A Project Report On Impact of Municapal Solid Waste Disposal On Soil and Ground Water

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A Project report on
Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree in
Bachelor of Engineering


Under the Guidance of
Dr.H.S.Nanda Mr. Shivaraju R
Principal Lecturer




(JUNE 2010)
Mr. MADHU KUMAR S 9164063898 [email protected]

Mr. NAGENDRA PRASAD N 9036534703 [email protected]

Mr. NAVEEN KUMAR S 9972011464

Mr. AMBRISH V 9844190926

Dr.H.S.Nanda 9845655234 [email protected]

Mr. Shivaraju R 9986602652 [email protected]

This study is intended to evaluate the effect of Municipal solid waste on soil and
water bodies in and around Chikkaballapur city and to provide remedial measures.
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), a complex refuse composed of various
materials with different properties. Some of the components are stable while others
degrade as a result of biological and chemical process. The lechate resulted from this;
pollute the soil underlying and subsequently ground water. MSW management is
mainly focused on major cities in India. Safe and scientific practice of MSW disposal
for any developing city is need of the hour.
The previous studies and investigation by various investigators has indicated that
the leachate can modify the soil properties & significantly alter the behaviour of soil
Substantial release of leachate from dump yards (Landfills without top and
bottom impermeable layers) has occurred during past few years & the soil at the dump
yard experience extensive contamination. These releases may have also covered
extensive areas adjacent to the dumping area resulting in contaminating the soil,
surface and groundwater. The main focus of this study is to determine the effect of
leachate contamination on hydraulic conductivity and other characteristics.
Representative soil samples from the sources will be obtained from test pits. The
experimental studies will be carried out so as to know the effect of leachate on the soil
properties in the case of leachate pH = 7.00. and at various pH values. To vary the
degree of contamination the dry soil samples will be mixed with various percentage of
common contaminate by weight of dry soil. A light compaction & hydraulic
conductivity tests will be carried out on native soil & contaminated soil samples.
Chickballapur, a sprawling city, located on NH-7 about 25 K m from Bengaluru
International Air Port, now became a District Headquarter of recently formed
Chickballapur district. The population of the city is around 80,000 spreading over an
area of 18 Sq Km. The city is fast developing, inviting a large number of
Governmental, public, private residential, commercial and industrial establishments.
Two major proposals are on the anvil i.e, to establish VTU Research Centre and an IIT
at Muddenahalli, the birthplace of Sir. M V Visvesvaraiah, situated about 4 Kms from
this city.
In this study, to understand the effect of solid waste disposal on prevailing water
sources experiments in laboratory were carried out for water quality parameters along
with the studies are also carried out to determine the effects of leachate contamination
on the geotechnical properties of native soil and local soil contaminated by disposal of
MSW in the region.
With an expectation that the contaminated soils exhibit altered geotechnical
properties compared to native soil, Efforts were made to make use the results that can be
obtained from this study to evaluate the consequences of contamination of MSW on soil
and water bodies in the study area.

Key Words: Municipal Solid waste, land fill, Soil Contamination, Lechate,
Groundwater, Segregation

Chickballapur, a sprawling city, located on NH-7 about 25 K m from Bengaluru
International Air Port, now became a District Headquarter of recently formed
Chickballapur district. The population of the city is around 80,000 spreading over an area
of 18 Sq Km. The city is fast developing, inviting a large number of Governmental,
public, private residential, commercial and industrial establishments. Two major
proposals are on the anvil ie, to establish VTU Research Centre and an IIT at
Muddenahalli, the birthplace of Sir. M V Visvesvaraiah, situated about 4 Kms from this
city. At present about 30 MT of solid waste is generating in the city everyday.
Waste generation has become an inherent part of human dwelling. With the
ongoing increase in the population levels, and more significantly the drastic changes
occurring as a part of urbanization, the quantity and quality of waste generated is
changing rapidly. In Indian cities, waste is generally not weighed. It is measured by
volume to determine the quantity of waste. Several studies conducted by NEERI and
other consultants have shown that the generation rates are low in smaller towns whereas
they are high in cities over 20 lakhs population. The quantity of solid waste in Indian
urban centres are shown in Table 1

