SWM - at - Karan Nagar Jammu ..
SWM - at - Karan Nagar Jammu ..
SWM - at - Karan Nagar Jammu ..
Certificate of Approval
Date :05-06-2019
Place : Karan Nagar,Jammu
S.No. Title
1 Acknowledgement
2 Abstract
3 Introduction
19 Conclusion
20 References
There are presently only three disposal methods which are practical for
most industrial applications:
(1) Haulaway loose:
Waste is removed from plant for disposal by means such as landfill,
incineration etc. Hauling away means exporting the refuse as loose material.
If the amount of refuse is large, refuse is compacted and then disposed off. It is
a very popular waste disposal method for industrial installations.
(c) United solid wastes create environmental hazards by spreading diseases and
causing air and water pollution.
(d) Waste utilisation helps to generate many useful products which are the basic
necessities of life.
3. Recycling i.e. isolating the material from which a given product was made
and reintroducing it into the production cycle for production of the same
Recycling and reuse of the waste helps to reduce the problem of waste disposal.
Resource recovery is a method to run wastes into resource recovering usable
products- both materials and energy. As the disposal cost are expected to rise
continuously due to increase in land price, and pollution controls, resource
recovery is becoming more common and finding more favour.
About 70% by weight of municipal solids waste from domestic and commercial
areas is combustible. But still only a small percentage of the resources is being
A. Public Health:
Under warm and moist conditions, and particularly with the help of vectors
(carries) like water, air, food, rodents, mosquitoes and flies, organic solid wastes
are ideal breeding places for pathogenic organisms.
Potentially hazardous substances like solvent and pesticide cans, medical wastes
and asbestos debris present in solid wastes, air pollution from gaseous and
particulate emissions from land fill sites and municipal incinerators, etc., also
present some additional environmental concerns related to solid waste disposal.
Further, the solid waste management strategies should also take into account the
possible deterioration of ground water quality because of land filling of solid
wastes, residues from incinerators and leachates from the decomposing refuse.
B. Waste Separation for Recovery and Recycling:
Recovery and recycling of some of the resources in solid wastes, although a
very appealing idea is rather difficult in practice. Expensive materials such as
some metals are found to be economical to recycle by industries. Returnable
bottles and refundable cans may be recycled from municipal wastes.
C. Energy Recovery:
Recovery of energy from municipal solid wastes can be achieved by the
following two ways:
(ii) Reuse of the recovered materials from solid wastes is the other principal
mode of energy conservation. Obviously, mining and manufacture of ferrous
and nonferrous metals starting from mining of the ores is so energy intensive
that reuse of these metals is certainly justified from the stand point of energy
A few attempts have been made to borrow the technology developed in other
countries like highly mechanised compost plants, incinerator-cum-power plants,
compactor vehicles etc. However, these attempts have met with little success,
since, the solid waste characteristics and local conditions in India are much
different from those for which the technology is developed.
Due to shortage of financial resources, the vehicles are often used beyond their
economical life resulting in inefficient operation. Further, there is no
coordination of activities between different component of the system. The
cumulative effect of all these factors is an inefficient SWM system.
Thermal deposition of waste organic in the form of gas and oil getting food
sources as livestock from organic waste.
8.2. Melting plastic and moulding
Melting blast furnace slag for making artificial jewellery converting waste in
solid fuel.
The world average is 3.88 MT. definitely, we are far ahead, compared to other
countries. There is tremendous scope to preserve our environment if we
undertake scientifically planned preventive actions. The issue of environment
has to be addressed with the right perspective by bringing in professionalism in
our Environment Management Strategies. It demands as much attention as our
Many materials, such as steel scrap, which have been recycled for years are
even more attractive with the increased cost of energy because greater power
and fuel usage is required to produce virgin steel from the recycle scrap
Recovery is Necessary:
1. For Reuse (conservation):
Direct reuse of the recovery by some treatment process that would convert it
back into initial form.
The scrap automobile buses where scrap automobile is almost recycled to the
basic metals from which it was made.
2. For Heat:
This might involve the recovery of heat from fossil fuel, generating systems,
such as boilers furnace and ovens etc.
Metal Recovery:
It is possible to improve the separation of metallic wastes in a plant and also
possible to reprocess with in the plant.
Ferrous Metal:
The material is put through a crusher where size reduction tends to make the
particles more uniform. Large pieces of metal if malleable are normally sorted
out on the feeder ahead of the crusher or put through an impact type crusher.
The material is send to grinder and clean, free from nonmetallic waste, metal is
found. It is then screened and finished high grade metallic product is found.
By recovering and recycling two important objectives are achieved:
Although these threats are very real, pollution control and environmental
improvement have been relegated historically to a low status in many DCs,
while governmental policies emphasized industrial development.
Recently, the risks to the public health and to the environment in large
metropolitan areas has become intolerable. Public officials recognize the risks
and the close relation between pollution control and public health.
