AA 2011 Uttar Pradesh Vol2

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CENSUS OF INDIA 2011 Administrative Atlas UTTAR PRADESH VOLUME - Il Technical Direction Dr. AP. Singh Deputy Registrar General (Map) General Guidance Deepak Rastogi Additional Registrar General Overall Direction Dr. C. Chandramouli of the Indian Administrative Service Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India @ Government of india copyright, 2012 Printodby : Gita Offset Printers Pvt. Ltd C-90, Okhia Industrial Area, Phaso-| New Denii110020 Designed by: ‘Map Divison, Office ofthe Regstrar General & Census Commissioner, india Published by: Olfioe oj the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India Data Product Code :09-012.2011-Cen-Atlas (E) Voll Price : (Inland) ¥ 2620.00; (Foreign) £ $4.00 or § 131.00 ‘The responsibilty for the correctness o! internal details rests with the publisher, The terntorial waters ot India extend into the sae to @ distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line The external boundaries and coastlines of India agree wih the Record/Master Copy certified by Survey of India, The slate boundaries between Uttarakhand & Uttar Pradesh, Bihar & Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh & Madhya Pradesh have not been verified by the Governments concerned, ‘The interstate boundaries amongst Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as intarpreted from the “North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act, 1971" but nave yet to be verified. The Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India has emerged over the yoars as the largest producor of thematic maps in the country. Mapping activities in the pre-Census period involve the preparation and updating of maps showing administrative units of the States, Distiics, Sub-cisticts showing Villages, Towns and Wards in Towns tor proper coverage of the entire geographical area of the country. The postCensus mapping activity comprisos the proparation of thematic maps on Census data for various Publications, i.e., Census Atlases, other Census publications and District Census Handbooks (OCHBS). These maps are invaluable not only to the Census Organization but also to other user agencies, departments, academicians, planners, ressarchors, students and policy makors. The “administrative Atlas of India ~ 2071” showing the latest administrative boundaries of the StatesiUTs (85), Districts (640) and Sub-districts (5924) as on 1 Januaty, 2010 has already been prepared and published. The present volume “Administrative Atlas of Uttar Pradesh, 2011” shows the latest administrative boundary of the Stato. The volume has three parts. In Part-l, a map plate is placed to reflect the position of the State in India followed by State maps showing present jurisdiction and changes in the boundary of Administrative Units up to Sub-district level during 2001-2011, ifany, Part-II contains the maps showing the evolution of States/Union Territories during the June, 2012 New Delhi period 1951-2001 at district level. These maps exhibit the evolution of administrative boundaries in tho respective Stato/Union Tortitory through the entire time series. Part-IIl contains the individual distict and Sub-district level maps of the respective Siates/Union Territories showing location code as adopted in Census 2011. A concordance table of Location Codes used in Census 2011 & 2001 is also given. The gigantic task of the completion of this project was entrusted to Map Division of ORGI and respective Directorates under the overall supervision of Dr. A.C. Sethi and Shri Deepak Rastogi, Additional Registrar General and Smt. Nena Sharma, Director of Census Operations, Littar Pradesh and technical direction of Dr. A.P. Singh, Doputy Registrar General (Map). Dr. R. Joseph, Assistant Registrar General (Map) has supervised this project at the Office of the Registrar General, India. The names of other officers/otficials associated with the publication are given in the acknowledgements. My sincere thanks are to all the officers and officials who have contributed and made it possible 10 bring out this publication. | hope that this will serve the needs of administrators, planners, academicians, researchers and fill up the aap of basic maps. | am sure that this publication will be another usoful addition in the vast array of Consus publications. Dr. C. Chandramo' Registrar General & Census Commissioner, Indi It is said that Consus of India is one of the largest producer of maps, next to Survey of India and Geological Survey of India, in the country. And this position has been obtainad by Census Organisation as maps are an integral part of the census and being used/published since the inception of the regular census enumeration, ie., 1872. But Consus of India, 1961 is the mile stone in the publication of maps and number of mapping projects have been initiated since 1961 Census in this Organisation. The maps and cartography are integral part of census operations. Not only this, the population census has the advantage of combining both the spalial and the attribute database. The mapping in Census Organisation may be broadly divided into ‘two categories: (1) Pro-onumeration mapping, and Gi) Post enumeration mapping, The Pre-enumeration mapping is mostly concern and helpful in conducting housing and population enumeration whereas Post enumeration mapping relates with various cansus data dissemination. In Uttar Pradesh, approximately fone thousand five hundred maps, depicting various themes are published in each census. Some of the ‘thematic maps are included in different census books to enhance the utilty of the data whereas number of themes combined together and published in the form of Atlases. The present volume of Administrative Allas of Uttar Pradesh 2011 is an endeavour in this direction and continued the legacy of earlior Censuses. The Administrative Atlas of Uttar Pradesh 2011 is divided into two volumes, i.e., Volume-1 and Volume-t The present volume comprises of three parts, io., Part, Part-II and Part-lll. Part includes three maps namely (i) Position of Uttar Pradesh in India, (i) Administrative Division 2011 and (i) District level change in the boundaries of administrative unit 2001-2011 and (iv) Sub-district lovel change in the boundaries of administrative unit during 2001-2011 In the second part the stale maps of Uttar Pradesh over a seties of census years has been included. In brief the map depicts time-series maps of Uttar Pradesh showing district boundaries at the time of conducting respective censuses of 1951, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001 retaining outer jurisdictional boundary of the state as existed in Census 2011. To know the changes in the district boundaries between two censuses end default over a decade, brief analytical note is written for each map 10 help the reader understand the maps more clearly. In Part-lll districts and Sub-district (tahsil) maps of each administrative units recorded at the time of conducting Census 2011 are included. This part covers 95 districts from Hamirpur to Kanshiram Nagar. The district map shows administrative boundaries along with headquarters, codes and names, location of urban centres. An inset table and map showing the jurisdictional changes during 2001- 2011 is also shown at appropriate places. Besides, transportation network and important physical features are depicted in these maps. The Sub-district maps include village/town boundaries, codes, transportation and physical features. A list of vilages in concordance with Location Code 2011 (MDDS) and Location Code 2001 (PLON), as recorded in the respective censuses, is given for each tahsil map at appropriate place. All the maps included in this Atlas are prepared using ArcGIS mapping software. The Administrative Atas of Uttar Pradesh 2011 is very useful for administrators, technocrats, scholars and general map users alike. It is a compendium of administrative boundaries. The maps in A-4 size with mutticolour publication of the atlas are handy in consultation and references to the users. |lamn deeply indebted to Dr. C. Chandramouti Registrar General and Gensus Commissioner, India and Shri F.C. Sethi, Additional Registrar General, India for providing us valuable guidance and encouragement in completion of this project. | must express my deep gratitude to Dr. AP. Singh, DRG (Map) and Dr. R. Joseph ARG (Map) who provided valuable technical guidance for this project. | also express my thanks to my colleague Shri Pradeep dune, 2012 Lucknow Kumar, JDCO for monitoring and supervision of this project from time to time. The enormous effort and hard work put by S/Shri Mukesh Kumar, Research Officer (Map) and Binod Kumar Singh, Senior Geographer in completion of this project within time deserves my appreciation, Finally, | wish to express my appreciation for sincere and hard work put by the drawing staff of the Map Section in completion of the project. Neena Sharma Director of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh India has a proud tradition of conducting Censuses uninterruptedly since 1872. Preparation of Administrative Maps and Thematic Atlases has been an integral part of every Census. During Census 2011, a coding system as per National standards recommended