Slay The Spire Reference
Slay The Spire Reference
Slay The Spire Reference
This reference contains a compendium of knowledge, extracted from the game's files. I try to keep everything updated to the latest non-beta version of
the game, but mistakes are inevitable. If something looks wrong, please leave a comment here or let me know on the Slay the Spire Discord.
The Guardian
Slime Boss
The Champ
Bronze Automaton
The Collector
The Awakened One
Donu and Deca
Time Eater
Acid Slime (M) 28-32 Corrosive Spit Lick Tackle *Slimed goes into the Discard Pile Same AI as Acid Slime (L) When not splitting, approximately a 40-40-20 probability split between Corrosive
Spit, Tackle, and Lick. Lick cannot be used twice in a row, and the other moves
Damage 7, Slimed 1* Weak 1 Damage 10
cannot be used three times in a row.
29-34 Damage 8, Slimed 1* Damage 12
Acid Slime (S) 8-12 Tackle Lick 50% chance of each move on turn 1, then alternates between the two. Always starts with Lick, then alternates between the two moves.
Damage 3 Weak 1
9-13 Damage 4
Bear 38-42 Bear Hug Maul Lunge Starts with Bear Hug, then alternates between Lunge and Maul.
Player's Dex -2 Damage 18 Damage 9, Block 9
40-44 Damage 20 Damage 10, Block 9
Player's Dex -4
Blue Slaver 46-50 Rake Stab 40% chance to use Rake, but cannot use the same move three times in a row. 40% chance to use Rake, but cannot use Stab three times in a row or Rake twice
in a row.
Damage 7, Weak 1 Damage 12
48-52 Damage 8, Weak 1 Damage 13
Damage 8, Weak 2
Book of Stabbing 160-164 (Attack 1) (Attack 2) Innate Painful Stabs 15% chance to use Attack 2, except Attack 1 cannot be used 3 times in a row, and
T = (#times Attack 1 used) + 2 Attack 2 cannot be used twice in a row.
Damage 6xT Damage 21
168-172 Damage 7xT Damage 24 T = Turn Number + 1
Byrd 25-31 Peck Swoop Headbutt (Start Flying) (Stunned) Caw Innate Flying 3 (4) Cannot use Swoop on turn 1. When flying, has a 50-20-30 split between Peck,
Swoop, and Caw. Peck cannot be used three times in a row and Swoop and Caw
Damage 1x5 Damage 12 Damage 3 Flying 3 Skip Turn Strength 1
cannot be used twice in a row. When knocked down, is stunned, then uses
26-33 Damage 1x6 Damage 14 Headbutt, and then starts flying again.
Flying 4
Centurion 76-80 Slash Fury (Defend) While the Mystic is alive, either uses Defend on the Mystic or Slash (about 35-65
probability split). Once the Mystic dies, Defend is replaced by Fury. Uses Defend
Damage 12 Damage 6x3 Ally Block 15
on itself if was about to use Defend and the Mystic dies.
78-83 Damage 14 Damage 7x3
Ally Block 20
Chosen 95-99 Poke Zap Debilitate Drain Hex Always starts with Poke, followed by Hex. Then alternates between using either Always starts with Hex. Then alternates between using either Debilitate or Drain
Debilitate or Drain (50% chance each), and using either Zap or Poke (40% Zap, (50% chance each), and using either Zap or Poke (40% Zap, 60% Poke).
Damage 5x2 Damage 18 Damage 10, Vuln 2 Weak 3, Strength 3 Hex 1
60% Poke).
98-103 Damage 6x2 Damage 21 Damage 12, Vuln 2
Cultist 48-54 Incantation Dark Strike First uses Incantation, then repeats Dark Strike.
Ritual 3 Damage 6
50-56 Ritual 4
Ritual 5
Darkling 48-56 Nip Chomp Harden (Unknown) Reincarnate Innate Life Link On turn 1, 50% chance of either Nip or Harden. Afterwards, has a 30-40-30 split
Damage D Damage 8x2 Block 12 Skip Turn Revive at 50% HP D is randomly chosen between 7 and between Nip, Chomp, and Harden, but Harden and Chomp both cannot be used
11 at the beginning of the fight. twice in a row, and Nip cannot be used three times in a row. The middle Darkling
50-59 Damage D+2 Damage 9x2 cannot Chomp and has a 50-50 split instead. When "half-dead", uses Unknown,
Strength 2, Block 12 followed by Reincarnate.
Exploder 30 (Attack) (Unknown) Innate Explode 3 Attacks twice, and then explodes.
Damage 9 Explode during turn Explode deals 30 damage
30-35 Damage 11
Gremlin Leader 140-148 Rally! Stab Encourage With 0 allies, has a 75-25 split between Rally and Stab. With 1 ally, has a 50-50
split between Rally and Stab if the last move was Encourage, and a 62.5-37.5 split
Summon 2 Gremlins Damage 6x3 Party Strength 3, Minions Block 6
between Rally and Encourage if the last move was Stab. With >1 ally, has a 66-34
145-155 Party Strength 4, Minions Block 6 split between Encourage and Stab. Cannot use any move twice in a row.
Party Strength 5, Minions Block 10
Gremlin Nob 82-86 Skull Bash Rush Bellow Always starts with Bellow. Afterwards, has a 33-67 split between Skull Bash and Always starts with Bellow. Afterwards, cycles in the order of Skull Bash -> Rush ->
Rush, but cannot use Rush 3 times in a row. Rush.
Damage 6, Vuln 2 Damage 14 Anger 2
85-90 Damage 8, Vuln 2 Damage 16
Anger 3
Gremlin Wizard 21-25 Charging Ultimate Blast Charges for 2 turns, and then uses Ultimate Blast. Afterwards, charges 3 turns and Charges for 2 turns, and then repeats Ultimate Blast.
then uses Ultimate Blast, repeating until dead.
Skip Turn Damage 25
22-26 Damage 30
Jaw Worm 40-44 Bellow Thrash Chomp Always starts with Chomp. Afterwards, has a 45-30-25 split between Bellow,
Thrash and Chomp, but cannot use Thrash three times in a row or Chomp or
Strength 3, Block 6 Damage 7, Block 5 Damage 11
Bellow twice in a row.
42-46 Strength 4, Block 6 Damage 12
Strength 5, Block 9
Jaw Worm 40-44 Bellow Thrash Chomp Starts with the bonuses of Bellow Has a 45-30-25 split between Bellow, Thrash and Chomp, but cannot use Thrash
three times in a row or Chomp or Bellow twice in a row.
(Hard Version) Strength 3, Block 6 Damage 7, Block 5 Damage 11
42-46 Strength 4, Block 6 Damage 12
Strength 5, Block 9
Lagavulin 109-111 Siphon Soul (Attack) (Sleep) (Stunned) Innate Block 8 After waking up, cycles in the order of Attack -> Attack -> Siphon Soul.
Player's Strength,Dex -1 Damage 18 Skip Turn Skip Turn Innate Metallicize 8
112-115 Damage 20 See Notes Wakes up in 3 turns or from damage
Player's Strength,Dex -2 Loses 8 Metallicize when awoken
Looter 44-48 Lunge Mug Smoke Bomb Escape Innate Thievery 15 (20) First, uses Mug twice. Then, has a 50% chance to use Lunge. Either after Lunge or
in place of Lunge, uses Smoke Bomb, followed by Escape.
Damage 12 Damage 10 Block 6 Leave Combat
46-50 Damage 14 Damage 11
Louse (Red) 10-15 Grow Bite Innate Curl Up C, where C is random 25% chance of Grow and 75% of Bite, but cannot use the same move 3 times in a 25% chance of Grow and 75% of Attack, but cannot Grow twice in a row or Bite 3
between 3 and 7 (4 and 8) (9 and row. times in a row.
Strength 3 Damage D
12). D is randomly chosen between
11-16 Damage D+1 5 and 7 at the beginning of the fight.
Strength 4
Louse (Green) 11-17 Spit Web Bite See above 25% chance of Spit Web and 75% of Bite, but cannot use the same move 3 times 25% chance of Spit Web and 75% of Attack, but cannot use Spit Web twice in a
in a row. row or Bite 3 times in a row.
Weak 2 Damage D
12-18 Damage D+1
The Maw 300 Roar Drool Slam Nom T = Turn Number / 2, rounded up. Always starts with Roar. Afterwards and after using Drool, has a 50-50 split
between Slam and Nom. If used Slam, then has a 50-50 split between Nom and
Weak 3, Frail 3 Strength 3 Damage 25 Damage 5xT
Drool. Always uses Drool after Nom.
Damage 30
Weak 5, Frail 5 Strength 5
Mugger 48-52 Lunge Mug Smoke Bomb Escape Innate Thievery 15 (20) First, uses Mug twice. Then, has a 50% chance to use Lunge. Either after Lunge or
in place of Lunge, uses Smoke Bomb, followed by Escape.
