Radom Questions

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1. Discuss the developmental stages of Agriculture and their impacts on the environment from
hunting and
gathering through domestication, shifting cultivation, settled
commercial farming. agriculture to

2. Describe how temperature, wind,

humidity, rainfall frost and photoperiodism affect growth of
plants and animals and suggest ways of
modifying the effects of environmental factors.
3. State the effects of
day length on plant growth.
4. Describe the water
5. Define land tenure
6. Describe the land tenure
systems of Freehold, State land, and Communal land in Botswana and
describe their advantages and
7. Describe leasehold and
inheritance with respect to freehold, state land and
8. List the eight(8) classes of the
United States Department of
communal land
Agriculture (USDA) land capability
classification, describe their characteristics and deduce the use of each class
9 Define Agricultural technology and give examples
10. Discuss the use of
farming system as a technology transfer approach
11. State the conditions
necessary for plant growth
1. Describe the internal structure of a
leaf, stem and root for a
monocotyledonous and a
dicotyledonous plant and state the functions of the parts identified
13. Discuss the longitudinal section of a root
14. Describe manufacture and utilization of food inplants
15. Describe movement of water and dissolved
substances into and in the plant
16. Discuss food storage in plants
17. Describe the types of reproduction in plants
18. List the parts used for asexual propagation in plants
19. Describe the functions of various parts of maize and bean flower
20. Describe the mechanism of pollination in maize(wind
pollination) and bean(insect pollination)
21. Define fertilization
22. Describe the process of fertilization in a
named plant, including _eed and fruit formation
23. Define tropism
24. Explain the following tropic movements of plant parts: Geotropism.
Phototropism and Hydrotropism
25. State the reasons for
stumping and clearing a field
26. Explain methods of soil clearing
by ploughing, discing and harrowing
27. Describe the undesirable effects
of deforestation.
28. Discuss named
a vegetable and a named field crop in relation to: Climatic requirement, Soil type
soilpH requirement, seedbed preparation, sowing and
planting time and method, choice of suitable
varieties, seed rate, spacing, plant population, inorganic manures,
organic manures and fertilizers
and rates of
application, prevention and control of common pests and diseases, recognition of crop
maturity, harvesting of yield and storage methods, marketing, uses of the and its
relevant legislation.
crop by-products,
29. Explain the negative and positive effects of weeds on cropPS
Lne alTerent ways of
classifying weeds as in length of growing period, morpholoEY
method of dispersal

advantages änd
D E DIOOBical, cultural, mechanical and chemical weed control and state
disadvantages of each
32. Describe classification of
pests according to mode of feeding

33. DescriDe ONE (1) pest from each of the biting and chewing, piercing and sucking as well as

boring pests in relation to: life-cycle; method of control host crop and damaged caused to crops

Note: The list of pests to choose from is as follows:

Biting and chewing: grasshoppers, leaf miners, termites, beetles and locusts

Piercing and sucking: aphids, mealy bugs, scale insects

Boring pests: stalk borer; weevil or American bollworm

34. Discuss damage caused and control of nematodes and rodents

35. Define a disease

36. Describe the mode of infection, harmful effects, prevention and control of ONE plant disease
from eachof the following groups
Bacterial diseases: Bacterial blight of Cowpeas, Black rot of Cabbage, Bacterial Wilt of Tomatoes
or Soft rot of vegetables

Fungal diseases: Sorghum downy mildew, Sorghum smuts, Maize smut, Leaf blight of
Sorghum/maize, Earhy and Late Leafspots of Groundnuts OR Charcoal rot on Sorghum/maize

Viral diseases: Maize Dwarf Mosaic, Maize Streak Virus, Groundnut rosette virus, Cowpea Aphid
Borne Mosaic Virus OR Tobacco Mosaic Virus on Tomatoes

37. Classify pesticides according to what they control

38. Define contact, systemic and stomach insecticides

39. Define herbicides lCeran

40. Describe with examples selective and non-selective herbicides

41. Define the terms active ingredient and inert material

42. Describe the following forms of pesticides: Dusts, Granules, Fumigants, Sprays and Aerosols
43. Describe calibration of a
kria psatk sprayer
L I I D e the riecessarY precautions taken when handling farrn chemicals to minimize polution

and poisoning

45. Describe possible ervironmental hazards of farm chernicals

46. 1dentify TWO (2) plants for each of the foliowirng: Potting, Bedding ard Fio wer cutting

47. Describe the following practices: Hardening-off, Pricking out,
common disease of the chosen crop
48. Discuss the control of ONE(1) common pest and ONE(1)

