Cost of Capital-Explain
Cost of Capital-Explain
Cost of Capital-Explain
I. Introduction, 433.Il. The model, 434.Ill. The problem, 435.IV. Wealth
maximization: no personal taxes, 436.V. Wealth maximization with personal taxes,
438.VI. Firm value and the cost of capital, 440.Vu. Financial policy and the cost
of capital, 442.VHI. Conclusion, 445.
average of the interest rate on debt and the rate of time preference
of stockholders. Finally, if the cost of capital varies with the degree
of debt finance, or "leverage," firms should choose the debt-equity
ratio for which it is minimized. While many authors have arrived at
these results starting from the objective of wealth maximization, the
exact relationship remains somewhat unclear. In addition, there has
been considerable debate over the impact of corporate and personal
income taxes on firm policy.2
In this paper we explore the issue of wealth maximization and
the implied behavior of the firm, paying particular attention to the
results discussed above and how they are affected by the existence
* The author would like to thank Martin Feldstein and Jerry Green for many
stimulating discussions relating to this topic.
1. Modigliani and Miller 119581 have argued that, in the absence of taxation, it
2. See Farrar and Selw)m [1967], Pye [1972], Stapleton [1972], Stiglitz [1973, 19761,
King 11974], Miller [1977], Auerbach [1979], and Bradford [1978].
1979 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
00:/:3.553://79/u09;t.04J:/o1 (st
by the term,
= B/(B + Vi).
3. Note that p is the rate at which stockholders discount nomLnal flows from equity. If inflation is present, at rate ir, the real discount rate is p
E = (1 O)D1 c(V?+1
ning of period t is
fl (1 + pY'
.=1 z=t
Using (1) and (2), and applying (7) for successive values oft, we obtain
ptVt = E + (V1 Vi).
= V + E_1.
(10) W =
c)Vt + (1 0)
[1 + i_1(1 r)]B_1 +
(0 c)V + Vt_i.
We are now ready to examine the characteristics of wealthmaximizing behavior. Because of the complexity of the general
problem, we attack first the simpler case in which 0 =
Firms desire to maximize the sum of their securities' market value and
V = (1 + pY1(V+1 + Ft).
st 2t
+ p' F
W = Xt + (1 + r)1W+1,
rt = bi(1
r) + (1 b)p,
to be the "cost of capital," an average of the returns the firm must earn
W=x +
st+1 z=t
(1 + r)1 x.
approaches zero as T approaches infinity; that is, the firm's value grows at a rate less
than p. This restriction is necessary to rule out "chain letters" in which F is continually
less than or equal to zero and dividends on existing shares are supported solely by the
sale of new shares. A similar assumption will be made concerning the value of W in
equation (18) to rule out the continual sale of ever larger amounts of new debt to support
payments to existing holders of debt and equity.
6. See note 5.
questionable whether firms should always seek to maximize shareholder wealth when there is uncertainty as to the particular state of
nature that will occur in each period. One fairly simple, albeit imperfect, approach is to assume that the market evaluation of a firm's
"riskiness" increases with the degree of leverage, and that the required
= T + c.
Following the same procedure used to obtain equation (15), we
(20) v = st
C) v+1J.
$10.5 billion,9 and share repurchases were, in turn, only a small percentage of this number. 10
Given the above discussion, we shall henceforth assume that
firms neither issue new shares nor repurchase existing ones. While
not greatly abstracting from reality, this restriction constitutes a very
st z=t
[n (i
+ 1
6) x +
st+1 zt
+ r2)' x,
rt =
c) (0 c)b]'[bi (1 T)(l
0) + (1 b )Pr].
nondepreciating capital and labor, subject to a constant-returnsto-scale technology. These assumptions are made to facilitate the
exposition and do not influence the characteristics of the results.
The investment in an additional unit of capital at any given time
t will decrease concurrent cash flow by the purchase price, and increase the cash flow in each succeeding period by the marginal product
of such capital, less corporate taxes, ['(1 r). Such a project increases
W by f'(1 T)/rI 1. Perfect competition ensures that firms will
invest until the adoption of new projects does not increase wealth; that
is, the after-tax marginal product of capital must equal the cost of
[(1 r) = r.
