MUSI 1107 Syllabus Spring
MUSI 1107 Syllabus Spring
MUSI 1107 Syllabus Spring
4. The student will be able to recognize and discern the timbres of orchestral instruments. 5. The student will gain the skills needed to listen actively to live and recorded performances of music. 6. The student will be able to identify musical forms, historical styles, musical genres and significant biographical data of major musicians/composers. Course Evaluation: Test 1 = 15% Test 2 = 15% Test 3 (Final Exam)= 15% 3 Arts Events attendance and corresponding papers (3x15%) =45% Classwork/Homework/Participation = 10% Grading Scale: A =90-100, B =80-89, C =70-79, D =60-69, F =0-59 Tests (45% of grade): Each test will include a multiple choice, matching, and true/false, and a listening section. The tests will cover both assigned material in the assigned text (whether covered in class or not) and material from the lectures. Arts Events Attendance (45% of grade): All students must attend a total of 3 separate arts events. You must remain for the whole event to receive credit. Any reported misconduct or ill behavior will result in no credit for the event. See Guidelines in Course Requiremeents and Appendix A for more details. Participation/Classwork/Homework (10%) Students will be asked to submit homework assignments and participate in class discussions. These exercises are intended to enrich your learning experience. Class Policies and Procedures A. Late Assignment Policy: No assignment will be accepted more than one week after its due date unless approved by instructor. Late assignments will be marked down 10% per day after the due date. They may be handed at class meetings or through my dropbox outside my office door Wilson 222 and labeled with your name and class time (example: 5:00pm). B. Attendance Policy: Anyone who will need to miss a class because of organized sports events or University-recognized religious observances should inform the instructor at the beginning of the semester in writing. Those absent for medical reasons should present a note from their doctor. Only five absences are allowed. The sixth absence will result in an automatic F for the course. It is the students responsibility to make sure to sign the attendance sheet even if it does not reach you during class. Habitual tardiness will affect your participation grade.
Electronic Devices: The inappropriate use of technological devices (texting, talking on phones, surfing the web, checking email, use of earbuds) will not be tolerated in class. It causes distractions for other students and diminishes your own experience of the course. Cell phones, mp3 players, and other potentially annoying devices should be turned off during class in order to keep your colleagues and instructor from unnecessary distraction and irritation. The use of computers is allowed as long as they are your primary method of taking notes in class. Otherwise they should be powered down. The instructor reserves the right to temporarily and publicly confiscate any devices that are distracting others.
Course Requirements and Assignments A. Textbook readings and listening exercises should be completed by the date listed in the course schedule. B. Tests (3 @ 15%) Each test will include a multiple choice, matching, and true/false, and a listening section. The tests will cover both assigned material in the text (whether covered in class or not) and material from the lectures. Concert Attendance and reports (Must be turned in by the due dates listed in the course schedule): 1. Choose three concerts to watch and analyze, one from each category: a. One Atlanta Symphony Classical Concert. Student Tickets ($10) are available. For selected performances, tickets are available to purchase for $10 plus a $2 box office fee at the Woodruff Arts Center Box Office. Details: A valid Student ID is required; Payment is cash only; There is a 1 ticket per student ID limit; Tickets can only be purchased the day of a performance for that day or evening's performance; Students should call the Woodruff Arts Center Box Office at (404) 733-5000 for availability. Calendar: All.09/2011
b. One musical event sponsored by KSU. Call 770-423-6650 for tickets and see appendix C for KSU box office details. c. One musical event/concert of your choice.
2. a.
Document the event. Documentation includes the following: Take notes during your concert regarding these three components of sound, behavior, and concepts (using the notes page available in appendix A or on vista). These do not have to be turned in. Using the concert report template on appendix A, write two-three wellformed paragraphs (each paragraph should be 5 sentences or longer) to 3
explain your impression of each component of Merriams model of music as culture (sound, behavior and concepts). c. Identify four external sources to help you understand the music that you heard that the concert. Cite the source and a few notes that will help you remember what you read there. For the web, look for official websites and other trustworthy sources of information online. No Wikipedia. Scholarly sources may be found at libraries in hard copy formats and can also be found on Kennesaws online research portal. Look in Appendix B for guidelines about identifying scholarly sources. Your Ticket and/or Program must be attached to your report: For KSU performances, your program with two stamps (available at the door or at the box office), one upon arrival, and one at the end of the program. For ASO concerts, a program with a signature with date and time from the box office.
