Descent: Journeys in the Dark is copyright 2005 Fantasy Flight Publishing. All images are used with permission.
The tabet reads:
The Search Begins "Here are Arian and Magaloo who only cared for their
Hoarde and each other. They have forsaken their own kind
By Mike Zebrowski and would betray them for trinkets to add to their Hoarde.
May they finally serve their own kind by guarding the ancient
treasure to the end days. Always apart and never together."
Quest Background
If a surge is not rolled:
The High Lord Morgath has risen from the ashes and is once
again threatening the Free Towns of the world. The cry has The tablet read:
gone out for Heroes from all walks of life to aid in the "Take one egg and beat till fluffy.
upcoming battle against the Hordes of Darkness. Add one human and beat till pulpy"
The key to Morgath's foul plan is the fabled Dragon Runes.
With them he will nigh unstoppable. You, and many other
groups of Heroes, have been tasked with the quest of
recovering the Runes before Morgath. Area 2
After weeks of drudging through the Southern Swamps, you
come across an ancient tomb. You quickly determine that the Cobwebs dangle from the ceiling as you enter this area.
inscriptions on the tomb are written in Sivart, one of the
ancient languages once used by Dragon. As you probe the
entrance to the tomb you discover the remains of an
adventurer who appears to have died some time ago. A quick Area 3
search through his mumified remains reveals an ancient scroll
with a map! Could it be a map to this very tomb? Could one
of the ancient runes await discovery inside? There is only Several of the pillars that support the ceiling have fallen and
one way to find out! now clutter the floor. Amid the rubble moves the shapes of
Hell Hounds! No doubt summoned by Morgath's wizards to
slow you down!
Quest Goals
You need to investigate the tomb and discover if one of the Area 4
ancient Dragon Runes rests inside. Along the way, if you
should discover any of the ancient Glyphs of Transport, they
will aid greatly in your quest. An ancient river runs through this section of the tomb. It is
very dark in here and your visibility is limited.
Your band of heroes begins with 5 Conquest Points. If you
should ever run out of Conquest Points, then agents of As you move your torches around to get a better look, you
Morgath will have successfully ransacked the Tomb before spy a band of ancient skeletons dressed in strange garb. Most
you. likely they are the orginal guardians of this tomb. The magic
guarding this place must still be active even after all of these
Area 1
As you open the ancient portal, you spy lit torches and hear Area 5
the guttered sound of Beastmen. Looking through the
doorway, you see the forces of Morgath already in the tomb!
Before you is a Rune Locked door. There are many dents in
the door as if something was trying to escape.
The Beastmen catch your scent and the battle is joined!
Area 7
While searching through the Southern Swamps, your band of The creatures in this areas seem to be wearing the garb of
adventurers discovered an ancient tomb. Hoping that a some ancient lord.
Dragon Rune was hidden inside, you quickly undertook the
quest to explore the tomb. After many harrowing battles with
the forces of Morgath, you were disappointed to learn that the Area 4
ancient vault was barren ..... except for a map of an ancient
castle on the Whispering River.
Darkness fills the area sucking the light from your torches.
Your band of Heroes quickly travelled north to this very You can almost taste the magic in the air.
location, the ancient castle of Canterwall. Once a mighty
fortress, it now lies in ruins.
While at least one Sorcerer remains alive, the Heroes can not trace
Many stories abound about Canterwall and its downfall. LOS farther than 5 spaces.
Many speak of demomic power weilding by the Duke that When the last Socerer dies :
ruled here until a band of Heroes sealed the power away.
Others say that it was Demons that attacked the castle in
order to claim back their birthright. In any event, if the local
bard was speaking true then dark things still prowl the castle. Blinding light fills the air as if it had been contained in a
bottle that had long overflowed. The dark creatures around
you appear to be stunned.
Quest Goals
Any monsters in the current area when the last Sorcerer dies can not be
activated during the Overlord's next turn.
You need to investigate the ruins of Canterwall and discover
if one of the ancient Dragon Runes rests inside. Along the Heroes can now trace LOS as normal.
way, if you should discover any of the ancient Glyphs of
Transport, they will aid greatly in your quest.
Area 5
Your band of heroes begins with 5 Conquest Points. If you
should ever run out of Conquest Points, then the forces of
darkness will escape with any treasure hidden inside. Foul creatures guard this area of the ruins.
It is obvious that "Ruins" is a very appropriate name. You You've discovered the treasure room of Castle Canterwell!
enter the castle through the remains of a once mighty gate. Riches and treasures await your discovery. As soon as you
As you activate a nearby Glyth of Transportation, you hear deal with the guardians of the vaults that is.
the skitter of many legs on the stone work. It seems like the
local stories of dark forces were indeed true.
