Grade 2 Math
Grade 2 Math
Grade 2 Math
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 3
4. Solve each number sentence.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 4
7. Solve.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 5
8. Solve.
10 + 6 + 2 = ________
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 6
11. Solve.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 7
12. Fill in the missing numbers. 13.Use the number bond to
You can use a number bond to write two addition number
help you. sentences.
5 + ________ = 16 3 + 2 + 8 = _______
Write the four number sentences that go with this number bond.
11 __________________________________
7 4 __________________________________
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 8
17. Solve.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 9
Directions for this page: Count up – write the number that comes next.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 10
Directions for this page: Skip count by 5 – write the number that comes
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 11
Directions for this page: Skip count by 10 – write the number that comes
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 12
Directions for this page: Skip count by 10 – write the number that comes
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 13
Directions for this page: Skip count by 100 – write the number that comes
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 14
1. _______ + 45 = 63
2. 26 + 37 = _______
3. 73 – 26 = _______
4. 45 + _______ = 100
5. 35 + _______ = 50
6. _____ + 25 = 100
7. _____ + 15 = 50
8. 100 = ______ + 80
9. 50 = 20 + ______
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 15
10. Calculate.
65 60 45 – 28 = _____
- 37 - 43
55 + 29 = _____ 23 17
+ 73 + 58
11. 67 + 25 = _____
12. 75 - ______ = 23
13. 55 – 19 = _______
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 16
14. Use a number line to solve.
93 – 27 = ___
15. Solve.
50 - 34 = _________
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 17
19. Calculate.
76 50 75 – 48 = _____
- 37 - 23
56 + 39 = _____ 13 27
+ 74 + 52
20. 76 + 18 = _____
21. 53 - ______ = 28
22. 65 – 36 = _______
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 18
23. Calculate.
95 60 55 – 38 = _____
- 38 - 47
55 + 29 = _____ 24 27
+ 76 + 58
__________ - 29 = 48
_________ + 43 = 73
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 19
26. 27.
Use sticks and dots to find the total. Use expanded notation to solve.
52 + 43 = _________ 22 51 = _________
60 + 1 3+1
+ 60 + 0 + 3+0
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 20
32. Solve. 33. Solve.
34. Circle which set of sticks and dots will help to find the total?
62 + 24 = _________
26 + 43 = _______ 34 + 48 = _______
51 - 30 = _______ 57 + 28 = _________
39. Solve.
24 + 49 = ______
Solve using a number line. 28 + 36 = _________
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 21
41. Solve.
45 – 30 = ______
68 - _______ = 34
45. Solve.
_____ = 34 + 45
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 22
1. Solve.
13 + 10 + 21 + 30 = ____
22 10 18 8
Answer: _________________________
3. Solve.
33 + 34 + 26 = ___
4. 17 + 24 + 33 + 19 = ____
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 23
5. Which 4 numbers add to a total of 100?
12 48 30
10 56 14
Answer: _________________________
6. 45 + 31 + 12 = ______
7. What are two ways that you can make 65 using 3 addends?
8. 27 + 55 + 17 = ________________
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 24
9. Find the total.
10. What are two ways that you can make 92 using 3 addends?
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 25
12. Gunther was playing a card game. Below are the 4 cards he
pulled. What is his total?
31 24 17 10
13. Solve.
13 + 10 + 21 + 30 = ____
22 10 18 8
Answer: _________________________
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 26
15. Solve.
23 + 54 + 17 = ___
16. 15 + 22 + 13 + 39 = ____
11 39 30
25 34 16
Answer: _________________________
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 27
18. 25 + 41 + 17 = ______
19. What are two ways that you can make a total of 50 using 3
20. 52 + 15 + 27 = ________________
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 28
22. What are two ways that you can find 77 using at least 3 addends?
37 13
30 25
24. Devon was playing a card game. Below are the 4 cards he pulled.
What is his total?
