C Effects QF Pernianent and Temporary Tax Policies: A Q Model of Investment
C Effects QF Pernianent and Temporary Tax Policies: A Q Model of Investment
C Effects QF Pernianent and Temporary Tax Policies: A Q Model of Investment
Andrew B. ABEL*
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 021.38, USA
ms paper incOIpor8@s the tax pol!q analysis of Hall and Jorgenson into a dynamic optimizing
model with adjustment costs to delVelop a q model of investment. This framework is particularly
useful for 8nal.yZing the dynamnic effects on investment of permanent and temporary changes in
tax policy. It is shown that, contrary to the conventional intertemporal substitution argument, a
temporary investment tax Creditneednot be more expansionary than a permanent investment
t8x credit. The role of depreciation allouranms in determining the dynamic response of
investment to tempomry changes in the tax rate is also investigated.
1. Introduction
$02.75 0 19132North-Holland
354 A.B. Abel, Dynamic e$pccs ofpermanent and temporarytax policies
2 of the paper sets up the model and derives the reiation between
t and a shadow price 4. The effects of permanent tax policies are
in section 3. Section 4 analyzes the dynamic effects of temporary
in the investment tax credit and section 5 presents an analysis of
in the corporate tax rate.
The model of the firm is based on the assumption that the, firm acts to
ti the present value of its after-tax cash. flow. Let rc(K,) be the
ataneous real operating profit at time t for a Erm with capital stock K,.
y9 K(K3 represents the maximixed value of revenue minus
given the capitaI stock K,. We assume that It’> 0 and TV” SO.
t S equals zero for a perfectly competitive li_rm with a constant
f&ction. Let & be the rate of real gross
the ci)gl’of purchasing and installng capit+ is
uf the 3ararte of gross inv@mm~::c(c(I,), with c(O)-0,
~4. Finally, assume that the physical depreciation of
to the capitat stock’ so that net investment is &=I,
A.B. .4bel, Dynamic eflecttsof permanent and temporary tax policies 355
z= 1D(X)ewrXdx, (1)
Note that if the corporate tax rate has a constant value z, then D* = zz.
We model the investment tax credit (ITC) as an immediate rebate on the
cost of installed capital. Let k, be the rate of the ITC at time t. If the gross
cost of investment at time t is 413, the km receives an immediate rebate of
k&J. Taking account of the ITC and the allowable depreciation delductions,
the net cost of capital at time t is (1 -k, --D,*)c(IJ.~ We can combine this cost
with the after-tax operating profit to derive an expression for V&,the present
value of the after-tax cash flow, calculated at time t,,
‘We assume that +he fim~ is f&iced entirely by equity so that no interest payments enter
into the cakulatioti of taxable income.
“This exprekon for the ti cost of investment is based on the fact that the deprecialtion bnl;e
is equal to the original p~oss cost of investment ~(1,). Under the Long Amendment, which was
repeakkin 1964, the depreciation base was reduced by the amount of the ITC so that the net
cost of investment WYA (1 -.k)(l -D*)c(I,).
will be irrelevant for investment decisions from time to onward and hence
will be ignored.
We ke that the firm chooses the time path of, gross.-investment to
maximize V&subject to the conditions that &=I,-6K, and:& is given; The
Hamiltontan for this problem is
H,=e-n((l-~~~Kd--(1-k,-D,*)C(13+Qr*lzt--6K3), (41
To determine the dynamic be;javior of the shadow price qf, we s&e the
condition fd/dtNq,*e-9 = - 81&/Xt to obtain
interpretation of eq. (8) is that the. shadow return from holding’ and
bo MS&C&ihc:fuactionc(ZJ as being the sum of the purchase price of
aEdrlBcostaf Inaone-saormd
A.B. Abel, Dynamic @ects of permanent and temporary tc x policies 357
using capital, which is the sum of the shadow capital gain, @, and the s!iter-
tax rental (1 -r&r’(&), is equal to the required return on capital (r+d)qf. If
4: ,is interpreted as a market price of installed capital, then eq. (8) can be
viewed as ar arbitrage condition. If investors can earn a rate of return I’ on
other assets, then in the absence of uncertatinty, arbitrage would force the
price of capital q* to be such that the rate of return on capital, net of
depreciation, [(l - z,)i(&)/# + tjf/qT -61, is equal to r as in eq. (8).
