Research RRL
Research RRL
Research RRL
Citizen Satisfaction Index (CSI) on Health, Education and Social Welfare Services
of a Small Town in the Philippines
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1 author:
Bernadette Gumba
Partido State University
All content following this page was uploaded by Bernadette Gumba on 05 June 2022.
Abstract - Customer satisfaction surveying has been steadily gaining ground in the area of
governance because it proved to be an important method of collecting data for governance evaluation
and local policy analysis. This study: (a) assessed citizen satisfaction along health, education and social
welfare programs of a local government in a small town in the Philippines; and (b) analyzed the results
based on current literatures on public administration. Quantitative and qualitative data were gathered
through face-to-face interview with randomly selected residents using multi-stage probability sampling.
The data was analyzed using a tool called Citizen Satisfaction Index (CSI). The key results were
anchored on awareness, availment, satisfaction and need for action. Among the 3 programs, the
highest on ‘satisfaction’ was education while the highest on ‘need for action’ was social welfare. For
each program, the action grid was continued emphasis which suggested that the quality of service
delivery of the program may be good but there was still need to take action on specific aspects. Based on
existing literatures, it may be recommended that efforts of DILG which are directed toward assessing citizen
satisfaction should render due consideration on the following important aspects: (a) differences in
profile and characteristics of citizens selected to assess public services; (b) differences in citizen’s
expectations; and (c) differences in nature and characteristics of the services being assessed.
Keywords – Citizen Satisfaction Index, education, health, local governance, social welfare
Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Vol. 3, No. 1, (2020)
ISSN 2651-6691 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6705 (Online)
Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Vol. 3, No. 1, (2020)
ISSN 2651-6691 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6705 (Online)
Figure 1. CSI action grid [8] Next was the application of the action
High satisfaction grid, as illustrated in Figure 1. It classified the
programs and service areas into four groups
2 Exceeded 1 Continued based on citizens’ adjectival ratings on
expectations emphasis satisfaction and need for action. Depending on
Low High whether the adjectival ratings were high or low,
need need each quadrant represents different areas for
for 4 for
3 Secondary Opportunities prioritization that local authorities and other
action action stakeholders can assign to a program and/or
priority for
improvement specific service indicators.
Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Vol. 3, No. 1, (2020)
ISSN 2651-6691 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6705 (Online)
married, 37% were in the age range of 45-64 were hired within the province, with 62% on
years, and 49% either graduated elementary or duty within the village. This is consistent with
reached high school. Probably because of their the result that 91% wanted to stay in their
age or big responsibility as family head, 91% current abode. Being engaged at least 40 hours
stopped schooling, and 54% were employed. per week may demonstrate that respondents
The sole respondent who had never been to maximized their time on productive endeavors
school was an elderly who was unable to avail of or that one job may not be enough. The
free public education at the present time. Of the relatively low level of education may suggest
81 employed, 67% were working at least 40 lesser chance of job promotion or gainful
hours weekly, mostly clustered as laborer or employment. Working within the province may
unskilled worker 22%, and farming, forestry be inexpensive, time saving and easy transfer to
and fishery 21%. Of this 81, majority or 94% and from work.
Table 2. Awareness, availment, satisfaction and recommendations for action
by respondents on service indicators of the health program
Awareness Availment Satisfaction Need for
Service indicators of health program action
Yes % Yes % Yes % Yes %
Vaccination for infants/children 138 92 80 58 76 95 34 42
Pre-natal/post-natal/child birth services 129 86 55 43 53 96 23 42
Free general consultations/access to secondary 127 85 80 63 74 92 29 36
and/or tertiary health care
Free basic medicine or low-cost medicine 132 88 86 65 68 79 40 47
Prevention and management of communicable 93 62 36 39 35 97 12 33
and non- communicable diseases
Basic dental/oral hygiene 94 63 42 45 41 98 16 38
Family planning/reproductive health 113 79 46 39 44 96 18 39
Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Vol. 3, No. 1, (2020)
ISSN 2651-6691 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6705 (Online)
program had benefits, it was for our family’s of communicable diseases. But for those who
benefits. The most common reason for non- availed of said services, level of satisfaction was
availment was that children were grown up high. 48% articulated that there was a need to
already, while other reasons were there was no improve services in line with basic and oral
medicine available, vaccine had to be paid, hygiene and 33% expressed the need for action
sometimes the schedule of medical consultation in preventing and managing both communicable
was not followed. and non-communicable diseases.