21 14 19 33
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 29
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 30
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 31
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 32
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 33
1. What time is it?
2. The clock shows when Marco went to bed. Write the same time
on the digital clock. Circle AM or PM.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 34
4. The minute hand on the clock points at the 10. What time could
it be? Circle all of the correct answers.
a. 10:10
b. 4:50
c. 10:20
d. 8:50
e. 9:10
5. Eddie’s piano lesson starts at 6:40 p.m. Draw the time on the
clock below.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 35
7. Draw the time on each clock.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 36
9. Draw the time on each clock.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 37
11. Tyshawn eats lunch at 12:25 p.m. Draw the time on the
clock below.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 38
13. The minute hand on the clock points at the 5. What time could
it be? Circle all of the correct answers.
a. 10:05
b. 8:05
c. 6:25
d. 11:35
e. 5:00
f. 4:25
14. The hour hand on the clock points between the 4 and the 5.
What time could it be? Circle all of the correct answers.
a. 4:00
b. 5:40
c. 5:00
d. 5:25
e. 4:20
f. 5:45
15. Draw the time on each clock.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 39
16. What time is it? Write the correct time beneath each clock.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 40
1. 4 ones + ____ ones = 10 2. 7 tens + ____ tens = 1 hundred
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 41
Draw flats, sticks, and dots to represent each number. Then answer the questions.
5. 6.
362 705
How many more ones will make a ten? ______ How many more ones will make a ten? ______
How many more tens will make a hundred? ____ How many more tens will make a hundred? ____
How many more hundreds will make a How many more hundreds will make a
thousand? ______ thousand? _______
7. 8.
363 721
How many more ones will make a ten? ______ How many more ones will make a ten? ______
How many more tens will make a hundred? ____ How many more tens will make a hundred? ____
How many more hundreds will make a How many more hundreds will make a
thousand? ______ thousand? ______
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 42
9. Count each group. What is the total number in each group?
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 43
14. Write each number in base ten numeral form.
a) 623 b) 508
Hundreds Tens Ones
Hundreds Tens Ones
15. Count the flats, sticks, and dots. Write each number in standard form and base
ten numeral form.
16. Count the flats, sticks, and dots. Write each number in standard form and base
ten numeral form.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 44
17. Write each number in unit form:
602: _________________________________________________________
796: _________________________________________________________
365: _________________________________________________________
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 45
Draw each number in flats, sticks, and dots. Then write the number in unit form.
25. Read the unit form and write the number in standard form.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 46
1. Fill in the table by writing the numbers in word form and standard
9 0 5
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 47
4. Write 804 in word form
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 48
9. Fill in the missing parts of the chart.
Place Value
Standard models
Unit Form Word Form
Form (flats, sticks, and
5 tens, 3
Five hundred
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 49
11. Write in word form
k. 726 = ____________________________________________
n. 902 = _______________________________________________
Fill in all answers that apply. You may choose more than one answer.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 50
Place Value
Standard models
Unit Form Word Form
Form (flats, sticks, and
2 hundreds, 3
Eight hundred
Five hundred
18. Fill in the table by writing the numbers in word form and standard
Starting Number Standard Form Word Form
8 hundreds, 9 tens, 7
3 0 8
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 51
19. Write each number in standard form and expanded form.
Standard Form Expanded Form
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 52
20. Write the answer in standard form.
Expanded Form Standard Form
500 + 30 + 2
70 + 600 + 8
5 + 200
40 800 + 7
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 53
Write the answer in standard form. Then write each number in expanded form.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 54
2.NBT.A.4 - Compare two three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds, tens,
and ones digits, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.
1. Use the numbers 467 and 463 to complete each number sentence.
Why can you write two different number sentences to compare 467 and 463?
624 ______ 594 104 _______ 140 790_______ 709 592 ________ 700
291 ______ 219 98 _______ 110 608_______ 779 435 ________ 453
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 55
4. Choose True or False for each number sentence.
True False
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 56
6. Kim and Jon tossed beanbags at a target. The grey numbers are
the numbers that their beanbags landed on.
Kim Jon
1 2 3 1 2 3
4 5 6 4 5 6
7 8 9 7 8 9
What is the greatest number that Kim can make? ______________
______________ ______________
204 ______ 24 454 _______ 405 970_______ 709 342 ________ 600
391 ______ 319 918 _______ 111 681_______ 792 353 ________ 535
192 ______ 199 718 _______ 511 612_______ 92 303 ________ 350
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 57
8. Choose True or False for each comparison. Put an X in the box for each
True False
9. Write one of these numbers on each line to make each statement true.
38 tens = ___________
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 58
10. Which number sentence is true?
a. 43 tens 1 one < 400 + 20 + 7
b. 540 > 5 hundreds 41 ones
c. 727 < 772
d. 9 hundreds 6 tens > 906
411 ______ 243 402 _______ 521 740_______ 409 428 ________ 650
791 ______ 794 328 _______ 231 781_______ 772 313 ________ 351
234 ______ 423 778 _______ 711 127_______ 292 343 ________ 450
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 59
13. Circle whether the statement is True or False. Prove your answer by drawing flats,
sticks, and dots.
