Erolon 12stemd
Erolon 12stemd
Erolon 12stemd
November 2020
Chapter 1
The most used commodities of all horticultural crops are fruits and
are eaten fresh, minimally cooked, as well as processed. The production and
very dramatically with the growing population and evolving eating preferences
industry. The vegetables and fruits that are grown in Malaysia are also subject
to some industrial processing, such as canned fruit production, fruit juice, and
flavoring. Fruit waste such as watermelon rind, mango peel, rambutan skin,
and other fruit residues, mainly peels, and seeds, are produced in large
parts of the fruit, especially in the food industry and in large cities such as
significant post-harvest fruit and vegetable losses not only decrease growers'
returns but also lead to high prices. The goal of this project was to minimize
losses and maintain the quality of fruit and vegetables after harvesting while
during transport and high temperatures were the major causes of post-harvest
losses in the vegetable supply chains. Post-harvest mango losses were mostly
because they do not realize what to do with surplus mango. Ricardo Onate,
director of the Davao Area Department of Agriculture (DA), stated that over-
supply of mangoes is present at that season, added that if not sold on the
market, mango supply would be put to waste and the current waste in Davao
For some analyses, the researchers' theory and the research itself are
oleracia var. capitata) in their respective houses, the investigator in this study
uses the components that are the Citrus(Rutaceae) enzyme and carrot
(Apiaceae) extracts. The researcher does not go outside due to lockout during
quarantine but continues to do our parts. This analysis was carried out to
(Rutaceae) and Carrot (Apiaceae) mixed minced peels to Brassica oleracia var.
1. What is the level of each group 's pro gress after twenty-
1.1 Water
2. Is there any significant difference in the measure of the growth of the plant
between the negative control group (treated with water) and the experiment
between the positive control group (treated with loam soil) and the
experimental group?
between the negative control group (treated with water) and the experimental
group ( treated with Citrus (Rutaceae), Carrot (Apiaceae) dried minced peels )
2. There is no significant difference in the measure of the growth of the plant
between the positive control group (treated with loam soil) and the
experimental group.
This part includes the review of related literature and studies that have
bearing on this study. This presents articles about the use of Citrus (Rutaceae)
and Carrot (Apiaceae) dried minced peels to the growth of cabbage . However,
only those literatures that are directly related to the present study shall be
discussed herein.
Self-Regulated Learning
needed for fruit trees. Purely healthy and organic, this fertilizer contains no
this make plant food an excellent choice for promoting citrus growth, but it is
also sustainable for the climate. Gardeners will find that their citrus plants are
healthier, grow more berries, and have a greener, lusher leaf using Down to
Earth fertilizer.
tree canopy, and leaf area) have been reported. Plant biomass was also
hormone-like effect that humic acids present in organic fertilizers play on the
Entire plant and particularly on root growth is the consequence of biomass
boost they need to plants that need a little extra acidity. Grind dried peels and
spray the powder over acid-loving plants such as nasturtium, blueberries, and
The adequate use of dried orange waste as fertilizer will partly address
the environmental issues associated with the citrus fruit processing industry
and is a low-cost source of organic matter for poorly fertile Mediterranean soil
It is essential to map out how peels and fruit impact the photosynthesis
and development of plants and how dried fruits peels were also used as
fertilizers. The pH of the four extracts was tested first, finding the grapefruit to
be the most acidic and the grapefruit peel the most simple ( Zhao et al.,2005)
which are of interest to the vine. Phosphorus aids the plant with
stems end up becoming thin, older leaves will turn into older leaves. Bluish-
being a waste commodity, they are non-toxic and green. They contribute to
can be used in myriad ways. Making use of the peels will save you money and
yield some great results in a household that absorbs many oranges, lemons,
growth hurt the wheat grain yield. On the opposite, beneficial effects have
been found in the sunflowers. In the above example, even though the
minimum dose of citrus peel supplied, the yield increased with the rise in the
dose supplied. In conclusion, the present research demonstrates that the re-
use of dried orange peel as a soil fertilizer may be a viable low-cost technique
for wheat and sunflower in organic or traditional farming in regions where its
could be profitably used. This analysis discusses carrot peels, with health-
carotene, and niacin, they are not only in the peel, they point out. "For
beta-carotene in the peel, a source of vitamin A, but the phloem has similarly
high levels. Finally, the carrot's inner center (xylem) has the bulk of the
going to peel out any nutrients. And all the carrot layers are a decent source of
The peel of the carrot includes concentrated vitamin C and niacin, but
only under the peel, along with vitamin A, The next layer, the phloem also has
However, the yields of carrots produced by these farmers are low and of
sized feeders, they also require fertile soil that helps plants to grow normally.
