10 MS10 77041
10 MS10 77041
10 MS10 77041
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12 authors, including:
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Modelling Biomass and Carbon Sequestration Potential in Poplar (Populus deltoides) and Eucalyptus (Eucalytpus teriticornis) based
Agroforestry Systems View project
Spatial and temporal analysis of agroforestry interventions in north-western India using GIS and Remote Sensing View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Dr. Amit Kumar Jain on 28 June 2016.
ABSTRACT: Global warming is becoming a huge problem for our mother earth due to carbon emission in the wake of
modernization and urbanization. Carbon sequestration is a phenomenon for the storage of CO2 or other forms of carbon
to mitigate global warming. Remote sensing becomes an effective tool for mapping and monitoring of agriculture, forestry
and other earth features. Agroforestry mapping is an important parameter for developmental planning at regional and
national level. The present study aims at estimating area and carbon sequestration potential under agroforestry in Guna
district of Madhya Pradesh. RS-2/ LISS-III remote sensing data was used to identify agroforestry, forest/ non-forest land
uses and land covers. It was estimated that about 3.55 percent of the district area under agroforestry. Dynamic CO2FIX
model v3.1 was used to assess the baseline (2011) carbon and to estimate carbon sequestration potential (CSP) of
agroforestry systems for a simulation period of 30 years in Guna district. The estimated numbers of trees existing on
farmer’s field was 6.40 per hectare. The baseline standing biomass in the tree components was 3.99 Mg DM ha-1 and the
total biomass (tree + crop) was 9.55 Mg DM ha-1 in the district. The CSP of existing agroforestry systems for simulation
period of thirty years was estimated to the tune of 0.159 Mg C ha-1 yr-1.
Key word: Agroforestry mapping, carbon sequestration, CO2FIX model, climate change and remote sensing.
earth features. A strategy of forest/ non-forest cover The dynamic carbon accounting model CO2FIX v3.1
mapping based on remotely sensed data and GIS was (Masera et al., 2003; Schelhaas et al., 2004) was used
demonstrated by Maurya et al., (2013). Remote sensing to assess the baseline carbon and simulating the carbon
technique has been used f or crop forecasting sequestration potential (CSP) of agroforestry systems
(Chaudhary, 1999), crop inventory (Salman and Saha, (AFS) in the district. CO2FIX model has been developed
1998), estimation of acreage and crop production as part of the CASFOR II project. It is a user-friendly
(Maurya, 2011), Calculating carbon sequestration tool f or dynamically estim ating the carbon
(Tripathi et al., 2010). With the advent of remote sensing, sequestration potential of forest management,
future planning and management of natural resources agroforestry and afforestation projects. This model
has considerably broadened. The objective of the study consists of six modules viz biomass module, soil
was to estimate area under agroforestry using GIS & module, products module, bioenergy module, financial
remote sensing and also carbon sequestration potential module and carbon accounting module.
of agroforestry systems in Guna district of Madhya For the purpose of simulating carbon stocks under
Pradesh. agrof orestry systems, the modules taken into
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS considerations are biomass, soil and carbon accounting
modules. CO2FIX model requires primary as well as
Study Area
secondary data on tree and crop components (called
Guna the gateway of Malwa and Chambal is located on ‘cohorts’ in CO2FIX terminology) for preparing the
the northern-eastern part of Malwa Platue between river account of carbon sequestered under agroforestry
Parbati and Betwa. The District is situated between systems on per hectare basis. The primary data
latitude 23053" N and 2506’55" N and longitude 76048’ includes tree species existing on farmlands and their
30"E and 780 16’70"E (Fig. 1). The western boundary of number, DBH, crops grown by farmers on farmlands
the district is well defined by the river. along with their productivity, area coverage etc. Whereas
Field Survey the secondary data includes the growth rates of tree
In the present investigation stratified random sampling biomass components (stem, branch, foliage, root) for
was used and two block and from each block two various species on annual basis.
villages were randomly selected. The primary data on 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
tree species, their number, diameter at breast height Guna district was classified into ten LULC classes viz.
(DBH), crops grown with trees was collected from agroforestry, cropland, plantation, forest, degraded
farmers’ field. The available tree species were then forest, wasteland, grassland, water bodies, built-ups,
grouped into three categories viz. slow, medium and and sandy area. With the help of remote sensing/ GIS
fast growing tree. technology, the estimated agroforestry area of Guna
Methodology district is 3.55 percent (Table 1 and Figure 1).
Table 2.Number of trees per hectare for different site’s climate factors viz monthly average temperature,
categories total precipitation along with its distribution over different
Cohorts Tress category months, evapotranspiration etc. Similar results have
Slow Medium Fast been reported by Singh et al. (2011) that agricultural
growing growing growing
Average number of trees 1.39 3.80 1.20
soils of Indo-Gangetic plains, on an average, contain
per hectare 12.4 to 22.6 Mg ha-1 of organic carbon in the top 1 m
Estimated age of existing 40.3 17.22 9.65 soil depths. Lal (2004) reported that SOC concentration
trees (years)
increased with increased rainfall in several Indian soils.
Table 3.Biomass accumulated and carbon sequestrated under agroforestry system in Guna
Tree Biomass (above and below ground ) Mg DM ha Baseline 3.99
Simulated 10.67
Total Biomass (tree+ crop) Mg DM ha Baseline Biomass 9.55
Simulated 16.45
Soil carbon (Mg C ha ) Baseline 23.38
Simulated 24.80
Biomass carbon (Mg C ha ) Baseline 4.31
Simulated Carbon 7.59
Total carbon (biomass + soil) (Mg C ha ) Baseline 27.61
Simulated 32.39
Net carbon sequestered in agroforestry systems over the simulated period of thirty years (Mg C ha ) Carbon 4.78
-1 -1
Estimated annual carbon sequestration potential of agroforestry system (Mg C ha yr ) sequestered 0.159
The tree biomass (above and below ground) increased Authors are thankful to ICAR for funding NICRA project
from 3.99 to 10.67 Mg DM ha-1. The soil carbon for Guna and authors are also thankful to the Director, CAFRI,
district is expected to increase from 23.38 to 24.80 Mg Jhansi for providing all kind of support for this project.
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