Table 1 Quantity of Solid Waste in Indian urban centres

Population range Number of urban Total population Average per Quantity
(in million) centres sampled (in million) capita value (tones/day)
<0.1 328 68.300 0.21 14343.00
0.1-0.5 255 56.914 0.21 11952.00
0.5-1.0 31 21.729 0.25 5432.00
1.0-2.0 14 17.184 0.27 4640.00
2.0-5.0 6 20.597 0.35 7209.00
>5.0 3 26.306 0.50 13153.00
(Source: NEERI strategy paper on SWM in India, Feb, 1996)
In India, the total urban population of 240 million produces approximately 29 million
tonnes of refuse annually at an average rate of 0.2 kg to 0.6 kg/capita/day (Macwan
J.E.M. 2003). Factors that affect generation rate are:
• Geographic location
• Season of the year
• Frequency of collection
• Characteristics of population
• Public attitude
Solid waste generation rates for different countries are as shown in Table 2. It can be
seen that per capita solid waste generated in developed countries is quite high. This can
be attributed to higher standards of living and use of larger amount of packing materials
and higher wastage.
Table 2 Solid Waste Generation Rates for Different Countries
Country Solid waste generation rate
India 0.3-0.6
UK 0.82
USA 2.5
Switzerland 0.6


The main objectives of the project are as follows:
1. Identification of solid waste dumps and its characterizations
2. To study the dumping yard system
3. Impact study on soil and water samples in and around dumpsites
4. To develop a detailed data base on scientifically generated data and technical
aspects to treat and dispose the waste generated in the district
5. Critical study of current Solid waste Management strategy, Technology practices
and characterizations of solid waste.


Solid waste is the waste arising from anthropogenic and animal activities, which is
normally solid and are discarded as useless or unwanted. These wastes are being
produced since the beginning of civilization. During the early period, solid wastes were
conveniently and unobtrusively disposed off, since the population density was low and
large open land space was available. With the advent of industrialization and
urbanization, the problems of waste disposal increased. High population density and
intensive land use for residential, commercial and industrial activities led to an adverse
impact on the environment. Identifying, locating, quantifying, characterizing and
documentation of wastes dump sites in and around Chickballapur city and to study its
impact on environment with respect to water and soil qualities representing the dumping
site located in between Nimmakalakunte and Ankangondi.


In this study, to assess the solid waste generation in terms of quantity and quality,
their collection, transportation and disposal, the following steps were adopted.
1. Collection of general information from the Municipal authority.

2. Identifying the wards for collection of solid waste for its quantitative and
qualitative analysis

3. Collection of house hold solid waste from identified houses in particular


4. Characterization of solid waste

To assess the impact of solid waste dumping, on soil and water sources, the following
steps were adopted.

1. Identifying the site for soil sampling in and around the dumping site.

2. Soil sampling

3. Water sampling – surface and ground water

4. Experimentation and analysis of geotechnical properties of contaminated and

uncontaminated soils as per relevant BIS specification and test procedures.

5. Experimentation and analysis of water quality of surface and subsurface

sources as per relevant BIS specification and test procedures.

6. Assessing the impact of solid waste disposal on soil by comparing the

experimental results of uncontaminated and contaminated soils.

7. Assessing the impact of solid waste disposal on water by experimental results

of water samples collected at different sources and locations.

Careful soil sampling is essential for an accurate fertilizer recommendation. A sample
must reflect the overall or average fertility of a field so analyses, interpretations and
recommendations accurately represent the nutrient or mineral status of the soil. An
accurate evaluation of soil nutrient levels will result in more efficient fertilizer use, which
can increase yields, reduce costs and potentially reduce environmental pollution.
Consider each of the following before obtaining a Soil sample:

a. Sampling procedure,

b. Sampling depth,

Sampling Procedure
Use a systematic sampling scheme. Grid (lie area in your mind's eye (it is not necessary
to measure it) and sample once within each grid. Obtain an accurate Nutrient evaluation
of a field site with 15 to 20 surface sub samples per 40 acres and six eight subsurface
cores. Mix these sub samples thoroughly and save 1 pint for analysis, is pint mixture is
the composite soil sample. In some cases, the number of sub samples may be limited by
time constraints or availability of labor. Keep in mind, however, that fewer sub samples
result in less accuracy in evaluating the nutrient or mineral status of the soil. Fig 1 shows
the sampling procedure.
Fig 1 sampling procedure

