Done by:
Marwa Moein Halalo
Dana Al Safah
Sarah Chanaa
June 8, 2023
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 2
This study focused on the effect of teaching students through inquiry-based learning strategies on
the proficiency of writing skills for grade 4 students by an English summative exam that was
done for private school students who were taught through inquiry-based learning and public
school students who were learned through traditional methods and techniques. That was
examined through calculating the central tendency (mean, mode, median) and the desperation
(range and central tendency). The results showed a significant difference between the two groups
(A&B) where group B, who was learned through inquiry-based learning, got evidently higher
grades than Group A who were taught through the traditional way. This actively demonstrates
that Inquiry-based learning strategies are not only for science matters but can also be used to
teach writing skills, and it has been proven that it's a truly effective instructional strategy. Hence,
it is highly advisable to integrate inquiry-based learning strategies in the teaching curriculum for
all subjects, especially for writing skills, because it fosters creativity and broadens their
knowledge and imagination for all grades, especially for elementary students.
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 3
Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Methods 8
- Participants 8
- Materials 10
- Procedure 11
- Data Analysis 11
Results 12
Discussion and Conclusion 15
References 17
Appendix / Exam 19
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 4
One of the most undoubtedly effective instructional strategies used in the educational sector is
inquiry-based learning strategy that helps students in various areas of development. And studies
have found that most schools work on including inquiry-based learning in their science curricula,
for it's based on experimenting and exploring. It is also considered a way where students can
construct knowledge throughout discovering the solution, results, and causes... Moreover, there
have been a numerous number of tests that have supported inquiry-based learning compared to
other educational strategies that are currently used in schools (Pedaste et al., 2015). Furthermore,
other studies conducted the effectiveness of inquiry-based learning strategy on the natural
science classes in which it focuses on the importance of understanding concepts, having the
ability to think critically, being able to solve problems, and to be able to discover new facts
(Laksana, 2017). Another massively remarkable area of development that inquiry-based learning
enhances is language development as it allows students to have smooth communication skills.
The whole point behind learning a language is to acquire it and understand it thoroughly, and that
could only be done through the involvement of the students in the teaching-learning process. As
we all know, the need for communication is instinctive, and through inquiry-based learning,
students will ask more and seek to better understand concepts (Alameddine et al.,2016). It is also
a student centered way that teaches students to think and come up with original, logical, and
systematic solutions, where it allows students to be active participants in the learning process.
And inquiry-based learning consists of 5 major interrelated stages (Ask- investigate, Create,
Discuss, and Relate) in this way it will foster them to be independent learners ( Karimova, 2022).
In addition to that, Inquiry-based learning plays a great role in enhancing students' motivation.
And that was shown in many research studies that focused on the importance of actually being
involved and participating in understanding concepts, which will be shown through their
enthusiasm by asking more and more questions and by wanting to reach the solution of the
problem they're facing. Also, the idea of having the child do practical activities and visit
laboratories and real locations to investigate on a certain topic, will make them so intrigued and
full of curiosity to experiment and find the answers on their own (Bayram et al.,2013).
In conclusion, all the previous articles have tackled the learning outcomes of inquiry-based
learning strategy regarding scientific development and improvement. However, none of them
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 5
have addressed its effect on the student's writing skills and creativity in expressing their thoughts
using the English language.
Inquiry-based learning strategy has been known as one of the most effective strategies in
various subjects, specifically science, as it fosters students' motivation and enthusiasm toward
learning through experiencing things rather than just being told about, and by being a part of the
teaching learning process. However, other studies have shown that it can also be used to teach
language, especially when it is a second or foreign language, because it helps in improving
students' communication skills. Having said that, none of these researchers have focused on
having it can affect students' writing skills and abilities to be more creative. And our purpose was
to focus on the effectiveness of inquiry based learning on students’ writing skills.
Having all what has been stated above into consideration this research will answer these
1. How can a strategy that is mostly used in science curricula be used to teach writing
2. What are the areas that inquiry-based learning strategies work on that can be used in
teaching writing skills?
3. Can inquiry-based learning be the future of teaching?
If schools adopt inquiry-based learning strategies then students will have better topics to discuss
in writing an essay for example.
Being constantly in the field experimenting and exploring will result in having a higher order of
thinking for students.
Students who are constantly in touch with the learning process are more likely to have creativity
than students who are only exposed to traditional methods of learning.