by Meta Data and Data Standards Committee has been used. The Location Code Directory has provided unique codes for every adininistrative unit of the country from the Village upwards. The Coding system consists of the State/ Union Tortory code of 2 digits (starting from 01 and continuous within India) and a 3 digit code tor districts (starting from 001 and continuous within India). The Sub-district code consists of 5 digits (starting from 00001 and continuous within India) and the Village code consists of 6 digits (starting from 000001 and continuous within India). Notified urban areas (Towns) have been assigned a separate series of 8 digit code numbers (starting from 890001 and contintious within India). concordance Table showing the Codes used in Census 2011 and 2001 has also been provided. ‘Thus the first State in India, Jammu and Kashmir has been given Code No. 01 and the last Union Territory, ‘Andaman and Nicobar Islands has baen assigned Code No. 35. Similarly, the first District - Kupwara in Jammu and Kashmir has been given Code No. 001 and the last District South Andaman in Union ‘Tertitory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands has been assigned Code No. 840. The first Sub-district Kupwara in Jammu and Kashmir has been given vii Code No. 00001 and the last Sub-district Little Andaman in Andaman and Nicobar Islands has been assigned Code No. 05924. Finally, the first village Bore in Kupwara cistrict of Jammu & Kashmir has been assigned Code No. 000001 and the last Village Butler Bay Forest Camp 4-1 (FDCA) in South ‘Andaman district of Andaman and Nicobar Islands has been assigned Code No. 645570. few Villages, which were identified later on, have been given Code No. (8) starting from 645571 The first town Kupwara (M.C.) in Kupwara ict of Jammu & Kashmir has boen assigned Code No. 800001 and the last town Port Blair (M.CL) in South Andaman district of Andaman and Nicobar Islands has been assigned Code No, 804041. Unie eartiar Atlases, different colour schemes and hatching paiterns are adopted in the present Allas for easy identification of rural, urban and forest areas. Rural area is shown by light yellow, urban area by light rod and forest area by light groon. The Census Towns and Outorowths of urban areas are given red colour hatching to differentiate between Statutory town and Census town. In the Map Plates, placing the full six digit Location Code for all the villages was a constraint, therefore, first and last village code in each Sub-district is depicted in six igits and in rest of tho villages, the codes are depicted with last three digits only. Besides the adininistrative boundaries, the National and State highways, other important roads, railway lines and water bodies (river, canal, pond & reservoir, ete.) are other value addition in the distiict and Sub-district level maps. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Officers and Staff of RG! Headquarters associated with this project Technical Direction Dr. AP. Singh Deputy Registrar General (Map) Technical Supervision Scrutiny, Format Design & Printing Printing Co-ordination Dr. R. Joseph, Assistant Registrar General (Map) Ms. Sarita, Research Officer (Map) Ms. Suman Gupta, Research Officer (Map) Shti Pooran Singh, Research Officer (Map) Dr. Kandhai Singh, Research Officer (Map) Smt. Anuradha, Map Analyst Shn Mohd. Ishaque, Senior Drawing Assistant Shri V.P. Singh, Senior Drawing Assistant Smi, Sahab Pyati, Senior Drawing Assistant Shri S.K. Verma, Senior Drawing Assistant Shi Dinesh, Draughtsman (Photo) Dr. D. Giti, Deputy Director (Printing) Shri M.C. Sharma, Printing Officer Shri N.K. Jain, St. Technical Assistant (Printing) Officers and Staff of DCO, Uttar Pradesh associated with this project General Supervision Technical Supervision & Monitoring Cartographic Work ‘Supply, Formating & Checking of .ge/ Town list Shri Pradeep Kumar, Joint Director Shri Mukesh Kumar, Research Officer (Map) Shri Binod Kumar Singh, Senior Geographer Shi Ali Ahmad, Senior Draughtsman (Till 20.02.2012) Siiii Suresh Ram, Senior Draughtsman Shri J.P. Verma, Senior Draughtsman Smt, Pratima Nigam, Senior Draughtsman Sml. Rani Mehroita, Senior Draughtsman Shri A.P. Singh, Senior Draughtsman Sini D.K, Verma, Senior Draughtsman Smt. Poonam Chaturved., Senior Draughtsman Shri A.K. Rai, Assistant Director Shri Amit Kumar, Geographer (From 12.03.2012) Shi Vinay Kumar Verma, Compiler Shri Kaushal Kishor Narayan, Compiler CONTENTS: ‘SI.No. ren penee 49 (i). Foreword Preface About the Atlas Acknowledgements PARTI: STATE Title Position of Uttar Pradesh in India 2011... Administrative Divisions 2011 x Change in the Boundaries of Administrative Unit 2001-2011 (Distict) Change in the Boundaries of Administrative Unit 2001-2011 (Tahsil) PART-II: ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 1951-2001, Administrative Divisions 1951 Administrative Divisions 1961 Administrative Divisions 1971 Administrative Divisions 1981 Administrative Divisions 1991 Administrative Divisions 2001 PART-II ; DISTRICT AND TAHSIL DISTRICT HAMIRPUR...... Tahoil Hamirpur Tahsil Rath Tahsil Sarila Tahsi| Maudaha Location codes with name DISTRICT MAHOBA Tahsil Kulpahar Tahsil Charkhari Tahsil Mahoba . Location codes with name DISTRICT BANDA Tahsil Banda Tahsl Baberu Tahsil Atarra ‘Tahsil Naraini E Location codes with name Page 23 45 6-7 840 12-18 14-415 16-417 48-19 20-21 22.08 557-566 560 560 561 562 63-566 567-574 569 570 871 572.574 575-584 5877 878 579 ‘SI.No. Title 50. DISTRICT CHITRAKOOT 50 (i). Tahsil Karwi 50 (i). Tahsil Mau Location codes with name 51. DISTRICT FATEHPUR 51 (i). Tahsil Bindki 51 (i). Tahsil Fatehpur 51 (ii). Tahsit Khaga Location codes with name DISTRICT PRATAPGARH Tahsil Lalganj Tahsil Kunda_ ‘Tahsil Pratapgarh Tahsil Patti Tahsil Raniganj ~ Location codes with name DISTRICT KAUSHAMBI Tahsil Sirathu Tahsil Manjhanpur Tahsil Chail Location codes with name DISTRICT ALLAHABAD Tahsil Soraon Tahsil Phulpur Tahsi Allahabad Tahsil Bara Tahsil Karchhiania Tahsil Handia Tahsil Meja ‘Tahsil Koraon Location codes with name DISTRICT BARABANKI Tahsil Fatehpur Tahsil Ramnagar Tahsil Nawabgani ‘Tahsil Sirauli Gauspur Tahsil Ramsanohighat Tahsil Haidergarh Location codes with name DISTRICT FAIZABAD Tahsil Rudauli Tahsi Mikipur ‘Tahsil Schawal Tahsil Faizabad xi Page 585-592 587 588 589-592 593-606 595 598 507 598-608 607-626 609 610 en 612 613 614-628 627-637 629 630 631 632-637 639-668 641 642 643 644 645 648 647 648 649-668 669-688 ort 672 673 674 675 676 677-688 689-702 601 692 603 604 Title Tahsil Bikepur Location codes with namo DISTRICT AMBEDKAR NAGAR Tahsil Tanda Tabsil Allapur Tahsil Jalalpur Tahsil Akbarpur Tahsil B Location codes with name DISTRICT SULTANPUR Tahsil Musafirkhana Tahsil Gauriganj Tabsil Amethi Tahsil Sultanpur Tahsl Jaisinghpur Tahsil Lambhua Tahsi Kadpur Location codes with name DISTRICT BAHRAICH . Tahsl Nanpara Tahsil Mahasi Tabs! Bahraich Tahsil Kaisorgan) 2 Location codes with name DISTRICT SHRAWASTI Tahsil Bhinga Tahsil kauna a Location codes with name DISTRICT BALRAMPUR, Tahsil Balrampur Tahsil Tulsipur Tahell Utraula Location codes with name DISTRICT GONDA Tahsi Gonda Tahsil Colonelganj Tahsil Tarabganj Tahsil Mankapur Location codes with name DISTRICT SIDDHARTHNAGAR Tahsil Shohratgarh Tahsll Naugarh xi 710-720 721-744 723 724 725 728 727 728 729 751-758 759-766 712-778 779-794 781 SI.No. 63 (iv). 63 (vy). 64 (i). 64 i) 64 (ii). 64 (hy). 65. 65 (i). 65 0). 6 (i). 65 (i) 65 (ii). 66. Title Tahsil Bansi Tahsil twa. Tahsil Dommariyaganj Location codes with namo DISTRICT BAST! Tahsil Bhanpur Tahsil Harraiya (Part)... Tahsil Harraiya (Part) Tahsil Basti (Part) Tahsil Basti (Part) Tahsil Rudhauli Location codes with name DISTRICT SANT KABIR NAGAR Tahsil Mehdawal (Part)... Tahsil Mehdawal (Part) Tahsil Khalilabad (Par)... ‘Tahsil Khalilabad (Part), Tahsil Ghenghata Location codes with name DISTRICT MAHRAJGANJ Tahsil Nautanwa Tahsil Nichlaul Tahsil Pharenda Tahsil Maharajgan| Location codes with name DISTRICT GORAKHPUR Tahsil Campierganj Tahsil Sahjanwa, Tahsil Gorakhpur (Part)... Tahsil Gorakhpur (Part) Tahsil Chauri Chaura Tahsil Bansgaon Tahisil Khaini Tahsil Gola (Part) Tahsil Gola (Part) Location codes with name DISTRICT KUSHINAGAR Tahsil Padrauna, Tahsil Hata Tahsil Kesya Tahsil Tamkuhi Raj Location codes with name xv Page 799 200 201 802-816 817-844 at9 820 821 822 823 ove 1S-922 Title DISTRICT DEORIA Tahsil Deoria (Part) ‘Tahsil Deoria (Pant) Tahsil Rudrapur Tahsi Barhaj Tahsil Salempur ‘Tahsi Bhatpar Rani... Location codes with name 70. DISTRICT AZAMGARH 70 (i). Tahsil Burhanpur 70 (i). Tahal Sagti 70 (ii). Tahsil Azamgaih 70 (iv). Tahsil Nizamabad 70 (v). Tabs! Phutpur 70 (vi). Tahsil Lalgan 70 (vil). Tahsil Mehnagar . Location codes with name DISTRICT MAU Tahsi Ghosi Tahsil Madhuban 71 (ii). Tahs Maunath Bhanjan 74 (iv). Tahsil Muhammadabad Gohna Location codes with namo ats . DISTRICT BALLIA 995-1017 Tahsi Relthara Road 997 Tahsil Sikanderpur $88 a 258 soe 998 Tahsil Rasa 999 Tahsil Ballia (Pat) sit = sit seu 1000 Tahsil Ballia (Part) 1001 Tahsi Bansdih sake see sak sone 1002 Tahsil Bairia 1003 Location codes with name 1004-1017 73. DISTRICT JAUNPUR 1019-1046 73 ()._ Tahsl Shahganj 1021 73 (i). Tahsil Badlapur ‘ eh ‘ 1022 73 (ii). Tahsil Machhlishahr 1023 73 (iv). Tahsil Jaunpur . son son son con 1024 73 (v). Tahsil Mariahu 3 - 1025 73 (vi). Tahsil Kerakat nee 1026 Location codes with name 1027-1046 74. DISTRICT GHAZIPUR ..... 