10432-Volume11 Issue 120 Paper
10432-Volume11 Issue 120 Paper
10432-Volume11 Issue 120 Paper
17 501
3 authors:
Laxmi Goparaju
Vindhyan Ecology and Natural History Foundation, Mirzapur,India
All content following this page was uploaded by Firoz Ahmad on 01 June 2017.
Forests play a vital role in balancing biogeochemical cycles and life
supporting systems and at present, are under severe pressure due to varied
anthropogenic activities. In the current scenario, conversion of large tract of natural
forest into agricultural lands, and subsequently for the construction of settlements,
has changed the landscape beyond repair (Prasad et al., 2010; Pongratz et al., 2008;
Ranade, 2007; Bell et al., 2001; Dhar et al., 1991; Rathore & Wright, 1993; Ghosh,
1989). In addition, mining activities are one among the major reasons for forest
destruction since most of the mining locations are situated inside the dense, interior
and biodiversity rich areas of the forests and near to fresh water bodies (Richards &
1 Vindhyan Ecology and Natural History Foundation, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, India,
[email protected], [email protected]
2 International Institute of Information Technology, Gachibowli, corresponding author,
[email protected]
220 Laxmi Goparaju, P. Rama Chandra Prasad, Firoz Ahmad
Houston, 2004). The exponential growth of the mining sector within the forest
areas not only shrinks the forested area, but also has its impact on the biodiversity
by destroying or reducing their habitat, polluting the environment and finally
questioning the survivability and sustainability of flora and fauna existing in that
area (UNESCO, 1985; Parks et al., 1987; Bisht & Kothyari, 2001; Goretti, 1998;
Singh, 2007; Songara & Rai, 2010; Kumar & Pandey, 2013). Moreover, the heavy
equipment used in the open mining disturbs both ecological and hydrological
balances within a short span of time (Koruyan et al., 2012). Besides, they also have
a social impact by displacing the human population mainly the poor and tribal, who
still sustain on forest produce for their livelihood (CSE, 2008). However, mining is
inevitable as it defines the economic prospects of a country (Mondal et al., 2014).
Thus the mining industry needs to address issues and mitigate the social and
environmental impacts to achieve sustainability.
and checking those areas is necessary as they contribute to economic loss and also
pose severe environmental threat.
Geospatial technology has been well recognized in the mining sector in India.
Of late government and private sector industries are looking for a platform
which will provide answers to public and ensure accountability. The GOI has
started incorporating geospatial technology in combating various irregularities. For
example, Saranda forests are the dense forests in the hilly region of West
Singhbhum district of Jharkhand, India. They form a part of the core zone of the
Singhbhum elephant reserve. In the Saranda forest of Jharkhand the government
has asked the mining authorities to come up with a plan in the GIS (Geographic
Information System) domain by preparing a DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and
overlaying all the operational data in the proposed mining lease area. Further, a
clockwise progressive mining and reclamation plan on DEM in GIS domain needs
to be explored for future monitoring of mines (Ramanathan, 2014).
Thus, monitoring and managing the impact of mining activities on natural
resources at regular intervals is necessary to check the status of their depleted
conditions, and to take up restoration and conservative measurements. It is better to
222 Laxmi Goparaju, P. Rama Chandra Prasad, Firoz Ahmad
various mining related issues since it is cost–effective, accurate and saves time.
Also, satellite remote sensing data have been made available in the public domain,
Table 1: Resolutions of satellite imagery
Spatial resolution: defines High spatial resolution Examples ASTER;
the pixel size of satellite data has a resolution LANDSAT 7 and CBERS
images acquired. The ability between: 0.6 – 4m. -2.
to distinguish two closely Examples GeoEye 1;
spaced objects in an image. It World View -2; Quickbird;
is described as the geometric IKONOS; Cartosat 1; and
properties of the imaging SPOT 5. Medium spatial
system, known as resolution data: 4-30m
instantaneous field of view resolution, Low spatial
(IFOV). It is the maximum resolution data: 30-
angle of view in which a >1000m
sensor can effectively detect
electro-magnetic energy.
Spectral resolution: it refers High spectral resolution: Examples: IRS –P3 (1996)
to the dimension and number 220bands.Medium spectral MOS- A – 4 bands; MOS-
of wavelength regions (or resolution: 3-15bands.Low B – 13 bands and MOS- C
bands) in the electromagnetic spectral resolution: 3bands. – 1band
spectrum to which the sensor
is sensitive.
