Eligibility Criteria: B.E. / B.Tech. / AMIE or PG Science with Diploma / Post Diploma in Renewable Energy with minimum of 55% marks or CGPA of 5.5 on a 10 point scale in the qualifying examination (50% marks or CGPA of 5.0 on a 10 point scale for SC/ST candidates) from UGC / AICTE recognized Institute / University.
The selection will be as per Gandhigram Rural Institute Norms. Category A Based on GATE Score. However no scholarship is available right now. Category B Based on the Written Examination Conducted by Rural Energy Centre, Gandhigram Rural Institute Deemed University if GATE qualified candidates is not available. The evaluation is as follows: The marks obtained by the qualifying examination from I semester to Pre Final Semester - 50% Weightage (for the benefit of Result Awaiting Students) Entrance Examination - 50% Weightage
Maximum number of Seats: 20
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Curriculum Outline: Course Code Course Title No. of Credits Maximum Marks CFA ESE Total Semester I MRE 0101 Introduction to Energy Studies 4 40 60 100 MRE 0102 Solar Energy 4 40 60 100 MRE 0103 Thermal Engineering 4 40 60 100 MRE 0104 Energy Auditing and Management 4 40 60 100 MRE 0105 Applied Mathematics 4 40 60 100 MRE 0106 Solar Energy Laboratory 2 75 25 100 MRE 0107 VPP/VSR (Energy Resource Mapping) 2 100 - 100 Total 24 375 325 700 Semester II MRE 0201 Waste to Energy Conversion Technologies 4 40 60 100 MRE 0202 Wind Energy, Small Hydro and New Renewable Energy Technologies 4 40 60 100 MRE 0203 Solar Passive Architecture 4 40 60 100 MRE 0204 Power Systems for Renewable Energy Sources 4 40 60 100 MRE 0205 Energy Economics 4 40 60 100 MRE 0206 Waste to Energy Conversion Technologies Laboratory 2 75 25 100 MRE 0207 Summer Internship (Energy Auditing of Rural Industries / Rural Energy Security) 2 100 - 100 Total 24 375 325 700
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Course Code Course Title No. of Credits Maximum Marks CFA ESE Total Semester III MRE 0301 Research Methodology and Statistical Methods 4 40 60 100 MRE 0302 Environmental Impact Assessment 4 40 60 100 MRE E*** Elective I (Intra) 4 40 60 100 MRE E*** Elective II (Inter) 4 40 60 100 MRE 0305 Wind Energy Laboratory 2 75 25 100 MRE 0306 Minor Project on Renewable Energy 2 75 25 100 MRE 0307 VPP/VSR (Rural Energy planning) 2 100 - 100 Total 22 410 290 700 Semester IV MRE 0401 Dissertation 12 150 50 200
Total 82 1310 990 2300
Electives: MRE E001. Rural Electrification :Technologies and Economics MRE E002. Renewable Energy & Sustainable Development MRE E003. Smart Grid MRE E004. Energy Modeling and Project Management MRE E005. New Energy Technologies MRE E006. Intellectual Property Rights MRE E007. Fuels and Combustion Technology MRE E008. Optimum Utilization of Heat and Power MRE E009. Energy Auditing Instrumentation MRE E010. Solar Photovoltaic Systems
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MRE 0101 INTRODUCTION TO ENERGY STUDIES Unit I Energy Science & Technology - Forms of Energy Advantages and Limitations - Mechanical Energy - Chemical Energy and Fuels - Nuclear Energy - Hydro Energy - Renewable Energy Energy Demand- Comparison of Fuels such as Wood, Charcoal, Coal, Kerosene, Diesel, Petrol, Furnace Oil, LPG, Biogas and Electricity on calorific value and cost basis -Efficiencies of various Energy production
Unit II Nodal Agencies for power generation Ministry of Power Role Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Sources Role other implementing agencies Energy Auditing and Management Energy Conservation Act Bureau of Energy Efficiency PCRA Schemes Policies Planning
Unit III Load Duration Curve Load factor Capacity factor Reserve factor Demand Factor Diversity factor Plant use factor Location of power plants Power Plant Economics Indian Energy Scenario problems solutions - power plant sizing based on screening curve method
Unit IV Decentralized power generation concept Cogeneration definition need - application - advantages- classification - saving potentials - Waste heat recovery - Classification- advantages and applications - commercially viable waste heat recovery devices - saving potential Combined Heat and Power.
Unit V Bio fuels Edible Petro crops Analysis of Indian non edible oil sources Example of biodiesel crop Jatropha curcas Tree description Jatropha curcas for rural development environmental protection Bio ethanol production from conventional as well as unconventional sources. - Bio diesel Technology for production of bio diesel - Transesterification Process Usage of Methanol Glycerine Storage and Characterisation of biodiesel Biodiesel engine development modification Environmental and health effects of biodiesel R&D in biodiesel disposal of cake value addition of byproducts
References: 1. Koushika M.D., "Solar Energy Principles and Applications", IBT publications, 1988. 2. Mital K.M, "Biogas systems: Priciples and Applications", New Age International Publishers (P) Ltd., 1996 3. Venkata Ramana P and Srinivas S.N., Biomass Energy Systems, TERI, 1996. 4. Rai, G.D., "Non-Conventional Sources of Energy", Khanna Publishers, Delhi 1995. 5. Rao S, Parulekar B.B, Energy Technology Non conventional, Renewable and Conventional Khanna Publishers, 1999. 6. H.G. Stoll, Least Cost Electrical Utility / Planning, John Wiley & Sons, 1989. M.Tech Renewable Energy 5
MRE 0102 SOLAR ENERGY Unit I Solar angles, day length, angle of incidence on tilted surface; Sunpath diagrams; Shadow determination; Extraterrestrial characteristics; Effect of earth atmosphere; Measurement & estimation on horizontal and tilted surfaces; Analysis of Indian solar radiation data and applications. Flat-plate Collectors - Effective energy losses; Thermal analysis; Heat capacity effect; Testing methods; Evacuated tubular collectors; Air flat-plate Collectors: types; Thermal analysis; Thermal drying. Selective Surfaces - Ideal coating characteristics; Types and applications; Anti-reflective coating; Preparation and characterization.
