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(A Mixed Method of English Study Programme Third Semester at

IAIN Curup)


This thesis is submitted to fulfill the requirement for ‘Sarjana’

degree in English Language Education



NIM. 17551076






A. Background

There are four skills in teaching and learning English at any level of

education whether it is primary, secondary, or at the level intermediate; namely

reading, writing, listening and speaking. The four skills are abilities that must be

mastered to be proficient in english, especially for students of english study

programme. Those skills are related to each other and cannot be independent;

therefore, learners need to master all of the four skills. According to Uma and

Ponnambala, mastering language skills will determine the students’

communicative competence in the target language. These four skills are

interconnected but have different methods and processes.

As one of the four English skills, speaking is probably often considered to

be the most important one. Speaking is a crucial part of the language learning

process, it is a key of activate communication. Oral communication is the most

important one because it is used by people in order to maintain their social

relationship. In doing so, they need speaking skill in order to perform

communication. Speaking has become more important skill for english teacher or

prospective English teacher. According to Brailey and Savege “speaking is a

second or foreign language has often been viewed as the most demanding of the

four skills”1. In improving students’ speaking ability, of course, is to improve the

Bailey, Kathleen M. and Lance Savage. 1994. New Ways in Teaching Speaking.
Illinois: Pantagraph Printing
oral production of students. In other words, there are five essential element that

should be paid attention. The essential elements in speaking are such as

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.

One of the component in speaking skill is pronunciation. Pronunciation

need to be known by the students especially students of IAIN Curup in English

study programme, but, the reality learners could not produce English word

correctly. They get confused when pronouncing english words. It is because there

are differences between their mother tongue and English. Pronunciation is one of

the parts of speaking to communicate with others that has a differences between

the symbol and its sounds. When communicate with other people, should not only

have a good vocabulary but also have good pronunciation. Therefore, it is

important to teach pronunciation. As Harmer states “that for all these people,

being made aware of pronunciation issues will be of immense benefit not only to

their own production but also to their own understanding of spoken english” 2.

Pronunciation is probably one of the hardest speaking skills in english to learn

because learning pronunciation takes much time and effort to improve

understanding how to pronounce correctly. Pronunciation is the knowledge of how

to pronounce a word.3 Pronunciation is one important component in speaking

because pronunciation also determines fluency in speaking english. When

communicating with other people, must have a good pronunciation, so the other

people can understand and do not confuse about what is talking about and there is

Harmer, J. (2000). The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Longman
Group Ltd.
M Wildan Habibi, thesis: “English Pronounciation Problems Encountered by
Indonesian Advance Students” (Malang: Maulana Malik Ibrahim, 2016), hal 11.
no misunderstanding between the speaker and the listener. In the simple word,

Pronunciation can define as a part of speaking skill that related with how to make

correct sounds in order to achieve meaning in context of use.

Pronunciation refers to the way of words or a language is spoken, or the

manner in which people utter words. Pronunciation is difficult thing to some

students that english is a foreign language of them. Pronunciation is difficult to

say because there are several factors involved. Factors that affect pronunciation of

a word such as; the area in which they grew up, the area in which they know live,

if they have a speech or voice disorder, their ethnic group, their social class, or

their education. These factors are very influential in student pronunciation, for

example a student who was born in java and often uses javanese in everyday life,

so that the pronunciation is not accurate and leads to her mother tongue.

IAIN Curup have many students that come from different regions and have

different tribes such as the javanese, sundanese, rejang tribe and other tribes.

There are various kinds of languages that are used to communication, but in class

students must use a formal language that is indonesian language. One of IAIN

difficulties in learning English speaking is how to pronounce English sounds

correctly. As well as in English department have many students who come from

various regions with different languages, it will be difficult when learning a

foreign language such as English because of differences in pronunciation between

mother tongue with a foreign language. It means that the differences between

learner native language and target language will impact to sounds produced by

foreign language learner. Learning how to pronounce another language sounds is

very important in interaction and wrong in pronunciation can make

misunderstanding in conversation. To prevent pronunciation deviation, the person

must follow courses related to pronunciation. In the english department, there are

courses related to pronunciation, namely phonology courses. Each word, has

standard sound or rules. In pronouncing English word, a students usually makes

deviations that are not in accordance with the standard rules.

There is a phonology course in the third semester that learns about

pronunciation in the form of sound that is used as a communication tool and

learns all about english sounds. Phonology deals with how sounds function in

relation to each other in a language. On the whole, phonology is one of the

brances of linguistics that studies about how sounds occur together with other

sound in a certain language and learn about pronunciation. Phonology is the study

of sound structure which is different from the study of sentence structure. In

phonology and linguistics, a phoneme is a unit of sound that can distinguish one

word from another in a particular language. There are a few parts of a phoneme,

namely vowels and consonants. A vowel is a speech sound made with your mouth

fairly open, the nucleus of a spoken syllable. Consonant is a sound made together

with your mouth reasonably closed. All these aspects are very important and

influential in English pronunciation. But even though English majors have courses

on pronunciation and phonology, there are still many students who make errors

when pronouncing English words especially for students who come from regions

with a thick accents. This is because many students still use their mother tongue in

the family environtment and in the circle of friends.

In teaching learning process, deviation or error cannot be separated from

learners or teachers. Error is something done wrong or condition of being wrong

in beliefs or conduct. The term error also means the flawed side of learners’

speech or writing. They those part of conversation or composition that deviate

from selected norm of mature language performances 4. In simple word, it could be

concluded that error refers to the failure in using the system of language correctly.

It is caused by the lack of the students’ competence, knowledge and

comprehension. There are two causes of pronunciation error yaitu interference of

the learners’ mother tonge and the general characteristics of the rule learning.

English pronunciation errors produced by non native speakers have been

discussed by many studies around the world. Indonesian speakers are not an

exception. In connection with it, this research discusses the pronunciation errors

produced by the English Department students of IAIN CURUP especially from

javanese, sundanese, rejangnese, and other tribe. It is aimed at identifying the

types of errors, the causes of errors and measuring the level of phonological

awareness of the students.

Many factors that cause errors in the pronounciation of English words,

such as social environtment, place of origin like dialects, and others. Most people

from different regions face problems in the dialect of English, because they are

accustomed to using their local language. Therefore they face various difficulties

in pronouncing English words. regional languages as the first language that is

Hepy Yudo Hartoto, Thesis: “The Errors of English Pronunciation Among The
Second Grade Students of Tersono Junior High Schol Tersono Batang” (Semarang:
University of Semarang, 2010), hal 9.
known, very influential on the English language of a student ingcluding his

pronunciation. Dialects or pronounciation of local languages have an impact on

good and correct pronounciation of english even though it is still acceptable in

terms of meaning.

In interview with FA from A class, she says that pronunciation is difficult

because the mother tongue is still thick so that sometimes the pronunciation is still

carried away by the mother tongue, such as a word that contains the letter D,

namely the word indeed is pronounced medically by the speaker.