49. Discuss pruning and topiary of ornamentals

ornamental crop chosen

50. Discuss the preparation and marketing of the

51. Define lawn

C C O o0
52. State the importance of lawns
Proode dn aro pln-SI t
tilth suitable for lawn
53 Explain the preparation of land into

identify three plant species used for
Cynodo 0acO
55. Describe the following lawn management
practices: Mowing, Edging, Spiking,
Irrigation, Pest and Disease

for use in management of lawn

56. Identify appropriate equipment
P a bu
SH at tarra g19
57. Define Landscaping o a t t 1atftv(, 5Ite
from the following list: Formal landscape, Garden,
58. Describe any TWO(2) kinds of landscape
or Waterfront
Rockery, Civic space, Cemetery, Park, Playground

the of FIVE(5) different materials in landscaping SP 2ork s T

59. Explain use


60. Explain the use of plant life in landscape design plam

of landscape designp
61. Describe the environmental impacts

62. Qutline reasons for housing livestock

Pro A
needed for ONE(1) type of livestock{broilers, layers, rabbits, dairy
63. Describe type of housing
animals OR pigs)

64. Describe qualities ofa goodlivestock house

t Stoulcl

65. Define stockmanship

82. Explain FOUR[4) importance of game farming
83. Explain the following ecological principles used in seiecting a suitable game farm: size of area,
flow of energy, carrying capacity, numbers of game and ecosystem concept

84. Outline the habitat preference of THREE(3) species found in different habitats of Botswana

each of the three geographical areas shouid be selected. The species

Only ONE(1) species from
list to choose from is as follows:

Chobe area: Roan Antelope, Elephant or Buffalo

Tuli Block: Impala or Kudu

Kalahari: Gemsbok, Eland or Springbok

85. Describe either Capture of game by means of movable capture corrals or Capture of game by

use of crossbows, dart guns and game capture drugs

86. Outline Ostrich farming in relation to the following:

Extensive, semi-intensive and intensive farming

Incubation of Ostrich eggs

.The need to mark birds in captivity by the use microchips

Advantages of Ostrich meat over beef

87. Outline efforts by government towards game farming development in Botswana

88. State the legislative measures ensuring sustainabie use of game, especially endangered species.

89. Explain the concepts of range, pasture, rangeland and range/pasture management

90. State the factors affecting range management in Botswana

91. Describe the types of natural vegetation found in Botswana with reference to grass and woody
plant species

92. Describe the composition of rangelands

93. Identify at least FIVE(5) range plants

94. Explain the concepts of forage, stocking rate, carrying capacity, overstocking, overgrazing, mixed
species grazing, grazing, decreasers, increasers and invaders

95. Calculate the stocking rate and carrying capacity of a given range land
121. Define Agricultural Economics
122. DIStinguish between different economic systems (planned, free-market and mixed)

123. Define supply and demand

124. Describe the following:
Factors of production

Law of demand

Demand determinants

Law of supply

Supply determinants
Elasticity of demand and supply

Law of diminishing returns

Opportunity costs

125. Define equilibrium price and its determination

126. Distinguish between risk and uncertainty

127. List examples of risk and uncertainty

128. Distinguish between complementary and supplementary goods

129. Differentiate between production and financial records

130. State the types of production and financial records

131. Define variable costs, fixed costs, total costs, total returns and depreciation

132. Determine the gross margin of an enterprise

133. Determine profit or loss of an enterprise

134. Prepare a balance sheet

135. Explain why businesses prepare business plans

136. Describe the content of a business plan

137. Define budgeting

Explain the purpose of a farm
Describe partial and
complete budgets
140. LIst at least
FOUR (4) different assistance schemes
aimed at (government and
supporting agribusinesses in Botswana non-governmental
141. List skills and
resources necessary to start an
Agribusiness enterprise
142. Discuss the common forms of business
partnership, company and co-operatives) organization or ownership ( sole proprietorship,
143. Design an effective organizational structure of a
144. Define marketing
145. Discuss functions of marketing and outline the activities involved in each function
146. Explain market research and its importance
147. Explain why businesses advertise
148. Define Agricultural Engineering

149 State at least FOUR (4) importance of Agricultural Engineering

150 Define irrigation
151. on
State effects of irrigation crop yield and quality
152. Explain ONE (1) method of irrigation from each of the following irrigation
Surface irrigation

Subsurface irrigation

Overhead irrigation
153. Define drainage

154. Describe advantages and disadvantages of drainage

155. Explain the effect of waterlogged soils on crops
156. Describe the different methods used to drain soil

157. State reasons for fencing

158. State the suitable types of fences for different purposes
advantages and
159. LIst available materials for construction of
fences and state the

disadvantages of each material used

160. Explain methods of treating fence posts

161. Describe stages in the construction of a wire fence

all features
162. Draw the structure of a standard cattle wire fence, showing

163. State the importance of farm roads

164. State the factors considered when siting farm roads

Describe the construction of earth road, with reference to grading, drainage and grids

166. Describe the ncessary road maintenance activities

167. Describe factors considered when choosing a site for a farm building

Describe the essential features of a building suitable for ONE (1) stated farm purpose
in the farm) and explain regular
storage, processing, farm workshop, tool room or any building
maintenance of the selected building stated above.

