GDM With Polyhydramnios
GDM With Polyhydramnios
GDM With Polyhydramnios
No Pallor/ icterus/cyanosis/lymphadenopathy/ pedal edema
Thyroid, Breasts & spine- normal.
Lower palpebral conjunctiva and tongue appeared normal
Nails, hair, oral mucosa, palate and gums and skin were normal teeth ?
Pre-pregnancy weight- 60 kg, Height- 152cm,pre pregnancy BMI:-26kg/m2
Current weight- 68.5kg
Vital data:
Temperature- 98.60 F
Pulse rate- 90/minute, regular
BP- 100/70 mmHg
Respiratory rate- 20/min
Systemic examination:
CVS- S1, S2 heard. No murmurs
RS- Normal vesicular breath sounds, no added sounds
Obstetric examination :
Inspection :
Abdomen is globular in shape
Umbilicus midline and everted
Linea nigra and stria gravidarum seen
No scars / sinuses / engorged veins
Hernial orifices appears normal.
Palpation – 36 weeks overdistended
Height of uterus- term gestation (> period of gestation)
SFH:-36 cms Abdominal Girth -100 cms
On Fundal grip - soft, non-ballotable fetal pole felt, probably breech
On Lateral grip-uniformly curved resistance felt on left side suggestive of fetal
spine. Irregular knob like structures felt on right side suggestive of fetal limbs.
On 1st Pelvic grip –hard , round, ballotable structure felt suggestive of head.
On 2nd Pelvic grip – hands are converging suggesting that it is not engaged
Clinically liquor appears more than normal.
EFW - ?
Auscultation :
FHS heard below the umbilicus on the left side @ 148/ min, regular in rhythm
A 29yr old G2P1L1 with 34 weeks Gestation with altered GTT reports with
polyhydramnios with gestational diabetes complicating pregnancy. She is on
diabetic diet since 4 weeks.