Based on that phenomenon, the researcher is interested in doing the

research in English Study Programme IAIN Curup because the researcher want to



B. Research Question

Based on the background of the research above, the researcher can state

the research question as follows:

1. What are some error do occur in english students with different ethnicity?

2. What are the causes of this error pronunciation?

C. Object of The Research

Based on the research question of the study, the objective of this

research were formulated as follow:

1. To know what are some error do occur in english students with different


2. To know the causes of error pronunciation.

D. Scope of the Research

The main point of this research is to investigate pronunciation deviation

of english sounds made by students with different linguistic background and to

know the mistakes in english pronunciation made by students who come from

rejang, sunda and java and etc. In english speaking and pronunciation are very

important. The researcher focuses on pronunciation error made by students

from different ethnicity because when they pronunce english word usually they

are wrong. The student who become the population is students in English

Department of Tarbiyah Faculty at IAIN Curup. They are choosen because they

usually have deviation of pronunciation because they have different ethnicity.

E. Definition of the Key Term

To avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the meaning of

term in this research, the operational definition is provided. It is expected to

give common understanding and interpretation between the writer and the

readers, those are:

1. Error
Error is when someone makes a mistake in doing something. So

the meaning of pronunciation error is when someone makes a mistakes in

pronouncing a word. In conclusion, the error is a deviation from the

grammar of native speaker, reflecting the competence of the learners. The

sources of errors in studying a language might be derived from the

interference of the learners, mother tongue and general characteristics of

the rule learning.

2. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is one of the parts of speaking skills to communicate

with other people. Pronunciation is how sounds is produced that we use to

make meaning when we speak. The conclusion, pronunciation is the way

person utters as a word or language. Pronunciation is one important

component in speaking because pronunciation also determines fluency in

speaking english and there is no misunderstanding between the speaker

and listener if the pronunciation is fluently.

3. Ethnicity

Ethnicity or ethnic group is a social group, community or

population made up the people who share a common distinctive culture,

religion, background or descent.

F. Significance of the Research

There are two significances of the research, they are theoretical

significance and practical significance. The explanation is as follow:

1. Theoretical significance

This research can be used as the references for someone who wants

to do a research in pronunciation error especially pronunciation error from

different etnics and mother tongue.

2. Practical significance

a. Lecturer

The researcher hoped this study could give several inputs to the

lecturer about the possible problems encountered by students in

pronouncing words. The lecturer could discover various effective

methods which will be used to teach pronounciation.

b. The students

The researcher expected the students to realize which

pronunciation errors they frequently made. Moreover, students more

comprehend in saying correct pronunciation because they were already

known the pronunciation error that they made.

G. Organization of the research

To make the organization of this research more systematic, the

researcher organized this research into five chapters. The organization of this

final project is as follows:

Chapter I is Introduction. This chapter consist of the background of the

research, research question, object of the research, scope of the research,

definition of the key terms, significance of the research and

oeganization of the research.

Chapter II is Theoretical Review. In this chapter, we can see the theory

that can support this study. They are pronunciation, error pronunciation, and


Chapter III is Methodology of Research. This research consist of

research methodology that consist of kind of research, population, sample,

technique of data collection and technique of data analysis.

Chapter IV is Finding and Discussion. It contain description of the data

analysis, finding and discussion.

Chapter V is Conclusion and Suggestion. It consist of conclusion for



In this chapter, some theories about errors and pronunciation presented

based on several books and articles from libraries or internet as references. The

explanation from general to detailed one will be presented here.

A. Pronunciation

1. The Definition of Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the main sub-skill of speaking. Pronunciation

define as the production of sounds that is used to make meaning.

According to Seidlhofer, pronunciation is the production of significant

sound used by a particular language as part of the code of the language,

and used to achieve meaning in context. In line with Richard and Schmidt,

they define pronunciation as the method of producing certain sounds. 5 This

mean that pronunciation is the speech production that creates meaning.

Pronunciation is one part of speaking skill that is difficult to learn.

According to Szynalski, n.d, pronunciation is probably one of the hardest

speaking skills in English to learn because learning pronunciation takes

much time and effort to improve understanding how to pronounce


Abbas Pourhosein, English Pronunciation Instruction : A Literature Review,
International Journal of Research in English Education Vol. 1, No. 1; 2016, P.2
In many English language classroom, teaching pronunciation in

many school still least attention, because there are many students who

have not been able to pronounce English vowels properly. Definition of

pronunciation is proposed by Marianne Celce that pronunciation is the

language feature that must readly identifies speakers as non-native. 6

Pronunciation (pronounce) verb that mean to create voice of the word and

manner in which language or particular word or sound in speaking.7

When speaking English, the speakers and the listeners are having a

mutual relationship of communication. They affect each other and the

listeners can grasp the message of what is said, the speakers have to speak

with a correct pronunciation by means the English sounds are pronounced

correctly. Otherwise, the listeners will undergo misunderstanding caused

by the incorrect pronunciation. Yule states this is because speech sounds,

in a language, are distinctive units that different sounds can lead to

different meanings.8

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that pronunciation

is the manner how to pronounce the word of the language in which if there

is different in pronunciation may have different meaning. The right

pronunciation will be known and understood by the listener or people, but

Marianna celce, Teaching English as A Second or Foreign Language, (Library of
congress Catalg-in-publication Data 2001), p. 117
Ferguson M.C. Gauran, Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary, (New York: Oxford
University Press, 2000), P.331
Yule, G.(2010). The Study of Language. New York: Cambridge University Press.
the wrong pronunciation will be miscommunication and its will tell which

are native speaker and non-native.

2. Factors that Effect Pronunciation Learning

Many students have difficulty in pronounce some English word, it

cause of many factors and specific effect that many students become

difficult in pronouncing English. There are several factors and the effect

on students learning pronunciation is among them.

According to Joanne Kenworthy, factors that affect pronunciation

learning as follow9:

a. The native language: the native language is an important factor in

learning pronunciation. The mean of native language is mother tongue

influence. All aspects in the language related to pronunciation, such as

sounds, stress and intonation of the learners’ native laguage, are

sometimes applied when they learn a foreign language. The difficulty in

pronouncing those sounds is caused by the unavailability of the sounds

in student’s mother tongue.

b. The age factor: The second factor that influences and hinders the

students in learning English pronunciation is age. The age refers to the

period whe the students learn the pronunciatin seriusly and intensively.

Someone pronounce a second language like a native, they probably

started learning it as a child.

