Sem V Electronics Measuring Instruments
Sem V Electronics Measuring Instruments
Sem V Electronics Measuring Instruments
'the potentiometer is
0) a _ tralsducer.
(a) Resistive (b) Capacitivc
(c) Inductive (d) Active
(ii) The best ex.mple of mechanical senso! is a _.
(a) LVDT O) Strain gauge
(c) RVDT (d) Motor
(iii) _ transducer.
The LVDT is a
(a) Capacitive (b) Ldtrctive
(c) Resistive (d) Active
(iv) The ECG rccorder records the electrical activity of _.
(a) Brain O) H.utt
(c) MusLIc (d) Bone 2
(C) Alrs$'(:r the questions in olre sentence :
G) what is actuator ?
(M What is passive transducer ? 4
2. (A) Drarv a block diagnm of generalized instsumer[ation system and explain thc working of each
block. 6
(P) Explain principle zurd working ol'total radiation p-Yrometer. 6