Damage 16 Damage 10 Block 11 Leave Combat
50-54 Damage 18 Damage 11
Block 17
Mystic 48-56 (Heal) (Buff) (Attack Debuff) If there is 16 HP to heal, uses Heal (up to twice in a row). Otherwise, has a 60% If there is 21 HP to heal, uses Heal (up to twice in a row). Otherwise, has a 60%
chance of attacking and a 40% chance of buffing, but Attack and Buff cannot chance of attacking and a 40% chance of buffing, but Attack Debuff cannot be used
Party Heal 16 Party Strength 2 Damage 8, Frail 2
happen three times in a row. twice in a row, and Buff cannot be used three times in a row.
50-58 Party Strength 3 Damage 9, Frail 2
Party Heal 20 Party Strength 4
Nemesis 185 (Debuff) (Attack) Scythe Every second turn, gains 1 Intangible On turn 1, has a 50% chance of using the Burn or Triple Attack. Afterwards, has
*Burns go into the Discard Pile approximately a (35/35/30) probability split between the three moves (Burn/Triple
Burn 3* Damage 6x3 Damage 45
Attack/Scythe), except Scythe and Burn cannot be used twice in a row, and Triple
200 Damage 7x3 Attack cannot be used three times in a row.
Burn 5*
Orb Walker 90-96 Laser Claw Innate Strength Up 3 (5) Has a 60-40 split between Laser and Claw, but neither move can be used three
*Attack Debuff puts 1 Burn in Draw times in a row.
Damage 10, Burn 2* Damage 15
Pile and 1 Burn in Discard Pile
92-102 Damage 11, Burn 2* Damage 16
Pointy 30 (Attack)
Damage 5x2
34 Damage 6x2
Red Slaver 46-50 Stab Scrape Entangle Always starts with Stab. Then, has a 25% chance of using Entangle until it is used. Always starts with Stab. Then, has a 25% chance of using Entangle until it is used.
If Entangle has not been used yet, cycles in the order of Scrape -> Scrape -> Stab. If Entangle has not been used yet, cycles in the order of Scrape -> Stab.
Damage 13 Damage 8, Vuln 1 Entangle 1
Otherwise, 45% chance of Stab and 55% chance of Scrape, except Stab and Otherwise, 45% chance of Stab and 55% chance of Scrape, except Stab cannot be
48-52 Damage 14 Damage 9, Vuln 1 Scrape cannot be used 3 times in a row. used 3 times in a row and Scrape cannot be used twice in a row.
Damage 9, Vuln 2
Reptomancer 180-190 Snake Strike Big Bite Summon Always starts with Summon. Otherwise, has an approximately equal chance of
using all 3 moves, except cannot use Snake Strike twice in a row, Summon 3 times
Damage 13x2, Weak 1 Damage 30 Spawn a Dagger
in a row, or Big Bite twice in a row. Cannot use Summon with 4 Daggers in play
190-200 Damage 16x2, Weak 1 Damage 34 (will use the Snake Strike instead).
Spawn 2 Daggers (up to 4)
Dagger 20-25 Stab Explode *Wounds go into the Discard Pile Uses Stab, then explodes.
Damage 9, Wound 1* Damage 25, Self Damage 25
Uses Stab, then explodes.
HP Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Notes AI Ascension 20 AI (empty if identical to the normal AI)
Repulsor 29-35 (Attack) (Debuff) *Dazes go into the Draw Pile 20% chance of Attack, and 80% chance of Debuff. Cannot use Attack twice in a
Damage 11 Daze 2*
31-38 Damage 13
Romeo 35-39 Mock Agonizing Slash Cross Slash Starts with Mock (Unknown Move), then alternates between Agonizing Slash and Starts with Mock (Unknown Move). Afterwards, cycles in the order of Agonizing
Cross Slash. Slash -> Cross Slash -> Cross Slash.
Skip Turn Damage 10, Weak 2 Damage 15
37-41 "Grab em' Bear!!" Damage 12, Weak 2 Damage 17
"You will pay for this!!" Damage 12, Weak 3
Sentry 38-42 Beam Bolt Innate Artifact 1 In a 3-Sentry encounter, the Sentries start with Bolt/Beam/Bolt. In the Sentry +
*Dazes go into the Discard Pile Spheric Guardian encounter, the Sentry starts with Bolt. Always alternates between
Damage 9 Daze 2*
the two moves.
39-45 Damage 10
Daze 3*
Shelled Parasite 68-72 Double Strike Suck Fell (Stunned) Innate Plated Armor 14 Cannot use Fell on turn 1. Has a 40-40-20 split between Double Strike, Suck, and Always starts with Fell. Has a 40-40-20 split between Double Strike, Suck, and Fell,
Stunned if Plated Armor is broken Fell, but Double Strike and Suck cannot be used three times in a row and Fell but Double Strike and Suck cannot be used three times in a row and Fell cannot be
Damage 6x2 Lifesteal 10 Damage 18, Frail 2 Skip Turn
cannot be used twice in a row. used twice in a row.
70-75 Damage 7x2 Lifesteal 12 Damage 21, Frail 2
Shield Gremlin 12-15 Protect Shield Bash Protects random allies until none remain, then uses Shield Bash.
Ally Block 7 Damage 6
13-17 Ally Block 8 Damage 8
Ally Block 11
Snake Plant 75-79 Enfeebling Spores Chomp Innate Malleable 3 65% chance of Chomp and 35% chance of Enfeebling Spores, except Chomp Same as base AI until Enfeebling Spores is used. Afterwards, cycles in the order of
cannot happen 3 times in a row and Enfeebling Spores cannot happen twice in a Chomp -> Chomp -> Enfeebling Spores.
Frail 2, Weak 2 Damage 7x3
78-82 Damage 8x3
Snecko 114-120 Perplexing Glare Tail Whip Bite Starts with Perplexing Glare. Then, 40% chance of Tail Whip and 60% chance of
Confuse Damage 8, Vuln 2 Damage 15 Bite, but cannot use Bite 3 times in a row.
Spike Slime (L) 64-70 Flame Tackle Lick Split Splits if HP is 50% or below Has (30-70) probability split between Flame Tackle and Lick, though neither can be Has (30-70) probability split between Flame Tackle and Lick, though Lick cannot be
*Slimed go into the Discard Pile used three times in a row. used twice in a row and Flame Tackle cannot be used three times in a row.
Damage 16, Slimed 2* Frail 2
67-73 Damage 18, Slimed 2*
Frail 3
Spike Slime (M) 28-32 Flame Tackle Lick *Slimed goes into the Discard Pile Same AI as Spike Slime (L) Same AI as Spike Slime (L)
Damage 8, Slimed 1* Frail 1
29-34 Damage 10, Slimed 1*
Spire Growth 170 Quick Tackle Smash Constrict Has a 50% chance to use Quick Tackle and 50% chance to Constrict. If Constrict Always uses Constrict unless it was used last turn or the player is already
was used last turn or the player is already Constricted, uses Smash instead of Constricted. Otherwise, has a 50% chance to use Quick Tackle and 50% chance to
Damage 16 Damage 22 Constrict 10
Constrict. Cannot use either attack three times in a row. use Smash. Cannot use either attack three times in a row.
190 Damage 18 Damage 25
Constrict 12
Spire Shield 110 Bash Fortify Smash Innate Artifact 1 (2) Every 3 turns, starting from turn 3, uses Smash. Otherwise, has an equal chance of
*If you have an orb slot, 50% Stat is either using Bash followed by Fortify or Fortify followed by Bash.
Damage 12, Stat* -1 Team Block 30 Damage 34, Block X
Focus. Otherwise, Stat is Strength.
125 Damage 14, Stat* -1 Damage 38, Block X
Damage 38, Block 99 X = Damage output
Spire Spear 160 Burn Strike Piercer Skewer Innate Artifact 1 (2) Always starts with Burn Strike. Every 3 turns, starting from turn 2, uses Skewer.
*Burns go into the Discard Pile Otherwise, has an equal chance to either use Burn Strike followed by Piercer or
Damage 5x2, Burn 2* Team Strength 2 Damage 10x3
Piercer followed by Burn Strike.
180 Damage 6x2, Burn 2* Damage 10x4 **Burns go on top of the Draw Pile
Damage 6x2, Burn 2**
Taskmaster 54-60 Scouring Whip *Wounds go into the Discard Pile
Damage 7, Wound 1*
57-64 Damage 7, Wound 2*
Damage 7, Wound 3*, Strength 1
Transient 999 (Attack) Innate Fading 5 (6)
Damage 30 + X Innate Shifting
Damage 40 + X X = 10 * (Turn Number - 1)
Writhing Mass 160 (Mega Debuff) (Attack Defend) (Attack Debuff) (Attack 1) (Attack 2) Innate Malleable 3 For the first move, has an approximately equal chance of using Attack 1, Attack 2,
Innate Reactive and Attack Debuff. Then, has about a 10-30-20-30-10 split between Mega Debuff,
Cursed: Parasite Damage 15, Block 16 Dmg 10,Weak+Vuln 2 Damage 7x3 Damage 32
Attack Defend, Attack Debuff, Attack 1, and Attack 2, but can only use Mega
175 Damage 16, Block 18 Dmg 12,Weak+Vuln 2 Damage 9x3 Damage 38 The Parasite Curse only affects Debuff once each combat. The same move cannot be used (or rerolled) twice in a
future combats. row.