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 6
Inquiry-based learning strategy has been known as one of the most effective strategies in
various subjects, specifically science, as it fosters students' motivation and enthusiasm toward
learning through experiencing things rather than just being told about, and by being a part of the
teaching learning process. However, other studies have shown that it can also be used to teach
language, especially when it is a second or foreign language, because it helps in improving
students' communication skills. Having said that, none of these researchers have focused on
having it can affect students' writing skills and abilities to be more creative. So our purpose was
to find The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing.
Teachers are commissioned with a difficult job helping students acquire the skills they need
now and in the world of tomorrow. Our first target for our students is to adapt to the new
day-after day changes and technological developments, but all these expectations can't be
achieved without changing the traditional methods we're using to teach them. Enquiries routes
stretch throughout history as the Greek Philosopher said "Wisdom begins with wonder". And as
it's known that children are curious and internally motivated to ask and that is the only way they
can learn and ignite passion towards learning because education is not all about finishing
assignments, it's about being able to explore, investigate, and create. Moreover, having the world
evolving around us can't be acceptable to still have a teacher-centered classroom because school
is the place where the child should develop skills by trying and giving feedback. And the role of
the teacher here is just to guide them and give them the opportunity to explore and investigate
things that they're interested in. It's all about giving them some potential topics in which they get
to choose what interests them and letting them do their inquiry, research, and collecting evidence
to come up with their innovative solutions about topics that matter to the mind they'll be
passionate about talking about and discussing. Students will definitely be learning the common
core concepts but the way or the procedure is the one that is going to be tailored according to
their interest.
Previous research had found that inquiry-based learning strategy is mostly used to teach a
science or a math concept because it's an experimenting based strategy. However, it can also be
used to teach language related concepts like writing because it stimulates creativity and broader
ways of thinking and comprehending. Having the students to investigate and find out solutions
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 7
and answers to all their questions will help them in providing extra evidence and more logical
explanations in their essay writing and it will make it more convincing and credible. Another
study has conducted that writing in general is a complex process because it requires students to
master other areas in the language like (grammar, vocabulary, reading, and punctuation). Also in
addition to all these requirements students should have the analytical, creative thinking and the
ability to comprehend and fully understand the concept they're working on to be able to come up
with a logical solution. Moreover, it's a long process that takes lots of preparation, searching,
outlining, writing a draft, revising it and editing it, and finally coming up with the finalized work
that can be submitted (Abdi A., 2014).
To write a paragraph, it is essential for you to use your creativity. And having a creative way of
thinking can't be reached without having the child to explore and experience things on their own.
Also, research has found that language can be a really hard process to acquire if it hasn't been
introduced well, especially writing, which is considered the plethora of a language because it
includes all areas in one procedure. So, one of the most remarkable methodologies that is being
used in order to have better education is Inquiry-based learning. In addition to that, students will
be able to know what to tackle because through inquiry-based learning they're going to know the
global problems and the needs of their society so eventually when writing a paragraph or an
essay they'll be focusing on valuable topics and problems (Ghaemi & Mirsaeed, 2017). Also,
inquiry-based learning strategies will help students to ask more complex questions and it will
foster their critical thinking and comprehensive understanding. So in this way student's ability to
solve problems, make decisions and communicate will be enhanced by using their own
interpretations, analysis, examinations, and perspectives.
The purpose of this research is to know the impact of inquiry-based learning strategy on students'
performance in writing and how it can foster student's ability to acquire the skill in a better way.
And more importantly to know whether students would benefit more or not. Another topic that
would be highlighted is whether inquiry-based learning strategy is going to cater for all students
learning styles.
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 8
This research project was conducted in May 2023 on 250 elementary students ( 135 females and
115 males), from grade 4 and they were from 6 different schools (4 public, 2 private schools) that
are from different areas of Lebanon and are located in Beirut, Saida, and Tripoli.