Radiometric resolution: is a Examples: IRS -1A/1B
measure of how many grey (1988, 1991) measure
levels are there between pure images in 7 bits. Cartosat -
black and pure white. It is 2 (2007), produces images
measured in bits.1. 7bit (0- in 10 bit radiometric
127); 2. 8bit (0-255); 3. 9bit resolution. 16 bit images
(0-511; 4. 10bit (0-1023. are obtained from IRS -P3
(1996) MOS –A, MOS –B
and MOS – C
Temporal resolution: It is High temporal resolution - Examples are: Cartosat 2
explained as the frequency of <24hrs – 3days.Medium (2007) has a frequency of
coverage of ground by the temporal resolution – 4- 5 days; IRS 1A/1B, 1988
remote sensing system. 16days.Low temporal and 1991 LISS I – have a
resolution - >16days. repitivity for 22 days;IRS-
P4 (1999-OCM and
MSMR) has a frequency of
2 days
forest loss and gain have been prepared and the data is open to all. Another such
attempt has been made by the World resource Institute, USA (2014), which
launched the site www.globalforestwatch.org where satellite data is available along
with other baseline maps. The interface is user friendly. Thus the potential of
spatial analysis and open data has been recognized in improving the forest
management and landscapes. Such databases can be used by stakeholder, ecologists
and scientists for management issues.
the primary intact forest (Gangopadhyay, 2011). Further, while leasing the forest
area to mining activities, areas of high biodiversity and endemism or protected
areas should be avoided. Areas with low biological richness should be chosen for
the mining activities to minimize the loss to forest strata. This can be done by the
use of biological richness maps produced using satellite data in conjunction with
field derived biodiversity information (Prasad et al., 2008). Flora and fauna data of
every single forest patch is not available, but it may still hold a number of species
or be a habitat for some wild animals. These small patches are important
ecologically, socially, culturally and historically (WGEEP 2011). Corridors for
animal movement can also be identified and excluded as far as possible. It is
observed that most mining leases exist in proximity to forest area and wildlife
sanctuaries (WLS). For example, in Goa, 31 leases lie within 2 km distance of
WLS, out which 7 are active, 13 leases are within 1 km of WLS. Within a time
span of 9 years (1988-1997), 2500 ha of forest area was lost to mining (TERI,
1997). Forest Survey of India, (FSI) in 1999, in collaboration with Indian Bureau
of Mines (IBM) had utilized GIS for analyzing the forest cover in leased area for
mining in three states of India, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha and Bihar. It was found
that 53,217 ha of the leased area is under forest cover, out of which 71% is dense
forest and 29% is open forest. Jeopardizing the ecosystem without full scientific
knowledge will lead to disasters, losing more than we gain from commercial
7.3 Fire detection and accident management: Utilizing the technology at the
most Prakash et al. (1997) used SWIR (Short wave infra red) and TIR (Thermal
infra-red) bands of TM to identify the surface and subsurface fires in the Jharia
coal fields. Similarly, Gangopadhyay et al. (2006) utilized thermal bands of TM to
identify the temperature variation in the Raniganj coal belt. Further, making a
temporal analysis, Martha et al. (2010) used thermal band of ETM (2003) and
ASTER (2006), to delineate coal fire areas in Jharia Coal filed. Their study
observed eastern part of the coal fields are more prone to fires compared to the
western side. Accidents and disasters like fires, explosion, and inundation are
common during mining practices. These events not only result in the loss of lives
of workers, but also damage surrounding mining areas if they are not controlled on
time. Proper management steps to evacuate during such disasters can be designed
using GIS. GIS tools help in identifying the shortest and safest path route during
such events; also helps in development of mechanism that alert the workers to
respond appropriately to escape from the dangerous site. Since the mines
are usually located near the forests, it is necessary that such accidental fires are
controlled. It will cause less harm to the forest environment.
7.4 Spatio –temporal assessment of Land use and Land cover Intensive
mining activities change the LULC features in and around the mining areas. The
Geospatial technology perspectives for mining vis-a-vis sustainable forest ecosystems 227
use of temporal satellite remote sensing data helps in identifying these changes in
the landscape structure in a given interval of time. Some examples have been noted
across the country (major States) where forests have depleted (we considered only
impact on forest due to mining activities), and using geospatial tools it is easy to
study the changes both spatially and temporally (Figure 2).
