2nd Cot
2nd Cot
2nd Cot
How do girls know that they are getting Pupil 3: When I am seeing my
mature? breast is getting bigger
Group 3 Used strategies for
providing timely,
Draw in Manila the different Phases of accurate and
Menstrual Cycle constructive feedback
to improve
F. Developing 1. Which part of the body is capable of Pupils will answer the following
mastery (leads to producing the hormones estrogen and questions.
formative progesterone?
assessment) A. fallopian tube C. cervix
B. endometrium D. ovary
2. During the menstrual cycle,
progesterone is at its highest level during
A. follicular phase C. menstruation
B. luteal phase D. ovulation
3. In a normal 28-day menstrual cycle,
when would you expect ovulation to
take place?
A. Day 11 C. Day 13
B. Day 12 D. Day 14
4. The term that refers to painful
menstruation is .
A. dysmenorrhea C. oligomenorrhea
B. menorrhagia D. polymenorrhea
5. Which of the following is the effect of
increased levels of estrogen in the follicular
phase of the menstrual cycle?
A. Eggs begin to mature.
B. The egg travels into the uterus.
C. Thickening of the lining of the uterus.
D. Thinning of the lining of the uterus.
G. Finding practical List some healthy food to eat during INDICATOR 1
applications of menstruation period.
concepts and skills Applied knowledge
in daily living of content within
and across
curriculum teaching
areas. Health
Complete IMs
Availability of Materials
Pupil’s eagerness to learn
Group member’s cooperation in doing their task
F. What difficulties did my Bullying among pupils
Pupil’s behavior/attitude
Principal or supervisor can Unavailable Technology Equipment (AVR/LCD)
help me solve? Science/Computer
Internet Lab
Additional Clerical Works
G. What innovation or localized Planned Innovations:
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with Localized Videos
other teachers? Making big books from views of the locality
Recycling of plastics to be used as instructional Materials
Local Poetical composition