The students were divided into two different groups. The first group (Group A) were students
from public schools that don't apply inquiry-based learning, and this group includes 135 mixed
gender students (60 males and 75 females). And the second group (Group B) were students from
private schools that apply inquiry-based learning strategies to their curriculum, and this group
Our research instrument that we've used is an exam. The test that was conducted was for 4th
grade students as they had a summative exam in which it included 2 sections: a reading
comprehension section and a writing section. The focus of this study was on the performance of
students in the second part of this exam, which is the writing part. As the writing part required a
higher order of thinking from the students in which they had a picture in front of them, they had
to write a paragraph from their own creation describing the picture as if they're in it. which will
The score would be out of 8 in which the majority of the score would go on the supporting
details where they'll be mostly creative and add details from their own existing knowledge. And
this exam is about artists and famous arts which will give them the opportunity to think out of the
box and describe the painting in front of them in different ways. All students would be able to
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 10
achieve 3 points out of 8, however the rest of the points will need extra work and creativity from
the students which are 5 points. In addition to that the exam was given to an instructor at
The 2 groups of students were set to do the same exam. In which (Group A) are the students
from the public schools who are not familiar with inquiry-based learning. And the other group
which is (Group B) are the group of students from the private school who were applying
inquiry-based learning from the beginning of the school year. The students were asked to do the
exam in their schools, but although the places were different, we’ve found that it’s the best way
to get fair results because they're familiar with the environment and would feel more comfortable
so they would not feel overstressed and overwhelmed being set in a strange unfamiliar place.
Over the school year students in both groups were informed about this exam and were given the
materials that should be studied ahead of time. So, both groups were taught how to organize a
paragraph by adding (Title, topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence). But,
although the content given was the same, the procedure, and product were definitely different. As
the first group which is (Group A) was taught in the traditional way the most schools use in
where the class in teacher centered and student's role is just to sit on the disk the majority of the
time and listen for what the teacher has to say, however the second group which is (Group B)
was taught through inquiry-based strategy and through experiencing and exploring topics and
concepts on their own without relying directly on the teacher, in which it's a student centered
classroom that fosters curiosity and passion towards learning. The students had a whole
summative exam to be completed in 45 minutes, and all students had completed it. Moreover, the
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 11
exam included a reading comprehension part that was related to the writing part and that would
help them collect more information and ideas about the paragraph they're going to write. The
material was scored in a way to measure students creativity and ability to think critically and out
Strategy of finalizing the paragraph, giving their opinion and point 1 point
This table shows scores distribution according to the ideas and skills being measured.
Data Analysis:
The collected data for the two groups (Group A) and (Group B) were used to find the percentage
of variation between the two styles of education, and how can the style of education can affect
students scores and achievements not only on the short term but also on the long term as for
building various skills like ( creativity, critical thinking, analytical thinking, and problem solving
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 12
skills) through central tendency ( mean, mode, and median), and through dispersion (range and
standard deviation). Therefore, this study will help us achieve a final understanding that
education should be applied through new strategies and techniques, and not through traditional
old-fashioned methods. And that will be achieved according to the results of the 2 groups in
which (Group B) will score clearly higher results as their paragraphs were unique and creative,
however (Group A) will score lower results as their usage of language was weak, repetitive,
This study aimed to study the variation of performances in writing between 2 groups: (Group A)
were students who were taught through the traditional way of teaching and (Group B) were
students who were taught through inquiry-based learning strategy. Hence, throughout conducting
an English summative test we were able to measure the effectiveness of inquiry-based learning
This test examined the grades of students in writing and showed how inquiry-based learning can
play a huge role in enhancing student's creativity, by calculating the central tendency (Mean,
Mode, and Median) and the Dispersion (Range and Standard Deviation). And the results have
shown a noteworthy difference between the 2 groups especially in the writing part. Where the
Mean for Group A was 12.58 which is way lower than the Mean of Group B which is 16.55, And
the Mode of group A was 14 which is also lower than that in Group B which is 18. Also, the
Median recorded 13 in Group A which is as well lower than the Median recorded in Group B
which is 16. This actively demonstrates that the differences between the 2 groups was highly
noticeable. Furthermore, the highest grade for Group A was 16 which is lower than Group B
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 13
which is 18, and the lowest grade in group A was 10 which is as well lower than that in Group B
which is 14. In addition to that the SD in group A was 4.51 greater than that in Group B which
was 2.93.
A 135 12.58 14 13
B 115 16.55 18 16
This table shows the Mean, Mode, and Median according to the two Groups (A&B).