leaves and rough, coarse, and forked carrot roots (Ceronio et al.,2014).
carrot peelings and apple cores into the garbage since they would decompose
anyway. But when it's sealed in a plastic bag and tossed into a landfill, even
natural plant matter will last for years. As a perfect example of collective
accountability, all residents are given free composting bins by the city of
Seattle, WA. This holds out of their landfills over 800 million pounds of waste!
If it's an acre or an old wine barrel on your patio, not only can you help divert
your own kitchen waste from the landfill, but you can produce rich, nourishing
concentration did not affect soil nitrogen and magnesium concentrations and
has been used to produce organic fertilizer. In terms of vegetative growth, fruit
fruit yield. In all cultivars, especially local cultivars, the fruit dry matter
content was higher and the taste was better in organic care. As a complete
increased crop growth and limited pests and diseases. There are a vast
number of microbial species and other organisms in the soil that together
former is a much better choice for growing healthy crops. Organic fertilizers
delivery of toxic products for use. As awareness of the harmful effects of the
use of chemical fertilizers is well recognized, more farmers have become aware
and aware of this notion, which has culminated in the patronage of organic
and natural fertilizers over chemical fertilizers. The organic choice is noted,
and this provides positive news for the agriculture and agricultural sectors. It
means ending the reign of organic fertilizers over the years and starting to
Organic fertilizers help over time to enhance soil structure and nutrient
that are either ingested or leached out by the plant roots, possibly polluting
the water supply, organic fertilizers add organic matter that allows the soil to
preserve nutrients and moisture. In particular, sandy soils may benefit from
the addition of organic fertilizers or the use of organic matter, such as well-
rotted compost and manure, as an additive for soil fertility or mulch. The
additional value of these latter organic matter fertilizers is that they are mostly
free from dairy farms, poultry farms, or wood-processing plants that recycle
and even dried grass clippings and cow dung, organic fertilizers come in
several forms and substances. The truth remains that a plant gets its nutrients
from the soil by the natural phase and the plant undergoes improved growth
when you apply organic fertilizers filled with all necessary plant nutrients such
A stable plant has the potential to ward off certain cases of disease
bacteria and fungi. Natural fertilizers help stop diseases by fulfilling the
and the activity has become extremely essential. The anaerobic digestion
sewage sludge, and food waste, including the peel ( Horan,et al.,2015).
that, after it is added to it, keeps the soil together. This tends to strengthen the
components of the soil. It helps to develop useful soil microbes that establish
healthy and fertile soil for crops. Organic fertilizers will boost soil productivity
soil and water, which is a major cause of human diseases and is the force
Synthetic fertilizer. According to Gilani (2020), Synthetic fertilizers
supply the soil with consistent quantities of precise nutrients. They act
for plants that are dying or severely malnourished. It is quick to use synthetic
you'll find with organic fertilizer for different plant needs and uses. Synthetic
fertilizers can contain acidic additives that can degrade over time and induce
the soil, prohibiting sufficient water from being supplied to plants. (Tharp,
limited, since very few smallholder farmers have access and ability to buy
soil destruction and not the use of synthetic fertilizer. In the coming decades,
increases the growth and vigor of the plant, it thus meets the world's food
security, but the plants produced in this way do not produce good plant
characteristics and may not have time to expand and mature properly.
