BSC Sem V Electronics Measuring Instruments
BSC Sem V Electronics Measuring Instruments
BSC Sem V Electronics Measuring Instruments
(Mcasuring InstrumeDl)
P Pages r 7
AR - 59.1 P.I.O.
(B) Choo.e lhe c( irc.L ir'\\\'er :- (B) Exnlaln blftk diagraih of ECG I
(i) Potention eter is the exampie of
trans( dcer.
- --
(A) lnducrive transducer
(P) Explain hlock diagram of Ear oxirneter.
(B) Capacrtive transduccr.
(Q) Dxplain block diogram of EEG (t
(C) Resistive ransducer.
6 (A) Draw glld Gxplain ponEtruction and worUng (C) Electro mechanical.
of Elecgomechanicfll actuatorr. 6
(D) Elecro chemical _!
(B) Explain consquctlon end working of fibm (C) Give the answer in one sentence
opdc tempemnrrc rcnsor, 6
(i) What is Potentiometor ? I
(ii) What is PLL 'l l
2 (A) Give ths clirssification ol transducer and
explain any one. 4
?. (A) what is clecrrode ? Cive the diitercnt types (B) Explain resistive transducer to measure
of clocttodes. 4
displacement. What is loading eft-ect ? 8