Sampling Depth
Take the surface sample to tillage depth. For perennial pastures or hay crops
(cases there the soil is not annually mixed), sample to 4 inches deep. Be sure to separate
discard surface litter. Take deeper samples (subsoil) for nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-analysis
where the nitrogen (N) fertilizer recommendation is of special importance. Sugar beets
are an excellent example: There is a delicate balance between yield response (too little N)
and quality reduction (too much N). Deep soil sampling greatly improves nitrogen
recommendations for irrigated crops. Take deep Samples to 2 feet, preferably to 4 feet.
There is little point in going deeper unless an unusual situation requires special attention.
Sample as follows: surface to tillage depth, tillage depth to 2 feet, and 2 feet to 4 feet.
Keep each depth separate. Request routine test for the surface composite sample and
NO3-N only for the subsoil samples.

Fig 2 Sampling Depth


In the present study to investigate the effect on the behavior of soils and to understand
plasticity and compaction characteristics, the following laboratory tests have been

Water Content

Water content of soil was obtained by oven dry method. This is the most accurate method
of determining the water content and is, therefore used in this investigation as per IS

Specific gravity

Specific gravity of given soil by using density bottle method. The knowledge of specific
gravity is need in calculation of soil properties like void ratio, degree of saturation as per
is 2720 (part-i&ii)-(1980-1992).

Field density by core cutter method

Determine the field density and dry unit weight for given site by using core cutter method
.core cutter method is suitable for soft cohesive soils. It can not be used for stiff clays,
sandy soils and soils containing gravel fractions, which could damage the cutting edge as
per is 2720 (1975-88).

Grain size analysis

Grain size analysis is widely used in classification of soils data obtained from grain size
distribution curve is used in design of filter or earthen dams to determine suitability of
soil for road construction , air field etc as per IS-2720(part IV)-1985.

pH of Soil

The pH of soil has a major influence on the solubility of contaminants by influencing the
degree of ionization and their subsequent overall charge (pepper, 1996). Stabilization of
very acidic materials can cause rapid heat evolution following binder addition. In
materials with excess moisture content, this can be beneficial as a reduction in moisture
content is likely. However, in materials with near-optimum moisture content or the
presence of volatile contaminants, staged addition of binder may be required to control
the heat evolution.

Materials with low pH can be detrimental to the setting of cement/lime stabilized

materials. To overcome this problem the acidic material needs to be neutralized. This can
either be achieved by increasing the quantity of lime or cement binder used, or an
alternative alkaline material could be used, such as chalk dust

Liquid Limit

The liquid limit of the soil was determined by using Casargrande's standard method for
liquid limit as per IS 2720(part-V)-1985. Liquid limit is the water content corresponding
to the arbitrary limit b/w liquid and plastic limit of consistency of a soil. It is defined as
the minimum water content at which a part of a soil cut by the grove of the standard
dimension will flow together from a distance of 2mm under an impact of 25 blows in the

Plastic Limit

Plastic limit of soils were determined as per IS 2720(part-V)-1970 method. The average
of three determinations is considered as plastic limit.

Compaction Test

Compaction test was carried out in the standard proctor mould having internal diameter
of 10cm and height of 12cm. samples was compacted in three layers. Each layer of the
soils is compacted by 25 blows. Before placing the second or third layer of soil for
compaction, the top surface of first compacted layer was starched for proper adhesion
between each layer. The dry density was calculated by finding moisture content. Result
of dry density and moisture content were plotted to find maximum dry density and
optimum moisture content's for both the soils as per IS 2720(part-VII)-1974 method.
Unconfined Compression Test

The unconfined compression test is used to measure the unconfined compressive strength
of a cohesive soil. The unconfined compression test is applicable only to coherent
materials such as saturated clays or cemented soils that retain intrinsic strength after
removal of confining pressure. Dry or crumbly soils, fissured or varied materials, silts,
and sands cannot be tested meaningfully in unconfined compression, in this test; a
laterally unsupported cylindrical specimen is subjected to a gradually increased axial
compression load until failure occurs. The unconfined compression test is a form of
Triaxial test in which the major principal stress is equal to the applied axial stress, and the
intermediate and minor principal stresses are equal to zero. The unconfined compressive
strength is defined as the maximum unit axial compressive stress at failure or at 15
percent strain, whichever occurs first. The Undrained shear strength is assumed to be
equal to one-half the unconfined compressive strength. The axial load may be applied to
the specimen either by the controlled strain procedure, in which the stress is applied to
produce a predetermined rate of strain, or by the controlled stress procedure, in which the
stress is applied in predetermined increments of load.