According to Engel (2018), fertilizers have advantages, their usage,
ponds, phosphorus from fertilizer can cause algae to accumulate and destroy
nitrates, fertilizers can also contaminate water, rendering it unhealthy for use.
Smog, which may be linked with higher incidences of lung disease and
fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers break down and travel quickly into the soil
the years. One common fertilizer, urea, creates ammonia emanation, leads to
denitrification phase release of nitrous oxide. With its expanded usage and
potential use estimates, this topic will increase many times in the coming
food and other plants, but nitrogen and phosphorus-heavy fertilizers still
occur in home gardens and farms. The irony is that in gardening, conventional
methods are much superior and in the case of agriculture, can achieve
comparable yields. But advertisements targeted at homeowners and the
corporate stranglehold on the farm sector are drowning out the message.
Synthetic nitrogen dousing agricultural fields helps plants grow larger and
faster. They draw carbon dioxide from the air as plants expand. Any of the
plants is harvested as a seed, but the majority persists in the field and
gradually becomes dirt. The residue In this way, in the ground and out of the
(Philpott, 2010).
approaches are currently used to assess, but they reliably yield distinct
fertilizers, which come as dry, granular pellets or items that are water-soluble,
phosphorus, available plant potassium, soil pH, and soil organic matter
and standard, and disked and non-disked wetlands produced. At natural sites,
there was higher and more volatile soil moisture, higher extractable P and Fe,
nutrient concentration.
western North Carolina >60 years after abandonment from pasture or timber
and fine-scale spatial structure, we assessed soil carbon (C), nitrogen (N),
manure and swine effluent produces nitrogen ponds, affects the condition of
the soil, and increases the productivity of crops. The goal of the present study
was to determine the rate of change in soil nutrient content and chemical
properties of the soil due to the application of cattle manure and swine
concentration of soil nutrients to low levels around the Loess Plateau. Soil
the impact of biochar modifications on the various soil forms in the Loess
production. Precipitation and soil humidity are associated with the supply of
Arit (2016) A significant source of nutrients in the soil for plant growth.
Nutrients that are formed by the soil are called mineral nutrients. Non-
mineral carbohydrates, including carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O),
are derived from air and water during photosynthesis. Both groups are
occupying part of the surface of the world's soil. In addition to the five
ensure the plant's health and growth. It allows them to keep chemicals away
Agricultural Engineers. The results of this study will help us identify ways
Researchers. The results of this experimental research will help them dig
Students. The result of this experimental study will encourage and inspire
them to go further and perform further studies into how soil enrichment can
Definition of terms
The terms used in this study are defined conceptually and operationally.
fruit and vegetable peels, fish extracts, manure and compost, is called organic
(Pavlis, 2020). In this study, it is about the derivation of organic sources into a
simplicity and wide access. (Rafiq et al., 2018). In this study, Citrus peel is the
main subject used will utilize as fertilizer for the growth of the plant.
Rutaceae. Rutaceae is a flowering plant genus that also includes flowering
plants with about 160 plant species, commonly known as the citrus family.
(Tamokou et al., 2017). In this study, Rutaceae serve as the family of citrus
Carrots peel. They are one of the main vegetables produced in KwaZulu-
Natal by small-scale farmers because they are easy to grow and have a modest
2002) .In this study, Carrots peel is the main subject used will utilize as
Umbellula means "little shade," and hence the flowers appear like umbrellas.
Carrots vegetable plant that will be used as the main subject of the
Plant growth. may be defined as the increase in the volume and/or mass of
organelles of cells are created (Brukhin & Morozova, 2011 ). In this study, the
Research Design
This experimental study will use Posttest Only Control Group Design.