1047-1074 74 (i). Tahsil Jakhanian 1049 74 (i). Tahsi Saidpur 1050 SI.No. 74 (ii). 74 (Wv). 74 (W). 75. 75 (i). 7 i). 7 (ii). 76. 76 (i. 76 (i). 77. 7 7 ii. 77 ii). 78. 78 (i). Title Tahel Ghazipur ahs Mohammedabad Tahsil Zamania Location codes with namo DISTRICT CHANDAULI Tahsil Sakaldita Tahsil Chandauli Tahsil Chakia Location codes with name DISTRICT VARANASI Tahsil Pindra Tahsil Varanasi Location codes with name . DISTRICT SANT RAVIDAS NAGAR (BHADOHI) Tahsil Bhadohi Tahsil Gyanpur ‘Tahsil Aurai Location codes with name DISTRICT MIRZAPUR Tahsl Mirzapur Tahsil Lalgan} Tahsil Marihan Tahsil Chunar Location codes with name DISTRICT SONBHADRA Tahsil Ghorawal Tahsil Robertsgen| (Par) Tahsil Robertsganj (Part) Tahsl Dudhi Location codes with name DISTRICT ETAH Tahsil Aliganj Tahsil Etah Tahsil Jalesar Location codes with name DISTRICT KANSIRAM NAGAR * Tahsil Kasganj Tahsil Sahawar Tahsil Patiyali Location codes with name * Newly Created Dsinct ** Newly Created Tans xvi Page 1051 1052 son 1058 1054-1074 1075-1088 1077 1078 sen 1079 1080-1088 1089-1100 1091 sous 1092 1093-1100 1101-1112 1108 1104 1105 1105-1112 1113-1130 1115 16 117 118 1119-1190, 1191-1145 1133 1134 1135 1136 4197-1145 1147-1156 1149 1150 é 1151 1152-1156 1157-1166 1159 1160 1161 1162-1166 STATE Year Area District Sub-distrfct Village Town (in Sq. Kim.) (No) (No.) (No) (No.) 2001 2a0928 70 300 107452 704 2011 2aoges n a12 106773 915 MAP 1 INDIA POSITION OF UTTAR PRADESH IN INDIA 2011 INDIA : ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS 2001-2011 6 7 NDIA so 7H «SSSwaYSCSOMN Rte 7899 SSN «4000 1 Janu Kasha 4 ° 2 50 mo © % we see Gos 2 Himactal Pragest 2 = 2 10 8 Ww oF mane 20600 3 Pina 7 a 2 . 5 7 wesra 1 4 change 1 = 1 1 ° 1 1 e a . 5 Wtaiaeandt 8 - 8 « 2 HG 8B tH 7H 8 Payne 1 2 a or i 7 NeTot Dain 8 - ® a o FF @ 18 1 12 8 Rajesthan @ 1 so 8 haar anges 4D 9 Umar Pragosn 1 nm say se s9 tore 108713 0 Bhat ar 1 was i ne sin 4 = 4 « ° 8 o 9 481 12 Aturactal Pradesh 8 3 wae o wm 1 a 5500 12 gslond ° 2 a" 2 aw ° migra 48 Menu 8 - ° we o 8 8 S| 2a 28 18 Maoxan, 8 = 8 » a mR aD 16 Tapia 4 - Be 2 © «4 2 m8 $7 Mocha 7 = ? 2 7 8 6 2 som aR 16 Assan 2 4 an ie Waste aa. to West Banal 18 1 owt ee 2) nasinand 18 © eT) © 0 agg aa 2 oti 20 = wr was sata 2 Chhatgarn 16 2 © o ew 7 we 20106 23 Madtya Prados 8 5 0 aH es we @ 46 sau A Gal % 1 me ott, 19285 Daman & Das 2 - 2 ? ° 2 2 ° 8 28 Data % Nagar Have 1 = 1 ‘ ° 1 ° m0 6 2 Nabaraahs 6 = se @ S47 430 28 Anda Pradesh a = Bu 3 20 8328128700 Karratha a a oS 1 oo My 2940s 0300 2 oe 2 = 2 1 ° a“ mo mH at Laktatoap 1 7 1 4 % a é ” a Kaa 4 = 4 6 ° ee ee) 8 TamiNecs 0 2 2m 4 we 107 tN 15870 9 Pacstorny ‘ - 4 oor « 40 we © & _Atsaman & Nicoba b 2 1 8 Z 2 8 oe * Figures in brackets indieate merger of Sub-dstiet, PONS MNT y This map depicts the administrative setup of Uttar Pradesh as it existed at the Census 2011. The state boundary has no effect on the jurisdictional status of Uttar Pradesh as it existed at Census 2001, During 2001-11, the now district of Kanshiram Nagar was established on 15 April 2008 by separating Kasganj, Patiyali and Sahawar tahsils from Etah district, thereby number of districts in Uttar Pradesh increased to 71. Its headquarters is al Kasganj. The Pe) name of the Hathras district was changed as ‘Mahamaya Nagar. Besides, the new revenue division of Aligarh was cteated and includes four districts namely Aligarh, Mahamaya Nagar, Etah and newly created Kanshiram Nagar by bifurcating Agra division. Its headquarters is at Aligarh. At Census 2011, Uttar Pradesh was divided into seventy one districts under eighteen divisions as presented below : 4, Saharanpur Division 2. Moradabad Owision » Meerut Division 11, Bulandshahr ‘Agra Division Aligarh Division Bareilly Division 20. Lucknow Division BN Ome Kanpur Dvision Kanpur Dehat ©, Jhansi Division Chitrekoot Division & 8 8 BSR 11. Allahabad Division 42. Faizabed Division a7 48. Devi Patan Division 51 14. Basti vision 55, 18. Gorakhpur Division 58. 16. Azamgarh Division 47. Varanasi Division 18,_Vidhyachal Division 1, Saharanpur, 2, Muzaffarnagar 3, Bijnor, 4, Moradabad, 5, Rampur, 6. Jyotiba Phule Nagar 7. Meerut, 8 Baghpat, 9. Ghaziabad, 10. Gautam Buddha Nagar 12, Mathura, 19. Agta, 14, Firozabad, 1. Mainpuri 16, Aligarh, 17. Mahamaya Nagar. 18, Etah, 19. Kansiram Nagar Budaun, 21. Bareilly, 22. Pilibtit, 23. Shahjahanpur Kheri, 25. Sitapur, 25, Hardoi, 27. Unnao, 28. Lucknow, 29, Rae Barell Farukhabad, 31. Kannau, 92. Etawah, $3. Auraiya, 34. Kanpur Nagar, Jalaun,37.Jhansi, 98. Lalitpur Hamirpur 49. Mahove, 41, Banda, 42. Chitrakoot Fatehpur, 44. Pratapgarh, 45. Kaushambi, 46.Allahabad Bara Banki, 48 Faizabad, 49. Ambedkar Nagar, 60. Sultanpur Bahraich, 62. Shrawasti, 53.Balrampur, 54.Gonda, Siddharthnagar, §6.8asil, 57. Sant Kabir Nagar Maharajaan), 52. Gorakhpur, 60. Kushinagar, 61. Deoria 62, Azamgarh, 63, Mau, 64 Ballia 65, Jaunpur, 66. Ghazipur, 67. Chandeuli, 68. Varanasi 69, Sant lavides Nagar Bhadohi, 70. Mirzapur, 71, Sonbhacra MAP 2 UTTAR PRADESH ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 2011 TIN a0 et] on) The map depicts changes in administrative boundaries during 2001-2011 at Sub-district level in Uttar Pradesh. Inter-district, intra-district territorial changes occurred during the decade 2001-2011 have been shown on the map by two different colours as shown in the legend of the map. Smaller territorial changes in district and tahsil are shown in red solid dot and blue solid dot, respectivaly and specified by respective numbers. The newly created tahsiis during 2001-2011 is shown on the map by shade. These inter-district and intra-cistrict changes along with the year of change are described in the face of the map. ‘A\ the Sub-district level, Uttar Pradesh was divided into 300 tahsils in 2001, The number of tahsils distributed undor 71 districts incroased to $12 in 2011 due to emergence of thirteen new tahsiis located in thirteen districts and merger of Payagpur tahsil of Shrawasti district into Bahraich tahsil of Bahraich district. ‘The Rampur Maniharan tahsil was created in Saharanpur district by adding 187 villages from Deoband tahsil. The Khatauli tahsil was created in Muzatfamagar district by transferring eight villages from Budhana tahsil and 12 villages from Jansath tahsilinclucing Khatauli Rural census town. The Kanth tahsil was created in Moradabad district by adding 27 villages from Thakurdwara tahsil and 173 villages {rom Moradabad tahsil. The Tanda tahsil was created in Rampur district by adding 112 villages trom Suar tahsil plus Tanda town and 68 villages from Rampur tahsil. The Raniganj tahsil was created in Pratapgarh distiict by adding 268 villages from Pati tahsil and 35 villages from Pratapgath tahsil. The Sahawar tahsil was cieated in Kansiram Nagar distict by wansferring 180 vitages from Kasganj tahsil. The Mahavan tahsil was created in Mathura district by adcing 106 villages from Mathura tahsil and 57 villages irom Mat tahsil. The Saiila tahsil was oreated in Hamirpur district by adding 120 villages from Rath tahsil. The Bhiti tehsil was created in Ambedkar Nagar district by adding 257 villages trom Akbarpur tahsil, The Jai Singh Pur tahsil was created in Sultanpur district by adding 275 villages from Sultanpur tahsi and 118 villages trom Kadipur taheil, The Aurai tahsil was croated in Sant Ravidas Nagar (Bhadohi) district by adding 282 villages from Gyanpur tahsil and £0 villages and Khamaria town from Bhadohi tabsil Besides these, some inter-district changes were also occurred during the decade. Entire Payagpur tahsil of Shrawasti district was transferredto Bahraich disttict. The inter-district changes along with the year of change and number of villages and towns transferred from/to the affected districts is given below as Sl Transferred From ‘Transferred To Year of No. Change | 7 villages of Meerut tahail of Meorut district. ‘Ghaziabad (Hepur Tehsil) 2002 ii 19 vitages irom Dacri Tahsil and 31 villages ftom Jewar Tansil ‘and Kakod of Gautam Buddha District Bulandshabr 2002 lil Entre Kasgan| anc Patiyal tansil of Etan district Newly created Karshiram Nagar 2008 v8 vilages of Jalesar of Etah district Frozebad (Tundia Tahell) 2001 Vv £4 vilages of Powayan tahsil of Shahjahanpur district Pilibhit (Puranpur Tahsi) 2004 Vi 24 vllages of atarra tans! of Banda district ‘Chitrakoot (Karwi Tanst) 2000 ‘vil Entire Payagpur tehsil of Shrawasti district Bahraich (Gahraich Tahei) 2001 vill 19 vilages of Chunar tahsil of Mirzapur district Sonbhadra (Robertsgan)) 2001 & 21 vilages of Maudaha tahsil of Hamirpur distict Nahoba (Mehoba tahsi) 2004 x 2 villages of Sikohabad tahsil of Firozabad district ‘Agra (Bah Tahsi) 2001 Xi Gopalpur vitage of Hata tansil ot Kusninagar Decrla (Deora Tansii) 2002 xii Korlya M. Kop. of Recta tahsil of Balla cisiriet Nau (Maunath Bhanjan Taheil) xl Hasimpur Chhabilepur vilage cf Chall Tahsil of Kaushambi district Allahabad (Allahabad Tats) 2009 6 MAP 4 UTTAR PRADESH (CHANGE IN THE BOUNDARIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT 2001-2011 (TAHSIL) CEO UN Lie) UTTARPRADESH 90012, 12, 2810, ete 660826707482 406779, ot Saharanpur 4 4 5 8 7 2 a 5 rene 1972 02 Muzettamagar 5 1 86 mM = a 4 6 1 1051019 03 Blinor 5 - 6 we - a 3 8 ® 2080 © 2084 04 Moradepad 5 4 68 2 = oo) 1 4 5 1e00 1753 05 Rampur 5 1 8 8 = a 2 2 118568 06 JyotbaPhuleNagar = 3 38 _ zB 1 1 4128 07 Meerut 3 = 38 4 - “2 2 4 om oes 08 Baghat 3 - 3 8 - a - - 35 3H 09 Ghazabad ay se | wm 58 ot ou se 547 10 Galan BuddiaNagr 93 = 93 8 = 6 2 5 422 © 300 41 Bulandshahr To- 7 fH a = 4 4 11971242 42 Aligarh ee @) 1) 120199 13° Mohemaya Nagar a «eC; _" - a 3 or oee 14 Mathur 304 4 fF = 7 2 6 380874 18 Agra se) ele = uw 3 1 1 m8 909 16 Firozabad 4 = # 6 = 62 1 3 14807 17 Manpus 3 = 3 8 = e - - - 8540 aS 48 Budaun 6 - ¢ @ - a - - 2081 20et 19° Bareilly 6 - 6 a - a e 0 2070 20st 20. Pibht aly) sha - 9 = 2 149 MB 21 Shabjahanpur ae) «ay | i - m2 mae 2 Khasi 5 6 1 | 7 - 4 4 tao 1704 23 Sitapur sey «aye - Aa = 1 1 2ale 238 24 Hard se) slae, - Bw 4 E = 2070 «©2070 28 Umea’ sie oie - we 4 2 3 1744705. 