Joanne Kenworthy, Teaching English Pronunciation, International Journal of
Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 2 No. 21; (November 2012), p. 82
c. Amount of exposure: it is tempting to view this simply as a matter of

whether the learner is living in English-Speaking country or not.

d. Phonetic ability: it is commonly view that some people have a “better

ear” for foreign language than others. This skill has been variously

termed aptitude for oral mimicry’ phonetic coding ablility’ or auditory

discrimination ability.

e. Attitude and identity: it has been claimed that factors such as a person’s

sense of identity and feelings of group affiliation are strong determiners

of the acquisition of accurate pronunciation of a foreign language.

f. Motivation and concern for good pronunciation some learners seem to

be concerned about their pronunciation than others.10

3. Aspects Of Pronunciation

There are many aspects of pronunciation and Joanne Kenworthy

state that aspect of pronunciation is as follow:

a. Combination of sounds: sometimes combination sounds occur in

groups, two consonants occur at the end of the word “salt”. When this

happens within a word it is called a consonant cluster.

b. Linkage sound: when English people speak generally do not pause

between each word, but move smoothly from one word to the next.

c. Word stress: when an English word has more than one syllable (a

‘polysyllabic’ word) one of these is made to stand out more than the


Joanne kenworthy,Teaching English Pronunciation, (New York:Longman Group
1988), P.4
d. Rhythm: English speech resembles music in that it has a beat.

e. Weak forms: when a word with only one syllable is unstressed in a

sentence, its pronunciation is often quite diferent from when it is


f. Sentences stress : the emphasis in a sentences that would give a

particular meaning.

g. Intonation: speech also like music in that it uses changes in pitch;

speaker can change the pitch of their voice as they speak. making in

higher or lower in pitch at will.

4. Features of English Pronunciation

English pronunciation has two kinds of features; segmental and

suprasegmental features11. Segmental features consist of phonemes which

are sounds different in a language. Segmental features are divided into

consonant sounds and vowel sounds. Consonants are produced with some

closure in the vocal tract that blocks the flow of air from the lungs. Vowels

is one of the speech sounds that people often make. Vowel are produced

with little closure of the airflow from the lungs out both the mouth and the

nose. Fromkin state that Consonant have several classifications

consonant sounds can be classified by voicing, place of articulation, and

manner of articulation

Anne Burns and Stephanie, Clearly Speaking Pronunciation in action for teachers,
(Australia : AMEP, 2003), P.6
a. Segmental features

Segmental features relate to sounds at the micro level. They

include specific sounds within word such as; i as in lamp, r as in ramp,

a has in hat. The sound system of consonants, vowels of their

combinations are called phonemes. Phonemes are sounds that, when

pronounced incorrectly, can change the meaning of the word. Compare

the changes of meaning in:

Pet pat

Rock rack

Heat hit

b. Suprasegmentals features

Suprasegmental features relate to sounds at the macro level.

Advances in research have developed descriptions of the

suprasegmental features of speech extending across whole stretches of

language. Unlike languages such as vietnamese or mandarin which are

tonal, english is stress-timed and syllable-timed (for example, WHAT’s

his addRESS?). linking, intonatin and stress are important features for

effective pronuncations at the suprasegmental level.

B. English Phonemes

Phonemes are the smallest units o sound that serve to distinguish one

word from another, thus making lexical distinction. In other word, phonemes

can describe the difference of sunds in each word. English phonemes are
divided into two categories, namely vowel and consonant. There are 14 vowel

sounds and 24 consonant sounds in English. It can be described as follows:

1. Vowel

According to Jones, a vowel is defined as some of the continuous

voiced sounds produced without obstruction in the mouth and they are

what may be called pure musical sounds unaccompanied by any friction

noise (pdf vowel dan consonant). The quality of vowels is depending upon

the sition of the tongue and lips because those articulators have a great role

in producing the vowels. English has fourteen sounds, they are; /I/, /i/,

/i:/, /e/, /α:/, /æ/, /ɒ/, /ɔ:/, /ʊ/, /˄/, /ə/, /ɜ/, /u:/, /u/. Furthermre, vowel sound

is classification based on the part of the tongue capable of producing



a. Based on the length, vowel are classifed into two categories, they are

short vowels and long vowels. It can be explain as follows:

1) English short vowels

Short vowels are vowel sound that relatively shorter than

long vowels. As a result, in different contexts causes different

lengths in vowel sounds. There are six short vowels in English

sound. As shown in the figure below.

a) English short vowel /I/, in pronouncing the lips position are

slightly widened. Then, the tongue position is in the front area,

more open, and closer to the center of the mouth. For example,

‘sit’, ‘big’, and ‘kid’.

b) English short vowel /e/, the lips position are slightly open when

pronouncing it and the tongue position is in the front area of

mouth. For example, ‘pen’, ‘let’, and ‘ten’.

c) English short vowel /æ/, in pronouncing the lips position are

slightly widened. The tongue position is in the front area. For

example, ‘pass’, ‘back’, and ‘had’.

d) English short vowel /ʊ/, the lips position are rounded when

pronouncing it and the tongue position is close to the middle of

mouth. For example, ‘gum’, ‘mug’, and ‘burn’.

e) English short vowel /˄/, the position of the lip is neutral. Then,

the tongue position is near to the central of mouth. For example,

‘bus’, ‘hut’, and ‘cup’.

f) English short vowel /ɒ/, the position of the lip is slightly rounded,

and the tongue position is close to the back of muouth. For

example, ‘orange’, ‘hot’, and ‘got’.

2) English long vowels

Long vowels tend to be pronounced a bit longer than the

short vowels.12 There are five long vowels as seen in the following


a) English long vowel /i:/, the lips position are slightly widened.

Then, the tongue position is in the front area of mouth. For

example ‘see’, ‘sheep’, and ‘feet’.

b) English short vowel /ɜ:/, the position of the lips is neutral. Then,

the tongue position is in the middle area of mouth. For example

‘fur’, ‘word’, and ‘burst’.

c) English short vowel /u:/, the lips position are slightly rounded and

the tongue position is in the back are of mouth. For example,

‘too’, ‘soon’, and ‘shoot’.

Roach, P. “English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical Course” (New
york:Cambridge University)
d) English short vowel /ɔ:/, the position of the lips is quite rounded.

While, the tongue position is in the very back part of mouth. For

example ‘saw’, ‘door’, and ‘foal’.

e) English short vowel /α:/, the position of the lips is neutral. Then,

the position of tongue is in the back of mouth. For example ‘arm’,

‘far’, and ‘park’.

b. The vowel classification, based on the part of the tongue is13:

1) Front vowels

Front vowel refers to the vowel sound that is formed due to

the position of the lips are spread when pronouncing a word. There

are four vowel sounds based in the front area of mouth. They are

high front vowel /i/, mid-high front central vowel /I/, mid-low front

vowel /ɛ/, and low front vowel /æ/.

2) Back vowels

Back vowel refers to the vowel sound that is formed due to

the lips position are rounded. There are five vowel sounds based in

the back area of mouth. It consists of high back vowel /u/, mid high

Jones, Daniel. “ An Outline of English Phonetic” (cambridge University press :1978)
central vowel /ʊ/, mid back vowel /ɔ/, mid-low back vowel /ɒ/, and

low back vowel /α/

3) Central vowel

Central vowel refers to the vowel sound that is formed when

the position of tongue is in the middle between front vowel and back

vowel. There are three vowel sounds based in the central area of

mouth. They are mid central unrounded vowel /ə/, mid central

rounded vowel /ɜ/, and low central unrounded vowel /˄/.

c. Based on the height of the tongue, vowels fall under four classification.

