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Coastal Resource Management Project

of the

Department of Environment and Natural Resources

supported by the

United States Agency for International Development


Coastal Environmental Profile of the Malalag Bay Area, Davao del Sur, Philippines

Imelda S. Valle, Ma. Chona B. Cristobal, Alan T. White and Evelyn T. Deguit


Citation: Valle, I.S., M.C.B. Cristobal, A.T. White and E. Deguit. 2000. Coastal Environmental Profile of the
Malalag Bay Area, Davao del Sur, Philippines. Coastal Resource Management Project, Cebu City, Philippines,
127 p.

This publication was made possible through support provided by the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) under the terms and conditions of Contract No. AID-492-C-00-96-00028-00 supporting
the Coastal Resource Management Project (CRMP). The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the USAID. This publication may be reproduced or quoted in other
publications as long as proper reference is made to the source.

Production: Letty Dizon copy-edited and Lume Inamac and Ida Juliano word-processed, did the layout, and
designed the cover of this document.

Cover Photos: Front - A. White; Back - CRMP staff.

CRMP Document No. 23-CRM/2000

ISBN 971-92289-9-7

Tables and Figures v
Foreword vii
Preface viii
Acknowledgments x
Acronyms and Abbreviations xi
Commonly Used Local Terms xii
Glossary of Terms xiv

Chapter 1
Introduction 1

Chapter 2
Physical Features 7
Land Area 7
Topography 7
Hydrology 9
Soil 14
Land Uses 14
Climate 16

Chapter 3
Natural Resources 17
Mineral Resources 17
Forest Resources 17
Coastal Resources 18
Hagonoy 20
Malalag 23
Padada 26
Sta. Maria 29
Sulop 32

Chapter 4
Sociopolitical Setting 49
Political and Administrative Boundaries 49
Demography 51
Population Size, Density, Distribution, and Growth Rate 51
Households 52
Age and Gender Composition 52
Urban and Rural Distribution 52
Education 52
Labor, Employment, and Income 54
Religion 54
Dialects 56

Health, Sanitation, and Medical Care 56

Settlements 56
Roads, Transportation, Communication, and Other Related Infrastructure or
Support Systems 59
Roads and Bridges 59
Transportation 59
Communication 59
Irrigation 60
Shore Protection Structure 60
Power Supply 60
Water Supply 60
Waste Disposal 61

Chapter 5
Economic Sectors 63
Fisheries 63
Marine Fisheries 63
Capture Method 63
Number of Fishers 65
Catch per Unit Effort 65
Catch per Species (Weight) per Gear 68
Aquaculture 71
Industry 73
Agriculture 74
Food and Commercial Crops 74
Livestock and Poultry 77
Tourism 79

Chapter 6
Institutional and Legal Framework 81
Philippine Coastal Management Laws 82
Coastal Management Ordinances in the MBA 82
Institutions Involved in Coastal Management 88
National Government 88
Local Government 89
Nongovernment Organizations and People’s Organizations 98
Community Organizations 99

Chapter 7
Management Issues and Opportunities 103
Environment 103
Economic 108
Political/Institutional 109

References 127

2.1 Land area distribution and coastline length of each municipality in the MBA 8
2.2 Water quality criteria for coastal and marine waters 11
2.3 Physical properties of the coastal waters of Davao del Sur 11
2.4 Chemical properties of the coastal waters of Davao del Sur 12
2.5 Biological properties of the coastal waters of Davao del Sur 12
2.6 Soil classification of the MBA by municipality 14
3.1 Mineral resources of the MBA 18
3.2 Certificate of Stewardship Contracts and corresponding area issued by the
DENR under the Integrated Social Forestry Project in the MBA 19
3.3 Habitats in the MBA 19
3.4 Mangrove area surveyed by SUML in the MBA 35
3.5 Mangrove and associated species found in the MBA 36
3.6 Mean density of mangrove seedlings and saplings in the MBA 37
3.7 Seagrass species found in the MBA 38
3.8 Reef extent and other description of the stations in the MBA 39
3.9 Corals found in the MBA 40
3.10 Mean cover of benthic categories using random quadrat method in the MBA 41
3.11 Fishery resources in the MBA 42
3.12 Reef fish composition in the MBA 43
4.1 Population size, density, and growth rate of the MBA 51
4.2 Urban and rural population in the MBA 52
4.3 Summary of the ranges and averages of income obtained from different
categories of livelihood in the MBA 55
4.4 Excrete disposal facilities by municipality in the MBA 57
4.5 Sources of household construction financing in the MBA 58
4.6 Access to potable water facilities by municipality in the MBA 61
4.7 Solid and liquid waste disposal facilities by municipality and by number of
households in the MBA 61
5.1 Fishing gear used in the MBA 64
5.2 Fishing gear used in the MBA based on PCRA data in 1998 66
5.3 Number of municipal fishers and corresponding fish production in the MBA 66
5.4 Catch per unit effort and income per unit effort in the MBA, 1997 67
5.5 Summary of catch composition, biomass, and relative abundance per
gear type in the MBA 69
5.6 Brackishwater resources data by municipality in the MBA 71
5.7 Freshwater resources data by municipality in the MBA 72
5.8 Major industries in the MBA 73
5.9 Food and commercial crops in the MBA in 1996 75

5.10 Livestock and poultry (number of heads) in the MBA 78

5.11 Existing tourist spots in the MBA 79
6.1 Summary of coastal and environmental management laws 83
6.2 Ordinances for coastal environmental protection and management in the MBA 85
6.3 Operating funds for CRM implementation in Malalag 87
6.4 Partial listing of NGOs and POs in the MBA 100
7.1 Major CRM issues and management options identified by the rapid resource
appraisal of Davao Gulf 104
7.2 10-Year environmental management and protection program for the MBA 112
7.3 Municipal CRM plans (Year 2000-2004) in the MBA 115

1.1 Malalag Bay with outlying municipalities 2
2.1 Proportion of non-coastal and coastal barangay land area per municipality 8
2.2 The circulation of Malalag Bay 10
2.3 Suitability of Malalag Bay for mariculture 10
2.4 Land classification of the MBA by municipality 15
3.1 Coastal resource map of the municipality of Hagonoy, Davao del Sur 21
3.2 Hagonoy transect diagram (Barangays Aplaya, Balutakay, Guihing, Leling,
and Paligue) 22
3.3 Coastal resource map of the municipality of Malalag, Davao del Sur 24
3.4 Malalag transect diagram (Barangays Bagumbayan, Baybay, and Bulacan) 25
3.5 Coastal resource map of the municipality of Padada, Davao del Sur 27
3.6 Padada transect diagram (Barangays Palili, Piape, Punta Piape, and San Isidro) 28
3.7 Coastal resource map of the municipality of Sta. Maria, Davao del Sur 30
3.8 Sta. Maria transect diagram (Barangays Basiawan, Kisulad, Mamacao, Ogpao,
San Agustin, Sto. Niño, Sto. Rosario, and Tanglad) 31
3.9 Coastal resource map of the Municipality of Sulop, Davao del Sur 33
3.10 Sulop transect diagram (Barangay Balasinon) 34
3.11 Mean benthic cover from coral reefs in five stations in the MBA 41
4.1 The MBA municipalities 50
4.2 MBA literacy rate 53
4.3 School distribution in the MBA 53
4.4 Total labor force and employment rate in the MBA 55
4.5 Housing units by municipality in the MBA 57
5.1 Number of municipal fishers and corresponding fish production in the MBA 67
5.2 Land use for food and commercial crops in the MBA 76
5.3 Food and commercial crops in the MBA 77
6.1 Environment and Natural Resources Office (ENRO) organizational structure 95
6.2 Proposed Provincial Coastal Resource Management Implementing Structure 96
6.3 Proposed Inter-Agency Coordinating Structure for Coastal Resource Management 97
6.4 Davao Gulf Management Board (DGMB) organizational structure 98

The Philippines is endowed with a rich abundance of coastal natural resources along
its 18,000 km of shoreline. Davao del Sur, with the longest shoreline in Region 11 stretching
along 11 municipalities, is no exception. Davao del Sur has long depended on its fisheries,
coral reefs, mangroves, beaches, coastal bays, and estuaries for aquaculture and other
uses. From the upland to the seas of Davao del Sur, occupations in food security employ a
large portion of the coastal population. But, unfortunately, trends in production are not

As in other coastal areas, the coastal resource base is being degraded through a
variety of impacts from human folly. Fisheries are being depleted through excessive effort
and use of destructive methods. Shoreline habitats are either being damaged or converted
to alternative uses that no longer support viable fisheries as in the past. Equally, agriculture
practices in coastal and upland areas are having many negative impacts on coastal resources
and particularly water quality because of poor soil management practices, use of pesticides
and other chemicals, and increasing deforestation. All these problems emphasize the need
for integrated coastal management in Davao del Sur.

The first step towards a more integrated and comprehensive planning and management
regime for coastal resources is to develop an information base that guides planning. The
Coastal Environmental Profile of the Malalag Bay Area represents an important first step in
the coastal management process. It can help guide long-term solutions to some of the
coastal problems of the area and provide a set of baseline data upon which to measure
changes in the environment in the present and the future. It can also be used to monitor the
effectiveness of coastal projects.

This profile will assist in informing all the decision-makers and stakeholders in the
areas about the need to protect and manage their coastal areas and resources. It contains
much useful information and provides guidance on management policies. Let us use it
wisely and develop much-needed coastal management plans for our province.

Davao del Sur

The Coastal Environmental Profile of the Malalag Bay Area, Davao del Sur, Philippines
provides baseline information on the coastal environment of the Malalag Bay Area. It will
assist with management planning at the municipal and barangay levels within the Malalag
Bay Area for years to come. It is also useful as a guide for other coastal municipalities in
Davao del Sur and Davao Gulf.

This profile is produced as part of the activities of the Coastal Resource Management
Project (CRMP) in collaboration with the municipalities and province of Davao del Sur. The
CRMP has worked in the area since 1996 to develop and encourage leaders among local
communities, nongovernment organizations, and local government units to work for coastal
resource management (CRM). CRM is the process of planning, implementing, and monitoring
beneficial and sustainable uses of coastal resources through participation, collaboration,
and sound decision-making. This is achieved by involving the affected community, resource
users, local and regional government, nongovernment organizations, and the private sector.
It aims to promote an integrated coastal management approach that focuses on sustainable
coastal resource use and minimizes direct negative impacts on coastal resources from fishing,
aquaculture, and other forms of development.

Malalag Bay typifies a once-rich ecosystem now ravaged by the misuse and abuse of
the people who have lived from the bounty of the sea. The coastal habitats of Malalag Bay
are characterized by a few patches of secondary growth of mangrove forest, some seagrass
areas, and about 100 ha of coral reefs. This represents a significant decline over 50 years
ago and hopefully sets the baseline on improvement for the area through improved protection
and management.

The bay is considered a favorable site for port and industrial facilities as well as
aquaculture development. This presents another challenge in that such development normally
depletes the natural resource base through reclamation and pollution. CRM planning for
Malalag Bay must consider the trade-offs between maintenance and improvement of its
natural resource base of habitats and fisheries and shoreline development of aquaculture
and industries. The bottom-line is that all development must be done in a manner that
minimizes waste and pollution.

The integrated and participatory approach to coastal management for the profile area
of Malalag Bay has proven successful in other areas of the Philippines. This approach
depends on the dynamic action of community groups with local and national government
agencies responsible for resource management. This participatory approach does not dictate
to the people, but rather, equips them, who rely the most upon the coastal environment,
with the necessary tools to make rational and sustainable decisions. The first step in this
process is the development of baseline information for planning. This profile completes this
step for the Malalag Bay Area.

The preparation of this coastal environmental profile was made possible by the
assistance and cooperation of many institutions and individuals inside and outside of the
Malalag Bay Area. The following government organizations are thanked for contributing
important data:

Municipalities of Hagonoy, Malalag, Padada, Santa Maria, and Sulop

Provincial Planning and Development Office, Davao del Sur
Office of the Provincial Agriculturist, Davao del Sur
Environment and Natural Resources Office, Davao del Sur
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Region XI
Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Region XI

The nongovernment organizations and academic institutions that assisted include:

International Marinelife Alliance

Silliman University Marine Laboratory
Mindanao State University
Canadian International Development Agency
Institute of Small Farms and Industries

Key individuals who have contributed to the completion of this profile at various
stages along the way include:

Oscar Francisco, Fisheries and Coastal Management Consultant, Davao

Melchor Maceda, Economic Development Foundation, Manila
Johnette Delegero, Learning Area Coordinator, CRMP
Rex Baleña, Ph.D., University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Iloilo

Finally, this profile could not have been completed without the commitment of
Honorable Rogelio E. Llanos, Governor of Davao del Sur and all the municipal and barangay
officials and employees within the Malalag Bay Area.

The Coastal Resource Management Project, implemented by the Department of

Environment and Natural Resources and funded by the United States Agency for International
Development, has published this document.

BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
BFARMC Barangay Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council
CPUE catch per unit effort
CRM coastal resource management
CRMP Coastal Resource Management Project
DA Department of Agriculture
DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DILG Department of the Interior and Local Government
DOST Department of Science and Technology
DOT Department of Tourism
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ENRO Environment and Natural Resources Office(r)
EO Executive Order
FARMC Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council
GT gross ton
ha hectare
HALT Hillside Agricultural Land Technology
kg kilogram
km kilometer
km 2 square kilometer
L liter
LGU local government unit
LOI Letter of Instruction
mg milligram
MGB Mines and Geosciences Bureau
ml milliliter
mm millimeter
MSU Mindanao State University
mt metric ton
NEDA National Economic and Development Authority
NGO nongovernment organization
OPAG Office of the Provincial Agriculturist
PCAMRD Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Develop-
PCRA participatory coastal resource assessment
PD Presidential Decree
PNP Philippine National Police
PO people’s organization
PPDO Provincial Planning and Development Office
ppt parts per thousand
RA Republic Act
SUML Silliman University Marine Laboratory

Local Terms English Translation Local Terms English Translation

FISHING GEAR Bolinao Anchovy

Borot Scad
Baling Lift net Bugaong Therapon, tigerfish
Basnig Bag net Bulan-bulan Flagtail
Bubo (pangnokos) Squid trap Bulgan Big-eye
Bunsod Fish corral Butete Pufferfish
Katay, palangre, Long line Kabalyas Tuna and mackerel
pasol pambariles Kapal Damselfish
Manubid, pamariles, Single hook and line Karaw Tuna and mackerel
pambaca, pamirit, subid, Katambak Emperor bream
pangaraw, undak Kitong Rabbitfish
Palangre/pamarilis, subid, Multiple hook and line Dali-dali Flatfish
panubid, pasol, undak Danggit Rabbitfish
Palaran, panglambay, Gill net Galunggong Scad
panglampornas, pamalo, Ganting Squirrelfish
pangtamban, pukot, Gapas Threadfin bream
pukot-doble, pukot-triple, Gisaw Mullet
pukot-paapong Gonggong Therapon, tigerfish
Pamana, pana, pana-suga Spear gun Guno Silverside
Pamante, pamo, pukot, Drift gill net Hinok Goatfish
pangnaduhaw, patuloy, Hilo Eel
panggal Ibis Cardinalfish
Pamante triple, pamante-abay Bottom set gill net Iho Shark
Panggal Fish trap Ito Catfish
Sudsud Scoop net Labayan Wrasse
Lagaw Threadfin bream
Lalagan Snapper
FISHES Lapu-lapu Grouper
Latab Mojarra
Alibangbang Butterflyfish Liplipan Billfish
Aluman Snapper Lipti Sweetlip and grunt
Anduhaw Tuna Mamsa Jack
Aso-os Whiting Marang Billfish
Badlon Jack, cavalla, crevalle Matambaka Scad
Bagis Surgeonfish Maya-maya Snapper, seaperch
Balo Needlefish Mol-mol Parrotfish
Banak Mullet Mongit Surgeonfish
Banghutin False whiting, blanquillo Pagi Stingray
Bangsi Flying fish Palad-palad Flathead
Bangus (semilya) Milkfish fry Pandawan Dolphinfish
Bantol Scorpionfish, turkeyfish, Pirit Tuna
lionfish, stonefish Pugapo Grouper
Barilason Jack, cavalla, crevalle, Rompe-kandado Barracuda
trevally, dart Sagisi Threadfin bream
Bariles Tuna and mackerel Salay-salay Crevalle, trevally
Bilason Fusilier, bananafish Salmon-salmon Scad and jack
Bilong-bilong Moonfish Sapsap Slipmouth

Local Terms English Translation

Solid Fusilier
Sunogan Flathead
Talakitok Scad and jack
Tamban Herring
Tangigue Spanish mackerel
Tanglaron Wrasse
Timbungan Goatfish
Tulingan Frigate tuna
Ubod Moray eel


Aninikad Miter shell

Imbaw Venus shell
Litob Bubble shell


Alamang Small shrimp

Alimango Mud/mangrove crab and blue
Balat Sea cucumber
Banagan Shovel-nosed, slipper lobster
Kasag Mud/mangrove crab and blue
Kubutan Cuttlefish
Kugita Octopus
Lambay Blue crab
Lokon Penaeid shrimp
Nokos Squid
Pasayan Penaeid shrimp
Tostos Squid
Uyap Small shrimp


Bag net. A mobile impounding drag net; locally called basnig. This is a conical or cubical net operated with the
aid of light on dark nights. A lifting motion effects the capture. Requires about 7 to 10 people.

Bottom set gill net. An entangling net which is locally called pamante-triple or pamante-abay or by the generic
name for gill net (pukot). This net is anchored, weighed down, or attached to the bottom so that it is not free to
move with the water current.

Commercial fishing. Fishing for commercial purposes in waters more than 15 km from the shoreline with the
use of fishing boats of more than 3 GT.

Drift gill net. An entangling net commonly called pamo. It is also locally referred to as pamante, patuloy,
pangtamban, or by the generic gill net name, pukot. When used at night, with light, it is also referred to as
panganduhaw. This type of gill net is usually fixed to boats and is free to move with the wind or tide, and is used
throughout the year.

Fish cage. Any method of culture of fish and aquatic resources in a fish enclosure which is either stationary or
floating, made up of nettings or screens sewn or fastened together and installed in the water with opening or
cover at the surface and held in place by wooden/bamboo post or various types of anchors and floats.

Fish corral. Locally known as bunsod, this is a guiding barrier constructed of bamboo and/or nets which are set
by means of regularly-spaced stakes or posts in tidal waters or along the natural paths of fish into a desired
area. Trapped fish may be collected daily during the morning, especially during the months of May to December.

Fish pen. An artificial enclosure constructed within a body of water for the culture of fish and aquatic
resources made up of bamboo and other poles arranged in an enclosure with either fine bamboo materials,
screen, or nylon netting to prevent escape of fish.

Fish sanctuary. A place set aside or an established fishery reserve or fish refuge and sanctuary where it shall
be unlawful for any person, corporation, and cooperative to conduct any fishing operation or disturb, take,
catch, destroy, or kill any marine organism within the designated body of water.

Fish trap. Locally called panggal, is a set trap or enticing device made of bamboo or rattan which is a regular,
usually rectangular, receptacle preventing escape of fish by means of trap doors or tricky passageways.
Trapped fish may be collected at regular intervals, in terms of days or weeks.

Fishery. The business of catching, taking, raising, culturing, handling, marketing, and processing of fish and
other aquatic products. The fishing grounds, the right to fish, or take such products therefrom.

Fishery reserve. A designated area or areas in municipal waters or Philippine waters either by ordinance or
proclamation as fishery reservation for the exclusive use of the government or of the inhabitants thereof or for
the culture of fish and other aquatic animals for educational, scientific, and conservation purposes or fishing
rights reserved for exclusive use of the government.

Gill net. Variously sized entangling net in which capture of fish is by gilling effected by the actual meshes of the
net. This is commonly referred to by locals as pukot, palaran, pamalo, panglambay, panglampornas, pangtamban,
pukot-doble, pukot-triple, pukot paapong (with light).

Lift net. A mobile impounding net in which capture is effected by a vertical lifting motion of the gear. It is locally
called baling usually used with petromax.

Long line. An extremely long line with a large series of baited hooks, either set or drifting, and requiring only
periodic attention at more or less fixed time intervals. Generic local name is pasol (for line) with hook numbers
ranging from 2 to 1,000 and hook sizes ranging from #12 to #17, #100 to #120, #565 to #579. Filament size
varies from nylon #8 to #150. Other local names are palangre, katay, pasol-pambariles, panubid, undak.

Multiple hook and line. A collective name applied to all handlines with multiple hooks including set or drift long
lines. Multiple handlines are composed of a single vertical line with a small series of barbed hooks attached to
it by spreaders at regular intervals.

Municipal waters. Waters included between two lines drawn perpendicular to the general coastline from points
where the boundary lines of the municipality or city touch the sea at low tide and a third line parallel with the
general coastline and 15 km from it. It also includes streams, lakes, and tidal waters within the municipality,
not being the subject of private ownership and not comprised within the national parks, public forests, timberlands,
and forest reserves. However, where two municipalities are so situated on the opposite shores that there is
less than 15 km of waters between them, the third line shall be equally distant from the opposite shores of the
respective municipalities.

Scoop net. Also referred to as scoop seine which is basically a small purse seine employed as an accessory
gear in hauling the catch direct from the large semicircular enclosure of deepwater fish corrals which may be
devoid of a collecting pond or crib. It also refers to a fishing method wherein schools of fishes lured towards
surface waters by light are scooped out of the water with a circular net. Locally called sudsud (with petromax).

Single hook and line. Also called simple handline or drop line. A single vertical line carrying one or two barbed,
baited hooks and worked simply by dropping into the water and waiting for a fish to bite. Generic local name is
pasol or subid. Also called by various names, most often after the most dominant species in the catch, such as
manubid-pamarilis; pambaca; pamirit; pangaraw; palutao (ulang); pamalo; pamariles (deep-sea fishing); pamirit;
pangtangigue; pawin; subid; undak (with light). Hook sizes range from #06-#20 to #566-#571 while filament
size varies from nylon #8 to #190.

Spear gun. Locally called pana or pamana, sometimes pana-suga. It constitutes a hand instrument provided
with pointed, barbed, or barbless blades at the straight tip which are not detachable from the handle or shaft.
It can be thrown by hand although sometimes shot from a gun or bowlike device. It is used at night or dawn,
with a light source. Fishers may come in groups of two or three with one spear gun each.

Squid trap. Similar to fish traps with screen as siding and specifically targets squids by using squid-attracting

Chapter 1

alalag Bay is a 65 km2 semi-oval embayment located on the southwestern
coast of Davao Gulf with 58 km of coastline from Barangay Balutakay, Hagonoy
to Colapsin Point in Sta. Maria (Figure 1.1). It is located within the grid
coordinates between 6º 21’ 57” to 6º 42’ 50” north latitude and 125º 05’ 29” to
125º 34’ 48” east longitude within the province of Davao del Sur which lies at
the southeastern portion of Mindanao.

Malalag Bay is under the jurisdiction of five municipalities: Hagonoy,

Malalag, Padada, Sta. Maria, and Sulop, collectively called as the Malalag
Bay Area (MBA). The MBA is bounded on the north by Digos and Matanao, on Malalag Bay was
the east by Davao Gulf, on the south by Malita and Malungon, Sarangani
Province, and on the west by Sultan Kudarat and North Cotabato. once called
Kasilaran Bay,
Malalag Bay was once called Kasilaran Bay, named after a palm found
named after a
abundant in the area. In the 1970s, when the municipality of Malalag was
gaining popularity as a developing town within the bay area, Kasilaran Bay palm found
was then renamed. The bay was called Malalag Bay due to its proximity to abundant in the
Malalag and its wharf located in the innermost portion of the bay.
Most of the inhabitants of the MBA are of Visayan origin. They came
from the islands of Bohol, Leyte, Negros, Panay, and Samar with the majority coming from
Cebu. A few Muslims also inhabit the area primarily from the provinces of Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-
Tawi, and other Muslim-dominated provinces of mainland Mindanao.

Two aboriginal tribes, Kalagans and the Tagacaolos, inhabit the MBA. The Kalagans

del Sur

Figure 1.1. Malalag Bay with outlying municipalities.

reside in Barangay Aplaya of Hagonoy while the Tagacaolos are natives of Sta. Maria. However,
few are located in the coastal area with the majority located in the upland communities of the
municipalities of Malita, Don Marcelino, and Jose Abad Santos.

The bountiful coastal resources of Kasilaran Bay persuaded the Muslims, Cebuanos,
and other Visayans to settle along the area between 1920 and 1940. Old settlers felt the
coastal and marine resources of the bay could support any human utilization and exploitation.

In the 1950s, dynamite fishing caused much destruction to the coral reefs, but people

did not notice its effects on the ecosystems nor on their livelihood. They, however,
pursued different fishing methods to maintain or even increase their volume of
catch unaware of the depletion of the fish stocks.
Devastation of the forest cover was also brought about by logging activities
continues to
from the 1940s until the 1960s when timber was hauled to Malalag Bay and
transported by ships outside the municipality. Succeeding destruction was pose a grave
hastened by the continuing influx of migrants to the logged areas, triggered threat to the
primarily by a lack of economic opportunities in the lowlands. Slash-and-burn
farming still persists and has caused much destruction, not only to the forest
community with
cover but also to the biodiversity of the place. Denudation continues to pose a the lands
grave threat to the community with the lands exposed and vulnerable to soil
exposed and
erosion and degradation. MBA now experiences long dry spells that result in the
drying of water sources in general. vulnerable to
soil erosion and
Davao Gulf and the MBA in particular share the following environmental
problems and concerns as the rest of Mindanao: degradation.

l Forest destruction - Forest denudation has accelerated the loss

of top soil, increased the severity and frequency of floods, increased siltation to
downstream farms, settlements, and various coastal habitats, and decreased
the supply of water for domestic and agricultural use. The rapid increase in the
population of farmers aggravates issues of land tenure, sustainability of traditional
sloping agricultural practices, and access to basic services.

l Water pollution - Pollution of the rivers and seas is mainly being caused by
unregulated disposal of industrial, agricultural, and household wastes as well
as oil spills. Pollution caused by fertilizers, chemicals, and pesticides from banana
plantations and other agricultural development; effluents from sugar milling plants
and other industrial establishments; oil spills dumped by docking vessels and
motorized fishing boats that produce oil wastes during cleaning and changing
oil; waste discharges such as uneaten fish feeds, fecal and excretory wastes
from mariculture activities; and the solid waste pollution brought about by the
negligence of households in the proper disposal of trash and the cellophane
from the banana plantations resulted in the gradual depletion of the marine
ecosystem. The narrow shelf makes the mangrove, seagrass, and coral reef
communities vulnerable to these land- and sea-based sources of pollution.

l Persistent illegal and destructive fishing activities - The use of dynamite,

poisonous plant extracts, and obnoxious commercial substances during fishing;
the illegal entry of commercial fishing boats within the bay; the use of fine mesh
nets including baling and lampornas resulted in the depletion of fishery resources.

It is further compounded by the increasing population of fishermen along the

coastline and the open-access nature of the fishery especially for the small
pelagic fishery.

Beset with various environmental problems, the MBA was selected as one of the six
learning areas of the Coastal Resource Management Project (CRMP). The MBA serves as
one of the models for CRMP which spearheads coastal resource management (CRM) through
community leadership and initiatives.

