First Unit Notes

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#Topic 1 Basics of Computer

Define Computer
Computers are used in many fields like banking, medicine, finance and
education with increased preference. With the growth of artificial intelligence,
computers will soon blur lines between man and machine.
Under such circumstances, a rudimentary knowledge of computers is essential
for everyday work. For those who are not yet familiar with computers, now is
the time to gain knowledge about this field. As children will be living with this
scenario in future, their employment capability will be tested against
computers. To make them future-ready, it is essential to prepare them for this
You may have been using your computer for ages without knowing what its
essential components, history, or even computer definition are. But now with
your children ready to take the next step into learning computers, you may be
beset by various questions that you cannot seem to answer.
This article is for those parents and their children who want to know what a
computer is and what its various components are?

Definition of a Computer
While you may have seen and used a computer but you may still be unable to
answer what is computer correctly. There are many ways of defining a
computer. The first and most standard definition is that a computer is
something which computes or calculates. It is a machine that takes in raw data
and performs some calculations on it and gives us the formed output in the
desired format.
Computer is also a device that stores as well as processes information
electronically. Computers usually come in different sizes and grades of

Brief History of Computers

This journey of computers began in 1822 with Charles Babbage’s analytical
engine, which was used to compute the product of numbers. Lady Ada
Lovelace, considered to be the world’s first programmer, helped with the
programming of the analytical engine.
Around a hundred years later, Alan Turing presented a concept of a universal
machine which could theoretically compute anything.
Then J.V. Atanasoff, from the University of Iowa, actually made the first attempt
to build a computer. But the first concrete effort came from two University of
Pennsylvania professors who built the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator
and Calculator) which filled an entire room and had around 18,000 vacuum
Two years later, a green light for building UNIVAC came from the US
government to make the first computer for commercial and business
applications. Then came a fundamental design switch to transistors a year later
when transistors replaced vacuum tubes. This paved the way for integrated
circuits which form the processor chip of modern computers.
In 1953, the first programming language COBOL was developed, and FORTRAN
followed it up. But the shift of computers beyond the scientific world came in
1964 when Douglas Engelbart showed a computer prototype with a mouse and
a Graphical User Interface. It made computers user friendly and made them
favourable for general use.
Following this, there was a parabolic rise in the development of computers with
Bell Laboratories, IBM and Apple Inc. They made significant headways into the
development of computers.
Apple announced the new personal computers that eventually took over the
market in 1976. This was followed up by Microsoft’s Windows. These two
significant companies prove to be the game changers in the personal computer
field, and the rest is history.

Types of Computers
Computers can be differentiated based on their modes of functioning as well as
their size and functionality. Here they have been divided into different types of
computers without considering any of these factors.
1. Analogue
These are old models of computers that work on the continuous
analogue signals rather than discrete signals. They are not very
accurate but extremely fast.

2. Digital
Computers that use this binary system of counting using electrical
pulses of ON and OFF are known as digital computers. They function
on discrete values and are generally more accurate.

3. Hybrid
Computers that have features of both digital and analogue computers
are known as hybrid computers. The analogue part of a computer
handles very complicated mathematical computations while digital
components handle these numerical and logical systems.
4. Mainframes
Mainframe computers are computers that are accessed
simultaneously by several thousands of people at once. They are used
in fields of banking and telecom where they have to handle millions of
requests together in minimal time.

5. Supercomputers
These massive computers are used in the fields of engineering and
scientific computations. They usually perform over a million
instructions per second.

6. Servers
Servers are large repositories of information. They supply information
to any computer that is on the same network as them. Many people
access servers at the same time so servers need to handle large
amounts of traffic.

7. Workstation
This type of computer that scientists and engineers may be familiar
with is called the workstation. It is generally used in scientific
applications and has a faster microprocessor along with a spacious

8. Microcomputer
This last type of computer is a microcomputer which is nothing but a
personal computer that you use at home. These computers are built
for light use such as listening to music, or playing movies or accessing
the internet.

This list concludes various types of computers that are available right now the
world over.