Consequently, governments, in cooperation with some international lending
institutions, have started to take steps to implement some measures of pollution
control related to solid waste management.
Two problems in particular are associated with data collection and planning in
DCs: the lack of locally available trained personnel and the need for relevant
Most universities and other education institution in DCs fail to offer curricula in
solid waste management. This neglect results in a serious lack of trained human
resources necessary for the planning and implementation waste management
system. Consequently, DCs often times solicit and rely on the services of
advisors from industrialized countries.
External advice will be of little utility unless the advisors are aware of the
substantial differences in the social, cultural, financial, and environmental
conditions and in the waste characteristics between DCs and those of the native
country of the advisors. The reason is obvious— the conditions and waste
characteristics are significantly different.
The result is that alternatives and technologies that are acceptable and practical
in an industrialized country are seldom directly applicable to conditions in a
developing country. Either the technologies must be modified, usually
substantially, or they may in fact be completely incompatible. Efforts to directly
transfer technology and practice from an industrialized nation to a DC usually
do not meet with success and frequently fail miserably.
Such efforts generally are the result of a lack of understanding of the local
conditions in DCs. An understanding of the conditions requires the collection of
certain key data as well as a knowledge of the social, cultural, financial, and
environmental conditions prior to the preparation of a plan of action.
Some of the required basic data are those that deal with quantity, composition,
and characteristics of the waste generated in the developing country. In addition,
information should be collected on current waste management practices in the
DC, e.g., storage, collection, final disposal, availability of equipment,
maintenance procedures, availability of human resources, budget, and sources
of revenue. Preferably, these data should be collected by experienced and
trained personnel.
If there is not sufficient time for collecting data in the field, then the data should
be obtained from reliable sources and should be critically evaluated. A critical
evaluation of data is extremely important because it enables a determination of
the accuracy of the information and subsequently justifies any needed
modification to the data as a consequence of the evaluation.
The bulk density of residential wastes in DCs varies from 11 to 24 I b/ft3. The
average density of wet organic matter ranges from 30 to 35 1 b/ft3. Because
bulk density is very sensitive to moisture content, care must be exercised in the
collection and reporting of data concerning bulk density.
The desired level of detail regarding waste composition depends upon the type
of treatment system to be used in processing the waste and the method of final
On the other hand, a waste management plan in which resource recovery and
recycling are key components would be greatly dependent upon detailed
information regarding the characteristics of the waste (e.g. composition, bulk
density and moisture content), as well as quantities.
The generalities presented are based on observations made by the authors in the
course of studies carried out by them in several DCs in Asia, Africa, Central and
South American, and in the Caribbean, as well as observations by others in
various DCs. Since all observation pertain to DCs, no further reference to that
fact is made in the discussion.
a).Storage Containers:
Containers used for storage of solid wastes are of many shapes and sizes, and
are fabricated from a variety of materials. The type and applicability of the
containers generally reflect the economic status of its user (i.e., the waste
Several cities make use of communal containers (bins). The containers generally
are constructed of metal, concrete, or a combination of the two. Communal
containers may reduce the cost of waste collection, and can minimize problems
associated with lack of storage space on site.
1. Depending upon the type of communal container, removal and transfer of the
wastes from the container to the collection or transport vehicle may be difficult
and time consuming.
2. If the bins are not emptied on a regular basis, the contents may be set on fire
or illegal dumps may be established at the location.
3. Scavengers and animals may have access to the waste in the containers.
The typical collection crew consists of three or four workers, although crews of
as few as two or as many as eight have been observed. In some instances, the
crew may be augmented by unauthorized individuals who take part in the
collection activity in order to scavenge materials from the wastes. The usual
situation is that the collection activity is characterized by excessive handling
and use of inefficient methods.
Compactor trucks, both of the rear and front loading variety, are found in many
countries. Unfortunately, the use of such trucks is becoming increasingly
popular, despite the fact that generally little, if any, additional compaction
occurs in the vehicle because the loose wastes have a high bulk density.
Furthermore, some complex features and consequences are associated with the
use of compaction vehicles some of which may not be evident or considered at
the time that vehicle is purchased.
They are:
2. The possibility of the weight of the truck (and its load of waste) exceeding
the bearing capacity of roadways.
Collection routes very rarely are firmly established. On the contrary, a common
practice is to leave the decision for the route to the discretion of the driver.
Therefore, it is not unusual for a truck to arrive at the disposal site only partially
loaded due to inefficient routing.
Usually, after it has been loaded to capacity of the collection route has been
covered, the loaded collection vehicle is driven directly to the disposal site. In
some cases, an indirect route is taken to the disposal site in order to have an
opportunity to discharge a part of, or even the entire, load for use as animal feed
or for recovery (salvage) of materials that have some monetary value.
11.3. Resource Recovery:
In this discussion, the term “resource recovery” is applied to the reclamation of
resources (materials) discarded as wastes, and to the institutional arrangements
leading to resource recovery (e.g., scavenging, governmentally or industrially
operated enterprises). Scavenging is recovery of materials by entities not
sanctioned officially by the government.