169. State importance of crushes

170. Describe types of crushes

171. Describe the construction ofa crush

172. Describe the operations of a dip tank and spray race

a tank and a spray race
173. State the advantages and disadvantages of using dip
174. List at least FIVE (5) various sources of water in the
water for a named purpose
175. Describe ONE (1) method of treating farm

176. Describe at least THREE (3) methods of farm water storage

structure of an earth dam
177. Describe with labeled diagrams the

farm implements and farm machinery

178. Define the following: farm tools,

179. Identify parts of a knapsack sprayer

4-stroke petrol and diesel engines
Explain the mode of operation of a
diesel engines
181. Differentiate between petrol and
Lubrication system of a 4- stroke engine
Electrical system of a petrol engine

Water cooling systems of

183. List the necessary routine checks before and during operation of a tractor

96.,Outline the characteristics ofextensive range management including the advantages and
97. Explain the of
indigenous plants to increase range productivity
98. Explain ways in which man can
destroy range lands
99. SugBgest ways by which destruction of range and range lands can be avoided
100. Explain at least FOUR(4) ways of improving range and pasture utilization
101. State the advantages and disadvantages of creep, rotational, strip and zero grazing8
102 Describe ways in which fodder
crops can be preserved for future use
103. Describe pasture
improvement practices
104. Outline the causes of pasture deterioration
105. Name at least TWO(2) poisonous plants found in Botswana
106. Describe ONE(1) grass and ONE(1) legume
to the species from the list given below, in relation
following objectives:
Form and habit of
Soil and climatic requirement

Persistence(length of growth)
Fertilizer treatment

Planting time and method

Nutritional value
The list of grasses and
legumes to choose from is as follows:

Chloris gayana (Rhodes

Panicum maximum(Guinea grass

Eragrostis curvula(Weeping love grass)

Eragrostis lehmannian(Lehmanniana's grass)
Eragrostis tef (Teff grass)
Hyparrhenia sp (Thatching grass)
Cynodon dactylon (star grass
Cenchrus iliaris (Buffel grass)

Stylosanthes gracilis (Stylo)

Medicago sativa (Lucerne)
Leucaena leucocephala (Leucaena)
Sesbania sp (Sesbania)

Lablab purpereus (Lablab)

107. Define the terms: Genetics, Chromosomes, Alleles,

Gene, Homozygous, Heterozygous,
Dominance, Recessive, Complete dominance and Co-dominance
108. Describe meiosis and mitosis (specification of stages not required)
109. Distinguish between phenotype and genotype

110. Predict the results ofa simple genetic cross with ratios of 3:1 and 1:1
111. Explain variation in term of genetic and environmental factors

112. Define breeding

113 Explain the importance of breeding

114. Describe cross-breeding, inbreeding, selection and upgrading in plants and animals

115. Describehybridization in plants and animals

116. Define biotechnology and genetic engineering

117. Distinguish between traditional and modern biotechnology

118. List at least FOUR(4) examples of Biotechnology (traditional and modern) as they apply
to Agriculture

119. Describe ONE (1) aplication of BiotechnologY as it applies to Agriculture

120. State advantages and disadvantages of the of
use Biotechnology in Agriculture
66. Explain stockmanship in the following areas for ONE(1) of the following livestock (brOilers,
layers, rabbits, dairy animals OR pigs)

Animal handling

Record keeping
Rearing of young stock

Nutrition and feeding practices

67. Describe structure and function of the male and female reproductive systems of cattle and

68. Describe digestioD in ruminants and non-ruminant animals including enzymatic action

69. State at least FOUR(4) signs of heat in a cow

70. State the relevance of signs of heat for breeding

71. Describe oestrous cycle of a cow

72. State the relationship between oestrous cycle and pregnancy

73. State the roles of oestrogen, progesterone, follicle stimulating hormone, corpus luteum,
leutenising hormone and testosterone in the reproductive system of a ruminant

74. Describe characteristics of healthy animals

75. Outline general methods of prevention of livestock diseases

76. Classify Coccidiosis, Trypanosomiasis, Fowl Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Mastitis, Botulism, Anthrax,
Contagious Abortion, Foot and Mouth, Swine Fever, Newcastle, Heartwater, Rabies, Rickets,
Piglet Anaermia, Aphosphorosis and Contagious Bovine Pleuro Pneumonia (CBPP) on the basis
causative agent and host animal(s) affected.

77. Choose ONE(1) disease from above and describe the etiology, symptoms, prevention and
control of the disease

78. Classify round worms, tape worms, liver fluke, ticks, flies, mites, lice and tsetse fly into internal
or external parasites

79. Describe the host, life cycle and control of ONE(1) internal and ONE(1) external parasite from

the list above.

80. Differentiategamefarming, game ranching and game and livestock ranching.

81. Name at least FIVE(5) game animals

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