HP Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Notes AI Ascension 20 AI (empty if identical to the normal AI)
HP Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Notes AI Ascension 20 AI (empty if identical to the normal AI)
HP Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Notes AI Ascension 20 AI (empty if identical to the normal AI)
HP Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Notes AI Ascension 20 AI (empty if identical to the normal AI)
HP Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Notes AI Ascension 20 AI (empty if identical to the normal AI)
HP Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Notes AI Ascension 20 AI (empty if identical to the normal AI)
HP Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Notes AI Ascension 20 AI (empty if identical to the normal AI)
Monster Name HP Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Move 5 Move 6 Notes AI
Awakened One Spawns with 2 cultists
Stage 1 300 Soul Strike Slash Rebirth Innate Regen 10 (15) Always begins with Slash. Afterwards, has a 25% chance of using Soul
Damage 6x4 Damage 20 Start Stage 2 Innate Curiosity 1 (2) Strike and a 75% chance of Slash, except Soul Strike cannot be used
twice in a row and slash cannot be used three times in a row. Becomes
320 Innate Strength 2 "half dead" and uses Rebirth upon hitting 0 hp.
Stage 2 300 Dark Echo Sludge Tackle Cleanses all debuffs for stage 2 Always begins with Dark Echo. Afterwards, has a 50% chance of using
Damage 40 Damage 18, Void 1* Damage 10x3 Loses Curiosity Sludge or Tackle, except neither can be used three times in a row.
Bronze Automaton 300 Spawn Orbs HYPER BEAM Stunned Boost Flail Innate Artifact 3 Deterministic order. First, uses Spawn Orbs. Afterwards, cycles in the
Summons 2 Bronze Orbs Damage 45 Skip Turn Strength 3, Block 9 Damage 7x2 order of Flail -> Boost -> Flail -> Boost -> HYPER BEAM -> Stunned. In
Ascension 19, uses Boost instead of Stunned.
320 Damage 50 Strength 4, Block 9 Damage 8x2
Strength 4, Block 12
Bronze Orb 52-58 Support Beam Beam Stasis Stasis always steals a random card of Has a 75% chance of using Stasis until it has been used. Otherwise, has
Block Bronze Automaton 12 Damage 8 Steal Card the highest rarity in your draw pile (or a 70% chance of using Support Beam and 30% chance of using Beam,
discard pile, if the draw pile is empty). but cannot use the same move 3 times in a row.
The Champ 420 Face Slap Taunt Defensive Stance Gloat Heavy Slash Enrages when reaching below 50% hp Every 4 turns, uses Taunt. Otherwise, approximately (15/15/25/45)
Damage 12, Frail + Vuln 2 Weak + Vuln 2 Block 15, Metallicize 5 Strength 2 Damage 16 (no indicator) (30/0/25/45) probability split between (Defensive Stance/Gloat/Face
Slap/Heavy Slash). No move can be used twice in a row, and Defensive
440 Damage 14, Frail + Vuln 2 Block 18, Metallicize 6 Strength 3 Damage 18 Stance cannot be used more than 2 times, total (this applies to enraged
Block 20, Metallicize 7 Strength 4 too). When attempting to use an invalid move, will use the next move in
the order of Defensive Stance -> Gloat -> Face Slap -> Heavy Slash ->
Face Slap (instead of even probability distribution).
Enraged (below 50% HP) Anger Execute Defensive Stance Gloat Heavy Slash Face Slap First, uses Anger. Then, next turn and every three turns thereafter, uses
Cleanse Debuffs, Strength 6 Damage 10x2 See above See above See above See above Execute. Otherwise, approximately a (15/15/25/45) (30/0/25/45)
probability split between (Defensive Stance/Gloat/Face Slap/Heavy
Cleanse Debuffs, Strength 9 "DIE . . ." Slash). When attempting to use an invalid move, will use the next move
Cleanse Debuffs, Strength 12 "Face my wrath!" in the order of Defensive Stance -> Gloat -> Face Slap -> Heavy Slash -
> Face Slap (instead of even probability distribution).
The Collector 282 Spawn Revive Buff (Mega Debuff) Fireball Always begins with Spawn. On turn 4, always uses the Mega Debuff.
Spawn 2 Torch Heads Spawn Torch Heads in Block 15, Team Str 3 Weak + Vuln + Frail 3 Damage 18 Otherwise, if a Torch Head is dead, has approximately a (25/45/30)
empty slots (max 2) probability split between (Revive/Fireball/Buff). If all Torch Heads are
300 Block 15, Team Str 4 Damage 21 alive, the split becomes (70/30) between (Fireball/Buff). Cannot use
Block 18, Team Str 4 Revive or Buff twice in a row, or Fireball three times in a row.
Block 23, Team Str 5 Weak + Vuln + Frail 5
Torch Head 38-40 Tackle
Damage 7
Corrupt Heart 750 Blood Shots Echo Debilitate (Buff) **List of Additional Buffs: Innate Invincible 300 (200) Always begins with Debilitate. Every 3 turns, starting from turn 4, uses
Damage 2x12 Damage 40 Vuln + Weak + Frail 2, Cleanse Strength First Buff: Artifact 2 Innate Beat of Death 1 (2) Buff. Otherwise, has an equal chance of either using Blood Shots
All Status cards 1* Down, Strength 2, followed by Echo or Echo followed by Blood Shots.
800 Damage 2x15 Damage 45 Second Buff: Beat of Death 1 *All Status cards go into the Draw Pile
Additional Buff**
Third Buff: Painful Stabs
Fourth Buff: Strength 10
Fifth+ Buff: Strength 50
Donu and Deca
Donu 250 Circle of Power Beam Innate Artifact 2 (3) Always begins by using Circle of Power, and then alternates between its
Team Strength 3 Damage 10x2 two moves.
Deca 250 Square of Protection Beam Innate Artifact 2 (3) Always begins by using Beam, and then alternates between its two
Team Block 16 Damage 10x2, Daze 2* *Dazes go into the Discard Pile moves.
Block 20, Vuln, Weak, Frail 1 Damage 32, Draw Heal to 50% HP,
Reduction 1,Slimed 2* Block 32
Event Name (ID) Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3 Notes (or Choice 4) Shrine?
Ancient Writing (Back to Basics) Elegance Simplicity
Remove a card from your deck. Upgrade all Strikes and Defends.
Augmenter (Drug Dealer) Test J.A.X. Become Test Subject (Requires 2 Cards) Ingest Mutagens
Obtain J.A.X. Transform 2 cards. Obtain Mutagenic Strength (relic)
The Cleric Heal (requires 35 gold) Purify (requires 50 (75) gold) Leave
Lose 35 gold. Lose 50 (75) gold. Nothing happens.
Heal for 1/4 of max HP. Remove a card from your deck.
The Colosseum (Colosseum) Continue/Fight (Mandatory) COWARDICE (After first fight) VICTORY (After first fight) Elite triggers (not Black Star) occur for
Fight Taskmaster and Gremlin Nob (ends the Nob + Taskmaster fight.
Fight Blue Slaver and Red Slaver. Nothing happens.
Win the fight to continue the event.
Obtain a random Rare Relic, a random
Uncommon Relic, 100 gold, and normal
combat rewards.
Cursed Tome Read/Continue (x3) Leave (Before Reading) Stop (requires reading 3 times) Take (requires reading 3 times)
First continue: Lose 1 HP. Nothing happens. Lose 3 HP, ends event. Lose 10 (15) HP
Second continue: Lose 2 HP. Obtain a Relic randomly chosen from:
Necronomicon, Nilry's Codex,
Third continue: Lose 3 HP.
Leads to Stop and Take (see right)
Note: 9 total damage Note: 16 (21) total damage
Dead Adventurer Search/Continue Leave (if search was successful) Fight (upon failing the search)
25/50/75% chance to fight. Ends event, mandatory after 3 successful Enter combat with an elite (see notes)! The description of the adventurer tells
Obtain a random remaining reward. searches. Obtain the remaining event rewards, in you which encounter you will get:
Designer In-Spire (Designer) Adjustments Clean Up Full Service (Requires 90 (110) gold) (4th Option) Punch Yes
Lose 40 (50) gold. Lose 60 (75) gold. Lose 90 (110) gold. Lose 3 (5) HP.
Upgrade a card in your deck, or upgrade 2 Remove a card in your deck, or Transform 2 Remove a card.
random cards in your deck. cards in your deck. Upgrade a random card.
Adjustments and Clean Up choose
Note: Requires upgradeable cards Note: Requires 1 (2) removeable card(s) Note: Requires 1 removable card between the two options at random.