Area 7
Area 1
The ancient stairwell lead up into the darkness. You hear
something massive and most likely evil moving around up
Thick dust fills the air as you enter into this area. Through above.
the haze, you spy the animal forms of Beastmen eating the
remains of some poor animal. At least you hope it was an
Area 9
Area 10
As you reach the top of the stairs, you spy a massive Demon
hunched over a tomb. As his spot you, he slowly closes the
tomb as states is a raspy voice:
"Welcome heroes. It has been far too long since I have had
the pleasure of eating the souls of the brave. I saw feast well
tonight and for that I thank you."
"The Duke"
The Demon is the Duke and has the same stats as a Master Demon plus
Sorcerer 5 and Undying 2. (He rolls 2 Power dice to see if he dies).
When the "Duke" dies:
Its last words are cut off as the portal closes, leaving an errie
silence behind.
When the Heroes have defeated the Duke and found the
Sword of Light:
Doom In addtion, until all 3 seals are broken, anytime that a Hero attacks with
the Blade of Light, he takes 1 wound (ignoring armor) for each Blank
By Mike Zebrowski or Miss that he rolls.
Start Area
Quest Background
The swirls of magical energy fade from you as the magic
The High Lord Morgath has risen from the ashes and is once from the Glyph of Transportion wind down. As you move
again threatening the Free Towns of the world. The cry has your torches around to get a better look at the dungeon, you
gone out for Heroes from all walks of life to aid in the spy Beastmen and Skeletal Archers poised to attack.
upcoming battle against the Hordes of Darkness.
From the darkness, you hear:
The key to Morgath's foul plan is the fabled Dragon Runes.
With them he will nigh unstoppable. You, and many other "Welcome Heroes. Did you expect to sneak into my domain
groups of Heroes, have been tasked with the quest of without my notice? I sensed the Blade of Light 20 leagues
recovering the Runes before Morgath. away and sent my agents to the town to lure you here. Didn't
you think that it was odd that you were able to find this place
While searching through the Southern Swamps, your band of so easily?"
adventurers discovered an ancient tomb. Hoping that a
Dragon Rune was hidden inside, you quickly undertook the Suddenly, the Glyph of Transport grows dark and
quest to explore the tomb. After many harrowing battles with unresponsive.
the forces of Morgath, you were disappointed to learn that the
ancient vault was barren ..... except for a map of an ancient
castle on the Whispering River. Flip the Glyph of Transport over to the unactivate side. The Heroes
will not be able to activate a Glyph until they have destroyed at least
one seal. At that point, they'll be able to activate Glyphs and gain
Your band of Heroes quickly travelled north to the Ruins of Conquest points as normal.
Canterwall and expored the ancient castle. Within the ruins,
you battled both the forces of Morgath and the Demonic Area 1
Duke. Once the battle was over, you found not an Ancient
Dragon Rune, but one of the Blades of Light instead!
You're noses are assulted by the overwelming stench of a
The Blade of Light has had its power sealed away by the Manticore's nest. In the darkness, you can just make out a
forces of the Pit. In order for it to be restored to its full Manticore being attended by Mages.
power, the Demonic Seals that contain its power must be
If the Hero ends his movement on the ? :
While in the town of Trifalls looking for rumors of dungeons
that might contain a Dragon Rune, you learn of a nearby
dungeon that is ruled by a Demon. The Demon is reputed to
be a powerful mage who was responsable for sealing away With a quick strike of your foot, you smash the pulsating seal
many magic items during Morgaths last bid for power. It is of Demonic power.
possible that this Demon controls the seals the lock away the
Blade of Light's power! You quickly buy the map of the
dungeon from your contact and head off into the wilderness.
The Heroes gain 2 Conquest Points.
Your band of heroes begins with 5 Conquest Points. If you If the Hero ends his movement on the ? :
should ever run out of Conquest Points, then the forces of
darkness will escape with the remaining seals.
With a quick strike of your foot, you smash the pulsating seal
of Demonic power.
The Heroes begin with the Blade of Light. Instead of its normal stats,
use the chart below:
Seals Broken => Power The Heroes gain 2 Conquest points
0 => Surge: +3 Pierce, 3 Surge: +1 Damage
1 => Surge: +5 Pierce, 2 Surge: +1 Damage Area 3
Area 4
Each Bane Spider gets one attack with 2 extra power dice.
With a quick strike of your foot, you smash the pulsating seal
of Demonic power.