Solomons Ch6 AlkilHalida PDF

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博士(薬学)Marcellino Rudyanto
Rencana Pembelajaran
 Dosen sebagai fasilitator, membantu mahasiswa belajar.
 Sesedikit mungkin kegiatan ceramah.
 Sebelum tatap muka, mahasiswa wajib mempelajari materi: Bab 6
dari buku Organic Chemistry karangan Solomons, Fryhle & Snyder
edisi XII (tahun 2016) halaman 240-281. PPT ini hanya ringkasan.
 Kegiatan tatap muka diisi dengan:
 Diskusi mengenai hal-hal yang ditanyakan oleh mahasiswa.
 Latihan soal, diskusi kelompok.
 Sangat disarankan mahasiswa belajar dengan menggunakan model
molekul. Model molekul bisa dibeli di situs-situs belanja online
dalam negeri.

Chapter 6 2
Chapter 6
Nucleophilic Reactions:
Properties and Substitution Reactions of
Alkyl Halides
 Introduction
The polarity of a carbon-halogen bond leads to the carbon having
a partial positive charge
 In alkyl halides this polarity causes the carbon to become activated to substitution
reactions with nucleophiles

Carbon-halogen bonds get less polar, longer and weaker in going

from fluorine to iodine

Chapter 6 4
 Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions
In this reaction a nucleophile is a species with an unshared
electron pair which reacts with an electron deficient carbon
A leaving group is substituted by a nucleophile

Examples of nucleophilic substitution

Chapter 6 5
 Nucleophile
The nucleophile reacts at the electron deficient carbon

A nucleophile may be any molecule with an unshared electron pair

Chapter 6 6
 Leaving Group
A leaving group is a substituent that can leave as a relatively
stable entity
It can leave as an anion or a neutral species

Chapter 6 7
 Kinetics of a Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction:
An SN2 Reaction
The initial rate of the following reaction is measured

The rate is directly proportional to the initial concentrations of

both methyl chloride and hydroxide

The rate equation reflects this dependence

SN2 reaction: substitution, nucleophilic, 2nd order (bimolecular)

Chapter 6 8
 A Mechanism for the SN2 Reaction

A transition state is the high energy state of the reaction

 It is an unstable entity with a very brief existence (10-12 s)
In the transition state of this reaction bonds are partially formed
and broken
 Both chloromethane and hydroxide are involved in the transition state and this
explains why the reaction is second order

Chapter 6 9
 Transition State Theory: Free-Energy Diagrams
Exergonic reaction: negative DGo (products favored)
Endergonic reaction: positive DGo (products not favored)
The reaction of chloromethane with hydroxide is highly exergonic

The equilibrium constant is very large

Chapter 6 10
An energy diagram of a typical SN2 reaction
 An energy barrier is evident because a bond is being broken in going to the
transition state (which is the top of the energy barrier)
 The difference in energy between starting material and the transition state is the
free energy of activation (DG‡ )
 The difference in energy between starting molecules and products is the free
energy change of the reaction, DGo

Chapter 6 11
In a highly endergonic reaction of the same type the energy
barrier will be even higher (DG‡ is very large)

Chapter 6 12
There is a direct relationship between DG‡ and the temperature of
a reaction
 The higher the temperature, the faster the rate

 Near room temperature, a 10oC increase in temperature causes a doubling of rate

 Higher temperatures cause more molecules to collide with enough energy to
reach the transition state and react

Chapter 6 13
The energy diagram for the reaction of chloromethane with

 A reaction with DG‡ above 84 kJ mol-1 will require heating to proceed at a

reasonable rate
 This reaction has DG‡ = 103 kJ mol-1 so it will require heating

Chapter 6 14
 The Stereochemistry of SN2 Reactions
Backside attack of nucleophile results in an inversion of

In cyclic systems a cis compound can react and become trans

Chapter 6 15
 The Reaction of tert-Butyl Chloride with
Hydroxide Ion: An SN1 Reaction
tert-Butyl chloride undergoes substitution with hydroxide
The rate is independent of hydroxide concentration and depends
only on concentration of tert-butyl chloride

SN1 reaction: Substitution, nucleophilic, 1st order (unimolecular)

 The rate depends only on the concentration of the alkyl halide
 Only the alkyl halide (and not the nucleophile) is involved in the transition state of
the step that controls the rate

Chapter 6 16
 Multistep Reactions and the Rate-Determining
In multistep reactions, the rate of the slowest step will be the rate
of the entire reaction
This is called the rate determining step
In the case below k1<<k2 or k3 and the first step is rate determining

Chapter 6 17
 A Mechanism for the SN1 Reaction (next slide)
Step 1 is rate determining (slow) because it requires the formation
of unstable ionic products
In step 1 water molecules help stabilize the ionic products

Chapter 6 18
Chapter 6 19
 Carbocations
A carbocation has only 6 electrons, is sp2 hybridized and has an
empty p orbital

The more highly substituted a carbocation is, the more stable it is

 The more stable a carbocation is, the easier it is to form

Chapter 6 20
Hyperconjugation stabilizes the carbocation by donation of
electrons from an adjacent carbon-hydrogen or carbon-carbon s
bond into the empty p orbital
 More substitution provides more opportunity for hyperconjugation