This coastal environmental profile provides baseline information on the coastal habitats,
resources, and socioeconomic condition of the MBA to the local government units (LGUs),
nongovernment organizations (NGOs), people’s organizations (POs), and the coastal communities
and will serve as a guide in the development and formulation of CRM plans in the MBA.

The specific objectives of this profile are to:

l Determine the status of the shallow nearshore habitats, resources, and

socioeconomic condition of the inhabitants for monitoring purposes;

l Identify issues and constraints besetting the MBA to be used in assessing the
progress of the CRM;

l Synthesize mapped information which will constitute a visual database for spatial

l Summarize and assess information and ecosystem and resources, social and
economic conditions, and legal and institutional regimes for management; and

l Provide a source of information for communities, government, planners,

researchers, and others in the planning and education process.

This coastal environmental profile covers the MBA from the boundary of Hagonoy to
the boundary of Sta. Maria. It is a compilation of existing baseline information available from
the five municipalities, Provincial Planning Development Office (PPDO) of Davao del Sur,
Mindanao State University (MSU), Silliman University (SU), Department of Agriculture (DA),
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), and from actual biophysical and
socioeconomic surveys of the coastal zone.

Information for this profile was collected from primary sources including a participatory
coastal resource assessment (PCRA), short-term site surveys, interviews with local resource
users, LGUs, and community discussions. Secondary sources such as reports, maps,
government files, and photographs were also utilized.

Chapter 2

he Malalag Bay Area (MBA) is characterized by distinct physical features which
make it unique within the province of Davao del Sur. This chapter presents
information on the land area, topography, hydrology, soil, land uses, and climate
in the MBA.

The MBA has a total land area of 70,783 ha and a coastline of 71 km. Of the five
municipalities, Sta. Maria is the largest with a total land area of 20,478 ha while Padada MBA has
is the smallest municipality with 4,503 ha. However, more than 80 percent of the area
a total land
is agricultural with less than 20 percent considered as coastal area. In terms of length
of coastline, Sta. Maria has the longest coastline with 46 km, followed by Malalag (8 area of
km), Hagonoy (8 km), Padada 70,783 ha
(6 km), and Sulop (3 km).
and a
Table 2.1 shows the land area distribution and the coastline length of each coastline of
municipality within the MBA while Figure 2.1 shows the proportion of non-coastal and
71 km.
coastal barangay land area per municipality.

The general topography of the MBA is flat with scattered hills and mountains. The level portions
of the MBA are in the municipalities of Hagonoy, Padada, and Sulop which partly comprise the
Padada River Basin where irrigated land areas are found. The stretch of flat land is estimated
to be 55 percent of the total land area.

Table 2.1. Land area distribution and coastline length of each municipality in the
Land area Coastal area Total no. of No. of coastal Length of
(ha) (ha) barangays barangays coastline (km)
Hagonoy 11,664sss 2,472sss 2 1 ssssss 5 ssssss 8 ssssss
Malalag 18,612sss 2,040sss 1 5 ssssss 3 ssssss 8 ssssss
P adada 4,503sss 1,133sss 1 7 ssssss 4 ssssss 6 ssssss
Sta. Maria 20,478sss 6,487sss 2 2 ssssss 8 ssssss 4 6 ssssss
Sulop 15,526sss 2 8 8 sss 2 5 ssssss 1 ssssss 3 ssssss
Total 70,783sss 12,420sss 1 0 0 ssssss 2 1 sssss 7 1 ssssss
Source: PPDO (1996).

25,000 Non-coastal Coastal

Land area (ha)

15,000 21.2%


Hagonoy Malalag Padada Sta. Maria Sulop

Figure 2.1. Proportion of non-coastal and coastal barangay land area per municipality.

On the southern frontiers and most of its borders are hilly lands and mountains. In
Malalag Bay, the mountain range serves as a natural barrier from storms or strong winds
making it a safe anchorage for inter-island vessels. Along the eastern side of the Sta. Maria
coast are narrow white beaches and seagrass beds and coral reefs. On the northern and
southeastern parts of Malalag, Sulop, Padada, and Hagonoy are flatlands, volcanic sand,
fishponds, and seagrass beds.

The waters of Davao Gulf and Malalag Bay are strongly oceanic as a result of its In Malalag Bay,
size and the interaction of the Pacific equatorial current as it encounters eastern the mountain
mixing during strong monsoons. The inner part of the bay is an estuary.
range serves as a
The total water area of Malalag Bay is 65 km2 while the municipal waters natural barrier
extend to cover an area of approximately 135 km2. There are nine rivers in the
from storms or
MBA; however, only three major rivers drain into Malalag Bay. These are the Mal
River and the Balatukan River, both draining in the Hagonoy coast and the strong winds
Balasinon River that drains in the area bordering Malalag and Sulop. The making it a safe
Balasinon River, though large and of economic importance due to oyster culture,
is not really a river but a long estuary that is used as a major canal of adjacent
anchorage for
fishponds. Circulation of bay water, however, does not seem to favor the outflow inter-island
of water from the bay (Figure 2.2).
In 1998, the CRMP conducted an environmental study to determine the
health status of Malalag Bay for mariculture (pens and cages) activities. The
decision to declare a given portion of Malalag Bay as suitable or unsuitable for mariculture was
based on a direct parameter comparison with the DENR and derived standards. The findings
based on the amount of wasted feed solids settled at the bottom, indicated that the intensity of
fish culture in the bay exceeded its limits by about 2.5 times (Baleña 1998).

The suitability map (Figure 2.3) shows that the whole bay is only conditionally suitable
(medium) for culture while nearly two-thirds of the bay is classified as unsuitable (low). Further
complications are the mariculture usage of the entrance to the bay, the sanctuary, and the
marginal areas shallower than 2 m (tidal range). This result is corroborated by the suitability
rating of about 40 percent, averaged spatially from the suitability plot. The findings of the
study, however, are valid for the northeast monsoon period of observation, simplified by the
virtual absence of tributaries to the bay, due to the prolonged spell of the El Niño.

In 1999, the MSU conducted physical, chemical, and biological studies of the coastal
waters of Davao del Sur which covered ten coastal municipalities including four MBA
municipalities: Hagonoy, Padada, Malalag, and Sta. Maria. Table 2.2 shows the DENR water
quality criteria for coastal and marine waters while Tables 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5 show the physical,
chemical, and biological properties of the coastal waters of Davao del Sur, respectively.

As seen in Table 2.3, the nearshore area is flat (depth = 1.2 - 5.0 m) and gradually
slopes down in an irregular manner (depth = 25.0 m). Transparency in nearshore waters was
low (4.0 m) while highest light penetration was 14.25 m at a depth of 25 m. Temperature
readings ranged from 28 to 310 C. Highest total suspended solids were obtained in Don Marcelino
at 5.88 mg/L which was due to the sediment discharge of the river nearby. pH values in all

Figure 2.2. The circulation of Malalag Bay.

Notes: Left: during the rising tide; Right: during the falling tide.

Notes: LOW (0-33%) - unsuitable; MEDIUM (34-67%) -

conditionally suitable (supervised or regulated
mariculture); HIGH (68-100%) - suitable
The whole bay area is classified under MEDIUM
suitability and, hence, allows only supervised
mariculture activities. Nearly 2/3 of the bay is
almost suitable for these activities.

Source: Baleña (1998).

Figure 2.3. Suitability of Malalag Bay for mariculture.

Table 2.2. Water quality criteria for coastal and marine waters.
Parameters U nits SA SB SC SD
Temperature C 3 3 3 3
pH (range) - 6.5 - 8.5 6.5 - 8.5 6.5 - 8.5 6.0-9.0
D i ssolved oxygen mg/L 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.0
Total suspended soli ds mg/L <30/L i nc. <30/L i nc. <30/L i nc. <30/L i nc.
C hemical
C admi um mg/L 0.05 0.01 0.01 -
C hromi um mg/L - 0.02 0.05 -
C opper mg/L 0.05 0.05 0.05 -
Mercury mg/L 0.002 0.002 0.002 -
B iological
Total coli form MPN/100ml 70 1,000 5,000 -
Fecal coli form MPN/100ml Ni l 200 - -
Class SA: Suitable for propagation, survival and harvesting shellfish for commercial purposes. Suitable as tourist zone,
establishment of natural marine parks and coral reef parks
Class SB: Recreational Water Class 1. Areas regularly used for public bathing, swimming, skin diving, etc. Fishery Water Class
I. Spawning areas for Chanos chanos (bangus or milkfish) and similar species.
Class SC: Recreational Water Class II. Boating, etc. Water Class II. Commercial and sustenance fishing. Marshy and for mangrove
areas declared as fish and wildlife sanctuaries.
Class SD: Indusrial Water Supply Class II. Cooling, etc. other coastal and marine waters, by their quality, belong to this

Source: DENR Administrative Order No. 34, Series of 1990.

Table 2.3. Physical properties of the coastal waters of Davao del Sur.

Source: MSU (1999).


Table 2.4. Chemical properties of the coastal waters of Davao del Sur.
Nitrate Phosphate Orthophos- Ammonia
Sampling (mg/L) (mg/L) phate (mg/L) (mg/L)
station Near- Off- Near- Off- Near- Off- Near- Off-
shore shore shore shore shore shore shore shore
Sta. Cruz Coronan 0.059 0.068 0.241 0.258 0.363 0.315 - 0.019
Bato 0.049 0.090 0.630 0.284 0.474 0.306 0.006 0.019
Tagabuli 0.049 0.043 0.276 0.302 0.297 0.250 0 0.006
Malalag Centro 0.034 0.610 0.280 0.267 0.261 0.239 0 0.013
Baybay 0.031 0.078 0.319 0.319 0.341 0.201 - -
D i gos Aplaya 0.650 0.800 0.238 0.302 0.411 0.450 0 0.043
Dawis 0.480 0.719 0.051 0.306 0.459 0.540 0 0.023
Sta. Maria Kisulad 0.859 0.837 0.070 0.358 0.275 0.110 0 0.012
Basiawan 0.831 0.816 0.044 0.162 0.245 0.123 0.006 0.006
Malita Tubalan 0.670 0.769 0.039 0.123 0.192 0.070 0 0.006
Poblacion 0.834 0.766 0.154 0.603 0.083 0.040 0 0.012
Don Marcelino Kinama 0.834 0.803 0.039 0.092 0.127 0.062 0.006 0.006
Lawa 0.619 0.734 0.171 0.354 0.210 0.083 0 0.012
Source: MSU (1999).

Table 2.5. Biological properties of the coastal waters of Davao del Sur.

Sampling Total coliform (MPN/100 ml) Fecal coliform (MPN/100 ml)

station Nearshore Offshore Nearshore Offshore
Sta. Cruz Bato 140 80 110 80
D i gos Dawis 110 80 80 80
P adada Punta Piape 240 180 210 110
Hagonoy Aplaya 180 140 180 180
Malalag Baybay 80 40 80 80
Poblacion 140 80 110 80
Sabang 110 80 80 80
Sta. Maria Basiawan 110 80 80 80
Don Marcelino Poblacion 240 180 210 180
Source: MSU (1999).

stations ranged from 8.1 to 8.7 which were slightly alkaline while dissolved oxygen (DO)
concentration was 2.5 to 5 mg/L. Low DO was obtained in Don Marcelino. The turbidity of the
water and the high total suspended solids affected the photosynthetic activity of the
phytoplankton resulting in low DO. Decomposition of organic matter was also contributory
since wastes from fish landing areas were drained into the sea.

Based on Table 2.4, Sta. Maria, Malita, and Don Marcelino showed a higher nitrate
concentration from 0.67 to 0.859 mg/L than the other sampling stations. Ammonia levels were
not detected while others had very low concentration. The actual amount depends on the
balance between animal excretory rates and plant uptake and bacterial oxidation. Phosphorus
that exists as phosphate was highest (0.2 to 0.319 mg/L) in Malalag while other stations had
0.05 to 0.27 mg/L. Orthophosphate in all stations ranged from 0.04 to 0.363 mg/L. The
concentration of phosphorus in waters depends on the available sources of phosphorus in the

Guihing in Hagonoy was the only sampling area for heavy metals. Cadmium was not
detected while chromium was less than 0.009 mg/L and copper, 0.1 mg/L. Lead (0.3 mg/L) and
total mercury (0.003 mg/L), however, were detected. Based on the DENR standards for heavy
metals, concentration in the area is negligible but slow accumulation can occur in the substratum
of the area.

As seen in Table 2.5, all sites sampled yielded positive results for coliform
contamination. Highest coliform counts were obtained in Punta Piape (Padada).
A significant
Results of fecal coliform counts showed that the primary source of concentration
is of fecal origin. Animal wastes and garbage were left unattended and fecal land resource
matter were seen littered in the coastline. If compared with Table 2.2, the coastal advantage of the
waters of the 10 sampling stations could qualify for Class SB which are generally
safe for public bathing, swimming, and skin diving and can be used as spawning MBA is the vast
grounds for milkfish and other commercially important species. However, these fertile
areas are unsafe for consumption of raw seafood especially bivalves and other
filter feeders. Intestinal bacteria polluting the water could concentrate in the gills
of filter feeding organisms, which when eaten raw, can cause intestinal disorders. lowland plains
with rivers.
A significant land resource advantage of the MBA is the presence of vast fertile
agricultural lowland plains with rivers running through them. Principal soil types in the MBA by
municipality are shown in Table 2.6.

The MBA has a total land area of 70,783 ha of which more than 70 percent is classified as
alienable and disposable land while about 27 percent is timberland (Figure 2.4). The land-use

plan for the entire MBA is not yet complete. Of the five municipalities, only Hagonoy and
Malalag are currently undertaking revision of their land uses.

The MBA is predominantly agricultural. The allocation of agricultural area ensures the
Table 2.6. Soil classification of the MBA by municipality.

Municipality Soil type Parent material Distinct characteristics

Hagonoy San Miguel silty clay loam Alluvium mainly washed Fertile and productive soil
from uplands, underland and adaptable to most
with igneous rocks agricultural crops
Malalag Madunga clay loam Mixture of shale, sandstone, Moderately fertile; good for
and gravel deposits pasture
Malalag clay loam Mixture of igneous Limited agricultural use due
metamorphic and shale to thin soil profile suited to
P adada San Manuel silty clay loam Alluvium mainly washed Fertile, productive,
San Manuel clay loam from uplands, underland adaptable to most agri-crops
Cabangan clay loam with igneous rocks
Sta. Maria San Manuel silty clay loam Alluvium mainly washed Fertile, productive, and
San Manuel clay loam from uplands, underland adaptable to agri-crops
Malalag clay loam with igneous rocks suited to forestry
Sulop San Manuel silty clay loam Alluvium mainly washed Fertile, productive, and
from uplands, underland adaptable to most agri-crops
with igneous rocks
Cabangan clay loam Alluvium washed from Excellent for rice when
uplands, underland with irrigated
sedimentaries Needs drainage for upland
Source: PSPT (1994).

highest possible productivity in the agricultural sector for food security and inputs in the industrial
sector. The big allocations of the agricultural area support the livelihood and employment of
the majority of the people who are not yet prepared for skilled employment in the industrial

Forestlands also comprise these municipalities. A great portion of their areas are
timberlands where integrated social forestry (ISF) and appropriate upland farming system are
being undertaken to regenerate depleted forest covers and likewise protect the critical watershed

The built-up areas are subdivided into urban and rural. Most of the built-up areas are
found in the urban areas which are experiencing an influx of migrating local population.



Area (ha)



Hagonoy Malalag Padada Sta. Maria Sulop

Alienable and Disposable Timberland

Figure 2.4. Land classification of the MBA by municipality.

Source: PPDO (1993).

A great portion of the coastal areas is allocated to fishponds. Some of these areas are
under Fishpond Lease Agreements (FLAs) under the jurisdiction of the Department of Agriculture
(DA). There are also some mangroves; however, conversion into fishpond areas has decreased
mangrove area, thus depleting the natural productivity of the ecosystem in the bay area.

The province of Davao del Sur is blessed with a favorable climate characterized by a wet dry
season. The coldest time of the year is usually in December and January and the hottest in
April and May.

The rainfall pattern generally conforms with type IV, characterized by a more or less
evenly distributed rainfall with no marked seasonality. The province falls south of the typhoon
belt and is therefore not normally affected by the main thrust of tropical depressions. The MBA
has a climate which is favorable for agricultural production since most areas receive rainfall
throughout the year and are not directly affected by typhoon and low pressure systems. Its

intermediate climate category is further characterized as receiving an annual rainfall of 1,500

to 2,500 mm, moderate dry season moisture deficit, and average of 210 to 270 days growing
period. This type of climate supports cultivation of tree crops, fruits, and aquaculture.

The MBA with a total land area of 70,783 ha is predominantly utilized for agriculture with less
than 20 percent considered as coastal areas. Although the areas within Hagonoy, Padada,
and Sulop are generally flat, Malalag and Sta. Maria are along a mountain range which buffers
Malalag Bay from storms and strong winds. The MBA, likewise, has a climate which generally
favors agricultural production since rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year and the
area is not directly affected by typhoons.

Of the nine rivers in the MBA, only three major rivers drain into Malalag Bay. The
circulation pattern does not favor the outflow of water from the bay. The low circulation of water
out into Davao Gulf combined with the intensive fish culture have resulted in the low suitability
of the bay for further mariculture activities. The results of the CRMP study on the health status
of Malalag Bay revealed that the intensity of fish culture in the bay exceeded its limit by about
2.5 times and that the whole bay is only conditionally suitable (medium) for culture while nearly
two-thirds of the bay is unsuitable (low).

The physical, chemical, and biological studies conducted by MSU on the coastal waters
of Davao del Sur indicated slightly alkaline waters, low DO concentrations, and the presence
of coliform. These findings can be attributed to the sediment discharges of the rivers draining
to the sea and the decomposition of organic matter from fish landing activities, animal wastes,
and garbage littering the coastline.

Chapter 3

nherent in the growth of the Malalag Bay Area (MBA) is the availability
of its natural resources. This chapter presents the extent and status of
mineral, forests, and coastal resources found in the MBA.

Based on the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB)
records, eleven mineral resources occur in Davao del The MBA has a
Sur including gold, silver, lead, copper, chromium, limestone, white
protected forest of
clay, molybdenum, sulphur, phosphate, and guano. However, the size
of deposits on these resources is not known. 2,367 ha and a
production forest
Although gold has been discovered in Malalag and the people
have been extracting it through the panning method, these mineral
of 1,947 ha.
deposits remain to be explored. Malalag also has copper, manganese,
limestone, and phosphate rocks. Hagonoy and Padada are rich in sand and gravel
which remain as the main source for infrastructure development in the bay and
neighboring areas. Table 3.1 lists the mineral resources found in the MBA.

The MBA has a protected forest of 2,367 ha and a production forest of 1,947 ha. The
MBA no longer has old growth or secondary growth forests; what remain are areas
classified into timberlands. However, these areas only have patches of big trees with
most of the area already denuded and deforested. Among the five municipalities, Sta.
Maria has the largest timberland with an area of 10,396 ha, followed by Malalag with
7,281 ha.

Table 3.1. Mineral resources of the MBA.

Mineral Hagonoy Padada Sulop Malalag Sta. Maria
Sand and gravel
Source: PSPT (1994).

According to the Local Government Support Office in 1994, forest

Rehabilitation of denudation has accelerated the loss of top soil, increased the severity and
frequency of floods, increased siltation to downstream farms, settlements
the denuded and various coastal habitats, and decreased the supply of water for domestic
forestlands is one and agricultural use.
of the priority
With the alarming condition of the forestry resources, the DENR
programs of the implemented the Integrated Social Forestry Project (ISFP) within Davao del
DENR. Sur. In 1993, a total of 1,022 ha of denuded forest were reforested.
Rehabilitation of the denuded forestlands is one of the priority programs of
the DENR.

The DENR is also implementing Integrated Social Forestry (ISF) where deserving forest
occupants are given security of tenure through the issuance of Certificate of Stewardship
Contracts (CSCs) with a duration of 25 years and renewable for another 25 years. From 1993
to 1996, the DENR has issued a total of 586 CSCs to farmer beneficiaries in the MBA. The
municipality of Sta. Maria had the highest number of CSCs issued (506) involving an area of
1,191.35 ha (Table 3.2).

The forest-environment sector has long been beset with issues concerning
denudation of the upland areas to critical levels due to misuse and abuse of forest
resources. The growing population is contributing to this trend.

During the participatory coastal resource assessment (PCRA) mapping in 1997, the
coastal residents in the MBA identified the most abundant and most commercially
valuable resources found near their coastal communities. Traditional fishing methods
and other activities in the area as well as problems and issues were also identified.

Table 3.2. Certificate of Stewardship Contracts and corresponding area issued by

the DENR under the Integrated Social Forestry Project in the MBA.
Year No. of No. of CSCs Area
Municipality Barangay
established projects issued (ha)
Hagonoy Balutakay 1993 1 1 0.36

Malalag Pitu 1993 1 31 62.07

Pitu 1996 2 43 103.27

Padada Palili 1 5 18.65

Sta. Maria Mamacao, 1993 5 253 524.89

San Agustin,
Tanglad, Sto.
Buca 1995 1 162 439.86

Basiawan, 1996 6 91 226.60

Total 17 586 1,375.70
Source: PPDO (1993, 1996).

Results of the mapping showed that a considerable area of coral reefs, mangroves, and
seagrasses still exist in all municipalities (Table 3.3). The following section shows the coastal
resource map of each municipality as well as the transect diagrams of the coastal barangays
presenting the resources, uses, and issues in relation to the various habitats.

Table 3.3. Habitats in the MBA.


Of the 21 barangays of Hagonoy, five are coastal, which occupy 2,472 ha, about 20 percent of
the total land area of Hagonoy. Although only 18 percent of the population live near the coastal
areas, the entire population is dependent on fisheries.

As seen in Figure 3.1, the areas of habitats mapped through the PCRA are as follows:

l Sandy beach 119 ha

l Inshore flat 107 ha
l Seagrass bed 160 ha
l Coral reef 95 ha
l Estuary 12 ha
l Mangrove 47 ha
l Mudflat 175 ha

The most abundant fishery

resources are mackerel, sardines,
mullet, hairtail, goatfish, grouper, Barangays (21): Aplaya, Balutakay, Clib, Guihing,
moonfish, sailfish, scallops, and Hagonoy Crossing, Kibuaya, La Union, Lanuro,
clams. Fishing methods used are Lapulahao, Leling, Mahayahay, Malabang, Maliit Digos,
New Quezon, Paligue, Poblacion, Sacub, San
beach seine, bottom set gill net, fish Guillermo, San Isidro, Sinayawan, Tologan
pot, hook and line, push net, and
troll line. Coastal Barangays (5): Aplaya, Balutakay, Guihing,
Leling, Paligue
The coastal resources of Total Land Area: 11,664 ha
Hagonoy are beset by problems and
issues such as beach/shoreline Coastal Land Area: 2,472 ha
erosion, coral bleaching, declining Length of Coastline: 8 km
fish catch, destructive fishing,
fishing gear conflicts, lack of Population: 41,752
alternative livelihood activities, lack Population of Coastal Barangays: 7,346
of law enforcement, mangrove
conversion, pesticide pollution,
siltation, waste dumping, water
turbidity, and sand extraction.

Specific resources, uses, and issues in the five coastal barangays of Hagonoy
are presented in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.1. Coastal resource map of the municipality of Hagonoy, Davao del Sur.
Seagrass bed/
Terrestrial zone Mangrove Sandy beach/mudflat Marine zone
coral reef
Resources Crop, trees, Fishpond, swamp, Sandy beach, cottage, Shellfish, finfish, Pump boat, fish,
animals, houses, mangroves trees, beach resort, seagrass, coral fish corals, reef,
garden finfish, corals, reef, mollusks, finfish, seaweeds
seagrass, crusta- corals, crustaceans
ceans, mollusks,
muddy beach

Uses Food, shelter, Habitat, fuel, lumber, Shelter, livelihood, Food, livelihood, Livelihood, foodfish
livelihood, lumber, house construction, recreation, habitat, shelter, breeding, habitat
beautification shelter, livelihood lumber, food, fish fish habitat, food for
shelter, breeding fish, human food

Issues Sanitation prob- Illegal cutting, soil Sanitation, flooding/ Illegal fishing, Limited fish because
lem, illegal cutting erosion, siltation drainage, prostitution, pollution, commer- of the damage of
of trees, soil pollution, damaged fish cial fishing, overfish- corals and stones,
erosion, pollution, shelter, illegal fishing, ing, fishing by illegal fishing, pollu-
stray animals soil erosion, siltation outsiders tion, commercial

Figure 3.2. Hagonoy transect diagram (Barangays Aplaya, Balutakay, Guihing, Leling, and Paligue).

Of the 15 barangays of Malalag, three are coastal. Although coastal areas occupy
only 11 percent of the total land area of Malalag, almost 28 percent of the population
are coastal dwellers and dependent on coastal resources.

As seen in Figure 3.3, the areas of habitats mapped through the PCRA are as

l Sandy beach 48 ha
l Rocky shoreline 23 ha
l Inshore flat 21 ha
l Seagrass bed 118 ha
l Coral reef 108 ha
l Estuary 1 ha
l Mangrove 42 ha
l Mudflat 53 ha

The most abundant

fishery resources are rabbitfish,
mackerel, parrotfish, sardines, Barangays (15): Bagumbayan, Baybay, Bolton, Bulacan,
mullet, snapper, slipmouth, Caputian, Ibo, Kiblagon, Lapulapu, Mabini, New
goatfish, oysters, and clams. Baclayon, Pitu, Poblacion, Rizal, San Isidro, Tagansule
Fishing methods used are bag Coastal Barangays (3): Bagumbayan, Baybay, Bulacan
net, fish corral, fish pot, hook
and line, spear fishing, troll line, Total Land Area: 18,612 ha
and gleaning. Coastal Land Area: 2,040 ha

The coastal resources of Length of Coastline: 8 km

Malalag are beset by problems
Population: 30,733
and issues such as coliform
pollution, destructive fishing, Population of Coastal Barangays: 8,590
encroachment on the fishing
ground by outsiders, lack of
alternative livelihood activities,
siltation, and absence of revenue
from docking vessels.

Specific resources, uses, and issues in the three coastal barangays of Malalag
are presented in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.3. Coastal resource map of the municipality of Malalag, Davao del Sur.
Sandy beach/mud- Seagrass bed/
Terrestrial zone Mangrove Marine zone
flat/rocky shoreline coral reef
Resources Gemilina, ipil-ipil, cogon, hagonoy, Mangrove, fishpond, Sand, stone boats, Crabs, shellfish, Fish, artificial
banana, coconut tree, bamboo, house, coconut, mud seagrass, fish, reef
mangoes, cacao, vegetable, banana, cacao corals, sea cucum-

houses, school, chapel, clinic, ber, stone
barangay hall, fish landing hall,
basketball court, deep well,
mosque, cemetery, cooperative,
day care center, barracks, gasoline
station, animal, seawall

Uses Lumber, firewood, copra, foods, Lumber, firewood, Serve as beach, Food, breeding Breeding ground,
resting place, livelihood, potable livelihood, shelter, docking area ground, fish shelter, shelter, food
water, education, shelter, peace, copra, food, breeding decoration,
health, business, prayer meeting, ground fish sanctuary

Issues Strong wind, overcutting, illegal Waste disposal, Very dirty, garbage, Overfishing, illegal Overfishing,
cutting, stray animals, solid/ lack of sanitation, pollution, quarrying fishing, occasional iIllegal fishing,
chemical waste disposal, lack of mangrove depletion sand and gravel fish killing, pollution lampornas,
potable water, unpassable road, dynamite, oil
flood site, denudation, overgrazing, spill
lack of sanitation

Figure 3.4. Malalag transect diagram (Barangays Bagumbayan, Baybay, and Bulacan).


