Obstric History Taking, Cases

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MENTORS : Dr. Mangala
Dr. Hiranmayi
Patient Particulars :

AGE : 28y

ADDRESS : Magadi, Bengaluru



HUSBAND DETAILS : XYZ, 30y, businessman, B.Com, 40,000/month.


LMP : 07/08/2019

EDD : 14/05/2020

GESTATIONAL AGE : 38 weeks 7 days

DOA : 07/05/2020

DOE : 07/05/2020
G2P1L1A0 with 9 months of amenorrhea came for regular antenatal check-up with no
other complaints. 6
No history of pain abdomen, head ache, blurring of vision, swelling of legs, bleed or
leak PV. Fetal movements well perceived.
Index : G2P1L1A0
LMP : 07/08/2019
EDD : 14/05/2020
Booked case at Vani Vilas hospital, Bengaluru.
Pregnancy was confirmed after one month of missed periods at hospital by UPT.
History of spontaneous conception.
1st trimester scan (dating scan) was done and found to be normal and corresponding
with dates.
Folic acid tablets were taken.
No h/o burning micturition.
No h/o fever with rashes, excessive vomiting.
No h/o spotting or bleeding per vagina.
No h/o pain abdomen.
No h/o exposure to radiation and drug intake.
Regular ANC was done, weight gain was 1kg.

Quickening was felt at 5th month.
2nd trimester scan (Anamoly scan) was done and found to be normal.
2 doses tetanus toxoid were taken.
Iron and calcium tablets taken, weight gain was 6 kg.
No h/o fever, increased frequency/burning of micturition.
No h/o pedal edema, blurring of vision, headache.
No h/o of pain abdomen, leaking or bleeding per vagina.
Continued perception of fetal movements.
Iron and calcium tablets taken, weight gain was 5 kg.
Obstetric scan was done and found to be normal.
No h/o fever, increased frequency/burning of micturition.
No h/o pedal edema, blurring of vision, headache.
No h/o of pain abdomen, leaking or bleeding per vagina.
Antenatal events - uneventful, booked case at government hospital.
Perinatal details -Term baby, institutional delivery by caesarean section 3 years back on 05/05/2017.
Indication : breech presentation with fetal distress (MSAF)
Emergency LSCS at 39 weeks when patient had come with decreased perception of fetal movements.
Baby cried immediately after birth, breast fed after 1hr, no h/o NICU admission.
Outcome : Alive boy baby of 3kg birth weight, currently healthy and doing well.
No fever or wound discharge in post operative period, sutures removed on 7 th day.
Postnatal events – uneventful
Age of attainment of menarche -13 years
Regular cycle of 28 to 30 days, flow for 4-5 days, changes 2-3 pads per day.
Not associated with dysmenorrhea, No h/o of passage of clots.
No h/o blood transfusion in the past
No h/o any recent surgery
Not known case of Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, asthma, TB, epilepsy.
MARITAL HISTORY : Married life of 5 years and Non consanguineous
CONTRACEPTIVE HISTORY : oral contraceptive pills before first pregnancy
later barrier method (condom).
No history bleeding disorder.
No history of children's with chromosomal anamoly /birth defect.
No history of twining in the family.
No h/o Hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, asthma, TB, epilepsy.
Diet - mixed
Appetite - normal
Sleep - adequate
Bowel and bladder - regular
No history of substance abuse
Patient is conscious, cooperative well oriented to time, place, and person
Vitals :
Patient is afebrile
Pulse - 90/min regular rhythm, normal volume, normal character, vessel wall is not
palpable and all peripheral pulse are felt.
Blood pressure -120/80mmhg right arm, supine position.
Respiratory rate -16/minute
No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, edema.
Height -160 cm
Pre pregnancy Weight - 61 kg
Present weight - 73 kg
BMI – 23.8 kg/m.sq
Thyroid appears normal.
Breast examination shows normal changes of pregnancy.
Spine appears normal.
Position - supine with legs semiflexed
Shape of the abdomen - distended and appears longitudinally oval with fullness of flanks.
Corresponding quadrants moves equally with respiration.
Umbilicus is central and everted.
Linea nigra and stria gravidarum present.
No sinuses or dilated veins can be seen.
Hernial orifices are intact.
A horizontal scar of 10 cm noted about 3 cm above the pubic symphysis, healed by
primary intention without hypertrophy and keloid formation.
No local rise of temperature or tenderness with relaxed uterus.
Abdominal girth is 102 cm, at the level of umbilicus.
Fundal height corresponds to period of gestation (32-34 weeks with flanks full)
Symphysiofundal height is 34cm, corresponds to gestational age.
Fundal grip : broad, soft, irregular mass suggestive of breech.
Right Lateral grip : uniform curved resistance suggestive of spine.
Left lateral grip : multiple knob like structures suggestive of fetal limb parts.
1st pelvic grip : hard non ballotable mass suggestive of fetal head.
2nd pelvic grip : fingers converge.
No scar tenderness.
FHS heard along right spinoumbilical line, rate - 142/min
Cardiovascular system: S1, S2 heard, no murmurs heard.
Respiratory system : Normal vesicular breaths sound. No added sounds.
Central nervous system : clinically no abnormality detected.


A 28 year old lady with obstetric index G2P1L1A0 with 38 weeks 7

days period of gestation with live singleton intrauterine pregnancy,
longitudinal lie and cephalic presentation with previous caesarean
section, not in labour.
F o llow A C OG Pr actice G u idelines
Ed uca ti o n An d Co un selin g
P reco n cep ti ona ll y
P ro vi d e ACOG P a ti en t P a m phlet
Ea rl y D uri n g P ren a ta l Ca re
D evel o p P rel i m i n ary P l a n
R evi si t At L ea st Ea ch Tri m ester
B e W i l l i n g To Al ter D eci si o n
Ha ve Fa ci l i ti es Ava i l a bi l ity
R i sk Assessm en t
Review Previous Operative Note(s)
Review Relative And Absolute Contraindications
Reconsider Risks As Pregnancy Progresses
Tread Carefully: >1 Prior Transverse CD, Unknown Incision, Twins, Macrosomia
Labor And Delivery
Cautions For Induction—unfavorable Cervix, High Station
Consider AROM
Avoid Prostaglandins
Respect Oxytocin—know When To Quit
Beware Of Abnormal Labor Progress
Respect EFM Pattern Abnormalities
Know When To Abandon A Trial Of Labor
Nandini Vijayakumar

