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BU 2200 – en

POWERLINK bus interface

Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

2 BU 2200 en-4319
1 Introduction
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Table of Contents
=== Ende der Liste für T extmar ke Inhalts verz eichnis ===

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.1.1 Documentation ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.2 Document History ................................................................................................................. 6
1.1.3 Copyright notice.................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.4 Publisher .............................................................................................................................. 6
1.1.5 About this manual ................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 Other applicable documents .............................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Presentation conventions ................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.1 Warning information ............................................................................................................. 7
1.3.2 Other information .................................................................................................................. 7
1.3.3 Text markings ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.4 List of abbreviations.............................................................................................................. 9
2 Safety ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Intended use .................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Selection and qualification of personnel ........................................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Qualified personnel............................................................................................................. 10
2.2.2 Qualified electrician ............................................................................................................ 10
2.3 Safety information ............................................................................................................................ 11
3 POWERLINK basics .................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1 Characteristics ................................................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Topology .......................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Linear topology ................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.2 Star topology ...................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.3 Ring topology...................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.4 Tree topology...................................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Bus protocol ..................................................................................................................................... 17
4 NORD system bus ..................................................................................................................................... 19
4.1 NORD system bus participants ........................................................................................................ 20
4.2 Access to parameters and control options ....................................................................................... 21
4.2.1 Access via the NORD SimpleBox ....................................................................................... 21
4.2.2 Access via the NORD ParameterBox ................................................................................. 21
4.2.3 Access via NORDCON software ........................................................................................ 22
4.3 Remote maintenance – in preparation ............................................................................................. 22
5 Initial setup ................................................................................................................................................ 23
5.1 Connecting the bus interface ........................................................................................................... 23
5.2 Integration into the bus master......................................................................................................... 24
5.2.1 Installing the device description file .................................................................................... 24
5.2.2 Automatic device detection ................................................................................................. 24
5.2.3 Data format of process data ............................................................................................... 25
5.2.4 Initialisation of parameters .................................................................................................. 25
5.2.5 POWERLINK field bus address .......................................................................................... 26
5.2.6 Prescribed POWERLINK address range ............................................................................ 27
5.3 Example: Commissioning the POWERLINK bus module ................................................................. 28

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POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

6 Data transmission ..................................................................................................................................... 30

6.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 30
6.1.1 Process data....................................................................................................................... 30
6.1.2 Parameter data ................................................................................................................... 30
6.2 NMT status machine ........................................................................................................................ 31
6.3 Transfer of process data .................................................................................................................. 32
6.3.1 Control word ....................................................................................................................... 33
6.3.2 Status word......................................................................................................................... 33
6.3.3 Frequency inverter status machine..................................................................................... 35
6.3.4 Setpoints and actual values ................................................................................................ 38
6.3.5 PDO mapping ..................................................................................................................... 40
6.3.6 Dynamic mapping ............................................................................................................... 43
6.3.7 Digital inputs/outputs – Bus interfaces SK xU4-POL .......................................................... 43
6.4 Parameter data transmission ........................................................................................................... 44
6.4.1 SDO error codes................................................................................................................. 46
6.5 Example of setpoint specification ..................................................................................................... 47
7 Parameters ................................................................................................................................................. 48
7.1 Parameter setting on the bus interface ............................................................................................ 48
7.1.1 NORD standard parameters ............................................................................................... 49
7.1.2 POWERLINK standard parameters .................................................................................... 51
7.1.3 NORD information parameters ........................................................................................... 53
7.1.4 POWERLINK information parameters ................................................................................ 57
7.2 Parameter settings on the frequency inverter .................................................................................. 59
8 Error monitoring and error messages ..................................................................................................... 61
8.1 Bus operation monitoring function .................................................................................................... 61
8.2 Resetting error messages ................................................................................................................ 63
8.3 Handling of errors in the bus interface ............................................................................................. 64
8.3.1 Error monitoring via the frequency inverter......................................................................... 64
8.3.2 Error monitoring via POWERLINK ...................................................................................... 64
8.4 Error messages ................................................................................................................................ 67
9 Appendix .................................................................................................................................................... 68
9.1 Repair information ............................................................................................................................ 68
9.2 Service and commissioning information ........................................................................................... 68
9.3 Documents and software ................................................................................................................. 69

4 BU 2200 en-4319
1 Introduction
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List of illustrations
=== Ende der Liste für T extmar ke Abbildungs verzeic hnis ===

Figure 1: POWERLINK adaptation to the OSI layer model .................................................................................... 12

Figure 2: POWERLINK linear topology (example) ................................................................................................. 13
Figure 3: POWERLINK star topology (example).................................................................................................... 14
Figure 4: POWERLINK ring topology (example).................................................................................................... 15
Figure 5: POWERLINK tree topology (example) ................................................................................................... 16
Figure 6: Ethernet telegram (minimum frame length 64 Byte) ............................................................................... 17
Figure 7: POWERLINK transfer cycle.................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 8: Example of the structure of a NORD system bus ................................................................................... 19
Figure 9: NMT status machine............................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 10: Frequency inverter status machine....................................................................................................... 35
Figure 11: Examples of monitoring parameter settings – SK TU4 bus interface.................................................... 62
Figure 12: Examples of monitoring parameter settings – SK TU3 bus interface.................................................... 62

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POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

1 Introduction
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1.1 General
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1.1.1 Documentation
Name: BU 2200
Material number 6082202
Series: Field bus system POWERLINK

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1.1.2 Document History

Issue Order number Software version Remarks

BU 2200, 6082202/ 3813 V 1.2 R0 First issue
September 2013
BU 2200, 6082202/ 4116 V 1.3 R2 Adaptation to the technical status
October 2016 October 2016
BU 2200, 6082202/ 3419 V 1.3 R3 (SK TU4-POL) Various corrections
August 2019 V 1.3 R2 (SK TU3-POL)
V 1.3 R1 (SK CU4-POL)
BU 2200, 6082202/ 4319 V 1.3 R3 (SK TU4-POL) Corrections version
Oktober 2019 V 1.3 R2 (SK TU3-POL)
V 1.3 R1 (SK CU4-POL)
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1.1.3 Copyright notice

As an integral component of the device or the function described here, this document must be
provided to all users in a suitable form.
Any editing or amendment or other utilisation of the document is prohibited.
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1.1.4 Publisher

Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG

Getriebebau-Nord-Straße 1
22941 Bargteheide, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 45 32 / 289-0
Fax: +49 (0) 45 32 / 289-2253
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6 BU 2200 en-4319
1 Introduction
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1.1.5 About this manual

This manual is intended to assist you in the setup of POWERLINK bus interfaces from
Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG in a field bus system. It is intended for all qualified electricians
who plan, install and set up the field bus system ( Section 2.2 "Selection and qualification of
personnel"). The information in this manual assumes that the qualified electricians who are entrusted
with this work are familiar with the technology of the field bus system and programmable logic
controllers (PLC).
This manual only contains information and descriptions of bus interfaces and frequency inverters
manufactured by Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG. It does not contain any descriptions of the
controllers and the necessary software for other manufacturers.
POWERLINK is a registered trademark.
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1.2 Other applicable documents

This manual is only valid in combination with the Technical Information for the bus interface which is
used and the operating instructions for the relevant frequency inverter. Only these documents contain
all of the information that is required for safe commissioning of the bus interface module and the
frequency inverter. A list of the documents can be found in  Section 9.3 "Documents and software".
The "Technical Information“ (TI) for the bus interface and the manuals (BU) for the NORD frequency
inverters can be found under www.nord.com.
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1.3 Presentation conventions

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1.3.1 Warning information

Warning information for the safety of the user and the bus interfaces are indicated as follows:

This warning information warns against personal risks, which may cause severe injury or death.

This warning information warns against personal risks, which may cause severe injury or death.

This warning information warns against personal risks, which may cause slight or moderate injuries.

This warning warns against damage to material.

1.3.2 Other information

This information shows hints and important information.
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1.3.3 Text markings

The following markings are used to differentiate between various types of information:

Type of information Example Marking
Instructions 1st Instructions for actions whose sequence must be
2nd complied with are numbered sequentially.
Bullet points • Bullet points are marked with a dot.
Parameters P162 Parameters are indicated by the prefix "P", a three-
digit number and bold type.
Arrays [-01]) Arrays are indicated by square brackets.
Factory settings { 0,0 } Factory settings are indicated by curly brackets.
Software descriptions "Cancel" Menus, fields, buttons and tabs are indicated by
quotation marks and bold type.

Type of information Example Marking
Binary numbers 100001b Binary numbers are indicated by the suffix "b"
Hexadecimal numbers 0000h Hexadecimal numbers are indicated by the suffix "h"

Symbols used
Type of information Example Marking
Cross-reference  Section 4 "NORD Internal cross-reference A mouse click on the text
system bus" calls up the stated point in the document.
 Supplementary External cross-reference
Hyperlink http://www.nord.com/ References to external websites are indicated in
blue and underlined. A mouse click calls up the

Type designations
Designation Description
SK 1x0E Series SK 180E frequency inverters
SK 2xxE Series SK 200E frequency inverters
SK 2x0E-FDS Series SK 250E-FDS frequency inverters
SK 5xxE Series SK 500E frequency inverters
SK 54xE SK 540E and SK 545E frequency inverters

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8 BU 2200 en-4319
1 Introduction
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1.3.4 List of abbreviations

Abbreviations used in this manual

Abbreviation Meaning
AG Absolute encoder
ASnd Asynchronous Send (asynchronous sending), POWERLINK telegram type which
contains SDO or NMT messages
Bus module Bus module
CAN Controller Area Network
CN Controlled Node, slave on a POWERLINK field bus
DIN Digital input
DIP Dual In-Line Package (= double row housing), compact switch block
DO Digital output
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
I/O Input/Output
FI Frequency inverters
ID Identifier
IP Internet protocol
I/O Input, Output
IW Actual value
MN Managing Node, POWERLINK bus master (PLC, industrial PC) for control of data
NMT Network Management
OSI Open Systems Interconnection, communication with open systems
OV Object index
PDO Process Data Object
PReq Poll Request, call-up of cyclic data from CN
PRes Poll Response, transmission of cyclic data from CN
PZD Process data
SDO Service Data Object
SoA Start of Asychronous, indicates the start of the asynchronous phase
SoC Start of Cycle, start of a new transmission cycle
PLC Programmable Logical Controller
STW Control word
SW Setpoint
UDP User Datagram Protocol
USS Universal serial interface
XDD XML Device Description, electronic device description file
ZSW Status word

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POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

2 Safety
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2.1 Intended use

POWERLINK bus interfaces from Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG are interfaces for
POWERLINK field bus communication, which may only be used in the following frequency inverters
from Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG.

Bus interface Frequency inverters

SK TU4-POL Series
SK 5xxE
SK TU3-POL SK 500E series

POWERLINK bus interfaces from Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG are used for communication
by the frequency inverter with a PLC in a POWERLINK field bus system provided by the operator.
Any other use of the bus interfaces is deemed to be incorrect use.
Pos : 26 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/2. (-) Sicher heit/Aus wahl und Qualifi kati on des Personals_01 - [Bus auß er AS-i - CTT 2] @ 8\mod_1442398670191_388.doc x @ 2236808 @ 2 @ 1

2.2 Selection and qualification of personnel

The bus interface may only be installed and started up by qualified electricians. These must possess
the necessary knowledge with regard to the technology of the field bus system, as well as
configuration software and the controller (bus master) which are used.
In addition, the qualified electricians must also be familiar with the installation, commissioning and
operation of the bus interfaces and the frequency inverters as well as all of the accident prevention
regulations, guidelines and laws which apply at the place of use.
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2.2.1 Qualified personnel

Qualified personnel includes persons who due to their specialist training and experience have
sufficient knowledge in a specialised area and are familiar with the relevant occupational safety and
accident prevention regulations as well as the generally recognised technical rules.
These persons must be authorised to carry out the necessary work by the operator of the system.
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2.2.2 Qualified electrician

An electrician is a person who, because of their technical training and experience, has sufficient
knowledge with regard to
• Switching on, switching off, isolating, earthing and marking power circuits and devices,
• Proper maintenance and use of protective devices in accordance with defined safety standards.
• Emergency treatment of injured persons.

10 BU 2200 en-4319
2 Safety
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2.3 Safety information

Only use bus interfaces and frequency inverters from NORD DRIVESYSTEM Group for their intended
purpose,  Section 2.1 "Intended use".
To ensure safe operation of the bus interface, observe all of the instructions in this manual, and in
particular the warning information in the other applicable documents,  Section 9.3 "Documents and
Only commission bus interfaces and frequency inverters in their technically unchanged form and not
without the necessary covers. Take care that all connections and cables are in good condition.
Work on and with bus interfaces and frequency inverters must only be carried out by qualified
personnel,  Section 2.2 "Selection and qualification of personnel".
Pos : 30 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/3. (2.) Grundlagen/POWERLINK [BU 2200]/!Kapitel POWERLINK-Gr undl agen @ 8\mod_1465885465005_388.doc x @ 2253838 @ 1 @ 1

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POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

3 POWERLINK basics
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3.1 Characteristics
POWERLINK is a real time Ethernet for the transfer of real time data with the emphasis on the transfer
of process data in automated systems. POWERLINK uses Layers 2 (data transfer) and 7 (application
layer) of the OSI model (Open Systems Interconnection Model = reference model for network
protocols as layer architecture, ISO 11898). POWERLINK integrates the CANopen profile into Layer 7
of the OSI model.