Tentative Course Schedule (subject to change) WEEK Monday January 9 Wednesday January 11 Monday January 16 Wednesday January 18 Monday January 23 Wednesday January 25 Monday January 30 Wednesday February 1 Monday February 6 Wednesday February 8 Monday February 13 TOPIC Introduction READING DUE Syllabus/ Paper Guidelines ASSIGNMENT DUE None
Independent Study: Soundscape Assignment (See Appendix D for Instructions) (Submit on Vista by copying your text directly into the text box by Jan. 13) NO CLASS MEETING TODAY NO CLASS: Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday Music and Society/ Elements of Music Elements of Music Elements of Music/Ensembles Elements of Music Middle Ages Rennaisance Chapter 11 Chapters 1-3 Chapters 4-7 Chapters 8-10 Chapters 12-13 Chapters 14-16 None None None Elements of Music Analysis of 2 songs Elements of Music Analysis of 2 songs None
Test 1 Review Session: Come w/ study guide completed and questions prepared TEST 1
Wednesday February 15 Monday February 20 Wednesday February 22 Monday February 27 Wednesday February 29
Baroque: Opera/Oratorio Baroque (cont.) Music and Religion Music and Genre Classical
Monday March 12 Wednesday March 14 Monday March 19 Wednesday March 21 Monday March 26 Wednesday March 28 Monday April 2 Wednesday April 4 Monday April 9 Wednesday April 11 Monday April 16 Wednesday April 18 Monday April 23 Wednesday April 25 Monday April 30
Monday March 5 and Wednesday March 7 SPRING BREAKNO CLASS! BE SAFE AND HAVE FUN! Classical (continued) Chapter 21, 22, 25 None Guest Musicians Kocaeli University (Turkey) Test 2 Review Session Come w/ study guide completed & questions prepared TEST 2 None None Chapter 35 Chapter 26-28 Chapter 29-30 Chapter 32-34 Chapter 36 None None None None None Concert Report #3 Due None None Second Concert Report Due
Music and Power/Conflict Music and Advocacy Music and Nationalism Romanticism: Program Music and Opera Late Romanticism Impressionism Music Currents: Jazz, Blues, and More Rock and Roll/ Music and Gender New Directions Film Music
Test 3/Final Exam Review Come w/ study guide completed & questions prepared (Final Exam Date TBA)
APPENDIX A: Concert Report Template (available on Vista in .doc format so you can download and type directly on the document )
Your Name: Date Submitted: Class Section (example 1107-03 or 1107-02): Concert: Performers (Names, Ensemble Make-up): Location/Date/Time of Concert: MUSIC-CULTURE MODEL: The three roman numerals below represent Alan Merriams triparte model of how music can be understood as culture. Take notes during your concert regarding these three components of sound, behavior, and concepts and then write two-three well-formed paragraphs (each paragraph should be 5 sentences or longer) to explain your impression of each component. I. Sound (2-3 paragraphs on instruments, harmony, melody, tone/timbre, rhythm, other musical elements?): II. Behavior (2-3 paragraphs on movement, interaction, expressions of audience and performers): III. Concepts (2-3 paragraphs on lyrics, cultural ideas, history/memory, uses and functions):
EXTERNAL SOURCES: Look for four external sources to help you understand the music that you heard at the concert. Cite the source and a few notes that will help you remember what you read there. Scholarly sources may be found at libraries in hard copy formats and can also be found on Kennesaws online research portal. Look at Appendix B for guidelines about identifying scholarly sources. Please follow MLA, APA, or Chicago Citation formats: 1) Citation: Notes: 2) Citation: Notes 3) Citation: Notes 4) Citation: Notes
b. harmony
c. melody
d. tone/timbre
e. rhythm
b. interactions
c. expressions/actions:
Concepts : a. lyrics
cultural ideas
c. history/memory
Garland Encyclopedia of Music Online Music research including more than 9,000 pages of material, combined with entries by more than 700 expert contributors from all over the world. If having trouble from the link provided you will need to sign in. Go to From the link provided: Click on articles/databases and search under "G" for Garland. Click on Alexander Street. Smithsonian Folkways/Global Sound Online database of folk and world music collected by Smithsonian folkways Naxos Music Library This is FREE music streaming database that you may access through the Library online database collection. You may pay if you want to download the piece. iTunes 1107 Playlist (For Western Music Appreciation Course Section only) Download iTunes from the link below and search for MUSI 1107. This site will have most of the examples from the book in one place, but you will need to either purchase the individuals pieces or get them from a different site (such as NAXOS) in order to hear the whole song. ***If you have trouble from the link provided try Then click on articles/databases, click on database by title and search under "G" for Grove and/or Garland. Click on details and then click on the title. This will prompt a sign in message.
For this assignment, you will give an account of your personal soundscape (2-4 pages double spaced then copied and pasted into vista). You can do this in two ways. Choose one of the two options below:
30 Minute Soundscape: Put yourself in any environment that may seem quite ordinary to you (coffeehouse, student center, dorm room), but this time, take thirty minutes and become an observer of the sounds you are hearing. Take notes of your sonic surroundings using Shelemays definition above. Which of these sounds could be considered musical? How does sound affect your life? How does music affect your life and the lives of others in this context? No bibliography is needed for this paper.
Personal Soundscape: Tell the reader about how music acts as a soundscape to your life. Identify several different contexts in which music plays a role in your world. What types/genres/performers do you prefer? What do you think has shaped your preferences? What do your musical preferences say about your identity? No bibliography is needed for this paper.
DUE JANUARY 13: Submit electronically on Vista by clicking on Assignments/soundscape and then copying your text directly into the text box provided (Please do not attach word documents as this takes much more time for the instructor to download and open each individual assignment)
Shelemay, Kay Kaufman. 2001. Soundscapes, Exploring Music in a Changing World. London, New York.: W.W. Norton & Company, 359. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. 11
A Course in the General Education Program Program Description: The General Education Program offers a solid, comprehensive foundational academic experience for all Kennesaw State University students. In a series of interrelated courses in the liberal arts and sciences, it provides the opportunity for them to acquire the intellectual skills and knowledge characteristic of educated persons in a diverse, global community. Thus, it lays the basis for success in academic, professional, and personal arenas. Whereas the major program contributes depth to a college education in a designated specialization, the General Education Program provides breadth of understanding by providing an introduction, connection, and integration to a variety of disciplines. Program Goals: The General Education Program at KSU has four goals. During the course of the program, students should demonstrate the following: knowledge and understanding in the General Education areas: Humanities, Fine Arts, Science, Mathematics, Technology, Social Science, and the Essential Skills (written and quantitative skills) proficiency in communication skills in inquiry, critical thinking, and problem solving through scholarly and/or creative activity across the general education disciplines an understanding of ethics, diversity, and a global perspective.