1) Close vowels are those produced by which the tongue is raised as

high as possible consistently with the sound remaining vowels.

2) Open vowels are those produced by which the tongue is positioned

as low as possible.
3) Half-close vowels are those produced by which the tongue occupies

a position about one-third of the distance from close to open vowels.

4) Half-open vowels are those produced by which the tongue occupies

a position about two-third of the distance from close to open vowels.

2. Consonant

Consonant are sounds formed by the vocal track connstriction so

that the air flow is blocked 14. It means that the air flow disturbances that

occur in the part of mouth produces consonant sounds. There are 24

consonants in English: It consists of /p/, /b/, /m/, /w/, /f/, /v/, /ɵ/, /t/, /d/, /s/,

/z/, /n/, /l/, /j/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/, /k/, /g/, /ɳ/, /w/, /h/, /ơ/. Consonant is

divided according to articulation voice, articulation place, and articulation


C. Error

1. Definition of Error

The students of course will do errors or mistakes in speaking

activities especially in pronouncing the words. The different system of

language could make students to make errors and mistakes. According to

Hornby, error is something done wrong or condition of being wrong in

beliefs or conduct. According to Dulay, Burt, Krashen The term error also

means the flawed side of learners’ speech or writing. They those part of

conversation or composition thatdeviate from selected norm of mature

Crystal, D. “ A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics sixth edition” (Oxford:
Blackwell publishing, 2008)
language performances15. Richards states that error in speech or

writing as second or foreign language learners is the use of linguistic item

(e.g. aword, a grammatical item, a speech act, etc.) 16 in a way in which a

fluent or nativespeaker of the language regards as showing faulty or

incomplete learning. From that definition, the conclusion error is do

something wrong in using the system of language correctly. Error is

different from mistakes. Therefore, it is crucial to make a distinction

between them in order to analyze learners’ language in proper perspective.

Corder and Roeckhan states, Error is deviation from student structure

since the learners has not completely mastered the rules of the language

they learned.17

According to Brown, a mistake refers to a performance error that is

either a random guess or a “slip”, in that it is a failure to utilize a known

system correctly. An error is a noticeable deviation from the adult

grammar of native speaker, reflects the competence of the learner. 18 Error

is a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar or nature speaker,

reflecting the interlanguage competence of the learner. There is two factors

cause errors: the native language interferences or first language and the

target language being learned. The error that is caused by the interferences

Dulay, H, Burt, M. and Krashen,. Language two. (New York: Oxford University
Press.1982)p. 138
Richards, C. Jack. (1973). Error Analysis Perspective on Second Language
Acquisition. Longman.
Corder, S. P. 1967. The significance of learners' errors. International Review of
Applied Linguistics
H. Douglas Brown, Principle of Language Learning and Teaching, (San Fransisco:
Prentice Hall, 1987), 257.
or reflects the native language structure is called interlingual error. The

other error caused by the target language and do not reflect native

language structure but usually caused by overgeneralization because of the

lack of target language competence. It is called intralingual error. Slinker

repeated five sources of errors are Language transfer, Transfer of training,

Strategies of second language learning, Strategies of second language

communication, and Overgeneralization of target language linguistic


2. Cause of error

Erdogan defines some causes of errors served as follow :

a. Inter lingual transfer

Transfer belongs to the inter lingual errors as the larner’s errors

riginally come from the mother tongue. Learners use their mother

tongue’s rule to be applied to their second language rule in organzing the

second language data as littlewood says that “ it is ecnomical and

productive for second language learners to transfer their previous

knowledge language (including the first language) to the task”. Refer to

that definition, it means that transfer is not merely contributing to the

existence of errors but also giving advantages in laning the second

language. Transfer will cause errors when the mother tongue’s rule is

different from the second language rule. Sometimes learners will fail to

construct sentence in the new rule (rule in second language), for example

when the native speakers of indonesia produce “ I sick”, they use

indonesia language rule to form sentence in English, they do not add to

be which in necessarily added in English. Furthermore, transfer will

become an advantage in learning second language when learners’ mother

tongue rule can be shared to the second language rule. Here are examples

of transfer errors:

1) I have a lot of recipe cake ( indonesian construction of resep kue)

2) They are student good (indonesian construction of siswa yang baik)

b. Intra Lingual Transfer

If error caused by the influence of one target language item

upon another, then it is called by intra ligual transer. Gass and selinker

also state that intra lingual errors are those that are due to the language

being learned, independent of the native language.

Overgeneralization belongs to intra lingual errors.

Overgeneralization is exspresion of using previous knowledge to

understand new experience. The overgeneralization might happen, first,

due to the failure of the learners in knowing the exception to the general

rule. For example; sometimes the beginners of english do not know the

exception in forming past form for the irregular verb.

3. Pronunciation errors

English pronunciation errors are sometimes specific to speakers of a

certain language. However, many pronunciation erorrs are made by english

language learners from different countries, include IAIN Curup students.

Also, it is important to be aware that what may be considered a

pronunciation error in an English-speaking country may not be so in another

country where the main language is English. Even within different regions

of a country, pronunciation of the same word in english may be very

different. In this research, the researcher observed the pronunciation errors

such as pronunciation error made by IAIN students from different linguistics


Agostinelli states that among students at the introductory level of

language learning, errors that may cause issues in comprehensibility

commonly stem from pronunciation.19 Thus, error in pronunciation or

phonological error tends to occur in language learning process. Error in

pronunciation is also called phonological error. It is related to the mistakes

or error commited by language learners in pronunciation as one of language

components. The conclusion is phonological error is a systematic deviation

that happens when a learner has not learnt function of sound and

consistently gets it wrong. Pronounce errors cannot be separated when

someone pronounces English. Students often make mistakes in the process

of learning a foreign language so that it cannot be avoided that students

make mistakes when speaking in English.

D. Ethnicity

Agostinelli, C. (2005). Native speaker perceptions of spoken L2 Spanish: The role of
pronunciation and implications for pedagogy. In Levis, J. & LeVelle, K. (Eds.),
Social Factors in Pronunciation Acquisition. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual
Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, Iowa State
University, 16-17 September (pp. 147).
a. Definition Ethnicity

Ethnicty as defined affiliation or identification with an ethnic

group. On the one hand, ethnicity is subjective since it is the product of the

human mind and human sentiments. It is a matter of identification or a

sense of belonging to a particular ethnic group. Ethnicity here refers to the

mother tongue and dialect that affect the student’s pronunciation. Avery

and Ehrlich explain that the rule and pattern of students’ native language is

transferred into their second or foreign language, and it causes foreign


This condition is actually experienced by all foreign language

learners. Sounds, rules, patterns, and intonaton of their native language,

sometimes, is applied when they learn a foreign language. As a result

misspronunciation is always occured.