Figure 1: POWERLINK adaptation to the OSI layer model

Item Description
2 Data Link Layer Physical layer, defines the hardware, coding, speed etc. of data transfer
7 CANopen CANopen application layer (object oriented), defines the interface to the application
Application Layer program with the application-orientated commands.
DS-301 CANopen communication profile DS-301
DS-401 CANopen device profile DS-401, I/O module
DS-402 CANopen device profile DS-402, drive units

POWERLINK is maintained by the user organisation Ethernet POWERLINK Standardization Group

(EPSG) and is published in the standards IEC 61784-2, IEC 61158-3, IEC 61158-4, IEC 61158-5 and
IEC 61158-6. POWERLINK complies with Ethernet standard IEEE 802.3 and is available free of
charge as a licence-free open source version.
For the cyclic exchange of data via the POWERLINK field bus system, the control system (PLC or
industrial PC) becomes a so-called "Managing Node" (MN, leading node = bus master), which
determines the cycle time for synchronisation and controls the cyclic exchange of data. The other bus
participants are "Controlled Nodes" (CN, = Slaves) The MN sends queries to all CNs in a specified
sequence. Each CN sends a response immediately.

12 BU 2200 en-4319
3 POWERLINK basics
Depending on the configuration of the bus master, POWERLINK field devices can be connected to or
disconnected from the field bus during network operation without impairing network functions. A restart
of the field bus system is not necessary.
Addressing of the POWERLINK bus participants is carried out by:
• the unique MAC address of the device,
• the assigned unique IP address.

Performance description

Standards IEC 61784-2, IEC 61158-3, IEC 61158-4, IEC 61158-5 and
IEC 61158-6
Possible number of bus participants 240
Transfer rate 100 MBit (Switched Ethernet, Full Duplex)
Supported functions • Hot Plugging (CN connection during bus operation)
• Isochronous PDO transfer (static mapping)
• Asynchronous data transfer (SDO over ASND or UDP/IP)
Wiring Standard Ethernet cable CAT5 or better
Cable length Max. 100 m between two bus interfaces

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3.2 Topology
A POWERLINK field bus system can be set up in a linear, star, ring or tree topology, or a mixture of
these variants. Special POWERLINK hubs or switches are necessary if star or tree structures are

3.2.1 Linear topology

Figure 2: POWERLINK linear topology (example)

Advantages: Requires less cable material, can be extended at the end of the line with little effort.
Disadvantages: If the line is interrupted (device failure or defective cable) the field bus participants
which are connected behind the interruption are no longer accessible.

BU 2200 en-4319 13
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

3.2.2 Star topology

A star topology requires a special POWERLINK switch or a POWERLINK hub.

Figure 3: POWERLINK star topology (example)

Advantages: Failure of a device has no effect on other bus participants; can be extended with
little effort, simple troubleshooting and remedy of faults.
Disadvantages: Network operation is not possible if there are problems with the switch.

14 BU 2200 en-4319
3 POWERLINK basics

3.2.3 Ring topology

With a ring topology, one line is closed to form a ring, in order to provide media redundancy.

Figure 4: POWERLINK ring topology (example)

Requirement: The ring topology must be supported by bus master

Advantages: Communication continues even if one cable is defective.
Disadvantages: High load states result in bottlenecks.

BU 2200 en-4319 15
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

3.2.4 Tree topology

In a tree topology, linear and star topology can be mixed.

Figure 5: POWERLINK tree topology (example)

Advantages: Failure of a device has no effect on other bus participants; can be extended with
little effort, long distances can be implemented.
Disadvantages: In case of problems with the switch, the branch from this is no longer accessible.

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16 BU 2200 en-4319
3 POWERLINK basics
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3.3 Bus protocol

The data which are to be communicated via the POWERLINK field bus are embedded in standard
Ethernet frames.

Figure 6: Ethernet telegram (minimum frame length 64 Byte)

Designation Description
DA Destination Address = Destination address of the Ethernet frame
SA Source Address = source address of the Ethernet frame
Type Type of Ethernet frame (0x88AB)
MT Message Type = POWERLINK message type
DN Destination Node
SN Source Node
Application Data Useful load (min. 3 Byte, max. 1475 Byte)

Pad Padding Bytes = Bytes to fill up the Ethernet frame to the required minimum
frame length of 64 Byte
CRC Checksum for the Ethernet frame

POWERLINK uses pre-defined message types

Message Type ID Name Use Ethernet transfer type

SoC 01h Start of Cycle Defines the start of a new Multicast
transfer cycle
PReq 03h Poll Request Call up cyclic data from CN Unicast
PRes 04h Poll Response Transmission of current cyclic Multicast
data from CN
SoA 05h Start of Asynchronous Indicate the start of the Multicast
asynchronous phase
ASend 06h Asnychronous Send Send asynchronous data Multicast

BU 2200 en-4319 17
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

To ensure deterministic data transfer on the field bus without collisions, POWERLINK data transfer is
controlled by the Managing Node (MN, bus master). The Controlled Nodes (CN, Slaves) may only
transmit when they are ordered to do so.

Figure 7: POWERLINK transfer cycle

Item Description
1 Start of transfer cycle
2 Isochronous phase
3 Asynchronous phase

A transfer cycle starts with the message type "SoC". After this, each CN is queried with a "PReq" by
the MN, to which the CN responds with a "PRes". After the end of the transfer cycle, the asynchronous
phase starts with the transfer of the "SoA" package. In this phase, a CN which is ordered to do so by
the MN transmits acyclic data.
With POWERLINK, all communication and user objects are specified in an object directory (OV) which
is based on the CANopen field bus standard, and which serves as a link between the application and
the communication device. Each communication object in the object directory is designated with a
16 Bit index. An index may contain up to 256 sub-indices (8 Bit). The assignment to a particular index
is defined in the CANopen profiles DS-301 (communication profile) and DS-402 (application profile).

Index range Use

0000h Not used
0001h…009Fh Data types (special case)
00A0h…0FFFh Reserved
1000h…1FFFh Communication profile
2000h…5FFFh Manufacturer-specific objects
6000h…9FFFh Up to 8 standardised device profiles
A000h…AFFFh Standardised interface profile
C000h…FFFFh Reserved

See  Section 6 "Data transmission" for detailed information.

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18 BU 2200 en-4319
4 NORD system bus

4 NORD system bus

Communication between the bus interface and frequency inverters from Getriebebau NORD GmbH &
Co. KG is carried out via a separate NORD system bus. The NORD system bus is a CAN field bus;
communication is via the CANopen protocol.
One or more frequency inverters in the field bus system can be accessed via a bus interface.

Figure 8: Example of the structure of a NORD system bus

Item Description
1 NORD system bus (CAN field bus)
2 SK TU4 bus interface
3 Frequency inverter
4 Absolute encoder
5 Input/output extension SK TU4-IOE
NORD CON computer (on Windows® based PC, on which the NORD CON parameterisation and
control software is installed)
7 Field bus

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4.1 NORD system bus participants

Possible number of bus nodes on a system bus:

Decentralised frequency inverters Central frequency inverters

SK 1x0E SK 2xxE SK 500–535E SK 54xE

Frequency inverter 4 4 8 8
Input/output extensions 8 8 — 16
CANopen encoder 4 4 8 8
Bus interface 1 1 1 1
NORD CON computer 1 1 1 1

All participants on the NORD system bus must be assigned a unique address (CAN ID). The address
of the bus interface is pre-set at the factory and cannot be changed. Connected IO extensions must be
assigned to the frequency inverters ( Technical Information/Data Sheet of the relevant IO
extension). Depending on the device, the addresses of the frequency inverter and the connected
absolute encoder can be set via the parameter P515 CAN address or via the DIP switches.
If absolute encoders are used, these must be assigned directly to a frequency inverter. This is carried
out using the following equation:
Absolute encoder address = CAN ID of the frequency inverter + 1
This results in the following matrix:

Device FI 1 AG1 FI 2 AG2 …

CAN-ID 32 33 34 35 …

The termination resistor must be activated on the first and last participant in the system bus
( Frequency inverter manual) The bus speed of the frequency inverter must be set to "250 kBaud"
(P514 CAN baud rate) This also applies to any absolute encoders which are connected.

Information SK 5xxE series, SK 511E and above

Setup of a system bus with SK 5xxE series devices is only possible for SK 511E devices and above and is
made via their RJ45 sockets. It must be noted that the RJ45 sockets must have a 24 V DC supply in order to
enable communication via the system bus ( Frequency inverter manual).
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20 BU 2200 en-4319
4 NORD system bus
Pos : 40 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/4. (2.1) N ORD-Sys tembus/Z ugriff mit Par ametrier- und Bedienoptionen_01 @ 8\mod_1447757644085_388.doc x @ 2240169 @ 2 @ 1

4.2 Access to parameters and control options

Communication by NORD control devices (SimpleBox and ParameterBox) and the NORD CON
software with the bus interfaces and the frequency inverters on the NORD system bus is carried out
via the USS protocol ( Manual BU 0050)

Information Access to bus interface parameters

• Access to bus interface parameters is only possible via the NORD CON software or the ParameterBox, not
however via the SimpleBox (SK CSX-3...).
• Access to the parameters of a SK TU4 is possible via the NORD system bus by connection to a frequency
inverter or also directly by connection to the RJ12 interface of the SK TU4.
• Access to the parameters of a SK CU4 is only possible via the NORD system bus (CANopen) by
connection to a frequency inverter.

Pos : 41 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/4. (2.1) N ORD-Sys tembus/Z ugriff mit Par ametrier- und Bedienoptionen_02 ( Simpl eBox) @ 13\mod_1476778476246_388.doc x @ 2265586 @ 3 @ 1

4.2.1 Access via the NORD SimpleBox

By connection of the SimpleBox ( Manual BU 0040) to a frequency inverter a point-to-point USS
bus communication is established. The SimpleBox only communicates with the frequency inverter to
which it is connected.
Pos : 42 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/4. (2.1) N ORD-Sys tembus/Z ugriff mit Par ametrier- und Bedienoptionen_03 ( Par ameter Box) @ 13\mod_1476778490712_388.doc x @ 2265621 @ 3 @ 1

4.2.2 Access via the NORD ParameterBox

Access via the ParameterBox ( Manual BU 0040) can be obtained by several methods:
• Connection of the ParameterBox to a frequency inverter for point-to-point USS bus
communication. The ParameterBox only communicates with the frequency inverter to which it is
• Connection of the ParameterBox to a frequency inverter for USS communication with a maximum
of 6 participants (5 devices plus ParameterBox). This requires an installed USS bus:
– Wired,
– Termination resistors set,
– USS bus participants addressed.
• Connection of the ParameterBox to a bus interface or frequency inverter for system bus
communication (CANopen) with a maximum of 6 participants (5 devices plus ParameterBox).
This requires an installed system bus:
– Wired,
– Termination resistors set,
– System bus participants addressed, USS addresses set to the factory setting ("0"). If the
ParameterBox detects an active system bus, a USS address is automatically assigned to all of
the participants which are detected.
Communication is via the USS protocol. The CANopen interface of the bus interface or the device
with which the ParameterBox is connected acts as a gateway.
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4.2.3 Access via NORDCON software

Access via the NORDCON software ( Manual BU 0000) can be obtained by several methods:
• Connection of the NORDCON computer to a frequency inverter for point-to-point USS bus
communication. The NORDCON software only communicates with the frequency inverter to
which it is connected.
• Connection of the NORDCON computer to a frequency inverter for USS communication with a
maximum of 32 participants (31 devices plus ParameterBox). This requires an installed USS bus:
– Wired,
– Termination resistors set (only for RS485 connection. This is not necessary for an RS232

Information USS address

It is not necessary to set a USS address.

• Connection of the NORDCON computer to a bus interface or frequency inverter for system bus
communication (CANopen) with a maximum of 32 participants (31 devices plus NORDCON).
This requires an installed system bus:
– Wired,
– Termination resistors set,
– System bus participants addressed, USS addresses set to the factory setting ("0"). If the
NORDCON software detects an active system bus, a USS address is automatically assigned to
all of the participants which are detected.
Communication is via the USS protocol. The CANopen interface of the bus interface or the device
with which the NORDCON software is connected acts as a gateway.
Pos : 45 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/4. (2.1) N ORD-Sys tembus/POWER LIN K [BU 2200]/Fer nwar tung in Vorbereitung_POL @ 8\mod_1473683372352_388.doc x @ 2260194 @ 2 @ 1

4.3 Remote maintenance – in preparation

This function is not available at present
Pos : 46 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/5. (3.) Ersteinric htung/Ersteinric htung [auß er BU 2xxx] @ 8\mod_1443442997693_388.doc x @ 2237210 @ 1 @ 1

22 BU 2200 en-4319
5 Initial setup

5 Initial setup

The bus interface must be set up in order to commission the field bus system. This consists of the
following work:

Type of work Description 

Connect the bus interface to the frequency inverter Section 5.1 "Connecting the bus interface"
Configure the control project Section 5.2 "Integration into the bus master"
Assign the bus address Section 5.2 "Integration into the bus master"
Make the required parameter settings Section 7 "Parameters"

An example of the procedure for setting up the field bus system can be found at the end of this section
( Section 5.3 "Example: Commissioning the POWERLINK bus module").
Detailed information about EMC compliant installation can be found in the Technical Information
TI 80_0011 under www.nord.com
Pos : 47 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/5. (3.) Ersteinric htung/POWERLINK [BU 2200]/Bus schnittstelle ansc hließ en POWER LIN K [BU 2200] @ 8\mod_1465914179928_388.doc x @ 2254032 @ 2 @ 1

5.1 Connecting the bus interface

Information Bus address via DIP switch
Before connecting the bus interface, read the information for setting the bus address in the technical
information and in this manual ( Section 5.2.5 "POWERLINK field bus address"). If the bus address is set
with the DIP switches, this must be carried out before the bus interface is connected, as the DIP switches are
no longer accessible after this.

Connection of the bus interface to the frequency inverter and the POWERLINK field bus is described
in the corresponding technical information:

Bus interface Frequency inverters Documentation

SK TU3-POL SK 5xxE series Technical Information/Data Sheet TI 275900140
SK TU4-POL SK 1x0E and SK 2xxE Technical Information/Data Sheet TI 275281118
SK TU4-POL-C series Technical Information/Data Sheet TI 275281168
SK CU4-POL Technical Information/Data Sheet TI 275271018
SK CU4-POL-C Technical Information/Data Sheet TI 275271518

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5.2 Integration into the bus master

The bus master must first be configured for communication with the bus interface (PLC project). The
configuration must be produced with a software system for POWERLINK field bus systems.

