Mhys Thesis Final Nagid Ni
Mhys Thesis Final Nagid Ni
Mhys Thesis Final Nagid Ni
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is one of the most important vegetable crops in the
a warm season crop that matures in a relatively short period of time. Cucumber can be
grown on almost any kind of soil. It is grown for both consumption and commercial
trades (BAS 2014). Like watermelon, cucumbers are made up of mostly 95 percent water,
which means eating them on a hot summer day can help you stay hydrated. With vitamin
K, B and C, Copper and Manganese, cucumber can help you to avoid nutrient deficiency.
Cucumber contains unique polyphenols and other compounds that may help reduce your
For the past 30 years, farmers in the Philippines have been practicing a chemical
based Agricultural Production strategy. The detrimental effects from the use of
antibiotics) by the farmers. The crucial issue or problem that requires firm resolve is
“how do we shift from chemical-based agriculture to one which is sustainable and nature-
based?” Natural farming is a culture where plants are grown in 100% natural
environment with the least human interference and no harmful chemical or synthetic
product used.
ensure greater food security. FAO define natural farming agriculture as a method which
uses holistic production management system which promotes and enhances agro-
ecosystem health including biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity.
enzyme and is very effective in natural farming. FFJ is used as a foliar spray to enhance
fruit quality, as a feed supplement for animals and as a food supplement for humans, in
general FFJ used more during the flowering and fruiting stage.
The researcher hopes that the study will help the farmers increase their yield and
quality of plants to help improve their way of living. In addition to this, they will able to
maximize the use of material that seem useless and will be able to sustain the soil
nutrients that is needed by their plants. To the students, through this study, they will be
able to participate in the campaign to save the earth in the economic and useful way as
well as to find a way so that those useless materials will become useful again. It is also
beneficial to the current status of our environment and society. To the agriculture
teachers, this will assist them in nurturing their students knowledge regarding organic
gardening. For the community, the researcher hopes to contribute to the knowledge in
might also serve as the bridge of the citizens to join hand to hand to increase their income
The objectives of the study is to evaluate the growth and yield of cucumber
applied with different sources of fermented fruit juice. Specifically, the study sought to;
1. Find out the growth of cucumber applied with different sources of FFJ.
The study was conducted at the experimental area of Capiz State University,
This study were limited to the growth and yield of cucumber applied with
different sources of fermented fruit juice from different sources. The growth parameter
was confined to the vine’s height (cm), number of lateral branches per sample plant, 50
days after planting. Likewise the yield were expressed in the following parameters
Growth parameters was limited to the length of vines of cucumber at 50 DAP and
number of lateral branches of cucumber at 50 DAP while yield was limited to the number
The researcher hopes that the study will help the farmers to endure the pain of
increasing cost of commercial fertilizers as well as lessening the bad effects of the
commercial fertilizer to the soil and environment and to lessen the harmful chemicals
absorbed by the fruits which are very dangerous for human intake.
Definition of Terms
Average number of fruits the total number of fruit produced in every plant in a hill.
Cucumber is a creeping vine that roots in the ground and grows up trellises or other
supporting frames.
FFJ refers to foliar spray used in cucumber, is an extract from cucumber, squash and
Growth refers to the development and performance of cucumber plant in terms of height
Marketable fruit refers to the cucumber fruits without damage and are free from
physical defect.
Molasses refers to thick, brown sugar liquid that is made from raw sugar.
cucumber fruit.
Yield refers to the potential harvest of cucumber fruits in grams and number of fruits per
sample plant.
Cucurbitaceae or Gourd Family which includes squash and musk melon. It is a well-
known crop in the Philippines due to its versatility as food and medicine. It is a creeping
vine, with triangular leaves. The plant has large leaves that form a canopy over the fruit.
