4AD - The Forsaken Crypt (Fan Suplement)
4AD - The Forsaken Crypt (Fan Suplement)
4AD - The Forsaken Crypt (Fan Suplement)
2 3d6 vampire bats, Level 1, no treasure. Spells are cast at a -1 due to shrieking.
These are NOT undead creatures.
3 2d6 large spiders, Level 3, treasure -1. Due to webs, party may not withdraw
from this fight unless they cast a fireball spell (which will wound spiders as
usual if successful). Any player wounded must save vs. level 2 poison at the
end of the encounter or lose one additional life. Crushing weapons have a +1
5 D6 vampire frogs, Level 4 , treasure -1. Despite the moniker, these creatures
are NOT undead.
6 2d6 skeletal rats, Level 3 undead, no treasure. Crushing weapon attacks are
at a +1, but they cannot be attacked by bows and slings. Clerics add +L when
Reactions: 1-2 fight, 3-6 fight to the death. If dwarves present, trolls always
fight to the death.
2 Chaos Lord, Level 6, 4 life, 3 attacks, 2 treasure rolls at +1. Before fight, roll d6:
1-3 no special powers; 4 evil eye (characters must roll 4+ or be at -1 to defense
rolls until chaos lord is slain); 5 energy drain (if you take a wound, roll 4+ or
lose 1 level); 6 hellfire blast (before combat, all players must roll 6+ or lose 2 life;
clerics add 1/2 level).
4 Wight, Level 5 undead, 5 life, treasure +2, morale +1. Holy water automatically
hits for 1 wound. Attack: life drain (any character wounded by a wight must
save vs. its icy touch (level 4) or lose one point from his/her maximum life,
until blessed. A character drained of all life in this way becomes a zombie
(4AD minion) in thrall to the wight and will attack the party until it or the
wight is defeated).
5-6 *Necromancer, Level 5, 5 life, 2 treasure rolls at +1. Before the battle, there is a
3 in 6 chance that the Necromancer will conjure d3 + 2 skeletons (as per 4 AD
minion table); party must defeat these before attacking the Necromancer.
Thereafter, roll a d6 each turn to determine the Necromancer's attack: 1-2
staff (magical weapon; defend at -1), 3-4 lightning bolt (save vs. level 4 magic
or take 2 wounds; Wizards add 1/2 level), 5 fear spell (all characters save vs.
level 4 fear or be paralyzed until they take 1 wound; Wizards add 1/2 level); 6
fireball (all characters save vs. level 5 fire or lose 1 life). *Note: There will only be
one Necromancer in a dungeon. Unless it is the first boss met, the
Necromancer will be the final boss. Never met as a wandering monster.
4 Evil Spirit. A shrieking spirit whisks past the party. All characters failing to
save vs. level 5 fear have -1 to attack a
nd defend during next encounter; on a
save roll of 1, the character is rendered helpless and gibbering until blessed,
or until the party makes 3 rolls (1-2 = wandering monster, 3-6 = time passes
without incident).
5 Minor Skeletal Demon, Level 5 undead, 5 life, 2 attacks, treasure +1. Holy
water automatically hits for 1 damage. If a character is wounded twice by the
demon, their spilled blood will spawn 1 skeleton (as per 4AD minion table)
arriving on the characters' attack turn.
6 Doppelganger, Level 5, 5 life, normal treasure. Before the party attacks, the
doppelganger takes the form of a random character. Other characters must
save vs. level 4 confusion each turn or they fail to attack, being confused
about which is the real enemy; the mimicked character may attack as
normal. The doppelganger attacks the mimicked character only; if that
character dies, the doppelganger flees.
1 Crypt: T he room has an alcove containing a stone sepulchre. You may leave it
alone or try to remove the heavy lid (treat as a level 4 locked door). If you open
it, roll a d6: on a 1-2 it is empty; 3-4 a skeleton inside attacks, gaining surprise
(level 3, crushing weapons +1; arrows at -1, no treasure -- the first attack is
against the character opening the tomb ), 5 an armored skeleton attacks as
above (level 4, arrows at -1, normal treasure), 6 you find treasure.
