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Jurnal Tabularasa PPs UNIMED

Vol.12 No.1, April 2015

The Effect Of Project-Based Learning Model In Order Group Investigation

In The Subject Of Animal Ecology
To: USI Student Science Process Skills
Fenny Mustika Piliang1, Hasruddin2, Binari Manurung2

Dosen Pendidikan Biologi USI Pematang Siantar


Dosen Pendidikan Biologi PPs UNIMED


Background issue of the journal is during this time many professors
give lectures and exercises do the questions quickly without giving in-depth
understanding of the concept. Poorly trained students to develop the power of
reason and apply the concepts they have learned in real life, so the science
process skills of students are less able to develop properly. Lack of science
process skills demonstrated by the low student learning outcomes of students, it
is characterized by passivity of students when learning takes place and no
visible social interaction among students, which in turn affects their learning
low yields obtained by taking the data value of students from the data obtained
by the average value of students was 65.92 (Data source examinees final value
of animal ecology embankment USI students siantar second semester
2013/2014). Refers to learning problems in animal ecology lectures
experienced bund siantar USI students, project-based learning in order of
investigation group is important and can overcome the problem of lack of
science process skills of students. Based on problems found in research at USI
Pematang Siantar, the researchers chose to do research at the university.


This study aimed to determine the effect of project-based learning

model in the order of Group Investigation and conventional to: USI Student
Science Process Skills Pematangsiantar. Samples taken by total sampling, ie all
VI semester students as many as 60 people were grouped into experimental
groups with project-based learning model in order Investigation Group, the
experimental group learning model Group Investigation, and the control group
with conventional learning models. The research instrument were in the form
of test results of study and observation sheets science process skills of students.
This research method was a quasi experimental data analysis techniques
using F-ANAKOVA and ANOVA test at the significant level = 5% with
SPSS 21.0. The results showed that: Science process skills tests of students
taught with project-based learning in order of Group Investigation 87.60 4.28
was significantly higher than in learning Group Investigation 81.50 5.77 and
70.40 conventional learning 4.01 to (Fcount = 63.092; P = 0.000).
Further observation science process skills of students taught with
project-based learning in order of Group Investigation 92.85 4.61 was
significantly higher than in learning Group Investigation 77.80 7.27 and
57.25 8.69 conventional learning with (Fcount = 127.856; P = 0.000). Thus,
it could be concluded that the project-based learning model in order Group
Investigation influence on science process skills Pematangsiantar USI students.

Shergths Of The Reseach/ Journal.

Using a model of project-based learning in order learning group
investigation lecturers able to create conditions of effective learning in which
there are various elements that influence each other where learning is based
on challenging questions or problems involving the students in the design of
problem-solving, decision-making, giving students the opportunity to work
autonomously with the periods of time and eventually produce a real product.
It is evident from research conducted by Manahal (2009), Said that the
students SMA N 2 malang proven effective in improving behavior and
learning outcomes so it is recommended to be applied by teachers in teaching
biology, to meet the requirements of the validity of the data obtained through

this study, control the internal and external validity. Techniques of data
collection is done through a free test and post test.
It is amplified by the instrument used in the research is a written test
and psychomotor aspects of the observation sheet. Content of this journal is
still up to date because basically the study no one has tested at the university
level. Then a comparison between group learning model investigation with
conventional learning models are still in use, should researchers choose other
learning model as a comparison group learning model investigation.
Further, learning activities as above can combine aktivitasaktivitas
academic activities, social activities in the climate and atmosphere of sociomoral dynamic can help students build social knowledge steadily and
dynamic because it continues to grow and always undergoing transformation
to standards by interests and shared values in society.
The relationship between the title, method, instrument on research
with project-based learning models in order Investigation Group is more
focused on the problems that occur in the environment Often students.
Problems that occur in everyday life contextual students a make students
trained to design activities in resolving the issue. This means students develop
Reviews their science process skills The relationship between the title,
method, instrument on research with project-based learning models in order
Investigation Group is more focused on the problems that occur in the
environment Often students. Problems that occur in everyday life contextual
students a make students trained to design activities in resolving the issue.
This means students develop Reviews their science process skills
so affirmed by Marianti (2011), Project-based learning providing complex
tasks that based questions challenge or problem involving students in
activities solve problems, make decisions, investigate and reflection involving
teachers as facilitator. Project-based learning focused on the questions which
leads (driving question) students to utilize concepts and principles through the
experience. With project-based learning students learn from his experience
and then implement it in everyday life.


Deficiency Of Journal

Background of the problems in this journal are not many of its ideal
theoretical basis where a study should have a lot of theoretical basis

for the theoretical basis of the strengthening of the statment writer.

In research, the authors only distinguish conventional method of
investigation group project-based learning so impressed lacked


According Dahar (2010), Science process skills (KPS) is the student's
ability to apply scientific methods to understand, develop and discover
science This is because the project-based learning model in the context of
investigations over the Group focuses on the problems that often occur in the
student environment. The problems that occurred in the contextual everyday
student life makes students are trained to design activities in solving this
problem. This means that students develop their science process skills.
Thus, based on research results, statistical tests and theories that there
is evidence that the student group that learned the model of project-based
learning in order Group Investigation gives a better effect in stimulating and
developing science process skills of students as basically learning requires
students to be able to collaborate with the group in berinvestigasi on the
theme that they will work to produce a tangible product that can develop
Good process skills with the students. While groups of students learning with
conventional learning, the learning process tends berpusatpada lecturers using
the lecture method. During the learning process, student science process skills
are less developed, because more students to learn individually to receive,
record, and memorize it receives the subject matter of the lecturer as a
determinant of the course of the learning process.
In the process of project-based learning is basically contained
cooperative learning. Cooperative learning is right for project-based learning
combined with the material of animals and the environment is a cooperative

learning Group Investigation (GI). Cooperative learning Group Investigation

(GI) is a model of learning in which students are involved from the planning
of both the subject and learn through investigation, its line with basic-project
learning (Wijayanti, 2013).
From exposure to the above The Authors suggest that research can
continue because it can help lecturers and teachers to improve students' skills
in understanding the task at colleges and students in the school.



There is a significant influence science process skills of students that

learned with project-based learning in order Group Investigation and








Pematangsiantar in the academic year 2014/2015.

The learning model is better and higher influence is project-based

learning model in order Group Investigation.


For the author, the results of this study can be used as examples of
improvements learning biology that could be tested in the classroom,
especially for foster positive habits of students to be actively involved
in learning.

For readers, finding and recording the results of this research can be
reference for further research.


Dahar,R.W. 2010. Teori-Teori Belajar. Jakarta: Erlangga.







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