Basics of a Computer
Computer basics should be known to everybody who has ever used a
computer. A computer is a device that computes some raw data and turns it
into meaningful information.
Computer systems consist mainly of two parts. They are hardware and
software. The hardware is electronic circuitry that helps to compute the
mathematical computations, and the software is the programs that help the
hardware to compute. Software is further subdivided into two parts, the
operating systems and applications programs. The operating system runs the
computer hardware and helps us to communicate with the computer while
software applications that we run further perform useful tasks for us.
Hardware vs Software
These are the primary divisions of the computer system.
While discussing the computer definition, we understand that there are two
broad divisions of the computer. They are the hardware and the software. The
hardware is that part of the computer that we can physically see, feel, touch.
They include the input and output devices as well as the processor chip itself.
While the software is those programs which perform tasks, for example, the
very browser that you are using to view this program is a software. Software is
of two types. One is the operating system like Windows and LINUX, and the
other part is the application software like MS Office, games, internet browsers
etc. The computer without the software is nothing but a dumb machine. The
software is what makes the computer useful to humans.
The computer's meaning should be clear to you now.

Computer hardware is the physical parts of a computer device. Hardware can
be replaced if broken or as per needs. Hardware can also be seen as the
machinery or primary electronic part of the computer devices. These are used
to build up the computer and bring it into a usable condition. For Example-
Monitors, Central Processing Unit (CPU), etc.

Software in a computer system is a programming code that is executed on a
computer processor to fulfill the required task. It is a set of programs and
procedures that can perform the given tasks. Softwares is generally written or
designed in high-level programming languages which are also readable by non-
technical people and the user of the computer.
The high-level languages of software are converted to machine language
instructions which can be understood by the computer to follow. These are
represented in the form of binary code (0s and 1s) which is understood by the
device. The installation of software occurs in the machine language or binary

Types of Softwares
Software in a computer is divided into 2 parts. They are as follows-
• System Softwares – System software is software in a computer that
operates directly on hardware gadgets of the computer. The system
software in a computer can be seen as a platform to use or run an
application. It helps to use the system itself and run the hardware of the
computer. System software is mostly pre-installed on the new computers.
For Example- UnixWindows, etc.
• Application Softwares – Application Softwares are software that is created
for users to complete different tasks on the given computer system.
Application Softwares can either be already installed in the computer
device or can be installed later from to web or other sources. For
Example- Games, Microsoft Word, WhatsApp, etc.

Key Parts of a Computer

The key components of a computer are the CPU, input and output devices,
memory, storage devices and the motherboard. Knowing what a computer is is
impossible without knowing its structural basics. Hence here is a brief look at
the various components that make up a computer.
• Central Processing Unit
Also known as the heart of the computer, the CPU can be equated to
the human brain. It is a chip that has all the electrical circuits
embedded in it which are responsible for reading, executing and
storing programs.

• Input Devices
Devices through which one can feed the computer, some meaningful
information is known as the input devices. For example, a keyboard is
an input device through which we key in data for the computer to

• Output Devices
Devices through which the computer shows the output of its
computation are known as output devices. For example, the screen on
which appears the results is an output device.

• Memory
The place where programs and executable instructions are stored is
called memory. Usually, this memory is stored on the CPU.

• Storage Devices
Storage devices are those devices that read or store data — For
example, hard drive. The place where information is stored is known
as storage media.
• Motherboard
Mainboard on which memory, CPU, and other peripherals are
connected is known as the motherboard.

These are the various components of a computer system that are critical to its
functioning. Every computer, to be meaningful, needs to have these parts.
After understanding computer meaning, you should be able to identify the
various components of the computer. It would be best if you also understood
how computers were developed and what the benefits of using the computer

Benefits of Using a Computer

The benefits of using a computer are plenty. A computer is a machine that can
accomplish so many tasks on a user's behalf, that it is impossible to do without
it nowadays. Anyone knowing the computer basics will know that computers
are highly time-saving and useful to have.
Listed here are five reasons why you should use a computer.
1. Computers Can Work 24 x 7
Since computers need electricity to run, they are capable of working
without tiring. Same work will take more time if done by a person than
if performed by a computer. For example, take the preparation of
payslips for employees. A person and a computer can do the same
work. But a computer will not tire nor make mistakes, which is quite
possible for a person to do.

