Course Code: PHY0E01 Course Title: Solar Energy and Its Applications Theory Credits 4
Course Code: PHY0E01 Course Title: Solar Energy and Its Applications Theory Credits 4
Course Code: PHY0E01 Course Title: Solar Energy and Its Applications Theory Credits 4
Books recommended:
1. 1 S.P. Sukhatme, Solar Energy, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Ltd., New Delhi, 1997.
2. S Sukhatme and J Nayak: Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection
and Storage, Third Edition (Tata McGraw Hill, 2008)
3. G.N.Tiwari, Solar Energy: Fundamentals, design, Modeling and
Applications: 2002, Narosa Publishing house
4. Fonash Solar Cell Devices : (Academic Press, New York)(1981)
5. Stooker W.F, Jones J.W. Refrigeration And Air Conditioning, Tata
McGraw-Hill (2009)
6. C.P.Arora, Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Tata McGraw-Hill(2000)
7. Kreider, J.F. and Frank Kreith, Solar Energy Handbook, McGraw Hill,
8. Tiwari G.N., Tiwari A.K., Solar Distillation Practice, Anamaya
Publishers, New Delhi(2008)
9. VVN Kishore, Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology – A
Knowledge Compendium, ed. (TERI Press, 2008).
10. Goswami, D.Y., Kreider, J. F. and & Francis, Principles of Solar
Engineering, 2000.
11. G.D. Rai, Non Conventional Energy Sources, Khanna Publishers, New
Delhi, 1999.
12. G. D. Rai , Solar Energy Utilisation, ,, Khanna Publishers,Delhi.(1996)
13. Volker Quaschning, Understanding Renewable Energy Systems, Vol.1
14. Marcelo Godoy Simmoes Renewable Energy Systems CRC Press (2004)
15. John Twidell Renewable Energy Resources Taylor and Francis (2006)
16. Renewable Energy Sources and Their Environmental Impact Abbasi &
Abbasi Prentice Hall of India (2004).
Supplementary Reading:
1. Garg H P., Prakash J., Solar Energy: Fundamentals & Applications, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2000.
2. Duffie, J. A. and Beckman, W. A., Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes,
John Wiley, 1991.
3. Alan L Fahrenbruch and Richard H Bube, Fundamentals of Solar Cells: PV
Solar Energy Conversion, Academic Press, 1983.
4. Larry D Partain, Solar Cells and their Applications, John Wiley and Sons,
Inc, 1995.
5. Roger Messenger and Jerry Vnetre, Photovoltaic Systems Engineering,
CRC Press, 2004.
6. Sodha, M.S, Bansal, N.K., Bansal, P.K., Kumar, A. and Malik, M.A.S.
Solar Passive Building, Science and Design, Pergamon Press, 1986.
7. Krieder, J and Rabi, A., Heating and Cooling of Buildings: Design for
Efficiency, McGraw-Hill, 1994.
8. MA Green: Solar Cells Operating Principles, Technology, and System
Applications (Prentice-Hall, 1981)
9. MA Green: High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells (Trans Tech
10. SJ Fonash: Solar Cell Device Physics (Academic Press, 1982)
11. Handbook of photovoltaic science and engineering, ed. Antonio Luque and
Steven Hegedus (John Wiley and Sons)(2010)
12. Anna Mani, S Rangarajan: Handbook of Solar Radiation Data for India,
1980 (Allied Publishers)
13. Richard C Neville, RC Neville, Bas Van Der Hoek: Solar Energy
Conversion: The Solar Cell (Elsevier Science & Technology)(1995)
14. Peter Würfel : Physics of Solar Cells: From Basic Principles to Advanced
Concepts (Wiley-VCH)(2009)
15. JF Kreider and F Kreith: Solar Heating and Cooling: Active and Passive
Design (Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1982)
16. Low Temperature Engineering Application of Solar Energy, ed. RC Jordan
17. HP Garg and J Prakash: Solar Energy: Fundamentals and Applications
(Tata McGraw Hill)(2006)
18. AB Meinel & MP Meinel: Applied Solar Energy: An Introduction
19. Climatological and Solar data for India, Seshadri, (Sarita Prakashan), 1969.
20. Energy Technology, S. Rao and B. B. Parulekar, (Khanna Publishers),
21. Terrestrial Solar Photovoltaics, Tapan Bhattacharya, (Namsa : Publication
House, New Delhi), 1998.
22. Renewable Energy Sources and Conversion Technology, N. K. Bansal, M.
Kleeman and S. N. Srinivas, (Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi),
23. Fundamentals of Solar Cells, F. A. Faherenbruch and R. H. Bube,
(Academic Priess)(1983).
24. Thin Film Solar Cells, K. L. Chopra and S. R. Das, (Plenum Press), 1983.
25. Shan K. Wang, Hand Book of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (2000)
26. Ahmadul Ameen, Refrigeration And Air Conditioning(2006)