The solution to the firm’s optimization problem must also satisfy the
transversality condition
Solving the equation of motion for q: (8) and using the transversality
condition we obtain
Thus, qf* is the present value of after-tax marginal products accruing to the
undepreciated portion of capital installed at time t.
For the purposes of tax policy analysis, it will be convenient to analyze the
dynamic behavior of qt rather than .$. Differentiating ql, as defined in eq. (6),
with respect to time, and using eq. (8), we obtain
‘If we .&s&e &a&& & n&&al cost of uninstalled capital is bounded away from zero so
t,,& ~-~$j,@ c fht $o’lme‘#&&e c, tifbenting the transversality condition eq. (9), we find
that lim,,,q,e”~~lim,,,s-lq~e-~=c-l~~,,q~e-~ =O. Also note that as long as k, and Df
are non-neg&tive, q&q: so that lim,,,q,e-~~~~,,q:e-“=O. Thus lii,,,q,e-“=O which
may be combined with eq. (11) to yield eq. (12).
‘% the special &se in which n”==O,the zental d(K) is independent of the stock of capital and
qrcan k-ecalculated without knowledge of the future path of the capital stock.
35% A& A&f, Dynamic ejJects of permanent and temporary tax policies
s. (7) and (13) comprise a system of two differential equations in the two
variables K, and qt. These two equations describe the dynamic behavior of
it&d qt and, when combined with the transversahty condition, these
usttiorrs allow us to find the value of ql, given the value of K,. The dynamic
~~lys~~ of this system is conducted using the phase diagram in fig. 1.
Fig. 1
AA Abei, Dynamic e$c~s ejpekmsnenc and ternporcry fox policies
dT _ (1 --k-z)
dz (1 --k-T2)2’
If k +z equals one, then changes in the corporate tax rate z have no effect
on ?I That is, as long as the present value of the depreciation allowance z is
uat to the net purchase price of capital, 1 -k, chaglges in the tax rate are
neutral in the sense that they have no effect on ?: Note that this neutrality
k+a=r. (17)
commenting on the difference between the neutrality conditions (16)
7), we note that in the special case in which k=O, both conditions
to z=l and T=l.’
mtrality condition (16) is the condition under whir% changes in a,
Edingconstaat the tax parameters k and z, do not affect the tax parameter
condition (16) holds, it is easily shtiwn that T= l/z regardless of the
ceteris paribus changes in t do not affect 1: The Hall-
n neutrality condition (17) does not apply to changes in z holding k
lo Rewriting eq. ( 17) as z = k/(1 -z), it is clear that any change
uires a change in k/(1 -2) in order to satisfy condition (17) (assuming
and z# 1). When condition (17) holds, the tax parameter Tis equal to 1.
condition (13 specifies the combinations of tax parameters t, k, and z
the tax system is neutral in the sense that investment behavior is
by the existence of taxes. It is as much a condition for neutrality
investment tax c&i& or neutrality of the depreciation allowance, as it
&ion for neutrality of the corporate tax rate. For neutrality of
aribus changes in the corporate tax rate, eq. (16) is the appropriate
that if eq. (16) is satisfied, however, investment may be
exislznce of taxes.
tain the assumption that k -I-Zis less than unity so that, from
::i the corporate tax rate incrl:.ases 7I To summarize briefly, we
t&t the tax parameter T &r~ases in response to an increase in
AS. Abe!, Gynamic effects qf permanent and temporary tax policies 361
Fig. 2
362 A&. AM, Dynamice&zs of pemment and temporarytax pIties
the o$w steady state. Although the steady-state shadow price of installed
capital q* falls when k or z is increased, the value of the firm as defined in
eg. (3) increases in response to an increase in k or z, as well as in response to
a dfzcreasein 7.11
S33p hat the caphi is K,, and the system is initially at ~poiut d-in fig.