Of the 17 barangays of Padada, four are coastal, occupying about 25 percent of the
total land area of Padada. Almost 20 percent of the population are coastal dwellers.

As seen in Figure 3.5, the areas of habitats mapped through the PCRA are as

l Sandy beach 45 ha
l Inshore flat 207 ha
l Seagrass bed 88 ha
l Coral reef 80 ha
l Passes/Channels 236 ha
l Mangrove 18 ha
l Mudflat 119 ha

PADADA FACTS AND FIGURES The most abundant fishery

resources are sardines, big-eye scads,
Barangays (17): Almendras Disrict, Don Sergio mullets, moonfish, therapons,
Osmeña, Harada Butai, Lower Katipunan, Lower whitings, goatfish, spotted mojarras,
Limonzo, Lower Malinao, NC Ordaneza District,
Northern Paligue, Palili, Piape, Punta Piape, Quirino scallops, and clams. Fishing methods
District, San Isidro, Southern Paligue, Tologan, Up- used are bottom set gill net, drive-in
per Limonzo, Upper Malinao net, fish corral, crab and fish pot,
hook and line, torch fishing, push net,
Coastal Barangays (4): Palili, Piape, Punta Piape,
San Isidro spear fishing, and troll line.

Total Land Area: 4,503 ha The coastal resources of

Coastal Land Area: 1,133 ha Padada are beset by problems and
issues such as breakage of corals,
Length of Coastline: 6 km coral bleaching, declining fish catch,
Population: 22,384 destructive fishing, encroachment on
the fishing ground by outsiders, fish
Population of Coastal Barangays: 4,279 kills, fishing gear conflicts, lack of
alternative livelihood activities, lack
of law enforcement, lack of
legislation, low awareness, mangrove conversion, overfishing, pesticide pollution, and

Specific resources, uses, and issues in the four coastal barangays of Padada are
presented in Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.5. Coastal resource map of the municipality of Padada, Davao del Sur.
Seagrass bed/coral
Terrestrial zone Mangrove Sandy beach/mudflat Marine zone
reef/inshore flat
Resources Coconut, tree, Fishponds, aroma Beach, sand, seawall, Seagrass, shellfish, Fish, shellfish,
banana, fruit trees, shrubs, mangroves, shellfish, fish corals, milkfish fry, shrimps, squids,
corn, house, multi- sand, crabs, crabs, shrimps, crabs, reptiles,
purpose hall, mudfish, shellfish, finfish, starfish, sea artificial reef
school, chapel mud urchin, sea cucum-
ber, sand, stone,
guard house
Uses Food, shelter, Aquaculture, food, Buffer zone, docking Food, livelihood, Food, livelihood, fish
lumber, livelihood, source of livelihood, area, picnic area nursery, breeding habitat, rehabilitation
protection, educa- shellfish habitat, ground, shellfish
tion, religious residential habitat, fish habitat,
services, meeting protection against
place, residential illegal fishing
Issues Illegal cutting, Security on home lot Pollution, beach Exploitation of Illegal fishing, de-
erosion, lack of ownership, pollution erosion shellfish, destruc- structive fishing,
security, sanita- tion of habitats, cyanide fishing by
tion, lack of illegal fishing, outsiders, compres-
potable water, destructive fishing, sor, using poisonous
chemical pollution, dynamite fishing, substances
waste pollution, use of poisonous
use of poisonous plant extract, waste
plant extract pollution, fishing by
outsiders, beach
seine, scissors net

Figure 3.6. Padada transect diagram (Barangays Palili, Piape, Punta Piape, and San Isidro).

Sta. Maria
Of the 22 barangays of Sta. Maria, eight are coastal, occupying almost 32 percent of
the total land area. Thirty-seven percent of the population reside in these barangays .

As seen in Figure 3.7, the areas of habitats mapped through the PCRA are as

l Sandy beach 184 ha

l Rocky shoreline 99 ha
l Inshore flat 59 ha
l Seagrass bed 353 ha
l Coral reef 385 ha
l Estuary 118 ha
l Mangrove 137 ha
l Mudflat 94 ha

The most abundant fishery STA. MARIA FACTS AND FIGURES

resources are rabbitfish, sardines,
Barangays (22): Basiawan, Buca, Cadaatan, Datu
big-eye scads, round scads, mullet,
Daligasao, Datu Intan, Kidadan, Kinilidan, Kisulad,
spotted snapper, skipjacks, tunas, Malalag Tubig, Mamacao, Ogpao, Poblacion,
scallops, and clams. Fishing methods Pongpong, San Agustin, San Antonio, San Isidro,
used are bag net, beach seine, cover San Juan, San Pedro, San Roque, Sto. Niño, Sto.
Rosario, Tanglad
net, hook and line, squid jigger, and
troll line. Coastal Barangays (8): Basiawan, Kisulad,
Mamacao, Ogpao, San Agustin, Sto. Niño, Sto.
The coastal resources of Sta. Rosario, Tanglad
Maria are beset by problems and Total Land Area: 20,478 ha
issues such as beach/shoreline
erosion, declining fish catch, Coastal Land Area: 6,487 ha
encroachment on the fishing ground Length of Coastline: 46 km
by outsiders, illegal fishing, lack of
alternative livelihood activities, lack Population: 41,919
of social services, low prices of
Population of Coastal Barangays: 15,691
fishery products, theft of fishing
gear/accessories, and absence of
revenue from docking vessels.

Specific resources, uses, and issues in the eight coastal barangays of Sta.
Maria are presented in Figure 3.8.

Figure 3.7. Coastal resource map of the municipality of Sta. Maria, Davao del Sur.
Estuary/ Sandy beach/ Seagrass bed/ Marine
Terrestrial zone Mangrove Inshore flat
mudflat rocky shoreline coral reef zone
Resources Houses, community, coopera- Mangrove, oyster, Milkfish, Sandy beach, muddy Corals, reefs, fish, Finfish, Fish,
tive, chapel, day care center, shellfish, finfish, mudfish, beach, sand, stone, shellfish, finfish, shellfish, artificial reef
deep well, garden, trees, fish, fry, crusta- shrimps, beach cottages, waiting seagrass, crustaceans,
gemilina, ipil-ipil, cogon, ceans, crabs, crabs shade, boats, finfish, crustaceans, mollusks,
hagonoy, coconut, banana, fishpond, residen- shellfish, fish, crabs, mollusks, sea reptile, sand,
fruit trees, crops, cacao, corn, tial seabirds, coconut, cucumber, sand, stone

animals, livestock, human lambayong stone

Uses Residential, education, Livelihood, food, Food, Livelihood, food, Livelihood, fish and Livelihood, Livelihood,
business, potable water, habitat, timber, livelihood habitat, recreation, organism habitat, food, habitat, food,
beautification, agricultural, firewood, house docking, infrastructure food, fish, habitual fishing habitat,
livelihood, lumber, copra, food, construction, wind purposes, educational, decoration, navigation
shelter, farming, firewood, roof breaker, decora- sanitation breeding ground of
material tion, residential fish, navigation

Issues Tidal/wave control, Poisoning, Poisoning/ Illegal fishing, destruc- Illegal fishing, Depletion of Depletion of
povesamanation area, home mangrove cutting, pesticide, tive fishing, soil erosion, overfishing, fishing fishery fishery
and lot, illegal cutting of trees, improper zoning, illegal siltation, flooding, by outsiders, resources, resources,
denudation, bald mountain, soil erosion, expansion, drainage, insecurity of commercial fishing, navigational habitat
overgrazing, soil erosion, siltation, pollution, community home lot tenure, illegal superlight, fine obstruction, destruction,
sanitation problem, no potable sanitation passing foreshore use, land mesh net, zoning zoning
water, unpassable road, flood and access occupation, labor and pollution, siltation problem, problem,
site, waste disposal, pollution, employment, no proper commercial delineation
stray animals, slow develop- management fishing, of bound-
ment, low income, lack of obnoxious ary,
security substance, dynamite
use of fishing,
poisonous anchorage
plant extract

Figure 3.8. Sta. Maria transect diagram (Barangays Basiawan, Kisulad, Mamacao, Ogpao, San Agustin, Sto. Niño, Sto. Rosario, and Tanglad).


Of the 25 barangays of Sulop, only one is coastal. It occupies about 2 percent of the
total land area of Sulop. Two percent of the population are coastal dwellers.

As seen in Figure 3.9, the areas of habitats mapped through the PCRA are as

l Sandy beach 26 ha

l Inshore flat 117 ha

l Seagrass bed 25 ha

l Estuary 0.24 ha

l Passes/Channels 250 ha

l Mangrove 9 ha

l Mudflat 30 ha

The most abundant fishery

resources are rabbitfish, mackerels,
Barangays (25): Balasinon, Buguis, Carre, Clib, Harada sardines, snappers, therapons,
Butai, Katipunan, Kiblagon, Labon, Laperas, Lapla, whitings, goatfish, silver side,
Litos, Luparan, Mckinley, New Cebu, Osmeña, Palili, scallops, and oysters. Fishing
Parami, Poblacion, Roxas, Solongvale, Tagolilong,
Talao, Talas, Tanwalang, Waterfall methods used are fish corral, blue
crab pot, hook and line, push net,
Coastal Barangay (1): Balasinon and gleaning.
Total Land Area: 15,526 ha
The coastal resources of
Coastal Land Area: 288 ha Sulop are beset by problems and
issues such as declining fish catch,
Length of Coastline: 3 km
destructive fishing, encroachment
Population: 25,968 on the fishing ground by outsiders,
lack of alternative livelihood
Population of Coastal Barangay: 494
activities, siltation, and water

Specific resources, uses, and issues in the lone coastal barangay of Sulop are
presented in Figure 3.10.

Figure 3.9. Coastal resource map of the Municipality of Sulop, Davao del Sur.
Terrestrial zone Mangrove Sandy beach Inshore flat Marine zone
Resources Residential, Oyster, mangrove, Milkfish, Sandy beach, Crustaceans, Fish
community shellfish, fish, crabs mudfish, shellfish, fish, mollusks,
shrimps, crabs crabs, seabirds reptiles
Uses Residential, Habitat, livelihood, Food, livelihood Livelihood, food, Livelihood, food, Livelihood, food,
agricultural, timber, firewood habitat habitat habitat

Issues Tidal/wave control, Poisoning, mangrove Poisoning/ Illegal fishing, Water turbidity, Encroachment on
povesamanation cutting, improper pesticide, siltation, navigation encroachment on the fishing ground
area, home and lot zoning, siltation community area, passage the fishing by outsiders
passing and ground by
access outsiders

Figure 3.10. Sulop transect diagram (Barangay Balasinon).


The MBA coastal resources are varied and diverse, providing food and
employment for a majority of the populace primarily through fisheries. Their biological An essential link
diversity has great ecological and economic significance and must, therefore, be
conserved and sustainably developed. However, pollution and overexploitation,
to the food
among others, increasingly threaten these important marine resources. chain and a
niche for
1. Mangroves
Mangroves are an important resource for coastal communities. Primary uses breeding of
of mangroves include fuel wood, timber, medicinal products, and poles for various fishes,
mangroves have
Similar to forestlands, intense exploitation has consequently resulted not been given
in the near extinction of the mangrove ecosystem within the coastal zone. the importance
From a considerable area of marshlands with thick mangroves of years
past, only patches of mangroves are left today. An essential link to the they deserve.
food chain and a niche for breeding of various fishes, mangroves have not
been given the importance they deserve. The poor state of the mangrove ecosystem
was caused by its conversion into fishponds and the unregulated cutting for firewood.

In 1987, remote sensing images of Malalag Bay by the National Mapping and Resource
Information Authority (NAMRIA) estimated the mangrove cover at 78.52 ha. From the survey
conducted by the Silliman University Marine Laboratory (SUML) in February 1997, the total
mangrove area was only 7 ha (Table 3.4). The areas surveyed were Sulop, Malalag, and Sta.
Maria. Mangroves were in patches at Sitio Bolo, Bulacan, Baybay, and Taguicon, Malalag. Of 16
species noted in the survey, the most common were Rhizophora mucronata and Sonneratia
alba (Table 3.5).

As seen in Table 3.6, the highest density of saplings and seedlings, all Avicennia marina,

Table 3.4. Mangrove area surveyed by SUML in the MBA.

Site Area (ha) Remarks
Malalag 5 Mangroves in patches, bordering fishpond dikes; a large area has
been converted into fishpond
Sta. Maria 2 1.5 ha. Six species of mangroves were observed in patches at
Kisulad, Sta. Maria

Natural growth of 0.5 ha. Mangrove was seen in Basiawan, Sta.

Source: SUML (1997).

Table 3.5. Mangrove and associated species found in the MBA.

Species Common name Areas of incidence
Rhizopora mucronata Lamk. Bakhaw baye Malalag and Sta. Maria
Ceriops decandra Griff. Ding Hou Hangalay; lapis-lapis Malalag and Sta. Maria
Bruguiera parviflora W. and A. ex Griffith Pototan lalake Malalag
Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh. Piape baye Sta. Maria
A alba Blume Piape laki Malalag and Sta. Maria
A. lanata Ridley Piape laki Malalag and Sta. Maria
Sonneratia alba J. Sm. Pagatpat; Pedada Malalag and Sta. Maria
Termanalia catappa L. Talisay Malalag
Nypa fruticans (Thunberg) Wumb. Nipa Sta. Maria
Excoecaria agallocha L. Alipata; Buta-buta Malalag
Acanthus ilicifolius L. Sta. Maria
Dolichandrone spathacea (L.F.) K. Schum. Bito-bitoon Sta. Maria
Xylocarpus granatum Koenig Tabigui Malalag
X. moluccensis (Lamk.) Roem. Piagau Malalag
Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre Sta. Maria
Prosopis vidiana Naves Aroma Sta. Maria
Source: SUML (1997).

was observed in Basiawan, Sta. Maria. A. marina saplings reached 90,000 stems per ha and
seedlings reached 3,125 stems per ha. The natural mangrove forest in the area had a mature
stand area of 65.04 m2/ha and stem density of 54 stems per ha. Diameter at breast height was
in the range of >60 cm and Rhizophora and Sonneratia species attained a height of 30 cm.

In Kisulad, Sta. Maria, the most numerous saplings and seedlings were those of R.

Table 3.6. Mean density of mangrove seedlings and saplings in the MBA.
Place Species Seedlings (stems/ha) Saplings (stems/ha)
Basiawan, Sta. Maria R. mucronata 85,000 625
A. marina 90,000 3,125
S. alba 10,000 None
Kisulad, Sta. Maria S. alba 10,000 2,500
R. mucronata 30,000 None
A. marina 10,000 None
Source: SUML (1997).

mucronata, attaining a density of 30,000 stems per ha for saplings and 2,550
stems per ha for seedlings. Saplings of S. alba and A. marina attained a density of
Mangrove loss
10,000 stems per ha.
on Malalag Bay
Malalag had a mature basal stand area of 57.52 m2/ha and 21 stems per is almost 100
ha. There were no saplings and seedlings in the area and mangroves were all
secondary growth. percent due to
Mangrove loss on Malalag Bay is almost 100 percent due to fishpond
conversion. Fishpond conversion has adversely affected the species diversity
of mangroves and has resulted in the loss of associated species, not to
mention the loss of secondary productivity. Addressing this problem is vital and
necessary for the long-term sustainability of Malalag Bay. This could be done by massive
reforestation with suitable species such as Sonneratia and Avicennia.

However, in addressing this problem, consideration should be given to the value of

fishpond production in this area. In the latest economic report of Malalag, 60 percent of the
annual fishery production, which ranged from 68.4 to 113.41 mt was contributed by fishponds.

2. Seagrasses and Algae

Seagrasses are essential links between the coral reefs and mangrove areas. Some of
their functions include reduction of water energy and motion, regulation of the chemical
composition of coastal waters and sediments, regulation of runoff and stabilization of
bottom sediments, maintenance of coastal fertility, regulation of biological control
mechanisms, maintenance of migration and nursery habitats, and enhancement and
maintenance of coastal ecosystem and genetic diversity.

From the 1997 SUML study, about 597.5 ha of seagrass and algal beds were present
from Piape, Padada to Sta. Maria. A total of 76 algal species in 51 genera and 8 species of

seagrass in 6 genera were collected from Malalag Bay. In all stations surveyed, except for
Malalag, red algae dominated. In terms of seagrasses, Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii
and Halophila ovalis were common in all stations (Table 3.7).

Vegetation type is generally determined by substrate. Seagrasses favored sand and silt
substrates as in Padada and Malalag while Sargassum were most abundant in areas with

Table 3.7. Seagrass species found in the MBA.

Cymodocea rotundata Syringodium isoetifolium
Cymodocea serrulata Enhalus acoroides
Halodule pinifolia Halophila ovalis
Halodule uninervis Thalassia hemprichii
Source: SUML (1997).

limestone or dead coral substrate which partly explains the differences in dominance patterns
and species composition within an area.

3. Corals
Coral reefs serve as spawning and nursery grounds for fishes and support fisheries
directly. They also contribute to sand formation and deposition and serve as natural
breakwaters thereby preventing beach erosion.

Malalag Bay typifies a once-rich ecosystem now ravaged by the misuse and
abuse of the people who depend on the bounty of the sea. In 1991, the Rapid Aquatic
Resource Appraisal (RARA) conducted by the Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine
Research and Development (PCAMRD) revealed that only 113 ha of corals remained
alive. The PCRA results of 1998 indicate that 95 ha of coral reef exist in the area.

The 1997 SUML study noted that the coral reef area, specifically in Piape Reef,
located in the municipality of Padada, was approximately 5 ha. The reef flat extent of
the stations in Malalag Bay, including Piape Reef, ranged from 80 to 200 m and the
reef slope ranged from 30o to 70o (Table 3.8). Branching and massive corals were the
common hard growth forms. Substrate composition was generally sand, rubble and
rock, except in the Malalag Marine Sanctuary where silt comprised most of the

With regard to species composition, 90 taxa of scleractinian corals in 14 families

were recorded in the MBA. Among the stations, San Agustin Point had the highest
number of taxa (62) followed by Dagandang (54), Piape Reef (49), and Kulagsing (46), while

Table 3.8. Reef extent and other description of the stations in the MBA.
Stations Reef flat extent (width) Slope Substrate Remarks
Malalag 80-90 m from the shoreline 30o-40o at Mostly silt and Branching Porites were
Marine to the reef crest; coral 10 m deep rubble; little abundant; high cover of rubble
Reserve, community starts at 50 m sand and rocks in the shallow area
Malalag after the seagrass bed
Piape Reef, 100-150 m 50o-70o at Sand, rubble, Good coral cover; branching
Padada 10-12 m rock Porites nigrescens were
deep dominant
Kulagsing, Sta. 80-90 m from the shoreline 50o at 13 Sand, rubble, Sandy area beyond 17 m
Maria to the reef crest; coral reef m deep rock deep; branching Acropora
width from the reef flat were abundant in the deep
down to slope area is 120 area; shallow area is
m dominated by soft corals and
massive Porites; good coral
cover; one crown-of-thorns
starfish, Acanthaster plancii,
was found
Dagandang, 100-200 m from the 30o at 8-10 Mostly sand Massive Porites were
Sta. Maria shoreline to the reef crest m deep and rubble; dominant
San Agustin 200 m from the shoreline 50o-60o at Sand, rubble, Good coral cover. Massive
Point, Sta. to the reef crest 7 m deep rock Porites were dominant
Source: SUML (1997).

the lowest number was noted in the Malalag Marine Reserve (26). Four non-scleractinian coral
taxa and seven soft corals were also identified (Table 3.9).

Based on the results of random quadrat sampling, the five stations surveyed in the MBA
had a mean live hard coral cover of 56 percent. The highest mean live hard coral cover was
obtained in Padada (78.13 percent) and Sta. Maria (70.63 percent). However, the former station
also showed the highest mean dead coral cover of 10.63 percent and the lowest percentage of
abiotic components at 4.38 percent. San Agustin, Sta. Maria had 53.75 percent live hard coral
cover and had the highest cover of soft coral of 17.50 percent. Lowest live hard coral cover was
recorded in Malalag (42.19 percent) and Dagandang (35.65 percent). Also both stations showed
the highest cover of abiotic components. Malalag had 54.69 percent cover of abiotic components,
27.34 percent of which was contributed by rubble, 25.94 percent by silt, and 1.41 percent by
sand. Dagandang, Sta. Maria had 52.51 percent cover of abiotic components which were
composed mostly of rubble (21.25 percent), sand (23.13 percent), and rock (8.13 percent).
Table 3.10 shows the mean cover of benthic categories in five stations in the MBA. Figure 3.11
shows the MBA benthic cover.

4. Fisheries

Table 3.9. Corals found in the MBA.


Source: SUML (1997).


Table 3.10. Mean cover of benthic categories using random quadrat method (n=10)
in the MBA.

C o r al s Ab i o t i c
S t at i o n s L iv e F au n a To t al
So f t D ead
h ar d Ru b b le S an d Si l t Ro c k
c o r al c o r al
c o r al
Malalag Mari ne
42.2 1.89 1.2 27.3 1.4 26.0 100
Reserve, Malalag

Pi ape Reef, Padada 78.1 5.6 10.6 1.3 4.4 100

Kulagsi ng, Sta. Mari a 70.6 9.4 3.8 3.1 1.9 10.0 1.2 100
D agandang, Sta.
35.6 5.0 2.5 4.4 21.3 23.1 8.1 100
Mari a
San Agusti n Poi nt, Sta.
53.7 17.5 1.9 2.5 6.9 10.6 6.9 100
Mari a

Mean 56.0 7.9 3.8 2.5 11.5 9.0 5.2 4.1

Source: SUML (1997).

Figure 3.11. Mean benthic cover from coral reefs in five stations in the MBA.

Fishery resources in the Philippines are broadly classified into marine and inland resources.
Marine resources include coastal areas and other traditional fishing grounds, while inland
resources include lakes, reservoirs, rivers, brackishwater and freshwater fishponds.

For fish production purposes, fishery resources are categorized as either marine or
aquaculture. Marine fishery resources consist of commercial and municipal fisheries while
aquaculture comprises brackishwater fisheries, freshwater fisheries, and seafarming. Table
3.11 shows the fishery resources in the MBA.

Total marine resources production, both municipal and commercial, is 2,679.10 mt while
aquaculture resources in the MBA have an aggregate fishpond area of 1,247.15 ha with a total
Table 3.11. Fishery resources in the MBA.

Source: PSPT (1994).

production of 1,032.12 mt. The principal aquaculture activity in the MBA was milkfish production.
The largest milkfish farm (384.67 ha) is in Hagonoy, followed by Sulop (352.69 ha), Malalag
(189 ha), and Padada (167.62 ha). Sta. Maria has the smallest farm with 153.17 ha. The prawn
farm in Hagonoy is 20 ha with a yield of 89.60 mt. For seafarming, seaweed production has a
total yield of 3.25 mt from an area of 5 ha while oyster culture with an area of 3.0 ha produces
22.60 mt.

A list of 133 finfish species belonging to 26 families were encountered in the MBA during
the census conducted by SUML in 1997 (Table 3.12). The family Pomacentridae had the most

number of species, comprising 22.56 percent of the total number of species. The family Labridae
was second with 19.55 percent and the family Chaetodontidae was third with 15.094 percent.
Labrids and pomacentrids are two of the most abundant fishes in coral reefs (Randall et al.
1990). Pomacentrids are small fishes thus are not generally targeted for food by fishers. Labrids,
on the other hand, vary in size (5-229 cm) and can grow to sizes large enough to be desirable
to subsistence fishers. All of the species censused were either reef or reef-associated; no
pelagic species were observed.

Sta. Maria has the most species (68) in 19 families. Malalag has the least number of
species (40) in 14 families, as well as the lowest species richness and lowest average

5. Others
Endangered Species
There are no reports of sightings of endangered marine mammals such as whales, dolphins,
Table 3.12. Reef fish composition in the MBA.

Table 3.12. (continued)


Table 3.12. (continued)

Source: SUML (1997).


dugongs, or marine turtles in the area. Moreover, there is no record showing the result of studies/
research in the MBA for these marine fauna.

The MBA is endowed with several beautiful beaches where resort facilities for swimming,
meetings, and other gatherings are located. One is Eagle‘s Eye Beach Resort in Malalag.
The other two beaches are Leling and Piape resorts in Hagonoy which are ideal for
swimming and scuba diving. In the nearby town in Digos, the Dawis Beach Club also
offers similar facilities.

In summary, the MBA is endowed with forests and coastal resources. However, these
resources have long been beset with issues such as denudation of the upland areas
and destruction of the coastal habitats. The abuse of the forest resources has resulted
in topsoil loss, increased severity and frequency of floods, and increased siltation to
downstream farms, settlements, and coastal habitats. The pressure of pollution and
overexploitation on the coastal areas has resulted in declining fish catch, the near
extinction of the mangrove ecosystem, and water contamination.

Chapter 4

he sociopolitical setting in the Malalag Bay Area (MBA) is presented in
this section. The political and administrative boundaries and demo-
graphy of each municipality comprising the MBA as well as the health
and infrastructure or support systems available in the MBA are


The five municipalities of the MBA are composed of 100 barangays of which 21 are
coastal. The municipality of Hagonoy is composed of 21 barangays ; Malalag, 15;
Padada, 17; Sta. Maria, 22; and Sulop, 25. Figure 4.1 shows the MBA municipalities.

Davao del Sur has two congressional districts with Padada and Hagonoy
located in District I and Malalag, Sulop, and Sta. Maria in District II. Each district is
represented by a Congressman.

The MBA is also under the political supervision of the provincial government
headed by the governor. The seat of the provincial government, however, is located
in Digos.

The municipality of Padada was created by virtue of Executive Order No. 236
issued by President Elpidio Quirino on 1 July 1949. It is bounded on the north by the
municipality of Hagonoy, on the east by Davao Gulf, on the south by the municipality
of Sulop, and on the west by the municipality of Kiblawan.

Figure 4.1. The MBA municipalities.

On 28 May 1953, the municipalities of Hagonoy and Malalag were created

from a portion of the municipality of Padada by virtue of Executive Order No. 596
issued by President Elpidio Quirino. Hagonoy is bounded on the north by Digos, on
the south by Padada, on the east by Davao Gulf, and on the west by Matanao. The
municipality of Malalag comprises the southern part of Padada. It is bounded on the
north by Padada, on the east by Davao Gulf, on the south by the municipality of Sta.
Maria, and on the west by the province of South Cotabato.

The municipality of Sulop became an independent municipality from Padada

by virtue of Executive Order No. 295 issued by President Carlos P. Garcia. It is
bounded on the north by Padada, on the east by Davao Gulf, on the south by the
municipality of Malalag, and on the west by the municipality of Kiblawan.