Falling Land (requires a skill in your deck) Channel (requires a power) Strike (requires an attack) Land (if other options unavailable)
Lose the chosen skill card. Lose the chosen power card. Lose the chosen attack card. Nothing happens.
Knowing Skull Success? A Pick Me Up? Riches? (4th Option) How do I leave? Yes
Lose 6* HP. Lose 6* HP. Lose 6* HP. Lose 6 HP. Ends the event.
Obtain a random uncommon colorless card. Obtain a random potion. Gain 90 Gold.
*Every time an option is chosen, its cost
increases by 1
Mind Bloom I am War I am Awake I am Rich (if on floors 35-40) I am Healthy (if on floor 41 or above)
Fight a random boss from Act 1. Upgrade all cards. Gain 999 Gold. Heal to full HP. Become Cursed: Doubt.
Obtain a random Rare Relic, 50 (25) gold, Obtain Mark of Bloom. Become Cursed: 2 Normality. (this option replaces I am Rich)
and normal rewards.
The Moai Head Jump Inside Offer: Golden Idol (requires Golden Idol) Leave
Lose 12.5% (18%) of max HP. Lose Golden Idol. Nothing happens.
Heal to full HP. Gain 333 Gold.
A Note For Yourself (Note For Yourself) Take and Give Ignore Yes
Remove a card from your deck. Nothing happens. The event starts with Iron Wave stored.
Obtain the last card removed with this event.
Ominous Forge (Accursed Blacksmith) Forge (requires upgradeable card) Rummage Leave
Upgrade a card from your deck. Become Cursed: Pain. Nothing happens.
Obtain Warped Tongs.
Tomb of Lord Red Mask Offer Gold Don the Mask (Requires Red Mask) Leave
Lose all gold. Gain 222 gold. Nothing happens.
Obtain Red Mask.
Vampires(?) (Vampires) Accept Lose Blood Vial (requires Blood Vial) Refuse
Lose 30% of max HP. Lose Blood Vial. Nothing happens.
Remove all Strikes. Remove all Strikes.
Gain 5 Bite cards. Gain 5 Bite cards.
We Meet Again Give Potion (Requires Potion) Give Gold (Requires at least 50 Gold) Give Card (Requires a valid Card) Attack (4th option) Yes
Lose the chosen potion. Lose X gold. Remove the chosen card. Nothing happens.
Obtain a random Relic. Obtain a random Relic. Obtain a random Relic.
X is randomly chosen between 50 and min Chooses a random non-Basic, non-Curse
(150, your Gold) card from your deck
Wing Statue (Golden Wing) Pray Destroy (requires an Attack with 10 dmg) Leave
Remove a card from your deck. Gain 50-80 gold. Nothing happens.
Lose 7 HP.
The Woman in Blue Buy 1 Potion Buy 2 Potions Buy 3 Potions Leave (4th option) Yes
Lose 20 gold. Choose 1 random potion. Lose 30 gold. Choose 2 random potions. Lose 40 gold. Choose 3 random potions. Nothing happens.
Take 5% of max HP as damage.
* The first boss is worth 50 points, the second is worth 100, the third is worth 150, and so on.
Here are things that do not fit elsewhere but may still be useful.
Unknown Rooms:
Normal Encounter 10%
Normal Encounter Ramp 10%
Elite Encounter (Deadly Events) 20%
Elite Encounter Ramp (Deadly Events) 20%
Shop 3%
Shop Ramp 3%
Treasure 2%
Treasure Ramp 2%
Treasure Ramp (Deadly Events) 4%
Shop Prices:
Common Card 50
Uncommon Card 75
Rare Card 150
Colorless Card 20% more
On Sale Card 50% less
Card Price Variance (Not in Dailies) 10% less to 10% more
Common Relic 150
Uncommon Relic 250
Rare Relic 300
Shop Relic 150
Relic Price Variance (Not in Dailies) 5% less to 5% more
Common Potion 50
Uncommon Potion 75
Rare Potion 100
Potion Price Variance (Not in Dailies) 5% less to 5% more
Ironclad Cards
Bash Attack Basic 2 Deal 8 (10) damage. Apply 2 (3) Vulnerable.
Defend Skill Basic 1 Gain 5 (8) Block.
Strike Attack Basic 1 Deal 6 (9) damage.
Anger Attack Common 0 Deal 6 (8) damage. Add a copy of this card into your discard pile.
Armaments Skill Common 1 Gain 5 Block. Upgrade a card in your hand for the rest of combat. Gain 5 Block. Upgrade all cards in your hand for the rest of combat.
Body Slam Attack Common 1 (0) Deal damage equal to your Block.
Clash Attack Common 0 Can only be played if every card in your hand is an Attack. Deal 14 (18) damage.
Cleave Attack Common 1 Deal 8 (11) damage to ALL enemies.
Clothesline Attack Common 2 Deal 12 (14) damage. Apply 2 (3) Weak.
Flex Skill Common 0 Gain 2 (4) Strength. At the end of this turn, lose 2 (4) Strength.
Havoc Skill Common 1 (0) Play the top card of your draw pile and Exhaust it.
Headbutt Attack Common 1 Deal 9 (12) damage. Put a card from your discard pile on top of your draw pile.
Heavy Blade Attack Common 2 Deal 14 damage. Strength affects this card 3 (5) times.
Iron Wave Attack Common 1 Gain 5 (7) Block. Deal 5 (7) damage.
Perfected Strike Attack Common 2 Deal 6 damage. Deals 2 (3) additional damage for ALL your cards containing "Strike".
Pommel Strike Attack Common 1 Deal 9 damage. Draw 1 card. Deal 10 damage. Draw 2 cards.
Shrug It Off Skill Common 1 Gain 8 (11) Block. Draw 1 card.
Sword Boomerang Attack Common 1 Deal 3 damage to a random enemy 3 (4) times.
Thunderclap Attack Common 1 Deal 4 (7) damage and apply 1 Vulnerable to ALL enemies.
True Grit Skill Common 1 Gain 7 Block. Exhaust 1 card at random. Gain 9 Block. Exhaust 1 card.
Twin Strike Attack Common 1 Deal 5 (7) damage twice.
Warcry Skill Common 0 Draw 1 card. Put a card from your hand onto the top of your draw pile. Exhaust. Draw 2 cards. Put a card from your hand onto the top of your draw pile. Exhaust.
Wild Strike Attack Common 1 Deal 12 (17) damage. Shuffle a Wound into your draw pile.
Battle Trance Skill Uncommon 0 Draw 3 (4) cards. You cannot draw additional cards this turn.
Blood for Blood Attack Uncommon 4 (3) Costs 1 less [R] for each time you lose HP this combat. Deal 18 (22) damage.
Bloodletting Skill Uncommon 0 Lose 3 HP. Gain [R] [R]. Lose 3 HP. Gain [R] [R] [R].
Burning Pact Skill Uncommon 1 Exhaust 1 card. Draw 2 (3) cards.
Carnage Attack Uncommon 2 Ethereal. Deal 20 (28) damage.
Combust Power Uncommon 1 At the end of your turn, lose 1 HP and deal 5 (7) damage to ALL enemies.
Dark Embrace Power Uncommon 2 (1) Whenever a card is Exhausted, draw 1 card.
Disarm Skill Uncommon 1 Enemy loses 2 (3) Strength. Exhaust.
Dropkick Attack Uncommon 1 Deal 5 (8) damage. If the enemy has Vulnerable, gain [R] and draw 1 card.
Dual Wield Skill Uncommon 1 Choose an Attack or Power card. Add a copy of that card into your hand. Choose an Attack or Power card. Add 2 copies of that card into your hand.
Entrench Skill Uncommon 2 (1) Double your Block.
Evolve Power Uncommon 1 Whenever you draw a Status card, draw 1 card. Whenever you draw a Status card, draw 2 cards.
Feel No Pain Power Uncommon 1 Whenever a card is Exhausted, gain 3 (4) Block.
Fire Breathing Power Uncommon 1 Whenever you draw a Status or Curse card, deal 6 (10) damage to ALL enemies.
Flame Barrier Skill Uncommon 2 Gain 12 (16) Block. Whenever you are attacked this turn, deal 4 (6) damage back.
Ghostly Armor Skill Uncommon 1 Ethereal. Gain 10 (13) Block.
Hemokinesis Attack Uncommon 1 Lose 2 HP. Deal 15 (20) damage.
Infernal Blade Skill Uncommon 1 (0) Add a random Attack into your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust.
Inflame Power Uncommon 1 Gain 2 (3) Strength.
Intimidate Skill Uncommon 0 Apply 1 (2) Weak to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Metallicize Power Uncommon 1 At the end of your turn, gain 3 (4) Block.
Power Through Skill Uncommon 1 Add 2 Wounds into your hand. Gain 15 (20) Block.
Pummel Attack Uncommon 1 Deal 2 damage 4 (5) times. Exhaust.
Rage Skill Uncommon 0 Whenever you play an Attack this turn, gain 3 (5) Block.
