2289-Article Text-4878-1-10-20190311
2289-Article Text-4878-1-10-20190311
2289-Article Text-4878-1-10-20190311
Imanuel Kamlasi
English Lecturer of English Education Study Program of Timor University
Jl. Km. 9, Kelurahan Sasi, Kefamenanu, Timor, NTT, Indonesia
E-mail address: [email protected] Hp. 085239295604
transcribed the spoken form into The results of the analysis of the
written form. In codifying technique, classification errors shown in chart 1
the words, phrases, clauses or showed that the highest grammatical
sentences which were used by students errors on spoken English was omission
in oral presentation were given code. within the total errors were 103 or
The codes were based on the 40,87%. For example of omission
classification of errors and linguistic errors in student number 1: I usually
category that refer to Dulay, Burt and get up__5 o’clock. The student omits
Krashen (1982 pp. 154-163). In the preposition at before the time.
classifying techniques, the researcher There was an absence of article in the
classified the data into linguistic utterance. In English; preposition at is
surface category. In analyzing used before the hour. This is maybe
technique, the researcher analyzed the caused by the interference of the
data based on classification of errors Indonesian language; saya biasanya
and linguistic surface category. In bangung jam lima pagi. The next error
discussion section, the researcher was followed by addition errors within
discussed the result descriptively as the the score 80 or 31,74%. For example of
findings of the research. addition errors in student number 1:
Then, I prepare to making by bed. This
student produces addition errors of ing
3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION form. In English, the use of inventive
In this section, the findings of to + verb 1; but normally many new
grammatical errors in spoken English learners use verb-ing instead of to
are presented and discussed. The infinitive. Student number 2: I go to
grammatical errors refer to Dulay, Burt home. There was an addition errors of
and Kresen theory which covers to which is used before home. The
omission, addition, misformation and correct is I go home (without
misordering and linguistic category. preposition to). The next error was
misformation within the total error
Chart 1. Types of Errors on Spoken were 38 or 15%. For example in
student number 15: I go to campus by
foot. The student makes errors in using
preposition by. In English; by is sued
for car or motorcycle while the correct
40,87 38
English grammar is I go to campus on
31,74 31 foot. Student number 19: I usually have
15 12,3
porridge and tea for me breakfast. This
error is categorized as misformation
which the student uses me (object)
instead of my as the possession before
the noun. The last type error was
misorderning which was categorized as
have dinner. In English; My brother
and I have dinner. The students did not
make many errors in misordering.
Article 15 8 6 0 29
Singular/ 24
9 11 4 0
7 29
Conjunction 12 7 6 4
Word Order 0 0 0 20 20
Negation 5 12 7 0 24
number 24: I go to campus by public singular and plural forms. The case in
transportation but sometimes with daily activity should be in plural form
motorcycle. My campus start at 8.00 so it should be my daily activities. The
o’clock, aa.. on campus my classmate example of negation is made by student
and I tell a lot. This student uses with number 12: Before I go to bed I no
my friend motorcycle as dengan forget to pray. This student omits the
sepeda motor instead of by. The next, auxiliary do which is use in negative
he makes error in using on campus. form. The correct is I do not forget to
The correct is at campus. The pronoun pray. Student number 24: Some of us
category made 36 errors in spoken telling the story, aaa... to not get
English. Examples as in student boring. This student means to inform
number 18: I take bath and __dresses that to avoid getting bored; they must
at. This student omits subject I which is tell the story. The correct is the story
put before the verb. Student number 5: doesn’t make boring. The last error of
I want to tell__ my daily activities. linguistic category is word order. The
This student also omits object you error of word order was made the
which is put after the verb tell. While student number 25. Usually I get up at
student number 19: I usually have 5.00 o’clock in the morning. There is
porridge and tea for me breakfast. This error in word order in which the
error is categorized as misformation student put usually before the subject.
which the student uses me (object) The correct I usually get up at 5.00
instead of my as the possession which o’clock. So, usually is put after subject.
is used before the noun. Then, it is
followed by article and conjunction Chart 3. Percentage of Errors based on
which make 29 errors for each Linguistic Category
category. The error in article was made Word Negation
Order 10%
by student number 6. I wash a dishes.
8% Verb
There was error by adding article a. 19%
The correct is I wash dishes. The error Conjunct
ion Pronoun
in conjunction made by the student 11%
number 5: I go to campus by
motorcycle and my campus starts at Singular/
8.00 o’clock and at 2.00 o’clock. There Plural Prepositi
10% Article on
was ungrammatical conjunction and. 11% 17%
The conjunction and is used to connect This chart presents the percentage of
two similar word class; i.e. noun + errors based on linguistic category on
noun. The next errors of linguistic spoken English. The score showed that
category are singular/plural and verb was categorized as the highest
negation which make 24 errors for each errors that the students make on spoken
category. Student number 14: I want to English. The verbs presented 19% of
tell you about my daily activity. This errors. The next error of linguistic
student does not differentiate the category on spoken English was
After working on analyses during a Batko, Ann & Rosenheim.(2004).
couple of weeks, I have come to my When Bad Grammar Happens to
Good People; How to Avoid
conclusion of the study. Based on
Common Errors in English.
Dulay, Burt and Krashen’s theory USA: Career Press.
which I used to analyze the students’
grammatical errors on spoken English; Brown, Douglas H. (2000). Principle of
I found that the highest grammatical Language and Teaching,
errors on spoken English was omission addision Wesley: Longman.
which presented 103 or 40,87% errors.
Celce-Murcia, M, (ed). (1995).
Then; the addition presented 80 or
Teaching English as a Second or
31,74% errors. While, the Foreign Language, Third
misformation presented 38 or 15%. The Edition. Rowley, MA: Newbury
misorderning error categorized as the House.
lowest score with 31 or 12,30% of
errors. The errors on linguistic category Creswell, W. J. (2014). Research
on spoken English showed that verb Design: Qualitative,
Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
was categorized as the highest errors
Approaches.Fourth Edition.
which presented 48 or 19% of errors. London: Sage Paublication Inc.
The next error of linguistic category on
spoken English was preposition which Dulay, H. Burt, M. Krashen, S. (1982).
presented 41 or 17% of errors. Then Language Two.Oxford University
pronouns category presented 36 or 14% Press. New York