26 Lucknow 4 = 4 9 4 mw 2 2 ga «807 27 Ree Bare 7 tie Oe am = 1731778 20° Farnkhabed a| 2 ale - a = 2 1007 1005, 2 Kenny sey tae a - ES = 72782 30 Etawah Bo - 5 6 6 z - e282 81 Auraiye 2 foe CC; [z= Es 2 ai 80 82 Kanpur Dent Bo - 56 Ff e414 2 3 tos 1029 3 Kenpur Nagar 3 - 3 6 - 64 . 4 1003 1003, 4 Jaloun se «i - we 4 ~ tert S$ Jhanal oie sie = 1% 2 1 3 9 816 36 Laltgur 3 ce = im = ie 2 778782 7 Hamipur sien «ie - a 5 a ea Gar Se Meneos sey =e - a - e - 800 sat 3 Banda a) «ye = a = = 2 78 8a 40 Chitrakoot 2 Me - a = 1 0 6s6 41 Fatenpur 3 - 3 6 1 7 - - 1 1815 42 Pratapoam 4 4 5 7 = tO 2 2 mie mi7 42 Kauenambi alee) ele - a 2 2 ace (ace 44 _Allanabad B= 8 fee ee soe 2053 UTTARPRADESH = 30013 Barabanki - Fazebea Ambedkar Nagae Sutenpur Banraicn Shawaet # 2arempur ‘Gonda Sidchartinagar Bost ‘Sent Keir Nagar Meharaigan) Geratrpur Kushinager Deoria Azamgarh Mas Balla Jaunpur razpur Chandeul Veranasi ‘Sent Favidas Nagar ‘Bhadohi) irzepur sonprara teh Kenehiram Nagar* QERLBRAISSRVSHL BRIS SERS VeeR 1 Noe eo vision amaarmaonns 10 84368208267 = HOTA 106773 1 wo4 3 3 yee 1000 = m - a 3 12121268 1 5 8 1 4 17801750 - .) 1 4 5 25st 2507 # a = 1 1 ie 1390 i. a = Es - 7a at . ay - 2 2 seer 1015 = 6 4 3 4 111817 2 a - 2 2 2832 2505, 1 a a S past ao - 44 1 2 er 178 - 6 1 1 12881262 . 2 o4 5 6 a7 3310 m i - 1 1 tet 1698 = i = z = 2161 2162 - 8 5 8 aes 4101 # oz 5 1 162 © 1510 = = ie 2 2960 ©2361 = e+ 4 5 soee gaat = a 2 = 3364 s367 e a tl 8 6 tee 1829 “ 5 6 8 om 1071204 % 7) 4 4 4 jee aT 4 2 6 6 100s 1081 2 w 2 8 saa a0 = a? - 1 1 e288 = on - 1 1 7715 ee Eee |vileges classified as Census Towns/Out crowns Jviteges noted ay Statutory Towne vileges Merged into Omer Towns |vitenes Merged with cher villages Daleted Forest Vilagas (Census 200%) [Total 2011 villages Pa fe statutory Towns Merced with cther towns [Census Town Merged with oter Towns De-Ciacsifed Statutory Towne which [could not be treated as Census Towns Do.Ctassifed Census Town [Total 2011 Towns * Nowy Creat Distt carved oul fom Etah Ostet 4 Pavagpar Tai metoud wh Batra Tail of anal flstict 40 PART - Il ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 1951-2001 ADMINISTRATIV! This map depicts the administrative divisions of Uttar Pradesh as existed at the Census 1951 but the outer jurisdictional boundary of the state is retained as in Census 2011. During the decade 1941-51, the administrative set up witnessed considerable changes because of the independence of the country in 1947. The British paramountcy over the Princely states lapsed and most of these acceded te the Indian Union. The Uttar Pradesh state was formed out of 44 British districts and one Princely VISIC Tr) state of Rampur of United Province. The Princely state Banares of United Province marged with Banares district. The Princely states of Central India Agency such as Charkhari, Satila, Jigni, Beri, and Banoi (partly) were merged with Hamirpur district. Remaining part of the Banoi Princely state was merged with Jalaun district. Deoria district was created out of the Gorakhpur district, Thus with the addition of Rampur and Deoria, the number of districts rose to 46 in 1951. These districts were grouped into 9 revenue divisions as given below : 1. Meerut Division 2. Agra Division 3. Rohilkhand Division 4. Allahabad Division 5. Jhansi Division 6. Banares Division 7. Gorakhpur Division 8. Lucknow’ Division 9. Falzabad Division 1. Saharanpur (part), 2. Muzattarnagar (pert), 3. Meerut, 4. Bulandshahr Aligarh, 8, Agra, 7. Mathura, 8. Mainpuri, 9. Elah 10, Bareilly, 11. Bjnor (part), 12, Budaun, 19. Moradabad, 14. Shahjahanpur| 16. Piliohit, 18, Rampur 47 Farrukhabad, 18. Etawah, 19, Kanpur, 20, Fatehpur, 21. Allahabad 22. Jnansi,23, Jelaun, 24, Hamirpur, 25, Banda 26 Banares, 27. Mirzapur, 28. Jaunpur, 29. Ghazipur, 30. Ballia 81, Gorakhpur, 82. Deoria, 88, Basti, 94, Azamgarh 95, Lucknow, 26. Unnao, 97. Rae Bareli, 88, Sitapur, 29. Hardoi, 40. Kheri 41, Faizebad, 42. Gonda, 49. Bahraich, 44. Sultanpur, 45. Pratapgarh, 46. Bara Banki 12 MAP 5 UTTAR PRADESH ‘0 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 1951 of v9 uonernes no nena Sa BOUNDARIES Tomelaseueo acess HP. HIMACHAL PRADESH eine Se Ur revoent na NT CENOOS V.P> VINDHYA PRADESH aa Aone. 13. CONDI a Und ence This map of Uttar Pradesh shows the administrative set-up within the state as existed at the Census 1961 but the outer jurisdictional boundary of the state is retained as in Census 2011. The state was unaffected by the States Roorganisation Act, 1956. There wate no changes during the decade 1951-61 in extemal and internal boundaries except few minor changes in the districts ‘of Moradabad, Rampur and Pilbhit, District Banares was renamed as Varanasi during the decade. The slate was bounded by Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Delhi and Rajasthan in the west, Madhya Pradesh in the south, Bihar in the east, Nepal and Uttarakhand in the north. For a long distance its western boundary is formed by the river Yamuna. The tapering portion of the eastem boundary with Bihar is formed by the Ganga and Ghaghara rivers which meet at the eastern most extremity of the state. At the time of Census 1961 the state was ivided into 46 districts and these districts were grouped into 9 revenue divisions as given below: 1, Rohilkhand Division 2, Meerut Division 8, Agra Division 4. Allahabad Division 5. Jhansi Division 6. Lucknow Division 31. Kheri 7. Faizabad Division 97. Bara Banki 8. Gorakhpur Division 9. Varanasi Division 1. Bareilly, 2. Bijnor (part), 3. Budaun, 4. Moradabad, 5. Shahjahanpur, 6. Pilibhit (part), 7. Rampur 8. Saharanpur (part), 9. Muzaffarnagar (part), 10. Meerut, 11, Bulandshahr 42. Aligarh, 19. Agra, 14. Mathura, 15. Mainpuri, 16. Etah 17. Fanukhabad, 18. Etawah, 19. Kanpur, 20. Fatehpur, 21. Allahabad] 22. Jhansi, 23. Jalaun, 24. Hamirpur, 25. Banda. 26, Lucknow, 27. Unnao, 28. Ras Bareli, 29. Sitapur, 30. Hardoi, 32. Faizabad, 33. Gonda, 34. Bahraich, 35. Sultanpur, 36. Pratapgarh, 38, Gorakhpur, 39. Deoria, 40. Basti, 41. Azamgarh 42. Varanasi, 43. Mirzapur, 44. Jaunpur, 45. Ghazipur, 46. Ballia 44 MAP 6 UTTAR PRADESH ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 1961 KILOMETRES 29.0, 2040 «© 80109 BA Be sore eee font HP. HIMACHAL PRADESH reo ODI Uae, RTT This map exhibits the administrative set-up of transferred to Ballia district and similarly 27 and 17 Uttar Pradesh as it existed at the Census 1971 but _ vilages of Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh were transferred the outer jurisdictional boundary retained as in Census 2011. Dur 1961-71, 65 villages of Shahabad of the state is to Shahabad and Saran district respectively dus to ing the decade sifting course of Ganga and Ghaghara rivers. There district and 36 were no major inter-district changes reported during the villages of Saran district of Bihar state were decade except few minor changes as given below : Areain Sq. Km. Transferred from Transferred to Number of Villages Year 13.00 District Meerut District Moradabad 4 18.06.1968 Tans Hapur Tahsil Hasenpur 14.72 District Kanpur District Unnae on 18.06.1968 Tansi Biinaur ‘Tahsi Satipur 13.13 District Unnao District Kanpur 6 18.06.1966 Tahsii Unneo Tahsil Kanpur & Bilhaur 37.08 District Fatehpur District Rae Baret o7 25.08.1968 Tahsil Bindi Tahsil Dalrmau 10.60 District Basti District Faizabad e 1966 Tats! Bast Tatisi Tanda 1.26 District Mirzapur District Varanasi ot 08.04.1969 Tahsil Mirzapur Tahsii Gyanpur The administrative set-up around the stale was distiicls were grouped into 9 revenue divisions as remained unchanged. At the time of Census 1971, given below : the state was divided into 46 districts and these 1. Rohilkhand Division 2, Meerut Division 3. Agra Division 4, Allahabad Division 5, Jhansi Division 6. Lucknow Division 7. Faizabad Division 8, Gorakhpur Division 9. Varanasi Division 1. Barely, 2. Bjnor (part), 9. Budaun, 4. Moradabad, 5. Shabjahanpur, 6. Pilibhit, 7. Rampur 8, Saharanpur (patt), 9. Muzaffarnagar (part), 10. Meerut, 11. Bulandshahr 12. Aligarh, 13. Agra, 14. Mathura, 15. Mainpuri, 16. Etah 17. Farukhabad, 18. Etawah, 19. Kanpur, 20. Fatehpur, 21. Allahabad 22. Jhansi, 23. Jalaun, 24. Hamirpur, 25. Banda 26. Lucknow, 27. Unnao, 28. Rae Bareli, 29. Sitapur, 30. Hardoi, 31, Kheri 32. Faizabad, 33. Gonda, 34. Bahraich, 35. Sullanpur, 36. Pratapgath, 87. Bara Banki 88. Gorakhpur, 89. Deoria, 40, Basti, 41. Azamgarh 42. Varanasi, 43. Mirzapur, 44. Jaunpur, 45. Ghazipur, 46. Ballia ‘Among the districts, the largest and smallest in area were Mirzapur (11,042 sq. Km.) and Rampur (2,974 sq. Km) respectively. 