Rampage Attack Uncommon 1 Deal 8 damage. Increase this card's damage by 5 (8) this combat.
Reckless Charge Attack Uncommon 0 Deal 7 (10) damage. Shuffle a Dazed into your draw pile.
Rupture Power Uncommon 1 Whenever you lose HP from a card, gain 1 (2) Strength.
Searing Blow Attack Uncommon 2 Deal 12 (16) damage. Can be Upgraded any number of times.
Second Wind Skill Uncommon 1 Exhaust all non-Attack cards in your hand. Gain 5 (7) Block for each card Exhausted.
Seeing Red Skill Uncommon 1 (0) Gain [R] [R]. Exhaust.
Sentinel Skill Uncommon 1 Gain 5 Block. If this card is Exhausted, gain [R] [R]. Gain 8 Block. If this card is Exhausted, gain [R] [R] [R].
Sever Soul Attack Uncommon 2 Exhaust all non-Attack cards in your hand. Deal 16 (22) damage.
Shockwave Skill Uncommon 2 Apply 3 (5) Weak and Vulnerable to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Spot Weakness Skill Uncommon 1 If the enemy intends to attack, gain 3 (4) Strength.
Uppercut Attack Uncommon 2 Deal 13 damage. Apply 1 (2) Weak. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable.
Whirlwind Attack Uncommon X Deal 5 (8) damage to ALL enemies X times.
Barricade Power Rare 3 (2) Block is not removed at the start of your turn.
Berserk Power Rare 0 Gain 2 (1) Vulnerable. At the start of your turn, gain [R].
Bludgeon Attack Rare 3 Deal 32 (42) damage.
Brutality Power Rare 0 At the start of your turn, lose 1 HP and draw 1 card. Innate. At the start of your turn, lose 1 HP and draw 1 card.
Corruption Power Rare 3 (2) Skills cost 0. Whenever you play a Skill, Exhaust it.
Demon Form Power Rare 3 At the start of your turn, gain 2 (3) Strength.
Double Tap Skill Rare 1 This turn, your next Attack is played twice. This turn, your next 2 Attacks are played twice.
Exhume Skill Rare 1 (0) Put a card from your exhaust pile into your hand. Exhaust.
Feed Attack Rare 1 Deal 10 (12) damage. If Fatal, raise your Max HP by 3 (4). Exhaust.
Fiend Fire Attack Rare 2 Exhaust your hand. Deal 7 (10) damage for each card Exhausted. Exhaust.
Immolate Attack Rare 2 Deal 21 (28) damage to ALL enemies. Add a Burn into your discard pile.
Impervious Skill Rare 2 Gain 30 (40) Block. Exhaust.
Juggernaut Power Rare 2 Whenever you gain Block, deal 5 (7) damage to a random enemy.
Limit Break Skill Rare 1 Double your Strength. Exhaust. Double your Strength.
Offering Skill Rare 0 Lose 6 HP. Gain [R] [R]. Draw 3 (5) cards. Exhaust.
Reaper Attack Rare 2 Deal 4 (5) damage to ALL enemies. Heal HP equal to unblocked damage. Exhaust.
Silent Cards
Defend Skill Basic 1 Gain 5 (8) Block.
Neutralize Attack Basic 0 Deal 3 (4) damage. Apply 1 (2) Weak.
Strike Attack Basic 1 Deal 6 (9) damage.
Survivor Skill Basic 1 Gain 8 (11) Block. Discard 1 card.
Acrobatics Skill Common 1 Draw 3 (4) cards. Discard 1 card.
Backflip Skill Common 1 Gain 5 (8) Block. Draw 2 cards.
Bane Attack Common 1 Deal 7 (10) damage. If the enemy has Poison, deal 7 (10) damage again.
Blade Dance Skill Common 1 Add 3 (4) Shivs into your hand.
Cloak and Dagger Skill Common 1 Gain 6 Block. Add 1 Shiv into your hand. Gain 6 Block. Add 2 Shivs into your hand.
Dagger Spray Attack Common 1 Deal 4 (6) damage to ALL enemies twice.
Dagger Throw Attack Common 1 Deal 9 (12) damage. Draw 1 card. Discard 1 card.
Deadly Poison Skill Common 1 Apply 5 (7) Poison.
Deflect Skill Common 0 Gain 4 (7) Block.
Dodge and Roll Skill Common 1 Gain 4 (6) Block. Next turn, gain 4 (6) Block.
Flying Knee Attack Common 1 Deal 8 (11) damage. Next turn, gain [G].
Outmaneuver Skill Common 1 Next turn, gain [G] [G]. Next turn, gain [G] [G] [G].
Piercing Wail Skill Common 1 ALL enemies lose 6 (8) Strength this turn. Exhaust.
Poisoned Stab Attack Common 1 Deal 6 (8) damage. Apply 3 (4) Poison.
Prepared Skill Common 0 Draw 1 card. Discard 1 card. Draw 2 cards. Discard 2 cards.
Quick Slash Attack Common 1 Deal 8 (12) damage. Draw 1 card.
Name Type Rarity Cost Description Description (Upgraded)
Slice Attack Common 0 Deal 6 (9) damage.
Sneaky Strike Attack Common 2 Deal 12 (16) damage. If you have discarded a card this turn, gain [G] [G].
Sucker Punch Attack Common 1 Deal 7 (9) damage. Apply 1 (2) Weak.
Accuracy Power Uncommon 1 Shivs deal 4 (6) additional damage.
All-Out Attack Attack Uncommon 1 Deal 10 (14) damage to ALL enemies. Discard 1 card at random.
Backstab Attack Uncommon 0 Innate. Deal 11 (15) damage. Exhaust.
Blur Skill Uncommon 1 Gain 5 (8) Block. Block is not removed at the start of your next turn.
Bouncing Flask Skill Uncommon 2 Apply 3 Poison to a random enemy 3 (4) times.
Calculated Gamble Skill Uncommon 0 Discard your hand, then draw that many cards. Exhaust. Discard your hand, then draw that many cards.
Caltrops Power Uncommon 1 Whenever you are attacked, deal 3 (5) damage back.
Catalyst Skill Uncommon 1 Double the enemy's Poison. Exhaust. Triple the enemy's Poison. Exhaust.
Choke Attack Uncommon 2 Deal 12 damage. Whenever you play a card this turn, the enemy loses 3 (5) HP.
Concentrate Skill Uncommon 0 Discard 3 (2) cards. Gain [G] [G].
Crippling Cloud Skill Uncommon 2 Apply 4 (7) Poison and 2 Weak to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Dash Attack Uncommon 2 Gain 10 (13) Block. Deal 10 (13) damage.
Distraction Skill Uncommon 1 (0) Add a random Skill into your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust.
Endless Agony Attack Uncommon 0 Deal 4 (6) damage. Whenever you draw this card, add a copy of it into your hand. Exhaust.
Escape Plan Skill Uncommon 0 Draw 1 card. If you draw a Skill, gain 3 (5) Block.
Eviscerate Attack Uncommon 3 Costs 1 less [G] for each card discarded this turn. Deal 7 (9) damage 3 times.
Expertise Skill Uncommon 1 Draw cards until you have 6 (7) in your hand.
Finisher Attack Uncommon 1 Deal 6 (8) damage for each Attack played this turn.
Flechettes Attack Uncommon 1 Deal 4 (6) damage for each Skill in your hand.
Footwork Power Uncommon 1 Gain 2 (3) Dexterity.
Heel Hook Attack Uncommon 1 Deal 5 (8) damage. If the enemy has Weak, gain [G] and draw 1 card.
Infinite Blades Power Uncommon 1 At the start of your turn, add a Shiv into your hand. Innate. At the start of your turn, add a Shiv into your hand.
Leg Sweep Skill Uncommon 2 Apply 2 (3) Weak. Gain 11 (14) Block.
Masterful Stab Attack Uncommon 0 Costs 1 additional [G] for each time you lose HP this combat. Deal 12 (16) damage.
Noxious Fumes Power Uncommon 1 At the start of your turn, apply 2 (3) Poison to ALL enemies.
Predator Attack Uncommon 2 Deal 15 (20) damage. Next turn, draw 2 additional cards.
Reflex Skill Uncommon Unplayable Unplayable. If this card is discarded from your hand, draw 2 cards. Unplayable. If this card is discarded from your hand, draw 3 cards.
Riddle with Holes Attack Uncommon 2 Deal 3 (4) damage 5 times.
Setup Skill Uncommon 1 (0) Put a card from your hand on top of your draw pile. It costs 0 until played.
Skewer Attack Uncommon X Deal 7 (10) damage X times.
Tactician Skill Uncommon Unplayable Unplayable. If this card is discarded from your hand, gain [G]. Unplayable. If this card is discarded from your hand, gain [G] [G].
Terror Skill Uncommon 1 (0) Apply 99 Vulnerable. Exhaust.
