522 Danthanh Asm1 Gbd18485

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BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number
Unit 11: Research Project
and title

Submission Date Received 1st

date submission

Re-submission Date Received 2nd

Date submission

Student PHAM DAN

Student ID GBD18485

Class 522 Assessor name TIN PQ

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I


understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.


Grading grid

1 2 1


 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

Tutor: TINPQ


II. Introduction
Founded on September 13, 1988, FPT operates in three core business areas, including
Technology, Telecommunications, and Education. During the operation, FPT always
strives with the highest goal of bringing customer satisfaction through the best
technology services, products, and solutions. At the same time, FPT constantly
researches and pioneers in new technology trends, contributing to affirming
Vietnam's position in the 4th industrial revolution - the Digital Revolution. FPT will
pioneer to provide comprehensive digital transformation services to organizations
and businesses on a global scale.

In today's competitive business environment, corporations can no longer waste the

potential of their workforce. There are important factors in employees working at the
workplace that significantly affect their level of motivation and performance
(Leadership Values). Improving productivity is a central issue in organizations today.
Productivity through job performance is a widely studied area of literature on
organizational behavior (OB) and human resource development (HR) (Bommer et al.,
1995; Lawler, & Worley, 2006; Schiemann, 2009). To fully utilize personnel and
enhance the success of an organization, an effective staff performance management
system is required for a business organization. Performance-oriented goals are
expected to align with organizational policies so that the entire process avoids event-
driven to become strategic and people-centered (Jena, & Pradhan). , 2014; London,
2003; Mone, & London, 2009). Today, the relationship between the employee and the
employer may be reversed. As employment opportunities for employees increase in
the developing global economy, not only workers but also employers need to adjust to
cope with the dynamics of life. business. Therefore, HR executives need to consider
new strategies to recruit and retain the most appropriate talents for their
organizations. Higher wages and salary benefits seem to be the most likely way to
attract employees. However, the quality of the physical working environment can also
have a strong influence on the company's ability to recruit and retain talent. Pech and
Slade (2006) argue that employee relaxation is increasing and it is more important to
create workplaces that have a positive impact on the workforce. According to Pech
and Slade, the focus is on disengaged symptoms such as distraction, lack of interest,
poor decisions, and high absences, rather than root causes. The working environment
is perhaps an important root cause of employee involvement or neglect. Another
study found that improving the work environment helps reduce complaints and
absences while increasing productivity (Roelofsen, 2002). Wells (2000) stated that
workplace satisfaction is related to job satisfaction.

However, the issue of improving employee performance at FPT has not been
discussed much and has not gone into the analysis of core information. Therefore, this
paper will study and analyze more clearly about values, data, and especially
suggestions to increase employee productivity.

The main objective of this paper is to describe a realistic picture of the effectiveness of
the work environment on employee performance. The second goal is to find the
connection between management and employee performance. The ultimate goal of
this paper is to provide recommendations for the superior to apply and improve to
maximize employee performance.

The scope of the topic revolves around the impact of the environment on employee
performance at FPT. The paper is studied for about 10 days - a reasonable time for
further analysis into issues. And the research is limited to the survey subjects, mainly
aimed at employees working at FPT.

This paper uses descriptive statistical methods, factor analysis, and regression to
analyze and assess more clearly the impact that the working environment has on
employees' performance.
III. Literature review
The generally held belief is that better work conditions yield better outcomes. Mostly, the
workplace is built with due attention to the essence of the job and to the people who are
going to a job in that office. At the corporate level, several variables have an effect on
profitability, such as staff, infrastructure, and organizational goals. This also depends on the
nature of the workplace and its effect on the safety and welfare of employees.