Standard Reference

ASTM D 2166 - Standard Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength of

Cohesive Soil

1. pH meter method

2. Acidity test

3. Hardness test

4. Chloride test

5. Sulphate test

6. Alkalinity test
Solid Waste Management Information Has Been Collected From The Action Plan Report
Are As Shown Below In Table 3

Table 3 data regarding swm status report of chickballapur.

Apr-2010 (CMC Chickballapur)

1 Area (Sq Km2)

1 18.2
2 Present Population (2001 census) 54938

3 Waste Generated (Tons Per Day, tpd) 30

4 Total number of wards 31
2 5 Action plan of SWM approved date 10/7/2007
6 Fund released date/amount (in lakhs) 99.77
7 Fund Utilzed date/amount (in lakhs) 79.77
Door to Door collection IEC Activities ProcurementStatus of

8 Tender invited (Y/N) Yes

9 Purchase order issued (Y/N) Yes

10 Started since (month and year) 2006

Solid waste Management action Plan

11 Fund released (in lakhs) 99.77

12 Fund utilized (in lakhs) 79.77
13 Number of NGO's involved no
14 Activities Carried out by NGO's No
15 Payments to NGO'S (In lakhs) No
16 Total No. of non slum households in the ULB No
17 Total No. of households covered in the ULB No
18 Total No. Households covered by SHGs No
19 Total No. of SHGs No
Vehicles used in collection in the ULB 78
21 No. of Auto tippers in the ULB 3
22 No. of Tricycles )in the ULB No
23 No. of Push cart (wheel barrows) in the ULB 55
Composition of SW recorded in the ULB (in
24 % Compostable No
25 % Paper and Cardboard No
26 % Plastic No

27 % Glass No
28 % Metals No
29 % Leather and textiles No
% Recyclables No
% Dust, ash and Inert waste
30 No
3 Transportation and secondary collection

Secondary collection &

31 Total No of Vehicles used daily 7

Kind of vehicle used
32 No of Tractor 5
33 No of Open Trucks / closed trucks No
34 No of Oblique tractor placers No
35 No of Dumper placers 2
36 No of Front-end Loaders/back hoe (JCB) No
Waste Processing and Landfill
4 37 Purchase of land (Yes/No)
38 Type of land Procured (Govt/private) govt
Status of Development

39 Fund released for purchase of land -

Fund utilized (in lakhs) -
40 Total Area of Land in acres 15
41 Fund released for development (in lakhs) 40.92
42 Fund utilzed (in lakhs) 22
43 KSPCB authorization taken/renewed Yes
44 Date of authorization/renewed 2008
45 Construction of landfill started Yes
46 Date of Buffer Zone declaration No
47 No of composting yards No

48 Total Area utilized for composting (acres) No

49 Quantity of waste received for composting (tpd) No
50 Pre-Segregation done (Yes/No) No
51 Total waste Composted per day (tpd) No

52 Economic value (Rs/Kg) No

53 Area marked for recycling of waste (acres) No
Total quantity of waste recycled from dustbins

54 (Kg/day) No
Total quantity of waste recycled from Landfills
55 (Kg/day) No
56 Value of recycled materials (Rs) No
57 Total Area allocated to landfill (acres) No
58 Total No of landfills (cells) 1
59 Area other than landfill site for waste disposal -
60 Total waste sent to landfill site (tonnes/Day) 27
Landfill site

61 Type of landfill (sanitary/ pit method) pit method

62 Construction of compound wall /fencing(Yes/No) Yes
63 length of fence/ compound wall 848mts
64 Formation of approached roads (Yes/No) Yes
65 Bore wells (Yes/No) Yes
66 Tree plantation taken up (Yes/No) No
67 Name 3 dominant Tree Species (species 1) No
Species 2 No
Species 3 No
5 68 Target set for User fee (lakhs or Rs) No

69 Target Achieved (lakhs or Rs) No

6 70 Total expenditure on Municipal Solid Waste Mgmt Lakhs
71 Expenditure, per ton waste
72 Total income from SWM
Representative Sample of Waste Generated from 15 house of 5th Ward in Chickballapur
as shown in Table 4