In indonesia there have lived hundreds of ethnic groups who speak

different local languages and with different system of speech sounds as

well. Undeniably, this different linguistics background will affect the way

to speak and the way to comprehend the language in communication

especially in the situation of teaching and learning English. In IAIN, many

students that come from different ethnic and dialects. All kinds of regional

dialects would come along with these regional dialect speakers into a

university environment, and the so-called mother tongue interference

Thanasoulas, Pronunciation: The Cinderella of Language Teaching
( articles_tchtraining/pronpf_dimitrios. Htm,
would certainly ocurr and make some mistakes when reading and

speaking, or can make misunderstanding in pronouncating some english

words. Mother tongue is the biggest factors that affects students’

pronunciation. Trudgil states mother tongue is the most influential factor

for someone’s pronunciation who practice English in oral


According to jones, a word can be spoken in different ways by

various individuals or groups, depending on many factors, such as: the

area in which they grew up, the area in which they now live, if they have a

speech or voice disorder, their ethnic group, their social class, or their

education. Many factors that affeting and hindering pronounciation

learning such as, among other attitude, motivation, mother tongue

influence, age, and teacher’s instructon on target language.

b. Ethnicity in IAIN Curup

In IAIN Curup there are many students who come from various

regions so that they have different dialects, especially students in the

English study programme who have diversity in terms of ethnicity and

dialect. In learning an ethnic language is very importamt because when we

learn a language if the dialect or mother tongue we have is still carried

over, the pronunciation of the language we learn will follow the original

Hakim, M. A. R. (2012). An Analysis of Phonetics b, d, g, j, and ð into English
pronunciation for Javanese students ( A Study On Javanese students at English
Department on STAIN Bengkulu Academic Year 2011-2012). International Journal
of Humanities and Social Science, 2(20), 13.
dialect of our mother tongue. According to Gebeyanesh mother tongue

gives negative effects in learning English22.

There are many ethnic groups in the English Study Programme

owned by IAIN Curup studernts such as rejangnese, sundanese, javanese,

lembaknese and others. All of the ethnic groups have their own dialects

and include thick dialects so it will have an impact on the students’ English

pronunciation. There are several examples of English pronunciation errors

made by javanese, sundanese, and rejangnese.

a. Pronunciation error made by javanese ethnicity

1. Pronunciation error from javanese ethnicity

Perwitasari, Klamer, Witteman, and Schiller found that Javanese

learners of English had problems producing the correct duration of long

vowels such as [i:], [з:], [ɔ:], [u:] which can be explained by the fact

that these features are not importantly existed in their first language.

From those findings, it proves that different sound system between

English and Javanese make students make many errors in their


However, the fact happening in EFL classroom is pronunciation

is considered to be difficult. Students make errors not only pronouncing

sounds that do not exist in Javanese sound system, but also pronouncing

sounds that exist in their mother tongue. Moreover, English and

Javanese have different rules in pronunciation. For example, English

G. Mamo, “Mother tongue interference into learning English as a foreign language:
Analysis of Afan Oromo interference into learning EFL, orthography and
pronunciation (J. Lit. Lang. Linguist.’ Vol. 26, pp. 95-106, 2016).
has rule when speaker must change feature values in segments such as

“brothers” should be pronounced as /brʌðə(r)z/ not /brʌdə(r)s/. In

contrast, Javanese do not have such kind of rule. As example, Javanese

pronounce “dolan” as /dolan/ without any changing rule. According to

eka and aswandi, Javanese students made some errors in the

pronunciation of English consonant sounds. There are nine sounds

which are pronounced wrongly. They were [v], [θ], [ð], [d], [z], [ʃ], [ʒ],

[tʃ], [ʤ]. 23

2. The distinction between English and Javanese vowels

Today it is used almost exclusively by scholars and for

decoration. Those who can read and write it are held in high esteem. In

Javanese, there are a total of six vowels: /a/, /i/, /e/, /ə/, /o/, /u/ and

twenty consonants; / p /,/ b /,/ t /,/ d /, / k /,/ g /,/ c /,/ dh /,/ s/,/th/,/ j/,/ ny

/,/ h /,/ m /,/ n /,/η /,/ l /,/ r /,/ w /, / y/ or (ha, na, ca, ra, ka, da, ta, sa, wa,

la, pa,dha, ja, ya, nya, ma, ga, ba, tha, nga).

There is a series of unrounded front vowel at high, mid, and low

tongue position; /i/, /e/, / ə/ respectively. There are two unrounded

central vowels at low and non-low tongue position, /a/, / ə/ respectively.

There is a series of rounded back vowel at high, mid, and low tongue

position; /u/, /o/ respectively. A cluster vowel or diphthongs in Javanese

are /ei/, /ai/, /ae/, /oe/, /ee/, /ao/, /ea/,/ie/ /ui/.

Eka reski, Aswandi,” Errors In Pronunciation of English Segmntal Sounds By Javanese
Students”, vol 5 no 3, 2017. 242-249.
To analyze what are the usual pronunciation errors made by

Javanese students, we need to know about Javanese itself. The phonetic

systems of English and Javanese are essential to support this research.

The comparative between English and Javanese will be shown in the

following table.

Table 1
English Vowels vs. Javanese Vowels

No Vowels English Javanese

1 /e/ Bed Bet

2 /æ/ Cat -

3 /ə/ Away Engko

4 /ʊ/ Book Budeg

5 /ɒ/ Clock Klopo

6 /ʌ/ Cut Karep

7 /ɜː/ Girl -

8 /ɑː/ Car -

9 /ɔː/ Or -

10 /ɪː/ Sea -

11 /uː/ Too -
12 /ɪ/ Pin Pit

Based on the table above, we can conclude that English have 12

vowels and Javanese have six vowels. In Javanese, there are no long

vowel (/æ/ /ɜː/ /ɑː/ /ɔː/ /ɪː/ /uː/), in Javanese occur just pure vowels

(/e/ /ə/ /ʊ/ /ɒ/ /ʌ/ /ɪ/ ). For the /æ//ɜː/, /ɑː/ /ɔː/ /ɪː/ /uː/ does not occur in

Javanese but they occur in English.24

b. Pronunciation error made from sundanese ethnicity

1. Pronunciation error from sundanese ethnicity

According to Fakhri fauzi, sundanese made overgeneralization

on pronouncing the sound both on consonants and vowels sound. For

example: First, [v] sound on the final sound is pronounced as [f] as in

Indonesian alphabet system. Second, The respondents tended to change

[f] and [v] sounds with [p] sound. The main reason that supporting

thisstatement is because in their mother tongue alphabet system, they

do not recognize the fricative sound. Third, Mostly respondents

changed [v] sound on the initial sound of the word with [f] sound which

is come from same manner and place of articulation. 25

2. The distinction between English and Sundanese vowels

Bulan Titis Pribadi, “An Error Analysis Of English Pronunciation By Javanese
Students Of The First Grade Of Sma 4 Purworejo” (Purwokerjo, 2014) hal 36.
Fakhri Fauzi, “error analysis of sundanese english pronunciation on frecatives
sounds” Vol. XX No.1, Januari 2014.
O’Connor cites in his book entitled Better English

Pronunciation that vowels are made by voiced air passing through

different mouth-shapes; the differences in the shape of the mouth are

caused by different positions of the tongue and of the lips 26.