MENTORS: Dr. Mangala

Dr. Abhilash
Patient Particulars
• Name: Mrs. XYZ
• Age: 29 yrs
• Blood group: B +ve
• Address: RT Nagar
• Occupation: Metro driver
• Education status: Higher secondary
• Husband’s name: Mr. XXS Age:32 years
• LMP: 30.11.2019 EDD: 7.9.2020
• Parity index: Primigravida
• Gestational Age: 30 weeks
• Socio economic state: Lower middle class
• Date of examination : 3.3.2020
Chief Complaints
• Easy fatigability since one month
• Loss of appetite
History of presenting illness
• Patient with history of 30 weeks amenorrhea, presents with
complaints of easy fatigability and generalized weakness.
Previously, the patient was able to manage work and
household chores but in the past month she gets tired with
minimal work. On walking about 100m, patient complains of
fatigue and slight giddiness that is relived on rest.
• Patient also complains of difficulty in breathing on exertion,
since one week. Insidious in onset and gradually progressive
which aggravates on climbing stairs and relives on taking rest.
• Breathlessness not associated with wheezing, coughing, palpitation
and chest pain.
• No history of pedal edema
• No history of elevated bp
• No history of bleeding or leaking per vagina
• No history of yellow discoloration of urine, skin or eyes
• No history of reduced urinary output
• No history of fever with chills and rigor, burning micturition
• No history of passage of worms in stool
• No history of trauma, hemoptysis, hematemesis, melena
• No history of hematuria, facial puffiness
• No history of bleeding disorders
• No history of headache, blurring vision
• No history of evening rise in temperature or contact with
• Not a known diabetic or hypertensive
History of present pregnancy
• Pregnancy detected at home with urine pregnancy test after one
month of her missed period.
• Bp: 110/70 mmHg
• History of spontaneous conception
• Folic acid tablet taken
• NT Scan done after 12 weeks ( normal)
• h/o increased frequency of micturition
• No history of fever with rashes, excessive vomiting
• No history of spotting or bleeding PV
• No history of pain abdomen
• No exposure of radiation, drug intake
• No history of craving for abnormal food (pica)
• She felt quickening at 5 months
• Td vaccine administered
• Anomaly Scan done at 5 months (NAD)
• Prophylactic iron tablet not taken regularly.
• No history of pedal edema, blurring of vision or
• No history of pain abdomen, leaking or bleeding
per vagina
• No history of polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia
Menstrual history
• Menarche:13 years
• Past cycles: regular cycles of 28 days, flow for
3-4 days
• Associated with dysmenorrhea
• No history of passage of clots
• LMP: 30.11.2019
• EDD: 7.9.2020
• Married at the age of 28year
• Married life of 8 months
• Non consanguineous marriage
• Known asthmatic (not using inhaler now)
• No history of blood transfusion
• No history of recent surgeries
• Not a known case of hypertension, Diabetes
mellitus, TB, epilepsy
• No history of infection or malignancy in the past
• Mother is a known hypertensive
• No history of repeated blood transfusion or
bleeding disorder
• No history of children with chromosomal
anomaly or birth defects
• No history of twining in the family
• Diet : mixed
• Appetite: reduced in the last month
• Sleep: adequate
• Bowel and bladder: normal and regular
• No history of substance abuse
• No history of any drug allergy
• No history of use of contraception

• Breakfast: 3 idlis with chutney
• Lunch : dal and rice
• Evening snack: tea and biscuits
• Dinner: roti and mixed vegetable curry
Summary of history
• 29 year old primigravida with history of 7
months amenorrhea has complaints of easy
fatigability and loss of appetite. Patient
complains of breathlessness on exertion and
increased frequency of micturition. Patient
has not been compliant in taking antenatal
oral iron supplements.
• Symptoms suggestive of anemia in pregnancy.
General physical examination
• Patient is conscious, cooperative and well oriented to
time, place and person.
• Patient is moderately built and nourished

• Pulse: 90/min ; regular rhythm, good volume. No radio-
radial or radio-femoral delay. All peripheral pulses are
• Respiration: 20 breaths/min
• BP:110/70 mmHg, right arm supine position
• Patient is afebrile
• Pallor present
• No icterus, clubbing, cyanosis, lymphadenopathy, edema
• Height : 5.5 ft
• Weight: 62.2 kgs


• Pallor seen in the lower palpebral conjunctiva
• There is no angular stomatitis, glossitis,Cheilosis
• Nails: no platonychia, no koilonychia
• No pedal edema
• Thyroid appears normal
• Spine appears to be normal

• Normal changes of pregnancy seen
• Nipple show no retraction or inversion
Obstetric Examination
• Inspection:
• Shape of abdomen is globular, longitudinally distended
• Corresponding quadrants moves equally with respiration
• Umbilicus is central and everted. Flanks are not filled
• Linea nigra and stria gravidum present
• No scar marks, sinus or dilated veins
• Hernia orifices are intact

• Palpation:
• No local rise of temperature or tenderness
• Abdominal girth is 76cms( at the level of the umbilicus)
• Symphysio-fundal height is 29 cm, corresponds to gestational age
• Uterus is relaxed, palpable and soft.
• Leopold maneuvers:
• Fundal grip: soft, broad and irregular mass. Suggestive
of breech
• Lateral grip:
• Knob like structures on the right side, suggestive of
limb buds
• Uniform resistance on left side, suggestive of spine
• 1st pelvic grip: smooth, hard, single ballotable mass
suggestive of head
• 2nd pelvic grip: approximation of fingers, suggestive
that head is not engaged
• Auscultation:
• Fetal heart sound: 142 beats/ mins
• Regular at left spino-umbilical line 4cm from
• CVS: S1 and s2 heard, no murmurs
• RS: Normal vesicular breath sounds heard
• no added sound
• CNS: no focal neurologic deficit
• No hepato-splenomegaly.
• Albumin : absent
• Sugar : absent
• Pus cells : 1-2
• Hb % : 7.4gm%
• Grouping : B +ve
• VDRL : non reactive
• HIV(after counseling) : negative
• HBSAG : non reactive
• RBS : 126mg/dl
• 29 year old female with obstetric score G1,
with history of 30 weeks gestation and a single
live foetus is cephalic presentation shows
features suggestive of anemia not in failure.
Gestational diabetes mellitus

- Neethu Ravi
4th year MBBS
ESIC medical College ,Bangalore
• Name : Mrs. ABC
• Age: 30 years
• Address:Ramnagar
• Educational status : 10th grade
• Occupation: Tailor
• Husband’s name: Xyz age : 34 years ; education:2 nd PUC ;occupation : Electrician
• Socioeconomic status : Lower middle class
• Obstetric score: G2P1L1A0
• LMP : 13/12/19
• EDD: 20/09/20
• Gestational age : 37 weeks
• Blood group: O positive
• Date of admission:26/08/20
• Date of examination:28/08/20
Chief complaints: The lady comes with 8 and half months of amenorrhea
and was admitted from antenatal clinic in view of high blood sugar levels

History of presenting illness:

• Patient came for her regular antenatal check up and was found to have
high blood sugars hence admitted
• No h/o increased hunger , thrist or frequency of micturition
• No history suggestive of recurrent urinary tract infection . No history of
vaginal discharge
• No h/o skin infections
History of present pregnancy