5.2.1 Installing the device description file

The bus master needs a device description file so that the bus interface and the frequency inverter
can be identified by the bus master during the bus scan.
The current device description file which is necessary for detection of the POWERLINK bus interface
and the frequency inverter can be downloaded from our website www.nord.com, directly under the link
The file, (e.g. "0xED_NORD_CU4_POL.xdd") contains a description of the device characteristics of
the bus interface and its parameters. The device description file for the bus interface SK TU3-POL
also provides the parameters for the frequency inverter on which the bus interface is mounted.

File Bus interface Frequency inverters

0xED_NORD_TU3_POL.xdd SK TU3-POL SK 5xxE series
SK 540E series
0xED_NORD_CU4_POL.xdd SK CU4-POL SK 2xxE series
0xED_NORD_TU4_POL.xdd SK TU4-POL SK 180E series
SK 5xxE series
SK 54xE series

5.2.2 Automatic device detection

In order that the bus interface and the connected frequency inverters can be automatically detected by
the bus master in bus scan, the following settings must be made in the configuration software after
installation of the device description file:
• Enter the bus interface in the POWERLINK field bus system
• Enter the bus interface from the PLC database into the project (add Controlled Node)
• Address the bus interface (assign POWERLINK Node ID)
• Link the process data to variables

24 BU 2200 en-4319
5 Initial setup

5.2.3 Data format of process data

For the cyclic transfer of process data for the bus interface and the frequency inverter, the data format
must be specified in the configuration project. For detailed information about process data, please
refer to  Section 6.3 "Transfer of process data ".

5.2.4 Initialisation of parameters

In order to write parameters automatically when the PLC is started, the relevant device-specific
parameters must be provided with an initial value in the device configuration of the PLC. All of the
parameters are written once when the PLC establishes communication with the Controlled Node.

Information Readiness for operation

The frequency inverters and bus interfaces must be ready for operation when the PLC is started. Otherwise the
bus interfaces cannot save any data in the device and respond with an error. If the PLC module monitoring
( Section 8.3 "Handling of errors in the bus interface") is enabled, the PLC then switches to Service Mode.
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5.2.5 POWERLINK field bus address

In order for the bus interface and the connected frequency inverters to be detected by the bus master,
an IP address must be assigned to the bus interface.
Only the fourth byte of the IP address (NODE ID) needs to be set. The first three bytes of the IP
address and the four bytes of the subnet mask are specified by POWERLINK.

IP address 192.168.100.xxx (xxx = Node-ID)

Subnet mask

Setting of the Node ID can be carried out by two methods:

• Setting the IP address via parameters in the NORDCON software, as described below.
• Setting the Node ID (fourth byte of the IP address) with DIP switches ( Technical
Information/Data Sheet).
Setting of the Node ID with DIP switches has priority over setting via parameter P160.

The following bus interface parameters must be set in the NORDCON software:
• P160 Node ID/IP address 4
• P164 IP gateway (if gateway function configured)

• The POWERLINK field bus system has been installed and commissioned according to the
manufacturer's instructions.
• A parameterisation tool (e.g. NORDCON or ParameterBox) is available.
1. Call up the parameter P160 Node ID/IP address 4 and set the fourth byte of the IP address.

Information POWERLINK address range

POWERLINK prescribes certain ranges for the allocation of addresses, which must be complied with.
 Section 5.2.6 "Prescribed POWERLINK address range".

2. Call up parameter P164 IP Gateway and set the IP address for the gateway function.

Information Standard IP address for gateway function

The IP address for the gateway function is parameterised to the standard value "" and
should not be changed. If the IP address is changed in spite of this, this may only be within the range
"" ... "". Otherwise the error "5605 set config." will be triggered.

3. Restart the bus interface (switch the power supply off and on again) so that the parameter settings
are read in.
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26 BU 2200 en-4319
5 Initial setup
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5.2.6 Prescribed POWERLINK address range

When allocating the unique Node ID (fourth byte of the IP address) for the bus interface, the address
ranges prescribed by POWERLINK must be strictly complied with.

POWERLINK Node ID POWERLINK designation Meaning Access options

0 C_ADR_INVALID Invalid Invalid POWERLINK no (none)
1 — POWERLINK POWERLINK address for • no (none)
… Controlled Node field bus slave (CN) • mandatory
239 • optional
• isochronous
• asynchronous
Managing Node the bus master (MN) isochronous
241 Reserved (EPSG profile DS-302-A [1])

Pseudo Node self-addressing of a bus
252 C_ADR_DUMMY_NODE_ID POWERLINK Dummy Node POWERLINK address as No (none)
place holder
253 C_ADR_DIAG_DEF_NODE_ID Diagnostic device POWERLINK standard • optional
address for diagnostic • isochronous
devices • asynchronous
254 C_ADR_RT1_DEF_NODE_ID POWERLINK to legacy POWERLINK standard • no (none)
Ethernet router address for Type 1 routers • mandatory
(obsolete Ethernet • optional
routers) • isochronous
255 C_ADR_BROADCAST POWERLINK broadcast POWERLINK broadcast No (none)

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Pos : 55 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/5. (3.) Ersteinric htung/Beispi el: Inbetriebnahme der Fel dbus xxx- Bus schnittstelle @ 8\mod_1443685297136_388.doc x @ 2237278 @ 2 @ 1

5.3 Example: Commissioning the POWERLINK bus module

The following example contains an overview of the necessary steps for commissioning the bus
interface in a POWERLINK field bus system. The example does not include any details of application-
specific settings (motor data, control parameters, etc.).
Via a bus interface, 3 frequency inverters are to be independently controlled in positioning operation
with a single speed and a single position specification.

Device type Name Connected motor Characteristics

Bus interface BusBG1
SK 2x5E frequency inverter FI 1 4-pole/n=1390 rpm/50 Hz Motor with CANopen absolute encoder
SK 2x5E frequency inverter FI 2 4-pole/n=1390 rpm/50 Hz Motor with CANopen absolute encoder
SK 2x5E frequency inverter FI31 4-pole/n=1390 rpm/50 Hz Motor with CANopen absolute encoder
The bus interface and frequency inverter FI3 are physically the last participants on the NORD system bus.

Communication Step Explanation

NORD system bus 1 Before connecting the Set DIP switch 1 (of 12) on the bus interface to the
bus interface to the "ON" position.
frequency inverter: Set DIP switch S2 on frequency inverter FI3 to the
Set the termination "ON" position.
All other DIP switches (termination resistors) must
be in the "OFF" position.
2 Set up system bus. A 24 V supply is required! ( Technical Information
for the bus interface)
3 Set the system bus Preferably with the DIP switches ( BU 0200):
address of the frequency FI1 Address "32"
FI2 Address "34"
FI3 Address "36"
AG1 Address "33"
AG2 Address "35"
AG3 Address "37"
The address of the bus interface is pre-set and
cannot be changed.
4 Set the system bus baud Set "250 kBaud" on FI1 to FI3 as well as on AG1 to
rate. AG3.

28 BU 2200 en-4319
5 Initial setup
Communication Step Explanation
5 Set the parameters for Set the following parameters on each frequency
system bus inverter:
communication. P509 3 (system bus)
P510, [-01] 0 (Auto)
P510, [-02] 0 (Auto)
P543, [-01] 1 (actual frequency)
P543, [-02] 10 (curr. Pos. Inc. LowWord)
P543, [-03] 15 (cur. Pos. Inc. HighWord
P546, [-01] 1 (set point frequency)
P546, [-02] 23 (setp. Pos. Inc. LowWord)
P546, [-03] 24 (set. Pos. Inc. HighWord)
POWERLINK field 6 Set up the bus interface for  Sections 5.1 "Connecting the bus interface" to
bus field bus communication. 5.2 "Integration into the bus master"
Set the following parameters on the bus interface
( Section 7.1.1 "NORD standard parameters"):
P151 200 ms (Timeout external bus)
NORD system bus 7 Set the parameters for Set the following parameters on each frequency
system bus monitoring. inverter ( BU 0200)
P120, [-01] 1 (Auto) or
2 (monitoring active immediately)
8 Check the system bus Check the display of the following information
communication. parameters on all frequency inverters ( BU 0200):
P748 "System bus status"
P740, [-01] "Control word"“ (047Eh = "Ready for
P740, [-02] "Setpoint 1"
P741, [-01] "Status word" (0B31h = "Ready for
P741, [-02] "Actual value 1"
Check the display of the following bus interface
information parameters ( Section 7.1.3 "NORD
information parameters"):
P173 "Module status"
POWERLINK field 9 Check the field bus Check the display of the following bus interface
bus communication. information parameters ( Section 7.1.3 "NORD
information parameters"):
P173 "Module status"
P740 "Process data Bus In"
P177 "Process data Bus Out"
On condition that the PLC has already sent the control word. Otherwise "0h" is displayed in the parameter.

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6 Data transmission
Pos : 57 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/6. (6.) D atenübertragung/Einführung @ 8\mod_1441797904164_388.doc x @ 2236163 @ 2 @ 1

6.1 Introduction
With the data communication between the frequency inverter (via the bus interface) and the bus
master (PLC) process data and parameter data are exchanged.
Pos : 58 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/6. (6.) D atenübertragung/Proz ess daten @ 8\mod_1453290543326_388.doc x @ 2241858 @ 3 @ 1

6.1.1 Process data

• Process data are the control word and up to 5 setpoints, as well as the status word and up to 5
actual values. Control words and setpoints are communicated from the bus master to the frequency
inverters. Status words and actual values are communicated from the frequency inverters to the
bus master.
• Process data are necessary to control the frequency inverter.
• The transfer of process data is carried out cyclically with priority between the bus master and the
frequency inverters.
• In the PLC the process data are stored directly in the I/O area.
• Process data are not saved in the frequency inverter.
 Section 6.3 "Transfer of process data ".
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6.1.2 Parameter data

• Parameter data are the setting values and device data for the bus interface and the connected
frequency inverter.
• Transfer of the parameter data is carried out cyclically without priority.
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30 BU 2200 en-4319
6 Data transmission
Pos : 61 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/6. (6.) D atenübertragung/POWER LIN K [BU 2200]/NMT-Zus tands maschi ne [POL] @ 8\mod_1465998812548_388.doc x @ 2255225 @ 2 @ 1

6.2 NMT status machine

When the bus system is started up, the bus interface runs through the POWERLINK NMT status

Figure 9: NMT status machine

Status Description
Initialisation Initialisation phase:
• No communication of process data and parameters
• The field bus system is monitored for POWERLINK frames. If no frame is received
within the set time (timeout) the bus interface changes to the state "Basic Ethernet". If
a POWERLINK frame is detected before the set time has elapsed, the bus interface
changes to the state "Pre-Operational".
Pre-Operational 1 Field bus running:
• Parameter communication possible
• No process data communication
• The Controlled Node waits for the reception of a SoC-Frame and then changes to the
state "Pre-Operational 2". If the red LED "BE" illuminates in this state, the Managing
Node has failed.
Pre-Operational 2 • Parameter communication possible
• No process data communication
• In this state, the interface is configured by the Managing Node. After this, a command
is given to switch to the state "Ready to operate". If the red LED "BE" illuminates in
this state, the Managing Node has failed.
Ready To Operate Ready for operation
• Parameter communication active
• Limited communication of process data possible.
• Configuration of the bus interface by the Managing Node is complete. Normal cyclic
and asynchronous communication is possible. The transmitted PDO data complies
with the PDO mapping. Cyclic data are not evaluated. If the red LED "BE" illuminates
in this state, the Managing Node has failed.
Operational Normal operation:
• Parameter communication active
• Process data communication active
Basic Ethernet Parameter communication only possible via UDP/IP. If communication is detected on the
POWERLINK field bus during this state, the bus interface changes to the state "Pre-
Operational 1". If the red LED "BE" illuminates, the Managing Node has failed.
Stopped Output data are not output and input data are not supplied. This state can only be
achieved and exited by a corresponding command from the Managing Node.
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6.3 Transfer of process data

In the process data area (PZD), control words and setpoints are transferred from the master to the
frequency inverter and in return, status words and actual values are sent from the frequency inverter
to the master. The structure of the PZD area is always the same in terms of the sequence of its
elements (words), however, dependent upon direction of data Master  Slave / Slave  Master, it is
labelled differently. Each word has a length of 16 Bit. To communicate 32 Bit values (e.g. position
values), 2 words are required (e.g setpoint 1 and setpoint 2).
For POWERLINK the length and structure of the process data are fixed and are determined by the
device description file (XDD file). 6 process values are available for each direction of transmission and
connected frequency inverter: 1 control word or 1 status word and 5 setpoints or 5 actual values.
Pos : 64 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/6. (6.) D atenübertragung/POWER LIN K [BU 2200]/Pr ozessdatenübertragung_02 [POL - BU2200] @ 33\mod_1556118332550_388.doc x @ 2530428 @ @ 1

SK 54xE series frequency inverters process all 5 setpoints and 5 actual values. All other frequency
inverters process 3 setpoints and 3 actual values and ignore the two other values.
On the bus interfaces SK CU4-POL and SK TU4-POL the switching state of the inputs and outputs is
communicated with 2 further bytes.
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32 BU 2200 en-4319
6 Data transmission
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6.3.1 Control word

The control word (STW) is the first word of a process data telegram which is sent from the bus master
to the frequency inverter (order telegram) To switch the drive unit to standby, the frequency inverter
must be set to "Ready for switch-on" status by transfer of the first control command "047Eh"