The municipality of Sta. Maria was separated from the municipality of Malalag
through Republic Act No. 4743 as issued by the Philippine Congress. It is bounded
on the north by the municipality of Malalag, on the east by Davao Gulf, on the south
by Malita, and on the west by the province of South Cotabato.

Each municipality is under the political supervision of the municipal mayor

assisted by the barangay captain of each barangay.


Population Size, Density, Distribution, and Growth Rate

In 1995, the MBA had a total population of 162,756 and a one percent growth rate.
Among the five municipalities, Malalag registered the highest growth rate (two percent)
while Sta. Maria had the lowest growth rate (less than one percent).

In 1995, the MBA had a population density of 230 persons per km 2 . The
municipality of Padada was densely populated with a population density of 497.
Next came the municipalities of Hagonoy, Sta. Maria, and Sulop with a density of
358, 205, and 167, respectively. The municipality of Malalag was the least densely
populated area with a population density of 165 persons per km2.

The total population in the 21 coastal barangays was 36,400 (PPDO 1996)
with 7,346 located in Hagonoy; 8,590 in Malalag; 4,279 in Padada; 15,691 in Sta.
Maria; and 494 in Sulop. Table 4.1 shows the population size, density, and growth
rate per municipality in the MBA.

Table 4.1. Population size, density, and growth rate of the MBA.
% Growth Population density
Municipality Population
rate (persons/km2)

Hagonoy 41,752 1.37 358.00

Malalag 30,733 2.1 165.12

Padada 22,384 1.24 497.10

Sta. Maria 41,919 0.92 204.70

Sulop 25,968 1.16 167.25

MBA 162,756 1.36 230.00

Source: PPDO (1996).

In 1995, the MBA had a total population of 162,756 comprised of 32,235 households
with an average household size of five persons (PPDO 1996). Hagonoy had the
highest number of households (8,359), followed by Sta. Maria (8,060), Malalag (6,059),
and Sulop (5,251). Padada had the least number of households (4,506).

Age and Gender Composition

In 1995, the age group of 5 to 9 years had the highest population of 22,851 or 14
percent of the whole population of the MBA. Next was the age range of 10 to 14
years with 20,307 or 12.48 percent of the MBA total population. The smallest percent-
age of the population belonged to the age bracket of 85 years old and over with only
255 persons. The productive age (15-64 years old) was 91,862 or 56 percent of the
whole population.

The MBA’s male:female ratio is 104 with Malalag having the highest male:female
ratio of 106 while Padada has the lowest male:female ratio of 101.

Urban and Rural Distribution

In 1990, the MBA had an urban population of 36,148 and a rural population of
116,166 (Table 4.2). Hagonoy had the largest urban population of 12,502 while
Malalag had the lowest with 3,860. On the other hand, the municipality of Sta. Maria
had the largest rural population with 34,090 while Padada had the lowest with

Based on the 1994 MBA-PAIC Profile, the MBA posted a literacy rate of 91 percent.
The municipality of Padada had the highest literacy rate of 97 percent while Sta.
Maria had the lowest literacy rate of 83 percent (Figure 4.2).

Table 4.2. Urban and rural population in the MBA.

Total % Urban % Rural
Municipality Urban Rural
population population population
Hagonoy 39,001 12,502 32.00 26,499 68.00

Malalag 27,709 3,860 14.00 23,837 86.00

Padada 21,039 8,295 39.00 12,794 61.00

Sta. Maria 40,033 5,943 15.00 34,090 85.00

Sulop 24,494 5,548 22.00 18,946 78.00

Total 152,276 36,148 24.00 116,166 76.00

Source: PSPT (1994).

As of 1996, there were 91 elementary schools (89 public and 2 private), 16

high schools (8 public and 8 private), and 2 private tertiary schools. Figure 4.3 shows
the school distribution in the MBA.

92% Hagonoy

Sta. Maria
Figure 4.2. MBA literacy rate.
Source: PSPT (1994).

30 28
High School
21 Tertiary

20 18

10 7

5 2 2 3 2
0 0 1 1 0
Hagonoy Malalag Padada Sta. Maria Sulop
Figure 4.3. School distribution in the MBA.
Source: PPDO (1996).

Among the coastal inhabitants interviewed by SUML in 1997, 7 percent (15)

of the respondents had no formal schooling, about 63 percent (139) finished elementary
school, 27 percent (60) reached high school, 2 percent (5) reached college. Only one
respondent had a college degree and another was able to obtain vocational education.
The low record of collegiate level education and the higher level elementary education
can be attributed to the presence of elementary schools and the absence of higher
learning institutions within the learning area. There are, however, some schools that
offer fisheries and fisheries-related courses in some municipalities such as Malalag.
Another factor is the migration of graduates to other areas where there are oppor-
tunities for employment.

Labor, Employment, and Income

As of 1993, the total labor force in the MBA was 61,419. Of the total labor force,
about 56,728 (92 percent) were employed and about 4,691 (8 percent) were
unemployed (Figure 4.4).

Around 20 percent of the total labor force were located in the urban areas,
predominantly engaged in service and trade sectors while 80 percent were from rural
areas, predominantly engaged in agriculture (coconut and banana plantation workers)
and coastal fisheries. The main employment of coastal households was fishing.
Methods of fishing included gill net, hook and line, bag net, fish corral, purse seine,
fish pot, scoop net, and pressure gear. The use of floating fish cages has been
expanding in the bay. Income is primarily derived from seasonal harvesting of milkfish
fry and grouper fry. Catch volumes have been declining in recent years.

The survey conducted by SUML in 1997 revealed that the main livelihood of
the coastal communities within the MBA was fishing (41.9 percent), followed by
business (14.2 percent), farming and unskilled labor (10 percent), and fisheries-related
income (8.4 percent). Table 4.3 shows the ranges and averages of income obtained
from the different categories of livelihood in the MBA.

Business provided the largest source of income (PhP3,042/month) while fishing

and fishery-related activities which were the main sources of livelihood of the people,
provided only an average monthly income of PhP2,157 and PhP2,241, respectively.
Very few (9.7 percent) of the coastal residents in the MBA owned agricultural land.
Most residents were fishermen. However, more than half (62 percent) of the residents
owned livestock or poultry, mostly for their own consumption.

Based on National Statistics Office data of 1990, 90 percent of the population in the
MBA are Roman Catholic. The remaining 10 percent are distributed among other

Employed Unemployed

Sulop 7,918 884

Sta. Maria 10,381 1,649


Padada 6,644 493

Malalag 9,436 449

Hagonoy 22,349 1,216

0 20 40 60 80 100
Perce nt

Figure 4.4. Total labor force and employment rate in the MBA.
Source: PSPT (1994).

Table 4.3. Summary of the ranges and averages of income obtained from different
categories of livelihood in the MBA.

Monthly range, Total monthly income, Annual income,

PhP (min-max) PhP (average) PhP (average)

Fishing 25 to 8,000ssss 2,157ssssssss 23,980ssssss

Fisheries-related income 60 to 13,000ssss 2,241ssssssss 26,517ssssss

Fishing and non-fisheries-

350 to 2,155ssss 953ssssssss 10,573ssssss
related income

Farming 65 to 9,500ssss 1,578ssssssss 11,676ssssss

Business 100 to 24,000ssss 3,042ssssssss 35,556ssssss

Salary 150 to 6,000ssss 1,878ssssssss 22,532ssssss

Skilled labor 200 to 3,000ssss 1,551ssssssss 18,005ssssss

Unskilled labor 125 to 2,800ssss 945ssssssss 9,929ssssss

1,325 to 5,300ssss 2,708ssssssss 28,617ssssss

Other sources of income 15 to 1,500ssss 500ssssssss 5,970ssssss

Source: SUML (1997).
Note: US$1 = PhP 26 in 1997

religious sects such as Aglipay, United Church of Christ in the Philippines, Iglesia ni
Kristo, Islam, Jehovah’s Witness, Seventh Day Adventist and Protestant (NSO 1990).

According to National Statistics Office data, the MBA’s population, based at
approximately 152,300 in 1990, is mostly Cebuano speaking (73 percent of the total
population). Some 10 percent of the populace use the Tagacaolos dialect and around
17 percent use other minor dialects which include Hiligaynon, Ilocano, Waray, Bicol,
Maguindanao, Aklan, Chavacano, Kinaray-a, Surigaonon, and Bilaan.


All municipalities in the MBA have a government main health center. These centers
are supported by 38 barangay health stations where 10 are located in Hagonoy, 7 in
Malalag, 4 in Padada, 10 in Sta. Maria, and 7 in Sulop (PPDO 1996). There are two
public hospitals operating in Padada and 20 private clinics in the MBA.

There are 64 government health personnel working in the MBA which include
5 physicians, 11 nurses, 43 midwives, and 5 dentists.

Seventy-one percent of the total households in the MBA have sanitary toilets,
13 percent have unsanitary toilets, and 16 percent have no toilets (Table 4.4). Most
of the houses without toilets are found along the seashore and hard-to-reach
barangays . Of the 5 municipalities, Hagonoy has the most number of households
with sanitary toilets totaling 11,801 followed by Sta. Maria with 7,887. On the other
hand, about 4,154 households have unsanitary toilets (open pit privy and Antipolo
type) while 5,267 houses are without toilets.

In 1990, the MBA had a total of 29,698 housing units of which 97 percent were
occupied and the remaining 3 percent were vacant (Figure 4.5). This resulted in a
ratio of 1 percent household per occupied housing unit.

Of the total occupied housing units, a large proportion was built of cogon/
nipa for roofing (35 percent). Other roof construction materials were galvanized iron/
aluminum (0.3 percent), and asbestos (0.01 percent).

Based on the construction materials of the outer walls, 35 percent of the total
occupied housing units used light materials (bamboo, sawali, cogon, or nipa) , 50
percent used wood, and 2 percent used salvage or other construction materials.
There were also occupied housing units without walls.

Table 4.4. Excrete disposal facilities by municipality in the MBA.

Source: PPDO (1996).

Occupied V acant

S ulop 4,718 220

S ta. Maria 7,358 106


P adada 3,932 169

Malalag 5,255 200

Hagonoy 7,466 274

0 20 40 60 80 100
P ercent

Figure 4.5. Housing units by municipality in the MBA.

Source: PPDO (1996).

With regard to the tenurial status of the housing unit, of the 26,903 households,
23,531 (87 percent) own their housing units, 877 (3 percent) rent their house, and
the rest occupy the houses for free with or without the consent of owners.

Among those who own their housing units, 24,798 of the households
purchased their houses from their own financial resources, 176 households were
assisted through loans from Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), Home
Development Mutual Fund (PAG-IBIG), Social Security System (SSS), Development
Bank of the Philippines (DBP), and other government lending institutions, and 19
units were financed by private banks and private individuals (Table 4.5).
Table 4.5. Sources of household construction financing in the MBA.
No. of households
Sources of financing
Hagonoy Malalag Padada Sta. Maria Sulop MBA

Purchased/constructed own 6,178ss 4,608s 3,105s 6,797s 4,110 24,798


Own resources/interest free 5,888ss 4,530s 8,912s 6,675s 4,044 30,069

loans from relatives/ friends

Government assistance (PAG- 105ss 9s 47s 7s 8 176


Private banks/foundation/ 12ss -s -s 7s - 19


Employer assistance 93ss -s 9s 20s 21 143

Private 19ss 60s 115s 61s 21 276

Others 56ss 9s 9s 20s 12 106

Source: PPDO (1996).

The provincial government has also been implementing the Barangay Site
Development Project (BSDP) which was originally conceptualized to answer the need
of the indigenous people to acquire their own house. Later, the project was expanded
to include the improvement of the economic condition of the beneficiaries and was
no longer limited to the indigenous people. The project now gives indigent barangay
residents the opportunity to fulfill their long-time wish to acquire residential lots and
barangay sites, administration for their health center, barangay hall, day care center,
vegetable gardening area, tree park area, basketball court, and market place which
they can call their own. The objective of the BSDP is to assist the barangay in the
acquisition of land for barangay site at minimal cost. Under the project, the province
will shoulder 50 percent of the total cost, 30 percent from the municipality, and 20
percent from the barangay.

Most of the houses (73 percent) in the coastal areas of the

learning area are made of light materials. The rest of the houses are a Most of the houses
combination of semi-permanent materials such as nipa huts (23
percent) and permanent materials like concrete (4 percent). (73 percent) in the
coastal areas of the
In terms of ownership, 86 percent of the coastal population
own their houses while the rest either rent or share dwellings with
learning area are
relatives. However, only 41 percent own residential lots. made of light

Roads and Bridges

The MBA’s municipal and barangay road networks measure some 80 km and 370 km,
respectively. Majority of the roads in the MBA are gravel surfaced except for town
centers which are mostly concrete. The longest national road in the province is the
Malalag-Malita-Jose Abad Santos road (195 km). Of this, 132 km are gravel and the
rest asphalt.

As of 1996, bridges along the MBA national road had a total length of 198
meters (m) stretched along Balutakay (16 m), Padada (82 m), Malalag (24 m), Culibao
(27 m), Cumasi (22 m), and Basiawan (27 m).

Land vehicles in the MBA include cars, jeepneys, buses, tricycles, PUBs, and trucks.
In the coastal communities, the most common means of transportation are jeepneys
and tricycles.

The MBA towns with transport terminals are Hagonoy, Padada, Sulop, Malalag,
and Sta. Maria. Digos has one centralized bus terminal.

The MBA has a wharf located at Baybay, Malalag and is currently serving as a
loading terminal for molasses. However, the wharf access is too shallow for commercial
vessels and should be extended by 100 to 150 m into the bay with T-terminal to
accommodate two ships in deeper water.

The MBA has two government postal offices located in the municipalities of Digos
and Hagonoy. Private companies such as Aboitiz, LBC Express Inc., and JRS Express
likewise offer mail services but only cater to large towns and cities.

Although all MBA municipalities have existing telegram stations, only Malalag
and Sta. Maria have a telegraphic transfer office. Only one radio station operates in
the MBA. It is located in Padada and operates at a very low frequency of 500 kHz.

There are two telephone companies operating in the MBA. PILTEL in Digos has
a 2,500 capacity, 2,486 subscribers and 46,320 expansion programs while MABASCO
in Malalag has 200 lines or capacity with 101 subscribers.

The Kibuaya mini dam (70 m long) in Hagonoy and the Padada mini dam (12 m long)
in Padada are the only two existing mini dams in the MBA. Hagonoy has a national
irrigation system covering 2,629 ha while the communal irrigation systems in Sta.
Maria and Malalag cover only 60 ha and 50 ha, respectively.

Shore Protection Structure

Seawalls have been constructed along the municipal shorelines to prevent
encroachment by the sea into lands that have become the foundation of residential
houses and roads. Five shore protection structures with a total length of 479 m were
constructed along the coastal municipalities in the MBA. These are Bagumbayan
Seawall (130 m), Baybay Seawall (92 m), Piape Seawall (92 m), Padada Seawall (90
m), and Leling Seawall (75 m).

Power Supply
The power needs of the MBA are served by the Davao del Sur Electric Cooperative.
However, approximately half of the barangays in the MBA are electrified except for
Padada where all barangays are electrified.

Water Supply
There are three water supply systems in the MBA. These are Level I, which utilizes
artesian wells, deepwells, and shallow wells; Level II, which includes developed springs
with communal fauceting; and Level III, which includes developed springs with
individual household connection (Table 4.6).

In 1996, 69 percent of the total households in the MBA had potable water
supply facilities. Level I serves 86 percent, Level II serves 5 percent, and Level III
serves 9 percent. Water sources of households without potable water supply facilities
include deepwells, rain water, and rivers. In the MBA, Hagonoy has the highest
portion of population with potable water supply facilities at 78 percent while Sulop
has the lowest at 52 percent.

Table 4.6. Access to potable water facilities by municipality in the MBA.

Source: PPDO (1996).

Waste Disposal
The MBA has 17 solid waste collection facilities consisting of 4 jeeps or dumptrucks
and 13 wheel barrow/carts. Almost all households dispose of their solid waste through
burying and compost pit (13,005), burning (8,024), and open dumping (9,731). On
the other hand, about 15,353 households use blind drainages in disposing of their
liquid wastes, 203 households use septic tanks, while the rest throw their liquid
waste anywhere and in open canals. Table 4.7 shows the solid and liquid waste
disposal facilities in the MBA.

Table 4.7. Solid and liquid waste disposal facilities by municipality and by number
of households in the MBA.

Solid waste
Solid waste disposal Liquid waste disposal
No. of
Municipality No. of No.of
households dump wheel Burying & Open Can Blind Septic
Burning open
trucks/ barrow/ composting dumping boxes drainages tanks
jeep carts

Hagonoy 8,126ss 1ss 2ss 3,642s 2,335i 2,149s 187s 5,252s 3s 2,871s

Malalag 5,745ss 1ss 2ss 1,593s 2,396i 1,756s 138s 1,534s 24s 4,187s

Padada 4,378ss 1ss 4ss 2,074s 1,557i 747s 378s 3,153s 162s 1,063s

Sta. Maria 7,365ss 1ss 3ss 3,708s 310i 3,349s 746s 3,252s 14s 4,099s

Sulop 5,144ss --ss 2ss 1,988s 1,426i 1,730s 238s 2,162s --s 2,982s

MBA 30,758ss 40. 13ss 13,005s 8,024i 9,731s 1,687s 15,353s 203s 15,202s

% 0.01 0.04 42.28 26.09 31.64 5.48 49.92 0.66 49.42


In summary, of the 162,756 residents in the MBA, about 22 percent are considered
coastal dwellers who generally rely on fishing and fishery-related activities for their
livelihood. The majority of the fishermen own their houses ( nipa and sawali ) while
the rest either rent or share dwellings with relatives. There is a low record of collegiate
level education among the coastal inhabitants. Solid and liquid waste facilities and
management are severely lacking in most of the MBA.

Chapter 5

he economy of the municipalities in the MBA depends
on fisheries, agriculture, industry, and to a small extent,
tourism. The farming sector is the most important, with The farming
marine fishing ranking second with regard to source of sector is the most
livelihood and income.
important source
of livelihood and
FISHERIES income. Marine
The fisheries sector includes marine and aquaculture fisheries. Marine
fishing ranks
fishing, both municipal and commercial, is done within the municipal
waters of Malalag Bay which covers approximately 135 km2 and serves second.
as the fishing ground of the locality. Aside from marine fishing areas,
the MBA is endowed with inland fishing grounds: brackishwater ponds
and freshwater ponds.


Capture Method
Based on the SUML survey in 1997, thirteen types of gear or methods of fishing were
used in the MBA (Table 5.1). The most prevalent gear type in the bay was multiple
hook and line (125 units), single hook and line (67 units), and gill net (37 units). Only
three gear types, however, were monitored for actual catch landing enumeration:
bottom set gill net, gill net, and lift net.

Table 5.1. Fishing gear used in the MBA.

Number of units by municipality
Classification Gear type Sta. Total
Malalag Padada Sulop
Impounding nets Basnig 2 2
Baling 2 2
Sudlud 2 2
Entangling net Pamante (triple), 1 1 2
pamante abay
Pamante, pamo, pukot, 8 2 10
(with light), patuloy
Palaran, panglambay, 17 3 13 4 37
pamalo, pangtamban,
pukot, pukot-double,
pukot-triple, pukot-
paapong with light
Barriers and trap Bunsod 3 14 17

Panggal 1 1
Bubo (pangnokos) 11 11
Lines Katay, palangre, pasol, 7 7
Source: SUML (1997).

Among the 13 gear types reported in the SUML study, the top three most
efficient gear in catching the most number of species were long line (31 species,
dominated by the pelagic Thunnus albacares), fish corral (26 species, predominantly
demersal such as the goatfish, Upeneus sp. and rabbitfish, Siganus canaliculatus ),
and multiple hook and line (18 species, predominantly pelagic such as Thunnus
albacares and Scomberomorus sp.). Gill nets had a more varied catch of both demersal
and pelagic species, with the belonid, Strongylura and an unidentified exocoetid
predominating. Single hook and line only caught about 11 species, predominantly
pelagics with the tuna, Thunnus albacares at the top of the list. The most species-
specific gear, catching only one species (Sepiotheutis sp.) was the squid trap.

Malalag Bay is characterized by a fishery dominated by pelagic species which

rake a higher income than demersals. The most important species in the fishery seems
to be tuna, Thunnus albacares, caught by low-impact gear such as fish corral, multiple
hook and line, single hook and line, and long line. Netting gear, which targets more
demersals, showed less efficiency and profitability.

The results of the PCRA in 1998, however, showed that the most common
fishing gear used in the MBA were multiple hook and line, single hook and line, and
fish traps. Of the five municipalities, Sta. Maria has the most multiple hook and line
locally called undak (2,688 units) and single hook and line locally called pahawin
(1,596 units). Sulop has the most fish traps locally called pasgong (1,200 units).
Table 5.2 shows the fishing gear used in the MBA.

Number of Fishers
Based on PCRA data in 1998, the MBA had a total of 1,611 municipal fishers of
which 1,145 are full-time and 466 are part-time (Table 5.3 and Figure 5.1). The MBA
also has 1,464 fishing bancas of which 425 are motorized and 1,039 are non-motorized.
However, about 222 fishers are without bancas. As of 1996, the total annual production
for municipal fisheries was estimated at 4,132 mt/year.

The commercial fishery is centered in Malalag. There are about 25 commercial

fishers operating 3 units of fishery boats with a total tonnage of 14. Commercial
fishing activities generate about 28 mt/year of fish.

Catch per Unit Effort

Table 5.4 shows the catch per unit effort (CPUE) and income per unit effort (IPUE) of
the municipalities in Malalag Bay based on household interviews by SUML in 1997.
CPUE refers to the volume of fish caught in kg per fisher per fishing hour while IPUE
refers to the equivalent amount of fish caught in pesos received by each fisher per
fishing hour. IPUE, however, does not reflect the cost of fishing, e.g., gasoline
consumed during the fishing trip,

As seen in Table 5.4, the fish corral recorded the highest CPUE at 3.63 kg/
man-hour, followed by the multiple hook and line (1.9 kg/man-hour), single hook and
line (0.76 kg/man-hour), and gill net (0.64 kg/man-hour). The bag net and bottom set
gill net had the lowest CPUE at 0.29 kg/man-hour.

In terms of IPUE, the fish corral reaped the highest income at PhP106.97/man-
hour, followed by multiple hook and line (PhP75.84/man-hour), scoop net (PhP64.29/
man-hour), and fish trap (PhP50.00/man-hour). The IPUE for single hook and line, gill
net, and long line however generated lower incomes from PhP23 to PhP38/man-hour.

Table 5.2. Fishing gear used in the MBA based on PCRA data in 1998.
No. of units per municipality
Type of gear
Hagonoy Malalag Padada Sta. Maria Sulop
Baling, basnig, bintol, hantok, lampornas, 322 314 125 1,960 104
laya, pahubas, palabo, palaran, pamalo,
pamangse, pamante, panamban,
panapao, panglambay, paninilya, patuloy,
pokot, sadyap, sagiwsi w, sahid, sudsud,
trawl, tumbok
Pahawin, palangre, pamariles, pamasol, 402 349 812 4,736 8
pangaraw, pangnukos, paniwi t, panubid,
subid, talunton, troll line, ulang-ulang,
Bubo, bunsod, panglambay, paugmad, 237 253 1,013 492 1,265
panggal, tangab fry, pasgong
Pamana, pamuga, panginhas, panulo 10 15 55 102 -

Table 5.3. Number of municipal fishers and corresponding fish production in the MBA.

No. of municipal fishers No. of fishing bancas Total fish production (mt)
1993 1994 1995 1996 1998* 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998* 1993 1994 1995 1996

Hagonoy 521 525 446 253 205 172 176 184 178 139 285 290 155 330
Malalag 1,647 1,680 1,665 724 144 542 582 534 563 135 190 250 385 394

Padada 1,500 1,600 87 114 356 430 450 67 91 316 486 500 46 120
Sta. Maria 3,550 3,255 3,947 4,500 836 1,210 1,245 2,629 3,000 829 1,704 1,704 1,596 650
Sulop 62 62 1,083 1,083 70 62 62 1,248 1,248 45 20 21 2,636 2,638
Total 7,280 7,122 7,228 6,674 1,611 2,416 2,515 4,662 5,080 1,464 2,686 2,744 4,819 4,132
Source: PPDO (1993, 1996).
Note: *Based on PCRA conducted in 1998.
No. of municipal fishers

3,500 Hagonoy
3,000 Malalag
2,500 Padada
2,000 Sta. Maria
1,500 Sulop
1993 1994 1995 1996 1998
Year 5,000

Total fish production (mt)

3,500 Hagonoy
3,000 Malalag
2,500 Padada
2,000 Sta. Maria
1,500 Sulop
1993 1994 1995 1996
Figure 5.1. Number of municipal fishers and corresponding fish production in the MBA.

Table 5.4. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) and income per unit effort (IPUE) in the MBA, 1997.

Average No. of Average Average CPUE Average IPUE

Gear type manpower hours effort (kg/man- (PhP/man-
utilized per trip per trip (man-hour) (kg/trip) hour)
Bag net 8.50ssss 12.50si 7.11si 31.50si 0.29 773.75s 7.11si
Bottom set gill net 3.00ssss 7.50si 9.44si 3.25si 0.29 85.42s 9.44si
Drift gill net 1.15ssss 12.40si 12.02si 4.05si 0.32 154.30s 12.02si
Fish corral 1.18ssss 2.70si 106.97si 4.66si 3.63 149.21s 106.97si
Fish trap 1.00ssss 10.00si 50.00si 5.00si 0.50 500.00s 50.00si
Gill net 2.98ssss 15.30si 33.88si 14.64si 0.64 701.51s 33.88si
Long line 4.17ssss 88.80si 23.20si 89.15si 0.40 3,313.25s 23.20si
Lift net 2.50ssss 4.00si 6.59si 6.75si 0.51 116.30s 6.59si
Multiple hook and line 1.72ssss 11.10si 75.84si 25.16si 1.90 973.83s 75.84si
Scoop net 1.00ssss 3.50si 64.29si 1.50si 0.43 225.00s 64.29si
Spear gun 1.20ssss 6.60si 13.14si 2.80si 0.43 86.62s 13.14si
Single hook and line 2.97ssss 59.70si 38.08si 62.92si 0.76 2,301.39s 38.08si
Squid trap 1.50ssss 3.00si 21.39si 1.63si 0.42 82.92s 21.39si
Source: SUML (1997).

Catch per Species (Weight) per Gear

Based on the 1997 SUML study, 76 finfishes in 34 families (including eight unclassified
species), five crustaceans in three families, and seven mollusks in three families
(including three unclassified species) were recorded in four sites in the MBA from
household interviews and actual catch data enumeration. Only 50 species were
confirmed by actual catch data enumeration. About 14 species were identified during
monitoring of landings, which were not reported by fishers: four species of wrasses
(Family Labridae); five species of parrotfishes (Scaridae); the tuna, Euthynnus affinis
(Scombridae); two rabbitfishes (Siganidae); one barracuda (Sphyraenidae); and the
squid Loligo sp. (Loliginidae).

About 49 percent of the total species reported caught by fishers were reef
species (30 percent) or reef-associated species (19 percent), i.e., species which inhabit
nearby reef habitats such as mangrove and seagrass beds. The non-reef species
comprised about 40 percent of the total number of the species reported caught, 13
percent of which were pelagic or migratory such as the clupeids, coryphaenids
(dolphinfishes), and scombrids (tunas and mackerels).

