Music Therapy

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Music therapy

Author: Ayelet Dassa , Michal Rosenbach , Avi Gilboa


Music Therapy guided PCs to pre-select individualized music for their spouses and they showed that
listening to music reduced agitation among people with dementia at home and PCs to use music to
facilitate stress reduction and they showed that this treatment caused the couple’s relaxation,
comfort, and happiness to increase.


Music in the daily lives of people add the following guidelines to the existing models (1) the
treatment should focus on the couple and include the person with dementia as well as their spouse
PC (2) time should be allocated for the couple together but also for the PC individually, thus
addressing the couple as an organic unit but also providing support and guidance to the PC (3)
treatment should be conducted by a music therapist in the couple’s natural environment, namely,
their home.


The aim of these programs was to find a cost-effective way to introduce music to caregivers by
providing them with caregiver-administered music activities. In most cases, the guidance was
provided by a music therapist in a single session and the music therapist neither attended the
caregiver-administered sessions nor provided further support.


Music therapy has been found to be an effective means to aid PCs and several programs were
developed with the aim of providing musical strategies to aid PCs in their daily challenges. Due to
the limited scope of this manuscript, programs for PCs in general that relate to children or other
caregivers were excluded.
Author : Chao Ji, Jing Zhao, Qiaole Nie & Shuo Wang


music therapy has advantages in reducing pain during childbirth, lowering anxiety and stress levels
in mothers, improving sleep quality, and increasing fetal movements, basal fetal heart rate, and


The recruited trials for this review were compliant with the standards of the Cochrane Handbook for
Systematic Reviews of Interventions. Selection and evaluation of articles is conducted through by
two authors. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a preliminary recognition of the title of
the manuscript was performed at first.


We included randomized controlled trials which investigate the application of music therapy before
and during pregnancy. The studies on the intervention of music played to fetus through the mother’s
abdomen were also included. All types of music and music therapy strategies are qualified. These
pregnant women were randomly assigned to either music group or control group. Exclusion criteria:
Observational and non-randomized control trials were excluded.


The abundant functions of music and its effects on human’s mental and physical health have been
verified since ancient times, but rarely received attention as an alternative obstetric intervention.

Author: Natwipa Wanicharoen and Vich Boonrod


Music therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music treatments in a therapeutic
relationship by a certified practitioner who has completed an accredited music therapy curriculum.
MT aims to use music to reach non-musical goals, including improving communication, social,
emotional, physical, and cognitive domains.


Studies have examined the effect of using songs for language learning in individuals with language
disorders (LDs), including SLI and mild DD,20 as well as the risk of developing reading problems in
individuals with a history of speech and language delay and weak phonological awareness skills.


Children with SLI tend to exhibit poorer music perception skills compared to typically developing
children.7 This is noteworthy because music and language share numerous commonalities and
consist of perceptually unique components arranged in hierarchically structured sequences
Importance: The researchers provided a narrative description of the literature in the dataset,
including the type, age, and source of publication. Then, the researchers identified and analyzed
variations in diagnosis, age groups, interventionist profession, types of music experiences, and
language goals covered in the literature as part of this evaluation.

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