Bit Designation Value Control command Priority1

0 Ready for operation 0 Reverse with brake ramp, with voltage enabled at f=0 Hz 3
(ready for operation)
1 Set the frequency inverter to standby. 5
1 Disable voltage 0 Switch off the frequency inverter output voltage (the frequency 1
inverter goes into the status "Switch-on block").
1 Cancel "Disable voltage" —
2 Emergency stop 0 Emergency stop with programmed emergency stop time. At 2
f = 0 Hz voltage enable (the FI goes into "Switch-on block"
1 Cancel operating condition "Emergency stop" —
3 Enable operation 0 Block voltage: Switch off the frequency inverter output voltage 6
(the frequency inverter goes into the status "Ready for switch-
1 Enable output voltage Acceleration of the frequency inverter to 4
the present setpoint.
4 Enable pulses 0 Acceleration encoder is set to zero; at f = 0 Hz no voltage —
enable (FI remains in "Operation enabled" status).
1 Enable acceleration encoder
5 Enable ramp 0 Freeze the setpoint currently provided by the acceleration —
encoder (maintain frequency).
1 Enable setpoint on acceleration encoder
6 Enable setpoint 0 Set the selected setpoint on the acceleration encoder to 0 —
1 Activate the selected setpoint on the acceleration encoder.
7 Acknowledge the error 0 With the switch from 0 to 1, inactive errors are acknowledged. 7
(0→1) 1 Note: If a digital input has been programmed for the "ack.fault" function, this bit
must not permanently be set to 1 via the bus, as otherwise, flank evaluation
would be prevented.
8 Start function 480.11 0 —
1 Bus bit 8 of the control word is set  Parameter P480 in the
frequency inverter manual.
9 Start function 480.12 0 —
1 Bus bit 9 of the control word is set  Parameter P480 in the
frequency inverter manual.
102 Control data valid 0 The transmitted process data are invalid. —
1 The bus master transfers valid process data
113 Rotation right is on 0 —
1 Switch on rotation right.
123 Rotation left is on 0 —
1 Switch on rotation left (priority).
13 Reserved
14 Parameter set Bit 0 On 0 Bit 15 Bit 14 it activates the parameter set —
1 0 0 Parameter set 1
15 Parameter set Bit 1 On 0 0 1 Parameter set 2
1 0 Parameter set 3
1 1 1 Parameter set 4
If several control bits are set simultaneously, the priority stated in this column applies.
The telegram is only interpreted as valid by the frequency inverter and the setpoints which are communicated via the field bus are only
set if control bit 10 is set to 1.
If Bit 12 = 0, "rotational direction right ON" applies.
If Bit 12 = 1, "rotational direction left ON" applies, irrespective of Bit 11.
Pos : 41 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/6. D atenübertr agung/EtherCAT [BU 2300]/Z ustands wort @ 8\mod_1442491462748_6.doc x @ 2237007 @ 3 @ 1
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6.3.2 Status word

The status word (ZSW) is the first word of a process data telegram which is sent from the frequency
inverter to the bus master (response telegram). With the status word, the status of the frequency
inverter is reported to the bus master. As the response to the control word command "047Eh" the

BU 2200 en-4319 33
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters
frequency inverter typically responds with "0B31h" ("101100110001b") and therefore indicates the
status "Ready for switch-on".

Bit Meaning Value Status message

0 Ready to start 0
1 Initialisation completed, charging relay switched on, output voltage
1 Ready for operation 0 No switch-on command present, or there is a fault, of the command
"Disable voltage" or "Emergency stop" is present, or the status is
"Switch-on block".
1 There is a switch-on command and there is no fault. The inverter can
be started with the command "Enable operation"
2 Operation enabled 0
1 The output voltage is enabled; ramp of the frequency inverter up to
the existing setpoint
3 Fault 0
1 Drive unit defective and therefore "Not ready for operation". After
acknowledgement, the frequency goes into status "Switch-on block".
4 Voltage enabled 0 "Disable voltage" command present.
5 Emergency stop 0 "Emergency stop" command present.
6 Starting disabled 0
1 With the command "Standby" the frequency goes into status "Ready
for switch-on".
7 Warning active 0
1 Drive operation continues, no acknowledgement necessary
8 Setpoint reached 0 Actual value does not correspond to the setpoint With use of
POSICON: Setpoint position not reached.
1 Actual value matches the setpoint (setpoint reached) With use of
POSICON: setpoint position has been reached
9 Bus control active 0 Control on local device active
1 The master has been requested to take over control.
10 Start function 481.9 0
1 Bus bit 10 of the status word is set  Parameter P481 in the
frequency inverter manual.
11 Rotation right is on 0
1 The frequency inverter output voltage has a right-hand rotation field.
12 Rotation left is on 0
1 The frequency inverter output voltage has a left-hand rotation field.
13 Start function 481.10 0
1 Bus bit 13 of the status word is set  Parameter P481 in the
frequency inverter manual.
14 Parameter set Bit 0 ON 0 Bit 15 Bit 14 parameter set, that is active
1 0 0 Parameter set 1
0 1 Parameter set 2
15 Parameter set Bit 1 On 0
1 0 Parameter set 3
1 1 1 Parameter set 4

Pos : 68 /Allgemein/Allgemeing ültige M odul e/---------Seitenumbruc h kompakt --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

34 BU 2200 en-4319
6 Data transmission
Pos : 69 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/6. (6.) D atenübertragung/Z ustands masc hine des Freq uenz umrichters @ 27\mod_1550232066512_388.doc x @ 2487670 @ 355 @ 1

6.3.3 Frequency inverter status machine

The frequency inverter passes through a status machine. The changes between various states are
triggered automatically or by control commands in the process data control word. The present status is
returned in the process data status word.


Error reaction
Not on standby


Starting disabled



Operation enabled Emergency stop

Figure 10: Frequency inverter status machine

Item Meaning
A…H Frequency inverter statuses ( Table "Frequency inverter statuses")
1…15 Status transitions ( Table "Status transitions")

BU 2200 en-4319 35
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

Frequency inverter statuses

Status Description
A Not on standby Initial state after switching on the frequency inverter. As soon as the loading
relay engages, the frequency inverter automatically changes to the status
"Switch-on block".
B Switch-on block Second status after switching on the frequency inverter, which can only be
exited with the control command "Shut-down". The charging relay is switched
C Standby In this status, initialisation of the frequency inverter is complete. The output
voltage is blocked.

During the initialisation process the response to a bus master telegram does
not yet contain the response to the control command which has been issued.
On the basis of the response from the bus participant, the control system must
determine whether the control command has been executed.
D Activated Frequency inverter ready for operation.
E Operation enabled The frequency inverter receives and processes setpoints.
F Emergency stop active Emergency stop function is being executed (the drive is stopped), the frequency
inverter changes to the status "Switch-on block".
G Error reaction active If an error occurs, the frequency inverter changes to this status and all functions
are blocked.
H Fault After processing of the response to the fault, the frequency inverter changes to
this status, which can only be exited with the control command "Acknowledge

36 BU 2200 en-4319
6 Data transmission

Status transitions

Bit 7…0 of the control word1

Triggered status transition Control command
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 From "Not ready for switch-on" to "Switch — —
on block"
Automatic activation of the charging relay
2 From "Switch-on block" to "Ready for Shut down X X X X X 1 1 0
3 From "Ready for switch-on" to "Switched Switch on X X X X X 1 1 1
4 From "Switched on" to "Operation Enable operation X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Output voltage is enabled
5 From "Operation enabled" to "Switched Disable operation X X X X 0 1 1 1
Output voltage is disabled
6 From "Switched on" to "Ready for switch- Shut down X X X X X 1 1 0
Voltage enabled at "f = 0 Hz"
7 From "Ready for switch-on" to "Switch-on Disable voltage X X X X X X 0 X
block" Quick stop X X X X X 0 1 X
8 From "Operation enabled" to "Ready for Shut down X X X X X 1 1 0
9 From "Operation enabled" to "Switch on Disable voltage X X X X X X 0 X
10 From "Switched on" to "Switch on block" Disable voltage X X X X X X 0 X
Quick stop X X X X X 0 1 X
11 From "Operation enabled" to "Emergency Quick stop X X X X X 0 1 X
stop active"
12 From "Emergency stop active" to "Switch Disable voltage X X X X X X 0 X
on block"
13 Automatically, after the occurrence of a — —
fault from any status
14 Automatically after completion of the — —
response to a fault
15 End fault Acknowledge error 0 X X X X X X X

1 X X X X X X X
X= The bit status (0 or 1) is not important for achieving the status. Please also note the list of control bits,
 Section 6.3.1 "Control word".
1 Complete list of control bits (Bit 0…15)  Section 6.3.1 "Control word".

Information Control bit 10

Control bit 10 "Control data valid" must always be set to 1. Otherwise the process data will not be evaluated by
the frequency inverter.

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POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

Decoded frequency inverter statuses

Status Status bit1

6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Not ready for switch-on 0 X X 0 0 0 0

Starting disabled 1 X X 0 0 0 0

Ready to start 0 1 1 0 0 0 1

Activated 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

Operation enabled 0 1 1 0 1 1 1

Fault 0 X X 1 0 0 0

Error active 0 X X 1 1 1 1

Emergency stop active 0 0 1 0 1 1 1

1 Complete list of status bits (Bit 0…15)  Section 6.3.2 "Status word".
Pos : 70 /Allgemein/Allgemeing ültige M odul e/---------Seitenumbruc h kompakt --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

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6.3.4 Setpoints and actual values

Setpoints (from the bus master to the frequency inverter) and actual values (from the frequency
inverter to the bus master) are specified via the following parameters of the frequency inverter:

Direction of Process value Parameters

SK 1x0E, SK 2xxE SK 500E…SK 535E SK 54xE
frequency frequency frequency
inverters inverters inverters
To bus interface Setpoint 1 P546, Array [-01] P546 P546, Array [-01]
Setpoint 2 P546, Array [-02] P547 P546, Array [-02]
Setpoint 3 P546, Array [-03] P548 P546, Array [-03]
Setpoint 4 — — P546, Array [-04]
Setpoint 5 — — P546, Array [-05]
From bus interface Actual value 1 P543, Array [-01] P543 P543, Array [-01]
Actual value 2 P543, Array [-02] P544 P543, Array [-02]
Actual value 3 P543, Array [-03] P545 P543, Array [-03]
Actual value 4 — — P543, Array [-04]
Actual value 5 — — P543, Array [-05]

Setpoints and actual values are transmitted by three different methods:

38 BU 2200 en-4319
6 Data transmission

Percentage transmission
The process value is transmitted as an integer with a value range of -32768 to 32767 (8000 hex to
7FFF hex). The value "16384" (4000 hex) corresponds to 100%. The value "-16384" (C000 hex)
corresponds to -100%.
For frequencies, the 100% value corresponds to parameter P105 Maximum frequency of the
frequency inverter. For current, the 100% value corresponds to parameter P112 Torque current limit
of the frequency inverter.
Frequencies and currents result from the following formulae:

Value * × P105
Value * × P112
Frequency = 16384 Current =

* 16 Bit- setpoint or actual value which is transferred via the bus.

Binary transmission
Inputs and outputs as well as digital input bits and bus output bits are evaluated bit-wise.

Transmission of positions (SK 1x0E, SK 2xxE and SK 530E and above)

In the frequency inverter, positions have a value range of -50000.00....50000.00 rotations. A rotation of
the motor can be subdivided into a maximum of 1000 increments. The subdivision depends on the
encoder which is used.
The 32 Bit value range is divided into a "Low" and a "High" word, so that two setpoints or actual values
are required for the transmission.

Direction of Transmitted data

SK 1x0E, SK 2xxE, SK 5xxE frequency inverters Only frequency
SK 540E…SK 545E

1st word 2nd word 3rd word 4th word 5th word 6th word
To bus interface Control word 32 Bit setpoint Setpoint 3 Setpoint 4 Setpoint 5
From bus interface Status word Actual 32 Bit actual value Actual Actual
value 1 value 4 value 5

Only the "Low" word for the position can also be transferred. This results in a limited value range from
32,767 to -32,768 rotations. This value range can be extended with the ratio factor (Parameter P607
speed ratio and P608 Reduction), however this reduces the resolution accordingly.
Pos : 72 /Allgemein/Allgemeing ültige M odul e/---------Seitenumbruc h kompakt --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1
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6.3.5 PDO mapping

The cyclical transfer of process data is carried out in the static PDO mapping. The PDO are mapped
to SDOs Various addresses are used, according to the type of device.

SK TU3-POL bus interface

Transmitted data (12 Byte)
Direction of
Frequency inverter FI1
1st word 2nd word 3rd word 4th word 5th word1 6th word1
To bus interface Control word Setpoint 1 Setpoint 2 Setpoint 3 Setpoint 4 Setpoint 5
Address 5000.1h 5002.1h 5002.5h 5002.9h 5002.Dh 5002.11h
Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value
From bus interface Status word
1 2 3 4 5
Address 5001.1h 5003.1h 5003.5h 5003.9h 5003.Dh 5003.11h

Direction of Frequency inverter FI2

transmission 1st word 2nd word 3rd word 4th word 5th word1 6th word1
To bus interface Control word Setpoint 1 Setpoint 2 Setpoint 3 Setpoint 4 Setpoint 5
Address 5000.2h 5002.2h 5002.6h 5002.Ah 5002.Eh 5002.12h
Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value
From bus interface Status word
1 2 3 4 5
Address 5001.2h 5003.2h 5003.6h 5003.Ah 5003.Eh 5003.12h

Direction of Frequency inverter FI3

transmission 1st word 2nd word 3rd word 4th word 5th word1 6th word1
To bus interface Control word Setpoint 1 Setpoint 2 Setpoint 3 Setpoint 4 Setpoint 5
Address 5000.3h 5002.3h 5002.7h 5002.Bh 5502.Fh 5002.13h
Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value
From bus interface Status word
1 2 3 4 5
Address 5001.3h 5003.3h 5003.7h 5003.Bh 5003.Fh 5003.13h

Direction of Frequency inverter FI4

transmission 1st word 2nd word 3rd word 4th word 5th word1 6th word1
To bus interface Control word Setpoint 1 Setpoint 2 Setpoint 3 Setpoint 4 Setpoint 5
Address 5000.4h 5002.4h 5002.8h 5002.Ch 5002.10h 5002.14h
Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value
From bus interface Status word
1 2 3 4 5
Address 5001.4h 5003.4h 5003.8h 5003.Ch 5003.10h 5003.14h

