d100 - Random Rules & Rullings

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1 3d6 "Money" roll serves as an Ability Score representing the character's Social Status 51 Keeping HPs abstract: Player

ract: Player chooses either CON or WIS for HP bonus

2 A Cleric using blades no longer can pick their spells: Random Only 52 Keys in dungeons have an X-in-6 chance of working on other locked doors there
3 A Fighter's Charge can force a Morale Check on foes with 1/2 their HD or lower 53 Level draining monsters also tear corners from character sheets
4 Alignment Languages have written forms, if illegible to those of differing ones 54 Magic Missile duration of 1 Turn = 1 per round. Yikes!
5 All Spells have better, > lvl versions, but require Research & knowing the lower level 55 Magic Wands don’t use tracked charges, use Usage Dice for uncountable things
6 Any die roll that leaves the table is treated as the worst result 56 Magic-Users can identify Potions (requires a sip) as Thief "Hear Noise"
7 Any Mount you name, feed, and ride for a month gets your Saves and +d6 Morale 57 Mark each Save on Success, on all 5 roll d6 and increase that Ability Score by 1
8 Arrows are recoverable if damage rolled was 1 or 2 58 Money spent on a PC funeral grants XP to next Character
9 At 0 HP, if you survive, roll 2d6: One is ability score, the other reduces score. Pick 59 Monsters distracted by Food, may remember you and be more "Friendly" (2-in-6)
10 CHA Score Max Retainers also serves as "starting Contacts" (helpful NPC friends) 60 Most Magic Swords are "Fighter's Only" seeking only worthy wielders
11 Character Generation: 3d6 in order, Up or Down the line 61 Moving even more slowly (halved)/carefully uses x 20 for Encounter Distance
12 Check for item breakage on target whenever To-Hit matches AC exactly 62 MU Familiar: Drop 1 die from starting gold 3d6, value is Familiar's HP
13 Class HD as Damage in Combat, no Weapon Restrictions outside of Cleric Taboos 63 MUs can Detect Magic as Thieves "Hear Noise"
14 Clerics can drop Heavier Armors (Chain+) for a spell at lvl 1, and 1 extra of highest slot 64 MU's Magic Arrow: dmg/range: Short Bow, roll-to hit, component cost = Arrow
15 Clerics can use swords; they just lose Turn Undead for a Week 65 No Score above 10 on Character Generation? Start with Max HP
16 Clerics may opt to "over channel" their Holy Symbol (destroying it) turns 4d6 HD 66 On creation, each player can swap 1 Score (same Ability) with another (1 swap)
17 Combat Maneuver? Roll To-Hit, on success: Target's Choice of damage or effect 67 On gaining a level, re-roll all HD taking new result if it's higher, otherwise +1
18 Demihumans and Non-Standard Classes are "unlockable" in play 68 On Holy Days, Clerics use 2d8 for Turn Undead
19 Domesticated Animal Morale degrades by 1 every hour spent inside a Dungeon 69 Once per day, taking a swig of strong drink after battle heals d6 HP
20 Doubles on 2d6 Number Turned for Clerics mean Turned for twice as long 70 Once you've been "Raised" by a Cleric, you can be Turned by that Religion
21 Doubles on Reaction Rolls with same species indicate family relationship (distant?) 71 Ones on Damage Rolls explode: Next highest die on more 1s, up to d100
22 Dragons understand all Languages, Breath survivors might gain a new one (2-in-6) 72 Places of Power Exist that grant extra Slots to MUs that prepare spells there
23 Drop a d6 roll from Starting Gold, start with a Random Scroll or Potion 73 Players may substitute on Ability Score with their 3d6 roll for starting Gold
24 Dwarf Class can appraise Gems/Jewelry using Thief Hear Noise Progression 74 Players roll "their half" of the 2d6 Reaction Roll to try to intuit Disposition
25 Dwarfs know how to damage Gargoyles, Stone Golems, etc. without Magic Weapons 75 Potions are sometimes delayed release: take effect in 1d4-1 rounds