1st trimester
It is a booked case
• spontaneous conception diagnosed by urine pregnancy test in the local hospital done at
1 .5months after missed period
• Confirmed by dating scan done at 1.5 months
• Folic acid tablets taken
• No h/o excessive vomiting , fever with rashes
• No h/o bleeding pv or discharge pv
• No h/o pain abdomen
• No h/o burning micturition , increased frequency of micturition
• No h/o radiation exposure or drug intake
2nd trimester
• Quickening was felt at 5th month
• 2 doses of tetanus toxoid taken at 3rd and 5th month
• Iron and folic acid tablets ; calcium tablets taken regularly
• Anomaly scan was done at 5th month and the report was normal
• No history suggestive of increased thrist or increased frequency of
• No h/o pedal edema /blurring of vision/ headache/epigastric pain
/decreased urine output
• No h/o bleeding pv or leaking pv
3rd trimester
• Continued to perceive the fetal movements well
• Growth scan was done at 7th month and the report was normal
• No h/o blurring of vision/ headache/epigastric pain /decreased
urine output / swelling of feet
• No h/o bleeding or leaking pv
Patient visited antenatal clinic at 8 .5 months of amenorrhea and
was found to have increased blood sugars so she was admitted
Total weight gain =10kgs
Regular antenatal visits
Menstrual history
• Age of attainment of menarche: 14 years
• Past cycles were Regular , 28-30 days cycle with 3-4 days flow
• She changes 2-3 pads per day
• Not associated with dysmenorrhoea or passage of clots
Obstetric history
Married life of 6 years , non consanguineous
Obstetric score :G2P1L1A0
G1- 4 years ago , booked pregnancy at district hospital,had a normal vaginal
delivery , female child of birth weight 2.8kgs with no NICU admission
• Baby cried immediately after delivery
• Breast feeding was started within half an hour of delivery, no prelactal feeds were
• There were no antenatal or postnatal complications of this pregnancy
• The child is immunized till date
• Child is alive and healthy without any delay in developmental milestones
• Copper T Intrauterine device was inserted soon after the birth of first child and
was removed after 3 years
Past history
• No h/o Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, asthma, TB , thyroid illness,
• No h/o surgery or medical interventions
• No h/o blood transfusion
Family history
• Her mother is diabetic from past 3 years
• No h/o children with Congenital malformations
• No h/o twinning in the family
• No h/o Hypertension, asthma, TB in other family members
Personal history
• Diet:Mixed
. *Morning : 5idli and 1 cup sambar
one cup coffee
*Afternoon : 3 cups rice and 2 cups sambar
*Evening: 1apple and 1 cup milk
*Night : 3cups rice and 2 cups sambar
Calories required =2,500 kcals
Calories intake = 2,100kcals
Calorie Deficit = 18%
• Appetite : Good
• Sleep : sound and adequate
• Bowel and bladder : regular
• no h/o any substance abuse
• No h/o any known drug allergy
General physical examination
• Patient is conscious, co-operative and well oriented to time , place and person
• Patient is afebrile
• Pulse rate : 82 Beats/min in right radial artery which is regular in rhythm, good volume , normal in
character, no vessel wall thickening, equal on both sides , no radioradial or radiofemoral delay and
all the peripheral pulses were palpable
• Blood pressure: 120/80 mmHg in right arm in sitting position
• Respiratory rate : 16 breaths /min
• No pallor , icterus. Clubbing, cyanosis , lymphadenopathy and pedal edema
• Height : 155cms
• Weight : pre- pregnancy: 58kgs
• present weight : 68kgs
• Prepregnancy BMI : 24.14kg/m2
Head to toe examination
• orodental hygiene well maintained and no signs of nutritional
• No dilated veins over the neck
• Spine ,thyroid appears normal
• Breast shows normal changes of pregnancy, no retracted or cracked
nipples and no palpable lump
Systemic examination

CVS examination
S1 S2 heard , no murmurs heard

RS examination
Normal vesicular breath sounds heard
No added sounds

CNS examination
No focal neurological deficits
Per abdominal examination
• Shape of abdomen: globular , it is uniformly distended
• Corresponding quadrants move equally with respiration
• Umbilicus is central and everted , flanks are not full
• Linea nigra and stria gravidarum is present
• No visible incisional scars , sinuses or dilated veins
• Hernials orifices are intact
• No local rise in temperature and no tenderness
• Fundal height corresponds to 36weeks
• Abdominal girth is 98 cms at the level of umbilicus
• Symphysiofundal height is 36cms corresponds to gestational age
Leopolds manoeuvres
• Fundal grip : Broad , soft , irregular mass suggestive of breech
• Lateral grip :right – irregular multiple knob like structures suggestive of limbs
Left – continuous curvilinear resistance suggestive of spine
• 1st pelvic grip: hard ,round independently ballotable mass felt suggestive of head
• 2nd pelvic grip: Converging so head is not engaged
Fetal heart sounds heard in the left spinoumbilical line which is 140
beats / min
• A 30 years old lady weighing 68kgs , is G2P1L1A0 married since 6
years with no previous history of diabetes mellitus in preconception
period , with 18% of calorie deficit and positive family history for
diabetes mellitus, examination revealed fetus corresponding to
gestational age in cephalic presentation, came during her regular
antenatal check up and found to have elevated blood glucose levels
Provisional diagnosis
A 30 years old lady is G2P1L1A0 at 37 weeks of gestation in cephalic
presentation with Gestational diabetes mellitus not in labour

Name: Mrs. XYZ
Age: 29 years
Sex: Female
Address: Chikkamagalur
Occupation: Housewife
Education: 7th Std.
Husband’s Details: Mr. ABC, 31 years, Farmer,
Educated up to 7th Std.
Socioeconomic status: Class 4 of Modified BG
Prasad Classification
DOA: 27th February 2020
DOE: 27th February 2020
LMP: 20th May 2019
EDD: 27th February 2020
Obstetric Score: G2P1L1A0
H/o Amenorrhea since 9 months
Patient has come for safe
confinement of pregnancy with no
other complaints
-Patient can perceive the fetal movements
-No H/o Pain abdomen, Bleeding per vagina
or leak per vagina
Married Life: 3 years
Non Consanguineous marriage
Obstetric Score: G2P1L1A0
P1- Full term vaginal delivery at HIMS
on 4th January 2018. Female child,
Birth weight: 2.6 kgs alive and healthy.
First Trimester:
-Spontaneous Conception
-Pregnancy was confirmed after 1 ½ months of missed period by
UPT and she was a booked case at HIMS.
-3 ANC visits completed
-Booster dose of Td vaccine taken
-Folic Acid tablets were taken
-First Trimester (Dating Scan) was done and was found normal
and corresponding to gestational age
No h/o burning maturation.
No h/o fever with rashes, excessive vomiting.
No h/o spotting or bleeding per vagina.
No h/o pain abdomen.
No h/o exposure to radiation and drug intake.
• Second Trimester:
-Quickening was felt at 5 months of gestation
-Second Trimester(Anomaly Scan) was done and no
anomalies were found.
-Iron and Calcium Tablets were taken
-No History of fever with rashes
-No History of any drug intake or radiation exposure
-No History of Per vaginal bleed
-No H/o Pedal edema or headache
-No H/o Raised BP Recording or Raised Blood Sugar
• Third Trimester:
-Fetal movements are well perceived
-Iron and Calcium tablets taken
-No History of Per vaginal bleed/leak per
-Growth scan done at 32 weeks and showed
breech presentation
-Weight gain in pregnacy-12 kg
Menarche: 14 years
Past cycles:
28 days cycle 3-4 days of flow
2-3 pads/day No H/o Dysmenorrhea,
passage of clots

LMP: 20th May 2019

EDD: 27th February 2020
Barrier Method (Condoms) were used as
Not a known case of Diabetes
mellitus, Hypertension, Epilepsy,
Asthma, TB, Thyroid Disorders.
No H/o Surgeries in the past
No H/o Previous Blood
-No history bleeding disorder in the family.
-No history of children with chromosomal
anomaly /birth defect.
-No history of twining in the family.
• Diet: Mixed
• Appetite: Normal
• Sleep: Undisturbed
• Bowel and Bladder: Normal and
• No H/o any addictions
A 29 year lady with an Obstetric Score of
G2P1L1A0 with 9 months of amenorrhea
comes for safe confinement of pregnancy.
She has no other complaints.
• Here is a young lady who is moderately
built and nourished. She is conscious,
cooperative and well oriented to time,
place and person.
• Weight – 67 kg
• Height – 158 cm
• BMI – 26.91 kg/m 2

• Pallor, Icterus, Clubbing, Cyanosis,

Lymphadenopathy, Edema: Absent
• Breast, Spine, Thyroid: Normal
• Pulse rate – 76 beats/min, regular
rhythm, normal volume, normal
• Blood pressure – 120/80 mmHg.
Taken from left hand in sitting position
• Respiratory rate – 16 cycles/min,
thoraco-abdominal type
• Temperature – 98.6 F
Shape of the abdomen- Distended and
appears longitudinally oval.
Flanks: Full
Umbilicus is central and everted.
Linea nigra and Stria gravidarum: Present.
No scars, sinuses or dilated veins can be
Hernial orifices are intact.
No local rise of temperature or
Abdominal girth: 99 cm, at the level of
Fundal height: 36 weeks, corresponds
to gestational age.
Symphysio-fundal height: 36 cm,
corresponds to gestational age.
Fundal grip : Hard, ballotable mass
suggestive of fetal head
Right Lateral grip : Uniform, continuous
curved resistance suggestive of spine.
Left lateral grip : Multiple knob like structures
suggestive of limbs.
1st Pelvic grip : Broad, soft, irregular mass
suggestive of breech.
2nd Pelvic grip : Fingers are diverging.
FHS heard just around the umbilicus, rate -