16 NAP 7 UTTAR PRADESH ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 1971 HP. HIMACHAL PRADESH KILOMETRES ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIC This map represents the administrative divisions of Uttar Pradesh as it existed at the Census 1981 but the outer jurisdictional boundary of the state is, tetained as in Census 2011. During the decade 1971-81, two new districts namely Lalitpur and Ghaziabad were created, thereby number of districts in Uttar Pradesh increased to 48. Lalitpur district was formed from entire Lalitpur and Mehroni tahsils of Jhansi district in 1975. Similarly new district of Ghaziabad was created in 1976 with entire tahsil of Ghaziabad, 282 villages of Hapur tahsil of Meerut district and 178 villagas of Sikandrabad tahsil of Bulandshahr district. Besides these, one village fully and one village partly of Unnao district transferred to Bilhaur tahsil of Kanpur district in 1978. Rohilkhnad revenue division was also bifurcated in two divisions namely Moradabad and Bareilly during 1971-81. The administrative set-up around the state was similar to that of 1971. At the time of Census 1981, the state was divided into 48 districts and these districts were grouped into 10 revenue divisions as given below 1. Meerut Division 5. Ghaziabad 2, Motadebad Division 8. Bareilly Division 4. Agra Division 5. Allahabad Division 6. Jhansi Division 7. Lucknow Division 83. Kheri 8, Faizabad Division 39. Bara Banki 9. Gorakhpur Division 10. Varanasi Division 1. Saharanpur (part), 2. Muzaffarnagar (part), 3. Meerut, 4. Bulandshahr, 6. Bijnor (part), 7. Moradabad, 8, Rampur 9. Bareilly, 10. Budaun, 11. Shahjahanpur, 12. Pilbhit 18. Aligarh, 14. Agta, 15. Mathura, 16. Mainpuri, 17. Ftah 18. Farrukhabad, 19. Etawah, 20. Kanpur, 21. Fatehpur, 22. Allahabad| 23, Jhansi, 24, Jalaun, 25, Hamirpur, 26. Banda, 27. Laliipur 28. Lucknow, 29. Unnao, 80. Rae Bareli, 31. Sitapur, 32. Hardoi, 34, Falzabad, 35, Gonda, 36. Bahraich, 37. Sullanpur, 38. Pratapgarh, 40, Gorakhpur, 41. Deoria, 42. Basti, 49. Azamgarh 44, Varanasi, 45. Mirzapur, 46. Jaunpur, 47. Ghazipur, 48. Ballia Lucknow division ranks first in terms of area (91,596 sq. Km.) closely followed by Faizabad 31,318 sq. Km.). The smallest division was Moradabad with an area of 13,182 sq. Km. Among the districts, the largest and smallest in area vere Mirzapur (11,042 sq. Km.) and Rampur (2,967 sq. Km.) respectively. 18 NAP 8 UTTAR PRADESH ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 1981 KILOMETRES meee soo BOUNDARIES :- Wren te USDOL Bunt o-—-— —— Srumatnouen san sarcees aoe i HP.- HIMACHAL PRADESH Demet ena This map dopicts tho administrative setup of Uttar Pradesh as it existed at the Census 1991 but the outer jurisdictional boundary of the state is retained as in Census 2011. During the decade 1981-91, six new districts namely Firozabad, Kanpur Nagar, Siddharthnagar, Maharajganj, Mau and ‘Sonbhadra were created, thereby number of districts in Uttar Pradosh increased to 54. Firozabad district was created in 1989 by taking 66 villages and Tundla Urban Agglomeration of Etmadpur tahsil and entire Firozabad tahsil of Agra district and entire tahsils of Jasrana and Shikohabad of Mainpuri district. Kanpur Nagar district was created in 1981 by bifurcating erstwhile Kanpur tahsil of Kanpur district. Remaining part of the Kanpur district was renamed as Kanpur Dehat. District Siddharthnagar was formed in 1989 by transfeiring entire Naugarh tahsil along with Domariaganj (excluding 192 villages) and Bansi tahsil (exciuding 280 villages) of Rasti district. Maharajganj district was separated from Gorakhpur distict in 1987 by merging of entire Maharajganj and Pharenda (excluding 142 villages) tahsils. Mau district was created in 1988 by transferring 174 villages of Rasta tahsil of Bal district along with Muhammadabad tahsil (excluding VISIC Ta) 386 and two towns) and entire Ghosi tahsil of Azamgarh district. Disttict Sonbhadra was formed in 1989 by transferting entire Robertsganj end Ouchi tahsils of Mirzapur district. Distict Hardwar was also jormed in 1988 by transferring 25 villages of Najibabad tahsil of Biinor district, 53 villages of Muzaffamagar tahsil/district and entire Roorkee tahsil of Saharanpur district. Thi is not shown in the map because the district is within the current lutisdiction of Uttarakhand state since Census 2001. In addition to above changes during 1981-91, 18 villages of Ballabhgarh tahsil of Faridabad district, of Haryana state wore transferred to Uttar Pradesh in 1983. Of these, 4 villages were merged with Dadri tahsil of Ghaziabad and remaining 14 villages with Sikandranad tahsil of Bulandshahr district. Kanpur revenue division was also created by bifurcating the Allahabad division, Pratapgarh district was included in Allahabad division from Faizabad division, Except these changes, the administrative set-up around the state was similar to that of 1981. At the time of Census 1981, the state was divided into 54 districts and these districts were grouped into 11 revenue divisions as given below: 1. Meerut Division 5. Ghaziabad 2, Moradabad Division 8. Bareilly Di jon 4. Agra Division 13. 5. Kanpur Division 19. 6. Jhansi Division 23 7. Lucknow Division 28, 8. Allahabad Division 34 9. Faizabad Division 87. 10. Gorakhpur Divi 42, 47. Mabarajgani, 48. 11. Varanasi Division 49, 54. Sonbhadra 1, Saharanpur (part), 2, Muzaffamagar (part), 3. Meerut, 4. Bulandshahr, 6. Biinor (att), 7, Moradabad, 8, Rampur 9, Bareilly, 10. Budaun, 11, Shahjahanpur, 12. Pilibhit Aligarh, 14. Agra, 15. Mathura, 18. Mainpuri, 17. Etah, 18. Firozabad| Fartukhabad, 20. Etawah, 21. Kanpur Nagar, 22. Kanpur Dehat Jhansi, 24. Jalaun, 25. Hamiur, 26. Banda, 27. Lalitpur Lucknow, 29. Unnao, 30, Rae Bareli, 31. Stapur, 32. Hardoi, 33, Kher Fatehpur, 35. Allahabad, 36. Pratapgarh Feizabad, 98. Gonda, 99. Bahraich, 40. Sultanpur, 41. Bera Banki Gorakhpur, 43. Deoria, 44, Basti ‘5. Azamgath, 46, Siddharthnagar, Mau Varanasi, 50, Mirzapur, 51. Jaunpur, 52. Ghazipur, 53. Balla, ‘Among the districts, the largest and smallest in area were Kheti (7,680 sq. Km.) and Mau (1,713 sq. Km) respectively. 20 MAP 9 UTTAR PRADESH ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 1991 OLOMETRES HP. HIMAGHAL PRADESH 24 OMNIS During 1991-2001 decade three new states are added in the list of states in the county taking the total nurnber ‘1 States and Union taritories to thirty va. These are Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Chhattisarh. Uttarakhand slate is formed by taking out nine northern hilly districts o' the former Uttar Pradesh whereas Jharkhandis carved ‘out by taking out thirteen districts from southern part of the tormer Bihar state. Chhattisgarh is created by taking ‘out seven districts located in the eastom part of the former Madhya Pradesh, Due to the creation ofabovenew states ‘the boundaries of the state of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh alco changed.Utter Pradesh state ‘comprised of sixty-three disiricts in 1991. Nine districts of the erstwhile state were transterredto tha newly created state of Uttarakhand, The remaining fity-tour districts of 1961 increased to seventy in 2001 due to emergence of sixteen newdistricts within the state, Meant, Moradabad, Farrukhabad, Etawan, Hamirpur, Banda, Allahabad, Deoria, Bahraich and Gonda were bifurcated and as a resultten new detricts of Baghpat, Jyotiba Phule Nagar, Kannau), Auraiya, Mahoda, Chitrekoot, Kaushambi, Kushinager, Shrawasti and Belrampur wore created respectively. Besides, two new districts namely, Chandaul and Sant Ravidas Nagar (Bhadohi) are carved out from the old Varanasi istrict. The remaining four new districts namely, Gautam Buddha Nager, Hathras, Ambedkar Nagar and Sant Kabir Nagar were formed by taking parts of mere ‘hanone adjoining districts. District Gautam Buccha Nacar was formed in 1997 by taking of entira Dadri tahsil (excluding villages), 6vilages of Hapur Tahsil (both from Ghaziabad), 152 vilages and 3 towns of Sikancrabed, 104 villages and 9 towns of Khurja tahsil (both from Bulandshahr). Wnereas Hathras cistrct wasalso created in 1997 by transferring of entre Hathras tahsil, 162vilages, 3 towns of Sikandrabad tahsil of Aligarh cistrict and 194 villages, 2 towns of Sadabad tahsil of district Mathura, Similarly, Ambedkar Nagar district was formedin 1997 by ‘he merger of entire Akbarpur, Jalaipur and Tanda lahsis of Faizabad district anc 25 villages of Burhanpur tahsilof Azamgach district. District Sant Kabir Nagar was also ‘ormed in 1997 by trannstering of entire Knallabad tehsil, 131 villages of Bast tahsil of Basti district and 181 villages, of Bansi tahsi of Sidcharthnagar cistrct. The map reveals ‘he administrative setup of Uttar Pradesh as existed at tho Consus 2011. Aftor creation of Uttarakhand (by taking out 13 district of U.P) on 9" November 2000, the State of Uttar Pradesh came in new shape. At the Census 2001 the state was comprised of 70 districts as shown on the map, For acmnistrative Control the distrcts (70) of the state ere grouped in 17 revenue division as givan balow 1, Saharanpur Division 2, Moradabad Division 8, Meerut Division 4, Agra Division 