2 In nse to the unanticipated per&man&t increase in x the- system
jumps immediately to B on the path to the new steady state. The capital
stock cannot jump at a point in time but the ,shadow lirice q jumps upward
in response to the increase in X The upward jump in q causes ‘an upward
in the rate of investment.
to this point we have shown that the increase in 7’ causes the 4 =0
lgc~s to shift upward, but we have merely asserted that the stable path BE1
abole A&, To demonstrate that the stable path doe; indeed shift
upward recall that the equation of motion for 4 is
& efisrtges
h the i3lv-t tax lmdit
A temporary ITC is generally believed to have B aiore stimulative effect on
current investment than a permanent I’%. because it induks an
in*.e:rtemporalshifting of investment- toward the present and near-future in
order to take advantage of the ITC while it is available. In this section, we
trate that unless z”=O, a temporary ITC does have a more
n a permanent ITC. However, if It”= 0, then permanent
s of the same magnitude have the same effect on current
A.B. Abel, Dynamzc effects of permanent and temporary tax policies 363
I \ -’
I I/
Fig. 3
Suppose that at time to the system is at point A when the increased ITC is
unexpe@edly announced; If the increase in the ITC lasts only
iristanLm@$sly, there is an immediate upward jump to B and then an
immediate return to A. The effect of this poliizy is to cause an instantaneous
364 A. 6. Abel, Dynamic e$ecr: qfpennanent and temporary tux @icies
which is independent of the capital stock. Note that the d=O locus is given
which is a horizontal line in the (K,q) plane as shown in fig. 4. Above the
4 =0 locus, q is rising and below the 4 =0 :ocus, q is falling. Therefore, the
steady state E is a saddle point equilibrium and the stable path to the steady
state coincides with the horizontal 4 = 0 locus. The economic interp, etatlon is
that qt is the present value of tax-adjusted rentals T4, discountec! by r+6.
Since the tax-adjusted rental, T4, is constant, the value of 4 is simply
Fig. 4
‘%call that if the production function is linearly homogeaeous and if the firm is a price-
taker in its output and factor markets, theo 7~”= 0.
A.B. AM, Dynamic &em o~permnent and temporary tax policies
(T = To)
Fig. 5
(b) immediate expensing of’ some fraction z of the original gross cost of
investment, as suggested by Auer’uach and. Jorgenson (1980).‘6
Suppose that at time to it is unexpectedly axmounced that there will be an
immediate, but temporary, decrease in the tax rate from z. to rl. Then at
some future time tl, the tax rate will return permanently to the value zo.
‘%eeAM (198%) for a discussion of rke effects of temporary tax rate changes under more
grmerd depreciation allowanca s&emw. Althou& the depreciation a?lowance schemes are more
gk:neral in Abel (198OkQthe analysis of that paper is confined to the speck1 case in which n“ = 0.
Since thr: tax rate is expected to change ,at time or, the vaiue of DF is not
constant, in general, for t< tI. Therefore the appropriate equation of motion
for ~JIis (t 1) rather than (13). If we assume that the ITC is expected to
remain constant over time, the equation of motion for qdis
ote that at a point in time, A, and (l- ri) are fmed so that the Q=O locus
slopes downward in the (K,, 43 plane if zn ~0, and is a horizontal line if
E*=0, as discussed in section 4. However,, /it and (I - z,) can change so that
dt =Q locus can shift over time.
It can be shown that under either of the two depreciation deduct&n
hemes considered here, A, is constant until time t, and then is izonstant at
a lower vahre from time I1 onward.” Specifically,
Thus, it ;is clear from eq. (23) that the 4 =0 locus remains fixed between it0
and ti, and then remains fixed at a lower level from time tI onward. Noite
&at for any other depreciation allowance schemes,’ A, is continuallly
changingt8 and the g=Ct locus does not remain 6!d during the low tax
regime prevailing until time tI.
ow we are prepared to analyze the dynamic response to a temporsx,
decrease in the corporate tax rate. Suppose that initially‘the tax rate is zO,
and is expected to remain equal to ro, so that the system is at pokt A in fig.
6. Astune that the depreciation deduction scheme is given by eq. (21), so th&
z=%/(r+ a). Consider an unanticipated decrease in the tax rate from z. to r1
A.B. Abel, Dvnmic eJfects of permanent anti temporary tax policies 369
occurr’ at time to. If the tax cut is permanent, the system jumps upward’ to
point 3 and proceeds along the stable path to the steady state E,. However,
if the .ax cut is temporary, the system jumps upward to point C and
proceeds along the path CD. At time t,, when the temporary tax cut ends,
the system arrives at ,point D and then proceeds along the stable path to the
steady state &,. For a more long-lived tax cut, the system would jump
upward to point F and then proceed along FG, arriving at G when the
temporary policy ends. Thus the more long-lasting is the tax cut, the greater
will be the upward jump in q, and the upward jump in the rate of
Fig. 6
case in whir:h rc”=O. Therefore, we first prove the result for the II” =O case
and then proceed to the n” ~0 case iu which we use proof by contradiction.