Cardiovascular system
S1, S2 sounds heard, no murmurs heard

Respiratory system
Normal vesicular sounds heard
No added sounds

Central nervous system

No focal neurological deficit
• A 29 year lady with an Obstetric Score of
G2P1L1A0 with 9 months of amenorrhea comes
for safe confinement of pregnancy. She has no
other complaints and is not in labour.
• Her vitals are normal and on per-
abdominal examination, the symphysio-
fundal height corresponds to the period of
gestation. A single live fetus is palpated
with soft, continous mass palpated on
First pelvic grip suggestive of Breech
Presentation. The fetal heart sounds are
A 29 year old lady with obstetric
index G2P1L1A0 with 40 weeks of
gestation with live single
intrauterine pregnancy,
longitudinal lie and Breech
presentation with no other
complaints and not in labour.
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Name: Mrs. ABC
Age: 25 years
Occupation: Teacher
Educational status:Post Graduate
Husband’s name: XYZ ; Age: 26 yrs. Occupation:Teacher
Socio-economic status: Upper Middle Class
LMP: 30/7/2019 EDD: 7/5/2020
Para 0 Gestational age: 26weeks 6 days
Date of admission: 4/2/2020 Date of examination: 6/2/2020
• Chief Complaints: The lady came for regular ante-natal checkup and was
found to have high blood sugar levels on evaluation
History Of Present Pregnancy • 1st Trimester Pregnancy was detected
by urine pregnancy test following 35 days of missed period History of
spontaneous conception 1st trimester scan was done and found to be
normal Weight gain in 1st trimester was 800 gms Folic acid tablets
were taken
No h/o burning micturition
No h/o fever with rashes, excessive vomiting
No h/o spotting or bleeding per vagina
No h/o pain abdomen
No h/o exposure to radiation and drug intake
Regular ANC was done
2nd trimester: She felt quickening at 5th month and continued to
perceive fetal movements well
She was found to have increased blood sugar during her next ANC visit
and was advised to have proper regular diet and was put on insulin.
She discontinued the insulin medication against doctors advice. During
her next ANC her blood sugar values were still high.
2nd trimester scan was done and found to be normal.
Weight gain in 2nd trimester is 3kg
2 doses dT were taken.
Iron and calcium tablets taken.
No h/o increased frequency of micturition and increased thirst
No h/o pedal edema, blurring of vision, headache.
No h/o increased appetite
No h/o burning micturition
No h/o of pain abdomen, leaking or bleeding per vagina
Past obstetric history
Menstrual history LMP: 30/4/2020
EDD: 7/3/2021

Age of attainment of menarche – 11 years

Regular cycle of 28 to 30 days, flow for 4-5 days

Changes 4 pads per day

Not associated with dysmenorrhea, No h/o of passage

of clots
• Past Medical History: Patient has no previous history
of diabetes or hypertension earlier in life.

• Marital history: Married at the age of 19, married life of

5 years. Non consanguineous marriage
• Family History: Both mother and father are diagnosed with type2
diabetes mellitus.

• Personal history
Diet – mixed
Appetite – normal
Sleep - adequate
Bowel and bladder – regular
No history of substance abuse
No history of any known drug allergy
No history of use of any contraceptives
On Examination:
Patient is conscious, cooperative well oriented to time, place, and person
and is moderately built.
General Physical Examination:

No Pallor
No Icterus
No Cyanosis
No Clubbing
No Lymphadenopathy
No Edema
Temperature:98.9 F
Blood Pressure:124/78 mm Hg
Pulse:70 bpm
Respiratory Rate:17 cycles per min
Head to toe examination
Spine appears normal
Thyroid appears normal
Breast examination shows normal changes of
Abdominal examination:
Shape of the abdomen is globular, it is longitudinally distended
Corresponding quadrants move equally with respiration
Umbilicus is central and everted, flanks are not filled
Linea nigra present
No scars, sinuses or dilated veins can be seen
Hernial orifices are intact
No local rise of temperature or tenderness
Abdominal girth is 70cm, at the level of umbilicus
Fetal heart sounds appreciated on dopplers.
Systemic Examination:

CNS:No focal neurological deficits

CVS:S1 and S2 heard and no murmurs heard
RS:Normal vesicular breath sounds heard.
P/A:No hepatosplenomegaly and non tender abdomen
Investigation:24 hour OGTT

Fasting Plasma Glucose=106gm/dl

2 hr value=138gm/dl

24 year old primigravida with 26 weeks 6 days of gestation came
for regular antenatal visits who is not a known case of diabetes
mellitus prior to conception, found to have increased blood
glucose level upon evaluation suggestive of gestational diabetes
mellitus .She also has a family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Diagnosis:Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Dietary Advice given

Thank You

Name: Mrs. XYZ
Age: 24 years
Sex: Female
Address: Chikkamagalur
Occupation: Housewife
Education: 10th Std.
Husband’s Details: Mr. ABC, 27 years, Labourer, Educated
up to 7th Std.
Socioeconomic status: Class 4 of Modified BG Prasad
DOA: 05th March 2020
DOE: 07th March 2020
LMP: 20th June 2019
EDD: 27th March 2020
Period of Gestation: 37 weeks
Obstetric Score: G1P0L0A0
H/o Amenorrhea since 8 ½ months
C/o Bleeding per vagina 2 days ago
Patient was apparently alright 2 days. Then she
developed bleeding per vagina which was
sudden in onset, which completely soaks 1 pad,
associated with bright red coloured blood. It
stopped spontaneously.
The fetal movements are well percieved
• No H/o pain in abdomen associated with
• No H/o excessive fatiguability, palpitations
• No H/o blurring of vision or pedal edema
• No H/o Trauma
• No H/o Leaking per Vagina
Married Life: 4 years
Non Consanguineous marriage
Obstetric Score: G1P0L0A0
First Trimester:
-Spontaneous Conception
-Pregnancy was confirmed after 1 ½ months of missed period by UPT and
she was a booked case at HIMS.
-3 ANC visits completed
-Folic Acid tablets were taken
-First Trimester (Dating Scan) was done and was found normal and
corresponding to gestational age
No h/o burning micturition.
No h/o fever with rashes, excessive vomiting.
No h/o spotting or bleeding per vagina.
No h/o pain abdomen.
No h/o exposure to radiation and drug intake.
• Second Trimester:
-Quickening was felt at 5 ½ months of gestation
-Second Trimester(Anomaly Scan) was done and no anomalies
were found.
-Iron and Calcium Tablets were taken
-Two doses of TD vaccine taken
-No History of fever with rashes
-No History of any drug intake or radiation exposure
-No History of Per vaginal bleed
-No H/o Pedal edema or headache
-No H/o Raised BP Recording or Raised Blood Sugar
• Third Trimester:
-Fetal movements are well perceived
-Iron and Calcium tablets taken
-Growth scan done at 32 weeks and showed
normal development
-Weight gain in pregnacy-12 kg
Menarche: 13 years
Past cycles:
28 days cycle 3-4 days of flow
2-3 pads/day No H/o Dysmenorrhea,
passage of clots

LMP: 20th June 2019

EDD: 27th March 2020
Barrier Method (Condoms) were used as
Not a known case of Diabetes mellitus,
Hypertension, Epilepsy, Asthma, TB,
Thyroid Disorders.
No H/o Surgeries in the past
No H/o Previous Blood Transfusions
-No history bleeding disorder in the family.
-No history of children with chromosomal
anomaly /birth defect.
-No history of twining in the family.
• Diet: Mixed
• Appetite: Normal
• Sleep: Undisturbed
• Bowel and Bladder: Normal and
• No H/o any addictions
A 24 year lady with an Obstetric Score of
G1P0L0A0 with 8 ½ months of amenorrhea
comes with one episode painless bleeding per
vagina 2 days ago. It was sudden in onset. Fetal
movements are well percieved.