1, Saharanpur, 2. Muzaffarnagar 8, Binor, 4. Moradabad, 5. Rampur, 6. Jyotiba Phule Nager 7. Meerut, 8. Baghpet, 9. Ghaziabad, 10, Gautam Buddha Nagar, 11. Bulandshahr 42. Aligarh, 19. Hathras, 14. Mathura, 15. Agra, 18. Firozebad, 17. Etah, 18. Mainouri 5, Bareilly Division 6, Lucknow Division 7. Kanpur Division 8, Jhansi Division 9, Chitvakcot Division 10. Allahabad Division 11, Faizebad Division 12Devi Patan Division 13.Basti Dvision 14, Gorakhpur Division 18. Azamgarh Division 16. Varanasi Dvision 17. Vidhyachal Division 49, Budaun, 20, Bareilly, 21. Pilibhit, 22. Shahjahanpur 28, Kheri, 24. Sitapur, 25, Harloi, 28. Unnao, 27. Lucknow, 28, Rae Bareli 28, Ferrukhabad, 20, Kannauj, 31. Etawah, 92. Auraiya, 93. Kanpur Negar, 34, Kanpur Denat 36, Jalaun, 96.Jhansi, 37. Lalitpur 38. Hamirpur, 98, Mahoba, 40. Banda, 41. Chitrakoot 42, Fatenpur, 43, Pratapgarh, 44, Kaushampi, 45.Allahabad 46, Bara Banki, 47, Faizabad, 48, Ambedkar Nagar, 49. Sultanpur 50, Bahraich, 61, Shiawast, 52 Balrampur, 53.Gonda 54, Siddherthnagar, 55.Basti, 58. Sant Kabir Nagar 57, Maharajganj, 58. Gorakhpur, 59, Kushinagar, 60, Deoria 81. Azamegarh, 62, Mau, 63. Ballia 64, Jaunpur, 65. Ghazipur, 86. Chandaull, 67. Varanas| 688. Sant Ravidas Nagar Bhadohil, 69, Mirzapur, 70. Sonbhacra 22 MAP 10 UTTAR PRADESH ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 2001 keowerses = > 26 00 a0 @9 80108 22 Pee ey DISTRICT HAMIRPUR 558 MAP 47()) UTTAR PRADESH TAHSIL HAMIRPUR aware DISTRICT HAMIRPUR reteaess Lebeeees 559 MAP 47(i) 560 VRaVS TISHVL wsa0vig LIA 561 MAP 47(Wv) uncuIYH LORLSIG VHVONVIN TISHVL weave evn 562 PCa ume GLa aN l-:)) Location Tahsils’ Location] [ Location Tahsiis’ __Losation| [ Location Tahsilsi__Lovation Gode2011 villagesiTowns Code | |code2011 villages/Towns Code | |coce 2011 villages/Towns Code (MOS) zor | | (woos) zori_| | (woos) 2001 (00864 Hamirpur oct | | 153680 Sansa’ cae7ce00| | 159797 Atrer (04676800 183681 Kusaul 04671000 | 153738 Banda (04676700 Teresa 4068800 | | 453662 Baines Pal c4e7st00| | 484722 Chandaul Jer 04676800 ee eee cee 180603 Jakhola 4671200 | | 153740 Nadohra. 04676000. am 482664 Thoneher 04671900 | 150741 Babine 04677000 pseae, Nereuarn 04665700 | | s¢85, Fithart cae7taoo0| | 133742 Ragaura o4e77i00 ee gaessee0 | | 189686 Chekothi 4671500 | 159743. Baru! 04677200 Amen Met 4666000 | | 153687 Lahora c4ezt600 | | 158744 Bank (04677300 Tees! Sr c#eee000 | | 5688 Gujraure caezr700 | | 158745 Para ‘4677400 ste | Bon [4666100 | | 4E3680 Knarente 04€71800| | 153745 Vedokharhedni 08677500, 159682. Siw 04666200 | | 453600 Kareeur caezt000| | 153747 Shacipur 04677800 Seaerey oem 4666900 | | ssc6et Kekraw 4672000 | | 15074 Vedokrar Puri 04677700, SEISS8 Fog Krum 04666400 | | ie6e2 en cae72i00| | 133749 Ingonata 4677300 jeuse ae [4686600 | | 153603 Rani Gan) 04€72200 | | 153750 Bardaha Sehijana 04677200 Tees no 668600 | | 153664. Bindpur o4€72300 Davia 159638. Shenkepur 4666700 | | 4e665 Gunb Ganj 04€72400 | | 183754 Kelaull Teer Daria 08678000 159609 Raghwa 04686800 | | 453606 Cotigany 04€72600| |153752 HolepurData 01679100, 159640 Bachreul (04666900 | | 450607 Ind Pun 4672600 | | 159753 HolepurDanda 04678200 SSH Namen (04687000 | | 153626 eal Isempur 04672700 | 153754 Kaloull Teer Danda 04678300 482642 Kotupur 4867100 | | iss609 wagro c4e7z600| | 158755 Bartana Senyara 04678400 see ce 4007200 | | 459700 Jala o4€72000 Dende 150646 Eneut Dana 4067300 | | 159701 Para 04673000 | | 158756 Koeratpur ‘04678500 153645 Jammrehi Teor Danda 04667400 | | 452702 Kandaur Danda, 04673100 | | 15757 Matmoodpur 04678800 159646 JamrehiTeor Daria 04667500 | | 455703 Kandeur Daria ——_04673200| | 153753. Bhakaut (04678700 483847, Baul Danda (04687600 | | 450704. Patare Dande 4678000 | 159759 Dariapur ‘04678300 159642 Chak JamrehiTeor 04667700 | | 55705. Jnaiouner cae7saoo| | 133760 Kundaure 04678200 159649. Jaret Upar 04667000 | | 459706 Nath Danda o4€73600| | 158761 Bihadi ‘04679000 182680. shekhocpur o4e67800 | | 459707 Fetare Daria 04673600 | | 153762 Majare Kundaura 04679100 180651. Abdulapur 04688000 | | 153708 Nati Data o4e7s700 Daria 152652 Ehetpure Caria 4668100 | | 458709 MamrejpirDarie 04672800 | | 153763. Majara Kundaura 04676200 4159653 hetpura Conde 04668200 | | 450710 Mamrepur Denda 04672000 anda 483654 Skioh Daria 4688300 | | 450711 Nora Kander 4674000 | | 150764 Suralpur Dende 04678000, 459685 Skichi Dende 4668400 | | 185712 Farsan cae7aio0 | | 138765 Kucnnectha Dana o4era400 soese Nachaut oaeess0o | | 459713 Chenpura 04674200 | | 153765 Sita anda (04679500 459657 Kuemare 4668600 | | 489714 Chari Khurd cae74ac0 | | 152767 Para QjhiDanda 04879500 188658 Chendupur Dana 04668760 | | 153715 Chhari Buzurg __4€74400 | | 158769 Kuchhnachha Denda 04679700 459689 Chancupur Daria 0466€800 | | 459716 Arai Hnandoti Jar 04674500] | 133769 Surajpur Date 04670300 450860 Majhocpur Dara 46a8960| | 460717 Areci Dharpura ot674600| | 15970 Amirta (04670000 450661 Gaéanpur o4eeco00 | | 159718 Arad Sani Dhanpura 04674700] | 158771 Chandull Teer 04680000 150662 KanautaDawa —_caeestoo | | rsazi9 Kala cae7as00 | | 138772 Ghandaush ‘4630100 152663 GmubaDanda 04669200 | | 453720. Ara) Sager 04€74000| | 158773 Para ChiDarla 04680200, 459664 FithauraDaria 0466300 | | 159721. Khendehi Jar c4€7é000| | 158774 Sdra Daa (04630300 180665 FithauraDanda 04668400 | | 152722 Batvani Data 04€75100| | 183775 Suraul Khurd Danda 04690400 453668 Gimuha Data ‘o4e6e600 | | 459723 Sahurapur Daria 08675200] | 153778 Surauli Khurd Daria 01630500 183667 Keravta Dara 4669600] | 459724 Fouthia Suawg 04675900] | 45977 Thraul ‘04630800 152068 Meshooour Darée o3e08760 | | 150725 Faumia khurs ——_o4e78aoo| | 15973 Ange (04680700 759669 Ehilawa Denda 4668800 | | 153726 Shr c4e7e500 | | 158779 Kanjaui ‘04630800 153670 Ghilana Daria 04669900 | | 159727 Unedi 4€78600 | | 158780 Sausher (04630200 459671 NeteourDanda 04670000 | | 183728 Sahurapur Danda 04675700 | 138781 _Narayanpur 04681000 153672 NerapurDaia 08670100 | | 153720 Batraul Denéa 04678800 | | 153782. Nazarput o4eai00 450672 Ramet anda —-—_0467¢200 | | 150730 Kuraunpur cae7soco| | 152763 SumorpurFural 04631200 450674 Reme Davia 4676900 | | 450791. Lalpura 4676000 | 150764 Smneudi (04631300 183675 Kutubpur caezcaoo | | 183732 Keiaul Jar cae7er00| | 15378 Bada Gaon ‘4631400 159676 Eamhenpur 4670500 | | 159783 Swasa Khure 4676200] | 153788. Bhedaura (04631500 489677. Kheraun| ‘4670600 | | 183734 Kuen Kora c4e7ea00 | | 153787 Pateora Danda 04631600, 450678 Kurara ural 4670700 | | 152735 Swasa Buruip —_—oté76400| | 158783 PateoraDaéa 04681700 482670 Daner o4e7c900 | | 182736 awa Jar 04€76500 | | 153789 Surauli Buzsrg Dada 04634800 563 Location Tahelle/—Location| { Location Tahsils! Location] [ Location ‘Tahsils)_—_ Location Code2011 Villeges/Towne Code | |code 2011 villages/Towne Code | |Code 2011 Villages/Towns Cod ibs) ‘oot | | wos) ‘oor || tw09) ‘set 152700. cura Gung Baan ca 900] | 159000 ana oeoerco| | 150099 tamara ue) oa7oweco terre bana o4eez000| | 18840. Bignen Oaeoeato| | $0000 Jtmacim——roarea 48702 Chand Pune fourd casero | 1Sce41 Thr Oaeoesco| | 150000 Gugatera ——_oaoaaca terra ghaum Data eeen0o || 1850¢2 Tore Seeoonea| | 1se001 Shravan oaeen {eared faim Davin Caen || yec0%3|Unee beeootoo| | tea002 Tae reat” 708000 {E2706 boo Onn Saeoesto| | seee Ragavan ——oressoo || 22669 hae erosieo tssre6, Oana oaeszet0| | ates. Jara oaeowsto | | 150008 uloran ooseeo 153797 Jeiala 04682600 | | 153846 Saina 04699400 | | 152005 Tugrabara 04705300 153798 Pachkhura Buzurg 04682700 | | 453847 Bahpur (04699500 | | 152906 Tort 04705400 183709 Torna 04682800 | | 452848 Nacha o4@09600 | | 152007 Girbar 04705500 See leat 04682900 | | 459849 Sarsei 0499700 | | 152008 tore Rath 04705600 ‘eset Heer 04689000 | | 453850 Kumhanya osegseq0 | | 159909 Kura. 04705700 199802 Kaithi 04683100) | 453851 Siyawri 04699900 | | 152010 Malouna Mat 04705800 153803 Arazi Munga Pendher 04683200 | | 159962 Raima 04700000 | | 153911 Alipura 04705900 183804. Pandhet 04683300 | | y5a963 Chula 04700100 | | 152012 Dha 04706000 Se RANE: 04683400] | 452864 tayo! 04700200 | | 152013 Bilrakh 04706100 See ie: 04682500) | 15ce55. Bara 04700300 | | 15¢914 Saidpur 04706200 182007 Chand Pune ung 0460900 | | Sec nama berootto| | teers anecernam ——og7oeaca oe, 153857 Chill (04700500 | | 152916 Bassla 04706400 753809 Pachihura Khurd —08683800 | | sscg68 Kherehta Bury 08700600 | | 153917 Gircura 04706500 See Brie (04683900 | | s5cg60 Aunta 04700700 | | 152018 Rath Litter 04706800 Ags), Chun Eur 04684000 | | t5a8¢0 Tae Rath 08700800 | | 152019 Rath Pura’ 04706700 teee ital 04884100 | 53861 Chencura 08700900 | | 152920 Atroull Rath 04706800 ‘ante ae sasocone| | ige2_Ataura oeroroeo| | Yse0e1 Aamoaten O60 ieomid Pe o4eowone| | aaes lan barorio| | 1s Okbre ot7oro@ oan cot vaseeato| | aneehancut Sarorata| | Yse08 Gounepire ——oaortca veaere Mura 6464600 | | tes et oarorato| | 126028 Gana caoraeo at testes Aum where cavowoo || teeses Grae) or7ora0 sone en {eater aloe Derorsto| | 1se0e tae! orroreo ce ay {seaed Yowroten turd oe7otec | 152027 Osra ou7rseo ieee oo eo Sannin ial oa7or7eo| | 183020 Nana ooreeo 4297 Gmrewsl——ow7oraco| | 13909 Parmmpam 04707700 oor! Te tnagen wrote | 1s Karena envoreeo Saar Town en ree ahem Supuran ——Gtoaco £07038 yumm ve) ——@aoro00| | t8e878.Sargeen eazoateo Kapoure trowen foroa@ Harimurtee) —aawnzono| | 