Ob Gyn Sample Hisotry
Ob Gyn Sample Hisotry
Ob Gyn Sample Hisotry
Informant: Student’s Name:
Reliability: Date:
N.J., 30 years old, female, G2P1(1001), married, Roman Catholic, office worker, born on
March 12, 1989, from Camotes Island, Cebu and currently residing in Mabolo, Cebu City, was
admitted for the second time at Cebu Maternity Hospital on _______ due to labor pain.
Menarche was at 12 years old which lasted for 3 days, light blood flow, used up 2-3
sanitary pads per day, no dysmenorrhea. Her subsequent menstrual periods were of regular
monthly interval 30 +/- 5 days, usually lasting for 3 days moderate blood flow using up 2-3 fully-
soaked sanitary pads per day. No dysmenorrhea, no intermenstrual bleeding, no amenorrhea.
Coitarche was at 25 years old and claimed to have 2 sexual partners. Patient did not use any
kind of contraception.
G2P1 (1001)
G1- 2015, Full Term, Delivered via NSD, Female, 2.5 kgs, Alive, Cebu
Maternity Hospital, No complications
o LMP=
o PMP=
o EDC=
o AOG=
First prenatal consultation at 19 weeks AOG at Cebu Maternity Hospital -OPD. Regular
PNC thereafter. Laboratory tests include: CBC, Urinalysis, Blood Typing, HIV, HbsAg, FBS, 75g
OGTT, results were unremarkable. Medications include Folic Acid, Ferrous Sulfate and Calcium
Carbonate taken once daily. She received Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine at 22 weeks AOG at CMH-
OPD. Her usual blood pressure was 100-110/60-80 mmHg. Weight gained during pregnancy was
25 lbs. No maternal illnesses incurred during the entire course of pregnancy.
Labor pain
Two hours prior to admission, patient had onset of mild to moderate, on and off
hypogastric pain, relieved with rest. Thirty minutes PTA, labor pain became more severe with
intervals of 4-5 minutes, radiating to the back, not relived with rest. No bloody nor watery
vaginal discharges, (+) Good fetal movement, (-) febrile episodes, no nausea and vomiting.
Condition persisted, hence patient sought consult and was subsequently admitted.
GENERAL SURVEY - Patient examined on bed, awake, alert, coherent, cooperative and
not in respiratory distress.
Vital Signs
Blood Pressure – 120/80 mmHg right arm supine
Temperature – 36.8 C
RR – 17 cpm
HR – 89 bpm
O2 saturation – 99 %
Weight – 51.5 kgs
Height – 5’2”
Skin – warm to touch, good turgor, no rashes, no lesions
HEENT – normocephalic, anicteric sclerae, pink palpebral conjunctiva
Neck – supple, no masses, no lymphadenopathy, no jugular vein distension
Chest and Lungs – Equal chest expansion, clear breath sounds, no rales, no wheezes
CVS – normal rate, regular rhythm, distinct S1 and S2 heart sounds, no murmur
Abdomen. -globular, (+) linea negra and striae gravidarum, no surgical scars, with
uterine contractions every 4-5 minutes interval and 40 -50 seconds duration, moderate
Fundic Height – 31 cm
FHT – 145 bpm RLQ
EFW – fh-12x155= ____ grams
Leopold’s Manuever – L1 – breech, L2 – Fetal back: maternal left, Fetal
small parts: maternal right, L3 – cephalic, engaged, L4 - flexed
Introitus – parous
Cervix – 3 cm dilated, 70% effaced, station -3, cephalic, intact bag of
Uterus – enlarged to AOG
Adnexa – not delineated
Discharges - negative
CNS - DTR +2
Extremeties – strong pulses, grade 1 non-pitting bipedal edema, no varicosities
1. G2P1 (1001) Pregnancy Uterine ____ weeks AOG by UTZ/LMP, ( ) presentation, in
latent phase of labor
2. Gestational DM, Diet Controlled
3. Chronic Hypertension
4. S/P Appendectomy, 2016
General Data:
Menstrual History
Menarche, duration, flow and cycle length of menses, intermenstrual
bleeding or contact bleeding, dysmenorrhea, PMS,climacteric
Obstetric History:
Gynecologic History: Breast history = history of breast disease, breastfeeding, the use of
Self Breast Exam, last mammogram ; previous gyne surgery, history of infertility, last
pap smear – history of abnormal papsmear result
Contraceptive/ Sexual History
Current methods/ patients satisfaction with current method
Past method
Current sexual active
Number of partners , new partner in the last 3 months
Condom use
History of sexual abuse
Past Medical History
Previous Operations/ Blood Transfusions
Infectious diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, HIV, TB, hepatitis)
Medical Illness
Personal and social history
Marital status, employment
Habits (smoking, alcohol, drug use)
Family history:
Pertinent negatives may include, abnormal discharge, abnormal bleeding,
dyspareunia, abdominal/ pelvic pain, dysuria, urgency, incontinence,
change in bowel habits, rectal bleeding
For post/perimenopausal woman – hot flashes/ night sweats, vaginal
dryness, abnormal bleeding, irritability, depression, mood changes
Physical Examination
o General Survey
o SaME as OB PE
o Recto-vaginal exam
Working Diagnosis
Plan / Intervention