The young stems in the ground are grown up in trellises or other supporting frames,
wrapping around ribbing within spiralling tendrils. Having an enclosed seed and
developing from a flower, cucumber is classified as fruits. It has usually more than 90
percent water. The fruits are edible, delicious, low calories and excellent source of fiber
needed for a healthy digestive system. The fruit of the cucumber is roughly cylindrical,
can be made at home from many common over-ripe fruits. The fermenting process takes
at least a week to complete. This liquid have nutritional activation enzymes and help to
increase nutrients in the soil and therefore in the plants growing in it, especially
Organic fertilizer, are fertilizers that are mainly composed of organic or natural
fertilizers such as manure and potash. Organic fertilizers are composed of anything
biodegradable that is found in nature, which releases nutrients as it decays, (van Haute,
One known organic fertilizer is the fermented fruit juice composed of banana,
squash and papaya. It has certain properties that can make our plants stronger and
healthier; they are rich in Vitamin C. The bananas are packed with potassium which
encourages fruiting; the papayas and squash, as their color indicates, are rich in beta-
carotene, which are important crystalline hydrocarbon pigments that occur in the
chloroplasts of our plants. Together, these fruits, when fermented boost the flowering and
fruiting of our veggies. Fermented fruit juice helps the plants because of its capability of
dissolving the chlorophyll in a short period of time to be readily absorbed by the plants
due to its natural enzymes. Chemical fertilizers can certainly provide some of the
nutrients. However, as many farmers have found out after decades of chemical usage,
these chemicals actually harm the soil. After initial bountiful harvest, the yields gradually
go down and increasing amounts of chemicals are needed and increasing cost of
production and poisoning the soil further. FFJ helps to improve soil quality and fertility
Tamheam (1980) mentioned that organic fertilizer like FFJ is a good source of
plant nutrients to improve the physical properties of soils. Tamheam (1980) also stated,
as you increased the level of application of FFJ diluted with natural water there was a
corresponding increase of soil properties that are essential for growth and development of
as far as height is concerned, FFJ performed better compared with FPJ. This conclusion
was similar to the findings of Juane (2004) when he said that application of FFJ to
vegetable crops will give good plant growth and vitality. The author added that when the
The materials used in the study were cucumber seeds, molasses, fruits of
cucumber, squash, bottle gourd as fermented fruit juice, spade, bamboo and straw lace.
The experimental area was prepared using Randomized Complete Block Design
with four treatments replicated three times. The treatments used are as follows: Treatment
A fertile and well drained area used as the experiment area of this study. The area
were divided into twelve (12) equal plots having a dimension of 3 meter x 4 meters,
canals and pathways with dimension of 0.5 meter was constructed to facilitate drainage.
Cultural Management
Preparation of Concoction. The fruits were cut and chopped finely, and then
and 1 kilo of bottle gourd + 1 litre of molasses, will be mixed thoroughly in the pail.
Then pail was covered with a paper and ties at its neck. After 14 days the fermented
First, collect the fruits used for treatments, next, cut or chop the fruit finely, mix
properly the following at the ratio of 1:1, 1 kilo of chopped fruits, and 1 litre of molasses
after that put the mixture in a pail and leave 25% air space. Leave the container
undisturbed in a cool place for 14 days, harvest FFJ liquid extract by straining with a
mosquito net, and lastly store FFJ in a plastic bottle. FFJ is now ready to use.
Land preparation Undecomposed weeds and other debris removed from the field
before the layout. Drainage canals were constructed using spade while bamboo pegs and
Sowing of Seeds Cucumber seeds were planted into their respective plots of assignment
in the experimental area. Planting was done late in the afternoon to minimize heat stress.
Establishment of Trellis Bamboo trunks and straw lace used as trellis where growing
cucumber plants can hold. This served as support for plants so that fruits was not come in
contact with the soil to avoid pathogens causing diseases to the plants and minimize
injury of the fruits. This was employed 15 days after planting. A heavy straw twine were
Control of Pests and Diseases Hand picking of insects were done upon noticing their
Foliar application spraying of fermented fruit juice was applied once a week after
planting by spraying it on the leaves of the cucumber plant. 20 g per plot in first
Harvesting of Cucumber. Fruits were harvested at the marketable age and size, 55 days
after planting. Fruits was harvested by hand using knife in cutting the petiole. To avoid
mixing up, a transparent covered container used and labelled. Harvesting was done early
in the morning and late in the afternoon to avoid unfavourable climate and extreme heat.