Even if 92% of the citizen-respondents Although 88% were aware of free basic
were highly aware of services on vaccination medicine or low-cost medicine and 65% availed,
for infants/children, only 58% availed of the it should be noted that compared to other
service. Nonetheless for those who availed, 95% services offered along health, there were 21%
were highly satisfied and 43% claimed that who expressed dissatisfaction of the quality of
there was still need for action to improve the service. Consequently, 47% claimed that this
quality of service. Additionally, 62% were free basic medicine or low-cost medicine
unaware of the basic dental and oral hygiene program requires specific actions for
services and 61% were unaware of prevention improvement. Under the health program in
and management of communicable and non- general, 57% of respondents expressed that
communicable diseases. This result should be there was no need for action.
noted because the situation may lead to the spread
Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Vol. 3, No. 1, (2020)
ISSN 2651-6691 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6705 (Online)
Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Vol. 3, No. 1, (2020)
ISSN 2651-6691 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6705 (Online)
Social Welfare Program welfare, at 60%. Specifically, 83% did not avail
There was relatively greater number of of the persons with disabilities (PWD) welfare
citizens 73% who were aware of social welfare program, 63% of older persons and senior
services than those who were not. Awareness citizens program. Moreover, 51% of those
was highest on program for older persons and aware availed of child and youth welfare
senior citizens 93%, and child and youth welfare program. Those who availed of the services were
program 88%; and lowest on program for satisfied at 93%, particularly on women’s
persons with disabilities 56%. Those aware did welfare program 97%, and child and youth
not avail of the component services under social welfare program 94%.
Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Vol. 3, No. 1, (2020)
ISSN 2651-6691 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6705 (Online)
Using the action grid, Table 7 reveals because one’s name was not in the list. A 60-
that all the five service indicators under social year old citizen did not receive financial
welfare were given high rating on satisfaction assistance because age requirement was 65.
and low on need for action. These results Reasons for non-availment were that the
correspond to an action grid of exceeded children did not want to join, female respondents
expectation which connotes that the positive had so much to do, beneficiaries were selected
aspects of the delivery of each specific service only, there were no small children, person with
indicators should be sustained and less attention disability, nor senior citizen in the family.
on reform should be expected. Most respondents 66% articulated that
Reasons for satisfaction on social there was no need for action. Despite high
welfare program were that the child and youth awareness on program for older persons, senior
welfare programs provided advanced learning citizens and PWD, there was low percentage of
for kids, family members had something availment at 36% for senior citizens and 17% for
worthwhile to do, gained new knowledge on PWD. Among those who availed, 44% surfaced
women’s welfare, learned about dressmaking the need for action on program for older persons
and flower arrangement, medicine and and senior citizens and 38% on persons with
wheelchair were provided for free. Reasons for disabilities welfare program. It is therefore
non-satisfaction included the following: there recommended that the LGU and concerned
were no free supplies for children in day care, agency should spearhead/organize activities such
the program on women had not yet started, the as symposia, seminar, radio program or home
person with disability in the family did not visitation that will promote social welfare
receive any assistance, a respondent received programs particularly for older persons/senior
free wheelchair but only because it was election citizens and people with disabilities.
time, only a few senior citizens received free
cake, a senior citizen did not receive pension
Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Vol. 3, No. 1, (2020)
ISSN 2651-6691 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6705 (Online)
Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Vol. 3, No. 1, (2020)
ISSN 2651-6691 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6705 (Online)
Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Vol. 3, No. 1, (2020)
ISSN 2651-6691 (Print)
ISSN 2651-6705 (Online)
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