Here is a young lady who is moderately built
and nourished. She is conscious, cooperative
and well oriented to time, place and person.
• Weight – 67 kg
• Height – 158 cm
• BMI – 26.91 kg/m2
• Pallor, Icterus, Clubbing, Cyanosis,
Lymphadenopathy, Edema: Absent
• Breast, Spine, Thyroid: Normal
• Pulse rate – 76 beats/min, regular rhythm,
normal volume, normal character
• Blood pressure – 120/80 mmHg. Taken
from left hand in sitting position
• Respiratory rate – 16 cycles/min, thoraco-
abdominal type
• Temperature – 98.6 F
Shape of the abdomen- Uniformly Distended
Flanks: Full
Umbilicus is central and everted.
Linea nigra and Stria gravidarum: Present.
No scars, sinuses or dilated veins can be seen.
Hernial orifices are intact.
No local rise of temperature or tenderness.
Uterus is relaxed
Abdominal girth: 99 cm, at the level of
Fundal height: 36 weeks, corresponds to
gestational age.
Symphysio-fundal height: 36 cm,
corresponds to gestational age.
Fundal grip : Broad, soft, irregular mass suggestive
of breech.
Right Lateral grip : Uniform, continuous curved
resistance suggestive of spine.
Left lateral grip : Multiple knob like structures
suggestive of limbs.
1st Pelvic grip : Hard, ballotable mass suggestive of
fetal head
2nd Pelvic grip : Fingers are converging.
FHS heard along the right spinoumbilical line,
rate - 140/min
Cardiovascular system
S1, S2 sounds heard, no murmurs heard

Respiratory system
Normal vesicular sounds heard
No added sounds

Central nervous system

No focal neurological deficit
• A 24 year lady with an Obstetric Score of G1P0L0A0
with 8 ½ months of amenorrhea comes with one
episode painless bleeding per vagina 2 days ago. It
was sudden in onset. Fetal movements are well
• Her vitals are normal and on per-abdominal
examination, the symphysio-fundal height
corresponds to the period of gestation. A single
live fetus is palpated with hard ballotable mass
on 1st Pelvic Grip suggestive of Cephalic
Presentation. The fetal heart sounds are
A 29 year old lady with obstetric index
G0P0L0A0 with 37 weeks of gestation
with live single intrauterine pregnancy
with Cephalic Presentation with
Antepartum Haemorrhage under
MCQ 1-All of the following are features
of Placenta Previa except:
A) Painless, recurrent bleeding
B) Can be revealed or concealed type of
C) Height of Uterus is proprtional to gestational
D) Uterus feels soft and relaxed
• Answer: B
• Bleeding is always revealed in Placenta Previa
• Ref: DC Dutta
2) Identify the Condition and name the
cause for the same
• Ans: Couvelaire Uterus
• In concealed variety of Abruptio Placenta the
blood enters the myometrium, uterus appears
bluish or wine coloured.






PAREL, MUMBAI, 400 012

I feel very happy to present the Obstetrics and Gynaecology set of Cassette-Clinics to the
students of 3rd M.B.B.S. and M.D. or D.G.O.

Whether you are an undergraduate or a postgraduate, the case presentation remains

essentially the same, and the success in examinations largely depends on the impression
created during case presentation.

‘Presenting a case’ is an art, which every student must master and Cassette-Clinics is the
easiest way of learning it.

Vivas are short and it is not possible to go into the depth of the subject within the few
available minutes. So the examiner may test your knowledge in various directions to find
out what you don't know. Also, the discussion need not remain confined to the case under
study, eg. In a case of Twins, if you fumble during General Examination, examiner may
interrupt you and ask details of anemia! So you must be well prepared for an uninterrupted
presentation, as well as for the unexpected interruption.

I hope that these clinics will be very helpful to the students suffering from the syndrome of
"I know it but I can't say it" and to the students who are in search of better and perfect

These should also interest the rural practitioners, who are often expected to conduct
antenatal checkups and deliveries.

I sincerely thank all my Professors and Teachers of Government Medical College, Miraj
who have enriched me with this knowledge, particularly Dr. S.T. Watve, Dr. S.P. Dani, Dr.
Mrs. A.J. Jadhav and Dr. Mrs. P.R. Naphade.

I also thank my father-in-law Dr. M.K. Vaidya and my mother-in-law Late Mrs. V.M.
Vaidya, whose constant encouragement has helped me to complete my studies for M.D.
and prepare these cassettes. And of course, I must thank my husband, Dr. Ghanashyam,
the pioneer of Cassette-Clinics in India, who has infused this idea into my mind and
guided me all along.

Dr. Mrs. Swati G. Vaidya

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 2




The examination of an Obstetric case involves the detailed examination of the pregnant woman
with relevant systemic examination depending on the symptoms.

So the history and examination consists of two parts -

1. Obstetrics Part : which is standard for all cases.

2. Medical Part : which will depend upon the complications present during the pregnancy.

1. The Introduction :

In addition to the standard contents i.e. age, name, occupation, financial status and address of the
patient, you should also state the present obstetric status of the patient as number of Gravida and
period of amenorrhoea.

Eg. 25 years old second Gravida, Padma Patil, a housewife from Sangli, from low socio-economic
class, comes with 8 ½ months amenorrhoea for antenatal check up.

2. Complaints:

Now state the complaints of the patient in chronological order, followed by history of relevant
symptoms. Ask for the expected symptoms of pregnancy like morning sickness in 1st trimester,
quickening after 20 weeks, or edema in third trimester. A pregnant patient may also come without
any complaint – for a routine Antenatal checkup.

3. Menstrual History:

1. Age of Menarche.

2. Description of previous Menstrual Cycles.

3. Date of L.M.P.

4. E.D.D. as calculated by Naegle's Rule.

eg. Menarche at 13 years of age.

Menstrual cycles regular, 4 days every 28 days, with moderate, mildly painful flow.
L.M.P. was on 3rd April, 2009.
So the expected date of delivery is on 10th January, 2010.

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 3

4. Obstetric History :

First mention the period of married life. Then state the present obstetrical status by GPLA formula.

Followed by short description of each pregnancy, labour and its outcome, particularly
complications like PIH and interference like forceps.

If there was a Caesarian Section, ask the details of indication for Caesarian – Elective or
Emergency, Lower Segment or Upper segment, and postoperative infection.

Also ask history of any other operation in lower abdomen or perineum.

eg. Married 6 years back. She is Gravida 3, Para 2, Living children 2, No abortion i.e. G3 P2 L2

Gravida 1 was a full term normal delivery in hospital, 4½ years, old live female child. No history
of antenatal intrapartum and postpartum complications. She had received 2 doses of Tetanus

Gravida 2 was a full term normal delivery at home, not conducted by medical Practitioner.

5. Past History :

Ask history of Diabetes, Hypertension, Rheumatic fever, Heart disease and any other major
medical illness.

6. Family History :

Ask History of Hypertension, Diabetes and any other major illness.

And History of inheritable pregnancy related conditions like - Eclampsia, PIH & Twins,

7. Personal History :

Ask about sleep, appetite, bladder and bowel habits, and addictions to smoking or drinking. Ask
also about the mental state and problems in family life.