Table 4 Name of ward 1 – 5TH ward Prashanth Nagar, Chickballpur

House House House House

Waste generated by houses Details House 1 2 3 4 House 5 6
Household details and ID #102 #103 #105 #104 #109 #107
Name of head of HH
No of members in the house 6 4 3 5 5 4
No of adults in the house (>13yrs)
No of children below 13yrs
ID No used for GPS point

Composition Details
Total Waste of the house (in grams) 1151.05 485 314 540 1093 426
compostables (g) 884.52 366.92 281.79 518.41 1005.14 402.3
paper and cardboard (g) 190.3 77.7 - 15.31 43 10.3
Plastic (g) 64.2 64.2 30.91 6.28 26.5 8
Day 1

Glass (g) - - - - - -
Metals (g) - - - - - -
Leather and Cloth /textiles (g) 12.03 - 1.3 - 18.36 5.4
Inerts and dust (g)

Total Waste of the house (in grams) 742.8 363.4 291.5 389.6 876.6 383.5
compostables (g) 682.7 273.93 261.08 386.57 791.28 376.30
paper and cardboard (g) 47.01 58.43 24.04 - 72.21 -
Plastic (g) 13.09 31.04 9.38 3.03 11.04 6.80
Day 2

Glass (g) - - - - - -
Metals (g) - - - - - -
Leather and Cloth /textiles (g) - - 7.2 - 2.07 -
Inerts and dust (g)

Total Waste of the house (in grams) 983.4 428.2 263.2 410 910.4 410
compostables (g) 891.89 299.71 218.12 385.52 846.24 365.2
paper and cardboard (g) 69.5 110.36 26.82 24.48 50.42 -
Plastic (g) 17.31 18.13 18.26 - 13.74 10.7
Day 3

Glass (g) - - - - - -
Metals (g) - - - - - -
Leather and Cloth /textiles (g) 4.7 - - - - 34.1
Inerts and dust (g)
House 7 House 8 House 9 House 10 House 11 House 12 House 13 house 14 House 15
#106 #108 #110 Nh Nh #112 Nh Nh Nh

4 7 3 4 6 2 3 8 2

832.7 1106.8 256.1 349.7 796.8 128.3 228.6 1239.1 180.7

693.18 883.51 213.29 286.84 725.58 111.64 217.49 1077.38 128.29
102.6 138.13 24.92 42.69 39.81 12.10 - 93.95 42.24
29.01 85.16 17.89 20.14 31.41 4.56 11.11 52.56 10.17
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
7.91 - - - - - - 15.21 -

526 902.3 203.5 410.3 524.62 278.9 210.7 1131.2 152.3

453.22 505.9 137.02 324.84 473.44 235.82 185.62 984.92 95.78
55.15 92.6 30.17 60.32 23.04 26.72 6.3 120.61 40.10
17.53 103.79 36.31 25.14 28.14 16.36 18.78 25.67 16.42
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -

620.1 956.6 220.8 256 598.2 162.2 247.1 1667 109.8

508.98 704.68 197.67 205.59 521.2 131.04 205.37 1049.83 65.3
86.25 106.76 12.07 35.57 42.13 19.02 20.39 84.92 24.46
20.07 123.45 11.06 14.84 26.16 12.14 21.74 32.25 20.04
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
4.8 - - - 8.61 - - - -


The study area the municipal solid waste dumping site considered in this study is
located between Nimmakalakunte and Ankanagondi village this dumping site is about 7
years old, in which the solid waste dumping in this yard was in practice for a period of
one to one and half of year later there was no further dumping in this site.
Referring to Table 5.3 and Fig 5.1 to 5.16, analysis of soil sample results of
uncontaminated and contaminated reveals slight decrease in bulk density and water
content in top layer and at a depth of one meter how ever this all most remains same at
about 0.5 meter depth compare to the uncontaminated soil. Is specific gravity of the top
layer that is right below that solid waste heap shows decreased value. Implies the
presence of organic matter mixed with soil
The pH Value of soil slightly become alkaline in nature with an average value of
7.49 compared to its pH value of 6.61 for uncontaminated soil. This shows a significant
interaction of pollutant with the soil.
Plastic and Liquid limit also shows decreasing trend for contaminated soil
compared to uncontaminated soil revealing modification of soil properties due to
contaminants .
The Sieve analysis results shows variation in effective particle size and coefficient
of uniformity and coefficient of curvature with respect to soil at top layer and at a depth
of 0.5 meter revealing physical alteration of soil particles due to contamination.
The compaction test results shows their exist increase in optimum moisture
content 21.33 % and decrease in dry density of an average value of 16.74 compared to

