522 - Assignment 2
522 - Assignment 2
522 - Assignment 2
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Grading grid
P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 M2 M3 M4 D1 D2 D3
Summative Feedback: Resubmission Feedback:
I. Introduce
COVID-19, a lung disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has become a global health risk, affecting health
and education systems all over the world, including Vietnam. Fear, anxiety, and mental health difficulties
have resulted from the rapid spread, resulting in extraordinary changes in countries' spheres, including the
health and economic sectors. In the face of challenges, fear is a negative feeling, and the virus has caused
extraordinary changes in these industries. Workers, their lives, and employment are the most immediately
affected and have the most substantial influence. On the other hand, achieved the "dual aim" of limiting the
pandemic while also stabilizing economic growth at 1.8%. According to a report in LinkedIn ( 2020), there
are many research on working from home, most of the subjects covered in different professions. And
it's becoming increasingly common in the business sector.
According to Yan.J (2021), WFH is a working arrangement in which employees carry out the fundamental
functions of their job while working from home using ICT (International Labor Organization 2020). Although
there is some overlap between words like WFH, teleworking, telecommuting, and remote working, these
ideas are mostly interchangeable. WFH is classified as home-based teleworking since teleworking can take
place in locations other than the principal worksite or the employer's premises.
The current pandemic crisis has proved that WFH is a viable business strategy for ensuring firm continuity
and fostering work-life balance for employees. It brings enormous economic and productivity benefits to
firms when managed properly. WFH, on the other hand, should not be regarded as a panacea for all
organizational ills. It must be utilized with caution to ensure that staff are properly taught, motivated, and
harnessed to achieve the greatest potential results. The purpose of this study was to gauge human
resources' perspectives on the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on employee performance. Specifically,
transitioning from working in an office to working from home.
- Firstly, identify the factors this study informs the influence of a sudden shift to WFH on work
experience and performance of employee during the pandemic.
- Second, to provide the aspects impacting of how this experience varies among workers that are
impacted by Covid-19.
- Finally, this study's findings the practical applications for improving the work-from-home experience
through workplace practices and policies.
Following the COVID-19 outbreak, businesses are reframing employment as a collection of duties rather than
a location. This transition in work-from-home (WFH) is likely to become a component of future office
employment, needing a thorough study of the effects of four factors on the WFH experience.
1. Employee Performance
In order to set career objectives, evaluate employee behavior, determine compensation, pinpoint strengths
and shortcomings, and give promotions, performance evaluation is essential for workers. According to
Kehoe (2015), the amount and quality of work, as well as how it is produced, all influence how well things
turn out. According to Hewgama (2019), it consists
- job knowledge: the amount of knowledge connected to work activities that will directly impact the
quantity and quality of work outcomes
- initiative: the degree of initiative demonstrated during work tasks, particularly when dealing with
issues that emerge.
- Attitude: the level of morale and positive attitude toward task accomplishment.
- Job performance: Time and attendance discipline, such as punctuality and attendance levels.
H1a: The worse the working environment, the more impact on employee’s performance at WFH.
H1b: Being well equipped working environment during WFH has no influence on the employee’s productivity
while at WFH.
b. Job Insecurity
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial influence on employment and careers, resulting in a sense-
making process in which individuals consider the consequences of the crisis for their circumstances
(Akkermans et al., 2020). According to Linh et al. (2021), the pandemic's extraordinary spike in layoffs has
exacerbated sentiments of job insecurity, particularly among Vietnamese workers. According to research,
job insecurity is strongly associated to the novelty and disruptiveness of the pandemic event. Individuals'
views of job instability vary, with early-career workers' opinions influenced by particular circumstances such
as short contracts or lesser education. The purpose of this research is to better understand the influence of
the pandemic on work insecurity perceptions (Klug et al., 2019). However, the pandemic has been a
remarkable occurrence to which people have been exposed all around the world. We contend that despite
the fact that the effects of these implications may differ from person to person, the epidemic pushed the
majority of people to assess and make sense of its implications for their professions.