In terms of reported landed volume, household interviews showed that the

tuna, Thunnus albacares , locally called bariles or carao , was the major catch in the
bay with a relative abundance of 54 percent. This species, however, was not seen
during actual catch enumeration. What was caught most abundantly during fish
landing monitoring was the pelagic/reef-associated species scads, Selar
crumenophthalmus. Overall, this was reported as the second most abundant species
landed by fishers in the bay. Table 5.5 shows the summary of catch composition,
biomass, and relative abundance per gear type based on household interviews in

Based on PCRA data in 1998, multiple hook and line usually caught big-eye
scads ( matambaka ), crevalle (salay-salay ), and sardines (tamban ). Single hook and
line caught moonfish (bilong-bilong), groupers (lapu-lapu), jacks (talakitok and mamsa),
Spanish mackerel (tangigue), snappers (maya-maya ), and frigate tuna (tulingan ). The
third most abundant gear, fish trap, caught crabs, lambay , kasag, and kagang .

The intense exploitation of the marine resources, together with the increasing
population of fishermen, has started to deplete fish harvest, which is already being
felt in the MBA. Important management issues plaguing the fisheries sector include
rapid population growth, poverty, and environmental degradation. An increase in
coastal population implies an increase in the number of fishers. This number is

Table 5.5. Summary of catch composition, biomass, and relative abundance per gear type in
the MBA.

Gear type Species (% ) RA Gear type Species (%) RA
(kg) (kg)
Bag net Sepioteuthis sp. 4.0 29.6 Plotosus sp. 0.5 0.5
Siganus canaliculatus 3.5 25.9 Sillago sp. 0.5 0.5
Liza sp. 2.5 18.5 Octopus sp. 0.3 0.3
Stolephorus sp. 2.5 18.5 Cheilio inermis 0.2 0.2
Punao 0.5 3.7 Holocentrid sp. 0.2 0.2
Litub 0.5 3.7 Lethrinus sp. 0.1 0.1
Muraenid sp. 0.1 0.1
Sub-total 13.5 0.1 0.1
Platycephalid sp.
Bottom set gill net Siganus canaliculatus 122.5 Tetraodontid sp. 0.1 0.1
Shark 0.5 0.5
Drift gill net Siganus canaliculatus 9.8 61.0
Upeneus sp. 1.2 7.5 Sub-total 104.2
Parupeneus sp. 1.0 6.5 Gill net 180.0 64.7
Strongylura sp.
Scarus sp. 1.0 6.5 48.0 17.2
Exocoetid sp.
Lethrinus sp. 1.0 6.2 Siganus canaliculatus 10.0 3.6
Portunus pelagicus 0.8 4.7 Rastrelliger kanagurta 8.0 2.9
Liza sp. 0.4 2.5 Portunus pelagicus 6.0 2.7
Labrid sp. 0.3 1.9 Siganus guttatus 4.0 1.4
Terapon sp. 0.3 1.9 Caranx sp. 3.0 1.1
Abudefduf sp. 0.1 0.6 Parupeneus sp. 2.8 1.0
Acanthurus sp. 0.1 0.6 Selar crumenophthalmus 2.5 0.9
Sub-total 16.0 Clupeid sp. 2.0 0.7
Scarus sp. 2.0 0.7
Fish trap Portunus pelagicus 5.0 41.7 Cheilio inermis 1.5 0.5
Scylla sp. 3.0 25.0 Liza sp. 1.0 0.4
Upeneus sp. 2.5 20.8 Upeneus sp. 1.0 0.4
Nemipterus sp. 0.5 4.2 Terapon sp. 0.5 0.2
Sepioteuthis sp. 0.5 4.2 Salindangan 0.5 0.2
Epinephelus sp. 0.5 4.2 Caraballas 5.5 2.0
Sub-total 12.0 Sub-total 278.3
Lift net Auxis thazard 20.0 30.3 Long line Upeneus sp. 1.3 1.2
Clupeid sp. 13.0 19.7 Thunnus albacares 25.0 23.1
Decapterus macrosoma 10.0 15.1 Terapon sp. 3.2 3.0
Selar crumenophthalmus 15.0 22.7 Selar crumenophthalmus 14.5 13.4
Siganus canaliculatus 5.0 7.6 Scomberomorus sp. 2.5 2.3
Stolephorus sp. 3.0 4.5 Plotosus sp. 0.3 0.3
Sub-total 66.0 Parupeneus sp. 3.2 3.0
Nemipterus sp. 1 2.5 2.3
Fish corral Upeneus sp. 43.8 42.1 Nemipterus sp. 2 0.1 0.1
Siganus canaliculatus 23.5 22.6 Muraenid sp. 1.0 0.9
Portunus pelagicus 7.1 6.8 Lutjanus sp. 1 1.5 1.4
Penaeid sp. 5.3 5.1 Lutjanus sp. 2 0.9 0.9
Caranx sp. 4.5 4.3 Lutjanus sp. 3 7.7 7.2
Terapon sp. 3.4 3.3 Lethrinus sp. 1 0.1 0.1
Sepioteuthis sp. 3.0 2.9 Labrid sp. 0.2 0.2
Liza sp. 2.8 2.6 Holocentrid sp. 3.5 3.2
Parupeneus sp. 1.4 1.4 Epinephelus sp. 1 0.8 0.7
Penaeus sp. 1.1 1.0 Epinephelus sp. 2 0.2 0.2
Apogon sp. 1.0 1.0 Dasyatis sp. 0.7 0.7
Pelates sp. 1.0 1.0 Caranx sexfasciatus 1.5 1.4
Scylla serrata 1.0 1.0 Caesio sp. 10.5 9.7
Siganus guttatus 1.0 1.0 Auxis thazard 0.45 0.4
Gerres sp. 0.9 0.8 Apogon sp. 15.0 13.8
Dasyatis sp. 0.5 0.5 Tulingan 5.0 4.6

Table 5.5. (continued)

Gear type Species (% ) RA Gear type Species (% ) RA
(kg) (kg)
Salmon-salmon 0.1 0.1 Spear gun Siganus canaliculatus 7.0 50.0
Sunogan 0.3 0.3 Portunus pelagicus 1.5 10.7
Bulgan 0.8 0.7 Siganus canaliculatus 1.5 10.7
Bagabaga/doding 1.5 1.4 Apogon sp. 1.0 7.1
Bago 2.1 2.0 Parupeneus sp. 1.0 7.1
Batwanon 0.2 2.0 Epinephelus sp. 0.5 3.6
Gapas 0.2 0.2 Muraenid sp. 0.5 3.6
Sepia sp. 0.5 3.6
Sub-total 108.4
Octopus sp. 0.3 2.1
Multiple hook and Thunnus albacares 63.1 50.0 Scarus sp. 0.2 1.4
line Scomberomorus sp. 20.0 16.0
Sub-total 14.0
. Selar crumenophthalmus 14.6 11.6
Auxis thazard 4.0 3.2 Single hook and Coryphaena hippurus 125.0 3.6
Clupeid sp. 4.0 3.2 line Decapterus macrosoma 62.0 1.8
Tulingan 3.5 2.8 Makaira sp. 100.0 2.9
Rastrelliger brachysoma 3.0 2.4 Scomberomorus sp. 13.0 0.4
Salmon-salmon 3.0 2.4 Selar crumenophthalmus 273.5 7.9
Samin-samin 2.5 2.0 Sepioteuthis sp. 7.0 0.2
Coryphaena sp. 2.0 1.6 Thunnus albacares 2,275.5 65.8
Exocoetid sp. 2.0 1.6 Pirit 263.5 7.6
Bulatok 1.5 1.2 Salmon-salmon 2.0 0.1
Decapterus macrosoma 1.0 0.8 Tulingan 287.0 8.3
Sepioteuthis sp. 0.5 0.4 Liplipan 50.0 1.4
Epinephelus sp. 0.5 0.4
Sub-total 3,458.5
Nemipterus sp. 0.5 0.4
Cephalopholis sp. 0.5 0.4 Squid trap Sepioteuthis sp. 1.5
Chanos chanos 0.5 0.4
Sub-total 126.8
Scoop net Acetes sp. 10.0 87.0
Penaeid sp. 1.5 13.0
Legend: TWT = Total weight in kg; RA = relative abundance in %
Sub-total 11.5 Source: SUML (1997).

enhanced by migration of landless and marginalized farmers and unemployed urban

poor who seek refuge in the fishery sector. Clearly, fisheries has become an employer
of the last resort (Pauly and Chua 1988) and poverty is its constant companion.
Pauly and Chua (1988) reported that many of these migrants, lacking the skills in
artisanal fishing, were oftentimes the first ones to employ destructive techniques.

Pollution, forest denudation, siltation, denudation of mangroves, and degra-

dation of coral reefs, and disturbances in the estuarine and seagrass beds by using
illegal fishing activities have all contributed to the depletion of fishery resources. The
presence of illegal fishing activities like dynamite fishing, the use of fine mesh nets,
and others suggests a poor implementation of fishery laws. Based on the survey
conducted by the PCAMRD in 1990, coral reefs along the Malalag Bay Area were
heavily damaged. Only about 5 to 15 percent remained in good condition.

In 1995, the brackishwater aquaculture in the MBA was estimated at 1,271 ha
producing about 2,089 mt of milkfish (bangus) and prawn ( sugpo ). Of the total
hectarage, about 1,227 ha are allocated for milkfish production and only 35 ha for
prawn culture (Table 5.6). In 1996, the hectarage allocated for prawn culture was
converted to milkfish production.

Table 5.6. Brackishwater resources data by municipality in the MBA.

No. of operators Milkfish Prawn

Municipality Area Production Area Production

FLA Private
(ha) (mt) (ha) (mt)
1995 1996 1995 1996 1995 1996 1995 1996 1995 1996 1995 1996
Hagonoy 6 12 18 18 385 363 375 436 20 - 87 -
Malalag 21 32 4 17 189 191 153 182 - - - -

Padada 6 17 4 3 169 215 126 214 - - - -

Sta. Maria 3 3 22 22 131 131 141 144 15 - 6,654 -

Sulop 15 9 19 31 353 373 259 336 - - - -

Total 51 73 67 91 1,227 1,273 1,054 1,312 35 0 6,741 0
Source: PPDO (1996).

From freshwater aquaculture, production of tilapia, carp, and shrimps reached

3.21 mt from a production area of 3.16 ha. Of the four producing municipalities,
Hagonoy contributed 2.25 mt or 70 percent of the total production while Sulop had
the least with 0.06 mt (Table 5.7). A downward trend is evident for freshwater
aquaculture (Table 5.7).

Moreover, the total production area for seafarming was also observed to be on
a downtrend due to the unstable market of seaweed, and oyster and the occurrence
of a red tide. Seaweed farming was confined only to Malalag while the culture of
oysters was confined to the municipal waters of Malalag and Sulop. The total area
occupied by seafarming increased from 2.47 ha in 1995 to 3.4 ha in 1996. The
increase was due to new oyster culture in the municipality of Sulop in 1995. However,
production decreased from 44.2 mt in 1995 to 12 mt in 1996.

Malalag has a fish sanctuary of 50 ha. At present, there are small scale mariculture
projects. There are 29 families engaged in oyster culture. With the red tide phenomenon
(when poisonous substances infiltrate shells, clams, oysters, etc.) occurring from time

Table 5.7. Freshwater resources data by municipality in the MBA.

1994 1995 1996
Municipality No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total
Area Area Area
freshwater production freshwater production freshwater production
(ha) (ha) (ha)
operators (mt) operators (mt) operators (mt)
Hagonoy 38 2.5 8 38 2.5 2.25 38 2.5 2.25
Malalag 1 0.02 Unproductive 1 0.02 Unproductive 4 0.33 Areas still on

Sta. Maria 5 2.31 2.53 5 2.31 1.68 2 0.08 0.90

Sulop 1 0.25 0.06
Total 44 4.83 10.53 44 4.83 3.93 45 3.16 3.21
Source: PPDO (1996).

to time, the market is adversely affected. The method of culture relied heavily on
hanging coconut shells. The culture of the seaweed Eucheuma spinosum, financed by
the DA, failed due to the attack of the “ice-ice” disease. However, the LGU has
introduced the Eucheuma cottonii . The project started in 1994, which was operated
by the LGU and Malalag Christian Cooperative Inc. (MCCI). The initial observation is
that the variety thrives well in the area and it readily reproduces. Edible sea cucumbers
also abound in the area but there are no steady buyers.

Aside from milkfish culture and marine fishing, oyster culture is being undertaken
by a substantial number of residents of Barangay Balasinon in Sulop. In 1995, twenty
families engaged in oyster culture. The method of culture relied on oyster beds with
hanging sliced rubber. Basically, the product is sold in the form of oyster meat and is
marketed in Sulop, Padada, and Digos at PhP20 per bottle.

The impact of aquaculture in the MBA may be viewed in terms of its positive
and negative effects. Two of the most obvious benefits from the enterprise are its
contribution to fish production and the generation of employment opportunities in
rural areas. However, aside from the destruction of mangrove areas for fishpond
development and the operation of fish farms, particularly intensive prawn farms,
aquaculture contributes to coastal pollution and salt intrusion into domestic water
sources. In addition, the proliferation of fish cages in the bay in recent years has
contributed to the pollution loading of the bay. This pollution load contains uneaten
fish feed and fecal and other excretory wastes. Intensive fish cages, floating pens
and other systems that are relatively open to the natural waters have the greatest

potential to cause environmental degradation from totally untreated waste discharges.

In areas where cages are crowded, the circulation of fresh seawater is impeded and
the pollution caused by the decomposition of feeds affects broad areas and even
natural stocks of fish.

In 1996, the MBA had ten major manufacturing firms (Table 5.8), all of which are
agriculture dependent using the primary crops of the MBA such as sugarcane, cacao,
banana, coconut, and other indigenous materials. However, a large percentage of
their products are for the export market.

The DASUCECO at Barangay Guihing can mill 4,000 mt of sugarcane per day.
The plant can accommodate the sugarcane produced from about 11,302 ha of
sugarcane area from around the province and its neighbors. The FILINVEST and KLDI,
two of the largest sugarcane plantations located in the MBA, both provide sugarcane

Table 5.8. Major industries in the MBA.

Name of establishment Location
Cocoa Investors, Inc. (CII) Hagonoy Dried cocoa beans
Davao Sugar Central Company Hagonoy Raw and refined sugar
FILINVEST Hagonoy Sugarcane
Guihing Agricultural Development Hagonoy Cavendish banana
Corporation (GADECO)
L and S Ventures Plantation, Inc. Hagonoy Cavendish banana
Kawayan Land Development, Inc. (KLDI) Hagonoy Sugarcane
Southern Davao Development Hagonoy Prawns
Corporation (SODADECO)
United Sugarcane Planters of Davao del Hagonoy Sugarcane production and
Sur (USPD) trading
Malalag Ventures Plantation, Inc. (MVPI) Malalag Cavendish banana
Phil. Cocoa Estate Corporation Sta. Maria Dried cocoa beans
Source: PPDO (1996).

The GADECO caters to the production of cavendish banana. As of 1996, the

company had 1,920 ha planted to cavendish banana with an annual production of
1,871 mt. Also in Barangay Guihing is the CII, previously engaged in producing dried
cocoa beans. In the later part of 1995, it shifted to mango production. Another
company located in Hagonoy is the SODADECO which is engaged in prawn culture
and hatchery.

The municipality of Malalag has a port which accommodates inter-island vessels

and a docking area for some foreign vessels. The docking of foreign vessels in the
bay, however, has generated some jurisdictional issues between the LGUs of Sta.
Maria and Malalag and the Philippine Ports Authority and the Regional Maritime
Command of the PNP. In May 2000, however, the full management and supervision
of the port facility was turned over by the Philippine Ports Authority to the Malalag
LGU. Malalag is also into banana plantation and export. It is lucky to have accom-
modated the MVPI, a joint venture project of the Lapanday Group of Companies and
the Original Banana Exporters. Two existing storage facilities for molasses are also
located in Malalag and owned by Total Bulk and CIFRA companies. Malalag is also
known for its bamboo furniture, romblon mats and bags, and rope making.

Sta. Maria, Sulop, and Padada remain largely rural but rich in resources like
coconut, corn, sugarcane, and cacao. Industrial activities in these municipalities are
limited to either microscale or cottage.

Industrial effluents coming particularly from sugar milling and oil dumping
from docking vessels have, however, contributed to the deterioration of the water
quality of Malalag Bay.


Food and Commercial Crops

The MBA is characterized by a predominantly production-based agriculture
(Table 5.9). Food crops cover approximately 11,000 ha of the MBA’s cultivable land
area of which 6,500 ha are corn farms and 4,300 ha are rice farms (Figure 5.2).
Commercial crops in the MBA utilize approximately 32,000 ha with coconut production
covering about 23,000 ha.

Table 5.9. Food and commercial crops in the MBA in 1996.

Crops Hagonoy Padada Sulop Sta. Maria Malalag MBA
Area (ha) 2,262.79 3,679.00 5,173.00 7,400 4,460.66 22,975.45
Production (mt) 2124.00 3,222.00 4,867.00 8,233 5,789.00 24,235.00
Area (ha) 866.78 213.11 1,107.50 3.00 510.00 3,567.17
Production (mt) 52,387.04 12,052.85 44,548.64 206.23 21,810.40 131,005.16
Banana (Local)
Area (ha) 321.20 180.00 78.00 579.20
Production (mt) 874.80 630.00 150.50 1,655.30
Banana (Export)
Area (ha) 1,115.00 47.00 48.00 500.00 1,710.00
Production (mt) 82,405.00 235.00 546.60 19,000.00 101,186.60
Area (ha) 8.00 65.00 78.00 151.00
Production (mt) 6.40 169.00 26.87 202.27
Area (ha) 10.00 13.00 15.00 90.00 128.00
Production (mt) 10.00 13.00 30.00 21.50 74.50
Area (ha) 3.75 3.00 6.75
Production (mt) 3.00 3.00 6.00
Area Planted (ha) 919.00 15.00 94.00 132.00 1,075.00 2,235.00
Area (Fruit bearing) (ha) 6.00 4.00 11.00 8.00 30.00 59.00
Area (Non-fruit bearing) (ha) 913.00 11.00 83.00 124.00 1,045 2,176.00
Production (mt) 360.00 225.00 75.00 525.00 1,800.00 3,485.00
Root crops (Cassava, camote, gabi, ubi, irish potato, carrots)
Area (ha) 15.00 43.00 55.70 7.50 121.20
Production (mt) 35.00 43.00 400.50 7.50 486.00
Area (ha) 30.00 6.50 14.50 39.30 23.00 113.30
Production (mt) 30.00 26.00 7.25 78.60 23.00 164.85
Area (ha) 3,865.00 0 17.00 230.00 216.00 4,328.00
Production (mt) 23,190.00 51.00 920.00 788.00 24,949.00
White corn
Area (ha) 900.00 1,048.75 1,700.00 2,520.00 82.00 6,250.75
Production (mt) 2,700.00 870.50 3,400.00 2,520.00 262.40 9,752.90
Yellow corn
Area (ha) 24.00 80.00 134.00 238.00
Production (mt) 17.00 210.00 270.00 497.00

Source: PPDO (1996).


Banana Coffee
(Export) 0.4% Cacao
Banana 0.3%
1.4% Root crops
Mango 0.3%
Sugar cane
8.4% 5.3%


White corn

54.2% Yellow corn
Figure 5.2. Land use for food and commercial crops in the MBA.

Other important crops in the MBA are sugarcane (3,567.17 ha), banana (2,289.2
ha), mango (2,235 ha), coffee (151 ha), cacao (128 ha), and cotton (6.75 ha). The top
agricultural products of the MBA in terms of production value are sugarcane
(131,005.16 mt), banana (102,842 mt), and palay (24,949 mt) (Figure 5.3).

The marketing of agriculture production derived from food and commercial

crops in the MBA is hampered by infrastructural deficiencies, product seasonality,
and price inelasticity. Improved infrastructure, a shift towards a high-value agriculture,
and value added processing will significantly improve the learning area’s competitive
market position in the coming years.

The agricultural sector is one of the major contributors to water pollution.

Agricultural production has increasingly relied on chemical fertilizers and pesticides
to boost productivity. Lapanday, a big banana plantation, sprays chemicals by airplane
and uses fertilizers for the production of its bananas for export. In general, waste
associated with the agricultural sector includes runoff and leaching of fertilizers and
pesticides and herbicides used. Agricultural runoff has been identified by the DENR
as one of the reasons that led to the deterioration of the country’s coastal waters.
Agricultural activities are the source of excessive nutrients, oxygen-demanding wastes,
and organic chemicals (pesticides).

Vegetables White corn

Cacao 0.1% 3.5%
Root crops Palay Yellow corn
0.2% 3.5%
Coffee 0.2% Coconut
0.1% 8.6%

Banana (Export)


Banana (Local)

Figure 5.3. Food and commercial crops in the MBA.

Livestock and Poultry

The major livestock and poultry produced in the MBA are cattle, carabao, hogs,
goats, chickens, and ducks (Table 5.10). Hogs registered the highest production at
39,872 heads in 1995 while goats exhibited the highest increase in the number of
heads produced at 5,167 in 1994. Total chickens raised for 1995 reached 308,413.

Livestock farming, particularly pig farming, has significant pollution effects.

Typical piggery wastes would have the following characteristics:

l BOD 9,000 to 12,000 mg/L

l COD 4,500 to 6,500 mg/L
l Nitrogen 120 to 180 mg/L
l Phosphorus 7 to 12 mg/L

The quantity of oxygen-demanding waste in water can be determined by

measuring the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD).
Oxygen-demanding waste are organic waste that deplete the oxygen level in water-
bodies when it decomposes. Oxygen depletion can cause fish and other forms of
oxygen-consuming aquatic life to die. BOD measures the amount of dissolved oxygen
(DO) needed by organisms during the decomposition of organic waste. This is the

Table 5.10. Livestock and poultry (number of heads) in the MBA.

Animal Year Hagonoy Malalag Padada Sta. Maria Sulop Total
Carabao 1994 1,791si 1,434si 1,070si 3,109si 2,821si 10,225s
1995 1,938si 1,505si 1,338si 2,953si 2,679si 1,0413s
Cattle 1994 2,534si 1,025si 2,450si 1,706si 71si 7,786s
1995 2,745si 1,076si 2,293si 1,791si 1715si 9,620s
Goats 1994 6,558si 1,402si 2,270si 5,182si 9211si 24,623s
1995 6,990si 1,076si 2,436si 9,395si 9,893si 29,790s
Hogs 1994 6,181si 5,622si 8,393si 9,537si 9,966si 39,699s
1995 6,974si 5,903si 8,270si 10,013si 8,712si 39,872s
Chicken 1994 31,589si 45,885si 58,122si 75,017si 78,589si 289,202s
1995 33,684si 49,679si 63,765si 78,767si 82,518si 308,413s
Ducks 1994 9586si 1,011si 2,272si 2,190si 2,310si 17,369s
1995 10,331si 1,061si 2,270si 2,299si 2,356si 18,317s
Source: PPDO (1996).

primary indicator of the magnitude of organic waste from land-based sources such
as industrial, municipal, and agricultural activities. The higher the level of the BOD,
the more polluted is the waterbody. Municipal sewage, distillery waste, and piggery
waste are some examples of organic waste that can increase the BOD level of
water. COD also measures the amount of DO needed by organisms during decompo-
sition of waste. However, unlike BOD, COD can account for the portion of inorganic
waste that undergo degradation. The DENR has set BOD and COD standards from
50 to 120 mg/L and 100 to 200 mg/L, respectively, on the receiving waterbody

Livestock waste can also cause excessive nutrient loading of nitrogen and
phosphorus to marine ecosystems leading to algal blooms. When livestock waste
decay, they can deplete the oxygen in the water resulting in fish kills, widespread
destruction of benthic habitats, surface algal scum, water discoloration, and release
of toxins from sediment, and alter species composition and size structure for primary

Davao del Sur is enriched by various scenic spots that are mostly natural attractions
such as hot springs, caves, waterfalls, beaches, hills, and mountain parks. Also,
historical attractions such as fortress remnants, Japanese tunnels, and foxholes are
found in the province. In coastal areas, several beaches provide complete resort
facilities for swimming, scuba diving, meetings, and other gatherings. These are the
Treasure Island Catering Services and Beach Club in Balutakay, Hagonoy; the Little
Boracay in San Agustin, Sta. Maria; and the Total Beach Resort in Malalag (Table 5.11).

The MBA offers moderate-to-good potential for growth of local tourism. The
area’s strategic road linkages to major urban centers in the north, south, and west
and the development of day-use and overnight tourism attractions and support services
(roadside motels, restaurants, car rental, urban entertainment, beach resort, travel
and tour agencies, business service centers, etc.) may result in increased regional
tourist market attraction.

Table 5.11. Existing tourist spots in the MBA.

Distance from nearest
Tourist spot Location Attraction facilities
Leling Beach Leling, Clean beach, good for 10 km from Digos, about half
Hagonoy swimming, nipa and bamboo hour ride by tricycle from Digos
cottages, sari-sari stores central market
Bolinao Beach Balutakay, Clean beach suitable for 5 km from Digos, about 10
Resorts (Molina's, Hagonoy swimming, open-air cottages minutes ride by tricycle
Llaban, Baywatch,
Yncierto's, and
Treasure Island, etc.)
Piape Beach Piape, Clean beach, good for 5 km from Padada, about 20
Padada swimming, open-air cottages minutes ride by tricycle from
with electricity and sari-sari Padada Public Market
Dagandang Beach Sta. Maria White sand beach, cool water, 3 km from Sta. Maria, about 15
good for swimming minutes ride by tricycle
Giger Beach Resort Sta. Maria Clean beach suitable for 15 minutes ride by tricycle from
(Little Dakak) swimming; open-air cottages Poblacion, Sta. Maria
Kisulad Beach Sta. Maria White beach; overlooking the 10 km from Sta. Maria, about
Resort sea are coconut trees 30 minutes ride by tricycle
Mariscal Beach San Fine white beach, with open-air 5 km from Sta. Maria, about 30
Resort Agustin, cottages and a high mountain minutes ride by tricycle
Sta. Maria overlooking the sea
Almina Beach Baybay, Clean beach suitable for 2 km from Malalag, about 15
Resort Malalag swimming and open-air cottages minutes ride by tricycle
Total Beach Resort Baybay, Clean beach suitable for 2 km from Malalag, about 15
Malalag swimming and open-air cottages minutes ride by tricycle
Source: PPDO (1996).

Malalag Bay, consisting of 65 km 2 of marine water, supports a coastal population of
36,400 of which 1,611 are fishermen. Aside from the municipal fishery, the bay also
supports commercial fishing and is an excellent site for a port, selected industries,
and limited coastal tourism businesses.

The aquaculture industry is likewise dependent on the bay which is declining

due to the unstable market for seaweed and oysters and the occurence of a red tide.
Only brackishwaster aquaculture, primarily for milkfish, is increasing in prevalence as
compared with freshwater aquaculture and seafarming.