26 Dwarves use Graph Paper to Map (all others blank sheets) 76 Potions have a 1-in-6 chance (seasoned to taste) of featuring a handy label
27 Elf can trade "Immunity to Ghoul Paralysis" for Immunity to Sleep and Charm Person 77 Rations prepared by Halflings allow them to share their Initiative bonus
28 Elfs can swap a starting Language for a type of Animal Speech instead 78 Roll triples on your 3d6 x 10 for Gold? It's platinum, but "borrowed"
29 Elfs can use Thief "Hear Nose" progression to locate Magical Herbs/Plants 79 Room Traps Disarmed have a 3-in-6 chance of salvageable Gear (rope, blade, etc)
30 Every 2 Dungeon Levels, Trap Activation 2-in-6 die size increases: d8, d10, d12, etc. 80 Round Fractions Down in Dungeons/Up topside. Monsters win ties below, etc.
31 Extreme Cold doubles Food requirement, Heat doubles Water 81 Scrolls à la Holmes: 100gp & 1 week/level at 1st. Lower cost/time with reagents
32 Fighter rolls a 20 on To-Hit, force Morale Check at top of next round 82 Shields may be Splintered, but so may be Henchmen for the craven
33 Fighter who defeats 10 of type of foe (keep track), +1 damage against them (up to +5) 83 Shields: -1 AC, Two Weapons: +1 Hit, Two-Handed: +1 damage
34 Fighter who rolls their STR score on the d20 To-Hit Roll, deals damage despite AC 84 Silver Coin sling bullets work in a pinch versus Lycanthropes
35 Fighters and Dwarfs can use "Open Doors" to brace them shut as well 85 Some Elfs use Cleric Spells, others Druid Spells, still others Illusionist Spells
36 Fighters may choose to re-roll any 1s for Damage in Combat 86 Some Halflings "Hide in Crowds" instead of Wilderness (same chances)
37 Goblins love Cheese. Step up all Reaction Rolls, one category if Cheese is offered 87 Spell Retention: MUs Save vs Spells to keep a Spell. One is a Magical Mishap
38 Halflings use Thief "Hear Noise" progression to detect Poison in Food/Drink 88 Spellbook Pages can be used as Scrolls in a bind, but Spell vanishes
39 HD rolled anew at the start of each day. Re-roll 1s & 2s for good rest, food, etc. 89 Spend round "Aiming" (can disrupt as Spells) Fire into Melee lower/no penalty
40 High level Fighters can choose to use Death Save as AC when unarmored if better 90 Thief Backstab multiplier improves with Thac0
41 Hire Mercenaries to patrol a Hex: Hidden feature found on a 1-in-6 (Seasonal Check) 91 Thieves & Halflings get a round of action when both sides are Surprised
42 Hoards of coins take a turn to count and sort for every 100 92 Thieves may substitute one Ability for "Using Poisons Safely" if they wish
43 Holy Water does 2d4 to Undead, but doubles add and roll again 93 Thieves pick one Ability, they can "flip" d100 results
44 Humperdink: Fighters use Thief Hear Noise to re-trace a battle/noting victors/losers 94 Thieves vs Lower HD foe can KO (Save vs Paralysis) w/Blunt wpn Backstab
45 If a Character earns > 1 level in one Session, they may roll HD twice and take higher 95 Total Modifiers negative on Character Gen? Start at level 2 with a Magic Item
46 If you're ever healed exactly up to your Max HP, you can choose to take a cool Scar 96 Turn Undead for Thief Skills (HD = Hazard Difficulty)
47 Instead of using the Spell, MUs can Detect Magic by concentrating for 1d4 turns 97 Using 3x the Rations, Halflings can prepare a meal that heals 1d3 HP
48 Instead of xd6+1, Curative Magics restore a percentage of total (25%, 50%, 75%, etc.) 98 Using Turn Undead, Clerics can activate/desecreate Holy/Unholy shrines
49 INT bonus applies to Missile To-Hit instead of Top-Heavy DEX 99 Volley: Every arrow fired (up to 4) adds +1 damage
50 Invert Prime Requisite XP Bonus: Low gets bonus, High is its own reward 100 Wisdom Bonus applies to Foraging, INT to finding Water

Draft Version 12.20.2021 (RIP G+). https://d4caltrops.com

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