Pronoun 2
Pronoun 2
Pronoun 2
Dewi L & Indri A: Using Tongue Twister ... 110-115 ISSN (Print) : 2527-4120
ISSN (Online) : 2528-0066
ability. However, related to the condition and pronunciation, achieved the standard score,
situation right now, there are some students and were active in speaking class. Therefore,
who still unable to pronounce the English the teachers had to be creative to teach and help
words correctly. This is because English has students to increase their ability in pronouncing
a distinct set of sounds but Indonesian does English words. Teachers had to use varieties
not. Therefore, learners should pay a very close of methods in teaching pronunciation; one
attention to pronunciation as early as possible of the alternatives in teaching pronunciation
and it should be taught in all English language is using Tongue Twister. Thus, the researcher
classes through a variety of activities. proposed a way to solve the students’ problems
In learning foreign language especially using Tongue Twister.
English, it must be understood that English Tongue twister is a phrase or sentence that
sound systems are different from Indonesian. is difficult to say because it contains many
There are some sounds of English language similar sounds. According to Beare (2014)
which are not found in Indonesian language, Tongue twisters are short, memorable lines that
such as /ᶴ/ sound in ‘cash’, and /θ/ sound in are difficult to pronounce, especially rapidly,
‘theory’ or /ð/ sound in ‘the’. In English, many because of alliteration or a slight variation
words have the same pronunciation but are of consonant sounds. Tongue twisters are
written differently and have different meanings. especially useful in pronunciation when
For example “to, two, too” which all have focusing on a specific, related phonemes,
transcription /tu/. Sometimes, words which or sounds. Gonzales (2009:3) states tongue
are written similarly, but they have different twister are used to repeat it as many times
pronunciation like thought and though. as possible, as quickly as possible, without
Students are indicated with the International mispronunciation.
Phonetic Alphabet and followed by example Tongue twisters are useful in learning
and exercises. pronunciation, and it is very helpful to improve
In learning English, the ability to students’ pronunciation, not only practicing
express words, phrase, and sentences as well as, and pronouncing words, but also developing
the right pronunciation as the native speaker memory skill as well. For someone who speaks
of English pronunciation is the main point. It to a listener, working with tongue twisters to
is very important because in English, wrong build on his/her phonemic awareness helps to
pronunciation influences the meaning of the develop better articulation and pronunciation
word. As a consequence, the information will of words. In line with these, Gonzalez, (2009:3)
not be accepted clearly. states that tongue twister often used to practice
The results of preliminary study pronunciation. Further, Gonzales, (2009:4)
which was done by a class observation and states that tongue twister is a fun activity in
an interview to the English teacher of SMA any language classroom. Practicing tongue
Muhammadiyah 3 Jember, the eleventh grade twisters allows people who are learning English
students had low speaking/ pronunciation to strengthen their speech skills. The faster
achievement. The students mean score of a person can say the tongue twister without
speaking achievement was 60, while the slipping up, the stronger their language skills
standard speaking score of the curriculum was become.
75. The students had difficulty in pronouncing Goldrick and Blumstein (2008:7)
the English words well. The difficulty in assumed that the tongue twister paradigm
pronouncing the English words causing the induces phonological planning errors, in
students to be passive in the speaking class. addition NCDC (2008:7) Tongue twisters
In this study, the researcher wanted to solve are characterized by repetition of certain
these problems until the students had a good sounds and words or phrases with emphasis
ELLITE Journal of English Language,
Literature, and Teaching Volume 02, No. 2, November 2017
on pronunciation, stress, intonation, speed test was used to get the data of pronunciation
and speech. They are also intended to help the scores while observation checklist was used to
learners identify the difference between similar get the data of students’ active participation.
and confusing letter sounds. Ruth and Steve
(1991: 326) states the tongue twister activities Results and Discussion
start from ask children to repeat a variety of The result of the pronunciation
tongue twisters, encourage children to increase test in Cycle 1 showed the percentage of
their speed or to make up some original verses. students who got scores ≥75 was 65.71%.
Examples - “Sally sells seashells by the seashore” The percentage suggests that there were 23
or “Bubby baby buggy bumpers” or “Busy of 35 students got ≥75 as their pronunciation
Barry Bear barely bakes berries” or “Peter scores. Meanwhile, the percentage of the
Pepper picked a peck of pickled peppers”. students’ active participation in the teaching
learning process was 51.42%. It was got from
Method the students’ active participation in the first
A cycling model consisting of four meeting which reached 42.85% and 60% in
stages i. e., planning, acting, observing, and the second meeting, as seen in Table 1.
reflecting of A Classroom Action Research was The results indicate that there were
used in the research. The model was adopted some improvements in the percentage of
from Kemmis and Mc Taggart in Arikunto the students’ pronunciation scores and
(2013: 137). Planning was made based on the students’ active participation, but the
the findings in the preliminary study which percentage of both criteria of success had
was done by interviewing the English teacher not been achieved yet. In other words, the
of the school and observing the teaching action of using tongue twisters in Cycle 1
learning process of speaking class. Acting was not successful in improving students’
was done by conducting teaching learning pronunciation and active participation.