Chapter 6

aws concerning environmental protection were enforced in the
Philippines as early as the pre-Spanish period. The Luwaran Code of
Mindanao, the oldest known code of laws in the Philippines, and the
Code of Kalantiao penalize improper waste disposal and unnecessary
noise in the evening as acts of public nuisance. These may be
considered as forerunners of the present regulations on environmental

During the Spanish colonial government, environmental laws were enacted

dealing with resource extraction and industrial pollution. During the American colonial
government, laws were passed governing mineral, forest resources, fisheries and
aquatic resources, and land use and water rights.

The period following the Philippine independence can be divided into three
eras: pre-martial law, martial law, and the period following the EDSA revolution.
From 1945 to 1972, laws known as Republic Acts (RAs) were passed by the popularly
elected members of the Congress of the Philippines. The Marcos administration from
1972 to 1986 produced much of the environmental legislation. During this time, law-
making power was assumed by the President through the issuance of Presidential
Decrees (PDs), Letters of Instruction (LOIs), and Executive Orders (EOs).

In 1987, the new Philippine Constitution took effect and Congress took over
the function of legislation. The 1987 constitution embodies explicit provisions on
the protection and enhancement of the environment. A fundamental statement of

policy that “the state shall protect and advance the right of
the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord
The new constitution with the rhythm and harmony of nature” (Article II, Section
provides explicit 16) is embodied in the constitution. Recognizing the State’s
recognition to obligation to protect and conserve the environment, the
constitution instructs Congress to take “into account for
management of coastal requirements of conservation, ecology and development”
resources, linking its (Article XII, Section 3) and insists that national parks or
reserves (i.e., marine parks/reserve) shall be conserved.
use to optimum
productivity, The new constitution also recognizes the obligation
of the State to “protect, develop and conserve marine
sustainability, and
resources (Article XII, Section 7) and protects “the rights of
equity through subsistence fishermen, especially of local communities”
democratic process and (Article II, Section 22) and encourages “non-governmental,
community-based or sectoral organizations to promote the
distributive justice. welfare of the country” (Article II, Section 23).

The new constitution provides explicit recognition to

management of coastal resources, linking its use to optimum productivity,
sustainability, and equity through democratic process and distributive justice.

The basic legislation governing natural resources and environment predating

the new constitution remains in place.


There are several laws that pertain to coastal area management, which have been
enacted through Presidential Decrees and Congressional approvals. Table 6.1 presents
a brief overview of the history of coastal and environmental management laws and
their scope.


The Local Government Code of 1991 (RA 7190) authorized provincial and city
government units to enforce and implement laws on the protection of the environment,
pursuant to national policies and subject to the supervision, control, and review of
the DENR. It also authorized local governing councils (the Sanggunians) to enact and
enforce local environmental ordinances.

The LGUs in the MBA have issued several ordinances for coastal environmental
protection and management for their respective municipalities (Table 6.2). Common
to LGUs are fishery ordinances.

Table 6.1. Summary of coastal and environmental management laws.

Law (date) Area of concern

PD 600 (1974) - Coast Guard Marine pollution. Authorized the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)
Law as amended by PD 601 to enforce laws for marine environmental protection
and PD 979
PD 602 (1974) Created the National Operations Center for Oil Pollution
(NOCOP) in the PCG to respond to problems of oil spills and
coordinate efforts for oil containment and recovery
PD 704 (1975) - Fisheries Pollution from aquaculture operations. Provided guidelines on
Decree the management, conservation, development, protection,
utilization, and disposition of all fishery and aquatic resources of
the country except municipal waters which are under the
municipal or city government concerned
PD 705 (1975) - Forestry Contained specific provisions on the classification and
Code permitting system on the use of foreshore areas to include
mangrove and nipa swamps and beach fronts
PD 785 (1975) - Revised The only legal measure to prevent siltation. Provided guidelines
Forestry Code on managing, regulating, and monitoring shifting cultivation
PD 825 (1975) Garbage disposal. Provided penalties on improper waste
disposal. Required that all garbage, filth, and waste be placed
in proper receptacles
PD 856 (1975) - Sanitation Solid wastes. Prescribed standards for sewage collection,
Code of the Philippines refuse, and excreta disposal
PD 984 (1976)- Pollution Abolished the National Water and Air Pollution Control
Control Law Commission (NWPACC) and created the National Pollution
Control Commission (NPCC) with broad powers which include
setting standards and imposing penalties for violations
PD 1144 (1977) Agricultural pollution. Provided guidelines on the proper use of
fertilizers and pesticides to mitigate agricultural chemicals
PD 1151 (1977)- Philippine
Environmental Policy Comprehensive policy and program for environmental protection
PD 1152 (1977) - Philippine and management
Environment Code
PD 1251 (1977) - Mine Wastes Imposed semi-annual mine wastes and tailings fees against all
and Tailing Fees operating mining companies
PD 1160 (1977) Authorized barangay captains to enforce pollution control laws
PD 1586 - Establishing the Required submission of environmental impact assessment for
Environmental Impact public and private development projects with potentially
Statement System (1978) and significant impact on the environment; limited coverage to
Proclamation 2146 (1981) prescribed environmentally critical projects and environmentally
critical areas


Table 6.1. (continued)

Law (date) Area of concern
EO 192 (1987) - Established the DENR as the primary agency for environmental
Reorganization of the protection and management, and created the Environmental
Department of Environment Management Bureau and Pollution Adjudication Board, among
and Natural Resources (1987) others
RA 6969 (1990) - Toxic Regulated the manufacture, importation, processing, sale,
Substances and Hazardous distribution, use, and disposal of chemical substances and
Wastes Control Act mixtures that present unreasonable risks and/or injury to health
or the environment, and entry, even in transit, of hazardous and
nuclear wastes
RA 6975 (1990) - Department Created a maritime police unit within the PNP, vested with
of Interior and Local authority to perform all police functions "over Philippine territorial
Government Act waters and rivers, coastal areas from the shoreline to one mile
inland to include ports and harbors and small islands of two
miles in length or diameter with less than 1,000 population"
RA 7160 (1991) - Local Contained provision for pollution control by local authorities
Government Code (1991) subject to supervision, control, and review by the DENR
RA 8550 (1998) - The An Act for the development, management, and conservation of
Fisheries Code the fisheries and aquatic resources, integrating all laws pertinent
thereto, and for other purposes. The code recognizes the
principles of ensuring sustainability of fisheries resource
utilization within ecological limits and of social justice by
providing preferential treatment for municipal fisherfolk and their
organizations. The code also aims at providing a sound policy
and institutional framework for fisheries resource management
as well as long-term sustainable development in the sector.

The municipality of Hagonoy passed its first Basic Fishery Ordinance (MO
76-006) on 24 October 1977. This was amended by MO 92-008 on 12 August 1992
to increase the annual fee of catching milkfish fry and to impose penalty with a fine
of not less than PhP500 but not exceeding PhP2,500 for violating any provision of
the ordinance. In 1983, the Municipal Council declared a portion of the sea along the
shorelines of Leling as fish sanctuary.

The municipality of Malalag passed its Basic Fishery Ordinance (MO 81-040)
on 14 May 1981. Malalag constituents amended the Municipal Fishery Ordinance on
11 March 1993 wherein Ordinance No. 40 was passed by the Municipal Council or
Sangguniang Bayan (SB) for the banning of destructive and illegal fishing gear. These
include all sorts of commercial fishing, trawls, purse seine (e.g., Danish purse seine),
baby trawls, drive in nets, and fishing methods using compressors. Unfortunately,
this ordinance was declared “null and void” by the Municipal Circuit Judge of Malalag
after a group of fishermen were charged for their operation of lampornas . In 1993,
the municipality of Malalag established a 50-ha fish sanctuary and in 1997 regulated

Table 6.2. Ordinances for coastal environmental protection and management in

the MBA.

Municipality Number Title Date

Hagonoy 92-008 An ordinance amending certain sections of Municipal 08/12/92
Ordinance No. 6, series of 1976, regulating fishing and/or
fisheries in Hagonoy, Davao del Sur
Hagonoy 83-002 An ordinance requiring all barangay officials of Hagonoy in
coordination with government agencies as well as private
organizations to implement the provisions of PD 1153 and
LOI 1312, particularly on watershed areas and along the
banks of rivers, streams, and brooks
Hagonoy 83-001 An ordinance declaring a portion of the sea along the 02/09/83
shorelines of Leling, this municipality as fish sanctuary and
prohibiting non-members of the Ilaw ng Buhay movement to
catch fish in the identified site
Hagonoy 76-006 An ordinance regulating fishing and/or fisheries in Hagonoy 10/24/77
and for other purposes
Hagonoy 75-024 An ordinance prescribing rules and regulations on fisheries
and aquatic resources and the granting of privileges therefor
in the municipality
Hagonoy 75-021 An ordinance requiring all fishing boats and/or banca
owner/operators within the jurisdiction of Hagonoy to install
plate numbers in their respective fishing boat and/or bancas
Hagonoy 72-016 An ordinance requiring all operators of fishing nets (for 08/15/72
shrimp) operating within the territorial area of Hagonoy to pay
to the municipal government a municipal license fee in the
amount of PhP200 for the whole year
Hagonoy 72-015 An ordinance requiring any person engaging in the operation 08/15/72
of fish corral fishing to pay to the municipal treasurer the
reduced rate of license fee in the amount of PhP5 regardless
of capital per quarter
Malalag 97-099 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Ordinance of 08/06/97
Malalag 97-098 An ordinance prohibiting any person by any means in 08/06/97
wounding and killing of birds in Malalag
Malalag 97-097 An ordinance regulating the use of municipal waters for the 08/06/97
establishment or operation of fish cages, fishpens, seaweed
culture, and providing fees thereof
Malalag 97-095 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13, series of 1991, 08/06/97
prohibiting the disposal of waste, garbage, molasses, and
used lubricants from fishing boats, and industrial waste in
Malalag 97-094 An ordinance amending section 4 of Ordinance No. 20, series 08/06/97
of 1993, otherwise known as "Anti-littering" ordinance

Table 6.2. (continued)

Municipality Number Title Date

Malalag 97-089 An ordinance regulating and controlling the discharge of 08/06/97
industrial and other wastes into the atmosphere, air, or body
of water and land within the territorial limits of Malalag for the
purpose of abatement and prevention of pollution, providing
penalties for its violation, and for other purposes
Malalag 93-027 Establishment of a fish sanctuary, its maintenance and 09/01/93
Malalag 93-021 Amending Section 15, 4.N of Ordinance No. 40 otherwise 02/11/93
known as Municipal Fishery Ordinance, banning the operation
of commercial fishing, trawls, purse seine, baby trawls, fishing
methods using compressors and hulbot-hulbot, lampornas,
bira-bira, and muro-ami in the municipal waters of Malalag
Malalag 93-020 Prohibiting the littering, dumping, and disposing of non- 02/18/93
biodegradable garbage i.e., cigarette butts, plastic bags, or
containers, tin cans, bottles, and domestic wastes, i.e.,
chemical solvent as from laundry soaps, and human and
animal refuse, and all other forms of wastes in public places
e.g., public market, school premises, parks and plazas,
gymnasium and sports facilities, streets and roads, rivers,
lakes, and waterways, Malalag Bay and its foreshore areas,
among other public places within the municipality
Malalag 81-040 An ordinance regulating fishing and/or fisheries in Malalag 05/14/81
and for other purposes
Padada 94-006 An ordinance regulating fishing and/or fisheries in Padada 08/10/94
and for other purposes
Padada 93-012 An ordinance establishing a Padada fish sanctuary area in 12/15/93
Sta. Maria 96-005 Regulating fishing and/or fisheries in Sta. Maria and for other 06/20/96
Sta. Maria 1995 Municipal Penal Code, series of 1995. An ordinance enacting 1995
the revised Municipal Penal Code of Sta. Maria pursuant to
Republic Act No. 7160 (Chapter VI - Environmental
Protection, Chapter XI - Illegal Fishing)
Sulop 97-011 Amending section 5 of Ordinance No. 92-006 (Basic Fishery 09/10/97
Ordinance) and setting henceforth the rules and regulations in
the establishment of fish sanctuary at the portion of zones 2,
3, and 4 in the municipal waters of Sulop
Sulop 97-010 Regulating the use of municipal waters for the establishment 09/10/97
or operation of fish cages, fishpens, seaweed culture, and
providing fees thereof
Sulop 92-006 An ordinance regulating fishing and/or fisheries in Sulop and 1992
for other purposes

the use of municipal waters for the establishment or operation of fish cages, fishpens,
seaweed culture, and providing fees thereof. Malalag has an ordinance on compre-
hensive solid waste management, and ordinance regulating and controlling the
discharge of industrial and other waste in the atmosphere, air, or body of water and
land within the territorial limits of the municipality of Malalag. The municipality of
Malalag is serious in funding CRM related projects. It provides an annual operating
fund for coastal resource management enforcement as shown in Table 6.3.

The municipality of Padada passed its Basic Fishery Ordinance (MO 94-006)
on 10 August 1994. The Municipal Council established a fish sanctuary area on 15
December 1993. This municipality passed two Executive Orders on 3 September
1996 and 3 February 1997: creating the task force for a clean and green Padada and

Table 6.3. Operating funds for CRM implementation in Malalag.

Year Type Specific Amount (PhP)

1998 Maintenance Registration/repair of patrol boat 10,000.00
Transportation Hauling and transport cost 3,000.00
Equipment outlay Purchase of handheld radio 12,000.00
Fuel and oil Gasoline 10,000.00
Support services Security for fish sanctuary area 28,333.33
Total 63,333.33
1997 Maintenance Registration/repair of patrol boat 5,000.00
Transportation Hauling and transport cost 3,000.00
Equipment outlay Supplies and materials 6,016.00
Fuel and oil Gasoline 10,000.00
Support services Security for fish sanctuary area 30,000.00
Total 54,016.00
1996 Maintenance Repair of pumpboat 3,560.00
Fuel and oil Gasoline 7,200.00
Support services Security for fish sanctuary area 29,280.00
Total 40,040.00
1995 Maintenance Repair of pumpboat 6,453.00
Fuel and oil Gasoline 7,200.00
Support services Security for fish sanctuary area 23,660.00
Total 37,313.00
US$1 = PhP 25 in 1995; PhP 26 in 1996; PhP 33 in 1997; and PhP 39 in 1998.

creating Municipal Environmental Units, respectively. The municipality has a resolution

requesting the Davao Gulf Management Board (DGMB) to declare the municipality of
Padada as the provincial fish sanctuary in the Province of Davao del Sur. Other
resolutions include a coral reef project, seaweed projects, and construction of a
municipal marine watch house.

The municipality of Sta. Maria passed its Basic Fishery Ordinance (MO 96-005)
on 20 May 1996. In 1995, the municipality passed an ordinance enacting the revised
Municipal Penal Code of Sta. Maria pursuant to RA No. 7160 for the banning of all
kinds of trawl fishing and banning of basnigan and superlight fishing within the
municipal waters of Sta. Maria. This ordinance also disallows outsiders from Sta.
Maria to get mangrove seedlings within the municipality.

The municipality of Sulop passed its Basic Fishery Ordinance (MO 92-006) in
1992. This was amended on 9 September 1997 by setting rules and regulations in
the establishment of fish sanctuary at the portion of zones 2, 3, and 4 in the municipal
waters of Sulop. This municipality has also regulated the use of municipal waters for
the establishment or operation of fish cages, fish pens, seaweed culture, and providing
fees thereof.


Environmental management and protection functions, including policy development,
planning, monitoring, and enforcement are under the mandates of various national
and local government units.

National Government
There are six agencies under the national government that have jurisdiction over
coastal resource management: the National Economic and Development Authority
(NEDA), the Department of Agriculture (DA), the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR), the Department of the Interior and Local Government
(DILG), the Department of Tourism (DOT), and the Department of Science and
Technology (DOST).

The NEDA plans for development priorities such as tourism and fisheries to be
used for the various areas throughout the Philippines and tries to ensure appropriate
and complementary roles for the various areas.

The DA focuses on the sustained yield from the use of resources. It has four
units involved in coastal management: the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
(BFAR), the Fisheries Resource Management Project (FRMP), the Philippine Fisheries
Development Authority (PFDA), and the Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR).

The BFAR is the agency of the DA responsible for fisheries production. It has
a Coastal Resource Management section to advise the DA on coastal management.
The PFDA is tasked with the development of fisheries facilities such as fish landing
ports, ice plants, and fish processing facilities. The BAR supports the research needs
of the DA.

The DENR focuses on conservation and protection of resources. It has four

units involved in coastal management: the Parks and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB), the
Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB), the Environmental Management
Bureau (EMB), and the Coastal Environment Program (CEP). The PAWB is responsible
for the conduct of protected areas and endangered species. The ERDB supports the
various DENR units by conducting research and development activities. The EMB is
responsible for water quality and environmental impact assessments. The CEP,
established in 1993 through DENR DAO 19 s1993, focuses on the various coastal
responsibilities of the various DENR units.

The Philippine National Police (PNP) division of the DILG is tasked with the
enforcement of marine and fisheries laws in the coastal zone. It is complemented by
deputized fish wardens and, in some areas, Bantay-Dagat programs.

The Philippine Tourism Authority (PTA) of the DOT develops policies for coastal
protection with an eye to tourism revenues.

The Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development
(PCAMRD) of the DOST attempts to coordinate Philippine coastal ecological research
and development.

Local Government
The Local Government Code of 1991 (RA 7190) expressly provides for LGUs to share
with the national government the responsibility for the management and maintenance
of the ecological balance within their territorial jurisdiction. Environmental management
and protection functions can now be assumed within the structure of provinces,
municipalities, cities, barangays , and their respective development councils and
Sanggunians . The following summarizes the authority vested in each body and the
basic environment-related services it should provide, pursuant to the Local Government
Code (RA 7160).

1. Province
l Pursuant to national policies and subject to supervision, control, and
review of the DENR, enforcement of pollution control law and other
laws on the protection of the environment [Section 17 (b)(3)(iii)]; and

l Infrastructure facilities intended to service the needs of the residents

of the province and which are funded out of provincial funds including,
but not limited to, inter-municipality waterworks, drainage and sewerage
[Section 17 (b)(3)(vii)].
2. Municipality
l Extension and on-site research services and facilities related to water
and soil resource utilization and conservation projects [Section 17

l Solid waste disposal system or environmental management systems

and services or facilities related to general hygiene and sanitation
[Section 17 (b)(2)(vi)]; and

l Infrastructure facilities intended primarily to service the needs of the

residents of the municipality and which are funded out of municipal
funds including ... water supply systems [Section 17 (b)(2)(viii)].

3. City
All the services and facilities of the municipality and province [Section 17 (b)(4)].

4. Barangay
Services and facilities related to general hygiene and sanitation, beautification, and
solid waste collection [Section 17 (b)(1)(iii)].

5. Local Development Councils

Each level of local government is charged with establishing a local development
council for planning purposes, the composition of which is prescribed in the Local
Government Code. The development council assists the corresponding Sanggunian
in setting the direction of economic development, and coordinating development
efforts within its territorial jurisdiction [Section 106]. Representatives of NGOs operating
within the LGUs are to constitute at least 25 percent of the members [Section 107
(a)(2), (b)(4) and (c)(4)]. Local development councils shall formulate and recommend
local investment incentives to promote the inflow and direction of private investment
capital [Section 109 (4)]. The local development councils may form sectoral or functional
committees to assist them in the performance of their functions [Section 112]. This
would include environment and natural resource committees.

6. Sanggunians (Local Municipal, City, and Provincial Councils)

The local governing councils ( Sangguniang Bayan, Sangguniang Panlungsod and
Sangguniang Panlalawigan ) are the legislative bodies of local government. Their
composition is prescribed in the Code, including the process for electing sectoral

representatives. The Code vests in the Sanggunians specific authorities to pass

ordinances that will protect the environment, and enforce compliance through the
issuance of fines and penalties.

7. Sangguniang Panlalawigan (Provincial Council)

l Approve ordinances and pass resolutions that will protect the
environment and impose appropriate penalties for acts which endanger
the environment and other acts which result in pollution, acceleration
of eutrophication of rivers and lakes, or of ecological imbalance [Section
468 (a)(1)(vi)];
l Adopt measures and safeguards against pollution and for the
preservation of the natural ecosystem in the province, in consonance
with approved standards of human settlements and environmental
sanitation [Section 468 (a)(4)(i)]; and
l Approve ordinances imposing a fine not exceeding PhP5,000 or
imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both at the discretion of the
court, for the violation of a provincial ordinance [Section 468 (1)(iii)].
8. Sangguniang Bayan (Municipal Council)
l Adopt measures to protect the inhabitants of the municipality from the
harmful effects of man-made or natural disasters and calamities [Section
447 (1)(iv)];
l Approve ordinances and pass resolutions to protect the environment
and impose appropriate penalties for acts which endanger the
environment and other acts which result in pollution, acceleration of
eutrophication of rivers and lakes, or of ecological imbalance [Section
447 (1)(vi)];
l Declare, prevent, or abate any nuisance [Section 447 (4)(i)];
l Regulate the disposal of clinical and other wastes from hospitals, clinics,
and other similar establishments [Section 447 (4)(iii)];

l Protect the purity and quantity of water supply in the municipality

[Section 447 (5)(vii)];

l Provide for the efficient and effective system of solid waste collection
and disposal; prohibit littering and the placing or throwing of garbage,
refuse, or other filth and wastes [Section 447 (5)(xiii)]; and

l Approve ordinances imposing a fine not exceeding PhP2,500 or

imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both in the discretion of
the court, for the violation of a municipal ordinance [Section 447 (1)(iii)].

9. Environment and Natural Resources Officer

The Local Government Code provides for the optional creation of a position of an
Environment and Natural Resources Officer (ENRO) in all municipalities, cities, and
provinces [Section 484]. The Code specifies that the individual must have a college
degree preferably in environment, forestry, agriculture, or any related course; and a
first grade civil service credential. In addition, the ENRO must have acquired experience
in environmental and natural resources management, conservation, and utilization, of
at least 5 years for province or city and 3 years for municipality.

The responsibilities of the ENRO are to:

l Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sanggunian and provide

technical assistance and support to the governor or mayor, as the case
may be, in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic services
and provisions of adequate facilities relative to environment and natural
resources services;

l Develop plans and strategies and upon approval by the governor or

mayor to implement environment and natural resources programs and

l Establish and maintain, protect and preserve communal forests,

watersheds, tree parks, mangroves, greenbelts, and similar forest projects
and commercial forests, like industrial tree farms and agro-forestry

l Provide extension services to beneficiaries of forest development projects

and technical, financial, and infrastructure assistance;

l Manage and maintain seed banks and produce seedlings for forests and
tree parks;

l Provide extension services to beneficiaries of forest development projects

and render assistance to natural resources-related conservation and
utilization activities consistent with ecological balance;

l Promote the small-scale mining and utilization of mineral resources,

particularly mining of gold;

l Coordinate with government agencies and NGOs in the implementation

of measures to prevent and control land, air, and water pollution with
the assistance of the DENR;

l Facilitate the delivery of services concerning the environment and natural

resources, particularly in the renewal and rehabilitation of the environment
during and in the aftermath of man-made and natural calamities and
disasters; and

l Recommend to the Sanggunian and advise the governor or mayor, as

the case may be, on all matters relative to the protection, conservation,
maximum utilization, application of appropriate technology, and other
matters related to environment and natural resources.

Governor Rogelio E. Llanos of the province of Davao del Sur issued Executive
Order No. 6 on 27 March 2000. EO 6 strengthened the mandate of the Environment
and Natural Resources Office as the lead coordinating office, together with the
Provincial Planning and Development Office and Office of the Provincial Agriculturist
(OPAG)-Fishery Division, for the CRM activities. ENRO was vested with greater powers
and functions for the protection, conservation, rehabilitation, and management of
the marine and coastal resources of the province of Davao del Sur, as follows:

1. Develop programs, formulate plans and implement projects on CRM

programs in the province;

2. Coordinate with PPDO, OPAG-Fishery Division, DENR, DA-BFAR, LGUs,

NGOs, academe and other relevant agencies in the implementation of
CRM programs and projects;

3. Update Provincial Coastal Resources Management Council (PCRMC)

regarding CRM activities at the provincial level;

4. Develop and implement province-wide Information Education Campaign

(IEC) trainings related to marine and coastal environment;

5. Coordinate PPDO and OPAG-Fishery Division in the gathering, updating,

consolidating and establishment of province-wide database on the state
of the coastal resources of the province; and

6. Formulate planning process anchored on watershed as the basic planning


7. Coordinate with relevant agencies in the enforcement of environmental

law and ordinances.

Figures 6.1 to 6.3 show the organizational structures of the ENRO, OPAG, and

The local government executives and the Sanggunians are directly responsible
for the proper use and protection of environmental resources in their locality, following
the concept of representative democracy that they are chosen by the people to
govern and make decisions for them. Part of that governance is the capacity to plan
and implement programs that will protect rivers, coastal areas, air, groundwater,
wildlife, forests, and other environmental resources that are vital to keeping public
health within an acceptable level.

The DENR retains the overall authority for environment and natural resource
matters. The current framework provides a system where the DENR establishes national
policies and programs, and delegates to the LGUs the implementation and enforcement
of the same. This, however, does not preclude the LGUs and local development
councils from formulating plans and policies and the Sanggunians from adopting and
enforcing local ordinances, provided that such acts are consistent with national
programs. This provides for a comprehensive, coordinated, and consistent approach
to environmental management in the Philippines.

10. Other Government Organizations

The most significant development in the administration of the Davao Gulf in which
Malalag Bay is a part is the creation of the Davao Gulf Management Program (DGMP)
in June 1995. The primary goal is to ensure food security and improve the quality of
life and sustainable development and management of the Gulf resources.

The Davao Gulf Management Board (DGMB) was organized as a coordinating

body to provide general direction in the planning and implementation of the DGMP.
The Board is composed of 11 members elected from among the incumbent mayors/
deputy mayors of the Gulf towns/city districts. Figure 6.4 shows the DGMB
organizational structure.

The Provincial/City and Municipal/District Coordinating Board was created to

carry out its plans and programs in the provincial/city and municipal/district levels. It
is composed of the incumbent mayors/deputy mayors and selected NGOs, incumbent
Barangay Captains and selected NGOs, respectively.

The Technical Secretariat was created to provide professional support in

coordinating, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of DGMP projects.
It is composed of line agencies with mandates related to the protection and
management of Davao Gulf’s resources. These agencies include the DA, DENR, DILG,
PNP, PCG, NEDA, and other concerned instrumentalities.
Figure 6.1. Environment and Natural Resources Office (ENRO) organizational structure.

Provincial Coastal Resource Manage-
Direction-Setting ment Council

Environment and Natural Resources

(ENR) Office

CRM Office

Legal Arrangements and Institutional

Development Program Coordinator

Habitat Management Shoreline and Waste Coastal Land Use and Coastal Tourism Enterprise and Fisheries Management
Program Coordinator Management Program Zoning Program Program Coordinator Livelihood Management Program Coordinator
Coordinator Coordinator Program Coordinator
(ENRO) (ENRO) (PPDO) (Tourism Office) (FU-PGO) (OPAg/FU-PGO)

Legend: direct line of authority

coordinative relationship

Figure 6.2. Proposed Provincial Coastal Resource Management Implementing Structure.