It is anticipated that the amount of employment insecurity would fluctuate due to the pandemic's
protracted length and unpredictable character. As businesses resorted to COVID-19 measures, such as
reassigning staff and switching to remote work, job insecurity grew in the early phases of the epidemic (e.g.,
transitioning to telework). Concerns about job security were also sparked by the sharp increase in
unemployment. According to Wilson et al. (2020), the first phase, also known as the shock phase, is marked
by a high level of emotional intensity, a lack of self-control, and unpredictable behavior. The epidemic is
anticipated to extend into the shock phase, which will heighten worries about job security and employment
H2a: Job insecurity will be positively associated to employee working from home.
H2b: Job insecurity impacts the association between employee performance and WFH.
c. Worklife Balance
The unfulfilled quest of work-life balance is a common topic of conversation among both men and women. It
usually translates into a lack of time or assistance in completing, handling, or managing our professional or
personal commitments. According to Lockwood (2003), two pioneers in worklife balance provide fresh
material to assist people comprehend the decisions they make as employers and individuals regarding work
and family in their well-known book, Work and Family—Allies or Enemies. More than 800 business
professionals conducted ground-breaking study on values, work, and family lives, which concluded that
"work and family, the major life roles for most female employees in today's society, can help or hinder one's
self." (Searle, S. and Klepa, L., 1991). It is underlined that in order to manage the balance between job and
social life, working individuals must learn to create support networks at home, at work, and in the
community. The quality of family life and career is substantially impacted by family labor conflict.
H3a: Worklife balance will be connected to employee happiness when working from home during the
COVID-19 epidemic.
H3b: Worklife balance impacts negatively on employees performance levels when they are working from
home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Research Model
Working Job
Environme Insecurity
nt nsecurity
Conduct quantitative study using a questionnaire survey approach to determine factors influencing the
working stress of university professors. The research was carried out in order to investigate and evaluate the
main project, which is the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on employees and work from home
employees. Employees in Viet Nam conduct quantitative research using an online survey approach to
evaluate the measurement model, as well as the theoretical model and hypotheses in the model. To
conveniently obtain the survey items and keep safe during the current epidemic, the survey is done online
using a questionnaire survey approach.
In order to facilitate selection, the study uses a basic method of random selection with multiples of 100
samples. Since there are 100 valid samples, the analysis is based on the total number of samples gathered. A
5-point Likert scale is used to assess the 23 questions, with 1- Strongly Disagree, 2 – Disagree, 3 – Neutral, 4
– Agree, 5 - Strongly Agree. The survey is carried out in accordance with variables that affect working from
home, such as the work environment, work-life balance, job insecurity, and the impact of the COVID-19
epidemic on employees. The data was exported to a Microsoft Excel Worksheet once the survey was
implemented in order to prepare it.
Demographic questions
1. Age
A. Less than 30 years
B. 30-40 years
C. Above 40 years
2. Gender
A. Male
B. Female
3. Marital Status
A. Married
B. Unmarried
C. Other
4. Education
A. Undergraduate
B. Bachelors
C. Masters
5. Experience
A. Less than 6 years
B. 6 to 12 years
C. 12 to 18 years
D. 18 to 24 years
E. Above 24 years
Research questions
Employee Performance
Job Insecurity
Working Environment
Work-life Balance
2. Research method
This study intends to find the variables influencing the creative working practices of COVID-19 information
technology (IT) staff members in Vietnam. Four factors are included in the study model: work-life balance,
job insecurity, working environment, and employee performance. The quantitative approach to research is
the approach. The five-scale questionnaire was used to perform the survey on 100 samples. Based on the
findings, suggestions are offered to spread knowledge by showcasing the creative work practices of
Vietnamese IT workers.
The quantitative research is conducted in Vietnam on Technology (IT) personnel using an online survey
approach to assess the measurement model, as well as the theoretical model and hypotheses in the model.
The survey is done online using a questionnaire survey approach to make it easier to reach the survey items
and stay safe during the COVID-19 epidemic.