Furthermore, Boey explains that vowels are those segments of speech

produced without any interruption or stoppage of the airstream. All

vowels are produced with vibration of the vocal cords. Since vowels are

produced with free passage of the airstream, they are less easy to

describe and classify than consonants.

The English vowels are easy to see and to feel the lip

differences, but they are very difficult to see or to feel the tongue

differences, and that is why a detailed description of the tongue position

for a certain vowel does not really help us to pronounce it well. There

are kinds of English vowels, as follows:

a) Pure Vowels (Monophthongs)

English has a large number of vowel sounds. The first ones

to be examined are short vowels. The symbols for these short

vowels are: I (bit, pin), e (bet, men), æ (bat, man), Λ (cut, bus), р

(loss, cot), υ (look, could). Furthermore, other types of English

vowel sounds are the five long vowels; these are the vowels which

tend to be longer than the short vowels in similar contexts. Roach

O’ Connor, J.D. Better English Pronunciation. (Cambridge: Cambridge University
stated that thus, we have: i: (beat, mean), з: (bird, purse), a: (dark,

large), ɔ: (board, port), u: (soon, fool).

b) Diphthongs

O’Connor explains that a diphthong is a glide from one

vowel to another, and the whole glide acts like one of the long,

simple vowels.27 In addition, Roach also explains that diphthongs

are sounds which consist of a movement or glide from one vowel

to another. In terms of length, diphthongs are like to the long

vowels described above. Perhaps the most important thing to

remember about all the diphthongs is that the first part is much

longer and stronger than the second part. The total number of

diphthongs is eight. Thus, we have: Iә (beard, fierce), eә (wear,

fare), υә (sure, cure), eI (paid, face), aI (tide, time), ɔI (void, boy),

әυ (load, go), aυ (loud, cow).

c) Triphthongs

Roach states, the most complex English sounds of the

vowel type are the triphthongs. They can be rather difficult to

pronounce, and very difficult to recognize. Triphthong is a glide

from one vowel to another and then to a third, all produced rapidly

and without interruption. The triphthongs can be looked on as

being composed of the five closing diphthongs described in the last

section, with /ә/ added on the end. Thus we get: eIә (layer, player),

aIә (liar, fire), ɔ Iә (loyal, royal), әυә (lower, mower), aυә (power,


The views of English vowels have been discussed. Hereafter,

Sundanese vowels are going to be discussed. Sundanese phonology has

five pure vowel sounds: a /ɑ/ (artos, money), é /ɛ/ (carogé, husband), i

/i/ (imah, house), o /ɔ/ (soca, eye), u /ʊ/ (tilu, three), and two neutral

vowels; e /ə/ (endog, egg), and eu /ɤ/ (eueut, drink). Because of the

differences in phonology aspect between the students’ first language

and their target language, most of the students have difficulties to have

good English pronunciation. A particular sound which does not exist in

the first language can therefore pose a difficulty for the second

language learners to produce or sometimes to substitute those sounds

with similar ones in their mother tongue. These sounds include both

vowels and consonants. For example, there is no vowel like /æ/, or no

such consonants as /ϴ/ in Sundanese. Therefore, the students have

trouble first of all in perceiving these sounds, and consequently try to

find nearest equivalents to substitute those new sounds. A typical

example will be the substitution of /t/ for the English /ϴ/ as in the word

‘thin’, /e/ for the English /æ/ as in the word ‘that’.

c. Pronunciation error made from rejangnese ethnicity

1. Pronunciation error from rejangnese ethnicity

According to Leffy noviyenty, Mesi irene putri, Rejang

Language as the dominant students’ mother language at IAIN Curup

interferes the sounds when the students are pronouncing English words

related to the elements of consonants, vowels, and diphthongs. There

are five ways of interference extending to (1) pronouncing short vowels

into long vowels, for example:

English English Pronnciation Students Mother

Words (IPA) Tongue
Slab /slæb/ /sl3:b/
Kids /kIds/ /ki:ds/
Plastic /plæstIk/ /plɑ:sti:k/

(2) pronouncing long vowels into short vowels for example,

English English Pronnciation Students Mother

Words (IPA) Tongue
And /ænd/ / ǝnd/
Please /pli:z/ /plis/
Pea /pi:/ /pi/

(3) In changing vowels,

English English Pronnciation Students Mother

Words (IPA) Tongue
Spoon /spʊn/ /spɒn/
From /frʌm/ /from/
For /fǝ(r)/ /fɒr/

(4) pronouncing diphthongs into vowels,

English English Students

Words Pronunciation (IPA) Mother Tongue
Snake /sneɪk/ /snek/
Wednesday /’w3:nzdeɪ/ /wednesdǝ/
go /gǝʊ/ /go/

(5) pronouncing vowels into diphthongs.28

English English Students Mother

Words Pronunciation (IPA) Tongue
Bag /bæg/ /beɪg/
Fresh /freʃ/ /frei:s/

2. The distinction between English and Rejangnese vowels

There are seven vowel sounds and nineteen consonant sounds in

Rejangnese language.

English sounds are not

Rejangnese English
present in Rejangnese

/i/, /e/, /ɛ/, /ə/, /I/, /i/, /i:/, /e/, /I/, /i:/, /α:/, /æ/, /ɒ/, /ɔ:/,
Vowel sounds /a/, /u/, /o/ /α:/, /æ/, /ʊ/, /˄/, ɜ/, /u:/
/ɒ/, /ɔ:/,
/ʊ/, /˄/, /ə/,
/ɜ/, /u:/, /u/
Consonant sounds /p/, /b/, /p/, /b/, /f/, /v/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/,
/m/, /w/, /m/, /w/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/, /w/, /θ/, /ð/
/t/, /d/, /l/, /n/, /f/, /v/, /t/, /d/,
/s/, /r/, /c/, /j/, /s/, /z/, /n/, /l/,
/ɲ/, /y/, /k/, /j/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/,
/g/, /ɳ/, /ʔ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/,
/h/ /k/, /g/,
/ɳ/, /w/,
/h/, /θ/, /ð/
(Wisma Hadi et al., 2012 and Oxford University Press, 2008)

Leffi noviyenty dan Mesi irene putri, “ Mother Tongue Interference Toward Students’
English Pronunciation: A Case Study in IAIN Curup”, vol 532, page 288.
As can be seen from the table above, Rejangnese has seven

vowel sounds (/i/, /e/, /ɛ/, /ə/, /a/, /u/, /o/) and 19 consonant sounds

(/p/, /b/, /m/, /w/, /t/, /d/, /l/, /n/, /s/, /r/, /c/, /j/, /ɲ/, /y/, /k/, /g/, /ɳ/, /ʔ/,

/h/). On the other hand, English has 14 vowel sounds (/ I/, /i/, /i:/, /e/,

/α:/, /æ/, /ɒ/, /ɔ:/, /ʊ/, /˄/, /ə/, /ɜ/, /u:/, /u/) and 24 consonant sounds

(/p/, /b/, /m/, /w/, /f/, /v/, /t/, /d/, /s/, /z/, /n/, /l/, /j/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/,

/k/, /g/, /ɳ/, /w/, /h/, /θ/, /ð/). As a result, some English sounds do not

exist in Rejangnese such as 10 vowel sounds (/ I/, /i:/, /α:/, /æ/, /ɒ/,

/ɔ:/, /ʊ/, /˄/, /ɜ/, /u:/) and 10 consonant sounds (/f/, /v/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /tʃ/,

/dʒ/, /w/, /θ/, /ð/).