Source: Draft Provincial CRM Plan, June 2000
Sangguniang Panlalawigan Provincial CRM Council (PCRMC)
Chair (Vice-Governor) Chair (Provincial Governor)
• Department of Environment and Natural Resources
• Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)
• Provincial Planning and Devel- Environment and Natural Resources • PNP-Maritime Group (PNP-MARIG)

opment Office (PPDO) Office • Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)
• Fisheries Unit - Provincial • Department of Justice (DOJ)
Governor’s Office (PGO) • Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management
• Tourism Office Council (FARMC)
ENR Officer
• Nongovernment organizations (NGOs)
• People’s organizations (POs)


• Others

Municipal Fisheries and Aquatic Coastal Municipal LGU

Resources Management Municipal Agricultural Officer/
Council Municipal Agricultural and Environment

Barangay Fisheries and Aquatic

Resources Management Coastal Barangay LGU
Council Barangay Captain

Figure 6.3. Proposed Inter-Agency Coordinating Structure for Coastal Resource Management.
Source: Draft Provincial CRM Plan, June 2000


Figure 6.4. Davao Gulf Management Board (DGMB) organizational structure.

Nongovernment Organizations (NGOs) and People’s Organizations (POs)

At present, there are established nongovernment organizations (NGOs) operating in
the MBA in the pursuit of various projects which complement the efforts of the local
government. The Kapwa Upliftment Foundation, Institute of Small Farms and Industries
(ISFI) and the Local Development Assistance Program (LDAP) are the NGOs at present
helping the LGU in rallying and carrying out environmental concerns in the uplands.

Table 6.4 is a partial listing of organizations in the MBA. A majority of these

started out as associations, which eventually developed and evolved to cooperatives.
Most are operating cooperative stores while there are a few which expanded either
into marketing or credit services and have also entered into livelihood financing
schemes in partnership with the Land Bank of the Philippines. The cooperative as a
movement has taken off, and a lot of farmers are now encouraged to join as they
witness discernible changes from the emerging support of the cooperatives.

The NGO-PO-LGU relationship is faring quite well, but it cannot be denied that
there is an apparent lack of capability on both parties with regard to strengthening
and institutionalizing people’s mechanism. Their complementary roles have to be
elevated such that it will support and sustain the development and decentralization

Similar to barangays , most of the emerging people’s organizations are still in

the infancy stage. They need training and capacity support for development of their
respective organizations for them to be transformed into self-propelling and self-
managing entities.

Community Organizations
In 1997, CRMP began assisting in the formation of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Management Councils (FARMCs) in the MBA. At present, all coastal barangays in the
MBA have a FARMC. The formation of FARMCs in all municipalities and cities abutting
municipal waters and of integrated FARMCs in bays, gulfs, lakes, rivers, and dams
bounded by two or more barangays or municipalities was mandated by EO 240, on 28
April 1995, and governed by the Implementing Rules and Regulations issued jointly
by the DA and DILG on 25 April 1996. Their creation has also been mandated by the
Fisheries Code of 1998 which, in addition to the municipal/city and integrated FARMCs,
also call for the establishment of a national FARMC which will be an advisory body
assisting the DA/BFAR in the formulation of national policies for the protection,
sustainable development, and management of fishery and aquatic resources.

The FARMCs are intended to institutionalize the major role of local fisherfolk
and other resource users in the community-based planning and implementation of
policies and programs for the management, conservation, development, and protection
of fisheries and aquatic resources in municipal waters. Their primary functions include:

l Preparation of the Municipal/City Integrated Development Plan for

submission to and approval by the Municipal/City/Provincial Development

l Formulation of recommendation to the Municipal or Provincial Council

regarding the enactment of municipal fishery ordinances;

l Enforcement of fishery laws and rules and regulations in the municipal

waters; and

l Provision of advice to the Municipality/City or Provincial Council on

fishery matters through the Committee on Fisheries, if such has been

The FARMCs are to be provided with technical assistance from the DA, DENR,
DILG, Department of Justice (DOJ), and other government agencies, as necessary, to
ensure that they are able to contribute knowledge and meaning to the development
of fisheries management plans and the guidelines for their implementation.

In 1996, Malalag Bay was selected as one of the six learning areas of the
Coastal Resource Management Project (CRMP). Among the primary outputs of the
project was the facilitation of the CRM process and conduct of PCRAs in all coastal
barangays resulting in the development and production of resource maps which
served as the basis for the barangay CRM planning activities currently being conducted.

Table 6.4. Partial listing of NGOs and POs in the MBA.

Municipality Organizations
Hagonoy ECJ & Sons Development Employees Cooperative
Hagonoy Secondary Teachers and Employees MP Cooperative
Sunrise Development Cooperative
Malalag Bagumbayan Fishermen Consumer Cooperative Inc.
Baybay Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Bolton Coco-Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Bulacan Coco-Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Caputian Multi-Purpose Cooperative Inc.
Ibo Coconut Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Institute of Primary Health Care
Institute of Small Farms and Industries
Kabalikat sa Kaunlaran ng mga Kababaihan ng Malalag
KAMATA Pagkasumbukan
Kapit-Bisig ng Mahihirap ng Pilipinas
Kapwa Upliftment Foundation Inc.
Kumintang Seaside Neighborhood Association Inc.
Malalag Christian Cooperatives Inc.
Malalag Community Health Volunteers Development Association
Malalag Integrated Livelihood Cooperative Inc.
Malalag People's Economic Council
Malalag Senior Citizens Association
Nagkahi-usang Pundok sa Gagmay'ng Mananagat sa Malalag Baybay
New Baclayon Coco-Farmers Consumers Cooperative
Tagansule Development Cooperative Inc.
Padada 4-H Club of Don Sergio Osmeña
4-H Club of Harada Butai
Bagong Silang Women's Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Don Sergio Osmena Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Future Leaders Incorporated-Anak sa Padada
Harada Butal Farmers Association
Kasakit Organization
Kiblawan Rural Development Foundation, Inc.
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Rizal
L. Katipunan Women's Club
Malinao Widows Association
Northern Paligue Women's Club
Padada Achievers Arts Foundation, Inc.
Padada Chamber of Commerce
Padada Community Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Padada Farmers and Carpenters Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Padada Fishermen's Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Padada General Service Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Padada Irrigation Association
Padada Officials, Farmers & Employees Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Padada Operators Drivers Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Padada Senior Citizens Association
Palili Women's Club

Table 6.4. (continued)

Municipality Organizations
Perpetual Charity Christian Association of the Philippines
Philippine Coconut Authority
Piape Mortuary Aid Organization
RECON Phoenix
Roscom Village Women's Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Rural Improvement Club
San Isidro Bayanihan Mangrove Multi-Purpose Cooperative
San Isidro Catholic Organization Southern Paligue Catholic Association
Santa Catalina Organization
Southern Paligue Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Tulogan Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Upper Limonzo Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Upper Malinao Marketing Cooperative
Sta. Maria Basiawan National High School Teachers Commoners Multi-Purpose Cooperative
PKEARBI Multi-Purpose Cooperative
UNICARBAI Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Note: NGOs/POs in bold letters are relevant to CRM

The project also assisted the Agriculture Office of the LGU in organizing the FARMC
and supported a study on the carrying capacity of Malalag Bay specifically on the
effects of fish cages and fish pens in the bay. The CRMP through its partner NGO,
the ISFI, has facilitated community organizing activities in barangays around the bay.

CRM projects such as milkfish production in cages, mangrove rehabilitation,

and fish sanctuaries are now evident on the coast of Malalag. Coastal law enforcement
has been strengthened as the local government acquired handheld radios and motor-
boats for use in monitoring fishing activities within and outside the fish sanctuaries.
The Sangguniang Bayans have formulated and enacted a number of ordinances to
reinforce non-regulatory measures related to CRM. These include a fishery ordinance
and an ordinance prohibiting the use of trawls, lampornas , and other destructive
fishing gear in municipal waters.

The approach is integrated. Aside from projects that directly impact the coastal
environment, there are also projects to rehabilitate and develop upland as well as
lowland areas. In the uplands, these include agroforestry, community reforestation,
watershed rehabilitation, and organization and training of farmers in the production
of cash crops and livestock. In the lowlands, major projects involve road greening,
stream bank stabilization, and a clean-and-green program. A municipal tree park has
been established to serve as buffer in the urbanizing barangays.

The effort is multisectoral. NGOs help organize and train farmers and provide
them credit for the production of cash crops and livestock, as well as leguminous

seeds, which are used in establishing hedgerows. Even the business sector has been
involved. The Malalag Ventures Plantation, Inc. (MVPI), for example, planted bamboo
along the river bank that runs through the company’s plantation to prevent soil
erosion. MVPI, along with the Rural Bank of Malalag, also donated trash cans to
schools, the local government, and the public market under the clean-and-green program.

There are six agencies under the national government that have jurisdiction over CRM
in the Malalag Bay Area: NEDA, DA, DENR, DILG, DOT, and DOST. The Local Government
Code of 1991 expressly provides for LGUs to take the lead and to share with the
national government the responsibility for the management and maintenance of the
ecological balance within their territorial jurisdiction. At present, there are established
NGOs operating in the MBA in the pursuit of various projects which complement the
efforts of the local government. CRMP assisted the Agriculture Office of the LGU in
organizing the FARMC and supported a study on the carrying capacity of Malalag

Numerous policies affecting CRM exist in national laws and municipal

ordinances. PD 704 in 1975 is a very comprehensive law affecting fisheries management
throughout the Philippines while RA 8550 in 1998 is an act for the development,
management, and conservation of fisheries and aquatic resources, integrating all
laws pertinent thereto, and for other purposes. The Local Government Code of 1991
authorizes LGUs to enact and enforce local environmental ordinances. LGUs in the
MBA have issued various ordinances for coastal environmental protection and
management for their respective municipalities. Common to LGUs is the fishery
ordinance. Not all municipalities have the same regulations, which makes consistent
management and enforcement for the entire bay difficult.

Chapter 7

alalag Bay and Davao Gulf in general share the same environmental
problems and concerns as the rest of Mindanao. In 1995, Mindanao
State University (MSU) conducted a Rapid Resource Appraisal (RRA)
of Davao Gulf covering Malalag Bay. Table 7.1 presents the various
components covered by the RRA showing the major coastal resource
management issues and their constraints, the strengths of the various
stakeholders, the institutional capabilities of concerned government
agencies, and the possible management options that can be explored to resolve the
issues. The suggested management options were intended to ease the conflicts in
each problem area and to relieve the pressures impinging on all resources in the Gulf
and Malalag Bay.

Aside from the issues besetting the coastal resources of the MBA, the follow-
ing presents crucial issues on the environment, economy, political and institutional
arrangements that affect the MBA.

The environment and forestry sector has long been beset with issues concerning
denudation of the upland areas to critical levels due to man’s misuse and abuse of
forest resources. Not only is denudation a problem in the upland but also in the
coastal areas where mangroves are also being destroyed. Coastal erosion and siltation
are being aggravated by steep topography, erosion in the upland and poor geological
condition. All these subsequently lead to marine resource depletion which is
complicated by illegal fishing practices such as dynamite fishing.

Table 7.1. Major CRM issues and management options identified by the rapid resource
appraisal of Davao Gulf.
Constraints (C), strengths (S),
Issues/threats evidence (E), institutional Management options
capability (IC)
Resource use conflicts (C) Dialogue between commercial and Implement 15 km limit for
municipal fishing sectors is rare or non- commercial fishing (RA 165)
Commercial fishing boats (>3
GT) operate within municipal Ban of large fishing boats (>50
waters (15 km from (C) Large capitalist often controls the GT) from fishing in the bay
shoreline) fishing sector
Regulate number of payaos
Use of modern technology (C) Lack of data to support allegations owned or operated by a single
called "superlight" further against "superlight" investor
marginalizes municipal
(IC) DGMC should explore the possible Regulate number of payaos
implementation of FAO 165 owned or operated by a single
Monopolies on offshore FADs investor
(IC) This sector is monitored more
Intense fishing pressure (C) Data insufficient to establish growth More comprehensive monitoring
or recruitment overfishing of fisheries
Unregulated increase in
number and type of fishing (E) Low CPUE and low fishermen Regulate number of fishermen
gear income through limited licensing
Too many fishermen (IC) DGMC can provide assistance to Strictures on mesh size and
fisherfolk zoning of gear operation
Unprofitable fishing
Implement TURFs
Provision of alternative livelihood
to improve income
Intensive educational campaign to
increase public awareness on
consequences of overfishing
Supply of milkfish fry (C) Lack of monitoring of fry production Regulate milkfish export from the
insufficient to meet local and local fry needs bay
(S) Willingness of fishpond operators to Invest in milkfish hatchery
Several fishponds remain idle cooperate
Conversion of idle fishponds to
or unproductive
(C) Mariculture activities limited to a more productive mariculture
few commodities ventures

Table 7.1. (continued)

Constraints (C), strengths (S),
Issues/threats evidence (E), institutional Management options
capability (IC)
High siltation (C) Absence of monitoring program Control erosion in upland areas
probably due to lack of funds
Inadequate reef protection Reduce silt load onto reefs
and conservation efforts (IC) DENR & DA can collaborate on through mangrove reforestation
monitoring and implementation of and seagrass bed rehabilitation
Blast fishing
conservation laws
Declare additional protected
Possible growth and
(C) Difficulty in assessment of blast areas such as marine parks and
recruitment overfishing
fishing sanctuaries (e.g., in Tubalan,
Absence of management of Malita; "Coral garden" in
(E) High diversity of coral reef fishes
artificial reef (AR) projects Dadatan; Talikod Island)
monitored in some fish landing areas
Institute continuous monitoring of
(C) Cannot evaluate success of AR
protected areas, particularly fish
projects because of absence of
catches from reefs
Information drives on importance
(C) Poor siting of AR projects
of coral reef conservation
Evaluate AR technology and
institute management policies
Rapid conversion of (S) FLAs define the terms of Suspend issuance of FLAs
mangrove areas into conversion
Reconserve idle fishponds to
(S) Statutes on mangrove management reforestation sites
Poorly managed mangrove are available
Coastal municipalities should
reforestation projects
(E) Reduction of mangrove cover by 66 implement own reforestation
percent since 1988 projects (e.g., 5-10 ha)
(C) Use of Rhizophora as reforestation Establish mangrove preservation
organism not appropriate in areas zones in each province or
(E) Poor survival of Rhizophora
seedlings Utilize endemic mangrove
species in reforestation projects
DENR should institute more strict
evaluation of reforestation

Table 7.1. (continued)

Constraints (C), strengths (S),
Issues/threats evidence (E), institutional Management options
capability (IC)
Denudation of seaweed and (E) Extremely low cover and diversity in Rehabilitate seagrass beds, e.g.,
seagrass beds many areas by transplantation
(C) Absence of historical data Establish seagrass reserve zones
precludes any explanation for such (e.g., in Mabini, Davao del Sur)
depauperate condition of reef flat
Cultivate or farm economically
important seaweeds
Potential decrease in critical (E) Reduction in forest cover DGMC should coordinate with
water supply DENR for watershed
(E) Increased erosion and siltation
(C) Restoration of forest cover requires
Empower upland communities to
long-term efforts
conserve their watershed
Strict/militant forest law
Degradation of water quality (E) High sediment loads in rivers Regulate upland mining and
agricultural activities
Excessive siltation (E) Proliferation of several heavy
industries Enforce strict penalties for anti-
Pollution from numerous
pollution violations
industrial, agricultural, and (E) Detection of heavy metals
domestic sources DENR should institute regular
(E) High coliform levels in heavy
water quality monitoring program
Rapidly increasing beach populated areas
front use DGMC should review anti-
(C) Occasional sampling failed to
pollution schemes of industries in
detect pesticide residues
the Gulf
(E) Increase in number of resorts
Regular meeting with industry
representatives to strengthen
cooperation in environmental
Strict adherence to and
implementation of EIA
Government should double efforts
on population control esp. in
coastal areas
Institute proper solid waste
Promote ecotourism particularly in
island resorts

Table 7.1. (continued)

Constraints (C), strengths (S),
Issues/threats evidence (E), institutional Management options
capability (IC)
Weak law enforcement (C) Funds are seldom available to DGMC should develop a funding
LGUs scheme to support CRM program
Absence of an integrated
coastal management program (C) Lack of political will to implement National mandate to LGUs to put
regulation CRM in their priority list
Lack of institutional capability
for monitoring and evaluation (C) CRM is seldom the priority concern Adopt an integrated, community-
of LGUs based approach to management
Lack of alternative livelihood
of the Gulf's resources
options for marginal (IC) Newly organized DGMC can be a
fishermen powerful arm of government Public environmental education
must be a priority program of
(S) Fisherfolk are willing to cooperate
in CRM efforts
Tertiary level academic institutions
(C) Trained manpower is rare
around the Gulf should actively
(C) Government efforts in this line are participate in research and public
not very significant education
(S) Cooperativism is gaining popularity Create a scientific/assessment
among fisherfolk pool for continuous monitoring in
the Gulf
Multisectoral efforts in developing
a practical and attractive
livelihood program must be
Increase investments on post-
harvest and other fisheries
support facilities
Source: MSU (1996).

CHED Commission on Higher Education
DECS Department of Education, Culture and Sports
DGMC Davao Gulf Management Council
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
PIA Philippine Information Agency
TURFs Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries

The environment, on the other hand, is being endangered by

Around 33 rampant use of agrochemicals (fertilizers and pesticides). Several incidents
of fish poisoning especially during heavy rainfall have allegedly been
percent of the due to chemical leaching that went through the rivers to Malalag Bay.
families in Davao
Solid waste generation in the absence of disposal sites
del Sur fall below
complicates drainage problems as previously pointed out to cause flooding
the poverty not only in the MBA but also in the low-lying municipalities of Davao del
threshold. Sur. The existing drainage in Digos is inadequate to drain water during
heavy downpour. The affected municipalities in the MBA are Sta. Maria,
Padada, Malalag, and Sulop.

With the identification of the MBA as Provincial Agri-Industrial Centers (PAICs)

in 1994, the province of Davao del Sur experienced its first generation of indus-
trialization, which is expected to produce a significant impact on the environment.
The influx of big businesses, the construction boom, conversion of land uses, the
development of housing projects, and the erection of manufacturing and processing
firms will definitely result in rapid extraction of minerals and other natural resources
which may go beyond the rate of regeneration. These impacts, if not regulated, will
cause problems in the sector.

Based on the 1994 Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES), around 33 percent
of the families in Davao del Sur fall below the poverty threshold. This poverty incidence,
however, is about 6 percent better than that of 1991, which was placed at around 39
percent. Nevertheless, this is still a cause for alarm as a large portion of these poor
families are living in the rural areas of the province. Accordingly, the poverty threshold
of the province was placed at PhP8,163 per family of six per year in 1994.

The poverty groups in the MBA are the landless rural workers, lowland coconut
farmers, upland farmers, subsistence fishermen, squatters, and underemployed/
unemployed and underpaid workers. The landless rural workers are the kaingeros ,
landless families, and farm laborers. They earn a living by selling labor and/or engaging
in slash-and-burn activities. The upland farmers of MBA include coconut and corn
farmers. Low crop yields, as well as inaccessibility to markets, contribute to their
poverty situation.

Subsistence fishermen are predominant in the MBA. They live in one-room

houses made of dilapidated indigenous materials, have low literacy levels, have large
families, and are dependent on seasonal municipal fishing activities. In their fishing
activities, most use non-motorized boats and traditional fish catching methods, like
hook and line.

Squatters who live in agricultural lands can be found in the MBA. They live in
temporary dwelling units, subsist on hand-to-mouth existence, and have no regular
source of income.

The MBA is endowed with diverse agricultural and natural resources and has
the potential to produce more. But agriculture alone cannot sustain the growth and
development of the economy as it is constantly hampered by product seasonality,
vulnerability to natural calamities, and product inelasticity to income and price change.
Aside from low production, the agri-sector is disturbed by the reality of having a
market system that exerts a bias against it, thus resulting in low income. Production
dips further with inadequate infrastructure support facilities and when the inefficiency
and backwardness of current technologies is not addressed.

The biggest challenge for coastal area management is the strict enforcement of laws,
rules, and regulations. This challenge is created by 1) jurisdictional overlaps and
conflicting interpretations of laws affecting the coastal zone, 2) serious practical
difficulties of enforcement, 3) unavailability of vehicles for water pursuit of violators;
4) difficulties of determining and providing boundaries and locations in water, 5)
distance of the commission of offense from public scrutiny, 6) lack of communication
equipment (e.g., radios) for reporting violations, 7) lack of personnel (e.g., Bantay
Dagat or PNP), and 8) deputy fish wardens being ill equipped to handle legal issues
on arrest, search, seizure, and evidence gathering are just some of the hurdles that
an effective fishery law enforcement policy has to solve. Even with the proper evidence
and known violators, the sluggishness of courts suggests the development of quasi-
judicial means for the swift prosecution and punishment of violators. Furthermore,
the sharing of revenues from fines should be rechanneled to improve the provision of
personnel or equipment to enforce laws in the MBA.

While enforcement may partially be addressed by strong political will, which

will depend on the specific site and individual government officials in the area, public
education (e.g., ill effects of illegal fishing methods through cross-site visits) and
support can also be very effective and relatively inexpensive. With proper education,
local POs may improve the enforcement of laws. On the other hand, it must not be
forgotten that some of the worst offenders are industrial polluters whose connections
and power, as well as economic benefits to the area, make them difficult to prosecute.

To alleviate the present condition of the environment, the LGUs of the MBA
will pursue two major strategies. First is the sustainable management and optimal
utilization of forest, marine, and other natural resources to address forest denudation,
depletion of marine and coastal resources, and illegal extraction of mineral and natural
resources. This objective will be achieved through the implementation of development

projects such as Watershed Protection, Rehabilitation and Development, Marine and

Coastal Resource Conservation and Rehabilitation, Urban and Social Forestry, Mineral
Resource Development, and Fruit Tree Production and will be pursued through:

l Strengthening/enforcement of environmental laws, policies, rules, and


l Surveillance of illegal forest and marine resource utilization and mineral


l Development of an effective information dissemination campaign and

education system through training, radio broadcasting, film showing,
and fora and symposia;

l Establishment and/or development of effective linkages with NGOs,

nongovernment agencies (NGAs), LGUs, and other concerned entities;

l Encouragement/enhancement of the participation by forest occupants

and fisherfolk in their communities in resource rehabilitation,
conservation, and efficient utilization.

The second is an attempt to integrate the efforts and programs for the
management of Malalag Bay. A number of government agencies are tasked to enforce
laws and protect the marine environment. Nonetheless, the same agencies adopt
sectoral and fragmented approaches to issues and problems; hence, in
spite of efforts in the past, problems continue to persist and even get
worse. The launching of the pilot project “Coastal Resources
CRMP has
Management” sometime in September 1991 in Malalag has made the
assisted the major stakeholders of the marine ecosystem realize the extent of damage
major and degradation of Malalag Bay. The project adopts both regulatory and
non-regulatory strategies of solving the problems confronting the marine
stakeholders of ecosystem. Among the noteworthy accomplishments are the banning of
the marine compressor fishing, establishment of a fish sanctuary in a 50-ha area,
mangrove planting, and intensified public information including the
ecosystem to
enactment of anti-littering ordinance.
realize the extent
of damage and To support the provincial government’s emphasis on sustainable
agro-industrial development, a strategic plan for the Provincial Agri-
degradation of Industrial Center (PAIC) of the MBA was completed in June 1994 with
Malalag Bay. funding assistance from the Canadian International Development Agency
(CIDA). Relevant programs in support of the establishment of

MBA-PAIC include capability building and entrepreneurial development, agricultural

productivity improvement and development, pump-priming rural infrastructure, industry
promotion and marketing, credit delivery system, and environmental management
and protection. In an effort to reinforce these, several regulatory measures and
supportive policies are identified for the local policy makers to enact in order to
facilitate the smooth implementation and establishment of the MBA-PAIC. The
establishment of the PAIC will be directed towards the attainment of the following
development goals:

l The optimum and judicious utilization of resources;

l The provision of additional productive capacity and creation of industrial


l The absorption of surplus manpower and significant reduction of levels

of poverty;

l The development of skilled and competent human resources;

l The improvement of purchasing power and redistribution of income and

wealth; and

l The achievement of balance between economic growth and environmental

management and protection.

Table 7.2 presents the environmental management and protection programs

upon the establishment of the PAIC.

Environmental protection is one key contribution of the CRMP to the sustainable

use of marine resources in municipal waters. CRMP carries out alternative enterprise
development activities under appropriate constraints of the carrying capacity of the
water environment. A beneficial component of the activity is the promotion of well-
regulated mariculture such as sea farming and ranching and the grow-out of animals
in pens and cages.

Malalag Bay has become an area of concern to CRMP because of the observed
increasing congestion of floating devices supporting the intensive culture of milkfish
by certain enterpreneurs and cooperatives. Since the carrying capacity of the bay has
already been surpassed, CRMP assessed the bay considering the impacts of the
existing mariculture and pollutants. The study succeeded in determining the health
status of Malalag Bay as conditionally suitable for mariculture (pens and cages)
activities (Baleña 1998). The analyses indicated that the bay exceeded its environmental
limits by about 2.5 times and that an awareness campaign is advisable, precisely to

Table 7.2. 10-Year environmental management and protection program for the MBA.
Immediate concern Medium term objectives Long term goals
(1994-1995) (1996-2000) (2001-2003)
Municipality of Malalag
Coastal Resource Established nursery of Expanded mangrove nursery Sustained operations of
Management mangrove and planted at least operations mangrove nursery
3 ha
Planted at least 6 ha of Planted 14 ha of mangroves
Strengthened LGU and 50 modules of artificial reefs Installed 54 additional
fisherfolk partnership in installed modules of artificial reefs
construction and installation of (currently banned nationally)
4 modules of artificial reefs
Acquired patrol boat for Continued surveillance and Sustained surveillance and
surveillance and enforcement enforcement of fishery laws enforcement of laws and
of fishery laws and ordinances and ordinances ordinances
Developed 50 ha of fish Maintained and upgraded Sustained operations of fish
sanctuary operations of fish sanctuary sanctuary
Increased public awareness Public should have attained a Institutionalized public
on CRM and protection degree of social responsibility education
over the coastal resources
Protect government Maintenance
reservation area for milkfish
and other fry
Upland Promote SALT and water and Continuous application of Sustenance
Rehabilitation land conservation SALT and other water and soil
technologies conserving technologies
Coordinate with the DENR for Expanded Community Maintenance
the expansion of Community Reforestation Project to 200
Reforestation Project ha
Strengthened organizations of
forest occupants
Facilitate application and Facilitate processing of Sustenance
release of Certificates of Certificates of Stewardship to
Stewardship those who are interested
Mobilized barangays, Rehabilitated 1,424 ha of Sustenance and crop
Barangay Advisory Teams for timberland through the diversification
Environment and other NGOs Integrated Social Forestry
and POs in the watershed Project
establishment per barangay
Expanded watershed Rehabilitated at least 300 ha
rehabilitation through of watershed
partnership with the barangays
and the people

Table 7.2. (continued)

Immediate concern Medium term objectives Long term goals

(1994-1995) (1996-2000) (2001-2003)
Solid Waste Formulated solid waste Implemented masterplan for Sustenance
Disposal and disposal management solid waste disposal and
Management masterplan management
Site selection and acquisition Established and Full operations of landfill
of at least 2 ha dumping site operationalized landfill system system
Initiated low cost garbage Improved system of garbage Sustenance
disposal and collection collection
Enforced proper waste
disposal in rural barangays
Acquisition of one garbage Acquisition of additional Sustenance
truck garbage truck
Municipality of Hagonoy
Pollution Control People's awareness and People's surveillance and Low cost and less pollutive
conscientization vigilance in abating pollution farm chemical inputs
Farmer's education on Proper use and disposal of Use of organic fertilizers
hazards of pollution and farm chemicals (pesticides,
alternative steps to reduce weedicides, insecticides, etc.)
and minimize effects
Propagation of organic
Coastal Identify and develop potential
Resources areas for mangrove
Management development
Establish mangrove planting Develop coastal areas suitable Expand when possible
materials nursery for mangrove planting planting areas to mangrove
Codify integrated fishery
Deputize coastal barangay Strict enforcement of fishery Acquisition of pump boats for
officials to enforce fishery laws effective and efficient fishery
laws laws enforcement
Expansion area and laying of Municipal policies and Maintenance and when
additional artificial coral reefs strategies formulation and possible expansion of
and fish sanctuaries implementation coverage
Upland Promotion of upland Establishment of salt/halt farms Mobilization of barangays in
Rehabilitation agricultural technologies in upland barangays implementation with technical
and other assistance from
POs, NGOs, and LGUs
Promotion of water and soil Planting and growing of
conservation economic trees and bamboos
in erosion prone areas

Table 7.2. (continued)

Immediate concern Medium term objectives Long term goals
(1994-1995) (1996-2000) (2001-2003)
Solid Waste Formulation of solid waste Implement master plan for
Disposal and disposal management plan solid waste disposal and
Management management
Site development for landfill Operationalize waste landfill
and dumpsite
Enforcement of Health and Enforcement of barangay
Sanitation Code based waste disposal and
sanitation rules
Source: PSPT (1994).

communicate to stakeholders that Malalag Bay is no longer “healthy” and thus needs
to be regulated. To lessen culture intensity by 2.5 times could mean the proportional
reduction in area of culture, stocking density, or feeds.