A 16 10 7 4.51
B 18 14 5 2.93
This table shows the Highest score, Lowest score, Range, and SD according to the two Groups
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 14
The focus behind this exam was on the scores of the writing part. Which as well showed a
significant difference between the 2 groups (A&B). And that was shown where the average of
creativity that group B had was 85% which is way higher than the average of creativity of group
A which was 65%. Moreover, it was obvious that the students in group B have a better
understanding of the rules and directions of writing a well structured paragraph, for their grades
were significantly higher in the part that was specified for the structure and organization of the
paragraph. Where group B average in this part was 90% which is way higher than that of Group
A which is 70%. So, in the below table you can see the conducted results that took place only in
paragraph, The average of the final scores of the writing part according to the two Groups
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 15
This research has proven that the scores of the students who were taught through inquiry-based
learning strategies are higher than the students who were taught through the traditional methods.
And that was concluded through an English summative exam for grade 4 and taking those results
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 16
into consideration, we can conclude that inquiry-based learning strategies highly affect students'
building new skills that enable them to use their imagination and creativity more and enables
them also to become better critics who choose their topics and ideas wisely. Moreover, the test
showed a significant difference between the two schools that have done the same exam where the
public school that educates students through the traditional way got lower grades than those from
the private school that educates students through inquiry-based learning strategies. And the most
remarkable part that this study focused on is not the reading comprehension part, it was the
writing part. Also, the distribution of the grades in this exam is mostly for the creativity part
where students build and conduct their own descriptions and perceptions about the given figure
And to answer the questions that have been stated before, a study that is mostly used in science
curricula can actually be used in teaching writing because students will be collecting lots of new
information that answers their questions in this way. A student's ability to have this information
engraved in their minds is high because they are teaching themselves and answering their own
questions. Moreover, students will have more creative topics to talk about, and they'll be able to
engage in innovative ideas and solutions that haven't been stated before that they have explored
while exploring. In this case, their essay or paragraph will be filled with strong points and better
descriptions because they've actually been in the field to complete this task.
Another massively remarkable point is that inquiry-based learning works on many areas of
development. So, for example, it will enhance their cognitive skills as they're going to have more
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 17
information and examples about the topic. The information explored will be stuck in their minds
for good because they've done all the work. Also, it helps in language and social development as
it fosters social interaction. For instance, if a child wanted to write an argumentative essay, he
might conduct an interview with a professional. In addition to that, it helps in their physical
development because they are actually the ones moving and working on discovering the
solutions or answers. So, they might plant a flower in order to write an essay about the steps of
planting in this way. Their hand muscles and fine motor skills are going to be developed.
In conclusion, having done this research, it's evident now that inquiry-based learning is the
future for teaching not only scientific and mathematical subjects, but also works effectively in
language learning, especially in the writing part. For it fosters motivation and has students ask
more and more questions that they have to answer through exploring and experiencing, and then
they'll come up with their original authentic work that has been fully done by them.
Alameddine, M. M., & Ahwal, H. (2016). Inquiry Based Teaching in Literature Classrooms.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 332–337.
Bayram, Z., Oskay, Ö. Ö., Erdem, E., Özgür, S. D., & Şen, Ş. (2013). Effect of Inquiry based
Learning Method on Students’ Motivation. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 106,
988–996. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.12.112
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 18
Ghaemi, F., Mirsaeed, S. (2017). The Impact of Inquiry-Based Learning Approach on Critical
Thinking Skill of EFL Students. EFL Journal. Vol. 2 No. 2.
Pedaste, M., Mäeots, M., Siiman, L. A., De Jong, T., Van Riesen, S. a. N., Kamp, E. T., Manoli,
C. C., Zacharia, Z. C., & Tsourlidaki, E. (2015). Phases of inquiry-based learning: Definitions
and the inquiry cycle. Educational Research Review, 14, 47–61.
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 19
By the end of this test:
- Students should be able to appreciate the importance of art and how
much artists work hard to become known.
- Students should be able to design a descriptive paragraph using their
senses to describe a famous painting.
- Students should be able to arrange a title for the text, the main idea,
and the main lesson of this text.
- Students should be able to identify the meanings of the vocabulary words
in the text using context clues.
Read the following text, In which the writer is speaking about the
famous artist Diego Rivera. And then answer the questions that
The Life of Diego Rivera
Diego Rivera was the most famous Mexican artist in the world. He
got an early start as well. He was born in Mexico in 1886, and he
began studying art at the age of ten. The artist was just a teenager
when his dad told him to leave Mexico to study in Spain. Rivera later
returned home. He was very interested in helping the native
Mexicans to have a better life, and he often painted them in his
murals to celebrate Mexican culture and heritage. He made large
paintings to show the history of his ancestors. He felt that the best
art challenges the way we think.