180874 Rama Cara 470200 ‘ewan toca for04® Sinem) aaHo000| | t8067 Rangembanta ot70zx0 Creme oaroaoeo ‘e076 Napgewen”or70e4 Kew otsaeo eat ah wa] | e077 Uctara oaroasee Kehna orosen ea TasaezHo| | 18870 Hatwinbenon —_G4708600 ane ovr 163820 Gadhar aaeoaa0o | | 153870 Kotha 04702700 hepa 460021 Chak Amapura 04004400 | 153880 Nanaia Darya 04702800 ne eros ae sitzctuo| | 22st tomrectre — or7osneo on 68 153823 tones 04694600 | | 159862 Athgaon 04708000 te Siena te2ezd yargja ——C4e0e700| | 1SS8ES.Aampure oerosico risapr 151825. Onegren oaeaeeno| | 15864 Curva oaroszeo gan ov7ooin ‘sanze oron Saeoesno| | 18868. Norwoe oarossto Baia one {E1087 Nenaeva oaeocono| | 18886 towrahar 4700 Kedpura toaen teaeee Pak baeosta0| | 13067 teanye oarocsto rao orzooro toaeze aware casas | | 188060 Unanya oaroseco Graaiigen ——otosseo ‘5200. daearero| | isan Gnurea oaroereo oun o%ee0 450891 Haat saeareno| | 12880 Nanarura oaroaae0 Pada otroore TEImID Manegowen —feeavao || eet oon baroseo Chest otoaeo ‘e200 anzn oaeoeone| | iasee. ars otros000 Pub oo0009 tear veg caeorieo| | anes ewe oarostea Faw cooe tsaeas mcmgeon ———tasoeaoo || tense aun ranven oa voeaca ra eaioveo t51mI6 Amgeen caeaeato| | seee8. Bat oarossc0 Were ices 151887 Jarier caeceso || tss tore oaroaaco Sadroura tion ‘aan Mocha tasoeeoo| | sesee7_ onan oaroese0 Gotta striata 56a (ecation Tahslle Location] { Losation Tahsils! _Lovation| [Location Tahsils Location Code 2011 vilegec/Tewne Code || Code2011 villages/Towns Code | |Code2011 Villages/Towne Code (no0s) zoo | | quDDs) 2001 | | (DDS) 2001 Siatutory Town ome rains resezea| | 454072 Umanya o4eo7aco 184073. Gohand oseo7400 SO1048 Rarer) 49906000) | 54016 Pura 04€90400 | | 434074 Kemother osea7500 154015. Mubarmacpura 0400800 | 154075 Bahare oseo7700, eee 454018. encaut casoos00| | tsaore. sree se06s00 159057 eraud Darya 04884700] | 454017 Dheroupur oseo0700 459068 JorrouniDensa _c4o4800 | ts4ore etapur osesosco 180959 Chandaut Daya 04004900 || 4s4019 Bhed! Dena oseo000o Statutory Town 159960 Chancaut Dende 04685000 | 154020 Bedi Darya «041000 [801041 Gofend (NP) 43805000 183961 Ratt 4685100 | | 454021 Kupara caeots00 | | eps043_ Sania NP) 43804000 150062 takin Darya 04885200 | 424022 tncmumur Sensa _o4eat200 182062 UtacriDanda 04686900 | | 454020. Kanone oseotaco | [oee7 arate ooo 150064 Atraut casat400 || ts4o24 Barrera oseotaco s 159965 Dhagwen 04085500 | | 154025 Devkhun oseatsoo| | 15409 polenta Dawe Chetan 183960 Dande casas600| | 434026 ajemaut oaeoi600 beets Tie reaeu segs 700) | 1540z7 ChautalKucd 04681700 | ss4o7p Baoan 4740700 153968 Rirwa Buzurg Darye 04685800 | t54028 Cheuhal Burg «age 1800 Aaein oar 188969. Firwa Buzurg Cande. 04685500 | | 4 Bal 41900 159970 Hareind casseot0| | tssoso signe reazoco | | 154989 Bahia Banda 08710800 152971 Kadoure c4eees00| | isos Katona! oneszioo | | 154981. Bhugpur 94710960 159972 Neoll Sa eaeeezoo | | $3402. Jima aeaz200 | | 154982 Ruri Paro 24711000 seers aki aereo| (fee oe 98692200) | 154080, Galhaleu oa7ss100 {s2074 ndtpure fasseeo| | eee, ee 04682300 | | tsq0e4 enenchur Khurd 08711200 189075. euch 4626500 | 454005. Bnestacn eae Faroos Hussan 482076 Rar Kara casaeead || ts4096. arin. Gteszoee | | 154085 hha Basayak 04714300 4162077 Garehere caeoe700 || ewer new o4ea2000| | scanas Chanda Ane 04713400 150970 Shouhe caeeesoo | | 124087 Mert geeaz70° | | 154087 Bhanchur Kurd 04711800 189972 eauknar casses00 | | 434039 Banawa 422900 | | ogy MES sermon 180080 Basho 4687000 | 454040 Uper 5 nor Bu 150981 Baroda Mah caee7s00] | feaoat Grace Oreosieo| | 154080 Chie Jalapur 08711700 189082, Mera Siait case7200| | {S402 Gort Krarka —-—-oaenanco| | 184080 Shatre 04711800 4150083. Bheltraut c4ea7a00 | | tseoas, are oueosseo | | 154001 Lecna May 04711000 150804 Oueksere 4007400] | te40aaagraut ovenaa0o | | 154092 Bagnerka 4712000 159985. Jere caee7s00 | +34043. Sirona Karka 08602500 | | 154093 Logpur valapur 04712100 159986 ahora 467600 || {54046 ettuna aenaeco | | 154098 Nivaca 08712200 180087 Eende Darde 64687700 | te4047_ Barger oseoa7co | | 154095 Onok Bhandhur 04712300 ‘82088 Benda Oarye —€4687800| | 454040 Cheawad Daya _oxegaaco | | 154006 Aware 4719400, 162080 Suzguvan 4607000 | | js40a9 cheawat Dende osesaoco | | 184007 Barony 04712500, 183980 Hardin «4088000 || $54080 Cruroul Oaeoa0c0 | | 154096 Bipure Tr Binwar 04712500 1839¢1 Garega Khalsa 04688100 | 434051 Blgaon oseaico| | 154090 sipurTarumn 04712700 180062 Birhat 4688200 | | 154052 chutha oseaszco | | 154100 Bharin os712300 183983 smpur 4688900 | | 54062. fara Khada osensaco | | 154101 Dena 08712900 82004 Karyari casae4eo| | 454064 Jamangawan _o4eassco| | 154102 SBhuri 0471000, 469005 Sarla 4c00600 || 154085. Welya Boze 996600 | | 154109. Seal os719100 183990 Datoy «4008000 || 154056 Tyontene 4695700 | | 154108 Tan Knut osriszo0 189997 manken caese700 || 154057 rtahi oseasado | | 154105 Kar Gacn 08713300 180908. Pachktura 4688800 | | 154058. Bigaon cseasgeo | | 154106 Dom 4713400 182000 Jarya Tia c4ge8900 | | 154059 Baera o4enenco | | 158107 Nahera 713500, 154000 Bargewan «4826000 | 454000 Pawo! oreoesco | | 154108 Jala 04713500, ‘84001 Kesargenj 4e08100 | j54061 Jararut oseaezeo | | 158109 Une os7iar00 154002 chivbaut 4see200 | | is4062 Akachaba sees | | 154119. Pura anon oa7iss00 154003 ganara Kaen ca6ae300 | | 454063, Pathurt oseaegco | | 154111 Oni 4713300, 154006 Manca 4686400 || 454068 Amond oseaesco| | 154112. Okhtaure 08714000 184005. Bipur 4688500 | | 154065 Rogware Kourd —oxeneaco| | 154113. twan oa7sai00 4184006 Ta «agsv600 || 454008 Kuen Khare o4eoe700| | 154114 Krandshi Locnen 04714200 154007 Maharejpur 4008700 | 154067 Kami osevesco| | 154115. Satauwa 08714900, 184008 Sangars caseseo0| | 154068 Kaci Kalan —_osegeg00| | 154715 Wasgeon os7r4400 154009 Tt Pamal caese600 || 454069. Kraut osea7oco| | 154117 Badan 4714500, 454010 hikhampura 64690000 | | 454070. around! oseg7sco| | 154113 Mtnuna of7t4sco 151011 Ghul «4600100 | | 154071. Sgratan oreo7aeo| | 154119. Son 4714700 565 TeenionTahallal” Location] [TosmionTahsllay”Losation] [Toealon Tahal Location Code 2011 VilegeesTewne Code | |Code2011 Villoges/Tewne Code | | ogo 2011 Villagee/Towns Cod Co) 2001 | | quo0s) zoo! | | (wO0s) ‘01 154120. nawranga cariaev0| [reave5 Asval 04719900 | | 134210 Kamiya oa7eaae0 354471 Chiettarien (4714000 | 154168 Mancha ovrioaco | | 424211 curdona 4720000 154122. Chandoure 4715000 | 154167 ‘Saul ov7iasco| | 134012. Urdana 4724000 154128 Ohamadeal ——-—C4748100| | isdtes Betrela 04710600 | | 4s4ai9 Chetene oaraateo 84104 Ainht carisa00| | 154160. Acthela 01719700] | js4ai4_sjwon o4re4ze0 1E4126 tkere o471e000| | 154170. Kusnela os71s600) | 1sa215. Tan Buzurg 4724300 {54126 Sawer 4718400 | 4171 Tieut msnun cnand 04719900 | | 134216 Schau 4724800 154127 Camu Pur 4719600 | 154172 Tinaut Kishos Lal 08720000] | 134047 gnu 04724500 154128. GhuniKalen ca71s600 | | 154173. Matrown #720100 | | 134018. Narayatch 4724500 454120 BhuniKrurd 64748700) | sata Fatehpur 4720200 | | tex2i0 wconunpur orrerreo 454120 Soumiyan carsseeo| | 84178 Parehha 4720300) | {54220 Grace o47eaaeo e411 Kendhoul 4715000 | | 154170. Arte carzos0o| | teazer atl 4720900 184132 Gunde 4716000) | 184177 ‘Sema care0sco| | 154202. Caraund 04725000 464188. Char cariei00| | 454178. Parchhachh o47206c0 | | 434203. Mavaive 04725100 (Per Muskera) 454179 Tisaras or720rco| | ts4za8 Gichrse 728200 154194 Fata Brinn 04716000] | 454120. Bante ca7z0aco | | teazes woconur co 184138. Gaure carseato| | etter Kowent cx7a0000) | teazee crime ss ‘4190 Are ca7i6400| | is4tee Perehin os721000| | jeaaer nasgewan oarzese0 tse137 ore 04716500 | | ts4tes Getmen cereno| | jeqa09 tas 4726600 154128. Gotreu 4716600) | 154164 Tae Mat #721200) | {2aa00 osha 4705700 (Par Nukes) $84465. Kain 04721300] | jeazeo onacocha ov7aeoee 184130 Husaina cari6700| | 34186 Parone camtaos| | teas) Gove ite: © evreseaD E4140. Tecnar carssa00| | isst07 Scie orrats00| | ease cae ean 484441 thugelene 4716900] | sates cana osrere00| | {eaoss Serpura eet tsetee Chak Sauna 6717000] | 754169 Baye Naw 08721700] | Yeaose torbeno DepED 184143. Kamowrar 4717100] | 484180 Buna’ ov7eiaco| | {2¢a0s meu oa726«00 154144 Lodpur an 04717000] | tea1et Bhulst caztp0o| | teaess trenectiacria greseeon $5145. nya ca717200| | 4e4462 Bhatt 4722000) | 1eeege Sener Sues 15146. Noonya 4717400 | | 154468 cher oxraas0o| | {ease cone ope 164147 Naugenan a717500 (Par waudene) ee es eee sere foera carii600| | ys4te4 inauwa os7eza00) | {Steen Breer petee 184149: Taga cari7700| [454165 chend Kurd 04722900! | Sony gredermarma ——ivonten 454150. ‘Toa Halen 4717800 | 454166 ehaot ox7e2a0o| | Stet Brede pleas EAI) aipur cart7a0a| | tstte7 Bakehne caan500| | 154242 Sutha pecs 184182. Ghareawan carse000| | 4100 Kar cxza2600 | | 1O%243. Reeve wees 154189 Pata cariereo| [rsa169 cenmaut nurs ov7zzreo| | P34RH8 Aone pete tsetse. onar carie200 (Par Waudens) ious Caeioe 8 eee 154155. Fipraunca 4718300 | 154200 Lacinmengur __o47zzg00 | T4246 Fatenrurwa 0472770 154456 Kamenriva carieato| | 454201 Leva o7zzo00 | | S424? Aare P Sin 154157 Metin 4719500 | | 4842¢2 Sranemad 4722000 | 194248 Suse wore 1e4188 Soyer carse¢00| | 54200 Pasun cerzctco | | 134249 ie Coste 154159 Deo Kall carse700| | isazce nena onreszeo | | {2420 Nek Fa ene 154160 Sunela carieeoo | |+54205 Chena Kalan 72900 | {Size ona eens S461 Parker cartaa0o | | 154206 Kagsa 04723400 154962. Up ca7se000| | 154007 Akrepur 08723500 454462 Ohungswen cariesta| | ts1200. jaune 172600 Statutory Town E4164 Kendo carse200| | 4542¢0 Bhansta 04720700 | [eotou4 Aims (NPR) 49607000 *Howly created adminictative unite are marked In Hallo. 