Well-Laid Plans Power Uncommon 1 At the end of your turn, Retain up to 1 card. At the end of your turn, Retain up to 2 cards.
A Thousand Cuts Power Rare 2 Whenever you play a card, deal 1 (2) damage to ALL enemies.
Adrenaline Skill Rare 0 Gain [G]. Draw 2 cards. Exhaust. Gain [G] [G]. Draw 2 cards. Exhaust.
After Image Power Rare 1 Whenever you play a card, gain 1 Block. Innate. Whenever you play a card, gain 1 Block.
Alchemize Skill Rare 1 (0) Obtain a random potion. Exhaust.
Bullet Time Skill Rare 3 (2) You cannot draw additional cards this turn. Reduce the cost of all cards in your hand to 0 this turn.
Burst Skill Rare 1 This turn, your next Skill is played twice. This turn, your next 2 Skills are played twice.
Corpse Explosion Skill Rare 2 Apply 6 (9) Poison. When the enemy dies, deal damage equal to its Max HP to ALL enemies.
Die Die Die Attack Rare 1 Deal 13 (17) damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Doppelganger Skill Rare X Next turn, draw X cards and gain X [G]. Exhaust. Next turn, draw X+1 cards and gain X+1 [G]. Exhaust.
Envenom Power Rare 2 (1) Whenever an Attack deals unblocked damage, apply 1 Poison.
Glass Knife Attack Rare 1 Deal 8 (12) damage twice. Decrease the damage of this card by 2 this combat.
Grand Finale Attack Rare 0 Can only be played if there are no cards in your draw pile. Deal 50 (60) damage to ALL enemies.
Malaise Skill Rare X Enemy loses X Strength. Apply X Weak. Exhaust. Enemy loses X+1 Strength. Apply X+1 Weak. Exhaust.
Nightmare Skill Rare 3 (2) Choose a card. Next turn, add 3 copies of that card into your hand. Exhaust.
Phantasmal Killer Skill Rare 1 (0) Next turn, your Attacks deal double damage.
Storm of Steel Skill Rare 1 Discard your hand. Add 1 Shiv into your hand for each card discarded. Discard your hand. Add 1 Shiv+ into your hand for each card discarded.
Tools of the Trade Power Rare 1 (0) At the start of your turn, draw 1 card and discard 1 card.
Unload Attack Rare 1 Deal 14 (18) damage. Discard all non-Attack cards in your hand.
Wraith Form Power Rare 3 Gain 2 (3) Intangible. At the end of your turn, lose 1 Dexterity.
Defect Cards
Defend Skill Basic 1 Gain 5 (8) Block.
Dualcast Skill Basic 1 (0) Evoke your next Orb twice.
Strike Attack Basic 1 Deal 6 (9) damage.
Zap Skill Basic 1 (0) Channel 1 Lightning.
Ball Lightning Attack Common 1 Deal 7 (10) damage. Channel 1 Lightning.
Barrage Attack Common 1 Deal 4 (6) damage for each Channeled Orb.
Beam Cell Attack Common 0 Deal 3 (4) damage. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable.
Charge Battery Skill Common 1 Gain 7 (10) Block. Next turn, gain [B].
Claw Attack Common 0 Deal 3 (5) damage. Increase the damage of ALL Claw cards by 2 this combat.
Cold Snap Attack Common 1 Deal 6 (9) damage. Channel 1 Frost.
Compile Driver Attack Common 1 Deal 7 (10) damage. Draw 1 card for each unique Orb you have.
Coolheaded Skill Common 1 Channel 1 Frost. Draw 1 card. Channel 1 Frost. Draw 2 cards.
Go for the Eyes Attack Common 0 Deal 3 (4) damage. If the enemy intends to attack, apply 1 (2) Weak.
Hologram Skill Common 1 Gain 3 Block. Put a card from your discard pile into your hand. Exhaust. Gain 5 Block. Put a card from your discard pile into your hand.
Leap Skill Common 1 Gain 9 (12) Block.
Rebound Attack Common 1 Deal 9 (12) damage. Put the next card you play this turn on top of your draw pile.
Recursion Skill Common 1 (0) Evoke your next Orb. Channel the Orb that was just Evoked.
Stack Skill Common 1 Gain Block equal to the number of cards in your discard pile. Gain Block equal to the number of cards in your discard pile +3.
Steam Barrier Skill Common 0 Gain 6 (8) Block. Decrease this card's Block by 1 this combat.
Streamline Attack Common 2 Deal 15 (20) damage. Reduce this card's cost by 1 this combat.
Sweeping Beam Attack Common 1 Deal 6 (9) damage to ALL enemies. Draw 1 card.
TURBO Skill Common 0 Gain [B] [B]. Add a Void into your discard pile. Gain [B] [B] [B]. Add a Void into your discard pile.
Aggregate Skill Uncommon 1 Gain [B] for every 4 (3) cards in your draw pile.
Auto-Shields Skill Uncommon 1 If you have no Block, gain 11 (15) Block.
Blizzard Attack Uncommon 1 Deal damage equal to 2 (3) times the number of Frost Channeled this combat to ALL enemies.
Boot Sequence Skill Uncommon 0 Innate. Gain 10 (13) Block. Exhaust.
Bullseye Attack Uncommon 1 Deal 8 (11) damage. Apply 2 (3) Lock-On.
Capacitor Power Uncommon 1 Gain 2 (3) Orb slots.
Chaos Skill Uncommon 1 Channel 1 random Orb. Channel 2 random Orbs.
Chill Skill Uncommon 0 Channel 1 Frost for each enemy in combat. Exhaust. Innate. Channel 1 Frost for each enemy in combat. Exhaust.
Consume Skill Uncommon 2 Gain 2 (3) Focus. Lose 1 Orb slot.
Darkness Skill Uncommon 1 Channel 1 Dark. Channel 1 Dark. Trigger the passive ability of all Dark orbs.
Defragment Power Uncommon 1 Gain 1 (2) Focus.
Doom and Gloom Attack Uncommon 2 Deal 10 (14) damage to ALL enemies. Channel 1 Dark.
Double Energy Skill Uncommon 1 (0) Double your Energy. Exhaust.
Equilibrium Skill Uncommon 2 Gain 13 (16) Block. Retain your hand this turn.
FTL Attack Uncommon 0 Deal 5 (6) damage. If you have played less than 3 (4) cards this turn, draw 1 card.
Force Field Skill Uncommon 4 Costs 1 less [B] for each Power card played this combat. Gain 12 (16) Block.
Fusion Skill Uncommon 2 (1) Channel 1 Plasma.
Genetic Algorithm Skill Uncommon 1 Gain 1 Block. Permanently increase this card's Block by 2 (3). Exhaust.
Glacier Skill Uncommon 2 Gain 7 (10) Block. Channel 2 Frost.
Heatsinks Power Uncommon 1 Whenever you play a Power card, draw 1 card. Whenever you play a Power card, draw 2 cards.
Name Type Rarity Cost Description Description (Upgraded)
Hello World Power Uncommon 1 At the start of your turn, add a random Common card into your hand. Innate. At the start of your turn, add a random Common card into your hand.
Loop Power Uncommon 1 At the start of your turn, trigger the passive ability of your next Orb. At the start of your turn, trigger the passive ability of your next Orb 2 times.
Melter Attack Uncommon 1 Remove all Block from the enemy. Deal 10 (14) damage.
Overclock Skill Uncommon 0 Draw 2 (3) cards. Add a Burn into your discard pile.
Recycle Skill Uncommon 1 (0) Exhaust a card. Gain [B] equal to its cost.
Reinforced Body Skill Uncommon X Gain 7 (9) Block X times.
Reprogram Skill Uncommon 1 Lose 1 (2) Focus. Gain 1 (2) Strength. Gain 1 (2) Dexterity.
Rip and Tear Attack Uncommon 1 Deal 7 (9) damage to a random enemy twice.
Scrape Attack Uncommon 1 Deal 7 (10) damage. Draw 4 (5) cards. Discard all cards drawn this way that do not cost 0.
Self Repair Power Uncommon 1 At the end of combat, heal 7 (10) HP.
Skim Skill Uncommon 1 Draw 3 (4) cards.
Static Discharge Power Uncommon 1 Whenever you receive unblocked attack damage, Channel 1 (2) Lightning.
Storm Power Uncommon 1 Whenever you play a Power card, Channel 1 Lightning. Innate. Whenever you play a Power card, Channel 1 Lightning.
Sunder Attack Uncommon 3 Deal 24 (32) damage. If this kills an enemy, gain [B] [B] [B].
Tempest Skill Uncommon X Channel X Lightning. Exhaust. Channel X+1 Lightning. Exhaust.
White Noise Skill Uncommon 1 (0) Add a random Power card into your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust.
All for One Attack Rare 2 Deal 10 (14) damage. Put all cost 0 cards from your discard pile into your hand.
Amplify Skill Rare 1 This turn, your next Power card is played twice. This turn, your next 2 Power cards are played twice.