In the Table 2 – It can be noted that the Singrauli mines (U.P. and M.P.
border), Jharia and Raniganj mines (In Jharkhand) are the most studied. Thus, it is
observed that increasing mining activities have reduced the forest habitat. Dense
forests are depleted and open forests are more vulnerable to further degradation. In
view of the above observations, dense forests must be “no-go” zones for mining.
The open forest area must be protected such that further distortion is halted.
Afforestation and plantation activities should take place in proximity to provide a
buffering zone for forest biodiversity.
Geospatial technology perspectives for mining vis-a-vis sustainable forest ecosystems 229
Fig. 4 Landuse/Landcover Analysis near Singraudi Mines in the year 2010 LANDSAT
above observations, dense forests must be “no-go” zones for mining. The open
forest area must be protected such that further distortion is halted. Afforestation
and plantation activities should take place in proximity to provide a buffering zone
for forest biodiversity.
Table 2 – Details of spatiotemporal study regarding mining in various states of India.
State Data Used Time period Researcher Remarks/comments
Landsat MSS,
TM, LISS-I, It was observed that in the Jharia forest
and LISS II, area decreased (vanished), along with an
Jharia (Jharkhand) and SPOT 1925-27, increase in scrub, settlements in addition
Raniganj coal belt (West (Satellite Pour 73-75, Srivastava to degradation of land and pollution of
Bengal) l’Observation 88-89 nearby rivers (ex. Damodar River).
de la Terre), However no significant change has been
PAN observed in Raniganj.
Increase in mining areas from 1992 –
1992 (ETM) Kumar and 2004 while a decrease during 2004-2009
South Karanpura coal 1992-2004;
2004 and 2009 Pandey (because of mineral depletion in the area)
fields of Jharkhand state. 2004-2009
(LISS III) (2013) with significant loss in forest cover, in
addition to crop land.
Loss of 10% of forest cover in the Dakra
North Karanpura Coal Satellite data
Gaurav & mining area, near Ranchi (Jharkhand) out
fields limited,Ranchi analysis (TM
Khan (2014 of10%, 4% of deforestation is primarily
(Jharkhand) 1992 & 2011)
due to mining activities.
Forests highly damaged in the leasehold
as well as surrounding areas, mining area
Zawar group of mines in IRS 1A,B,
1969-1997 Jhanwar,M.L. increased 0.24 km2 in 1999, dense forests
Udaipur, Rajasthan LISS II
decline on the contrary in addition to the
total disappearance of open forest.
remote sensing Higher reduction in dense forest and
data of increase in open forest owing to mining
medium activities. It was observed that there was
Mining site in Jaintia resolution like threefold increase in mining area (1975-
1975 -2007 Sarma, 2005
hills of Meghalaya, India (MSS of 1975, 2007), loss of 46.6 km2 of dense forest.
TM of 1987, Later the abandoned mining area
ETM+ of 1999 landscape is dominated by grassland and
and LISS III non-forest classes
data of 2007
MSS (1975),
TM (1990),
Korba coal mines , Joshi et al Significant decrease in forest cover due
ETM (1999) 1975-2004
Chattisgarh (2006) to mining operations.
Pre mining
Studied the change in terrain conditions
LULC, he used
(topography), surface drainage pollution
aerial photos
Venkatraman in addition to LULC changes, in open
Bailadila, Bastar district of 1966 &
1966-1989 (MoEF cast iron ore mining areas, decrease in
of Madhya Pradesh state 1967 and for
Report) closed and dense forest area and an
post mining
increase in area of degraded forest and
MSS (1984),
mine area.
TM (1986) and
Geospatial technology perspectives for mining vis-a-vis sustainable forest ecosystems 231
LISS II (1989).
MSS (1975) A decrease in agricultural lands and
Singrauli, (U.P. and Singh et al
and TM (1986 1975-1999 forest area because of mining and
M.P.border) (1997)
& 1999) thermal power industry.
Singrauli coal mines
(lying between the
LISS II (1993) Decrease in the dense forest (3.28% of
Singrauli district of Khan &
and LISS III 1993-2010 the total in area from 2001-2010) due to
Madhya Pradesh and Javed (2012)
(2010), mining activities.