2. Computers Connect a Person to the Internet

Nowadays, the new market place is the internet. Buying, selling, and
advertising as well as interacting with friends have shifted online. So,
how can you take advantage of this new giant? The only way to
access the internet is through a computer. The internet is also a
storehouse of information which can be accessed in the blink of an

3. Stores a Vast Amount of Information

Those who know what a computer is know that with the rise in
technology computers can store information in the order of terabytes.
This amount is enough to save around 250 movies. So, imagine the
vast information that you can have stored on the computer. Memory
nowadays is cheaply available, so pictures, videos, music, and
documents can all be stored on the computer at a cheap price.

4. Saves Time
The most critical computer basics are that the device saves time.
Doing any computation on the computer saves you the time and the
hassle of getting the task done. For example, preparing the monthly
budget for a home can be easily accomplished on the computer in a
matter of minutes, and the work is carried out not only efficiently but
is also done correctly.

5. Computers Can Help You Make Money

If you are setting up a company of your own, you can use computers
to connect to the internet and create a broader audience base.
Knowing how to work with computers is a skill that is significantly in
demand as many businesses have integrated their work in tandem
with computers. Programmers and coders are some of the highest
paid jobs in the market at present.

These benefits are sufficient reasons to use computers on a day to day basis to
solve many problems that confront us. Hopefully, now you may have some idea
of what the computer means.
Also, the definition of a computer system should be clear to you. With this basic
understanding, you can systematically further your study of computers. As our
future looms large, computers are set to take over the world. They will define
the manner in which one does business as well as to conduct their personal
lives, so now is the time to gain as much knowledge about them so that you
stay relevant.

#Topic 2 The Generation of Computers

The modern computer took its shape with the arrival of your time. It had
been around the 16th century when the evolution of the computer started.
The initial computer faced many changes, obviously for the betterment. It
continuously improved itself in terms of speed, accuracy, size, and price to
urge the form of the fashionable day computer.

Basic Terms Related to Computers

The basic terms related to generations of computers are listed below.
1.Vacuum Tube: Vacuum tubes have the functionality of controlling the
flow of electronics in a vacuum. Generally, it is used in switches,
amplifiers, radios, televisions, etc.
2.Transistor: A transistor helps in controlling the flow of electricity in
devices, it works as an amplifier or a switch.
3.Integrated Circuit (IC): Integrated circuits are silicon chips that
contain their circuit elements like transistors, resistors, etc.
4.Microprocessors: Microprocessors are the components that contain
the CPU and its circuits and are present in the Integrated Circuit.
5.Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU is called the brain of the
computer. CPU performs processing and operations work.
6.Magnetic Drum: Magnetic Drum is like a cylinder that stores data and
7.Magnetic Core: Magnetic cores are used to store information. These
are arrays of small rings.
8.Machine Language: Machine Language is the language that a
computer accepts (in the form of binary digits). It is also called low-level
programming language.
9.Memory: Memory is used to store data, information, and program in a
10.Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence deals with creating
intelligent machines and behaviors.

Phases of Computer Generations

This long period is often conveniently divided into the subsequent phases
called computer generations.
•First Generation Computers (1940-1956)
•Second Generation Computers (1956-1963)
•Third Generation Computers (1964-1971)
•Fourth Generation Computers (1971-Present)
•Fifth Generation Computers (Present and Beyond)

Generations of Computer Time-Period Evolving Hardware

First Generation 1940s – 1950s Vacuum Tube Based

Second Generation 1950s – 1960s Transistor Based

Third Generation 1960s – 1970s Integrated Circuit Based

Fourth Generation 1970s – Present Microprocessor Based

Generations of Computer Time-Period Evolving Hardware

Fifth Generation Present – Future Artificial Intelligence Based

Before the generation of computers, we used calculators, spreadsheets,

and computer algebra systems, mathematicians and inventors searched
for solutions to ease the burden of calculation.