3. Analysis method
By analysis method, the information about analysis approach is arranged.It imparts both in-depth knowledge
and best practices for utilizing data analysis system capabilities, utilizing internal data analysis techniques
inside a function, evaluating data analysis findings, and taking choices or other actions in response to the
outcomes of analytical processes ( Schensul, 2021).
After the survey, 100 valid samples are collected. This research uses a data analysis tool is google form:
→ After the survey, 100 valid IT samples were received. From the above results:
1. Gender: it can be seen that there is a significant difference in gender, with more than 66 people
being male (66%) and 34 people being female (34%). So this is the big gender difference in the
influence of the COVID-19 pandemic and work from home on the practices of Vietnamese IT workers.
2. Age: The age group of IT workers is mostly 85 people under 30 years old (85%), then the age group
over 30 to 40 accounted for 12 people (12%), and finally the middle age group 40 and above only
accounted for 3 people (3%).
3. Marital Status: In addition, there is a big difference in the marital status of respondents, in which
single people account for 89 people (89%) and there is no married person (0%).
4. Education: In addition, the group of people with a bachelor's degree accounted for the highest
proportion of 88 people (88%). And the remaining 6% are groups with Master's and PhD degrees.
5. Experience: Finally, in the majority of survey results, participants in the group with less than 6 years
of experience are 78 (78%). The remaining groups with experience from 6 to 12 years are 14%, 12 to
18 years are 5%, and 18 to 24 years are 3%.
Below is the questionnaire for the survey. From the results collected by 100 survey participants, it’s analyze
the total % of survey participants for each question through the Countif formula in Excel.It can be concluded
that the hypothesis given has been proven, with correct conclusions:
+ Content:
Strongly Disagree = 1
Disagree = 2
Normal = 3
Agree = 4
Strongly Agree = 5
Based on this, the survey on job insecurity and the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic season affects
employees when working from home. For the variable "I have always achieved my tasks on time", the
maximum mean value is 0,89% Strongly Agree with this idea, 0,05% are Agree, 0,03% Normal, 0,01%
Disagree and 0,02% Strongly Disagree. Besides that the value "The quality of my work always achieved high
performance" is 0,89% Strongly Agree with this idea, 0,05% are Agree, 0,03% Normal, 0,01% Disagree and
0,02% Strongly Disagree. Furthermore, the variable "My supervisor has regularly commended me for my
outstanding performance", have respectively value of 0,88% Strongly Agree with this idea, 0,06% are Agree,
0,03% Normal, 0,01% Disagree and 0,02% Strongly Disagree. The next of "I am able to perform my work with
minimal time and effort" is 0,89% Strongly Agree with this idea, 0,04% are Agree, 0,04% Normal, 0,01%
Disagree and 0,02% Strongly Disagree. Lastly, "I always try to come up with more creative and breakthrough
ideas" is 0,17% Strongly Agree with this idea, 0,76% are Agree, 0,04% Normal, 0,01% Disagree and 0,02%
Strongly Disagree.
→ This suggests that most employees feel that corporate culture, among other key aspects, had a
substantial effect on employee performance on the workplace during the epidemic. The findings of
the study suggest that questions frequently have the highest value, ranging from 0.76% to 0.89%.
Employees are generally worried about their work performance when they work for a company.
Employees that feel more linked to their coworkers and the quality of their work may be more
motivated and productive, according to high percentages. This may occur when a company has a
supportive culture that promotes cooperation, communication, and collaboration. Most employees
think that having their managers recognize and reward their employees' accomplishments may make
them feel more connected to their colleagues and the business, which benefits their job. They are
accomplished in a timely and effective manner. A poor corporate culture, on the other hand, might
result in high levels of stress, low work satisfaction, and poor performance at work. Furthermore, the
majority of survey respondents stated that even when their working environment changed due to
the pandemic, they still performed their task with minimum time and effort, demonstrating that this
is not an impediment for employees. It has been demonstrated that when firms foster a favorable
corporate culture and foster a healthy working environment, workers assess their performance
favorably. According to Nathan Schultz's interview with the magazine about productivity and
employee performance in the company when employees are required to work from home, his first
instinct is to constantly check in on employees, but once he steps back, productivity increases and
employees begin completing projects ahead of schedule. He also discovered that those who worked
from home spent less time avoiding work (New York Times, 2022).