The General Examination :

The General Examination in an obstetric case should always start with height and weight of the
patient. Special stress should be given on 4 points - Pulse, Blood Pressure (in 15° lateral tilt if
pregnancy is beyond 28 weeks), Pallor and Edema.

If B.P. is on higher side or PIH is suspected, calculate Mean Arterial Pressure and perform roll over

Examine the breasts for normal changes in pregnancy like engorgement, striae, deeply pigmented
primary areolae, secondary areolae and Montgomery's tubercles.

A routine examination of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems should be carried out, with
detailed examination if there is a suggestion of any abnormality from history or examination.

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 4

eg. On General Examination,
The patient is averagely built and nourished.
Height is 152 cms, weight is 62 kgs.
Pulse is 80/min, regular, good volume,
B.P. is 110/70 mm of Mercury in right upper extremity with patient in 15° left lateral tilt.

No pallor, minimal pitting edema over the ankles, No cyanosis, clubbing or lymphadenopathy.

Breasts are engorged, with deeply pigmented primary and secondary areolae, and Montgomery's
Nipples are normal, no cracks.

On Systemic Examination,
R.S. is normal, no extra sounds.
Heart sounds are normal, no murmur.

Per Abdominal Examination :

On Inspection,

Note the contour of the abdomen.

Look for Linea Nigra and Striae Gravidarum.

Measurements :

1. Palpate the height of the uterus and note whether it corresponds to the period of amenorrhoea or

2. Measure the height of uterus from the upper border of symphysis pubis in cms. and calculate the
estimated fetal age and weight by McDonald's formula.

3. Measure the abdominal girth at umbilicus.

eg. On inspection, the abdomen is uniformly distended. Linea Nigra and Striae Gravidarum are
Measurements: Fundal height corresponds to 32 weeks.
The height of uterus from symphysis pubis is 28 cms.
So, by McDonald's formula the gestational age is 32 weeks,
and estimated fetal weight is 2480 gms.
Abdominal girth is 60 cms.

On Palpation,

Carry out the four standard grips.

Note the site of firm, non-ballotable breech, curved hard back,

Knob-like limbs, and hard, round ballotable head.

If the presentation is vertex, and pregnancy is in third trimester -

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 5

(a) See whether the head is engaged or not.
(b) Compare the level of occiput and sinciput, to note the flexion of the fetal head.
(c) And perform head fitting test, if the pregnancy is beyond 36 weeks.

At this stage, you should be knowing the lie, presentation and position of the fetus.

eg. On palpation, by fundal grip, irregular, non-ballotable breech is felt.

On lateral grips, curved hard back is felt on the left side, and knob like limbs on right side.
On Pawlik's grip hard, round, ballotable head is felt.
On 2nd pelvic grip, the head is floating and occiput is lower than the sinciput.

On Ausculation,

Palpate the anterior shoulder and auscultate for the fetal heart sounds. Note the site where they are
best heard, the rate and whether they are regular or irregular.

Eg. FHS are 140/min., regular and best heard midway between umbilicus and left ASIS.


3rd Gravida, - with 32 weeks pregnancy, with longitudinal lie, Cephalic presentation, - in left
occipito-anterior position - with - (complications if any).

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 6



This is the second case presentation, in the series of Cassette-Clinics in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, prepared by Dr. Mrs. Swati Vaidya of The Karnatak Health Institute, Ghataprabha.

19 yrs old primigravida, ... Renuka Wader, ... from Kadegaon, ... Labourer by occupation. and from
low socio-economic class, ...

came with H/O 8 months amenorrhoea

and complains of swelling over the legs since 8 days.

There is no H/O Headache, vomiting, visual disturbances or epigastric pain.

There is no H/O Convulsions.

There is no H/O Loss of fetal movements.

There is no H/O Breathlessness, palpitations or chest pain.

No H/O Urinary complaints.

No H/O Edema prior to pregnancy.

Menstrual History: Regular menstruations with 3-4 days flow, every 30 days.

LMP: Exact date of Last menstrual period is not known. But last menses were 4 days before
Ganapati festival, which was in September this year, so Expected date of delivery will be in the
month of May.

Obstetric History: Married 11/2 yrs back .... G1 P0 L0 A0

Past History : No H/O Hypertension, Diabetes, Kidney disease or any major illness in the past.

Family History: No H/O Diabetes, Hypertension or any major illnesses in the family.
No History suggestive of Pregnancy induced Hypertension, Eclampsia or Twins in mother or sister.

She has received 2 doses of Tetanus Toxoid previously.

On General Examination,

The patient is averagely built, and averagely nourished, conscious and co-operative.
Height is 150 cms, ... weight is 52 kg.

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 7

Pulse is 90/min, good volume,

Blood pressure is 140/90 mm of Hg in right arm in left lateral position.

Patient's Mean Arterial Pressure is 106 mm.

Roll over test is positive.

Patient has mild pallor, and bilateral pitting edema of legs and hands.

Respiratory and Cardio-vascular systems are normal.

CNS :- Deep tendon jerks are normal.

Per abdomen,

Fundal height corresponds to 32 weeks .... Height of uterus is 26 cms. So the estimated fetal weight
is 2120 gms.

Breech is felt at the fundus, Back on the left side, and knob-like limbs on the right side.
On pelvic grip, hard, round, ballotable head is felt.

So it is a longitudinal lie, with cephalic presentation, with left occipito-anterior position.

On Auscultation,
FHS are 140/ min, regular, best heard midway between umbilicus and left ASIS.

My Diagnosis is,

Primigravida, with 32 weeks pregnancy, with longitudinal lie, Cephalic presentation and left
occipito-anterior position, with Hypertension, probably Pregnancy Induced Hypertension.

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 8



This is the third case presentation, in the series of Cassette- Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
prepared by Dr. Mrs. Swati Vaidya.

19 yrs old primigravida, Shahanaz Mulani, from Bijapur, .. housewife by occupation, ... comes with
history of - 5 1/2 mths amenorrhoea.

She complains of - Breathlessness and palpitations since 2 months, and edema over the legs since 1

The patient was apparently alright, 2 months back, when she started experiencing breathlessness
and palpitations. The breathlessness has gradually increased and at present she gets breathless while
doing household work, ie. Dyspnoea Grade II.

There is no H/O Fever, Cough, Expectoration, or Chest pain.

There is edema over the legs since 1 month.

Menstrual History : Menarche 5 yrs back.

Menstrual cycles are regular, 3-4 days every 28 days, with moderate flow.

LMP is 3rd July 2009, ... Expected date of delivery is 10th April 2010.

Obstetric History: Married 1 yr. back. G1 P0 L0 A0

G1 is the present pregnancy. This is the first antenatal check up.

Past History: No H/O similar illness in the past.

There is H/O swelling and pain in knee joints 4 yrs back, but has not received any specific
treatment or monthly injections.

There is H/O Repeated respiratory tract infections treated symptomatically.

No H/O Breathlessness or cardiac symptoms in the childhood.
No H/O Jaundice.

NO H/O Urinary complaints.

No H/O Headache, Vomiting, or Blurring of vision.

Family History: No H/O Eclampsia, PIH, Hypertension or any other major illness in the family.

Personal History :
Sleep is disturbed due to breathlessness.

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 9

Bowel and bladder habits are normal.

On General Examination,

Height is 150 cms ..... Weight is 48 Kg.

Averagely built and poorly nourished.
Pulse is 90 / min, regular, good volume, equal on both sides, and all peripheral pulses are well felt.
Blood Pressure is 110/70 mm of Hg, in right upper arm.
There is mild pallor and bilateral pitting edema.
Jugular Venous pressure is 5 cms .... Hepato-jugular reflex is absent.
Respiratory system is normal, no adventitious sounds.

On Examination of the Cardio-vascular system,

The apex beat is in left 5th inter-costal space, in mid-clavicular line and of tapping character.