Direction of Frequency inverter FI5

transmission 1st word 2nd word 3rd word 4th word 5th word1 6th word1
To bus interface Control word Setpoint 1 Setpoint 2 Setpoint 3 Setpoint 4 Setpoint 5
Address 5000.5h 5002.15h 5002.19h 5002.1Dh 5002.21h 5002.25h
Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value
From bus interface Status word
1 2 3 4 5
Address 5001.5h 5003.15h 5003.19h 5003.1Dh 5003.21h 5003.25h

40 BU 2200 en-4319
6 Data transmission

Direction of Frequency inverter FI6

transmission 1st word 2nd word 3rd word 4th word 5th word1 6th word1
To bus interface Control word Setpoint 1 Setpoint 2 Setpoint 3 Setpoint 4 Setpoint 5
Address 5000.6h 5002.16h 5002.1Ah 5002.1Eh 5002.22h 5002.26h
Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value
From bus interface Status word
1 2 3 4 5
Address 5001.6h 5003.16h 5003.1Ah 5003.1Eh 5003.22h 5003.26h

Direction of Frequency inverter FI7

transmission 1st word 2nd word 3rd word 4th word 5th word1 6th word1
To bus interface Control word Setpoint 1 Setpoint 2 Setpoint 3 Setpoint 4 Setpoint 5
Address 5000.7h 5002.17h 5002.1Bh 5002.1Fh 5002.23h 5002.27h
Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value
From bus interface Status word
1 2 3 4 5
Address 5001.7h 5003.17h 5003.1Bh 5003.1Fh 5003.23h 5003.27h

Direction of Frequency inverter FI8

transmission 1st word 2nd word 3rd word 4th word 5th word1 6th word1
To bus interface Control word Setpoint 1 Setpoint 2 Setpoint 3 Setpoint 4 Setpoint 5
Address 5000.8h 5002.18h 5002.1Ch 5002.20h 5002.24h 5002.29h
Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value
From bus interface Status word
1 2 3 4 5
Address 5001.8 5003.18h 5003.1Ch 5003.20h 5003.24h 5003.28h
1 Only SK 54xE frequency inverters

BU 2200 en-4319 41
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

Bus interfaces SK CU4-POL and SK TU4-POL

Transmitted data (50 Byte)
Direction of
Bus interface
1st word
To bus interface Digital OUT
Address 5005.0h
From bus interface Digital IN
Address 5001.0h

Direction of Frequency inverter FI1

transmission 2nd word 3rd word 4th word 5th word 6th word 7th word
To bus interface Control word Setpoint 1 Setpoint 2 Setpoint 3 Setpoint 4 Setpoint 5
Address 5000.1h 5002.1h 5002.2h 5002.3h 5002.4h 5002.5h
Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value
From bus interface Status word
1 2 3 4 5
Address 5001.1h 5003.1h 5003.2h 5003.3h 5003.4h 5003.5h

Direction of Frequency inverter FI2

transmission 8th word 9th word 10th word 11th word 12th word 13th word
To bus interface Control word Setpoint 1 Setpoint 2 Setpoint 3 Setpoint 4 Setpoint 5
Address 5000.2h 5002.6h 5002.7h 5002.8h 5002.9h 5002.Ah
Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value
From bus interface Status word
1 2 3 4 5
Address 5001.2h 5003.6h 5003.7h 5003.8h 5003.9h 5003.Ah

Direction of Frequency inverter FI3

transmission 14th word 15th word 16th word 17th word 18th word 19th word
To bus interface Control word Setpoint 1 Setpoint 2 Setpoint 3 Setpoint 4 Setpoint 5
Address 5000.3h 5002.Bh 5002.Ch 5002.Dh 5002.Eh 5002.Fh
Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value
From bus interface Status word
1 2 3 4 5
Address 5001.3h 5003.Bh 5003.Ch 5003.Dh 5003.Eh 5003.Fh

Direction of Frequency inverter FI4

transmission 20th word 21st word 22nd word 23rd word 24th word 25th word
To bus interface Control word Setpoint 1 Setpoint 2 Setpoint 3 Setpoint 4 Setpoint 5
Address 5000.4h 5002.10h 5002.11h 5002.12h 5002.13h 5002.14h
Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value Actual value
From bus interface Status word
1 2 3 4 5
Address 5001.4h 5003.10h 5003.11h 5003.12h 5003.13h 5003.14h

42 BU 2200 en-4319
6 Data transmission
Pos : 74 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/6. (6.) D atenübertragung/POWER LIN K [BU 2200]/D ynamisc hes M apping [POL - BU 2200] @ 8\mod_1468913768430_388.doc x @ 2259102 @ 3 @ 1

6.3.6 Dynamic mapping

SK TU3-POL bus interfaces from Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG support dynamic mapping. I.e.
fixed settings for the length and structure of process data ( previous section) can be overwritten by
pre-configured entries in the PLC project. Dynamic mapping of the process data must be configured
during the initial setup in the PLC project ( Section 5.2 "Integration into the bus master").

Pos : 75 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/6. (6.) D atenübertragung/POWER LIN K [BU 2200]/Digitale Ei n-/Ausg änge [SKxU 4-POL] @ 8\mod_1466064069979_388.doc x @ 2255298 @ 3 @ 1

6.3.7 Digital inputs/outputs – Bus interfaces SK xU4-POL

The SK TU4-POL bus interface is equipped with 8 digital inputs and 2 digital outputs and the
SK CU4-POL has 2 digital inputs. These inputs and outputs can be controlled or read via process data
word 1.

If a 16 Bit word (status word ZSW) is transferred, the inputs are in the Low byte. The "Valid Flag" for
the inputs is in the High byte in Bit 15. The inputs are only valid of Bit 15 is set to "1".

Bus interface High byte Low byte

Bit 15 Bit 14…8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
SK TU4-POL Valid Flag Reserved DIN8 DIN7 DIN6 DIN5 DIN4 DIN3 DIN2 DIN1
SK CU4-POL Valid Flag Reserved Reserved DIN2 DIN1

The outputs can be set by the transfer of a 16 bit word (setpoint SW).

Bus interface High byte Low byte

Bit 15 Bit 14…8 Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
SK TU4-POL Valid Flag Reserved Reserved DO2 DO1
SK CU4-POL Valid Flag Reserved Reserved

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Pos : 77 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/6. (6.) D atenübertragung/POWER LIN K [BU 2200]/Parameterdatenübertr agung_01 [POL - BU 2200] @ 8\mod_1465998019523_388.doc x @ 2255161 @ 2 @ 1

6.4 Parameter data transmission

Access to all parameters of the bus interface and the connected frequency inverters is via objects

Object address (SDO-ID)

Accessed device
Device ID Address range
2000h 2000h…27FFh Bus interface
2800h 2800h…2FFFh Frequency inverter FI1
3000h 3000h…37FFh Frequency inverter FI2
3800h 3800h…3FFFh Frequency inverter FI3
4000h 4000h…47FFh Frequency inverter FI4

Information PLC processing of SDOs

Processing during transmission/querying of SDOs depends on the PLC which is used ( manufacturer's

Access to the parameters of the frequency inverter or the bus module is carried out by creating an
Index and a Sub-Index.

In order to generate an index, the relevant parameter number must be converted into the SDO ID
according to the following formula:

Formula SDO ID = Device ID + Parameter number

Calculation example Parameter P102, frequency inverter FU1

SDO ID = 2800h + 102 = 2800h + 66h = 2866h

44 BU 2200 en-4319
6 Data transmission
Pos : 78 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/6. (6.) D atenübertragung/POWER LIN K [BU 2200]/Parameterdatenübertr agung_02- Sub-Index [POL - BU 2200, BU 0620] @ 33\mod_1556176879158_388.doc x @ 2530470 @ @ 1

Generation of a sub-index depends on the structure of the relevant parameter:

Parameter type Example Sub-index Array element Parameter set sub-index

Simple P218 0 — — 00h

Depends on parameter set P102 Array size 00h

0 — P1 01h
0 — P2 02h
0 — P3 03h
0 — P4 04h

Array parameters P480 Array size 00h

1 [-01]) — 01h
2 [-02]) — 02h
3 [-03]) — 03h

Array size 00h

P1 01h
P2 02h
1 [-01])
P3 03h
Parameter set dependent array
P525 P4 04h
P1 05h
P2 06h
2 [-02])
P3 07h
P4 08h
Pos : 79 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/6. (6.) D atenübertragung/POWER LIN K [BU 2200]/Parameterdatenübertr agung_03- SDO-F ehl öerc odes [POL - BU 2200, BU 0620] @ 33\mod_1556176886428_388.doc x @ 2530508 @ 3 @ 1

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POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

6.4.1 SDO error codes

In case of problems during parameter data communication (e.g. exceeding the value range) an abort
telegram is transferred. The error codes correspond to the POWERLINK standard EPSG DS-301.

Error code Description

05040000h Timeout SDO message (timeout for the SD response from the bus interface)
05040001h SDO command invalid/unknown
05040002h Impermissible size of transferred data
05040003h Error in sequence layer
05040005h No memory (Insufficient memory)
06010000h Illegal access to an object
06010001h Reading access to write-only parameter
06020002h Writing access to a read-only parameter
06020000h Access to a non-existent parameter
06040043h Parameter incompatibility
06060047h Internal incompatibility in the bus interface
06060000h Access failed due to hardware error
06070010h The data type does not match the length of access
06070012h Incorrect data type, parameter too long
06070013h Incorrect data type, parameter too short
06090011h Sub-Index of parameter does not exist
06090030h Parameter value range overflow
06090031h Parameter value too large
06090032h Parameter value too small
06090036h Maximum value smaller than the minimum value
08000000h General error
08000020h Data transfer or saving not possible, as there is no communication between the bus interface
and the frequency inverter
08000021h Bus interface does not respond
Pos : 80 /Allgemein/Allgemeing ültige M odul e/---------Seitenumbruc h kompakt --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

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6.5 Example of setpoint specification

The following example shows the specification of a setpoint for switching a frequency inverter on and
off. The frequency inverter is operated with a setpoint (setpoint frequency) and responds with an
actual value (actual frequency). The maximum frequency is set to 50 Hz.

Parameter settings on the frequency inverter:

Parameter No. Parameter name Setting value

P105 Maximum frequency 50 Hz

P543 Actual bus value 1 1 (= Actual frequency)
P546 Function bus setpoint 1 1 (= Setpoint frequency)


Order to FI Response from the FI Remarks

Control Setpoint 1 Status word Actual

word value 1

— — 0000h 0000h
— — xx40h 0000h The mains voltage is switched on at the frequency
047Eh 0000h xx31h 0000h The frequency inverter switches to "Ready for
switch-on" status
047Fh 2000h xx37h 2000h The frequency inverter is set to "Operation
enabled" status and controlled with a 50 %
The frequency inverter is enabled, the motor is supplied with current and rotates with a frequency of 25 Hz.
0047Eh 2000h xx31h 0000h The frequency inverter switches to "Ready for
switch-on" status The motor brakes to a standstill
according to the parameterised ramp and is
disconnected from the power supply.
The frequency inverter is blocked again and the motor is without current.
047Fh 1000h xx37h 1000h The frequency inverter is set to "Operation
enabled" status and controlled with a 25% setpoint.
The frequency inverter is enabled, the motor is supplied with current and rotates with a frequency of 12.5 Hz.

Pos : 82 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/!Kapitel Parameter @ 8\mod_1446642382916_388.doc x @ 2239900 @ 1 @ 1

BU 2200 en-4319 47
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

7 Parameters

The bus interface and frequency inverter parameters are communicated as words (16 Bit/Word).
Exceptions to this are position values (POSICON), which are communicated as double words (32 Bit).
For field bus operation, several parameters must be set on the bus interface and the frequency
The parameters can be set with
• An external control or ParameterBox ( Manual BU 0040),
• NORD CON software ( Manual BU 0000) or
• The operator's PLC project.
Pos : 83 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/POWER LIN K [BU 2200]/Parametereinstellung en an der Bussc hnitts tell e [POL] @ 8\mod_1465983802130_388.doc x @ 2254800 @ 2 @ 1

7.1 Parameter setting on the bus interface

The parameters of the bus interface are divided into NORD-specific standard parameters and NORD-
specific field-bus specific information parameters:

Parameter No. Description

P15x NORD standard parameter (can be set and saved)
P16x POWERLINK standard parameter (can be set and saved)
P17x NORD information parameter (display)
P18x POWERLINK information parameter (display)

The NORD standard parameters P151…P154 must be set on the POWERLINK bus interfaces. In
addition, depending on the use and configuration, the POWERLINK standard parameters P160…P165
must be set.
A detailed description of the bus interface parameters can be found in the following sections.
Pos : 84 /Allgemein/Allgemeing ültige M odul e/---------Seitenumbruc h kompakt --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

48 BU 2200 en-4319
7 Parameters
Pos : 85 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/!Abs chnitt NORD-Standar dparameter @ 8\mod_1446648443655_388.doc x @ 2239963 @ 3 @ 1

7.1.1 NORD standard parameters

The basic settings of the bus interface can be made via NORD standard parameters.
Pos : 86 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/P150 - Rel ais s etz en [SK xU4] @ 8\mod_1446212477727_388.doc x @ 2239019 @ @ 1

P150 Set relay

Setting range

Factory setting

Bus interface

The setting of this parameter determines the switching state of each digital output.
Pos : 87 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/P150 - Rel ais s etz en [SK xU4] - Eins tell werte @ 33\mod_1554892294147_388.doc x @ 2526912 @ @ 1

Value Meaning Comments

Setting values
0 Via bus All digital outputs are controlled via the PROFINET. The functions
are defined in the frequency inverter (P480).
1 Outputs Off All digital outputs are set to "Low" (0 V)
2 Output 1 On (DO1) Digital output DO1 is set to "High" (active), digital output DO2 is
set to "Low" (0 V).
3 Output 2 On (DO2) Digital output DO2 is set to "High" (active), digital output DO1 is
set to "Low" (0 V).
4 Outputs 1 and 2 ON All digital outputs are set to "High" (active)
Pos : 88 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/P151 - TimeOut externer Bus [SK xU 4] @ 8\mod_1446213919649_388.doc x @ 2239081 @ @ 1