Below are the 8 Mechanical Calculators before modern computers were

1. Abacus (ca. 2700 BC)
2.Pascal’s Calculator (1652)
3.Stepped Reckoner (1694)
4.Arithmometer (1820)
5.Comptometer (1887) and Comptograph (1889)
6.The Difference Engine (1822)
7.Analytical Engine (1834)
8.The Millionaire (1893)

First Generation Computers

The technology behind the primary generation computers was a fragile

glass device, which was called a vacuum tube. These computers were very
heavy and really large. These weren’t very reliable and programming on
them was a tedious task as they used low-level programming language
and used no OS. First-generation computers were used for calculation,
storage, and control purpose. They were too bulky and large that they
needed a full room and consume a lot of electricity.
Examples of some main first-generation computers are mentioned below.
•ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, built by J.
Presper Eckert and John V. Mauchly was a general-purpose computer. It
had been cumbersome, and large, and contained 18,000 vacuum tubes.
•EDVAC: Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer was designed
by von Neumann. It could store data also as instruction and thus the
speed was enhanced.
•UNIVAC: Universal Automatic Computer was developed in 1952 by
Eckert and Mauchly.

Vacuum Tube

Characteristics of First-Generation Computers

Characteristics Components

Main electronic component Vacuum tube.

Programming language Machine language.

Main memory Magnetic tapes and magnetic drums.

Input/output devices Paper tape and punched cards.

Very slow and very large (often taking up an entire

Speed and size

Examples of the first

IBM 650, IBM 701, ENIAC, UNIVAC1, etc.

Second Generation Computers

Second-generation computers used the technology of transistors rather

than bulky vacuum tubes. Another feature was the core storage. A
transistor may be a device composed of semiconductor material that
amplifies a sign or opens or closes a circuit.
Transistors were invented in Bell Labs. The use of transistors made it
possible to perform powerfully and with due speed. It reduced the
dimensions and price and thankfully the warmth too, which was generated
by vacuum tubes. Central Processing Unit (CPU), memory, programming
language, and input, and output units also came into the force within the
second generation.
The programming language was shifted from high level to programming
language and made programming comparatively a simple task for
programmers. Languages used for programming during this era were
FORTRAN (1956), ALGOL (1958), and COBOL (1959).


Characteristics of Second-Generation Computers

Characteristics Components

Main electronic

Programming language Machine language and assembly language.

Memory Magnetic core and magnetic tape/disk.

Input/output devices Magnetic tape and punched cards.

Smaller in size, had low power consumption, and generated less

Power and size
heat (in comparison with the first-generation computers).

Examples of the second PDP-8, IBM1400 series, IBM 7090 and 7094, UNIVAC 1107,
generation CDC 3600, etc.

Third Generation Computers

During the third generation, technology envisaged a shift from huge

transistors to integrated circuits, also referred to as IC. Here a variety of
transistors were placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors. The most
feature of this era’s computer was speed and reliability. IC was made from
silicon and also called silicon chips.
A single IC has many transistors, registers, and capacitors built on one thin
slice of silicon. The value size was reduced and memory space and dealing
efficiency were increased during this generation. Programming was now
wiped out Higher level languages like BASIC (Beginners All-purpose
Symbolic Instruction Code). Minicomputers find their shape during this era.

Integrated Circuit
Characteristics of Third-Generation Computers
Characteristics Components

Main electronic component Integrated circuits (ICs).

Programming language High-level language.

Memory Large magnetic core, magnetic tape/disk.

Input/output devices Magnetic tape, monitor, keyboard, printer, etc.

Examples of the third IBM 360, IBM 370, PDP-11, NCR 395, B6500, UNIVAC
generation 1108, etc.

Fourth Generation Computers

In 1971 First microprocessors were used, the large-scale of integration LSI

circuits built on one chip called microprocessors. The advantage of this
technology is that one microprocessor can contain all the circuits required
to perform arithmetic, logic, and control functions on one chip.
The computers using microchips were called microcomputers. This
generation provided even smaller size of computers, with larger
capacities. That’s not enough, then Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI)
circuits replaced LSI circuits. The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971,
located all the components of the pc from the central processing unit and
memory to input/ output controls on one chip and allowed the dimensions
to reduce drastically.
Technologies like multiprocessing, multiprogramming, time-sharing,
operating speed, and virtual memory made it a more user-friendly and
customary device. The concept of private computers and computer
networks came into being within the fourth generation.