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 20
In 1933, a man asked Rivera to paint an original work of art. The artist started a
large painting. The man did not like it. He told Rivera to change it, but Rivera
would not budge. The painting was hidden and later smashed. But the
mischievous artist got the last word. He had made a copy of his painting and
displayed it anyway.
Every artist got an early start. Where they wanted their art to change the world.
They made original works that were exhibited in galleries and museums
throughout the world.
It’s not easy to become an artist because it takes lots of energy and hardwork. If
you want to become an artist you can start with some paints on a wedge or clay.
An artist's life can begin at any age.
1- All of the below answers includes the main idea except: (1 point)
a. Describing the life of Diego Rivera.
b. Encouraging the reader to become an artist.
c. Describing the physical look of Diego Rivera.
d. Discussing the fact that an artist's life is hard and needs lots of effort.
2- From which culture did Diego got inspired to draw his paintings: (0.5 point)
a. American culture
b. Mexican culture
c. French culture
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 21
d. Spanish culture
3- According to the text which one of these paintings do you think was drawn by
Diego Rivera: ( 1 point)
a. b. c. d.
4- What does the word mischievous mean in the second paragraph? (1 point)
a. That the artist was a mean man.
b. That the artist was a manipulative man.
c. That the artist was a clever man.
d. That the artist was a harmful man.
5- Which sentence of the following best describes the start of Diego Rivera: (1
a. “Every artist got an early start.”
b. “The artist was just a teenager when his dad told him to leave Mexico to
study in Spain.”
c. “The artist started a large painting.”
d. “He was very interested in helping the native Mexicans to have a better life,
and he often painted them.”
Ⅲ- Fill in the blanks using context clues to find the word that belongs to
the synonyms or definitions. (5 points, One point each)
Look at the below picture and imagine yourself their. Then you have to
create a well organized descriptive paragraph using the graphic organizer.
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 23
● Fill out the graphic organizer below with the description of this place
using your 5 senses for example (what can you see, smell, hear,
touch, and taste. And write things in breif). (3 points)
● After filling out the graphic organizer use the collected information
and create a well organized descriptive paragraph using your 5
senses and adjectives to describe the picture above. (be detailed, and
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 24
don't forget to add a title, and make sure to use transitional words). (5
Answer Key
Part One: Reading Comprehension (12 points)
1- All of the below answers includes the main idea except: (1 point)
2- From which culture did Diego got inspired to draw his paintings: (0.5 point)
a. American culture
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 25
b. Mexican culture
c. French culture
d. Spanish culture
3- According to the text which one of these paintings do you think was drawn by
Diego Rivera: ( 1 point)
a. b. c. d.
4- What does the word mischievous mean in the second paragraph? (1 point)
a. That the artist was a mean man.
b. That the artist was a manipulative man.
c. That the artist was a clever man.
d. That the artist was a harmful man.
5- Which sentence of the following best describes the start of Diego Rivera: (1
a. “Every artist got an early start.”
b. “The artist was just a teenager when his dad told him to leave Mexico to
study in Spain.”
c. “The artist started a large painting.”
d. “He was very interested in helping the native Mexicans to have a
better life, and he often painted them.”
Ⅲ- Fill in the blanks using context clues to find the word that belongs to
the synonyms or definitions. (5 points, One point each)
Grade Distribution:
Topic sentence: (0.5 points)
Supporting details: (0.25 for each sense except the feeling sense is worth
(0.5 points) because it's divided into 2 parts (touch and feel in the heart)
Concluding sentence: (0.5 points)
It was at night time when I decided to walk through the enchanted fields.
The moment I got into the fields I saw the violet beautiful flowers, the dark
cloudy sky, and the bright yellow stars dancing in the sky asif they were
celebrating the beauty of the place. And as I reached the middle of the field
I started to smell the beautiful scent of the blooming flowers. Moreover, the
sounds of the chirping birds were so beautiful and relaxing. In addition to
that I was able to feel the cold breeze on my skin and taste the fresh air on
my tongue. As I also felt the positive energy everywhere. In Brief, I will
The Effect of Inquiry Based Learning on Students’ Performance in writing 28
always love going for a stroll in the fields to feel comfortable and get
positive energy.
Grade Distribution:
Strategy of finalizing the paragraph, giving their opinion and point 1 point