Sonebhadra district of
Uttar Pradesh)
Reported the loss of forest to cropland,
settlements and mining areas. LULC
MSS (1978), change was quantified using landscape
Singrauli, (U.P. and TM (1991) and Areendran et metrices. Further, using Markov change
M.P.border) IRS LISS III al (2013) matrix they were able to infer about the
(2010) rate of change. A correlation was found
between decreasing forest cover and
increasing mining in this area.
Observed that around 580 and 117 acres
of land were converted into forest blank
Landsat TM
and degraded forest respectively. 290
Salem district of Tamil (1986); IRS Saranatham
1986-1996 acres of plantation was also converted to
Nadu 1A (1989) and et al., (2003
mining activities. The open cast mining
IRS 1C 1996).
in Chalk hill area is being carried out for
Mapped active and abandoned mining
areas along with the influence of mining
operations in the changing river course. It
1973- was observed that in the Kudremukh
Kudremukh (iron ore), three periods
1989(Kudremukh) forest cover is reduced by 10.8 % for the
Dehradun-Mussoorie [1975 (MSS),
Dehradun (1972- Garg (MoEF time period 1973-1989. Grasslands were
(limestone mine belt), 1985 (TM)
1988). Report observed to increase by 2.8%. Dehradun,
Korba and Talcher 1988-89 (LISS
(1979-1987) there was a loss of 2.8 km2 of forest
power plants. II)]
Korba cover. Similarly, significant reduction in
the forest area was observed in Korba
(25.2%) and in Talcher (34%), due to
coal mining activities.
7.6 Monitoring invasive species. Once the mining areas are abandoned, they
are encroached by invasive species or exotic species may be planted (Dutta &
Agrawal, 2003). Monitoring and regulating these alien species is utmost important
as they spread into nearby natural areas and threaten the native species (Kumari et
al 2010). Using high resolution satellite imagery or hyperspectral imagery, these
invasive species can be mapped with respect to their area of expansion and
management actions can be planned accordingly to check their growth and spread.
dust, pollutants released by vehicles and by mining blast, can be monitored by
usingatmospheric remote sensing technology to assess the extent of aerosols
present in the mining areas and their subsequent impact on surrounding floral and
232 Laxmi Goparaju, P. Rama Chandra Prasad, Firoz Ahmad
faunal biota. There by taking management actions like water spraying, creation of
green belts by planting seedlings to subsidize the dust prevalence.
7.7 Reclamation of mining sites. One step in the reclamation of the mining
areas involves getting back the past ecological structure using back filling methods
along with various topographical variables, especially slopes (Sahu & Dash, 2011).
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) derived using different sources of varying
resolution (ex SRTM, ASTER) will help in accurate estimations of the slope of the
terrain. Arc GIS and geodatabase can be successfully utilized to study internal
reclamation planning, mining permit reversion and renewals, annual compliance
with various agencies. In Kayenta mine, NE Arizona, GIS was used to restore post
mining topography approximately to that of pre mining topography (Huang et al.,
2011/ 2012).
Singh et al (2011) used LISS IV and LISS III PAN merged temporal data
having resolution of 5.8 m to monitor the reclamation of open cast coal mines of
the country. The study showed that 79% of the mined land is reclaimed with the
rest of the area (21%) under active mining. Out of the 79%, 52% of the area is
already planted and 27% is back filled to prepare a bed for plantation activities. It
was also reported that area under land reclamation increased from 192 km2 (2008)
to 225 km2 (2009), because of the environmental protection steps initiated by coal
companies in different projects of the country. Thus this kind of study successfully
showed the utility of geospatial technology in assessing and monitoring
reclamation activities in mining areas.
Geospatial technology perspectives for mining vis-a-vis sustainable forest ecosystems 233
It is thus inferred that using satellite data of various resolutions it is possible to
map and monitor different activities related to mining both spatially and
temporally. Different remote sensing techniques are helpful. Geospatial technology
can be used in extracting the information as desired by the user, combating the
menace of illegal mines, monitoring LULC changes and also in reclamation of
abandoned mines. Further, accidents can also be minimized and pollution levels
can be monitored. The mining industry in India is flawed mainly because of
irregularities and violation of laws. A large part of our population, tribes depend on
forests for their livelihood. To provide a sustainable living to them, mining should
be carried out in a planned manner. Environment managers and regulatory
authorities should incorporate deductions from geospatial studies to ensure a better
future of the mining sector, ensure forest sustainability and promote transparency.
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