Radom Questions
Radom Questions
Radom Questions
1. Discuss the developmental stages of Agriculture and their impacts on the environment from
hunting and
gathering through domestication, shifting cultivation, settled
commercial farming. agriculture to
advantages änd
D E DIOOBical, cultural, mechanical and chemical weed control and state
disadvantages of each
32. Describe classification of
pests according to mode of feeding
33. DescriDe ONE (1) pest from each of the biting and chewing, piercing and sucking as well as
boring pests in relation to: life-cycle; method of control host crop and damaged caused to crops
Biting and chewing: grasshoppers, leaf miners, termites, beetles and locusts
36. Describe the mode of infection, harmful effects, prevention and control of ONE plant disease
from eachof the following groups
Bacterial diseases: Bacterial blight of Cowpeas, Black rot of Cabbage, Bacterial Wilt of Tomatoes
or Soft rot of vegetables
Fungal diseases: Sorghum downy mildew, Sorghum smuts, Maize smut, Leaf blight of
Sorghum/maize, Earhy and Late Leafspots of Groundnuts OR Charcoal rot on Sorghum/maize
Viral diseases: Maize Dwarf Mosaic, Maize Streak Virus, Groundnut rosette virus, Cowpea Aphid
Borne Mosaic Virus OR Tobacco Mosaic Virus on Tomatoes
42. Describe the following forms of pesticides: Dusts, Granules, Fumigants, Sprays and Aerosols
43. Describe calibration of a
kria psatk sprayer
L I I D e the riecessarY precautions taken when handling farrn chemicals to minimize polution
and poisoning
46. 1dentify TWO (2) plants for each of the foliowirng: Potting, Bedding ard Fio wer cutting
47. Describe the following practices: Hardening-off, Pricking out,
common disease of the chosen crop
48. Discuss the control of ONE(1) common pest and ONE(1)
identify three plant species used for
Cynodo 0acO
55. Describe the following lawn management
practices: Mowing, Edging, Spiking,
Irrigation, Pest and Disease
of landscape designp
61. Describe the environmental impacts
84. Outline the habitat preference of THREE(3) species found in different habitats of Botswana
85. Describe either Capture of game by means of movable capture corrals or Capture of game by
88. State the legislative measures ensuring sustainabie use of game, especially endangered species.
89. Explain the concepts of range, pasture, rangeland and range/pasture management
91. Describe the types of natural vegetation found in Botswana with reference to grass and woody
plant species
94. Explain the concepts of forage, stocking rate, carrying capacity, overstocking, overgrazing, mixed
species grazing, grazing, decreasers, increasers and invaders
95. Calculate the stocking rate and carrying capacity of a given range land
121. Define Agricultural Economics
122. DIStinguish between different economic systems (planned, free-market and mixed)
Law of demand
Demand determinants
Law of supply
Supply determinants
Elasticity of demand and supply
Opportunity costs
131. Define variable costs, fixed costs, total costs, total returns and depreciation
Subsurface irrigation
Overhead irrigation
153. Define drainage
all features
162. Draw the structure of a standard cattle wire fence, showing
Describe the construction of earth road, with reference to grading, drainage and grids
167. Describe factors considered when choosing a site for a farm building
Describe the essential features of a building suitable for ONE (1) stated farm purpose
in the farm) and explain regular
storage, processing, farm workshop, tool room or any building
maintenance of the selected building stated above.
96.,Outline the characteristics ofextensive range management including the advantages and
97. Explain the of
indigenous plants to increase range productivity
98. Explain ways in which man can
destroy range lands
99. SugBgest ways by which destruction of range and range lands can be avoided
100. Explain at least FOUR(4) ways of improving range and pasture utilization
101. State the advantages and disadvantages of creep, rotational, strip and zero grazing8
102 Describe ways in which fodder
crops can be preserved for future use
103. Describe pasture
improvement practices
104. Outline the causes of pasture deterioration
105. Name at least TWO(2) poisonous plants found in Botswana
106. Describe ONE(1) grass and ONE(1) legume
to the species from the list given below, in relation
following objectives:
Form and habit of
Soil and climatic requirement
Persistence(length of growth)
Fertilizer treatment
Nutritional value
The list of grasses and
legumes to choose from is as follows:
110. Predict the results ofa simple genetic cross with ratios of 3:1 and 1:1
111. Explain variation in term of genetic and environmental factors
114. Describe cross-breeding, inbreeding, selection and upgrading in plants and animals
118. List at least FOUR(4) examples of Biotechnology (traditional and modern) as they apply
to Agriculture
Animal handling
Record keeping
Rearing of young stock
67. Describe structure and function of the male and female reproductive systems of cattle and
68. Describe digestioD in ruminants and non-ruminant animals including enzymatic action
73. State the roles of oestrogen, progesterone, follicle stimulating hormone, corpus luteum,
leutenising hormone and testosterone in the reproductive system of a ruminant
76. Classify Coccidiosis, Trypanosomiasis, Fowl Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Mastitis, Botulism, Anthrax,
Contagious Abortion, Foot and Mouth, Swine Fever, Newcastle, Heartwater, Rabies, Rickets,
Piglet Anaermia, Aphosphorosis and Contagious Bovine Pleuro Pneumonia (CBPP) on the basis
causative agent and host animal(s) affected.
77. Choose ONE(1) disease from above and describe the etiology, symptoms, prevention and
control of the disease
78. Classify round worms, tape worms, liver fluke, ticks, flies, mites, lice and tsetse fly into internal
or external parasites
79. Describe the host, life cycle and control of ONE(1) internal and ONE(1) external parasite from
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