BSC Sem V Electronics Measuring Instruments

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AR - 594

Filth Scmester B. Sc. (Part - lll) Examinarion

(Mcasuring InstrumeDl)
P Pages r 7

Time : Thrce Hoursl lMax. Marks : E0

Note : (l) Question One is compulsory.

(2) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

I. (A) Fill in the lrlanks witi dppropriare word:*

(i) LVDT is the example of

(ii) VCO stands for - I


(iii) Photouansistor is example of

sensor -.- 2

(iv) Suain gauge is example of --.

sensor. !

AR - 59.1 P.I.O.
(B) Choo.e lhe c( irc.L ir'\\\'er :- (B) Exnlaln blftk diagraih of ECG I
(i) Potention eter is the exampie of
trans( dcer.
- --
(A) lnducrive transducer
(P) Explain hlock diagram of Ear oxirneter.
(B) Capacrtive transduccr.
(Q) Dxplain block diogram of EEG (t
(C) Resistive ransducer.

(D) None of these. +

riit IC-555 is ureC ltl

(B) Voltage di. ider

(C) frequency divider

(D) flcqucnc)' ,r!,uniator. t
(iii) In founeen scgmcnt display the segmcnts
are made up eF .

(A) Photo diode

- (B) LED

(C) tDR (D) SCr{ .L


AR -594 2 AR-594 7 2601)

(Q) Drarv thc hlock-diagra:r of magrtetic tape
recordpr and explain. 6
(iv) Bent bearn is exarnple of
(A) Electro-opdcal.
(B) Electro thelmal.

6 (A) Draw glld Gxplain ponEtruction and worUng (C) Electro mechanical.
of Elecgomechanicfll actuatorr. 6
(D) Elecro chemical _!

(B) Explain consquctlon end working of fibm (C) Give the answer in one sentence
opdc tempemnrrc rcnsor, 6
(i) What is Potentiometor ? I
(ii) What is PLL 'l l

(P) what iq mpchanlcal sonsor ? Explsin strain (iii) What is thermister ?

gauge h detsil. 6
(iv) What is sensor ?
(Q) Explain conrfruction and worklng of carbon
monoxido sensol, 6

2 (A) Give ths clirssification ol transducer and
explain any one. 4
?. (A) what is clecrrode ? Cive the diitercnt types (B) Explain resistive transducer to measure
of clocttodes. 4
displacement. What is loading eft-ect ? 8

AR - 594 6 AR-59{ .1 P.T.O.

4. (A) Explain the function of each block of IC-
(C) State the advantages and disadvanta[ies of 555. 6
LWT. 4 (B) Erpiein the worki4g of Monostable
(Q) Explain capacitive Eansducer for mcas- mulrivibrqFr qsing IC-555. 6
urernent of displacement using change in
dielectric. 8 QR

(P) Drrw the block diagram of PLL and define

lock range, qapturp range. 6
3. (A) Explain the measuremsnt of temperature using
thermocouple. 6
(Q) Erplaln ths working of Am detpctor using
PLL, 6
(B) Explain the measuEment of temFrature using
thermistor'. 6
5, (A) Explain 3xs and 5x7 fut mstrir display. 6
(B) Explsir working of Rqmp type digital
(P) Explain the measuement of t€mperatue using voltmeter with blosk diaexam. 6
RID. 6
(Q) How temperature measurement can be done
by using total radiation pyrometer. 6 (P) Explain x-y teJord$ with block diagram. 6

AR -594 ,l AR- s94 5 P.T.O.

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