2. Economics:
Local soils that are of poor quality or are being rapidly deprived to organic
matter. Two of the beneficial characteristics that make resource recovery an
advisable policy for developing countries are that it generally catalyzes the
development of organized, systematic waste management and that it reduces the
amount of wastes requiring disposal.
Most DCs are lacking in one or more of the primary (raw) materials (e.g., iron
ore, bauxite, or petroleum) which are important for economic development. The
importance and relevance of this situation is that if a satisfactory substitute
cannot be found, the complete depletion of a raw material marks the termination
of all manufacturing and usage based upon that material.
Furthermore, even though potential substitutes may exist, the may lack an
important property or characteristic. For example, they may not be as durable,
or they may not possess suitable thermal properties. Even a suitable substitute is
subject to eventual depletion. For example, plastics are manufactured primarily
from depletable fossil fuels.
Energy recovery can be practiced using one of two methods. One method is to
recover and recycle materials that can be substituted for those that require a
substantial amount of energy to process and manufacture into consumer
products (i.e., energy-intensive material). The second method is to convert the
chemical energy of waste into a usable form (e.g., through bio-gasification,
thermal conversion, etc.)
2. Economics:
The economy plays a key role in all aspects of resource recovery. Since the
economic situation in most DCs leaves them with little capital for the
importation of primary (raw) materials, one alternative is to conserve primary
materials by recovering and recycling materials manufactured from them.
The organic matter in the soil provides plant nutrients and imparts a wide range
of well- known, desirable characteristics to soil. However, since organic matter
is transformed continually when cultivated, it must be periodically replenished.
The organic matter in solid waste, after having been adequately recovered and
converted, can serve as a replacement for the lost organic matter in soil.
Putrescible material such as food preparation residues and market waste, which
are prevalent in the solid waste of most DCs as indicated in Table 1, are readily
convertible to soil amendment (through composing/or example), although this is
not a common practice in DCs.
Level 1:
Level 2:
The term “scavenging” usually is applied to the first of the two levels of
recovery. The second level is typically termed, “conventional resource
Level 1:
Generally, the family and social backgrounds of scavengers are such that
scavenging is the only option available to them to earn a living. In many cases,
scavengers have two choices-scavenge or starve. The work of a scavenger is
arduous and has little reward.
Scavengers can work up to 12 hours each day in order to earn money sufficient
only to survive. In addition, scavengers often live at or in the vicinity of the
final disposal site, (dump site) under unhealthy conditions.
Level 2:
These technologies are usually transplants from industrialized countries; that is,
they are direct transfers of technology. Unfortunately, these directly transferred
technologies generally cannot succeed without modifications based on the waste
characteristics of DCs, extensive maintenance programs, and ready access to
capital for spare parts, among other requisites.
Some of the more important conclusions that can be drawn from the record of
unsuccessful attempts at direct transfer of resource recovery technology to
developing countries are the following:
2. Waste reduction, source separation, recycling, and the use of processes which
use a combination of manual and minimal mechanical segregation are feasible
3. The capacity and willingness to pay for the construction, operation, and
maintenance of a particular technology should be among the first issues
addressed when considering implementation of a complex resource recovery
Since few resources usually are devoted to final disposal, the operation of the
dump sites simply consists of discharging the wastes-and spreading them upon
the land in a uncontrolled fashion and without modern construction methods
(e.g. small working face, bottom liner and leachate control system, and landfill
gas control system).
11.8. Costs:
The poor and inadequate management of municipal solid wastes in developing
countries leads to relatively high costs for the services provided. It has been
demonstrated that the costs associated with waste management can account for
as much as 30% to 50% of the entire municipal budget.
Since the monetary expenditure for providing the service involved in waste
management is high, the municipality generally must subsidize a large
percentage of the cost. Waste generators seldom pay service fees.
Finally, key reasons for the inordinately high cost of solid waste management in
developing countries are lacking a shortage of trained personnel and the absence
of adequate and comprehensive planning.
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The results, also, show that about 9% of solid waste generated at the
household level is largely plastic bags and bottles. This is largely caused by
the lifestyles whereas most of the people in urban areas like Karan Nagar
Jammu use packed products such as juice, cooking oils, soft drinks, tomato
and tooth paste, compared to rural areas. Plastic bags are widely used by retail
consumers in carrying commodities from shops. These bags are cheaply
obtained by customers from shops such that majority of them do not reuse as
the result are mostly used once and disposed off. In Low Income households
the percentage composition of plastics is (11%) higher than in High Income
households. This might be contributed by the fact that, in Low Income
households, solid waste not only come from households but also comes from
commercial places like shops. Although plastic materials are being scavenged
and taken to industries for recycling, the scavengers collect only plastic bottles
used for parking water, juice or soft drinks. Plastic bags are not scavenged for
recycling making plastic among materials categories with high percentage
composition in solid waste found in urban areas as indicated in Figure 4.