Accordingly, the survey on job insecurity and the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic season affects employees
when working from home. The results from the survey are as follows “I feel anxious about the company
policy of wage reduction”, 0.92% Strongly Agree with this idea, 0.02% are Agree, 0.03% Normal, 0.01%
Disagree and 0.02% Strongly Disagree. Besides, the value result of “I am afraid of being lay-off or having no
contract renewal after its expiration” is 0.89% Strongly Agree with this idea, 0.05% are Agree, 0.03% Normal
, 0.01% Disagree and 0.02% Strongly Disagree show that this is also what the majority of people are
concerned about. Furthermore, with “I am worried about the current business situation of my company” the
corresponding value is 0.18% Strongly Agree with this idea, 0.77% are Agree, 0.01% Normal, 0.02% Disagree
and 0.02% Strongly Disagree. Finally, the value of “I am concerned about losing my job affecting my financial
situation” is 0.92% Strongly Agree with this idea, 0.02% are Agree, 0.02% Normal, 0.03% Disagree and 0 .02%
Strongly Disagree.
→ Based on the results, a significant number of workers are concerned that working from home has
negatively impacted their job security, with some feeling more at risk of losing their positions. A Blind
(2021) survey of businesses found that 66% of Paypal employees and 65% of Amazon employees are
concerned about job instability. However, just 32% of Apple employees agree with this statement.
Additionally, with a result of 0.77%, they agree that the business's prospects are not very promising
given the present political and economic climate, which increases the business's vulnerability and
financial anxiety. The rate (0.92%) is quite high when compared to working in an office. Additionally,
IT workers frequently face challenges at work while transitioning from an office setting to working
from home (new technology / language, internal tools, potential fear of planned enhancements in
performance, etc.).
According the result, employees' perspectives on Working Environment influences by the impact of the
COVID-19 epidemic season affects employees when working from homewhen working from home. The
variable show that "The company offers employees a clear and transparent culture, rules, and behavior" has
a 0,90% Strongly Agree with this idea, 0,02% are Agree, 0,02% Normal, 0,02% Disagree and 0,02% Strongly
Disagree. In addition, the mean for the variable "Employees are able to freely negotiate their
responsibilities/benefits" is 0,86% Strongly Agree with this idea, 0,08% are Agree, 0,02% Normal, 0,01%
Disagree and 0,02% Strongly Disagree, indicating that most people are concerned about this. Next the mean
of variable "Employees have good relationship with colleagues who actively exchange and listen to each
other's opinions" is 0,87% Strongly Agree with this idea, 0,07% are Agree, 0,03% Normal, 0,02% Disagree and
0,01% Strongly Disagree. The variable "The company creates many extra-curricular activities that connect
employees and managers" have valuable is 0,88% Strongly Agree with this idea, 0,07% are Agree, 0,02%
Normal, 0,02% Disagree and 0,01% Strongly Disagree. Moreover, the mean for the variable "The company
provides training activities to develop employees’ knowledge and skills" is 0,89% Strongly Agree with this
idea, 0,04% are Agree, 0,04% Normal, 0,01% Disagree and 0,02% Strongly Disagree.
→ This suggests that the majority of employees are satisfied with their work environment and think that
providing employees with a clear and transparent culture, rules, and behavior is an important factor
in showing responsibility. The organization's responsibility to provide a friendly working environment
will affect employees, making them feel more comfortable and doing their jobs well. In addition,
autonomy also accounts for a large percentage of the survey. Monitoring that shows employees can
freely negotiate their benefits also demonstrates responsible organizational employee performance.