Post-harvest Processing
Weighing, Packaging and Marketing. Weighing was done using a triple beam
balance for marketable fruits. The weighed fruits will be placed in a plastic bag
depending on the quantity the buyers wish to buy. Cucumber fruits was sold to buyers in
the locality.
Block I Block 2 Block 3
T2 0.5 T3 T4
T1 T4
2 2222 4M T2
T3 0.5 T2 T1
T4 T1 T3
Growth parameters
Length of Vines. The length of vines was measured with a tape measure (cm) starting
from the position on the ground surface to the tip of the longest vine from 10 sample
Number of lateral branches. The secondary stems produced in each sample plant was
Yield Parameters
Number of Marketable Fruits Per Sample Plant. The average number of marketable
fruits per plot were determined by counting the fruits from 10 sample plants and the
Weight of Marketable Fruits Per Sample Plant. Fruits from each of the 10 sample
Length of fruits. fruits from each of the 10 sample plants was measured in (cm) using a
tape measure.
Diameter of fruits. fruits from each of the 10 sample plants was measured in (cm) using
a tape measure.
Statistical Tools and Analysis
Data gathered will be analyzed using Statistical Tool for Agricultural Research
(STAR) and will be subjected to one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) in Randomized
This chapter presents, analyses and interprets all the parameters gathered from the
Analysis of Variance (Table 1.) revealed that the length of vines at 50 DAP
affected by the fermented fruit juice from different sources applied to cucumber in Table
1. The data showed that cucumber planted at 50 DAP was not significantly affected by
fermented fruit juice from different sources with the range of 136.57 to 146.43.
Treatment 4 bottle gourd applied with fermented plant juice has the highest length
of vines with 146.43 followed with treatment 3 fermented fruit juice squash with 143.13
length of vines , treatment 2 fermented fruit juice cucumber with length of vines of
141.46 and treatment 1 control has the lowest length of vines 136.57. The results shows
that despite of different sources of fermented fruit juice applied in cucumber, the length
According to Juane (2004), the application of FFJ to vegetable crops will give
good plant growth and vitality. He added that , being natural, fermented fruit juice helps
the plants in dissolving the chlorophyll in a short period of time readily absorbed by the
plants due to its natural enzymes. However, the result of the study turned out differently
because of unfavourable environment condition prevalent at the time of growing the crop
which may have interfered with the efficient utilization of plants available from
fermented fruit juice. Heavy rains for a long period of time may have resulted to the
Data on number of lateral branches at 50 DAP fermented fruit juice from different
The number of lateral branch at 50 DAP was not significantly affected with the
different sources of fermented fruit juice treatment 2 fermented plant juice cucumber
obtained the highest number of lateral branches of 2.23 followed with treatment 4
fermented fruit juice bottle gourd 2.17 then treatment 1 control 2.13 and fermented fruit
juice squash got the lowest number of lateral branches with the mean of 2.10. Regardless
of different sources of fermented fruit juice applied to cucumber the results for the
number of lateral branches in all treatments has comparable results and statistically the
As pointed out by Tagotong (2009), organic fertilizer like fermented fruit juice is
a good source of plant nutrients to improve the physical properties of soil that were
responsible for the vigorous growth and development of plants. He further mentioned that
higher levels of FFJ application with effective dilution of water improve the growth
performance performance of vegetable crops. This notion, however runs contrary to the
findings of the study may be because too much rain at the time of conduct of the
experiment may have lessened the effectiveness of the concentration of the mixture
(water: FFJ) leading to limited amount of nutrients absorbed by plants. Limited light
intercepted by plant during the vegetative stage of growth and development may have
also affected the required amount of energy needed by plant to produce more food to
Table 2. Number of lateral branches as affected with fermented fruit juice from different
sources applied in cucumber.