15 % OMC and 19.9 kN/m³ of optimum dry density for uncontaminated soil.
Unconfined compression test analysis shows that a decrease in UCC strength with
a value of 0.23 kg/Cm² for contaminated soil compared to its value of 0.44 kg/Cm² due to
the contamination of soil.

Table 5 Results And Discussion For Soil Properties

Liquid Limit Graph


1 In-situ dry density
by core cutter
Bulk density γb in 18.26 16.5 18.5 15.5
Water content w in 14.8 12.5 15 11
In-situ dry density 15.9 14.7 16.1 12
γd in kN/m³
2 Specific gravity G 2.65 2.35 2.6 2.7
3 pH method 6.61 7.52 7.64 7.30
4 Plastic limit wp in 33% 22% Sandy soil Sandy soil
5 Liquid limit wl in % 38.33% 30% 36% 38.5%

6 Sieve analysis
D10 0.22mm 0.07mm 0.034mm 0.22mm
D20 0.52mm 0.049mm 0.071mm 0.6mm
D30 2.00mm 0.21mm 0.25mm 1.6mm
Co-efficient of
uniformity Cu 9.09 30 0.136 8.63
Co-efficient of
curvature Cc 0.61 1.63 0.59 0.86

7 Compaction test
using light weight
Optimum moisture 15% 19% 24.5% 20.5%
content W in %
Dry density γd in 19.9kN/m³ 16.18kN/m³ 17.16kN/m³ 16.88kN/m³
Failure plane α 50˚ 80˚ 65˚ 60˚
Internal friction Φ 19.79˚ 56.30˚ 30˚ 29.74˚
Cohesion c 0.44kg/Cm² 0.17kg/Cm² 0.22kg/Cm² 0.3kg/Cm²
Fig Liquid Limit for Un-Contaminated Soils

Fig Liquid Limit for Contamination Soils At Top Surface

Fig Liquid Limit for Contamination Soils at 0.5 Meter

Fig Liquid Limit for Contamination Soils at 1 Meter

Sieve Analysis Graphs

Fig Sieve Analysis for Un-Contaminated Soils

Fig Sieve Analysis for Contamination Soils At Top Surface

Fig Sieve Analysis for Contamination Soils At 0.5 Meter
Fig Sieve analysis for Contamination soils at 1 meter

Standard Proctor Compaction Test Using Light Compaction Graph

Fig Variation Dry Density Vs Water Content

Fig variation dry density Vs water content

Variation dry density Vs water content

Fig variation dry density Vs water content

Un-Confined Compression Test Graphs

Fig Variation of Shear Stress Vs Compressive Stress

Fig Variation of Shear Stress Vs Compressive Stress

Fig Variation of Shear Stress Vs Compressive Stress
Fig Variation of Shear Stress Vs Compressive Stress



The present studies was under taken to investigate the physical and chemical
characteristics and to whether it is affect from waste disposal .the sample were collected
from bore wells within 500m radius from the dump site. Take about 2 liters capacity used
for the water samples for analysis the physical and chemical characteristics of this water
samples are determined according to standard methods.

Referring Table 6 to 10, the water quality analysis of the water samples collected
from 2-borewells located at a distance of 90 meter and 500 meter and a open well at
above 100 meter distance form the dumping site shows considerable variations in pH,
Acidity, Chloride content and Hardness.

Though most of the results obtained for these parameters are within the
permissible limits, the variation in this value might be caused by the influence of
pollutants from the solid waste dumping site. How ever to assess ground water quality
Hydro-Geomorphologic Feature of the region is to be examined.