Characteristics of Fourth-Generation Computers

Characteristics Components

Main electronic Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) and the microprocessor

component (VLSI has thousands of transistors on a single microchip).
Characteristics Components

Memory semiconductor memory (such as RAM, ROM, etc.).

pointing devices, optical scanning, keyboard, monitor, printer,

Input/output devices

Examples of the fourth IBM PC, STAR 1000, APPLE II, Apple Macintosh, Alter 8800,
generation etc.

Fifth Generation Computers

The technology behind the fifth generation of computers is AI. It allows

computers to behave like humans. It is often seen in programs like voice
recognition, area of medicine, and entertainment. Within the field of game
playing also it’s shown remarkable performance where computers are
capable of beating human competitors.
The speed is the highest, size is the smallest and area of use has
remarkably increased within the fifth generation computers. Though not a
hundred percent AI has been achieved to date but keeping in sight the
present developments, it is often said that this dream also will become a
reality very soon.
To summarize the features of varied generations of computers, it is often
said that a big improvement has been seen so far because of the speed
and accuracy of functioning care, but if we mention the dimensions, it’s
been small over the years. The value is additionally diminishing and
reliability is increasing.

AI-Based Computers

Characteristics of Fifth-Generation Computers

Characteristics Components

Based on artificial intelligence, uses the Ultra Large-Scale Integration

Main electronic (ULSI) technology and parallel processing method (ULSI has millions
component of transistors on a single microchip and the Parallel processing method
use two or more microprocessors to run tasks simultaneously).

Language Understand natural language (human language).

Characteristics Components

Size Portable and small in size.

Input/output Trackpad (or touchpad), touchscreen, pen, speech input (recognize

device voice/speech), light scanner, printer, keyboard, monitor, mouse, etc.

Example of the
Desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.
fifth generation

#Topic 3 The characteristics of the computer system are as following

A computer works with much higher speed and accuracy compared to humans while performing mathematical calculations. Computers

can process millions (1,000,000) of instructions per second. The time taken by computers for their operations is microseconds and


Computers perform calculations with 100% accuracy. Errors may occur due to data inconsistency or inaccuracy.

A computer can perform millions of tasks or calculations with the same consistency and accuracy. It doesn’t feel any fatigue or lack of

concentration. Its memory also makes it superior to that of human beings.

Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to perform different kinds of works with same accuracy and efficiency.
A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for similar set of data i.e., if we give same set of input any number of times, we will get

the same result.


Computer performs all the tasks automatically i.e. it performs tasks without manual intervention.

A computer has built-in memory called primary memory where it stores data. Secondary storage are removable devices such as CDs, pen

drives, etc., which are also used to store data.

Use of Computer


Computers are used at homes for several purposes like online bill payment, watching movies or shows at home, home tutoring, social

media access, playing games, internet access, etc. They provide communication through electronic mail. They help to avail work from

home facility for corporate employees. Computers help the student community to avail online educational support.

Medical Field
Computers are used in hospitals to maintain a database of patients’ history, diagnosis, X-rays, live monitoring of patients, etc. Surgeons

nowadays use robotic surgical devices to perform delicate operations, and conduct surgeries remotely. Virtual reality technologies are

also used for training purposes. It also helps to monitor the fetus inside the mother’s womb.

Computers help to watch movies online, play games online; act as a virtual entertainer in playing games, listening to music, etc. MIDI

instruments greatly help people in the entertainment industry in recording music with artificial instruments. Videos can be fed from

computers to full screen televisions. Photo editors are available with fabulous features.

Computers are used to perform several tasks in industries like managing inventory, designing purpose, creating virtual sample products,

interior designing, video conferencing, etc. Online marketing has seen a great revolution in its ability to sell various products to

inaccessible corners like interior or rural areas. Stock markets have seen phenomenal participation from different levels of people through

the use of computers.

