MATH LB4 Promo
MATH LB4 Promo
MATH LB4 Promo
Mathematics SAMPLE
Second Edition
Learner’s Steph King
Book 4 Josh Lury
Series editors:
Paul Broadbent
Mike Askew
Master the essential mathematical concepts that underpin the new Cambridge Primary Mathematics curriculum
framework (0096) from 2020, with specifically sign-posted tasks and activities rooted in the mastery approach.
Created with teachers and learners in schools ● Develop key mathematical skills: See
across the globe, Boost is the next generation learners progress through a range of activities,
in digital learning for schools, bringing quality assessment ideas, success measures and
content and new technology together in one quizzes for stages 5 and 6.
interactive website. ● Support the use of ESL: Introductions and
The Cambridge Primary Mathematics Teacher’s activities included that have been developed
Guides include a print handbook and a by an ESL specialist to help facilitate the most
subscription to Boost, where you will find a range effective teaching in classrooms with mixed
of online resources to support your teaching. English abilities.
● Confidently deliver the new curriculum ● Enrich learning: Character artwork taken from
framework: Detailed guidance and the Learner’s Books to be used front of class,
explanations for new mathematical content, audio recordings of the vocabulary in the
an introduction on the mastery approach Learner’s Books and Flashcards with pictures
and emphasis throughout on mathematical and words based on the vocabulary covered.
thinking and working.
Second Edition
Learner’s Steph King
Book 4 Josh Lury
Series editors:
Paul Broadbent
Mike Askew
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Term 1
Unit 1 Number
Unit 2 2D shapes
Unit 3 Calculation
Unit 4 Time
Unit 5 Statistical methods
Unit 6 Fractions
Term 1 Review
Term 2
Unit 7 Calculation
Unit 8 Probability
Unit 9 Number
Unit 10 2D and 3D shapes
Unit 11 Fractions
Unit 12 Angles, position and direction
Term 2 Review
Term 3
Unit 13 Number
Unit 14 Statistical methods
Unit 15 Calculation
Unit 16 Time
Unit 17 Fractions and percentages
Unit 18 Angles, position and direction
Term 3 Review
Mathematical dictionary
3 Calculation
Unit 3 Calculation
Knowing the place value of individual digits can help you to round and
decompose numbers. The mountain called Makalu is 8 485 m tall.
8 485 is represented here.
Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
1 Decompose these numbers to show the value of each digit.
a 7 457 b 8 504 c 11 085 d 15 142
2 Copy and complete this table.
Unit 3 Calculation
3 Use regrouping to work out the missing numbers.
a 7 457 = 7 000 + 300 + b 7 457 = 6 000 + + 57
Try this
I am thinking of a number.
It rounds up to 20 000 to the nearest 10 000.
One of the digits has the value 5 000.
I can regroup
the number as What is my number?
+ 650 + 35.
Let’s talk
35 321 53 321
49 999 50 011 your partner
of your idea.
35 321
Unit 3 Calculation
78 78
We can use what we know about place value to help us subtract tens.
We can write 78 – 29 as 78 – 30 + 1.
Why do we need to add 1 when we subtract 29 in this way?
We can write 78 – 31 as 78 – 30 – 1.
Unit 3 Calculation
1 Solve these pairs of additions and subtractions using mental methods.
a 68 + 31 b 58 – 31 c 88 – 32 d 51 + 42 e 63 + 41 f 63 + 39
68 + 29 58 – 29 88 – 28 51 – 42 63 – 41 63 – 39
2 Write the calculation for each number line.
a +100 b –100
–1 +1
225 225
d +100 e –100
+1 –1
225 225
Try this
Unit 3 Calculation
Is 100 cm a good
What about 500 cm?
How could you make
a good estimate of
the total height?
What factors do you
need to consider
to make the best
prediction you can?
Maths words
Unit 3 Calculation
1 a Estimate the answers to these.
453 + 230 = 152 + 128 =
176 + 342 = 365 + 278 =
378 + 265 = 559 + 197 =
b Work out the actual answers.
Unit 3 Calculation
Why do we regroup
2 Use regrouping to help you complete
146 as 100 + 25 + 21?
the additions below this example.
a 450 + 265 =
b 493 + 128 = You can use
c 385 + 128 = estimates or a
calculator to check
d 389 + 234 = your answers.
3 There are 465 people at a station. Another 248 people arrive.
How many people are at the station in total?
Try this
I know that 356 + 197 = 523 must be wrong
because a sensible estimate is 350 + 200 = 550.
The answer 523 is too low.
Let’s talk
Unit 3 Calculation
I used 127 cm
of green ribbon
for my parcel.
Maths words
estimate subtract regroup
Unit 3 Calculation
1 a Estimate. Will the actual answer be more or less than your estimate?
Let’s talk
Cambridge Primary
Second Edition
Learner’s Book 4
Master the essential mathematical concepts that underpin the new
Cambridge Primary Mathematics curriculum framework, with specifically
sign-posted tasks and activities rooted in the mastery approach.
● Get learners thinking mathematically with engaging activities designed to
focus on key concepts and principles.
● Embed knowledge across all areas of learning, enabling learners to make
connections between different areas of mathematics.
● Develop vocabulary with probing questions designed to encourage learners
to use accurate language to describe how they solve particular problems.
schools around the world to Provides support as part of a set of resources for
m bridge A
YEARS provide quality support for the Cambridge Primary Mathematics curriculum
al E
es i
sm WITH rnat
e n t In t e
this reason we have been Has passed Cambridge International’s rigorous
selected by Cambridge Assessment International quality-assurance process
Education as an official publisher of endorsed
material for their syllabuses.
Registered Cambridge International Schools benefit from high-quality programmes, assessments and a wide range of
support so that teachers can effectively deliver Cambridge Primary. Visit to
find out more.
I S B N 978-1-3983-1025-4
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