P-VALUE 0.5137ns
CV(%) 4.94
p-value>.05 not significant
The data on number of fruits per sample plant in fermented fruit juice from
The result indicates that the number of fruits was comparable to each other was
not significantly affected with the different sources of fermented fruit juice The table
show that treatment 4 fermented fruit juice bottle gourd has the highest number of fruits
1.29 hence it has comparable result in all treatment. The second highest number of
number of fruits was treatment 3 which is the fermented fruit juice squash 1.25, followed
with treatment 1 (control) 1.18 and the lowest number of fruits was treatment 2
fermented fruit juice cucumber 1.12. Although of different sources of fermented fruit
juice applied to cucumber the results for the number of fruits per sample plant in all
organic fertilizers improve soil quality, boost the flowering and fruiting of veggies and
produce crops with better yield and quality (van Haute, 2007). Fermented fruit juice with
its natural enzymes helps the plants to dissolve chlorophyll to facilitate absorption by the
plants, due to its natural enzymes. Chlorophyll captures the sun’s rays and creates sugary
carbohydrates or energy, which allows the plant to grow. It was found that the study’s
outcome is inconsistent with the result of previous studies. The contradictory finding may
be attributed to poor environmental conditions which may have arrested the flowering
and fruiting abilities of the crop. Abscission of the flowers caused by heavy rainfall at the
reproductive stage of the plant may have markedly affected the number of fruits were
harvested from plants applied with or without fermented fruit juice. This indicates that
the application of FFJ is not effective as far as fruit development of fruits is concerned.
The foregoing premises may justify the insignificant average number of fruits
produced from plants applied with fermented fruit juice which is comparable to untreated
Table 3. Number of fruits of cucumber per sample plant as affected with fermented fruit
Juice from different sources.
Analysis of Variance in the weight of fruit per sample plant at 55 DAP with
fermented fruit juice from different sources applied to cucumber showed in table 4.
In terms of weight of marketable fruits harvested, the results revealed that the
different sources of FFJ affected the harvest. It was observed that heaviest fruits were
produced from plants applied with FFJ squash. Weight of fruits was significantly affected
The study’s outcome corroborates the work of previous studies that organic
matter in organic fertilizers is decompost by soil organism which is slower than inorganic
fertilizers (miller, 2014). The slow release of organic matter reduces nutrient leaching
thus maintain soil fertility and produce crops with better yield and quality(turing et al.,
2006). Also, Ali et al. (2013) found that foliar application enhanced the growth,
flowering and marketable yield of tomato. Use as a foliar spray during the flowering and
Table 4. Weight of marketable fruits of cucumber per sample plant as affected with
Fermented fruit juice from different sources.
Analysis of Variance at the length of fruits was not affected by the fermented fruit
The data shows that there is no significantly difference among the treatments with
Table 6 shows the data on mean diameter of fruits applied with fermented fruit
juice from different sources. Statistical analysis of the data showed that the diameter was
not significantly affected by the application of fermented fruit juice from different
sources 55 DAP.
Table 6. Diameter of fruits of cucumber as affected with fermented fruit juice from
different source.
The study was conducted at the experimental area of Capiz State University,
Pontevedra Campus, Bailan, Pontevedra, Capiz from Novembr 03 to December 27. 2018
to determine the effect of fermented fruit juice from different sources applied to
A total area of 189 sq. m was thoroughly prepared before planting of cucumber.
The experimental area was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with
four treatments replicated three times. The treatments used were: Treatment 1- Control
without FFJ, Treatment 2- FFJ cucumber. Treatment 3- FFJ squash, Treatment 4- FFJ
bottle gourd. Foliar application of FFJ following the rates per treatment was properly
observed. All cultural management and practices favourable for the growth of test crop
were employed. The data collected were length of vines (cm). number of lateral branches,
number of fruits per sample plant, weight of marketable fruits per sample plant( g), length
Design (RCBD) for a single factor experiment was used to analyzed the data gathered
with the use of Statistical Tool for Agricultural Research (STAR) software. Alpha level
significance for all inferential tests was set at .05. Results of the study showed that the
different sources of fermented fruit juice did not affect the length of vines, number of
lateral branches, number of fruits, length and diameter of fruits. However, weight of
fruits was affected by the application of fermented fruit juice from different sources.
