard • Mode of disposal
• Environmental conditions • Land availability for disposal
• Source type and travel distance
• Population density • Aesthetic view and Public
• Resources availability
(demand and supply)
• Mode of transport
Generation Rates

• Total waste can be classified into various types according to the

effective management options applied.
• Disposed/ Collected Waste: Solid waste materials ultimately taken
to the disposal (Landfill)
• Diverted Waste: Solid waste materials generated but not processed
through the normal waste management channels (recycled,
composted etc.).

• 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒 = 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑑 (𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑) 𝑊𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒 + 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒

• The waste generation rates should be in compliance with
– State diversion requirements
– Equipment selection
– Collection and management decisions
– Design of facilities
Solid waste collection and transport
Factors considered:
i) Types of Containers:
- Depend on:
- characteristics of SW collected
– E.g. Large storage containers (Domestic SW:
– Containers at curbs
– Large containers on a roller (Commercial/Industrial)
•Collection frequency
•Space available for the placement of containers
- Residential; refuse bags (7 -10 litres)
- Rubbish bins - 20 -30 litres
- Large mechanical containers - more commonly
used to cut costs (reduce labor, time , &
collection costs)
- must be standardized to suit collection
ii) Container Locations:
- side/rear of house
- alleys
- special enclosures (apartment/condos)
- Basement (apts. in foreign countries)/ newer
iii) Public Health:
- relates to on-time collection to avoid the spread
of diseases by vectors, etc.
iv) Aesthetics:
- must be pleasing to the eye (containers must
be clean, shielded from public’s view).
v) Collection of SW
- 60-80 percent of total SWM costs.
- Malaysia (other developing nations) - labor and
capital intensive.
- Major problems:
– Poor building layouts - e.g. squatters
– Road congestion - time cost, leachate, transport
– Physical infrastructure
– Old containers used (leaky/ damaged)
– Absence of systematic methods (especially at
apartments, markets with large wst. volume).
Collections were made by:

1. Municipal/ District Council

2. Private firm under contract to municipal

3. Private firm contract with private

Types of collection
Municipal Collection Services:
a. Residential:
1. Curb (Kerb-side)

2. Alley

3. Set out and set back

4. Backyard collection
Curb (Kerb-side)

 House owner is responsible for placing solid waste

containers at the curb on scheduled day.
 The work man come, collect and empty the
container and put back at the curb.
 House owner is required to take back the empty
containers from the curb to his house.
 Quickest/ economical
 Crew: 1 driver + 1 or 2 collectors
 No need to enter property
Set-out, set back
 Collectors have to enter property
 Set out crew carries full containers from
resident storage location to curb/ alley before
collection vehicle arrives.
 Collection crew load their refuse into vehicle
 Set-back crew return the container to storage
Alley service

The containers are placed at the alley line from

where they are picked up by workmen from
refuse vehicles who deposit back the empty
Backyard service
The workers with the vehicles carry a bin, wheel
– barrow or sack or cloth to the yard and empty
the solid waste container in it.

The bin is taken to solid waste vehicles where it

is emptied.
• Community Bin System
– Street Sweeping
– Bins are placed with the convenience of
– Container capacity
– Frequency of waste collection
– Segregation
Transfer Station
• Transfer the waste to large transport
• Temporary storage of waste
• Volume reduction and Bulk transport
• Operating cost
• Aesthetic view/ Fly nuisance
• Health Issues
• Cost Benefit analysis
• Leachate generation and its disposal

Commercial-Industrial Collection Services:

i. Large movable and stationary containers

ii. Large stationary compactors (to form bales)

Collection Frequency:
residential areas : everyday/ once in 2 days
communal/ commercial : daily
food waste - max. period should not exceed :

•the normal time for the accumulation of

waste to fill a container
• the time for fresh garbage to putrefy and
emit fouls odor
• the length of fly-breeding cycle ( < 7 days).
Treatment and disposal of solid waste
Several methods are used for treatment and
disposal. These are:
1. Composting
2. Incineration
3. Landfilling
4. Pyrolysis
5. Recycling
 It is a process in which organic matter of solid waste is
decomposed and converted to humus and mineral
 Compost is the end product of composting, which
used as fertilizer.
 Three methods of composting:
(a) composting by trenching
(b) open windrow composting
(c) mechanical composting
Composting by trenching
 Trenches 3 - 12 m long, 2 – 3 m wide and 1- 2 m deep
with spacing 2 m.
 Dry wastes are filled up in 15 cm. On top of each layer
5 cm thick sandwiching layer of animal dung is sprayed
in semi liquid form.
 Biological action starts in 2- 3 days and decomposition
 Solid waste stabilize in 4- 6 months and changed into
brown colored odorless powdery form known as
Open windrow composting
 Large materials like broken glass, stone, plastic articles
are removed.
 Remaining solid wastes is dumped on ground in form
of piles of 0.6 – 1 m height.
 The width and length of piles are kept 1- 2 m and 6 m
 Moisture content maintained at 60%.
 Temp. increases in side pile.
 After pile for turned for cooling and aeration to avoid
anaerobic decomposition.
 The complete process may take 4- 6 week.
Mechanical composting
It requires small area compare to trenching and
open windrow composting.
The stabilization of waste takes 3- 6 days.
The operation involved are
reception of refuse
marketing the humus
Incineration is a waste treatment process that
involves the combustion of organic substances
contained in waste materials.
Incineration and other high temperature waste
treatment systems are described as "thermal
Incineration of waste materials converts the
waste into ash, flue gas, and heat.
Incinerators are used for this process.
Important points regarding incineration

Supplying of solid waste should be continuous.

Waste should be proper mixed with fuel for

complete combustion.

Temp. should not less than 670 ˚C.

Most hygienic method.
Complete destruction of pathogens.
No odor trouble.
Heat generated may be used for steam power.
Clinkers produced may be used for road
Less space required.
Adverse weather condition has no effect.
Large initial expense.
Care and attention required otherwise
incomplete combustion will increase air
Residues required to be disposed which require
Large no of vehicles required for
 A landfill site is a site for the disposal
of waste materials by burial and is the oldest form
of waste treatment.
 Historically, landfills have been the most common
methods of organized waste disposal and remain so in
many places around the world.
 The dumping is done with layers of 1- 2 m.
 The layer is covered with soil of 20 cm thickness.
Simple method.
No costly plant required.
No residues or by products need to be
Separation not required.
Unused land can be used.
Methane gas can be used ass fuel.
Large land required.
Proper dumping site may not be available.
Odor problem.
Use of insecticides required.
Leachate should be collected regularly.
Methane gas should be collected properly.
Green house gas problem.
Heating of the solid waste at very high temp. in
absence of air.
Carried out at temp. between 500 ˚C – 1000
Gas, liquid and chars are the by products.
 Recycling is processing used materials into new
products .
 It reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials,
reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution
(from incineration) and water pollution
(from landfilling).
 Recycling is a key component of modern waste
reduction and is the third component of the
"Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" waste hierarchy.
Recyclable materials include many kinds
of glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles,
and electronics.
Although similar in effect, the composting or
other reuse of biodegradable waste – such
as food or garden waste – is not typically
considered recycling.
Materials to be recycled are either brought to a
collection centre or picked up from the
curbside, then sorted, cleaned, and reprocessed
into new materials.

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