2 Necromancer’s Circle: You find a circle with a pentagram drawn on the floor
of this room. You may avoid it, or you may have a character step into the circle.
If you do this, roll d6: 1 bolt of lightning (lose 1 life), 2-3 the character is locked in
combat with a single minion who has surprise (roll d6 for type); the rest of the
party can only stand by helplessly (no treasure), 4-5 gain a clue but save vs.
level 4 pain or lose 1 life), 6 secret knowledge (character gains +1 to attack the
next Necromancer encountered).
3 Crypt: The room has an alcove containing a stone sepulchre with strange
markings on it. You may leave it alone or try to open it (treat as a level 5 locked
door). If you open it, roll a d6: 1 curse (all characters save vs. level 3 curse or
have -1 to Def. rolls until blessed by a cleric or visit a Blessed Temple), 2-3
empty, 4 vermin attack, gaining surprise, 5-6 you find treasure +1.
4 Cursed Altar: As you enter the room, an eerie glow emanates from a
sinister-looking altar. A random character is cursed, and now has -1 to Defense
rolls. To break the curse, a character must visit a Blessed Temple, get a
blessing from a cleric, or slay a boss monster alone.
5 Puzzle room: T his room contains a puzzle box of level d6+1. You may leave it
alone or try to solve it. For every failed attempt the character trying to solve it
loses one life. Wizards and Rogues add their level to this roll. If the puzzle is
solved, the box opens -- roll d6 on the treasure table.
6 Library: The room contains a shelf of dusty, ancient tomes. You may choose
one to open or leave the books alone. If you open a book, choose which
character does so, then roll a d6: 1 the character is unable to read the arcane
script, 2 trap! (A lightning bolt zaps the character for 1 life; the book is
destroyed), 3-4 gain a scroll with a random spell (FAD p. 50), 5 discover an
expert-level spell (FATA pp. 24-25; roll d6 for type -- anyone may carry this, but
only a wizard or elf of expert level may use it, either as a scroll or to add to their
repertoire), 6+ character finds 2 clues! (Wizards must add +1 to this roll.)
Special Events Table ( d6)
1 A ghost passes through the party. All characters must save vs. level 4 fear or
lose one life. Clerics and elves add ½ level to this roll.
2 Wandering m onsters attack the party. Roll d6: 1-3 roll on the vermin table, 4-5
roll on the minion table, 6 roll on the weird monsters table.
3 A map! Y
ou have found a partial map of the dungeon you are in. Add +1 to
your next search roll. In addition, the next time you encounter a trap you have
a chance to disarm it -- roll a d6: if you beat the level of the trap or roll a 6, it is
disarmed. (If you already have a rogue in the party, add +1 to the disarm roll.)
4 Spirit of the Enchantress: As you enter the room, a misty figure rises up from
a stone sarcophagus and tells a bitter tale of black magic, treachery and
murder. She asks if you will undertake a quest on her behalf. If you accept, roll
on the Quest table (FAD p. 39). If you decline her request, her shadowy form
sinks back into the coffin. Ignore all further appearances in this dungeon.
5 A sudden cool, damp wind b lows out your lantern. Roll for wandering
monsters while you relight it. If a monster appears, you must fight in the dark:
-2 on Attack and Defense rolls, and no ranged weapons.
6 You find a small glass vial among some scattered debris. There is liquid
inside, but you cannot be sure what the liquid is. You may choose a character
to drink it (either now or later), or leave it. If and when you drink it, roll a d6: 1-2
poison (lose 1 life), 3 fetid water (no effect), 4-5 potion of healing (4AD), 6
potion of vigor (FATA p. 31). Alternatively, you may keep this vial and have it
identified later by an Alchemist (either wandering or a hireling) for a cost of
20 gp.