2. Cucumber applied with FFJ squash, produced significantly the heaviest fruits
and diameter of fruits per sample plant were not affected with fermented fruit
Based on the findings and conclusion obtained from this study, the following
3. Replicate the study in other areas and different conditions to validate the result.
Ali, S., Javed, H.U., R.N.U, Sabir (2013). Foliar application of some macro and
micronutrients improve tomato growth, flowering and yield. Retrieved from :Int, J.
biosci>, 3: 280-287
Haute, V. (2007). Growing Rich, Tasty Veggies in Harmony with Nature. Volume I:
Basic insights on how to get started. Silang Cavite: My Backyard Garden Publications.
Juane, C. G. (2004). Pechay in the Philippines. Agri review 14. Pp. 307.
Pechay. Cotabato: American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. Special Issue: Agro-
Doi: 10.11648/j.ajaf.s.2015130601.12.
Parnes, R. (1990). Fertile soil: A grower’s guide to organic and inorganic fertilizers
Tagotong, M. M. (2009). Pechay applied with kinds and levels of organic fertilizer.
Development Center. 66
Appendix Table 1a. Analysis of Variance on length of vines as affected with fermented
fruit juice applied to cucumber at 50 DAP
Block 2 2729.94 1364.94 24.13 0.0014
Treatment 3 152.11 50.70 0.90 0.49ns
Error 6 339.45 56.57
TOTAL 11 3221.46
CV=5.30% >.05= significant at 5% level
Appendix Table 2. Number of lateral branches as affected with fermented fruit
juice from different sources applied to cucumber at 50 DAP
TI- Control without FFJ 2.1 2.1 2.2 6.4 2.13
T2- FFJ cucumber 2.2 2.2 2.3 6.7 2.23
T3- FFJ squash 2.2 2.1 2 6.3 2.10
T4-FFJ bottle gourd 2.3 2.2 2 6.5 2.17
BLOCK TOTAL 8.8 8.6 8.5
Block 2 0.0117 0.0058 0.51 0.62
Treatment 3 0.0292 0.0097 0.85 0.51ns
Error 6 0.0683 0.0114
TOTAL 11 0.1092
CV= 4.94 >.05=significant at 5% level
Appendix Table 3. Number of fruits per sample plant as affected with fermented
fruit juice from different sources applied to cucumber
Appendix Table 3a. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on number of fruits per sample
plant as affected with fermented fruit juice from different
sources applied to cucumber
Block 2 0.14 0.07 1.48 0.30
Treatment 3 0.05 0.01 0.36 0.78ns
Error 6 0.30 0.05
TOTAL 11 0.50
CV=18.59% >.05=significant at 5%level
Appendix Table 4. Weight of marketable fruits per sample plant as affected with
fermented fruit juice from different sources applied to cucumber
Appendix Table 4a. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on weight of marketable fruits per
sample plant as affected with fermented fruit juice from different
sources applied to cucumber
Block 3 2840.93 1420.46 2.52 0.16
Treatment 2 8729.90 2909.96 5.17 0.04*
Error 6 3379.29 563.21
TOTAL 11 14950.13
CV=9.63% *<.05=significant at 5%level
Appendix Table 5. Length of fruits as affected with fermented fruit juice from different
sources applied to cucumber
Appendix Table 5a. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on length of fruits as affected with
fermented fruit juice from different sources applied to cucumber
Block 2 0.63 0.31 0.28 0.76
Treatment 3 3.59 1.19 1.05 0.43ns
Error 6 6.84 1.14
TOTAL 11 11.07
CV=5.27% >.05=-significant at 5%level
Appendix Table 6.Diameter of fruits as affected with fermented fruit juice from different
sources applied to cucumber
Block 2 67.10 33.55 0.82 0.48
Treatment 3 112.70 37.56 0.92 0.48ns
Error 6 244.25 40.70
TOTAL 11 424.05
CV=33.08% >.05=significant at 5% level