According to Borman, & Motowidlo (1993); Campbell et al. (1993); Roe (1999),
performance is a multi-component term and, at the fundamental level, the process
dimension of success, i.e. behavioral commitments, can be differentiated from the intended
result. Employee performance relates to how workers behave in the workplace and how
well they accomplish the tasks that you put on them. The behavior here denotes the conduct
that people show in order to perform a task, while the outcome element denotes the effects
of an individual's job actions (Campbell, 1990). Borman and Motowidlo (1997) described
job performance in the sense of task performance as the "effectiveness with which the
occupants of work perform their assigned tasks, which realizes the fulfillment of the vision
of the organization while rewarding the organization and the employee in a proportionate
manner." In the sense of sound work performance, Griffin, Neal, and Parker (2007) argued
that work competence may contribute to job performance, but that adaptability and
proactiveness to one's job position are essential in addressing uncertain business

The performance of the employee is known to be what the employee does and does
not do. Employee efficiency includes the quality and quantity of production, the
appearance at work, the pleasant and supportive disposition, and timeliness of
production. Based on the findings of the Yang (2008) individual performance analysis,
it has been shown that the success of individuals can not be confirmed. Likewise, it
argues that companies should use direct incentives and promotions on the basis of
individual results if the performance of workers is measurable (Yang, 2008).

In line with Yang (2008), Bishop (1987) investigated the performance of employees
and reported that praise and acknowledgment and reward for the performance of
employees discriminated against the productivity of employees. To attract clients,
companies make a lot of effort but do not pay attention to pleasing workers. The truth
is, though, that consumers will not be pleased until and until workers are satisfied.
Because, if workers are satisfied, further research will be undertaken so that
eventually consumers will be satisfied (Ahmad, 2012). Employee performance is
primarily influenced by motivation because if workers are motivated, they can work
with more commitment and eventually increase efficiency (Azar and Shafighi, 2013).

Work Enviroment

The workplace environment is a vital component of work-life for workers since

employees spend a large portion of their time at work, which impacts them in one way
or another. It is concluded that workers who are happy with their work environment
will contribute to more favorable job outcomes (Kamarulzaman, Saleh, Hashim,
Hashim & Abdul-Ghani, 2011). Previous researchers have found that many
environmental factors, such as noise, color, temperature, architecture, and use of
indoor plants, affect employee efficiency and well-being. They also indicated that
comparative research should be performed between the workplace setting of the
government and private offices. They found that the working atmosphere is
important, as workers can correctly concentrate on their job in a comfortable setting,
which leads to better employee efficiency, which leads to improved organizational
productivity (Kama-rulzaman et al., 2011). An atmosphere that reflects on individuals
and allows them to be part of their workforce, provides them with an incentive to
perform effectively, is called an appealing atmosphere, or a welcoming environment
and helps to build jobs and stay employed (Awan & Tahir, 2015). Attractive work
climate and a welcoming community improve the circumstances in which workers
incorporate their preeminent use of talents, competencies, and experience to perform
effectively. Organizations should spend more on delivering professional services to
clients (Mbembati, Mwangu, Muhondwa, & Leshabari, 2008).



IV. Research model and Research Hypothesis
- Research Model
- Research Hypothesis

V. Data and data sources

N Variable Items Sources
The reward system facilitates the implementation of the Muhammad
strategy by motivating the desired levels of performance. Ibrar,
Positive and negative financial and non-financial Owais Khan
consequences of performance(e.g. salary adjustments, (2015)
recognition) are utilized effectively
1 Performance goals are mutually developed and have
Reward specific time frames
Pay decisions are linked to performance achievements?
Does the reward bring a positive impact on employee

I am able to personalize my workspace Lee (2006)

My work area has many visual distractions
My workstation is large
2 Workplace I am able to determine the organization/appearance of my
Environment work area
My workplace provides an undisturbed environment
My company provides me the opportunity to improve my Chiaburu
skills. and
There is a lot of chance to learn new things in this Tekleab
3 Employee company. (2005)
perceived My company frequently arranges training programs for
training employees.
effectiveness Doing a job in this company will benefit me.
My basic salary is sufficiently paid according to my daily Hackman
working hours and workload and
I am satisfied with my chances for salary increases Oldham
The work I do is appreciated (1975)
4 Job I believe those that do well on the job have fair chances of
Satisfaction being promoted
It is possible to get promoted fast in my job

I care about the results of evaluating my performance Bishop

because they are a chance to get bonuses (1987)
I notice that the one whose performance is weak will be
punished depending on the performance evaluation results
5 Employee’s The positive results of my performance evaluation
Performance motivate me to work harder
I'm willing to work harder
I finish the required work even if it requires extra effort.

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