Through CRMP’s participatory planning process, municipal CRM plans in the

MBA were completed in 1999. The municipal CRM plans with their objectives, strate-
gies, timeframe, and responsible agencies for its activities are presented in Table 7.3.

In combination with the local community support, the following activities are
recommended to lessen the economic pressures placed on the natural resources of
Malalag Bay:

l The presence of agricultural plantations in the area is suspected as the

source of chemicals detrimental to the sustainability of the fish resources
in the area. In order to ensure that the water will be free from toxic
effluents, a monitoring station should be operated in the bay.

l To maintain ecological balance and sustainability of resources, mangrove

reforestation should be implemented which aims to conserve the soil,
water, biodiversity, and other watershed resources for the benefit of
upstream and downstream communities and the coastal resources of
Malalag Bay.

l The MBA has to be equally prepared for an efficient and responsive

solid waste disposal and management as it is already experiencing the
ill effects of unregulated solid waste disposal. With the expected urban-
ization of some barangays and the influx of people and industries, it
must be able to cope and ably manage the upsurge of garbage and
solid wastes.

Table 7.3. Municipal CRM plans (Year 2000-2004) in the MBA.

Program/objectives Strategies Responsible agencies

Municipality of Hagonoy
Vision Fishery Management 1. Establishment and management of MAO, PLGU, DFW, MPDO,
fish sanctuaries SB
A coastal municipality To increase fishery and marine
of regenerated resource productivity by 2. Sustainable aquaculture MLGU, PO, BFARMC,
resources, regulating access and Fishpond Operators, DENR,
environmentally sound exploitation of municipal waters DTI, DOST, TESDA
and a well managed reserving them for the benefit of 3. Closed seasons MLGU, BLGU, FARMCS,
ecotourism area in municipal fishers while ensuring BFARMC, BLGU, SB
the province for the its natural and sustainable
upliftment of the development and management 4. Licensing and permitting system MLGU, FARMC, DFW, MAO,
people as well as equity and BFARMC, BLGU, SB
exploitation 5. Enforcement of environmental and MAO, PLGU, DA-BFAR,
fishery laws MARINA, MARICOM, MLGU,
The municipal MLGU, DFW, DECS, NGOs,
government and its DENR, FARMC, PO
instrumentalities are Habitat Management 1. Identification of potential fish MAO, DENR, MLGU,
committed to develop sanctuary NAMRIA, FARMC, DFW,
itself into a To manage, protect, conserve
responsive and and rehabilitate existing habitat
dynamic catalyst of to improve productivity and 2. Community-based mangrove PLGU, MLGU, NGO,
change and promote biodiversity of corals, rehabilitation and development CENRO, MLGU, FARMC,
the regeneration and seagrasses, mangroves and DENR, DFW, PO
development of estuaries through community 3. Linkage with fishpond owner to PENRO, MLGU
coastal resources participation participate and contribute funds for
and protect them mangrove planting and development
from abuse and
illegal exploitation. 4. Prevention and control of flood, MLGU, BLGU, DENR, NGO,
erosion, and siltation FARMC, PO, Concessioners,
land owners
Coastal Zone Management 1. Formulation of coastal zonation and MLGU, MTWG, FARMC,
management plan BLGU, PLGU, SB
To delineate zones for specific
uses or activities in the
municipal waters to eliminate
conflict in utilization and regulate
zone activities
Shoreline Management 1. Pollution control MLGU, MTWG, FARMC,
To protect the shoreline from
further degradation and 2. Flood, erosion, siltation control MLGU, BLGU, DENR, NGO,
destruction, especially erosion FARMC, PO, Concessioners,
and siltation, while providing land owners
access and maintaining 3. Regulation of foreshore area MLGU, DENR, BLGU,
cleanliness and sanitation while activities BFARMC, MLGU, SB, BLGU,
regulating foreshore area MPDO
Coastal Tourism Management 1. Upgrading of tourism facilities and Resort owners, FARMC,
services BLGU, MLGU
To upgrade the existing tourism
facilities and services initiated 2. Provision and improvement of DPWH, BLGU, MLGU,
by private investors by providing infrastructure support facilities and DASURECO
infrastructure support and services
ultimately transform the area into
an ecotourism destination of the 3. Ecotourism development MLGU, BLGU, FARMC,
province DFW, PO, COOPS, NGO

Table 7.3. (continued)

Program/objectives Strategies Responsible agencies

Municipality of Hagonoy
Enterprise Development 1. Development of environment-friendly MLGU, MAO, DECS,
Management alternative source of income TESDA, DTI, DOST,
To develop environment-friendly
alternative sources of income
and generate employment
2. Employment generation MLGU, LADECO, MVPI,
opportunities for diverse income
of fisherfolk to lessen
dependence on fishing
Waste Management 1. Elimination, minimization of existing MLGU, BLGU, FARMC,
and potential adverse impacts and DENR, NGO, COOP, PLGU,
To eliminate or minimize the
effects of waste MTWG, DECS
existing and potential adverse
impact and effects of wastes to
human and community health
Legal Arrangements 1. Institutionalize mechanism, structures, MLGU, DENR, BLGU
process and arrangement to enhance
To improve mechanisms,
participation and delivery of services
structures, processes, and
arrangements for coastal
2. Strengthen environment and fishery MLGU, PLGU, DA-BFAR
management to enhance
law enforcement networking and
community participation and
delivery of services and
strengthen environmental and
3. Monitoring, control and surveillance MLGU, BLGU, FARMC
fishery law enforcement and
networking and linkages
Municipality of Malalag
Vision Fishery Management 1. Maintenance/management of fish FARMC, SB, CRMP, ISFI
A self-reliant To develop monitoring, control
community driven by and surveillance mechanism and
self-determination strengthen law enforcement units
and actively pursuing 2. Established/organized community- DFW, FARMC
To regulate the exploitation of
led and sustainable based fish sanctuary management
fisheries resources and limit
development that will
fishing effort to sustainable
be people-oriented,
equity-led and
sustainable. To increase productivity of 3. Enforcement of environmental and PNP, LGU, DFW, BFARMC,
fisheries resources in order to fisheries laws MFARMC
achieve food security
Implement coastal
To ensure the rational and
development that will
sustainable development and 4. Licensing and permitting of fisheries, MAEO, LEEM, OMAD,
be people oriented;
management of the fishery fishing gear, and fishing boats CRMP, OPAG, BFAR, RFTC,
resources - Establishment of mariculture DFW, CG, PNP
programs that will
uplift the quality of life units
of the people and - Establishment of demonstration
enhance their fish cage
participation to - Establishment of 3 units fish
sustainable shelter
management of - Maintenance of 3 units patrol
coastal resources boat
that will ensure food

Table 7.3. (continued)

Program/objectives Strategies Responsible agencies

Municipality of Malalag
Habitat Management 1. Reforest/replant depleted mangrove FARMC, MAEO, PENRO,
To restore and rehabilitate,
conserve and protect the vital 2. Legislative measures for FLA
ecosystem relocation of boundaries
To improve productivity and 3. Buy-back of mangrove propagules FARMC
biodiversity of corals, seagrass,
mangroves, and estuaries 4. Establishment of SALT (Contour) MAEO, KAPWA, ISFI

To enhance community 5. Establishment of maintenance of FARMC, LGU, CRMP, PNP

participation in the management protected areas (sanctuary,
of the habitats mangrove)
Enterprise and Livelihood 1. Networking and linkaging for fund MAEO, BFARMC, MSSD
Management sourcing
To develop alternative and
supplemental employment to
fishers in order to lessen their
fishing effort and pressure on the
To diversify income sources of
the fishers to lessen
dependence on fishing
Coastal Zone Management 1. Delineation of municipal water MLGU, BLGU, MAEO,
boundaries FARMC, NAMRIA, OPAG,
To delineate zones for specific
uses or activities in the
municipal water 2. Designation of zones for specific
To eliminate use conflict in the uses
utilization of the municipal water
3. Conduct IEC
To regulate activities in the
different zones 4. CO

Legal Arrangement and 1. Strengthening of BFARMC, DFW FARMC, DFW, OPAG,

Institutional Development DENR, PNP, LGU, PENRO,
To strengthen environmental and
fishery law enforcement 2. MCS SB, OMM
To strengthen network and 3. Monitoring and evaluation of laws and LCE, SB, NGO
linkage with other LGUs, NGAs, ordinances implementation
international and local
organizations, community and 4. Fund sourcing and leveraging based MBA-PAIC, MO, SB, MLGU,
NGOs/POs on planned programs BLGU
Coastal and Upland Greening 1. Protection and reforestation and DENR, BFAR, MAEO, LGU,
upland covers through community FARMC, PENRO
To rehabilitate upland and
coastal vegetative cover

Table 7.3. (continued)

Program/objectives Strategies Responsible agencies

Municipality of Padada
Vision Fishery Management 1. Management of existing fish SB, MLGU, BLGU, DFW,
sanctuary PNP, FARMC, CRMP
A municipality with a To regulate fishing activities to
healthy and sustainable level in order to
ecologically-balanced increase productivity of fishing 2. Massive IEC campaign MAO, NGOs, POs, FARMCs
coastal environment resources
with disciplined,
To strictly implement municipal 3. Licensing, permitting of fisher, gear BLGU, MLGU, MAO,
fishery laws, ordinances, and and boats FARMC, PLGU
motivated people/
other related environmental laws
by strengthening law
advocating 4. Enforcement of environmental and PNP, DFW, FARMC, PNP,
enforcement units and
sustainable fishery laws MLGU
developing monitoring, control,
management and
and surveillance mechanisms
development of
coastal resources. Legal Arrangement and 1. Strengthening of BFARMC, DFW FARMC, DFW, OPAG,
Institutional Development DENR, PNP, LGU, PENRO,
To strengthen environmental and
To implement coastal
fishery law enforcement 2. MCS SB, OMM
management with To strengthen network and 3. Monitoring and evaluation of laws and LCE, SB, NGO
active community linkage with other LGUs, NGAs, ordinances implementation
participation. international and local
organizations, community and 4. Fund sourcing and leveraging based MBA-PAIC, MO, SB, MLGU,
NGOs/POs on planned programs BLGU
Habitat Management 1. Establishment of marine sanctuary
To conserve and rehabilitate 2. Protection of corals, seagrass,
habitats to improve productivity mangroves by regulating fishing
and bio-diversity and enhance/ activities destructive to the habitat
strengthen community
3. Enforcement of environmental and
involvement in the management
fisheries laws
4. Conduct massive IEC campaign
Shoreline Management 1. Development of a fisherfolk NGAs, PLGUs, NHA, SSS,
resettlement Pag-ibig
To regulate activities in the
foreshore area and protect from 2. Mangrove rehabilitation DENR, MLGU
further degradation due to
3. Setting up of setbacks on all coastal DENR, MLGU, SB
destructive activities
Coastal Zone Management 1. Delineation of municipal water
To delineate zones for specific
uses in order to eliminate use 2. Designation of zones for specific MLGU, NAMRIA, BFAR
conflict in the utilization and uses (for strict protection,
regulate activities in the different rehabilitation of aquaculture, tourism,
zones of municipal waters trade and navigation, etc.)
3. Regulation of fishing and use of MLGU
fishing gears in every zone
4. Conduct of massive IEC campaign MLGU

Table 7.3. (continued)

Program/objectives Strategies Responsible agencies

Municipality of Padada
Coastal Tourism 1. Regulation on the number of tourism MAO, FARMC, BLGU
facilities and activities
To develop local capability in
ecotourism projects and provide 2. Ecoturism product development PTO
economic incentives that
3. Users fee on appropriate business
contribute to better coastal
management and community
development for the municipality 4. Conduct massive IEC campaign FARMC, POs, BLGU, MAO
Enterprise and Livelihood 1. Identification and implementation of MAO, FARMC, BLGU,
Management environment-friendly and MPDO, PLGU, NGO
economically feasible projects
To develop alternative and
supplement employment to
diversify income source of 2. Identification of beneficiaries MAO, FARMC, BLGU,
fishers in order to lessen fishing MPDO, PLGU, NGO
effort and pressure on the sea
Waste Management 1. Water quality monitoring DENR, MHO
To eliminate or minimize the 2. Domestic and human waste BFAR, MLGU
protential adverse impact of management
4. Conduct of massive IEC campaign BFAR, MLGU
Municipality of Sta. Maria
Vision Fishery Management 1. Enactment of Municipal Ordinance, LGU, NGA
regulating fish catch, fishing gear,
An improved quality To regulate the exploitation of
mesh size, fishing vessels.
of life through fisheries and limit fishing to
empowered coastal sustainable level 2. Implementation of licensing and LGU, NGA
communities, permitting of fishers, fishing gear, and
To strengthen environmental and
benefiting from a fishing boats
fishery law enforcement
well-managed and 3. Establishment and management of LGU, NGA
ecologically-balanced To increase level of awareness marine protected areas or
coastal environment. of stakeholders re: value of fish/marine sanctuaries
managing fishery resources
Mission 4. Enforcement of environmental and LGU, NGA
Implement fishery laws
development 5. Conduct of massive IEC campaign LGU, NGA
programs aimed to
protect, conserve, Habitat Management 1. Rehabilitation of mangrove areas LGU, NGA
and manage the To protect, conserve, and
coastal resources rehabilitate existing habitats
through partnership of thereby increasing productivity 2. Establishment of marine reserve LGU, NGA
various sectors. and biodiversity through
community participation
Coastal Zone Management 1. Delineation of municipal waters and LGU, NGA
To delineate zones for specific
areas in the municipal waters. 2. Designation of zones for specific LGU, NGA
uses (for strict protection, rehab.
aquaculture, tourism trade, and
navigation, etc.)

Table 7.3. (continued)

Program/objectives Strategies Responsible agencies

Municipality of Sta. Maria

3. Regulation of fishing activities and LGU, NGA
use of fishing gear in every zone.
4. Conduct of massive IEC campaign LGU, NGA
5. Community organizing and formation LGU, NGA
of fishers' organization for protection
and conservation
Shoreline Management 1. Setting up and maintenance of LGU, NGA
coastal setback for all development
To regulate activities in the
shoreline that would affect the
condition of the shore
2. Development of waste management LGU, NGA
To protect the shoreline from system
further degradation due to
destructive activities
Enterprise and Livelihood 1. Identification and implementation of LGU, NGA
Management environment-friendly and ecologically-
feasible projects
To diversify income source of the
fishers to lessen dependence on
To orient community participants 2. Social preparation and values
re: proper values related to formation
managing enterprise
development projects
Legal Arrangement and 1. Establishment of a CRM section LGU
Institutional Development under the OMA
Institutionalization of CRM in the 2. Creation of a CRM section and LGU
LGU assigning personal
Formation of municipal core 3. Organization of a municipality core LGU
group group that will conduct IEC activities
Strengthening of FARMC, 4. Formulation of incentive and benefit
Bantay Dagat and deputized mechanism to the FARMC, BD, and
fish warden
To increase awareness on CRM
5. Produce CRM IEC materials
Information on funding institution 6. To link with various funding institutions

Municipality of Sulop
Vision Fishery Management 1. Management of existing fish MTWG, MO, MAO, BFARMC
Sustained, restored To prevent illegal fishing in order
and productive to reduce fishing pressure 2. Licensing and permitting of fishers, MAO, MO, MTO, BFARMC
coastal and marine fishing gear, and fishing boat
resources of Sulop
capable of uplifting 3. Sustainable management of coastal MTWG, MAO, MPDO, CRM,
the socioeconomic aquaculture BFARMC
condition of the
communities through 4. Enforcement of environmental laws MO, MTWG, PNP, DFW,
people participation. and related ordinances DOJ, MAO, BFARMC


Table 7.3. (continued)

Program/objectives Strategies Responsible agencies

Municipality of Sulop
Mission Habitat Management 1. Setting up of fisheries monitoring CRM-PL/MAO, MO, MTWG,
mechanism PNP, DFW, BFAR
To evolve and Rejuvenate/rehabilitate resource
implement base 2. Conduct of massive IEC campaign MAO, MO, CRM-PL,
development BFARMC
alternatives that 3. Enforcement of environmental and MO, DFW, MTWG, PNP,
would continually fisheries laws MAO, CRM- PL, BFARMC
regenerate, conserve,
and promote wise Coastal Zone Management 1. Delineation of municipal water MO, NLA, CRM-PL, MTO,
use of the coastal boundaries BFARMC, MAO
To formulate and implement
and marine resources approved unified fishery code
and BLUP in order to avoid 2. Designation of zones for specific MAO, MPDO, MTWG, SB,
conflicting uses of different uses MAO, NIA, MTWG
Shoreline Management 1. Protection and conservation of MAO, CRM-PL, NLA
mangrove areas
To prevent the establishment of
dwelling units within the 2. Fisherfolk's settlement area MAO, MTO, MPDO, MEO,
shoreline development MSWDO
3. Setting up and maintenance of MAO, MO, MEO
coastal setback for all development
4. Construction and maintenance of MAO, NLA, MAO, CRMP-PL
5. Conduct of massive IEC
6. Strengthening of fishery organization
Coastal Tourism Management 1. Conduct of massive IEC MAO/CRM-PL
To develop local capability in 2. Identification and development tourist MO, MP/MPDO
ecotourism projects that destination area
contribute to better coastal
3. Formulation of tourism promotion MPDO, MO Mun. Tourism
management and community
brochure Com.
4. Promotion of tourist destination area MO, MTO
Enterprise and Livelihood 1. Identification and implementation of MAO, MPDO, MTWG, DTI,
Management environment-friendly and SB, CRM-PL, SB
economically feasible projects
To develop alternative source of
livelihood for fisherfolk in order 2. Implementation of oyster production
to lessen fishing effort and and marketing considered
pressure on the municipal water environment-friendly enterprise
through cooperative interventions
Waste Management 1. Water quality monitoring MAO, NLA, DENR, BFAR,
To minimize adverse impact of
wastes to human and 2. Waste segregation CRMP-PL, MO, MTWG,
environment health MHO, MAO
4. Conduct of massive IEC on waste MTWG, CRM-PL

Table 7.3. (continued)

Program/objectives Strategies Responsible agencies

Municipality of Sulop
Legal Arrangement and 1. Community-based IEC MAO, MTWG,
Institutional Development CRM-PL
To strengthen environment and 2. Strengthening of FARMC, Bantay
fishery law enforcement Dagat and fish wardens
3. Monitoring and surveillance

BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources MARICOM Maritime Command
BFARMC Barangay Fisheries and Aquatic Resource MARINA Maritime Industry Authority
Management Council MBA-PAIC Malalag Bay Area-Provincial Agri-Industrial
BLGU Barangay Local Government Unit Center
BLUP Barangay Land Use Plan MCS Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
CENRO Community Environment and Natural Resources MEO Municipal Engineer’s Office
Office MFARMC Municipal Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
CG Coast Guard Management Council
CII Cocoa Investors, Inc. MHO Municipal Health Office
CO Community Organization MLGU municipal local government unit
CRMP Coastal Resource Management Project MO Mayor’s Office
CRM-PL Coastal Resource Management - Practitioners’ MPDO Municipal Planning Development Office
League MSSDO Municipal Social Service and Development
DA Department of Agriculture Office
DASURECO Davao del Sur Electric Cooperative MSWDO Municipal Social Welfare and Development
DECS Department of Education, Culture and Sports Office
DENR Department of Environment and Natural MTO Municipal Treasurer’s Office
Resources MTWG Multisectoral Technical Working Group
DFW Deputized Fish Warden MVPI Malalag Ventures Plantation, Inc.
DOH Department of Health NAMRIA National Mapping and Resources Information
DOJ Department of Justice Authority
DOST Department of Science and Technology NGA national government agency
DPWH Department of Public Works and Highways NGO nongovernment organization
DTI Department of Trade and Industry NIA National Irrigation Administration
FARMC Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management NLA national line agency
Council OMAD Office of the Municipal Administrator
IEC information education campaign OMM Office of the Municipal Mayor
ISFI Institute of Small Farms and Industries OPAG Office of the Provincial Agriculturist
KAPWA Kapwa Upliftment Foundation, Inc. PENRO Provincial Environment and Natural Resources
LADECO Lapanday Development Corporation Office
LCE Local Chief Executive PLGU provincial local government unit
LEEM Local Economic Enterprise Management PNP Philippine National Police
LGU local government unit PO people’s organization
LSVI Lorenzo and Sons Ventures Inc. PTO Provincial Tourism Office
LMSTC Lapanday Manpower Skills Training Center RFTC Regional Fishermen’s Training Center
MAEO Municipal Agriculture and Environment Office SB Sangguniang Bayan
MAO Municipal Agriculture Office TESDA Technical Education and Skills Development

l To enhance the livelihood of fishers in the area, the port in Malalag

should be improved to better serve the community. It should include a
fish landing facility, protective structure, additional building for adminis-
tration, a cold storage, a processing area, and other support facilities.
This will help the local fishers in adding value to their produce and help
them compete in the open market.

l Fishery development efforts should be divided toward increased

production to meet the recommended nutritional requirements of the
growing population. Specifically, the objectives shall be the intensified
production of brackish and freshwater ponds, increased catch per unit
effort of sustenance fishermen, and rehabilitation of depleted marine

l Existing areas for milkfish and prawn farms should be maintained. The
expansion of areas shall not be encouraged considering the alarming
condition of mangrove areas.

l The CRMP should be expanded to cover municipalities along the MBA.

This program aims to manage multiple and conflicting uses of the coastal
zone which is a priority site for ports, industrial facilities, urban develop-
ment, agriculture and waste disposal as well as tourism and fisheries.

l Post harvest and credit facilities should be provided to support fishery

development. Efforts should be made to rehabilitate coral reefs through
the construction of artificial coral reefs along the coastal municipalities.

l Strict enforcement of fishery laws should be strengthened to curb

dynamite fishing and other illegal fishing practices.

l Since the marine habitat is already experiencing deterioration, reduction

of pressure is an urgent need. This means that land-use planning for
industrial uses must be focused on areas far from the coastal zone.
Policies must regulate the habitation of the foreshores and coastal
lands. To curb the rate of siltation of the bay, it is necessary that the
community embarks on stream bank stabilization projects that use natural
barriers instead of the purely structural approach.

In an effort to support CRM, the five municipalities in the MBA have enacted
their individual fishery ordinances. The CRM best practices of each municipality

l Functional marine sanctuary

l Organization of FARMCs

l Establishment of municipal and barangay tree parks, planting of trees

and bamboos in critical land areas, particularly river banks

l Strong and functional linkage with POs and the private sector in the
implementation of environmental and development programs and projects

l Continuing in-depth studies on sand and gravel extraction

l Mangrove rehabilitation program implemented in partnership with the

provincial LGU and the private sector (Malalag Ventures Plantation, Inc.
and Lapanday Development Corporation)

l Organization of FARMCs and Bantay Dagat

l Establishment of fish sanctuary

l Appointment of MBA-PAIC coordinator

l Effective coastal law enforcement program

l Implementation of pollution control and existing ordinances

l Functional marine sanctuary

l Organization of FARMCs, DPW and Bantay-Dagat

l Strict implementation of fishery ordinance

Sta. Maria
l Enforcement of laws against illegal fishing: dynamite, poisoning, and
unprescribed fishing gear

l Engagement of fishermen in aquaculture development (e.g., seaweed

project jointly implemented with Regional Fishermen’s Training Center)

l Implementation of the clean-and-green program of the government


l Oyster culture and milkfish production

l Organization of BFARMCs and MFARMCs

l Strict enforcement of fishery laws and ordinances

l Regular patrol boat monitoring operation in Sulop municipal waters

Malalag Bay typifies a once-rich ecosystem now ravaged by the misuse and abuse of
the people who live and profit from the bounty of the sea. The resource and
environmental issues of immediate importance for Malalag Bay management are the
incidence of destructive fishing and overfishing. Intense exploitation of marine
resources has caused the degradation of the coastal environment of the MBA. Malalag
Bay’s live corals once covered 1,134 ha — this area has been reduced to a mere 113
ha, primarily because of the prevalence of illegal fishing practices, siltation,
deforestation, chemical wastes from agriculture and fishponds, and occasional oil
spills from docked vessels and motorized fishing boats. To reverse the trend, the
government has imposed a ban on compressors, established a fish sanctuary in a 50-
ha area, promoted mangrove planting, and intensified public information including an
anti-littering ordinance.

Given the management issues and opportunities as discussed in this chapter

and the value of resources at stake, appropriate planning for sustainable management
is the only alternative for maintaining the viability of the MBA. The plan shall analyze
the important issues, the status of the resources, and management opportunities
and synthesize this information into actions necessary to halt the degradation of the
MBA and its resources. It should be an integrated plan which can only be effective if
management is implemented in an integrated manner with strong political support.


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cages in Malalag Bay, Davao, Del Sur. Coastal Resource Management Project,
Cebu City.
MSU (Mindanao State University). 1999. Rapid resource appraisal of Davao Gulf.
Pauly, D. and T.E. Chua. 1988. The overfishing of marine resources. Ambio 17(3):
PPDO (Provincial Planning and Development Office). 1993. Socio-economic profile of
Davao del Sur Province.
PPDO (Provincial Planning and Development Office). 1996. Socio-economic profile of
Davao del Sur Province.
PSPT (PAIC Strategic Planning Team). 1994. Strategic plan for the establishment of
Provincial Agri-Industrial Center in Malalag Bay Area, Davao del Sur Province.
Development Academy of the Philippines, Davao del Sur.
Randall, J.E., G.R. Allen and R.C. Steene. 1990. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and
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