processes of speaking class by using lesson Based on the reflecting, the failure was
plans, materials, and technique that had been caused by some reasons. First, a lot of students
made in the planning stage. The Procedures of were passive during the teaching learning
using tongue twister were; 1) Give a variety of process. They had difficulty in pronouncing
tongue twisters, 2) Ask the students to read the the tongue twisters selected because they were
tongue twister, 3) Ask the students to repeat a new for them. They needed a lot of practices,
variety of tongue twister, 4) Ask the students so that they would be used to reading and
to increase their speed or to make up some saying the tongue twisters given. Second, they
original verses, 5) Ask the students to practice had fun and enjoyed the activities, but a lot of
tongue twister in pair, 6) Ask the students to them liked to watch their friends to read and
say the tongue twister. Observing was done say the tongue twisters without any attempt
by a collaborator that observed the running of to force themselves to try.
the teaching learning processes. And reflecting In Cycle 2, the results revealed 77.14%
was done at the end of the stages to find the of the students got scores of ≥75 for their
results of the action that had been done. pronunciation test. It indicates that there
There were two criteria of success
proposed in the research. First, if the students
Table 1. The percentage of student’s active participation
who got score of ≥75 reached 75%. Second, if
in Cycle 1
75% or more of the total student were active
during the teaching learning process. To First Meeting 42.85%
Dewi L & Indri A: Using Tongue Twister ... 110-115 ISSN (Print) : 2527-4120
ISSN (Online) : 2528-0066
Table 2. The Percentage of student’s active participation Table 4. Recapitulation of student’s active participation
in Cycle 2 Cycle 1 Cycle 2
First Meeting 71.42% Percentage 51.42% 77.13%
Second Meeting 82.85%
Mean 77.13% Tongue Twisters are effective for
improving students’ active participation
because Tongue Twisters require students to
were 27 of 35 students met the target. On the practice a lot. As stated by Gonzales (2009:3)
other hand, the percentage of students’ active tongue twisters are used to repeat it as many
participation was 77.13% of the students were times as possible, as quickly as possible, without
active during the teaching learning process. mispronunciation. The idea indicates that to
The students’ active participation in the first be good and fluent in reading and saying the
meeting reached 71.42% and 82.85% in the tongue twisters, students need to say the tongue
second meeting, which is shown in Table 2. twisters again and again. It is not an instant
Based on the results, the action in Cycle step that ends in one trial. By trying again and
2 was successful because the criteria of success again, it means that students become more
were reached. In other words, Tongue Twisters active during the teaching learning process.
were able to improve students’ pronunciation It is also supported by Ruth and Steve (1991:
and active participation. 326) who state the tongue twister activities start
The improvements of the percentage from ask children to repeat a variety of tongue
of students’ scores and active participation are twisters, encourage children to increase their
presented in Table 3 and Table 4. speed or to make up some original verses.
The table showed the improvements on Like other games, Tongue Twisters are
the percentages of the students’ pronunciation also fun and enjoyable activities. The students
scores from 28.57% in the preliminary study enjoy the Tongue Twisters without any fear of
to 65.71% in Cycle 1 and to 77.14% in Cycle making mistakes because slipped-tongue is
2. There were sharp improvements of 37.14 almost impossible to avoid and students feel
points in the first step and 11.43 points in the free to practice. When they make a slipped-
latter action. tongue, the mistake is considered as a funny
The chart indicated the improvement thing, and they enjoy it. Then, they try harder
of 25.71 points on the students’ active to avoid making a slipped-tongue Gonzales
participation from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2. It (2009:4) states that tongue twister is a fun
suggests that tongue twisters could improve activity in any language classroom. By having
students’ active participation in the teaching fun, they participate actively in the teaching
and learning process. and learning process.
In improving students’ pronunciation,
Tongue twisters are intended to help students
Table 3. Recapitulation of student’s pronunciation
to memorize the words and improve their
speaking skill. As Gonzales, (2009:4) says
Prelimi- Cycle 1 Cycle 2 that practicing tongue twisters allows people
nary Study
who are learning English to strengthen their
Mean 51.37 68.92 72.14
speech skills. Further, NCDC (2008:7) Tongue
twisters are characterized by repetition of
Percentage 28.57% 65.71% 77.14%
certain sounds and words or phrases with
emphasis on pronunciation, stress, intonation,
speed and speech. In other words, the focus
of Tongue Twisters is pronunciation and other
ELLITE Journal of English Language,
Literature, and Teaching Volume 02, No. 2, November 2017
Dewi L & Indri A: Using Tongue Twister ... 110-115 ISSN (Print) : 2527-4120
ISSN (Online) : 2528-0066