The survey shows that the majority of employees agree that the existence of close relationships
between colleagues and senior personnel in the online working environment is a significant
motivation and has a positive impact on promoting communication. open, comfortable, and free. In
addition, the presence of extracurricular activities is also something that employees are interested in
to promote knowledge development and the ability to access training to develop soft skills for the
new working environment in the COVID-19 workplace.
Through the data from survey, they show that the Work-life Balance effect of employee’s by the impact of
the COVID-19 epidemic working from home. The results from the survey are as follows "I have a better
mood because of my job" is 0,87% Strongly Agree with this idea, 0,07% are Agree, 0,03% Normal, 0,02%
Disagree and 0,01% Strongly Disagree. In addition, the value result of "I have a better mood at work because
of personal life" is 0,87% Strongly Agree with this idea, 0,06% are Agree, 0,03% Normal, 0,03% Disagree and
0,01% Strongly Disagree, demonstrating that usually too what individuals are most fascinated by. At last,
the mean of the survey "The demands of my work do not interfere with my personal life" is 0,24% Strongly
Agree with this idea, 0,071% are Agree, 0,02% Normal, 0,02% Disagree and 0,01% Strongly Disagree.
→ When employees work from home, organizational leaders must pay close attention to employee job
satisfaction. Working from home may certainly upset people's lives and job obligations. Furthermore,
consideration should be given to the quantity of work to be completed, as working in remote places
brings challenges such as a lack of IT assistance and other activities that contribute to decreased job
satisfaction. Surprisingly, 0.87% of employees indicated they are happier because of their
employment when they work from home. More than eighty percent of respondents stated that their
personal lives make them happier at work since they don't have to follow a schedule and can work
later. Furthermore, most employees may have adequate time for themselves. Employees stated that
they are competent at maintaining work-life balance, with 0.71% agreeing. The number of options
for their professional demands that do not interfere with their personal lives is quite limited.
Employees may lose attention and fail to balance work and personal life when working from home
since they do not have the same strong management or discipline as they do when working offline.
The findings of data analysis and interpretation demonstrate that most people can combine work
and life more efficiently while working from home than when working in the office. According to
Johnson et al. (2007), work-life balance improves time management for fulfilling job obligations and
family duties, and working from home increases employee happiness. The fundamental consequence
of work-life balance is job satisfaction, and one crucial component is feeling content when coping
with family and work challenges or job obligations.
V. Conclusion
This study looks into the variables The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the lives and careers of
Vietnamese employers Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, employees must follow government laws, work
from home, avoid contact with others, and avoid the risk of COVID-19 infection. Working from home is also
an option. Measures implemented by big and small businesses in Vietnam and applied to employees can
assist the organization in maintaining and stabilizing throughout the COVID-19 epidemic. This study
attempted to identify common factors that might impact and influence employees' lives and careers when
working from home during the COVID-19 epidemic. The questionnaire is constructed using these parameters
to provide the most pertinent questions. The first step was successfully performed. The first stage was
successfully done, and it serves as the foundation for the following report: gathering 100 replies and utilizing
a Google Form to collect and calculate the data. Following that, we will go into the issue of variables to help
us understand the elements that drive job performance and the consequences of employees working from
home during the pandemic. Covid-19. In practice, the findings indicate that firms should engage in employee
training and development programs to assist employees in adapting to the changing working environment
during the pandemic. These programs can assist employees in developing new skills and competences
required for their professions, as well as improving their overall work efficiency.
VI. Reference
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Mehta, P. (2022). Work alienation as a mediator between work from home-related isolation, loss of task
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work–life balance, and burnout. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 109(4), 949-955.
Section 3: Participants
Please answer the following questions, giving full details where necessary.
Will your research involve human participants?
Will you debrief participants at the end of their participation (i.e. give them a brief explanation of the
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Will participants be given information about the findings of your study? (This could be a brief
summary of your findings in general)
Yes: ☑ No:
Will mobile devices such as USB storage and laptops be used? Yes: No: ☑
Section 6: Declaration
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