Table 6 pH Value of Ground Water Sample

Sl Name of experiment Sample -1 form Sample -2 form open Sample 3 form

no conducted bore point well located at 100m bore point located
located at 90m form site at 500m form
form site site
1 pH meter method 7.6 7.73 8.13
Table 7 Acidity Value of Ground Water Sample

Sl Name of experiment Sample -1 form Sample -2 form Sample 3 form

no conducted bore point open well located bore point
located at 90m at 100m form located at 500m
form site in site in (mg/litres) form site in
(mg/litres) (mg/litres)
1 Total acidity 58 48 38
2 Mineral acidity Absent absent Absent

Chlorides are not usually harmful to people however, the sodium part of table salt
has been linked to heart and kidney disease. Sodium chloride may impart a salty taste at
89.85 mg/L; however, calcium or magnesium chlorides are not usually detected by taste
until levels of 131.78 mg/L are reached. The desirable limit for chloride is89.85 mg/L
and the permissible limit in the absence of alternate source is 131.78 mg/L. All the water
samples fall within the limit. Referring 8

Table 8 Chloride Value of Ground Water Sample

Sl Name of Sample -1 Sample -2 Sample 3 form Undesirable

no experiment form bore form open bore point effect
conducted point well located located at outside the
located at at 100m from 500m from the desirable
90m from site in site (mg/liters) limit
the site in (mg/liters)
1 Chloride test 89.85 131.78 110.8
limit test,
are affected
Hardness of water sample varies from the 242 mg/l to 290 mg/l. the desirable limit for
hardness is 242 mg/l and the permissible limit in the absence of alternate source is 290
mg/l. the calcium concentration varies from 94 mg/l to 186 mg/l and the magnesium
concentration varies from 56to 184 mg/l. the desirable limit for calcium is 94 mg/l and
the permissible limit in the absence of alternate source is 186 mg/l. the desirable limit for
magnesium is 56 mg/l and the permissible limit in the absence of alternate source is 184
mg/l. Referring Table 9

Table 9 Hardness Value of Ground Water Sample

Sl no Name of experiment Sample -1 form Sample -2 form Sample 3 form

conducted borepoint located openwell located borepoint
at 90m form site at 100m form located at 500m
in (mg/liters) site in (mg/liters) form site in
1 Total hardness 290 278 242

2 Calcium hardness 106 94 186

3 Magnesium hardness 184 184 56

It is found that sulphate is absent and the results of alkalinity is as showing in Table 10
Table 10 Alkalinity Value of Ground Water Sample

Sl no Name of Sample -1 form Sample -2 form Sample 3 form bore

experiment bore point located open well located at point located at
conducted at 90m form site 100m form site 500m from the site
in(mg/l) in(mg/l) in(mg/l)

1 Partial Absent Absent Absent


2. Total 8 14 4
The solid waste generated in the Chickballapur City amounting to 30 metric tones per
day. The major constituents of solid waste comprised of organic matter leading to 60-70
% of its total constituents , the remaining portion composed of plastic, clothes ,
biomedical waste, garage waste Etc,
The segregation of solid waste generated in the city is highly recommended
before disposal in order to reuse and recycling of suitable materials.
The segregation of organic matter is putrescible in nature can be useful in
vermicular composting for generation of Bio-manure for agriculture purposes.
From the soil quality analysis it was clearly found that the influence of
contaminants on geotechnical properties of the soil in the dumping site, the
contamination of soil also alter the quality of surface and sub surface sources in order to
prevent the contamination of soil and water, the scientific disposal of solid waste is very
significant. In order to achieve reduction in quantity of solid waste a practice of
systematic collection, transportation, Segregation and disposal by landfill may be
By adopting scientific disposal the depletion of geotechnical Characteristic of soil and
water can be avoided. This can be achieved by adopting geo-synthetic liners system in
the landfill to prevent transport in migration of leachate from the landfill site
Scope for Future Studies
It is revealed from the studies, solid waste generation is increasing from time to time with
the increase of population and anthropogenic activities of human being. This leads the
contamination of soil, subsequently the surface and subsurface water sources. The
following are the recommendations for the future studies:-

 Ward wise, location wise generation of solid waste with respect to its
characteristics and quantity may be carried out at micro level.
 For proper solid waste management, the segregation practice at the source level in
the initial stage and in the open yard at the final stage may be practiced.
 Hydro-geomorphologic characteristics of the dumping site and its thorough
investigation is significant to understand the extent and intensity of influence of
contaminants in the solid waste dumping yard, which also referred for water
quality analysis, expected to affected by soil contamination due to solid waste

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