Let the superscript 1 denote that the depreciation deduction scheme is
given by eq. (21) and let the superscript 2 denote that the depreciation
scheme is the Auerbach-Jorgenson immediate write-off scheme. For example,
Ki:’ is the level of the capital stock under eq. (21) when the temporary tax
cut ends and Kj:) is the level of the capital stock under the immediate write-
off scheme when the temporary tax cut ends, We first observe that
a A e-b +Wl -0 for t< t,,
-+(z,--rz,)- (2Sa)
‘r+6 r+6
q(LQ -
for t<tI. CW
Therefore, since r. > zl, the present value of tax savings due to the
depreciation deduction is greater under the proportional scheme in eq. (21)
than under the Auerbach-Jorgenson scheme, i.e., II:“‘> D,*(2).This finding is
clear because tax saving due to depreciation deductions is proportional to
the tax rate, and a/l depreciatian deductions under the Auerbach-Jorgenson
scheme are taken during the law tax regime. From eq. (25) it follows that
That is, during the low tax regime, the denominator of qr is lower for the
proportional depreciation deduction scheme than for the Auberbach-
Jorgenson scheme.
Now suppose rr”= 0 so that a’(&) takes on the constant valuts of 4 for all
s. From eq. (HI), it is obvious that @ (the numerator of gt) is identical under
the two alternative depreciation deduction schemes. Since the denominator of
qr is lower under the proportional depreciation deduction scheme, we obtain
Since investment is an increasing function of q,, Ii’) > 1;‘) for all t < t, and hence
k’p _Kjy
For the case in which rt” CO, it is no longer true that the numerator of qt,
i.e. q:, is identical under the two ailternative depreciation schemes. The
difficulty arises because future rentals to capital depend on the future path of
the capital stock. Suppose, contrary to the desired result, that K~:‘~Kj~~.
Since at time tr, qif) and 41:’ are both on the stab!e path to E,, it is clear
that K+K e-%-;~;+Jio”s
rr ml e -a(r-s~&. Since I~‘)>IIj2) for all t ct,, it is clear thct
t for t<t
t f’ to
372 A.B. Abel, Dynamiceflbctsof permanentand temporarytax policies
that clf:)zqif). Furthermore, since the denominators of qjl) and qi’) are equal
(since the tax rate is constant from Lime tl onward), qjr(1t&q,*(2k. Consider
some time t’ just before the tax cut ends, i.e., t’ = t, -E for small E~0. It
folfows th.at 4q:f1) 2 qz(‘), and since, from eel. (26), 1-k--D,“““’ < I -k--D,*(2),
we obtain qy’>qf f2! Therefore I$!) > I@?)so that the positive gap Kj2’--Ki”)
becomes wider as we go backward in time from %r . ‘This widening gap will
prevent x’(K~~~)from ever falling below 7t’(Ki2))for t<t, and thus prevents
q?(l) from ever falling below qt*@) as t moves backward from t,. Hence
qf””’ ) 2 qfcal and therefore qj ’ )>b qt(2) for all t -=ztl. But since investment is an
increasing function of ql, if qj’) always exceeds qi2) for r*< t,, then K$:‘> K!:),
which is a contradiction. Therefore, K!f)>Ktl(2! Thus, this resuii holds bcth
when E”=O and. when 7t”c 0.
As a final comparison of the response to a temporary tax cut under the
alternative depreciation schemes, we examine the immediate effect on
j~v~tment., As fig. 6 is drawn there is a larger impact effect on investment
under the proportional depreciation scheme than under the Auerbaclh-
Jorgenson scheme (point C lies above point H). We are not able to prove
that this result must be true for the general case with ~“50. However, this
result must ihold in the case in which IL”=0. Indeed, as demonstrated above,
/frr ZBIit) for all t c t, when x”= 0. Thus, in, this case, the impact effect of the
temporary tax cut is larger under the proportional depr&ation scheme than
under the Auerbach-Jorgenson scheme.
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