There is no clinically detectible cardiomegaly.

There is a loud first heart sound, with low-pitched, rumbling, mid-diastolic murmur, with pre-
systolic accentuation.

Per abdomen,

Linea Nigra and Striae Gravidarum are seen.

Uterine height corresponds to 22 weeks and height measured from symphysis pubis is 19 cms.
External ballotment is present.

My diagnosis is Primigravida - with 22 weeks pregnancy, with Mitral stenosis grade III, probably
of rheumatic origin.

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 10



This is the Fourth case presentation, in the series of Cassette- Clinics in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, prepared by Dr. Mrs. Swati Vaidya.

25 yrs old 3rd gravida, .. Renuka Patil, .. from Kolhapur, .. Housewife by occupation, .. comes with
History of 5 months amenorrhoea for antenatal checkup.

She complains of Breathlessness on exertion, and weakness since 2 months.

No H/O Edema
No H/O Palpitations, Cough, or Chest pain.
No H/O Fever,
No H/O Menorrhagia, Polymenorrhoea, or Post-partum bleeding in the previous pregnancies.
No H/O Worm infestations, or Per Rectal bleeding.
No History suggestive of Malaria or Jaundice.

Menstrual History:
Menarche at 13 yrs of age.
Previous cycles were regular, with 3-4 days flow every 30 days.
LMP - exact date is not known.

Obstetric History: Married 6 yrs back, G3 P2 L2 A2

G1 was full term normal home delivery ... 4 1/2 yrs old living male child, ... Had not received any
antenatal or postnatal care, ... No H/O Ante-partum or post- partum hemorrhage.

G2 was also a full term normal home delivery, .. 2 yrs old living female child, ... Had not received
any antenatal or postnatal care, ... No H/O excessive bleeding, ... No H/O fever or foul smelling
lochia after the delivery.

G3 is the present pregnancy. This is her first antenatal visit.

Past History:
There is no Past H/O Tuberculosis, Hypertension, or Diabetes.

Family History:
No H/O Diabetes, Hypertension or any major illnesses in the family.
No H/O Pregnancy Induced Hypertension or Twins in the family.

Personal History:
Sleep, appetite are normal.
Bowel habits are normal.

On General Examination,

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 11

Patient is averagely built and poorly nourished.
Height is 152 cms, ... Weight is 45 kg.
Pulse is 96/min, regular, bounding character.
Blood pressure is 110/70 mm of Hg.
Respiratory rate is 18 per min, regular.

There is moderate degree of pallor, Nails show Koilonychia.

There is mild edema over the legs.
No signs of Congestive cardiac failure ie. JVP is normal, No basal crepts, No tender hepatomegaly.

Per abdomen,
Liver and spleen are not palpable.

Height of the uterus corresponds to 20 weeks,

It is soft, and external ballotment is present.

Respiratory system is normal, no adventitious sounds.

Cardio-vascular system: There is tachycardia, and a soft systolic murmur without a palpable thrill
in the pulmonary area - not conducted to other parts of precordium.

My diagnosis is : Third Gravida, ... with 20 weeks pregnancy, ... with anemia, ... probably Iron
deficiency anemia.

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 12



This is the fifth case presentation, in the series of Cassette- Clinics in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, prepared by Dr. Mrs. Swati Vaidya.

23 yrs old 2nd Gravida, Sunita Patil from Sangli, comes with H/O 8 1/2 months amenorrhoea, for
antenatal checkup.

Menstrual History:
• Menarche at 13 yrs, regularly menstruating with 3-4 days moderate flow.
• L.M.P. is 24th March 2009
• E.D.D. is 31 st December 2009

Obstetric History: Married 3 yrs back.

Gravida 2, Para 1, Living 1, Abortion 0

Gravida 1 was Full term Caesarian section at Government Hospital, 2 years back, Living male
child. The exact indication for Caesarian section is not known to the patient, but it probably it was
cephalo-pelvic disproportion.
The previous caeserian section was performed under General Anesthesia.
The Baby's weight was 3.2 kg.
No H/O Puerperal pyrexia, wound infection or foul smelling lochia.

Past History :
No H/O Hypertension, Diabetes, Kidney disease or any major illness in the past.

Family History:
No H/O Diabetes, Hypertension or any major illnesses in the family.
No H/O Pregnancy Induced Hypertension or Twins in the family.

On Examination,

Height is 145 cms., Weight is 54 kg.

Pulse is 84/ min, regular. Blood pressure is 110/70 mm of mercury.
There is mild pallor, no edema.
Respiratory and cardio-vascular systems are normal

Per abdomen,
Linear infra-umbilical midline scar is seen.
Uterine height corresponds to 36 weeks, and is 32 cms,
So, Estimated fetal weight is 3100 gms.
Estimated fetal age is 37 weeks.
Abdominal Girth is 58 cms.

On Palpation,
Breech is felt at the fundus, .. Back is felt on the left side, ... and limbs on the right side.

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 13

On Pelvic grips, Head is floating and ballotable, with occiput and sinciput at the same level.
So, it is a longitudinal lie, with cephalic presentation, and left anterior oblique position.
No scar tenderness.
Head fitting test is negative.

On Auscultation,
FHS are best heard between umbilicus and left anterior superior iliac spine, 140/ min, regular.

My Diagnosis is,
2nd Gravida, with 36 wks pregnancy, with longitudinal lie, cephalic presentation, in left occipito-
anterior position, with previous LSCS with Cephalo-pelvic disproportion.

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 14



This is the sixth case presentation, in the series of Cassette- Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
prepared by Dr. Mrs. Swati Vaidya.

22 yrs. old 2nd gravida, Vidya Joshi, a housewife from Sangli, with History of - 8 months
amenorrhoea, coming for ANC check up, complains of

• Over distension of abdomen

• Swelling over the legs, and
• Excessive fetal movements.

No H/O Excessive vomiting in early pregnancy

No H/O PV Bleeding, leaking or pain in abdomen

No H/O Scanty urine, Dysuria or Urinary complaints.
No H/O Leg edema prior to pregnancy.
Compared to her last pregnancy, she feels that the abdomen is showing more distension. There is
H/O mild Dyspnoea on lying down.
No H/O Dilated veins on legs
No H/O Bleeding P.R.

Looking for the cause of overdistension,

No H/O Induction of ovulation
No H/O Taking contraceptive pills
There is No H/O Diabetes in the patient,
No History suggestive of Rh iso-immunisation i.e.
No H/O Neonatal Jaundice in the past
No known Rh negative status.

Menstrual History - Menarche at 13 years.

Regularly menstruating woman, with 3-4 days flow every 30 days.
LMP on 3rd Oct. 2009, Expected date of delivery - 10th July 2010

Obstetric history - married 5 yrs back, G2 P1 L1 A0.

G1 was full term normal Hospital Delivery. 3 yrs. old male living child. Has received 2 doses of
Tetanus toxoid in the 1st pregnancy.

Past History: No H/O Diabetes, Hypertension or any other major illness.

Family History:
No H/O Twin pregnancy or Pregnancy Induced Hypertension in the family.
No H/O Diabetes, Hypertension or any major illnesses in the family.

Personal History:

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 15

Sleep is disturbed due to abdominal distension
Apetite is good.
Bladder, Bowel habits are normal. No H/O PR bleeding.

On Examination,

• Patient is averagely built and fairly nourished.

• Height is 150cms .... Weight is 56 kg.
• Pulse - 90/min, regular.
• Blood pressure is 120/80 mm of mercury in left lateral 15° tilt. .. Roll over test is negative.
• There is mild pallor of the mucosa, and bilateral pitting edema.
• Respiratory system is normal, no adventitious sounds.
• Heart sounds are normal, no murmur.