Rejangnese language has seven vowel sounds. They are /i/,

/e/, /ɛ/, /ə/, /a/, /u/, and /o/. It consist of vowel sounds that based on the

tongue height and position. It can be described as follows29:

Table List of Rejangnese Vowels

Front Central Back

High /i/ /u/

Mid /e/, /ɛ/ /ə/ /o/

Low /a/

Ori, Andika Putra. “The Interference of Efl Students’ Native Language in English
Pronunciation” (Bengkulu, 2021)
Table 2.6.1 Phonetic Transcription of Rejangnese Vowel

Vowel Phonemes Words Phonetic Transcription

/i/ /idup/ Hidup (Life)

/e/ /ecer/ Encer (Dilute)

/ɛ/ /ɛpɛn/ Gigi (Teeth)

/ə/ /kətə/ Semua (All)

/a/ /abəw/ Abu (Dust)

/u/ /uləu/ Kepala (Head)

/o/ /otok/ Otak (Brain)

(Source: Wibowo, 2016)

E. Previous Related Findings

In the previous related findings to avoid duplication, researchers

conducted a search of previous studies. From the results of previous research

searches, obtained several problems related to the problem to be studied.

1. The Journal of Eka Reski Fauziah, English Department, Languages and

Arts Faculty, Surabaya State University 2017 and the title is Errors in

Pronunciation of English Segmental Sounds by Javanese Students. The

research is qualitative research. The results of the study found that

Javanese students made errors in pronouncing English consonant and

vowel sounds. The results showed that Javanese students made errors in

nine problematic consonant sounds, [v], [θ], [ð], [ʃ], [ʒ], [tʃ], [ʤ], [d], [z].

They did substitution and insertion while facing difficulty in pronouncing

English. Further, they did substitution in pronouncing vowel sounds which

consist of single vowel and diphthong. Moreover, their pronunciation

errors were caused by intralingual and interlingual factors. Therefore, the

results of this study indicated that Javanese students still have difficulty in

pronouncing English segmental sounds, consonant and vowel.

2. The Journal of Fakhri Fauzi, 2013. The title is Error Analysis of Sundanese

English Pronunciation on Fricatives Sound. The reseacher uses qualitative

method on writing his thesis. He also analyzes the collected data through

descriptive analysis technique in order to reach the objective of the

research. On theconclusion, the reseacher finds that Sundanese student of

English Letters Department are made some error on their pronunciation.

Error of omission and error of addition are found on the vowels and

consonant sound except the fricativessound. While error of selection, is

occurred both on the fricatives sound and the rest of sound. The reseacher

also finds that overgeneralization is one of the reasons why the Sundanese

student made errors on their pronunciation.

3. The journal of Hepy Yudo Hartoto, Engllish departement faculty of

languages and arts state university of semarang, 2010. The title is the

errors of english pronunciation among the second grade students of tersono

junior high school tersono batang. The research method that used in this

research is qualitative with descriptive study. The instument used to collect

the data is pronunciation errors test consist of isolated word introgatives

sentences. The research finding in this study were 19 kinds of

pronunciation error made by students of tersono 01 junior high school.

They are 11 subtitutions of vowel, 7 of diphtong, and 2 intonations. The

sources of errors in the finding were interlingual and intralingual errors. In

interlingual there were 5 knfs pf errors, they are pronouncing word as

written, pronouncing word as the students’ native language or first

language, error of subtituting short vowels for english diphthong. In

intralingual there were kinds of errors, they are overgeneralization and

spelling rule confusion.

The researches The title/ year Methdology The different

Errors In

Pronunciation of

English The research is

Eka Reski
Segmental qualitative
Sounds by research



Fakhri Fauzi The Title is Error The reseacher

Analysis of uses qualitative

Sundanese method on
writing his

thesis. He also

analyzes the

collected data

English through

Pronunciation on descriptive

Fricatives Sound analysis

technique in

order to reach

the objective of

the research

Errors of English

Pronunciation The research

Among the method that used

Hepy Yudo Second Grade in this research

Hartoto Students of is qualitative

Tersono Junior with descriptive

High School study

Tersono Batang.


This chapter describes the method used to conduct the research. It

consists of kind of the research, subject of the research, technique of data

collection, research instrument and data analysis technique.

A. Kind of The Research

In conducting this research the researcher applied mixed method in

which two types of data used to answer the research question. Mixed method is

the methods that used qualitative and quantitative methods. According to jack

Fraenkel et al, mixed method is the methods involves the use of both

quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study. Cresswell and Clark

stated that, mixed method research is combination of quantitative approach

which data is usually numeric and qualitative approach which data is usually in

a form of text that are collected either concurrently or sequentially to best

understand research problems. The numerical information (quantitative data)

can be obtained through the test and the text information (qualitative data) can

be obtained from interview in this research. In this study, the quantitative data

obtained from some word that used in the test to know what are some error do

occur in english students with different ethnicity and the qualitative data gained

from interview to know what are the causes of error pronunciation.

Mixed method research is used when the researcher aims at confiring

and explaining, veryfying and generating theory in on single study. This

combination of methods was chosen because the researcher want to find what

are some error do occur in english students with different ethnicity in

quantitative data by using a test as an instrument in data collection. Then after

knowing the error that do occur by the students, the researcher will continue

this research to answer the second research question, namely what is the factor

that causes error pronunciaton. It will be clarified and deepened by a

qualitative method that uses interview as an instrument for data retrieval.

Researcher conducted a quantitative study, and required additional

information to flesh out the result. This is the purpose behind the explanatory

design. In this design, researcher first carries out a quantitative method and

then uses a qualitative method to follow up and refine the quantitative findings.

The two types of data are analyzed separately, with the results of the qualitative

analysis used by the researcher to expand upon the results of the quantitative


B. Subject Of The Research

The subject in this research were the third semester students of English

Study Programme IAIN Curup. The researcher took third semesters because

firstly, the students had passed the pronunciation class or phonology class that

learn about sounds and pronunciation and secondly, in this semester there are

still many students who still make mistakes in their English pronunciation and

their pronunciation errors still follow their ethnicity and mother tongue. The
researcher used some students from A, B, and C that do error in pronunciation

from different ethnicity and mother tongue.