Chapter 6 21
 The Stereochemistry of SN1 Reactions
When the leaving group leaves from a stereogenic center of an
optically active compound in an SN1 reaction, racemization will
 This is because an achiral carbocation intermediate is formed
Racemization: transformation of an optically active compound to a
racemic mixture

Chapter 6 22
Chapter 6 23
 Solvolysis
A molecule of the solvent is the nucleophile in a substitution
 If the solvent is water the reaction is a hydrolysis

Chapter 6 24
 Factors Affecting the Rate of SN1 and SN2
 The Effects of the Structure of the Substrate
 SN2 Reactions
In SN2 reactions alkyl halides show the following general order of

Steric hinderance: the spatial arrangement of the atoms or groups

at or near a reacting site hinders or retards a reaction
 In tertiary and neopentyl halides, the reacting carbon is too sterically hindered to

Chapter 6 25
 SN1 reactions
Generally only tertiary halides undergo SN1 reactions because
only they can form relatively stabilized carbocations
 The Hammond-Leffler Postulate
The transition state for an exergonic reaction looks very much like
starting material
The transition state for an endergonic reaction looks very much
like product
Generally the transition state looks most like the species it is
closest to in energy

Chapter 6 26
In the first step of the SN1 reaction the transition state looks very
much like carbocation
The carbocation-like transition state is stabilized by all the factors
that stabilize carbocations
The transition state leading to tertiary carbocations is much more
stable and lower in energy than transition states leading to other

Chapter 6 27
 The Effects of the Concentration and Strength of
 SN1 Reaction
Rate does not depend on the identity or concentration of
 SN2 Reaction
Rate is directly proportional to the concentration of nucleophile
Stronger nucleophiles also react faster
 A negatively charged nucleophile is always more reactive than its neutral
conjugate acid
 When comparing nucleophiles with the same nucleophilic atom, nucleophilicities
parallel basicities

Methoxide is a much better nucleophile than methanol

Chapter 6 28
 Solvent Effects on SN2 Reactions: Polar Protic and
Aprotic Solvents
Polar Protic Solvents
 Polar solvents have a hydrogen atom attached to strongly electronegative atoms
 They solvate nucleophiles and make them less reactive

 Larger nucleophilic atoms are less solvated and therefore more reactive in polar
protic solvents

 Larger nucleophiles are also more polarizable and can donate more electron
 Relative nucleophilicity in polar solvents:

Chapter 6 29
Polar Aprotic Solvents
 Polar aprotic solvents do not have a hydrogen attached to an electronegative

 They solvate cations well but leave anions unsolvated because positive centers in
the solvent are sterically hindered

 Polar protic solvents lead to generation of “naked” and very reactive nucleophiles
 Trends for nucleophilicity are the same as for basicity
 They are excellent solvents for SN2 reactions

Chapter 6 30
 Solvent Effects on SN1 Reactions: The Ionizing Ability of
the Solvent
Polar protic solvents are excellent solvents for SN1 reactions
Polar protic solvents stabilize the carbocation-like transition state
leading to the carbocation thus lowering DG‡
Water-ethanol and water-methanol mixtures are most common

Chapter 6 31
 The Nature of the Leaving Group
The best leaving groups are weak bases which are relatively
 The leaving group can be an anion or a neutral molecule
Leaving group ability of halides:

This trend is opposite to basicity:

Other very weak bases which are good leaving groups:

The poor leaving group hydroxide can be changed into the good
leaving group water by protonation

Chapter 6 32
 Summary SN1 vs. SN2
In both types of reaction alkyl iodides react the fastest because of
superior leaving group ability

Chapter 6 33
 Organic Synthesis: Functional Group
Transformations Using SN2 Reactions

Stereochemistry can be controlled in SN2 reactions

Chapter 6 34
 Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides
 Dehydrohalogenation
Used for the synthesis of alkenes
 Elimination competes with substitution reaction
 Strong bases such as alkoxides favor elimination

Chapter 6 35
The alkoxide bases are made from the corresponding alcohols

Chapter 6 36
 The E2 Reaction
E2 reaction involves concerted removal of the proton, formation of
the double bond, and departure of the leaving group
Both alkyl halide and base concentrations affect rate and
therefore the reaction is 2nd order

Chapter 6 37
 The E1 Reaction
The E1 reaction competes with the SN1 reaction and likewise goes
through a carbocation intermediate

Chapter 6 38
 Substitution versus Elimination
 SN2 versus E2

Primary substrate
 If the base is small, SN2 competes strongly because approach at carbon is

Secondary substrate
 Approach to carbon is sterically hindered and E2 elimination is favored

Chapter 6 39
Tertiary substrate
 Approach to carbon is extremely hindered and elimination predominates
especially at high temperatures

 Increasing temperature favors elimination over substitution
Size of the Base/Nucleophile
 Large sterically hindered bases favor elimination because they cannot directly
approach the carbon closely enough to react in a substitution
 Potassium tert-butoxide is an extremely bulky base and is routinely used to favor
E2 reaction

Chapter 6 40
 Overall Summary

Chapter 6 41

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