P151 Timeout for external bus

0…32767 ms
Setting range

Factory setting

Bus interface

Monitoring function of the bus interface After receipt of a valid telegram, the next
telegram must arrive within the set time. Otherwise the bus interface or the connected
frequency inverter reports an error (E010/10.3 "Time Out") and switches off. See also
parameter P513 Telegram timeout time for the frequency inverter.
Pos : 89 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/P151 - TimeOut externer Bus _Ei nstell werte [SK xU 4]- [POL, EC T, C AO, DEV] @ 13\mod_1476883317375_388.doc x @ 2266590 @ @ 1

0= Monitoring Off
Setting values
Pos : 90 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/P152 - Wer ks eins tell ung [SK xU x- EIP, POL, PNT , PN S] @ 8\mod_1448282976003_388.doc x @ 2240529 @ @ 1

P152 Factory setting

Setting range

Factory setting


Bus interface

Reset the present parameter settings of the bus interface to the factory setting.
Pos : 91 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/P152 - Wer ks eins tell ung _Ei nstell werte [SK xU 4] @ 33\mod_1554798926614_388.doc x @ 2526610 @ @ 1

BU 2200 en-4319 49
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

Value Meaning Remarks

Setting values
0 No change Current parameter settings will not be changed
1 Load factory setting All bus interface parameters will be reset to the factory setting.
The setting of parameter P152 then automatically changes back
to { 0 }.
2 Basic parameters All basic parameters of the bus interface will be reset to the
factory setting. The setting of parameter P152 then automatically
changes back to { 0 }.
3 i-Parameters The individual safety parameters (P800 … P830) of the bus
interface will be reset to the factory setting. The setting of
parameter P152 then automatically changes back to { 0 }.
Pos : 92 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/P153 - Min.Systembusz yklus [SK xU 4] @ 8\mod_1446215321469_388.doc x @ 2239174 @ @ 1

P153 Min. system bus cycle

0…250 ms
Setting range

[-01] = TxSDO Inhibit Time

[-02] = TxPDO Inhibit Time

{ [-01] = 10 }
Factory setting
{ [-02] = 5 }

Bus interface

Set the pause time for the system bus in order to reduce the bus load.
Pos : 93 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/P154 - Zugriff TB-IO [SK xU 4] @ 8\mod_1446215791191_388.doc x @ 2239205 @ @ 1

P154 TB-IO access

Setting range

[-01 ] = Access to inputs

[-02 ] = Access to outputs

{ [-01] = 0 }
Factory setting
{ [-02] = 0 }

Bus interface

Assign reading and writing rights of each connected frequency inverter to 2 inputs and 2
outputs of the bus interface. This is carried out via the following frequency inverter

Input 1 Evaluation via P480 Funct. BusIO In Bits, Array [-11]

Input 2 Evaluation via P480 Funct. BusIO In Bits, Array [-12]

Output 1 Evaluation via P481 Funct. BusIO Out Bits, Array [-09]

Output 2 Evaluation via P481 Funct. BusIO Out Bits, Array [-10]
Pos : 94 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/P154 - Zugriff TB-IO [SK xU 4] - Einstell werte @ 8\mod_1446216569946_388.doc x @ 2239236 @ @ 1

Value Meaning Comments

Setting values
0 No access No influence by the frequency inverter.
1 Broadcast (inputs) All connected frequency inverters read the inputs (Array [-02] =
No function).
2 FI 1 Frequency inverter 1 reads and writes to the inputs and outputs.
3 FI 2 Frequency inverter 2 reads and writes to the inputs and outputs.
4 FI 3 Frequency inverter 3 reads and writes to the inputs and outputs.
5 FI 4 Frequency inverter 4 reads and writes to the inputs and outputs.
Pos : 95 /Allgemein/Allgemeing ültige M odul e/---------Seitenumbruc h kompakt --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

50 BU 2200 en-4319
7 Parameters
Pos : 96 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/POWER LIN K [BU 2200]/!Absc hni tt POWERLINK- Standar dpar ameter @ 8\mod_1465983792458_388.doc x @ 2254160 @ 3 @ 1

7.1.2 POWERLINK standard parameters

Field-bus specific settings of the bus interface are made via the POWERLINK standard parameters.
Pos : 97 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/POWER LIN K [BU 2200]/P160 - N ode Id/IP Adr ess e 4 [SK xU x-POL] @ 8\mod_1465983793503_388.doc x @ 2254224 @ @ 1

P160 Node ID/IP address 4

Setting range


Bus interface

Setting of the last byte of the IP address (Node ID) of the bus interface. After setting,
restart the bus interface (switch the power supply off and on again) so that the
parameter setting is read in.

• The DIP switches of the bus interface must be in the "OFF" position for the setting to
be adopted.
• The value "0" means that the setting of the Node ID is read in from the bus interface
DIP switches ( Technical Information/Data Sheet).
• The IP address which is set can be determined via the parameter P185.
Pos : 98 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/POWER LIN K [BU 2200]/P162 - Ger äte N ame [SK xU x-POL] @ 8\mod_1465988480128_388.doc x @ 2254864 @ @ 1

P162 Device name

0…122 (ASCII)
Setting range

Factory setting


Bus interface

Enter the device name for the bus interface in the POWERLINK bus system. After
setting, restart the bus interface (switch the power supply off and on again) so that the
parameter setting is read in.

If no device name is entered here, the bus system is registered in the POWERLINK field
bus system with the standard name "Powerlink <nnn>-0xED" (nn= Node ID).
Pos : 99 /Anl eitungen/Elektroni k/Bus s ysteme/All e Baurei hen/7. (4.) Parameter/POWER LIN K [BU 2200]/P163 - FU setzt Busfehler [SK xU x- POL] @ 8\mod_1465989011499_388.doc x @ 2254896 @ @ 1

P163 FI sets bus error

Setting range

Factory setting


Bus interface

Setting of the type of message to be sent if an error occurs. After setting, restart the bus
interface (switch the power supply off and on again) so that the parameter setting is read

Value Meaning
Setting values
1 In case of an error, the bus system sends an error message.
0 In case of an error, the bus system sends a status message.
Pos : 100 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/POWERLINK [BU 2200]/P164 - IP Gateway [SK xU x- POL] @ 8\mod_1465983794533_388.doc x @ 2254288 @ @ 1

BU 2200 en-4319 51
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

P164 IP Gateway

Setting range

[-01] = IP High (NET-ID) [-03] = IP (NET-ID)

[-02] = IP (NET-ID) [-04] = IP Lo (Host)

{ [-01] = 192 } { [-03] = 100 }

Factory setting
{ [-02] = 168 } { [-04] = 254 }


Bus interface

Set the IP address for the gateway function, which consists of 4 bytes. After setting,
restart the bus interface (switch the power supply off and on again) so that the
parameter setting is read in.

The IP address for the gateway function is parameterised to the standard value
"" and should not be changed. If the IP address is changed in spite of
this, this may only be within the range "" ... "". Otherwise
the error "5605 set config." will be triggered.
Pos : 101 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/POWERLINK [BU 2200]/P165 - POWER LIN K Z ykl us [SK xU x-POL] @ 8\mod_1465983795032_388.doc x @ 2254320 @ @ 1

P165 POWERLINK cycle

400…4000 µs
Setting range

{ 1000 }
Factory setting


Bus interface

Setting of the bus cycle time which is used for synchronisation of the bus interface
(Controlled Node CN) with the bus master (Managing Node MN).
Pos : 102 /Allgemein/Allgemeingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h kompakt --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

52 BU 2200 en-4319
7 Parameters
Pos : 103 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/!Absc hni tt N ORD-Infor mati ons parameter @ 8\mod_1446648613964_388.doc x @ 2239994 @ 3 @ 1

7.1.3 NORD information parameters

NORD information parameters are used to display current and archived error messages, as well as
current operating states.
Pos : 104 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/P170 - Aktuell er F ehl er [SK xU x] @ 8\mod_1446455155250_388.doc x @ 2239268 @ @ 1

P170 Actual error

Display range

[-01] = Actual error in bus interface

[-02] = Last error in bus interface


Bus interface

Display of the actual error present.

For a list of possible error messages please refer to  Section 8 "Error monitoring and
error messages".

The error message is reset when the supply voltage is switched off.
Pos : 105 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/P171 - Software-Version [SK xU x] @ 8\mod_1446455476143_388.doc x @ 2239299 @ @ 1

P171 Software version

Display range

[-01] = Software version

[-02] = Software revision
[-03] = Special version


Bus interface

Display of the software version and revision number of the bus interface. Array [-03]
shows possible special versions (0 = standard version).
Pos : 106 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/P172 - Ausbaustufe [SK xU x] @ 8\mod_1465550291896_388.doc x @ 2253316 @ @ 1

P172 Configuration level

Display range


Bus interface

Display of the bus interface identifier.

Pos : 107 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/P172 - Ausbaustufe_Anzeigewerte [SK xU x-EIP, POL, ECT, PNT] @ 8\mod_1465550292316_388.doc x @ 2253348 @ @ 1

Value Meaning
Display values
0 CU4 (internal) Bus interfaceSK CU4-POL,

1 TU4 (external) Bus interfaceSK TU4-POL

2 TU3 (Techn. Unit) Bus interfaceSK TU3-POL,

3 TU3 (Techn. Unit)+DIP Bus interface SK TU3-POL, with DIP switch

Pos : 108 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/POWERLINK [BU 2200]/P173 - Baugruppen Zustand [SK xU x-POL] @ 8\mod_1465990409572_388.doc x @ 2254960 @ @ 1

BU 2200 en-4319 53
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

P173 Module status

Display range



Bus interface

Displays the operating state of the bus interface.

Pos : 109 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/POWERLINK [BU 2200]/P173 - Baugruppen Zustand [SKxU x-POL] - Anz eigewerte @ 8\mod_1465990372177_388.doc x @ 2254928 @ @ 1

Bit Meaning of Array [-01] Meaning of Array [-02]

Display values
0 Bus interface ready FI1 status

1 Cyclic communication

2 Timeout via Ethernet bus FI2 status

3 Timeout (P151/P513)

4 No communication with ASIC FI 3 status

5 General configuration error

6 System bus "Bus warning"1 FI4 status

7 System bus "Bus Off"

8 FI1 status FI5 status

10 FI2 status FI6 status


12 FI3 status FI7 status


14 FI4 status FI8 status


Frequency inverter status, Array [-01] Bit 8…Bit 15, or Array [-02] Bit 0 … Bit 15:
FI status
Bit "High" Bit "Low" Meaning
0 0 Frequency inverter "offline"
0 1 Unknown frequency inverter
1 0 Frequency inverter "online"
1 1 Frequency inverter lost or switched off

Only bus interfaces SK xU4-POL
Pos : 110 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/P174 - Z ustand Digitalei ng. [SK xU 4 auß er PNS] @ 8\mod_1446459624599_388.doc x @ 2239431 @ @ 1

P174 Digital input status

0…255 (00000000…11111111b)
Display range

Bus interface

Display of the actual switching status of the digital bus interface inputs.
Pos : 111 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/P174 - Z ustand Digitalei ng. _Anz eigewerte [SK xU4-EIP, POL, ECT] @ 8\mod_1465551120216_388.doc x @ 2253476 @ @ 1

54 BU 2200 en-4319
7 Parameters
Bit Meaning
Display values
0 Input 1 (DIN1) of the bus interface

1 Input 2 (DIN2) of the bus interface

2 Input 3 (DIN3) of the bus interface1

3 Input 4 (DIN4) of the bus interface1

4 Input 5 (DIN5) of the bus interface1

5 Input 6 (DIN6) of the bus interface1

6 Input 7 (DIN7) of the bus interface1

7 Input 8 (DIN8) of the bus interface1

Only bus interface , SK TU4-POL
Pos : 112 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/P175 - Z ustand Rel ais [SK xU 4 auß er PNS] @ 8\mod_1446465891835_388.doc x @ 2239524 @ @ 1

P175 Relay status

0…3 (00…11b)
Display range

Bus interface

Display of the actual switching status of the relay outputs of the bus interface.
Pos : 113 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/P175 - Z ustand Rel ais_Anzeig ewerte [SK xU 4-... auß er PN S] @ 8\mod_1465551321842_388.doc x @ 2253508 @ @ 1

Bit Meaning
Display values
0 Output 1 (DO1) of the bus interface

1 Output 2 (DO2) of the bus interface

Pos : 114 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/P176 - Proz eß daten Bus In [SK xU x- EIP, POL, PNT] @ 8\mod_1465551396750_388.doc x @ 2253540 @ @ 1

P176 Process data Bus In

Display range

[-01] = Bus module outputs1

[-02] = Control word [-03]…[-07] = Setpoint 1…5 to FI1
[-08] = Control word [-09]…[-13] = Setpoint 1…5 to FI2
[-14] = Control word [-15]…[-19] = Setpoint 1…5 to FI3
[-20] = Control word [-21]…[-25] = Setpoint 1…5 to FI4
[-26] = Control word [-27]…[-31] = Setpoint 1…5 to FI52
[-32] = Control word [-33]…[-37] = Setpoint 1…5 to FI62
[-38] = Control word [-39]…[-43] = Setpoint 1…5 to FI72
[-44] = Control word [-45]…[-49] = Setpoint 1…5 to FI82
Only bus interface , SK CU4-POL, , SK TU4-POL
Only bus interface , SK TU3-POL,


Bus interface

Display of data received from the POWERLINK-Busmaster.

Pos : 115 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/POWERLINK [BU 2200]/P176 - Pr oz eßdaten Bus In_Hi nweis [SK xU x-POL] @ 8\mod_1465983798760_388.doc x @ 2254576 @ @ 1

• Setpoints 4 and 5 are only possible with SK 54xE frequency inverters.