The Post-test only control group design is a study design in which there are at
least two groups, one of which is not undergoing care or intervention, and
variable. The monitoring group is the group that does not undergo medication
Figure 2 shows the model of Posttest Only Control Group Design which
will be adopted in this research, where the positive control group and
control group will be only treated with water. Posttest will be conducted
Experimental Group 1 2 3
Control Groups
1 2 3
1 2 3
Figure 3 shows the experimental layout of the study, with three (3) pots
with cabbages (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata) seed that will be used in this
study. All three (3) cabbages were divided into three (3) divisions. Each
cabbage was introduced with one (1) pot with water as negative control, one
(1) pot with loam soil as positive control, and 1 (one) pot citrus (Rutaceae) and
growth of the cabbage will be measured on the 14th day after intervention,
Research Subject
because excessive nitrogen promotes leafy growth rather than large tubers,
Research Locale
Tagum City. This experimental study will determine the application of Citrus
City Public Market, The organic fertilizer Citrus (Rutaceae) and carrots
(Apiaceae) peels are gathered at the respective home of the researcher located
This study will utilize materials before, during, and after the
were protective gears (lab gowns, gloves, mask, lab eyewear). To conduct the
experiment for the test subject,the following materials are used: citrus peels,
carrots peels, cabbage, loam soil, gardening boots and garden trowel.
In the preparation of the peels , knives are utilized. A 2 L pitcher, water, and
trowels were used to take charge of the test subject. The following are used
defilement, and sharp objects: safety gears, paper towels, and rugs. Chart
paper and markers were used in collecting and tracking the information. The
defensive gears and the chart paper are used during the experiment.
Experimental Procedure
A. Pre-Intervention
Preparation of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata) palnts and the place
of experimentation
their own residence, specifically the the kitchen and the garden area where the
Capitata) palnts.
The preparation of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata) Plants.
and the place of experimentation will be done by the researcher along with
will be prepared.
plastic bag.
f. The plastic pot was filled with 7 inches level of loam soil from
bottom to top.
g. The soil was dug 3 inches deep, enough for the crop to be planted of
using trowel.
i. After the plant was watered, it was covered with black plastic to
The researcher will ask permission to utilize the tools needed for the peeling
processes of the citrus (Rutaceae) and carrots (Apiaceae). The researcher also
asked for assistance of his parents to prepare the materials needed in the
d. Each peel of the fruits will be separated into a clean plastic bag.
f. The peels of Citrus and Carrots will be cut into smaller pieces.
g. The peels of Citrus and Carrots will be place under the sun for (2) two
h. The collected dried peels of Citrus and Carrots will be crushed separately
i. The researchers will label the plastic bag namely; Citrus peel and Carrots
B. Intervention
b. The materials needed such as water, citrus and carrots peels, plant
crops,top water and materials like gloves and trowel will be prepared
c. The labeled plastic bag of the negative control group, positive control group,
e. Six (6) grams of the organic fertilizer will be applied in the soil.
f. In the positive control group, six (6) grams of Loam soil with organic
fertilizer will be applied to the three (3) pots of cabbage (Brassica oleracea
var. Capitata) plants . with the use of measuring trowel and gloves.
g. In the experimental control group, sic (6) grams of organic fertilizer out of
utilized peels of citrus and carrots will be applied to the other set of three (3)
pots of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata) plants with the use of
h. In the negative control group, one (1) cup of water will be applied to the last
three (3) sets of pots cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata) plants with
i. Researcher will mark each pot in accordance with their control groups.
j. The nine (9) pots of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata) plants will be
put in the small garden area which will the plants receiving sunlight.
k. The enumeration of the plant growth process will be monitored every day
C. Post-intervention
a. After two (2) weeks of genuine watering, applying and handling the
peels, growth will occur and small shoots will push through the surface
of the soil and the height will be measured using a ruler for data
b. The researcher will record all the data using his laboratory notebook.
c. Materials and other substances that are used in the experiment will be
disposed with the help of his parents after gathering all the data needed
in the research.
Data Treatment
These statistical treatments will function to quantify the results and establish
that is applied with the organic fertilizer after Two (2) weeks.
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