103am - 17.EPRA JOURNALS-5598
103am - 17.EPRA JOURNALS-5598
103am - 17.EPRA JOURNALS-5598
Dr. K. Vanaja
Professor and Head of the Department, Department of Commerce with Professional Accounting,
Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
Student of III B.Com.(PA), Department of Commerce with Professional Accounting,
Dr.N.G.P Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
The company sells its milk, ice cream, and other goods during its 2500 odd hatsun daily retail cum distribution points.
The sales collections are also credited to hatsun bank account on each day. Whether it is a farmers, distributors,
transporters or employees, we don’t make or take expenses in cash. The grouping is by bank transfers” says
Chandramogan the move to make payments to farmers bank accounts was the real challenge in the institution. Even
the district level dairy unions allied to the Gujarat corporative milk marketing federation (Amul) currently border
bank transfers to the accounts of primary village society, which in turn, casing out their farmers in cash. There was no
effect on sales either.
“The required going a step ahead and reaching farmer directly. Its begin the exercise in October 2013 and by
2014 end, 90% of our farmers were covered. Initially, they were reluctant, being used to getting cash. But they
were firm with them, since it was a logistical nightmare to assemble for cash and express this to each of our 9800
procurement centers. And it was even more difficult to create exact expenses to each cultivator against varing
volumes and fat satisfied of milk supplied”, says Chandramogan. When farmers say money actually coming to
their bank accounts, the state changed.
important. Customers were responding to Table 4.1.8 reveals that 26.1% of the
messages about safety and enthusiastic respondents purchase the product Daily, 28.7% of
drinking. They were disturbed about the way the respondent purchase the product Twice in a
in which food was produced and want safe, day, 24.3% of the respondents purchase the product
“natural”, high quality food at an appropriate occasionally, 15.7% of the respondents purchase
price. the product Two days once, 7.2% of the respondent
2. Singh(1995)2conducted a study on purchase the product Once in a week.
“Factors influencing customer Majority (28.7%) of the respondents purchase
preferences for type of milk supply in the Hatsun milk products twice in a day.
Hissar city” examined that the milk quality,
fitting, availability, a supply in quantity LIKERT SCALE ANLAYSIS
desired, flavour, color, freshness and mode A likert scale analysis is a method of measuring
of compensation which showed higher levels attitudes. Ordinal scale of responses to a statement,
of customer satisfaction. ordered in hierarchical sequence from strongly
Dhillon(1995)2conducted a study on “Food negative to strongly positive. Used behavioral
purchase habits and customer awareness of sciences and psychiatry .in Likert method, a
rural and urban housewives in Dharwad” person’s attitude meet combining (adding or
confirmed that the purchase behaviour in Ludhiana, averaging) their responses across all items.
rural and urban respondents rank nearby
market(mean score of 1.47 for rural and 2.10) Formula
Likert scale = (fx) / number of respondents
DATA ANALYSIS AND F=Number of respondents
INTERPRETATION X=Likert scale value
Simple Percentage Analysis (fx) = Total score
The percentage analysis is mainly used to find
the distribution of different categories of Mid-value
respondents. As the value are expressed in terms of Mid-value indicates the middle most value
percentage it facilitates comparison and of Likert scale.
standardization. The Analysis describes the TABLE SHOWING THE OPINION ON PRICE OF
classification of the respondents falling under each THE HATSUN MILK PRODUCTS.
category. Factors No of Likert Percentage
Respondents Scale (%)
Number of Very High 31 5 155
respondents Percentage= price
_*100 High 26 4 104
Total number of respondents Moderate 46 3 138
Low price 12 2 24
Very low 5 1 5
Total 120 426
Duration No of Percentage
Respondents Likert scale = ∑ (FX)/Total number of respondents
Daily 30 26.1% = 426/120
Twice in a 33 28.7% =3.5
Occasionally 28 24.3% Likert scale value is 3.5 is greater than the
Two days 18 15.7% mid value (3) so the respondents opinion on price
once of the hatsun milk product.
Once in a 11 7.2%
Total 120 100%
(Source: Primary data)