50 + 300 + 3 > 3 hundreds, 5 tens, 26 ones
True False
15. Write < or > in each blank to make the comparison sentence true.
264 ______ 454 154 _______ 250 709_______ 780 172 ________ 200
299 ______ 320 101 _______ 99 618_______ 581 325 ________ 352
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 60
16. Jayden and Brenda each write a three-digit number.
Jayden’s number: 100 + 30 + 7
Brenda’s Number: 1 hundred, 30 tens, 7 ones
Which number sentence compares their numbers correctly?
b. 137 = 137
324 ______ 234 689 _______ 655 145_______ 234 569 ________ 695
102 ______ 210 376 _______ 215 533_______ 612 901 ________ 199
254 ______ 343 255 _______ 632 43_______ 430 291 ________ 301
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 61
18. Phil has 248 trading cards. Sean has more trading cards than
Phil. How many cards could Sean have? Circle all of the correct
a. 239
b. 245
c. 252
d. 260
19. Write one of these numbers in each box to make a true number
= 38 tens
< 300 + 70 + 14
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 62
2.NBT.B.8 - Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900, and mentally subtract 10
or 100 from a given number 100-900.
1. Solve each problem using mental math.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 63
3. Solve each problem using mental math.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 64
5. Solve each problem using mental math.
6. Use mental math to fill in the missing number that makes each
equation true.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 65
7. Use mental math to fill in the missing number that makes each
equation true.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 66
9. Fill in the missing numbers on the chart using mental math.
True False
234 + 10 = 334
541 –100 = 441
764 – 10 = 774
100 + 56 = 156
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 67
1. Calculate.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 68
5. Solve. Show all of your work:
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 69
8. Calculate.
9. Calculate.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 70
10. Find the missing number to make the statement true. Show
your work.
12. Use the space below to solve the problem correctly. Show
your work.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 71
13. Calculate.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 72
15. Solve to find the missing numbers.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 73
1. Does the picture below show an even or an odd number of stars?
draw a picture to show how you know
Even or Odd
2. Does the picture below show an even or an odd number of circles?
draw a picture to show how you know
Even or Odd
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 74
3. Draw a picture to show whether the number is odd or even.
Number Drawing Odd or Even?
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 75
4. Use pairs or teams to determine if a number is odd or even
a. Picture: Redraw your picture with 1 less
Odd or Even
Odd or Even
Odd or Even
Odd or Even
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 76
5. There is an odd number of students in Miss Jackson’s class. Which
of the following could be the number of students in the class?
Circle all answers that could be true.
Even or Odd
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 77
7. Write to identify the bold numbers as even or odd. The first one has been
done for you.
b. c.
14 + 1 = 15 61 + 1= 62
________ + 1 = _________ ________ + 1 = _________
even + 1 = odd
e. f.
93 + 1= 94 52 + 1= 53
17 + 1 = 18
________ + 1 = _________ ________ + 1 = _________
________ + 1 = _________
8. Predict if the answer to each number sentence will be even or odd. Solve the
number sentence to prove if your prediction was correct.
Number Sentence Even or Odd? Solution
10 + 17= _____
21 + 12 = _____
30 +15 = ______
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 78
9. Are the bold numbers even or odd? Explain how you know using words or
a. 29
b. 36
c. 54
d. 70
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 79
10. Write the numbers from 75 to 85 in the boxes below. Circle the even
11. Write the numbers from 68 to 78 in the boxes below. Circle the odd
12. Write the numbers from 125 to 135 in the boxes below. Circle the even
13. Write the numbers from 23 to 33 in the boxes below. Circle the odd
14. Write the numbers from 208 to 218 in the boxes below. Circle the even
1. Circle groups of five. Then, draw the triangles into equal rows of
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 80
There are _________ rows of ___________.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 81
3. Anna Beth is organizing her hats. She put them into a rectangular array
to try to find out how many total hats she has.
Write an addition equation and then solve to find out how many hats
she has.
___________________________________________ = ____________
4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = __________
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 82
5. Draw 2 columns of 3 squares. Then write a repeated addition
equation that explains your array.
___________________________________________ = ____________
Write a repeated addition equation to represent the books on the library shelves
and then solve to tell how many total books are on the shelves.
