MR - Kalend.o. Grammar in Use (Speech Presented at Seminar Farewell at BASIC ENGLISH COURSE /BEC Pare Kediri, Indonesia, 2006)
MR - Kalend.o. Grammar in Use (Speech Presented at Seminar Farewell at BASIC ENGLISH COURSE /BEC Pare Kediri, Indonesia, 2006)
MR - Kalend.o. Grammar in Use (Speech Presented at Seminar Farewell at BASIC ENGLISH COURSE /BEC Pare Kediri, Indonesia, 2006)
which the language uses patterns of structure to convey the meaning, so it would be
grammar helps learners to identify grammatical forms, which serves to enhance and
related with grammar of language that cannot separated from the language itself.
their ideas, messages and feelings either to the listeners or readers, language without
example we can not say something in passive sentence using English if we do not
perspective learners need to know the grammar system of language they can conduct
www.digilib petra on October 23,2011)
Mr.kalend.O. Grammar in use (speech presented at seminar farewell at BASIC ENGLISH COURSE
/BEC pare Kediri,indonesia,2006)
and maximally without concerning grammar, therefore for the language learners it is
very important to learn correct grammar at the beginning of learning a new language,
because grammar is one of the supporting aspects in English skill especially writing.
In the process of language learning, learners will get more problems and face
great difficulties when they learn foreign language. 3for example it might be in their
this problem will cause the errors,it sometimes happens due to the interference from
mother tongue.4 Besides by making errors, learners will build their new knowledge
to use the target language, and making errors during studying the second language
can be considered as a means of building learners’ abilities because they can learn
native speakers, reflecting the interlanguage competence of the learners. These errors
1. Interference errors occur as a result of the use of element from one language while
H.Douglas Brown,Principle of languageg learning and teaching,(New jersey:Prentice hALl,1980),p.41
D.A. Wilkins, Linguistic in Language Teaching,(London: Edward Arnold Publisher Ltd, 1980), 197.
Mei Lin Ho, Caroline. 20011. Empowering English Teachers to Grapple with Errors in Grammar. TESL
(online), Vol.9. No.3, (http//
Richards, Jack C. 1974. Error Analysis. London : Longman.124
grammatical from learner’s phrase or sentence into the learner’s first language to
2. Intralingual errors reflect the general characteristics of rule learning such as faulty
e.g: we can look at the way Indonesian sentences for English sentences
From the description above, it is clear that the way Indonesian sentences
formed is different from the English way, Therefore it is important to analyze the
errors made by the students because by learning the errors there are many advantages
such as (a) a device which the learner uses in order to learn (b) to fully grasp and
understand the nature of errors, and (c) instead of just being able to recognize errors,
the learners are now able to explain the rules and correct the errors.7
Surabaya when teaching English, she found that the errors usually occur in the
Mei Lin Ho, Caroline. 20011. Empowering English Teachers to Grapple with Errors in Grammar. TESL
(online), Vol.9. No.3, (http//
notice some aspects. Grammar is one important aspect that should be mastered in
order to make a well structured writing, but writing in different language is not
always as easy as writing in our own language since there are some different rules in
the writing systems and these differences sometimes make us make errors. Writing
also plays an important role in a modern society. Writing language is getting more
and more essential today. It should be mastered in order to be literate, but Indonesian
students of senior high school commonly have only little enthusiasm for their writing
tasks. It is proved when every time they have writing tasks, they feel it is quite
difficult to do the writing task in composing a good writing, but they should have
strong foundation for their writing skill grammatically before entering a higher level
In the competence based curriculum 2004, the genre of text such as Hortatory
exposition text is being taught on the second year in senior high school, so that year
students have mastered how to write a good Hortatory exposition text composition in
English. They have had the basic of making a good composition in English, therefore
it is interesting to observe the grammatical errors in writing made by the eleven year
students of senior high school. This study primarily deals with the students’ English
grammatical errors in the Hortatory exposition text made by students of the eleven
Based on that, it has been done to make simpler and detail for collecting the
data and researching. The writer choose the SMAN 1 Baureno Bojonegoro because
this place is known as the school that often wins the English competision in that area,
this school also has English club program to develope the students comperhenshion
in English skill; the English teacher of that school usually uses English languange in
delivering the English materials during the teaching learning process; the students of
the eleven grades of SMAN 1 Baureno Bojonegoro have good mark in english
subject and they are also considered having studied all English language features on
Hortatory exposition text and it needs evaluations and measurements how deep the
writing on Hortatory exposition. So they are expected to make writings which are
grammatical errors or not and what kind of grammatical errors that students made.
The writer hopes the result of the research will be useful; not only for the students of
the eleven grades of SMAN 1 Baureno Bojonegoro, but also for the teachers and any
Based on the previous research conducted by Isani Astasari year 2009 from
state University of Malang on her thesis by the title Grammatical Error in Students’s
Narrative text.8 Her study shows that students still make errors in Narrative text and
they need improvement to develop their skill, especially in writing narrative text.
This study reveals that there are 860 errors found from the data. The highest
addition (21,74 %), then Misordering errors come as the lowest frequency of errors
that only amount (1,3 %). Interlingual and intralingual interference are considered as
the major causes of these errors. According to the writer, the researcher’s study
explains the result of her study systematically, but it is lack of detail. She only
explain generally, without including more explanation about the different meaning,
so that it can make the readers still confuse, even missunderstanding about the
researcher’s mean. Related to the writer’s study, her study also explains the
grammatical errors made by the students, but she focuses her study on narrative text
Surabaya, year 2010 by Olivia Yuniar Renata from IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.9 In
her research, she finds that the students also still produce a lot of errors, such as
omission, addition, malformation and disordering errors, and the highest frequent
Isani Atasari , Grammatical Error in Students’s Narrative Writing(Universitas Negeri Malang ;Unpublished
bachelor thesis, 2009)cited from <http://karya
inggris/article/view/1516>[accessed May 11,2012]
Ollivia Yuniar Renata A study . Grammatical Errors in the Descriptive Composition of English Produced by the
Seventh Grade students of MTS Ahmad Wachid of Surabaya. IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.2010.unpublished
types of errors was omission errors that occured 49 times or 58.3 % out of 84 errors,
then the lowest was belong to disordering with the frequency occurences 7 times or
8.3 %. This study also explains grammatical errors made by the students, but she
focuses her study on the descriptive text which is different from the writer’s study.
1. What are the types of grammatical errors made by the students of the eleven
2. To find the causes of errors in Hortatory exposition text of the students of eleven
This study is hoped to give some concrete informations to the English teachers
of SMAN 1 Baureno Bojonegoro about the most errors made by their students, so
that they can solve the problems. After knowing the students’ grammatical errors, the
teachers will be able to design and improve more suitable techniques and method in
their teaching process. And for the students, they will able to know their grammatical
errors in their writing so they will try for studying them well and seriously, So it will
be hoped giving some better changes in the process of learning english especially in
The limitation of this study is to find the errors in Hortatory exposition writing
exposition writing and ignores other errors. The sentence problems include tense and
the tense discussed is only simple present, because this tense is commonly use in the
Hortatory exposition text, and the others are article, conjunction, preposition,
singular and plural, passive verb form, and sentence structure; they are commonly
2. Grammatical errors are errors which happen in the Hortatory exposition writing.
3. Hortatory exposition text is one of the text genre that is taught in the second year
explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be