No Subject of the research Total

1 Rejang -
2 Javanese -
3 Sundanese -
Criteria of subject was utilized in evaluating the topic. Additionally,

khotari states criteria of subjects is that the sampling procedure which does not

afford any basis for valuing the probability that every item within the population

has of being included within the sample. To wrk out the sample of this research ,

the researcher used criteria of subjects. Criteria of the subjects is one amongst the

foremost common sampling technique which the participants are selected looking

on the standards relevan to the research question. The students’ criteris were

chosen by the research are their using natural language continuity in daily

speaking, students are from different ethnicity and mother tongue, and there are

the amount of word in English which find it difficult to pronounce caused of the

ethnicityand mother tongue in pronounciation English. The info was taken from

all grade students’ of English study programme. The overall number of the topic

was some students’ from some different ethnicity, like rejang, javanese and

sundanese who used mother tongue in daily of English Study Programme on

2020-2021 academic year at IAIN Curup.

C. The Technique For Collecting Data

In this research, the researcher used pronunciation test and interview

method. In this process, the researcher identifies an corpus data. The data was

taken by the students that does pronunciation error, the researcher give some

word then they pronunce the word and the researcher analyze the error that

made by IAIN students from different ethnicity. Interview were given to

students of IAIN Curup who have selected as a subject of the research, and the

pronuncitation test about some word that chosen by some sources. Here the

researcher was also helped by some instruments. Such as:

1) Test

In this research, the researcher used test instrument. Test was one of

the instrument used to collect the data and information needed in this

research.It was intended to find out the error in pronunciation. Specifically,

the tests were used to find out the pronunciaton error made by English Study

Programme of IAIN Curup from different ethnicity.

To collect the data, the researcher needed instrument. Boyle stated

that instrument is the tool that is used to get the data. The use of valid

instrument is very essential to determine the validity of data. In this study

the instrument that were used are test and interview. Boyle adds that a test is

a set of stimuli presented to individual in order toelicit response on the basis

of which a numerical score can be assigned. In this research test is used as a

main method. The test was given to all sample from students of English
Study Programme IAIN Curup. The researcher uses pretest with a purpose

to know error pronunciation do by the students.

2) Interview

The data could not be valid if the researcher only used one technique

for collecting the data. Thus, makng use of the other technique of data

collection was of importance. In ths regard, the researcherused an interview

with the respndents or subjects. According to sugiono, an interview is used

as a technique for collecting the data as the early study to find the problem

that should be studied, and the interview can be used if the researcher want

to find out deep information from a small number of subjects. In this

research, the researcher used an in depth interview because the researcher

want to know about factors that influenced students’ error pronunciation.

D. Research Instrument

According to isaac’ ad, instrumentation is the process of selecting to a

give “problem”. Its mean instrumentation is a tool used to reveal the data

needed in the study. Instrument is tool to be used for data collection or dupe,

tol, implement especially one designed for precision work. Instrument is a tool

or facility that is used on the research to collect the data. Sothe conclusion

instrument is the equipments in the research that helped researcher to collect

the data needed. The using of research instrument lead the researcher in

gathering the information related to this research. In this research, the

researcher used questioner and test. To obtain the data, the researcher

instrument are :
1. Pronunciation test

As the data needed in this study are pronunciation errors from the

learners, a pronunciation test is used. There are thirty words used in this

research, the data was taken by some resesarch above: the first is error that

made by the students of javanese, the second is error that made by the

students of sundanese and the third error that made by the students of


1. Vain 16. Festival

2. Thin 17. Verification

3. king

4. Done 18. Positive

5. Doze 19. Fiartive

6. Ship 20. Furtive

7. Measure 21. Vantage point.

8. Chair 22. Ridiculous

9. Black
23. Snack

10.Cats 24. Bag

11. Rush 25. Train

12. Buffalo 26. Station

13. Dreadful 27. spoon

14. Pair 28. Slab

15. Beard 29. Wednesday

16. Mice 30. Plastic

2. Interview guidance
In the research, the researcher used one technique of knowledge

collection. Interview guidance was the technique data collection on this

research. Interview guidance may be a list of several questions in interview

to urge the data from subject of the research 30. This interview is taken from

Kenworthy's theory which contains the factor that effect Pronunciation


Table 1. 1: In Depth Interview

Factors that Effect Pronunciation Learning

Variables Indicators Sub-Indicators Questions

The factors that The native - Sounds 1. Do you think

cause language your mother

pronunciation tongue

learning. affects your


- Stress 2. Do you think

your mother


affects the

accurancy of


L.R Gay, Educational Research, Competencies for Analysis and Application, (Florida:
Florida product, 2003), p. 292.
emphasis on


- Intonation 3. How does

your mother


affects your

intonation in


The age - Period of 4. When did

factors students you learn

studying English

pronunciation pronunciation

seriously and intensively

intensively and deeply?

Amount of - Focus on teaching 5. Did you

exposure pronunciation in study

previous schools. pronunciation

specifically at

Senior high

- Focus on teaching 6. Do you focus

pronunciation. more on


English in

terms of

speaking and


Phonetic - 7. Do you have

ability difficulty on


g phonetic

sounds and

symbols in



Attitude and - Learn English 8. Do you learn

identity from the country English from

they like. the country

you like?

- Attitude 9. What do you

do when you

difficulties in


Motivation - Students’ 10. Did you like

and concernc unfriendly pronunciation

attitude towards and speaking

pronunciation class ?

skills acquisition.

11. What are





12. Do you focus

on learning

your English


skills when

after getting


E. The Technique of Analysis Data

The test were analize descriptively. The data analysis from the test

involve some steps they are follow:

1. Data collection

The primary step of information analysis is data collection. Data

collection during this research used students’ interview. Interview includes a

purpose to seek out some ethnic which contribute interference of mother


2. Data reduction

According to Miles & Huberman, data reduction refer to the process

selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that

appear in written-up field notes or transcription. Data reduction is part of

analysis. With data reduction, researchers can get rid of unnecessary parts

and organize data to get the final conclusions that can be drawn and verified.

In the data reduction, the researcher needs to make brief summary from data

which is gotten from many sources.

3. Data display

Miles and Huberman stated that A display is an organized,

compressed assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and

action. Having the complete data are collected, the researcher displays all

the info found in pronunciation error made by iain students from different
ethnicity and then analyzes them by identifying and criticizing the

pronunciation error from different ethnicity. than the autor explains and

classifies the kind of pronunciation error.

4. Conclusion drawing and verification

After the info displayed, the researcher would be ready to interpret

the info and draws conclusion and verification. According to Miles and

Huberman, conclusion is only half of gemini configuration. Conclusion are

also verified as the analyst proceed. When in the midst of data collection,

researchers had a brief conclusion. To draw conclusion, of course, cannot be

done haphazardly, it ust go back to see the data to be verified. The

researcher describes and explains the kinds of pronunciation error which

appear in students' who have different ethnicity in speaking activity.

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