Sem V Electronics Measuring Instruments

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B.Sc. (Port-IIl) Scmestcr-V Cxamination

(Measuring lnstruments)

Time:'three Hours] [N1aximum Marks: 80

Note r-(l) Question No. I is compulsory.
(2) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary.
l. (A) Fill in the blanks :

G) The IC-555 is also known as _.

( ) I he PLL stands for _.
(iii) The thermocouple is ajunctioo oftwo metals._
(iv) 'fransducer converts the physical energy i[to
_ energy. 2
(B) Choosc conect altemative :

'the potentiometer is
0) a _ tralsducer.
(a) Resistive (b) Capacitivc
(c) Inductive (d) Active
(ii) The best ex.mple of mechanical senso! is a _.
(a) LVDT O) Strain gauge
(c) RVDT (d) Motor
(iii) _ transducer.
The LVDT is a
(a) Capacitive (b) Ldtrctive
(c) Resistive (d) Active
(iv) The ECG rccorder records the electrical activity of _.
(a) Brain O) H.utt
(c) MusLIc (d) Bone 2
(C) Alrs$'(:r the questions in olre sentence :

$ What is genemlized instrumentation slstem ?

(ii) What is sensor ?

G) what is actuator ?
(M What is passive transducer ? 4
2. (A) Drarv a block diagnm of generalized instsumer[ation system and explain thc working of each
block. 6

@) Explain primary and secondary traosducer with example. 6

(P) Explain the measurement of displaccment using capacitive transducer. 6
(Q) Explain the construction and opemtion ofLVDT. 6

wPz 8291 I (Contd.)

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(A) Explain the measurement of temperalue using thermistor 6

(B) Explain differcnt t$es of RTDS. 6

(P) Explain principle zurd working ol'total radiation p-Yrometer. 6

(Q) Explain constructiod and working ol inliared radiationpyromcler. 6

4 (A) Draw block diagram oflc-555 and exPlain the working of each block 6
(B) Explain the monostable multivibrator using IC-555. 6
(P) Explain the block diagram olPLL. 6
(Q) Explain working ofPI-[. a-s I V-demodulator. 6
5 (A) Explain different typcs ol'displays. 6

@) Explain the working ofdigilal capacitance meter 6

(P) What is magretic tape recorder ? Explain the magnetic tapc rccording with block diagram.
(Q) Explain the llorkil1g ofdigital volt meter 6
6 (A) What is sensor ? Explain strain gauge as mechanical sensor. 6
(R) Explain firer optics as a thermxl sensor. 6
(P) Explain the working ofcarbon monoxide sensor. 6
(Q) Explain the working ofbent beam actuator, 6
7 (A) Explain the working ofECG recorder with block diagram .6
@) Explain the workiog of EDC recorder. 6
(P) Explain the q'orking ofX-ray machine with necessary block diagram. 6
(Q) diagram.
Explain the rvorking of Laser Doppler blood flow meter with block 6

wPZ- 4294 525

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