Case Report, General Surgery
Case Report, General Surgery
Case Report, General Surgery
Morning Report
Present by
Amlak Salman Almatrafi Norah Sattam Alruwili
Asayel Mojida Alshamari Rawand Ali Alruwili
May Hamad Alqaed Reham Thani Alruwili
1 History 4 Investigation
2 Examination 5 Treatment
3 Diagnosis 6 Discharge plan
Case scenario
The pain radiate to the back and between the shoulders. The pain
was 8/10 in severity, aggravated by eating a fatty meal which
lasted for several hours and relived by analgesics.
Past medical history
Known irritable bowel disease and Polycystic ovary syndrome
No blood transfusion.
No allergy
Family history
Travel history
The patient has right upper The patient has headache No skin changes, rash,
quadrant pain and anorexia No loss of consciousness itching.
No jaundice No visual and hearing problem There is no history of
No nausea and vomiting No numbness joint, muscle and bone
No heart burn No tremor pain
No dysphagia No psychiatric disorders No movement difficulties
No diarrhea
No constipation
General examination
She looked well, conscious, oriented to time, place and person.
BMI:27.35 kg/m2
BP : 124/68 mmHg
Temperature : 36.9 C
Pulse rate : 88/ min
Respiratory rate : 20/ min
Deep palpation :
-The liver , spleen and kidney not palpable.
-No palpable mass
-No rebound tenderness
-Negative Murphy's sign
Investigation - Treatment
Lab results
Preoperative tests:
Lab results
Preoperative tests:
Coagulation profile
Lab results
Preoperative tests:
Radio results
Preoperative tests:
Abdominal US
Investigation - Treatment
Treatment plan (Preoperative )
Medical treatment:
*D5 1⁄2 NS
Post-operative care:
Vital signs observation_O2 nasal prongs_NPO_ 120ml D51/2NS
IV fluids, the dressing was clean and there was no bleeding_
pneumatic compression while on bed.