• Control data via UDP are only displayed if there is no POWERLINK master.
Pos : 116 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/P177 - Proz eß daten Bus Out [SK xU x-EIP, POL, PN T] @ 13\mod_1476956329725_388.doc x @ 2266936 @ @ 1

BU 2200 en-4319 55
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

P177 Process data Bus Out

Display range

[-01] = Bus module inputs1

[-02] = Status word [-03]…[-07] = Actual value 1…5 from FI1
[-08] = Status word [-09]…[-13] = Actual value 1…5 from FI2
[-14] = Status word [-15]…[-19] = Actual value 1…5 from FI3
[-20] = Status word [-21]…[-25] = Actual value 1…5 from FI4
[-26] = Status word [-27]…[-31] = Actual value 1…5 from FI52
[-32] = Status word [-33]…[-37] = Actual value 1…5 from FI62
[-38] = Status word [-39]…[-43] = Actual value 1…5 from FI72
[-44] = Status word [-45]…[-49] = Actual value 1…5 from FI82
Only bus interface , SK CU4-POL, , SK TU4-POL
Only bus interface , SK TU3-POL,


Bus interface

Display of the data sent from the bus interface to the POWERLINK-Busmaster.

Actual values 4 and 5 are only possible with SK 54xE frequency inverters.
Pos : 117 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/POWERLINK [BU 2200]/P178 - Innenraumtemperatur [SK CU 4-POL] @ 37\mod_1565948270129_388.doc x @ 2556356 @ @ 1

P178 Internal temperature

-128 … 127 °C
Display range

Bus interface

Display of the internal temperature in the associated frequency inverter.


If a temperature of +97 °C is exceeded in the bus interface an error message is given.

Pos : 118 /Allgemein/Allgemeingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h kompakt --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

56 BU 2200 en-4319
7 Parameters
Pos : 119 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/POWERLINK [BU 2200]/!Abschnitt POWER LIN K-Informati onsparameter @ 8\mod_1465983791943_388.doc x @ 2254128 @ 3 @ 1

7.1.4 POWERLINK information parameters

POWERLINK information parameters are used to display statuses and settings which are specific to
the field bus.
Pos : 120 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/P181 - M AC Adr ess e [SK xU x-EIP, POL] @ 8\mod_1465983800024_388.doc x @ 2254672 @ @ 1

P181 MAC address

Display range

[-01]…[-03] = Manufacturer ID (Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG "F0.5F.5A")

[-04]…[-06] = free address area (for Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG)


Bus interface

Display of the unique MAC address of the bus interface.

Pos : 121 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/POWERLINK [BU 2200]/P182 - NMT State [SK xU x-POL] @ 8\mod_1465993343704_388.doc x @ 2254992 @ @ 1

P182 NMT State

Display range


Bus interface

Display of the communication status (startup phase) of the bus interface.

Pos : 122 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/POWERLINK [BU 2200]/P182 - NMT State [SK xU x-POL] - Anzeigewerte @ 8\mod_1465993506751_388.doc x @ 2255024 @ @ 1

Value Meaning
Display values
0 OFF Bus interface not present

19h INITIALISING Initialisation phase (no communication)

1Ch NOT ACTIVE Transition between initialisation and waiting for telegram

1Dh PRE_OPERATIONAL_1 Only parameter communication, no communication of process data

1Eh BASIC_ETHERNET No telegram traffic within the set time

29h RESET_APPLICATION Application will be reset

39h RESET_COMMUNICATION Communication will be reset

4Dh STOPPED No input/output data from the bus interface

5Dh PRE_OPERATIONAL_2 Only parameter communication, no communication of process data

6Dh READY_TO_OPERATE Unrestricted communication of parameter data, restricted process

data communication

79h RESET_CONFIGURATION Configuration will be reset

FDh OPERATIONAL Unrestricted communication of parameter data, unrestricted process

data communication
Pos : 123 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/POWERLINK [BU 2200]/P183 - NMT Error [SK xU x- POL] @ 8\mod_1465994701525_388.doc x @ 2255056 @ @ 1

P183 NMT Error

Display range


Bus interface

Display of the error which has occurred on the Controlled Node. Meaning of the codes
 CANopen profile DS-301 (App. 3.10).
Pos : 124 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/POWERLINK [BU 2200]/P184 - NMT Statec hangec ount [SK xU x-POL] @ 8\mod_1465995875284_388.doc x @ 2255088 @ @ 1

BU 2200 en-4319 57
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

P184 NMT State-change count

Display range

[-01] = Loss of SoC (cyclic data lost) [-04] = Loss of SoA (acyclic frame lost)
[-02] = Jitter of SoC (Timeout of cyclic data) [-05] = Collision (data collision)

[-03] = Loss of PReq (MN not responding) [-06] = CRC Error (transfer error)


Bus interface

Error counter for errors which occur during change of state. The error counter is deleted
with a restart (switching the power supply off and on again) of the bus interface.
Pos : 125 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/P185 - Akt. IP Adr ess e [SK xU x-EIP, POL, PNT, PN S] @ 13\mod_1476974907181_388.doc x @ 2267146 @ @ 1

P185 Present IP address

Display range



Bus interface

Display of the currently set bus interface IP address.

Pos : 126 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/P186 - Akt. IP Subnetz mas ke [SK xU x- EIP, POL, PNT , PNS] @ 13\mod_1476974808204_388.doc x @ 2267111 @ @ 1

P186 Present IP subnet mask

Display range



Bus interface

Display of the currently set bus interface sub-net mask.

Pos : 127 /Allgemein/Allgemeingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h kompakt --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

58 BU 2200 en-4319
7 Parameters
Pos : 128 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/Par ameter eins tell ung en am Frequenzumric hter - Z usatz par ameter @ 8\mod_1442219880443_388.doc x @ 2236688 @ 2 @ 1

7.2 Parameter settings on the frequency inverter

After connection and addressing of the bus interface, the additional parameters of the frequency
inverter must be set as listed below. The additional parameters of the frequency inverter are used to
set the bus interface, the pulse frequency and acknowledgement of errors.
A detailed description of the parameters can be found in the relevant manual for the frequency

Additional parameters
The following table contains a list of additional parameters which are relevant for the bus interface.

No. Parameter name Recommended setting Comments


SK 1x0E, SK 2xxE SK 500E–SK 535E SK 54xE

P509 Source Control Word "3" = System bus "8" = Ethernet TU "8" = Ethernet TU SK 511E frequency
inverters and above:
Communication with
the bus interface via
the system bus is
possible with setting
"6" = CANopen.
P510 Setpoint source "0" = Auto "0" = Auto "0" = Auto If P509 is set to "3",
"6" or "8"
P513 Telegram timeout — 1 1
P514 CAN bus baud rate "5" = 250 kBaud "5" = 250 kBaud "5" = 250 kBaud
P515 CAN address 32, 34, 36 or 38 32, 34, ...46* 32, 34, ...46* System bus address
(Array [-01])
P543 Actual bus value 2 2 2 Refer to the relevant
frequency inverter
Arrays [-01]…[-03]
operating manual
Actual bus value — — 2
Arrays [-04]…[-05]
P543 Actual bus value 1 — 2 —
P544 Actual bus value 2 — 2 —
P545 Actual bus value 3 — 2 —
P546 Function Bus 2 — 2 Refer to the relevant
frequency inverter
operating manual
Arrays [-01]…[-03]
Function Bus — — 2
Arrays [-04]…[-05]
P546 Function Bus — 2 —
setpoint 1
P547 Function Bus — 2 —
setpoint 2
P548 Function Bus — 2 —
setpoint 3
* Only necessary if more than one frequency inverter is connected to bus interface SK TU3-POL,.
1 Depending on the application: Change the settings according to the requirements of the application.
2 Depending on the function: Setting according to the required function(s) is necessary.

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POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters
Pos : 130 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/Par ameter eins tell ung en FU - Infor mations par ameter _01 [SK xU x] @ 13\mod_1477298992540_388.doc x @ 2268351 @ @ 1

Information parameters
Information parameters are used to display current and archived error messages, as well as current
operating states and settings.
The following table contains a list of information parameters which are relevant for the bus interface.

No. Parameter name SK TU3 SK CU4 SK TU4

P700 Current error Array [-01]
Current warning Array [-02]
Reason for switch-on Array [-03]
P701 Last fault
P740 Process data Bus In No display if P509 is set to "0"
P741 Process data Bus Out
P744 Configuration
P745 Module version —
Pos : 131 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/7. ( 4.) Par ameter/POWERLINK [BU 2200]/Par ameter eins tellungen FU - Informati onsparameter_02 [POL] @ 8\mod_1465983802738_388.doc x @ 2254832 @ @ 1

P746 Module status Possible values: —

Bit Meaning
0 Bus interface initialised
1 Cyclic communication
2 Reserved
3 Reserved
4 Error 1
5 Error 2
6 Error 3
7 Reserved
8…15 Bus interface ID (POWERLINK = "24")

Table of errors:
Error Meaning
3 2 1
0 0 0 No error
0 0 1 No communication with ASIC
0 1 0 Bus timeout
0 1 1 P513 timeout

P748 CANopen status Displays the system bus status

Pos : 132 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/8. ( 5.) M eldung en zum Betriebsz us tand / F ehler über wachung/!Kapitel Fehler über wachung und Stör ungs meldung en @ 8\mod_1443697001987_388.doc x @ 2237310 @ 1 @ 1

60 BU 2200 en-4319
8 Error monitoring and error messages

8 Error monitoring and error messages

Bus interfaces and frequency inverters are equipped with monitoring functions and generate error
messages in case of deviations from the normal operating state.
Pos : 133 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/8. ( 5.) M eldung en zum Betriebsz us tand / F ehler über wachung/Ü berwac hungsfunkti onen für Bus betrieb_01 @ 13\mod_1476786750603_388.doc x @ 2265691 @ 2 @ 1

8.1 Bus operation monitoring function

Independent of the specific bus watchdogs, comprehensive monitoring functions are integrated into
Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG frequency inverters and bus interfaces. With the aid of this
"Timeout" monitoring, communication problems are detected, which are either related to general
functionalities ("No bus communication") or are related to special modules ("Failure of a participant").
Monitoring of communication at the field bus level is primarily carried out via the bus interface. Field
bus communication faults are registered in the bus interface. If an error at field bus level causes an
error in the frequency inverter, the frequency inverter also displays a corresponding error. The
frequency inverter itself does not monitor communication on the field bus level.
Monitoring of communication on the NORD system bus level (between the frequency inverter and the
bus interface) is carried out by the frequency inverter. An error in the system bus communication is
registered in both the bus interface and the frequency inverter and results in specific error messages.

Function Parameter

SK CU4 and SK TU4 via NORD SK TU31) SK TU3 via

Bus interface system bus CANopen/NORD
system bus2)

SK 1x0E SK 511E SK 54xE3) SK 5xxE SK 511E SK 54xE

SK 2xxE … …
SK 535E SK 535E
Field bus timeout P151 P151 P151 P513 P513 P513
Optional monitoring (system bus P120 P513 P120 —4) P513 P120
Bus interface error display P170 P170 P170 P1702) P170 P170
(P700) (P700) (P700) P700 P700 P700
Error display for frequency inverter P700 P700 P700 P700 P700 P700
and communication errors between
the frequency inverter and the bus
1) Only for communication between the SK TU3 bus interface and the frequency inverter on which which the bus interface is mounted.
2) Only for Ethernet-based bus interfaces
3) Connection for CANopen (Parameter P509)
4) Monitoring is automatic and cannot be set.

Information Parameter P513

The setting ("-0.1" = No error) of parameter P513 Telegram timeout time ensures that the frequency inverter
ignores all communication errors on both the field bus and the system bus level. The frequency inverter
maintains its operating status.

BU 2200 en-4319 61
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

Figure 11: Examples of monitoring parameter settings – SK TU4 bus interface

Setting values for parameter P509 Control word source:

3 = System bus
6 = CANopen
Pos : 134 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/8. ( 5.) M eldung en zum Betriebsz us tand / F ehler über wachung/Ü berwac hungsfunkti onen für Bus betrieb_02 [EIP, POL, ECT , PN T] @ 13\mod_1477039321375_388.doc x @ 2267536 @ @ 1

Figure 12: Examples of monitoring parameter settings – SK TU3 bus interface

Setting values for parameter P509 Control word source:

8 = Ethernet TU
6 = CANopen
Pos : 135 /Allgemein/Allgemeingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h kompakt --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

62 BU 2200 en-4319
8 Error monitoring and error messages
Pos : 136 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/8. ( 5.) M eldung en zum Betriebsz us tand / F ehler über wachung/Störungs mel dung z urüc ksetzen @ 33\mod_1555063412404_388.doc x @ 2527176 @ 2 @ 1

8.2 Resetting error messages

There are several methods for resetting (acknowledging) an error message.
On the frequency inverter:
• Switch the mains voltage off and on again, or
• Actuate the programmed digital input with parameter P420 Digital inputs (Setting 12 =
Acknowledge error), or
• Switch off "Enable" on the frequency inverter (if no digital input is parameterised to the function
"Acknowledge errors"), or
• By carrying out a bus acknowledgement, or
• Automatic error acknowledgement by activating parameter P506 Auto. error acknowledgement.
On the bus interface
The error message (via information parameter P170, [-01]) is automatically reset if the error is no
longer active. Otherwise:
• Switch the voltage supply to the bus interface off and on again, or
• Acknowledge the error via the field bus.

Archiving error messages
An error message (display via parameter P170) is only displayed as long as it is active. After the error
has been remedied, the message is deleted and is archived as the last error message in parameter
P170, Array [-02]. If the mains supply is interrupted before the error is remedied, the message is lost,
i.e. it is not archived.