566 MAP 48 esses ay LR MOL “necanons ps am ac tp HALA SAN ‘aes avd 4B || i i i i oi i i i my i HS3OVud HVLLN ¥ . ‘VION! 568 MAP 43()) UTTAR PRADESH TAHSIL KULPAHAR DSTRICT MAHOBA BOUNDARIES: STATE . — TAHSIL ‘VIKAS KHAND. - VILLAGE wit s HEADQUARTERS :TAHBIL, VIKAS KHAND ‘STATUTORY TOWN WIT TATE HIGHWAY IMPORTANT METALLED ROAD, mans [a RAILWAY LINE: BROAD GAUGE ‘c-murormncene eo oA {ros a 0 Nr 569 MAP 49(i) NDA, UTTAR PRADESH TAHSIL CHARKHARI DISTRICT MAHOBA -Pat of Caan Vics Khand [STATUTORY TOW WITH LENO... RAILWAY UNE: BROAD GAUGE. Non 7 ratatneadueten eae he Vat Kandace, ‘ 2 has Kanda acs wih Tal bury 570 MAP 48(iliy WEOHWW.19nUIsIa . VEOHVW TISHVL ° HSIQVed NVLIN want al Py RICT MAHOBA (169) oe ee Se es (Se ee Gogeaeti vitegesrTowne code’ | |codezott vilagesrtowns “code | | cose 011 vitages/Towns code (nbs) oot | | quoos) ‘oot | | (woos) “eet os tet | [008 Sagepure _—_c4705700] | 154005 Karu Kan 04741400 teeot0 Sharfanura —oaraeoto| | 154060 Rusu” 0e741500 1s4aso sau e700) | Tso calaue cazasoto || 134367 Dewar oer a 464911 KheraNentat 04736060 | | 484269 Bacariya Panweri 04741700 Aes Bar 04730400 | | se4a12 ‘Gugaure, 04796160 | | 154369 Thalaura: 04741300 15456 HaatureWageranca70500 | | 5 Sara caraezto| | 184970 Banu Kain Se741200 1510 aloes 4730660 | | scaaa Wjeypur caraeato | | 154871 Tuner 8742000 1268 Laltoniye = 04780700 | as4916. Panama ca7a6a00 | | 454372 Bhura 04742100 te42t0 cain au caves | Teeate Manweteara ——oavesto || 184870 Chara oeran00 ‘eae Rosy oracs00 | | 352547 One caraceco| | 84374 Warcckenm 04740200 ‘eeaet Sumner 018000 || aoa caraereo| | e107. Karner peel 15422 Nasu ca7sr00) | Teste Andwara careeaeo || 134570. Korkun oreo Tee ae 4731200 | | asaazoRicmna coazaea00 | | 154377 Tou ranan os7aze00 weezes pues wratato || er céraroro| | is Bagaun oarareo cae tine arate] | San Lata cavarieo| | 154370 Baron Buzua —G4740500 ssaaee tadae 7080] | TS Sharwara sararaee || 34860 Gaara oar 164287. chad oararate| | teense lata cararato | | e436" Pate ers tevcet Shure cararaco| | sae Rawapure Kaen Or7rat0o se1oc9 ara caraco| | tscS26 chan carerseo| | 84389 naan oars 154270 aun Bug 470000 | | Scr Famaneaom —exroeto| | tmaet Sara ero Ten ae oa7g0R8 | | 154328 Bageul 04787700 | | 154385 Kuan Khers 4743400, ond oaa2t09| | tooo Onocl cazarees || 124866 Nan verso eae meee cerca || eo Blan Eat | | 867 Ferra nnd) SH {4001 Chonan Has nara 161275 Nawpum | OA7RM00 || See rarrye caracteo || s4060 rhe! oer4r00 ‘5127e few Guay 04792500 | ‘esas mua Bucy oaratato| | 184880 Dovgewn oro ed Teas gaan | | TSfeoa yenou bayoeato || toageo Run van ero re aime cursavoo| | tSesos rerponer ——_o47aaoo| | Yo4961 Kanara 4000 ee coe caazono| | Teaco Tate cavasseo | | 154082. Gacaua eran oe oe carozo0o| | TSso7 Cao caraseeo | | 54308 Dim paved SF lun 2479000 | | Teeseo Tan Plor cavaereo| | sexao4 nce ar see taal 2472010 | Teo ajier carosoeo || tea060 tye oerest00 Lee oaas0o | | Ts Due Garaee%o || 34386 Pp oarasoo oe oe casa | | TSoet Ghatra cara | | 134067 Bhodvere ——Or74aoco Te SE tad S| [taro comer oargeroo| | 454869. Aranpura oar eee oa7s00 | | Todd eure varaioio| | isasee Soalease 04744300 see Cea cazesceo | | Teas chaps bazasato| | eveo0 ehatewwe Kourd Or74s000 be ees careeseo| | seater Suge 900 vee ee | ee mae carasseo| | tomece Kuporarfurl) Orroroo Ban ane Sitares | | tsar rene caraieto| | tees. Stra oaase0o ioe teeoe0 NgraGhet —oeraereo| | Isqaoe. Sahara e730 sizes Covgereue ——_cavanyoo| | 15440 Rurnol caracoto| | sacs. sopra arse 154283 Saragpura. 04794200 | | 154350 Bihat (04730900 | | 154406 Mauheri 04745500. oe ae eee8e | | fesoet rote Cacoes | | easor Somupura ——OePaesco See emtopurfein Getsind| [Hees Mop caraoveo| | saso8 Sia oarsroo es ee Gafeceo | | teas Lurergewn ——oazgoawo| | e400 Sanmaun Kurd Gerace We aot Sefetos| | 1854 Keren caraoato| | 134010. atpatta 4745900 tee Nake barseoo | | 18055. Narwar caraoaeo| | earn) Lacbur oa7000 ‘ea00 Nata cazanoo | | Ye Sara earaoseo| | ea0%2 Karapue ——Se7teton {000 Kensie cavaroo | | 184087 Taare carqoeeo| | eure rasa e700 vest rmauwe cavosoro | | 1es0e0 Mure carscreo| | isa Kmuraiya 474000 terete neuen castoo | | 1889 Dharwar caraoseo | | toasts marnata cong Ge7tetco 16308 Kase saraiato | | 152960 Livan caracoto| | eae Rawetura rd OF746500 {food atarura aos | | 154861 Recipe caraio%o| | 34e%7 Prat Pure oF74e500 1808 buthour bavesao | | tecaeo Raputa rdonst e4v4ri® | | eaet8 Thmnews — GeT4e7c0 ‘ae Face earsssto || tevaes Ue caaiaeo| | tearre San ames {erst Ghurnas tn oa7aeoto| | es068 Tobe cavarooo| [42420 Bare 474000 572 iecation Tahslla Location] { Losation Tahsils! Location] [ Location Tahsils Location Code 2011 vilegeciTewne Code || Code2011 villagec/Tewns Code | |Code2011 Villages/Towne Code (wnb0s) 2001 | | quDos) 2001 | | (wops) 2001 184421 Bhar cara7000 | | 154a62 Kamaure os7sen00 | | 159537 Bat 04758800 484422 Jaipur 4747100 | | 154863 Bacthecthar Ketan 04752200 Gadahar 04758700 184423 Muchas c4747200 | | 154484 Mahus Bandn——_04758900 Rahunye 04758800 384424 Eola Tal 4747200 | | 154885. Arghat Hau oa75a400 Sjaura 04758900 184428 Kua 04747400 | | 154486 Bamauiya 04752500 Aral 04750000 154426. Nenowa c4747s00 || 454407 Pura Panwen 04752600 Pata 04750100 484427 Buchaure 04747600 | | 154866 Majragawe Khurd 04759700 Kane 04759200 184428 Nagra xnurt #747700 | | 154489. Ranupura 04752800 ‘saluwa 04759300 154828 NagraulKelen 04747800 | | 154460 Raripura 04752000 Karval Krara 04759400 154420. Nawaya ca747a00 | | 154461. Lamaura 04754000 Bambhaut Kean 04758500 484431 Chhitareara 14748000 | | 154652. Krairara 04754100 Shivhar 04759500 154422 Thuret cazaztoo | | 154409. Akeawahe 04754200 Biypur 04759700 484433. Sarangpura c474e200| | 154404 Therya Penwat 04754000 Imalye Dang 04759000, 1Seds4 Pachara 748000 | | 154805 ehadervara 04754400 Mararajpura 04759900 18¢435, Parauwan ca74zq00 | | 154886 ria Jase 04754500 Lateura 04760000 184496. Fajaunl 4748500 | | 154867 Bagwana 474600 Markuve 4750100 184487, Binaura c474a600 | | 134488 Nanware 04754700 Kunio 04760200 484428 Kriya Kurd 04748700 || 154880 Rageuia Burg 0474800 Jaswan 04750300, 154490 Kuehl co17aaa00 | | 154500 Axouna 04754000 Santochpum 04780400 184440 Hanola 04748000 | | 154501 Akaurs 08755000 bua 04700500 1844e1 Basarya Jatpur —o#74s000 | | 154502 Jagpura Krura 08755100 Rewal 04760800 iseacz Kovnya Kaan 0474100 | | 154503 RagauiaKnurs 04755200 Kuraumbgpai 04780700 186443 Gudha c474e200 | | 454504, Leva 04755300 Krpura 04760800 154444. Bagraan 4740300 | | 154805 Indraata oa7ss4co Kalan 04760900 184da3Tharya Jatpur 64740400 | | 154506 Pasanabad 4755500, Bahan 171000 154446 Bhegeure ca7ans00 | | 154507 Rajpura 04765600 Notar 04761100 454447 Jaiwara 4749600 | | 1545c0 Negara Deng 04755700 Bartaurye 04701200 184448 Banaur 4742700 | | 154509 Nonenpura 08758800 Pancharnpura 04781300 154449. Jatewra 4749800 | | 154510 Gheghaura 04755000 dateura 04751400 154450. Aa ca7asg00 | | 154511 Blan 04756000 Rajeura 04761500 484481. Lacpura 04750000 | | 154512 kara oa7s6100 Cham Kurd 08781800 456452 Kart Jedd 64750100 | | 434543 Salaya Moph 04756200 Kanara 04784700 184459 Bagheura ca7sc200 | | 154514 Bhegert 04756000 ‘Sudamapu 04754900 184464 Rapuraxelen 04750900 | | 154515 Chamarua os75e400 Kiser 04721800, ise485 cuanwara 750400 | | 154576 Narwara os7se500 chananut 04762000 184486 Sguun 4750500 | | 154517 Purainya 04758600 Bally 04752100 154457 Buckhara 4750600 | | 154518 Pathan Navebad 04756700 seni 04762200 184488 Nagata 04780700 | | 154519. lexama oa75e800 are 04782300 154469. Ajnar 4750800 | | 154520 Jagaspur (Uf) Gactiya 04756000 Urea 172800 184460 Purvs Jaipur 04750000 || 154521 Rawatpura Khalsa 04757000 Daiderna 04782500 484461 Backhora 04751000 | | 154522 cary 04757100 Anghoura 04702000, ‘Se462 Ganpure 08751100 | | 154528 Grusali oa7s7200 Baprenia osrazr00 1446s Ke oa7sr200 | | 454524 Dhawan 4757300 Pratstha 04762300 186464 Sathwara 04751300 Bamohaur Krurd 08752900 484865 Rampure Navabad 64751400 Suatvtory Town writya 04783000 454866 Nanagawa Kalan 04751500 Keone 04783100 154467 Bacara Kurd 04751600 | | 891045 Kalranerqur) —ageos0c0 iptamau 04762200 484469 Rogausl 04754700 Kusama, 04750000 184469. Gund cazsie0o | /OOee8_Gharkhart noes Fagaul 04769100 184470 Atanya Mat cazsr900 | | 154825. Barenda 08757400 Gena 0476500 454671 Laktaura 4752000 | | 154526 Borda 04757500 Sabuwa 04783800 154472. Bachewra 4750100 | | 154527 hewart 4737600, Bjapura 04783700 154473. Ahraura 4752200 | | 154528 Baseuth 04757700 Ghutbal 04762800 484474 ‘Seguriya Maph 64782200 | | 154529 Pumiyan 04757800 Usapura 04762000 484475. Lalaun 4752400 | | 184530 Krerola 04757000 Lamu 04724000 184470 Syavan 4752500 | | 154501 Kuwan 4750000 Rayanpur 04764100 35487 Amarpura 4752600 | | 154832 Barayan 4738100 Garauihe 4764200 184878 Eammaura 4752700 | | 154633 aichana 04758200 Karanara Kurd 04784300 154879 Een 4752800 | | 154534 Padora 04758900, Jaraula 4764400 486820 Kent 4752000 | | 154535. Pahreha 4738400 Snghein 04754500 154491 Gachhochhae Kurd 04750000 | | 154556 Pupware 04788800 TolaCrabreum 04784600 573

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