Computers are used in education sector through online classes, online examinations, referring e-books, online tutoring, etc. They help in

increased use of audio-visual aids in the education field.

In government sectors, computers are used in data processing, maintaining a database of citizens and supporting a paperless

environment. The country’s defense organizations have greatly benefitted from computers in their use for missile development,

satellites, rocket launches, etc.

omputer systems consist of three components as shown in below image: Central Processing

Unit, Input devices and Output devices. Input devices provide data input to processor, which

processes data and generates useful information that’s displayed to the user through output

devices. This is stored in computer’s memory.

Components of Computer
Central Processing Unit

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is called "the brain of computer" as it controls operation of all

parts of computer. It consists of two components: Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), and Control Unit.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

Data entered into computer is sent to RAM, from where it is then sent to ALU, where rest of

data processing takes place. All types of processing, such as comparisons, decision-making and

processing of non-numeric information takes place here and once again data is moved to RAM.

Control Unit

As name indicates, this part of CPU extracts instructions, performs execution, maintains and

directs operations of entire system.

Functions of Control Unit

Control unit performs following functions −

It controls all activities of computer

Supervises flow of data within CPU

Directs flow of data within CPU

Transfers data to Arithmetic and Logic Unit

Transfers results to memory

Fetches results from memory to output devices

Memory Unit

This is unit in which data and instructions given to computer as well as results given by

computer are stored. Unit of memory is "Byte".

Computer systems consist of three components as shown in below

image: Central Processing Unit, Input devices and Output devices. Input
devices provide data input to processor, which processes data and generates
useful information that’s displayed to the user through output devices. This is
stored in computer’s memory.

Central Processing Unit

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is called "the brain of computer" as it
controls operation of all parts of computer. It consists of two components:
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), and Control Unit.
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
Data entered into computer is sent to RAM, from where it is then sent to ALU,
where rest of data processing takes place. All types of processing, such as
comparisons, decision-making and processing of non-numeric information takes
place here and once again data is moved to RAM.

Control Unit
As name indicates, this part of CPU extracts instructions, performs execution,
maintains and directs operations of entire system.

Functions of Control Unit

Control unit performs following functions −

•It controls all activities of computer

•Supervises flow of data within CPU
•Directs flow of data within CPU
•Transfers data to Arithmetic and Logic Unit
•Transfers results to memory
•Fetches results from memory to output devices
Memory Unit
This is unit in which data and instructions given to computer as well as results
given by computer are stored. Unit of memory is "Byte".
A computer is a device that transforms data into meaningful information. It
processes the input according to the set of instructions provided to it by
the user and gives the desired output. Computers are of various types and
they can be categorized in two ways on the basis of size and on the basis
of data handling capabilities.


Types of Computer
There are two bases on which we can define the types of computers. We
will discuss the type of computers on the basis of size and data handling
capabilities. We will discuss each type of computer in detail. Let’s see first
what are the types of computers.
•Super Computer
•Mainframe computer
•Mini Computer
•Workstation Computer
•Personal Computer (PC)
•Server Computer
•Analog Computer
•Digital Computer
•Hybrid Computer
•Tablets and Smartphone
Now, we are going to discuss each of them in detail.

When we talk about speed, then the first name that comes to mind when
thinking of computers is supercomputers. They are the biggest and fastest
computers (in terms of speed of processing data). Supercomputers are
designed such that they can process a huge amount of data, like
processing trillions of instructions or data just in a second. This is because
of the thousands of interconnected processors in supercomputers. It is
basically used in scientific and engineering applications such as weather
forecasting, scientific simulations, and nuclear energy research. It was first
developed by Roger Cray in 1976.