Per abdomen,
On Inspection,

Uterine height corresponds to 36 weeks, ie. 4 weeks larger than the period of gestation - and it is
33cms. As measured from the symphysis pubis.
Striae gravidarum and linea nigra are seen.
Umbilicus is protruding, other hernial sites are normal.

On Palpation,

Height of uterus is 32 weeks.

Two ballotable round, hard, structures are palpable on right and left grips, one in right iliac fossa,
and other in left hypochondriac region.
Multiple fetal parts are felt.
Excessive fetal movements are felt.
There is no fluid thrill.

On auscultation, FHS are heard clearly at two different sites.

My Diagnosis is,

Second Gravida with 8 months amenorrrhoea, with twin pregnancy, with longitudinal lie, ... one
vertex and one breech.

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 16



This is the Seventh case presentation, in the series of Cassette- Clinics in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, prepared by Dr. Mrs. Swati Vaidya of Karnatak Health Institute, Ghataprabha

23 yrs old 2nd gravida, Savita Deshpande, a housewife from Ghataprabha, comes with History of 9
months amenorrhoea, for antenatal check up.

She is having no complaints.

Menstrual History:
Menarche at 14 yrs age, Menstrual cycles regular 4/28 days, moderate flow,
LMP is 28th September 1989.
EDD is 27th June 1990.

Obstetric History :
She is married 4 yrs back,
Obstetric status – G1 P1 L1 A0

G1 was full term breech delivery in Hospital, 2 yrs. living female child. Baby cried immediately
after birth. Weight of the baby is not known. She had not received any antenatal check up in that

G2 is the present pregnancy. She came once in the 6th month and has received one dose of Tetanus

Past History:
No H/O Diabetes, Hypertension or any major illness in the past.

Family History:
No H/O Diabetes, Hypertension or any major illnesses in the family.
No H/O Pregnancy Induced Hypertension or Twins in the family.

Personal History:
Sleep, appetite are normal.
Bladder & bowel habits are normal.

On General Examination,

The patient is averagely built and averagely nourished.

Height is 152 cms, Weight is 54 Kg.
Pulse is 90/min, regular.
Blood pressure is 110/70 mm of mercury, in right upper arm in 15° left lateral tilt.
There is mild pallor. ... No edema.
Respiratory system is normal, no adventitious sounds.
Heart sounds are normal, no murmur.

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 17

Per abdomen, on inspection,

Striae gravidarum and linea nigra are seen.

Height of uterus corresponds to 36 wks.

Height of uterus in cms is 32 cms.
Estimated fetal weight is 3100 Gms.
Estimated fetal age is 37 weeks.
Abdominal Girth is 59 cms.

On Palpation,
On Fundal grip, hard, round, ballotable head is felt.
Curved back is felt on the left side, and knob like limbs on the right side.
Firm, irregular, non-ballotable breech is felt on pelvic grip.

On Auscultation,
FHS are heard just above and to the left of the umbilicus, 140 / minute, regular.

My diagnosis is : 2nd gravida, with 36 wks pregnancy, with longitudinal lie - breech presentation,
.. with left sacro-anterior ie. Breech1 position.

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 18



This is the Eighth case presentation, in the series of Cassette- Clinics in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, prepared by Dr. Mrs. Swati Vaidya of Karnatak Health Institute, Ghataprabha

22 yrs old female patient Anusuya Chougule, a housewife from Kalloli, was admitted in this
hospital on 23rd April 2009

She came with H/O 4 months amenorrhoea, complaining of pain in abdomen and PV bleeding since
1 day.
Patient initially had spotting and then the bleeding increased in quantity and is bright red in colour.
No H/O passing Vesicles.

Menstrual History:
Menarche at 13 yrs.
Regularly menstruating, with 3 to 4 days flow every 30 days.
LMP: on 4th Jan 2009

Obstetric History:
Married 4 yrs back. G2, P1, L1, A0.
G 1 was a full term, normal hospital delivery 2 yrs living male child.
G2 is the present pregnancy.

Past history:
No HIO Diabetes, Hypertension or Tuberculosis in the past.

Family History:
No H/O Diabetes, Hypertension or any major illnesses in the family.
No H/O Pregnancy Induced Hypertension or Twins in the family.

Personal History :
Sleep & appetite are normal. Bowel, bladder habits are normal.

On General Examination:

Averagely built, averagely nourished.

Height is 152 cms., Weight is 46 Kgs.
Pulse is 90/minute, regular, good volume.
Blood pressure is 110/70 mm of mercury.
There is mild pallor, no edema.
Heart sounds are normal, no murmur.
Respiratory system is normal.

On inspection of the abdomen,

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 19

Striae albicantes and Linea nigra are seen.
Uterus is just palpable at symphysis pubis.

There is mild tenderness in hypogastrium, no guarding or rigidity.

My Diagnosis is,

This is a case of 2nd gravida, with 4 months amenorrhoea, with PV bleeding, probably due to
inevitable abortion.

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 20



This is the Ninth case presentation, in the series of Cassette- Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
prepared by Dr. Mrs. Swati Vaidya, of Karnatak Health Institute, Ghataprabha

25 yrs old patient, ... Sunita Kadam, ... a housewife from Nagpur, … was admitted to this hospital,
on 20th February 2009, with history of 9 months amenorrhoea, and delivered on 21st February at 8

She has no complaints.

Menstrual History :
Menarche at 13 yrs of age, ... regularly menstruating woman, ... with 3-4 days flow every 30 days.
LMP was 14th May 2008

Obstetric History : G2 P2 L1 A0,

G1, was a full term normal delivery, with Episiotomy.
4 yrs old, living male child.
No H/O antenatal, intranatal or postpartum complications.
Received 2 doses of Tetanus Toxoid injections.

G2 is the present full term normal Hospital delivery on 21 st February.

Living male child, weight 3.2 kg.
Has taken 2 doses of Tetanus Toxoid intranatally.

History of Labour:
Patient was admitted on 20th February, with mild labour pains, ... There was no leaking . . .. Soap
water enema was given.

She started getting strong pains from 10 pm, Membranes ruptured at 6 am next morning, The first
stage lasted for 8 hours. The second stage lasted for 1/2 hour and the placenta delivered within 15

No H/O Post-partum hemorrhage.

Baby cried immediately after birth.

History of the Newborn:

Male living child. Birth weight 3.2 kg.
Started breast-feeding from the post-natal day passed urine and motion,
Heart sounds are normal, chest is clear.
Moro's, sucking and rooting reflexes are normal.
No external congenital anomaly detected.

Past History:
No H/O Diabetes, Hypertension, Tuberculosis, or any other Major illnesses in the past.

Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 21

Personal History :
Sleep and appetite are normal.
No Bladder or Bowel complaints.

On Examination,
Patient is averagely built and averagely nourished.
Pulse is 90/ min, regular, good volume.
Blood pressure is 110 / 70 mm of Hg,
Patient is afebrile.
There is mild pallor, no edema, icterus or cyanosis.
Respiratory system is normal, no adventitious sounds.
Heart sounds are normal, no murmur.

On Examination of Breasts,
Breasts are slightly engorged and tender, nipples are normal, and yellowish white milk can be
No cracks, fissures or retraction of nipple,

On Examination of abdomen,
On inspection, ... the abdomen is lax, Linea nigra and striae gravidarum are seen.
A supra pubic bulge is seen.
On Palpation, ... Abdomen is soft,.
Uterus is globular, hard, 1" below the umbilicus.
Liver and spleen are not palpable

On Examination of the Lochia,

Lochia Rubra is present, 1-2 pads per day, No foul smell.

My Diagnosis is : Second Gravida with normal delivery, on fourth day of uncomplicated


Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 22



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Cassette-Clinics of Dr Ghanashyam Vaidya 27

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