Biased Cognition Power Rare 1 Gain 4 (5) Focus. At the start of your turn, lose 1 Focus.
Buffer Power Rare 2 Prevent the next time you would lose HP. Prevent the next 2 times you would lose HP.
Core Surge Attack Rare 1 Deal 11 (15) damage. Gain 1 Artifact. Exhaust.
Creative AI Power Rare 3 (2) At the start of your turn, add a random Power card into your hand.
Echo Form Power Rare 3 Ethereal. The first card you play each turn is played twice. The first card you play each turn is played twice.
Electrodynamics Power Rare 2 Lightning now hits ALL enemies. Channel 2 (3) Lightning.
Fission Skill Rare 0 Remove all your Orbs. Gain [B] and draw 1 card for each Orb removed. Exhaust. Evoke all your Orbs. Gain [B] and draw 1 card for each Orb Evoked. Exhaust.
Hyperbeam Attack Rare 2 Deal 26 (34) damage to ALL enemies. Lose 3 Focus.
Machine Learning Power Rare 1 At the start of your turn, draw 1 additional card. Innate. At the start of your turn, draw 1 additional card.
Meteor Strike Attack Rare 5 Deal 24 (30) damage. Channel 3 Plasma.
Multi-Cast Skill Rare X Evoke your next Orb X times. Evoke your next Orb X+1 times.
Rainbow Skill Rare 2 Channel 1 Lightning. Channel 1 Frost. Channel 1 Dark. Exhaust. Channel 1 Lightning. Channel 1 Frost. Channel 1 Dark.
Reboot Skill Rare 0 Shuffle ALL your cards into your draw pile. Draw 4 (6) cards. Exhaust.
Seek Skill Rare 0 Put 1 card from your draw pile into your hand. Exhaust. Put 2 cards from your draw pile into your hand. Exhaust.
Thunder Strike Attack Rare 3 Deal 7 (9) damage to a random enemy for each Lightning Channeled this combat.
Watcher Cards
Defend Skill Basic 1 Gain 5 (8) Block.
Eruption Attack Basic 2 (1) Deal 9 damage. Enter Wrath.
Strike Attack Basic 1 Deal 6 (9) damage.
Vigilance Skill Basic 2 Gain 8 (12) Block. Enter Calm.
Bowling Bash Attack Common 1 Deal 7 (10) damage for each enemy in combat.
Consecrate Attack Common 0 Deal 5 (8) damage to ALL enemies.
Crescendo Skill Common 1 (0) Retain. Enter Wrath. Exhaust.
Crush Joints Attack Common 1 Deal 8 (10) damage. If the last card played this combat was a Skill, apply 1 (2) Vulnerable.
Cut Through Fate Attack Common 1 Deal 7 (9) damage. Scry 2 (3). Draw 1 card.
Empty Body Skill Common 1 Gain 7 (10) Block. Exit your Stance.
Empty Fist Attack Common 1 Deal 9 (14) damage. Exit your Stance.
Evaluate Skill Common 1 Gain 6 (10) Block. Shuffle an Insight into your draw pile.
Flurry of Blows Attack Common 0 Deal 4 (6) damage. Whenever you change Stances, return this from the discard pile to your hand.
Flying Sleeves Attack Common 1 Retain. Deal 4 (6) damage twice.
Follow-Up Attack Common 1 Deal 7 (11) damage. If the last card played this combat was an Attack, gain [W].
Halt Skill Common 0 Gain 3 (4) Block. If you are in Wrath, gain 9 (14) additional Block.
Just Lucky Attack Common 0 Scry 1 (2). Gain 2 (3) Block. Deal 3 (4) damage.
Pressure Points Skill Common 1 Apply 8 (11) Mark. ALL enemies lose HP equal to their Mark.
Prostrate Skill Common 0 Gain 2 (3) Mantra. Gain 4 Block.
Protect Skill Common 2 Retain. Gain 12 (16) Block.
Sash Whip Attack Common 1 Deal 8 (10) damage. If the last card played this combat was an Attack, apply 1 (2) Weak.
Third Eye Skill Common 1 Gain 7 (9) Block. Scry 3 (5).
Tranquility Skill Common 1 (0) Retain. Enter Calm. Exhaust.
Battle Hymn Power Uncommon 1 At the start of each turn, add a Smite into your hand. Innate. At the start of each turn, add a Smite into your hand.
Carve Reality Attack Uncommon 1 Deal 6 (10) damage. Add a Smite into your hand.
Collect Skill Uncommon X Put a Miracle+ into your hand at the start of your next X turns. Exhaust. Put a Miracle+ into your hand at the start of your next X+1 turns. Exhaust.
Conclude Attack Uncommon 1 Deal 12 (16) damage to ALL enemies. End your turn.
Deceive Reality Skill Uncommon 1 Gain 4 (7) Block. Add a Safety into your hand.
Empty Mind Skill Uncommon 1 Draw 2 (3) cards. Exit your Stance.
Fasting Power Uncommon 2 Gain 3 (4) Strength. Gain 3 (4) Dexterity. Gain 1 less [W] at the start of each turn.
Fear No Evil Attack Uncommon 1 Deal 8 (11) damage. If the enemy intends to Attack, enter Calm.
Foreign Influence Skill Uncommon 0 Choose 1 of 3 Attacks of any color to add into your hand. Exhaust. Choose 1 of 3 Attacks of any color to add into your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust.
Foresight Power Uncommon 1 At the start of your turn, Scry 3 (4).
Indignation Skill Uncommon 1 If you are in Wrath, apply 3 (5) Vulnerable to ALL enemies, otherwise enter Wrath.
Inner Peace Skill Uncommon 1 If you are in Calm, draw 3 (4) cards, otherwise enter Calm.
Like Water Power Uncommon 1 At the end of your turn, if you are in Calm, gain 5 (7) Block.
Meditate Skill Uncommon 1 Put a card from your discard pile into your hand and Retain it. Enter Calm. End your turn. Put 2 cards from your discard pile into your hand and Retain them. Enter Calm. End your turn.
Mental Fortress Power Uncommon 1 Whenever you change Stances, gain 4 (6) Block.
Nirvana Power Uncommon 1 Whenever you Scry, gain 3 (4) Block.
Perseverance Skill Uncommon 1 Retain. Gain 5 (7) Block. When Retained, increase its Block by 2 (3) this combat.
Pray Skill Uncommon 1 Gain 3 (4) Mantra. Shuffle an Insight into your draw pile.
Reach Heaven Attack Uncommon 2 Deal 10 (15) damage. Shuffle a Through Violence into your draw pile.
Rushdown Power Uncommon 1 (0) Whenever you enter Wrath, draw 2 cards.
Sanctity Skill Uncommon 1 Gain 6 (9) Block. If the last card played this combat was a Skill, draw 2 cards.
Sands of Time Attack Uncommon 4 Retain. Deal 20 (26) damage. When Retained, lower its cost by 1 this combat.
Signature Move Attack Uncommon 2 Can only be played if this is the only Attack in your hand. Deal 30 (40) damage.
Simmering Fury Skill Uncommon 1 At the start of your next turn, enter Wrath and draw 2 (3) cards.
Study Power Uncommon 2 (1) At the end of your turn, shuffle an Insight into your draw pile.
Swivel Skill Uncommon 2 Gain 8 (11) Block. The next Attack you play costs 0.
Talk to the Hand Attack Uncommon 1 Deal 5 (7) damage. Whenever you attack this enemy, gain 2 (3) Block. Exhaust.
Tantrum Attack Uncommon 1 Deal 3 damage 3 (4) times. Enter Wrath. Shuffle this card into your draw pile.
Wallop Attack Uncommon 2 Deal 9 (12) damage. Gain Block equal to unblocked damage dealt.
Wave of the Hand Skill Uncommon 1 Whenever you gain Block this turn, apply 1 (2) Weak to ALL enemies.
Weave Attack Uncommon 0 Deal 4 (6) damage. Whenever you Scry, return this from the discard pile to your Hand.
Wheel Kick Attack Uncommon 2 Deal 15 (20) damage. Draw 2 cards.
Windmill Strike Attack Uncommon 2 Retain. Deal 7 (10) damage. When Retained, increase its damage by 4 (5) this combat.
Worship Skill Uncommon 2 Gain 5 Mantra. Retain. Gain 5 Mantra.
Wreath of Flame Skill Uncommon 1 Your next Attack deals 5 (8) additional damage.
Alpha Skill Rare 1 Shuffle a Beta into your draw pile. Exhaust. Innate. Shuffle a Beta into your draw pile. Exhaust.
Blasphemy Skill Rare 1 Enter Divinity. Die next turn. Exhaust. Retain. Enter Divinity. Die next turn. Exhaust.
Brilliance Attack Rare 1 Deal 12 (16) damage. Deals additional damage equal to Mantra gained this combat.
Conjure Blade Skill Rare X Shuffle an Expunger into your draw pile. Exhaust. Shuffle an Expunger with X+1 into your draw pile. Exhaust.