Super Computers
Characteristics of Supercomputers
•Supercomputers are the computers that are the fastest and they are
also very expensive.
•It can calculate up to ten trillion individual calculations per second, this
is also the reason which makes it even faster.
•It is used in the stock market or big organizations for managing the
online currency world such as Bitcoin etc.
•It is used in scientific research areas for analyzing data obtained from
exploring the solar system, satellites, etc.
Mainframe computers are designed in such a way that they can support
hundreds or thousands of users at the same time. It also supports multiple
programs simultaneously. So, they can execute different processes
simultaneously. All these features make the mainframe computer ideal for
big organizations like banking, telecom sectors, etc., which process a high
volume of data in general.
Characteristics of Mainframe Computers
•It is also an expensive or costly computer.
•It has high storage capacity and great performance.
•It can process a huge amount of data (like data involved in the banking
sector) very quickly.
•It runs smoothly for a long time and has a long life.

Minicomputer is a medium size multiprocessing computer. In this type of

computer, there are two or more processors, and it supports 4 to 200
users at one time. Minicomputer is similar to Microcontroller.
Minicomputers are used in places like institutes or departments for
different work like billing, accounting, inventory management, etc. It is
smaller than a mainframe computer but larger in comparison to the
Characteristics of Minicomputer
•Its weight is low.
•Because of its low weight, it is easy to carry anywhere.
•less expensive than a mainframe computer.
•It is fast.
Workstation Computer
A workstation computer is designed for technical or scientific applications.
It consists of a fast microprocessor, with a large amount of RAM and a
high-speed graphic adapter. It is a single-user computer. It is generally
used to perform a specific task with great accuracy.
Characteristics of Workstation Computer
•It is expensive or high in cost.
•They are exclusively made for complex work purposes.
•It provides large storage capacity, better graphics, and a more
powerful CPU when compared to a PC.
•It is also used to handle animation, data analysis, CAD, audio and video
creation, and editing.

Personal Computer (PC)

Personal Computers is also known as a microcomputer. It is basically a
general-purpose computer designed for individual use. It consists of a
microprocessor as a central processing unit(CPU), memory, input unit, and
output unit. This kind of computer is suitable for personal work such as
making an assignment, watching a movie, or at the office for office work,
etc. For example, Laptops and desktop computers.
Personal Computer

Characteristics of Personal Computer (PC)

•In this limited number of software can be used.
•It is the smallest in size.
•It is designed for personal use.
•It is easy to use.

Server Computer

Server Computers are computers that are combined data and programs.
Electronic data and applications are stored and shared in the server
computer. The working of a server computer is that it does not solve a
bigger problem like a supercomputer but it solves many smaller similar
ones. Examples of server computer are like Wikipedia, as when users put a
request for any page, it finds what the user is looking for and sends it to
the user.
Analog Computer
Analog Computers are particularly designed to process analog data.
Continuous data that changes continuously and cannot have discrete
values are called analog data. So, an analog computer is used where we
don’t need exact values or need approximate values such as speed,
temperature, pressure, etc. It can directly accept the data from the
measuring device without first converting it into numbers and codes. It
measures the continuous changes in physical quantity. It gives output as a
reading on a dial or scale. For example speedometer, mercury
thermometer, etc.

Digital computers are designed in such a way that they can easily
perform calculations and logical operations at high speed. It takes raw
data as input and processes it with programs stored in its memory to
produce the final output. It only understands the binary input 0 and 1, so
the raw input data is converted to 0 and 1 by the computer and then it is
processed by the computer to produce the result or final output. All
modern computers, like laptops, desktops including smartphones are
digital computers.

Hybrid Computer
As the name suggests hybrid, which means made by combining two
different things. Similarly, the hybrid computer is a combination of both
analog and digital computers. Hybrid computers are fast like analog
computers and have memory and accuracy like digital computers. So, it
has the ability to process both continuous and discrete data. For working
when it accepts analog signals as input then it converts them into digital
form before processing the input data. So, it is widely used in specialized
applications where both analog and digital data are required to be
processed. A processor which is used in petrol pumps that converts the
measurements of fuel flow into quantity and price is an example of a
hybrid computer.
Tablet and Smartphones

Tablets and Smartphones are the types of computers that are pocket
friendly and easy to carry is these are handy. This is one of the best use of
modern technology. These devices have better hardware capabilities,
extensive operating systems, and better multimedia functionality.
smartphones and tablets contain a number of sensors and are also able to
provide wireless communication protocols.

Tablet and Smartphones

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