___________________________________________ = ____________
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 83
7. Alicia is trying to decide how she will eat her candy that she got as a
treat from her grandma. Her mom said that she would have two
choices for the candy:
Choice 1: Get 3 pieces a day for the next 3 days.
Choice 2: Get 2 pieces a day for the next 4 days.
a. Draw an array for each choice.
___________________________________________ = ____________
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 84
9. Create and array to match the number sentence. Then solve.
5 + 5 + 5 = ________
___________________________________________ = ____________
2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + = _________
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 85
12. Construct an array with 16 squares on the grid below.
__________________________________________ = ___________
13. Circle groups of three. Then, draw the clouds into equal
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 86
Workbook G
2.G.A.1 – Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes, such as a given number
of angels or a given number of equal faces. Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons,
hexagons, and cubes.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 87
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 88
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 89
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 90
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 91
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 92
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 93
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 94
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 95
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 97
6. Draw an array with 3 rows of 5.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 98
Write an equation to show the total number of squares: _______________________________
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 99
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 100
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 101
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 102
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 103
7. Circle the images that show ½
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 104
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 105
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 106
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 107
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 108
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 109
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 110
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 111
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 112
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 113
EngageNY Second Grade by EngageNY licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International
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Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 114
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Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 115
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EngageNY Second Grade by EngageNY licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International
4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA.) Achievement First does not own the copyright in “Fluency Workbook” and claims no
copyright in this material. The material is being used exclusively for non-profit educational purposes
under fair use principles in U.S. Copyright laws. The user should make the judgment about whether this
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EngageNY Second Grade by EngageNY licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International
4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA.) Achievement First does not own the copyright in “Fluency Workbook” and claims no
copyright in this material. The material is being used exclusively for non-profit educational purposes
under fair use principles in U.S. Copyright laws. The user should make the judgment about whether this
material may be used under fair use / fair dealing permissions in the user’s country.
EngageNY Second Grade by EngageNY licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International
4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA.) Achievement First does not own the copyright in “Fluency Workbook” and claims no
copyright in this material. The material is being used exclusively for non-profit educational purposes
under fair use principles in U.S. Copyright laws. The user should make the judgment about whether this
material may be used under fair use / fair dealing permissions in the user’s country.
EngageNY Second Grade by EngageNY licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International
4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA.) Achievement First does not own the copyright in “Fluency Workbook” and claims no
copyright in this material. The material is being used exclusively for non-profit educational purposes
under fair use principles in U.S. Copyright laws. The user should make the judgment about whether this
material may be used under fair use / fair dealing permissions in the user’s country.
EngageNY Second Grade by EngageNY licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International
4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA.) Achievement First does not own the copyright in “Fluency Workbook” and claims no
copyright in this material. The material is being used exclusively for non-profit educational purposes
under fair use principles in U.S. Copyright laws. The user should make the judgment about whether this
material may be used under fair use / fair dealing permissions in the user’s country.
EngageNY Second Grade by EngageNY licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International
4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA.) Achievement First does not own the copyright in “Fluency Workbook” and claims no
copyright in this material. The material is being used exclusively for non-profit educational purposes
under fair use principles in U.S. Copyright laws. The user should make the judgment about whether this
material may be used under fair use / fair dealing permissions in the user’s country.
EngageNY Second Grade by EngageNY licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International
4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA.) Achievement First does not own the copyright in “Fluency Workbook” and claims no
copyright in this material. The material is being used exclusively for non-profit educational purposes
under fair use principles in U.S. Copyright laws. The user should make the judgment about whether this
material may be used under fair use / fair dealing permissions in the user’s country.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 116
EngageNY Second Grade by EngageNY licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International
4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA.) Achievement First does not own the copyright in “Fluency Workbook” and claims no
copyright in this material. The material is being used exclusively for non-profit educational purposes
under fair use principles in U.S. Copyright laws. The user should make the judgment about whether this
material may be used under fair use / fair dealing permissions in the user’s country.
EngageNY Second Grade by EngageNY licensed under Creative Commons Attribution International
4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA.) Achievement First does not own the copyright in “Fluency Workbook” and claims no
copyright in this material. The material is being used exclusively for non-profit educational purposes
under fair use principles in U.S. Copyright laws. The user should make the judgment about whether this
material may be used under fair use / fair dealing permissions in the user’s country.
Grade 2 Math Practice Workbook: Adapted from Achievement First Elementary Math 117