Deus Ex Machina Skill Rare Unplayable Unplayable. When you draw this card, add 2 (3) Miracles to your hand and Exhaust.
Deva Form Power Rare 3 Ethereal. At the start of your turn, gain [W] and increase this gain by 1. At the start of your turn, gain [W] and increase this gain by 1.
Name Type Rarity Cost Description Description (Upgraded)
Devotion Power Rare 1 At the start of your turn, gain 2 (3) Mantra.
Establishment Power Rare 1 Whenever a card is Retained, reduce its cost by 1 this combat. Innate. Whenever a card is Retained, reduce its cost by 1 this combat.
Judgment Skill Rare 1 If the enemy has 30 (40) or less HP, set their HP to 0.
Lesson Learned Attack Rare 2 Deal 10 (13) damage. If Fatal, Upgrade a random card in your deck. Exhaust.
Master Reality Power Rare 1 (0) Whenever a card is created during combat, Upgrade it.
Omniscience Skill Rare 4 (3) Choose a card in your draw pile. Play the chosen card twice and exhaust it. Exhaust.
Ragnarok Attack Rare 3 Deal 5 (6) damage to a random enemy 5 (6) times.
Scrawl Skill Rare 1 (0) Draw cards until your hand is full. Exhaust.
Spirit Shield Skill Rare 2 Gain 3 (4) Block for each card in your hand.
Vault Skill Rare 3 (2) Take an extra turn after this one. End your turn. Exhaust.
Wish Skill Rare 3 Choose one: Gain 6 (8) Plated Armor, 3 (4) Strength, or 25 (30) Gold. Exhaust.
Colorless Cards
Bandage Up Skill Uncommon 0 Heal 4 (6) HP. Exhaust.
Blind Skill Uncommon 0 Apply 2 Weak. Apply 2 Weak to ALL enemies.
Dark Shackles Skill Uncommon 0 Enemy loses 9 (15) Strength this turn. Exhaust.
Deep Breath Skill Uncommon 0 Shuffle your discard pile into your draw pile. Draw 1 card. Shuffle your discard pile into your draw pile. Draw 2 cards.
Discovery Skill Uncommon 1 Choose 1 of 3 random cards to add into your hand. It costs 0 this turn. Exhaust. Choose 1 of 3 random cards to add into your hand. It costs 0 this turn.
Dramatic Entrance Attack Uncommon 0 Innate. Deal 8 (12) damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Enlightenment Skill Uncommon 0 Reduce the cost of all cards in your hand to 1 this turn. Reduce the cost of all cards in your hand to 1 this combat.
Finesse Skill Uncommon 0 Gain 2 (4) Block. Draw 1 card.
Flash of Steel Attack Uncommon 0 Deal 3 (6) damage. Draw 1 card.
Forethought Skill Uncommon 0 Put a card from your hand to the bottom of your draw pile. It costs 0 until played. Put any number of cards from your hand to the bottom of your draw pile. They cost 0 until played.
Good Instincts Skill Uncommon 0 Gain 6 (9) Block.
Impatience Skill Uncommon 0 If you have no Attacks in your hand, draw 2 (3) cards.
Jack of All Trades Skill Uncommon 0 Add 1 random Colorless card into your hand. Exhaust. Add 2 random Colorless cards into your hand. Exhaust.
Madness Skill Uncommon 1 (0) Reduce the cost of a random card in your hand to 0 this combat. Exhaust.
Mind Blast Attack Uncommon 2 (1) Innate. Deal damage equal to the number of cards in your draw pile.
Panacea Skill Uncommon 0 Gain 1 (2) Artifact. Exhaust.
Panic Button Skill Uncommon 0 Gain 30 (40) Block. You cannot gain Block from cards for 2 turns. Exhaust.
Purity Skill Uncommon 0 Exhaust up to 3 (5) cards in your hand. Exhaust.
Swift Strike Attack Uncommon 0 Deal 7 (10) damage.
Trip Skill Uncommon 0 Apply 2 Vulnerable. Apply 2 Vulnerable to ALL enemies.
Apotheosis Skill Rare 2 (1) Upgrade ALL your cards for the rest of combat. Exhaust.
Chrysalis Skill Rare 2 Shuffle 3 (5) random Skills into your draw pile. They cost 0 this combat. Exhaust.
Hand of Greed Attack Rare 2 Deal 20 (25) damage. If Fatal, gain 20 (25) Gold.
Magnetism Power Rare 2 (1) At the start of your turn, add a random Colorless card into your hand.
Master of Strategy Skill Rare 0 Draw 3 (4) cards. Exhaust.
Mayhem Power Rare 2 (1) At the start of your turn, play the top card of your draw pile.
Metamorphosis Skill Rare 2 Shuffle 3 (5) random Attacks into your draw pile. They cost 0 this combat. Exhaust.
Panache Power Rare 0 Every time you play 5 cards in a single turn, deal 10 (14) damage to ALL enemies.
Sadistic Nature Power Rare 0 Whenever you apply a debuff to an enemy, they take 5 (7) damage.
Secret Technique Skill Rare 0 Put a Skill from your draw pile into your hand. Exhaust. Put a Skill from your draw pile into your hand.
Secret Weapon Skill Rare 0 Put an Attack from your draw pile into your hand. Exhaust. Put an Attack from your draw pile into your hand.
The Bomb Skill Rare 2 At the end of 3 turns, deal 40 (50) damage to ALL enemies.
Thinking Ahead Skill Rare 0 Draw 2 cards. Put a card from your hand on top of your draw pile. Exhaust. Draw 2 cards. Put a card from your hand on top of your draw pile.
Transmutation Skill Rare X Add X random Colorless cards into your hand. They cost 0 this turn. Exhaust. Add X random Upgraded Colorless cards into your hand. They cost 0 this turn. Exhaust.
Violence Skill Rare 0 Put 3 (4) random Attacks from your draw pile into your hand. Exhaust.
Apparition Skill Special 1 Ethereal. Gain 1 Intangible. Exhaust. Gain 1 Intangible. Exhaust.
Become Almighty Power Special Unplayable Gain 3 (4) Strength.
Beta Skill Special 2 (1) Shuffle an Omega into your draw pile. Exhaust.
Bite Attack Special 1 Deal 7 (8) damage. Heal 2 (3) HP.
Expunger Attack Special 1 Deal 9 (15) damage X times.
Fame and Fortune Skill Special Unplayable Gain 25 (30) Gold.
Insight Skill Special 0 Retain. Draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust.
J.A.X. Skill Special 0 Lose 3 HP. Gain 2 (3) Strength.
Live Forever Power Special Unplayable Gain 6 (8) Plated Armor.
Miracle Skill Special 0 Retain. Gain [W]. Exhaust. Retain. Gain [W] [W]. Exhaust.
Omega Power Special 3 At the end of your turn, deal 50 (60) damage to ALL enemies.
Ritual Dagger Attack Special 1 Deal 15 damage. If Fatal, permanently increase this card's damage by 3 (5). Exhaust.
Safety Skill Special 1 Retain. Gain 12 (16) Block. Exhaust.
Shiv Attack Special 0 Deal 4 (6) damage. Exhaust.
Smite Attack Special 1 Retain. Deal 12 (16) damage. Exhaust.
Through Violence Attack Special 0 Retain. Deal 20 (30) damage. Exhaust.
Curse Cards
Clumsy Curse Curse Unplayable Unplayable. Ethereal.
Decay Curse Curse Unplayable Unplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage.
Doubt Curse Curse Unplayable Unplayable. At the end of your turn, gain 1 Weak.
Injury Curse Curse Unplayable Unplayable.
Normality Curse Curse Unplayable Unplayable. While in hand, you cannot play more than 3 cards this turn.
Pain Curse Curse Unplayable Unplayable. While in hand, lose 1 HP whenever you play another card.
Parasite Curse Curse Unplayable Unplayable. If transformed or removed from your deck, lose 3 Max HP.
Regret Curse Curse Unplayable Unplayable. At the end of your turn, lose HP equal to the number of cards in your hand.
Shame Curse Curse Unplayable Unplayable. At the end of your turn, gain 1 Frail.
Writhe Curse Curse Unplayable Unplayable. Innate.
Ascender's Bane Curse Special Unplayable Unplayable. Ethereal. Cannot be removed from your deck.
Curse of the Bell Curse Special Unplayable Unplayable. Cannot be removed from your deck.
Necronomicurse Curse Special Unplayable Unplayable. There is no escape from this Curse.
Pride Curse Special 1 Innate. At the end of your turn, put a copy of this card on top of your draw pile. Exhaust.
Status Cards
Burn Status Common Unplayable Unplayable. At the end of your turn, take 2 damage.
Dazed Status Common Unplayable Unplayable. Ethereal.
Slimed Status Common 1 Exhaust.
Void Status Common Unplayable Unplayable. Ethereal. Whenever this card is drawn, lose 1 Energy.
Wound Status Common Unplayable Unplayable.