Given that firms equate the wage rate with the marginal product
of labor, the cash flow available to the firm at the beginning of period
(26) W = (1 0)
= (1 O)[Xt
(K K1_1).
x = ['(1
+ Ks].
[K Be],
r)(1 0). Thus, this marginal asset has zero present value, discounted at p, when f'(l r) = p1(1 c), the all-equity cost of capital
derived in the previous section.'1
Thus far, we have had little to say about the choice of financial
all firms are perfect substitutes, as are bonds, so that firms are
price-takers with respect to p and i.
Differentiating (23) with respect to b, for i and p constant, we
obtain (dropping subscripts)
- c)
of i and p depends, in turn, on the characteristics of individual investors. We consider two cases, one in which all investors face the same
tax schedule, the second in which they do not. In each case we let
denote the individual tax rate on debt income.
Case 1: One Class of Investors
Without risk, debt and equity should be perfect substitutes, and
investors will hold whichever yields a higher net rate of return, holding
both only if these returns are equal. For an equilibrium to exist with
debt and equity present, both firms and individuals must be indif-
income tax, they receive i(1 ) from holding debt. Thus, individuals
will be indifferent if and only if i(1 0) = p. Combining these two
conditions, we have the result that debt and equity will exist together
in equilibrium if arid only if (1 r)(1 c) = (1
Now assume that we are initially in a position in which both debt
and equity are held, so that i(l = p, and suppose that (1 T)(1
c) > (1 ). Then i(1 r)(1 c) > p, and firms will shift entirely
to equity. Similarly, if (1 r)(1 c) < (1 0), they will shift entirely
to debt. Thus, the equilibrium will be characterized by all equity, all
debt, or both according to whether (1 r)(1 c) is greater than, less
than, or equal to (1 4).12
It is interesting that the tax on dividends 0 does not enter directly
into the process at all)3 Since the question of which method of finance
will be used depends on c, it would be helpful to relate this hypothetical tax on accrued capital gains to the currently existing tax on
realized gains. Bailey [1969] has shown that the effective tax rate on
accrued capital gains approximately equals the statutory rate on realizations, which cannot exceed 0.50, times the ratio of realizations
to accruals, which he estimated to be 0.2 for the long run in the United
States. If we let c = 0.10 and assume that 0 = , then the equilibrium
0 = r/(0.9 + 0.1T).
their marginal tax rates. Let (Oi, , c1) be the rates faced by class 1,
and let (09, 02, c2) be those faced by class 2. For simplicity, we again
assume that 0 = and 02 = 02. Our objective is to derive the condi-
tions under which debt and equity coexist in equilibrium, with one
= 0.
class holding equity and the other debt. For this to occur, firms must
be indifferent between debt and equity, equity-holders must prefer
equity, and debt-holders must prefer debt. Without any loss of generality, we take class 1 to be the equity-holders.
(10)+ (1 c1),
p1 = (1
p2 = (1
09)+ (1 C2).
p1 p'
p2 p2
i(1 r)(1
= p1;
1 c1
((1 c2)/(1
a) + a
)> 1101
a) + a (1_
Unless a is near unity,14 the first inequality in (37) will be satisfied,
and the condition reduces to that necessary for the existence of equity
in a one-class economy. Thus, in a two-class world, with one class
tax-exempt, and the other facing a marginal tax rate on regular capital
income between 0.51 and 0.70, debt and equity would coexist, with
the former group holding debt and the latter holding equity.
and capital gains, wealth maximization does not imply maximization of firm market value and the source of equity financing is not
The appropriate cost of capital in the presence of personal taxes
does not depend directly on either the dividend payout rate or the tax
on dividends. Equity shares have a market value lower than the difference between the reproduction cost of a firm's assets and the
market value of its debt obligations. Because of this capitalization,
it need not be true that an economy without risk or uncertainty would
have no equity financing.
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