Error display in the SimpleBox
An error message is displayed in the operating display of the SimpleBox SK CSX-3H by display of the
error group number "E1000". The bus interface parameter P170, Array [-01] must be selected to
determine the actual error.
Pos : 137 /Allgemein/Allgemeingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h kompakt --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

BU 2200 en-4319 63
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters
Pos : 138 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/8. ( 5.) M eldung en zum Betriebsz us tand / F ehler über wachung/POWER LINK [BU 2200]/Störungsbehandl ung i n der Bussc hni ttstelle_01 [POL - BU 2200] @ 8\mod_1466085661057_388.doc x @ 2255360 @ 2 @ 1

8.3 Handling of errors in the bus interface

Pos : 139 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/8. ( 5.) M eldung en zum Betriebsz us tand / F ehler über wachung/POWER LINK [BU 2200]/Störungsbehandl ung i n der Bussc hni ttstelle_02 [POL - BU 2200, BU 0620] @ 33\mod_1556262558050_388.doc x @ 2530859 @ 33 @ 1

If the module monitoring is switched on, the PLC continuously monitors the connection to the
participants in the fieldbus system (CN). If the connection is interrupted by an error in the CN, the PLC
stops and changes to Service Mode.
Possible reasons for interruption of the connection:
• The frequency inverter triggers an error and parameter P163 FI sets bus error is set to "1" (factory
• The bus load is too high
If the module monitoring is switched off in the PLC, the PLC remains in RUN mode, even in case of a
CN error and no error is generated in the PLC logger. However, the PLC attempts to restore
communication with the CN.
For the PLC to monitor the POWERLINK connection and not to change to Service Mode in case of a
frequency inverter error, parameter P163 can be set to "False" in the PLC project. To then detect a
frequency inverter malfunction, the Bit 3 "Fault" and the Bit 1 "Ready for operation" in the status word
must be monitored.

8.3.1 Error monitoring via the frequency inverter

Faults can be detected by monitoring Bit 3 "Fault" in the status word of the process data. If a fault
occurs in the frequency inverter, this flag is set and the cause of the fault can be determined with
parameter P700 or the frequency inverter object (e.g. "3000h" + "700" = "32BC").

8.3.2 Error monitoring via POWERLINK

If a fault occurs in the frequency inverter, the CN generates an error entry in object "1003h" =
"ERR_History_ADOM". In addition, errors are transmitted to the Managing Node via the "Emergency
Queue", if the Managing Node supports this function.
The error message has the following structure:

Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6…13

Entry Type Error code Time stamp FI-ID1 (ASCII) FI Error Code (ASCII)
1 The FI ID identifies the frequency inverter in which the error occurred (FI1 = 1, FI2 = 2, etc.)

For detailed information about the object  POWERLINK specification DS-301.

64 BU 2200 en-4319
8 Error monitoring and error messages

Error Groups
The CANopen communication profile DS-301, which is used by POWERLINK ("CANopen over
POWERLINK" protocol), defines the following error groups:

Error code Meaning

00xxh No error
10xxh Undefined error type
20xxh Current error
30xxh Voltage error
40xxh Temperature error
50xxh Hardware error
60xxh Software error
70xxh Additional module
80xxh Communication
90xxh External error
FF00h Specific to device

Allocation of frequency inverter error codes

Frequency inverter (P700)*

Error code Error index
Error code Meaning
1000h 0 0 No error
The error number must be read out via parameter P700
1000h 1 —
or an actual value.
2200h 3 4.0/4.1 Overcurrent frequency inverter/current measurement
2310h 3 3.0 Overcurrent I2t-limit
2311h 3 3.2 IGBT overcurrent 125 %
2312h 3 3.3 IGBT overcurrent 150 %
3110h 5 5.1 Mains voltage too high
3120h 5 6.1 Mains voltage too low
3130h 5 7.0 Mains connection failure
3210h 5 5.0 Link circuit voltage too high
3230h 5 6.0 Link circuit voltage too low
4210h 9 1.1 Overtemperature in frequency inverter
4310h 9 2.0/2.1/2.2 Motor overtemperature
5000h 1 10.8 Bus interface communication error
5110h 1 11.0 External bus error
5300h 1 17.0 EMC fault
5510h 1 20.0 Reserved
5520h 1 20.8 EEPROM error
5530h 1 8.2 External copy error
6000h 1 System error
6310h 1 8.0 Parameter loss (maximum EEPROM value exceeded)
7112h 3 3.1 Brake chopper overcurrent
7120h 1 16.0/16.1 Motor error

BU 2200 en-4319 65
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

Frequency inverter (P700)*

Error code Error index
Error code Meaning
7300h 1 14.3 Absolute encoder error
7305h 1 13.0 Encoder error
7306h 1 14.4 Absolute encoder error
7310h 1 14.5 Position difference
7320h 1 14.6…14.8 Position error
7330h 1 25.0 Position deviation
7331h 1 25.1
Universal encoder communication error
7332h 1 25.2
7333h 1 25.3
Universal encoder error
7334h 1 25.4
8100h 17 10.0…10.2 Bus timeout
8111h 17 10.3…10.7/10.9 Bus interface communication error
8300h 1 13.2 Slip error switch-off monitoring
8400h 1 13.1 Speed slip error
8600h 1 14.0…14.1
Reference point error
8612h 1 14.2
8710h 1 13.5
Acceleration path error
8711h 1 13.6
9000h 1 12.0…12.2 External watchdog
FF10h 129 18.0 Reserved
FF11h 129 19.0 Connected motor not identified

* For a detailed description of the error code  frequency inverter manual.

Pos : 140 /Allgemein/Allgemeingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h kompakt --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

66 BU 2200 en-4319
8 Error monitoring and error messages
Pos : 141 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/8. ( 5.) M eldung en zum Betriebsz us tand / F ehler über wachung/POWER LINK [BU 2200]/Störungsmel dungen [POL] @ 8\mod_1466155096211_388.doc x @ 2255398 @ 2 @ 1

8.4 Error messages

Error messages from the bus interface can be read out via parameter P170 of the bus interface
(Array [-01] = Actual error, Array [-02] = Previous error).

Error Meaning Comments

100.0 EEPROM error EMC fault, bus interface defective
102.0 Bus timeout P151 By means of timeout supervision parameter P151/P513
103.0 System bus Off No 24 V voltage on bus, connections not correct
104.0 Overtemp. Bus interface Only SK CU4-PO bus interface
550.1 DIP switch error The DIP switches (IP address) could not be read correctly
… Internal error Bus interface not ready
560.1 General network error
561.1 Ethernet watchdog timeout
561.2 Bus cable fault Bus cable interrupted
561.3 IP address error IP address of bus interface has been doubly assigned
563.0 Firmware version incompatible The firmware version cannot be used for the device
564.0 MAC address error MAC address defective

Error messages which occur in relation to the bus interface are depicted as follows in the error
memory of the frequency inverter (Parameter P700 and P701).

Error (E010) Meaning Comments

10.0 Connection error • Contact to bus interface lost
10.1 Temperature was too high Only SK CU4-POL bus interface:
• Excess bus interface temperature (>97 °C)
10.2 POWERLINK watchdog • Telegram transfer error.
timeout – Check the connections, links, program sequence and
bus master
10.3 Timeout by P151/P513 • Telegram transfer error.
– Check connections and links
– Check watchdog time
10.4 IP address error • IP address of bus interface doubly assigned
10.5 Internal error • Bus interface not ready
– Check programming
– Hardware fault
10.6 Bus cable fault • Bus cable connection interrupted
10.8 Connection error timeout Only SK TU3-POL bus interface:
• Connection between bus interface and frequency inverter
interrupted due to timeout.
10.9 Connection timeout error Only bus interfaces SK CU4-POL and SK TU4-POL:
between frequency inverter • Connection between bus interface and frequency inverter
and bus interface interrupted (see setting of parameter P120).
Pos : 142 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/9. ( 7.) Anhang/!Kapitel Anhang @ 8\mod_1444048184081_388.doc x @ 2237632 @ 1 @ 1

BU 2200 en-4319 67
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters

9 Appendix
Pos : 143 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/9. ( 7.) Anhang/R eparatur hinweis e @ 8\mod_1444045180176_388.doc x @ 2237569 @ 2 @ 1

9.1 Repair information

In order to keep repair times as short as possible, please state the reasons for the return of the device
and at least one contact partner in case of queries.
In case of repairs, please send the device to the following address:


Tjüchkampstraße 37
26606 Aurich, Germany

Information Third party accessories

Before returning a bus interface and/or a frequency inverter, please remove any external accessories such as
mains cables, potentiometers, external displays, etc., which were not supplied by Getriebebau NORD GmbH &
Co. KG No liability can be accepted by Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG for devices which are returned
with third party accessories.

Information Accompanying document

Please use the filled-in accompanying document for returns, You can find this on our homepage
www.nord.com or directly under the link Warenbegleitschein.

For queries about repairs, please contact:

Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG

Tel.: +49 (0) 45 32 / 289-2515
Fax: +49 (0) 45 32 / 289-2555
Pos : 144 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/9. ( 7.) Anhang/Ser vic e- und Inbetriebnahmehinweis e [BU 2100 ... BU 2800, Safety, POSIC ON, PlC, CTT2] @ 32\mod_1553246313738_388.doc x @ 2518584 @ 2 @ 1

9.2 Service and commissioning information

In case of problems, e.g. during commissioning, please contact our Service department:
 +49 4532 289-2125
Our Service department is available 24/7 and can help you best if you have the following information
about the device and its accessories to hand:
• Type designation,
• Serial number,
• Firmware version
Pos : 145 /Allgemein/Allgemeingültig e Module/---------Seitenumbr uc h kompakt --------- @ 13\mod_1476369695906_0.doc x @ 2265495 @ @ 1

68 BU 2200 en-4319
9 Appendix
Pos : 146 /Anleitungen/El ektr oni k/Buss ysteme/Alle Baureihen/9. ( 7.) Anhang/POWERLINK [BU 2200]/Dokumentation und Software [POL] @ 8\mod_1466162843108_388.doc x @ 2255431 @ 2 @ 1

9.3 Documents and software

Documents and software can be downloaded from our website www.nord.com .

Other applicable documents and further information

Documentation Contents
TI 275281118 Technical Information/Data Sheet for bus interface SK TU4-POL (for IP55 devices)
TI 275281168 Technical Information/Data Sheet for bus interface SK TU4-POL-C (for IP66 devices)
TI 275271018 Technical Information/Data Sheet for bus interface SK CU4-POL (for IP55 devices)
TI 275271518 Technical Information/Data Sheet for bus interface SK CU4-POL-C (for IP66 devices)
TI 275900140 Technical Information/Data Sheet for bus interface SK TU3-POL (for IP20 devices)
BU 0180 Manual for SK 1x0E frequency inverters
BU 0200 Manual for SK 2xxE frequency inverters
BU 0250 Manual for SK 2xxE-FDS frequency inverters
BU 0500 Manual for frequency inverters SK 500E to SK 535E
BU 0505 Manual for SK 54xE frequency inverters
BU 0000 Manual for use of NORDCON software
BU 0040 Manual for use of NORD parameterisation units


Software Description
XDD file Device description file for POWERLINK configuration software
NORDCON Parametrisation and diagnostic software

=== Ende der Liste für T extmar ke Inhalt ===

BU 2200 en-4319 69
POWERLINK bus interface – Supplementary manual options for NORD - Frequency Inverters
Pos : 148 /Allgemein/Steuer module/Stichwortverzeic hnis @ 0\mod_1317978518730_388.doc x @ 4101 @ @ 1

Key word index

=== Ende der Liste für T extmar ke Stichwortverzeic hnis ===

Accompanying document ..............................68 Factory settings (P152) ................................. 49
Actual error (P170) ........................................53 FI sets bus error (P163) ................................ 51
Actual values .................................................38 Field bus address .................................... 23, 26
Binary transmission .......................................39 Information parameter................................... 60
Bus address Internal temperature (P178) .......................... 56
DIP switch ..................................................23 IP Gateway (P164)........................................ 52
Bus master M
Integration ............................... 23, 24, 29, 43 MAC address (P181) .................................... 57
Bus node........................................................20 Min. system bus cycle (P153) ....................... 50
C Module status (P173) .................................... 54
CAN bus address (P515)...............................20 Monitoring functions ...................................... 61
CAN bus baud rate (P514) ............................20 Monitoring parameter .................................... 62
CAN-ID ..........................................................20 N
CANopen .......................................................19 NMT Error (P183) ......................................... 57
Commissioning ........................................23, 28 NMT State (P182) ......................................... 57
Configuration level (P172) .............................53 NMT Statechangecount (P184) .................... 58
Connection ....................................................23 NMT status machine ..................................... 31
Control bit ......................................................33 Node ID/IP address 4 (P160) ........................ 51
Control word ............................................33, 37 NORD CON computer .................................. 19
D NORD system bus .................................... 8, 19
Data transmission ..........................................30 NORDCON software ..................................... 22
Device characteristics ....................................24 O
Device description file....................................24 OSI layer model ............................................ 12
Device detection ............................................24
Device name (P162) ......................................51
Bus interface ............................................. 48
other applicable ..........................................69
Frequency inverters................................... 59
Parameter data ............................................. 30
Electrician ......................................................10 Parameter data transmission ........................ 44
Error messages .......................................53, 61 Parameter settings
Bus interface ..............................................67 Frequency inverters................................... 59
Frequency inverters ...................................67 ParameterBox ............................................... 21
Reset ..........................................................63 Percentage transfer ...................................... 39
Error monitoring .......................................53, 61 POWERLINK cycle (P165) ........................... 52
Extra functions ...............................................59 Present IP address (P185) ........................... 58

70 BU 2200 en-4319
Key word index
Present IP sub-net mask (P186) ...................58 Software version
Process data ............................................25, 30 P171 .......................................................... 53
Process data Bus In (P176)...........................55 Status bit ....................................................... 34
Process data bus Out (P177) ........................56 Status machine
R Frequency inverter .................................... 35

Relay status (P175) .......................................55 Status of digital in. (P174) ............................. 54

Remote maintenance ....................................22 Status word ............................................. 33, 38

Repair ............................................................ 68 T
Returns ..........................................................68 TB-IO access (P154) .................................... 50
S Telegram timeout (P513) .............................. 61

Set relay (P150) .............................................49 Timeout ......................................................... 61

Setpoint specification Timeout for external bus (P151) ................... 49

Example .....................................................47 Transmission of positions ............................. 39

Setpoints ........................................................38 U
SimpleBox......................................................21 USS protocol ................................................. 21

BU 2200 en-4319 71
6082202 / 4319

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