Unit II Concentrating Collector Designs - Classification, design and performance parameters; Tracking systems; Compound parabolic concentrators; Parabolic trough concentrators; Concentrators with point focus; Heliostats; Comparison of various designs: Central receiver systems, parabolic trough systems; Solar power plant; Solar furnaces
Unit III Solar Heating & Cooling System - Liquid based solar heating system; Natural, forced and gravity flow, mathematical modeling, Vapour absorption refrigeration cycle; Water, ammonia & lithium bromide-water absorption refrigeration systems; Solar operated refrigeration systems; Solar desiccant cooling. -Solar Thermal Energy Storage - Sensible storage; Latent heat storage; Thermo-chemical storage. Solar still; Solar cooker: Solar pond; Solar passive heating and cooling systems: Trombe wall; Greenhouse technology: Fundamentals, design, modeling and applications.
Unit IV Solar Cell Physics P-N junction: homo and hetro junctions, Metal-semiconductor interface; Dark and illumination characteristics; Figure of merits of solar cell; Efficiency limits; Variation of efficiency with band-gap and temperature; Efficiency measurements; High efficiency cells, Tandem structure.
Unit V SPV Applications - Centralized and decentralized SPV systems; Stand alone, hybrid and, grid connected system, System installation, operation and maintenances; Field experience; PV market analysis and economics of SPV systems Government Schemes and Polices
References: 1. Garg H P., Prakash J., Solar Energy: Fundamentals & Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1997 2. S P Sukhatme, Solar Energy, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008 3. J F Kreider and Frank Kreith, Solar Energy Handbook, McGraw Hill, 2000 4. D Y Goswami, Frank Kreith and J F Kreider, Principles of Solar Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 1998 M.Tech Renewable Energy 6
5. Tiwari G.N., Suneja S., Solar Thermal Engineering System, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 1997. 6. Alan L Fahrenbruch and Richard H Bube , Fundamentals of Solar Cells: PV Solar Energy Conversion, Academic Press, New York , 1983 7. Larry D Partain (ed.), Solar Cells and their Applications, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York, 1995 8. Richard H Bube, Photovoltaic Materials, Imperial College Press, 1998 9. H S Rauschenbach, Solar Cell Array Design Handbook, Van Nostrand Reinfold Company, New York, 1980.
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Unit I Steam Power Cycles Steam power plant Rankine Cycle Carnot Cycle Mean Temperature of Heat addition Effect of variation of steam condition on thermal efficiency of steam power plant Reheating of Steam Regeneration Feed water heaters Carnotization of Rankine Cycle optimum degree of regeneration optimum degree of regeneration Deaerator Efficiencies in a steam power plant - Organic Rankine Cycle
Unit II Gas power cycles Carnot cycle - Stirling cycle - Ericsson cycle - Air standard cycle - Otto cycle - Diesel Cycle- limited pressure cycle - Dual cycle - Comparison of Otto, diesel & dual cycles - Brayton cycle - Air standard cycle for jet propulsion
Unit III Refrigeration cycle Refrigerators - Heat pumps - Thee reversed Carnot cycle - Refrigeration by non-cyclic process - Reversed heat engine cycle - Ideal & actual vapor compression Refrigeration cycle-absorption refrigeration cycle - gas refrigeration cycle - Absorption refrigeration systems
Unit IV Fuels and Combustion Fuels & Fuel Analysis-Combustion Stoichiometry, theoretical & actual combustion processes Air fuel ratio. - Combustion Thermodynamics- calculation of heat of formation & heat of combustion First law analysis of reacting systems
Unit V Heat Transfer Conduction - General 3D equation - Heat generation problems Fins - Unsteady state conduction. - Radiation Laws. Black and Gray bodies. Radiation exchange between surfaces. Radiation shields - Forced Convection. Boundary layer theory. External and internal flows. Free convection. Correla-tions.
REFERENCES: 1. Nag. P.K., "Engineering Thermodynamics", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., 1994. 2. Moran, Shapiro, Munson and Dewitt, Introduction to Thermal Systems Engineering: Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, John Wiley, N. Y 2003 3. Sonntag, R.E and Van Wylen, G.J.., "Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Sixth Edition, 2003. 4. Bacon, D.H., Engineering Thermodynamics ", Butterworth & Co., London, 1989. 5. Saad, M.A., Thermodynamics for Engineers ", Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1989. 6. Mayhew, A. and Rogers, B., " Engineering Thermodynamics ", Longman Green & Co. Ltd., London, E.L.B.S. 4 th Edition, 1994 M.Tech Renewable Energy 8
MRE 0104 ENERGY AUDITING AND MANAGEMENT Unit I: Basics of energy & its various forms : Electricity basics DC and AC currents, electricity tariff, load management and maximum demand control, power factor. Thermal basics fuels, thermal energy content of fuels, temperature and pressure, heat capacity, sensible & latent heat, evaporation, condensation, steam, moist air, humidity and heat transfer, units and conversion.
Unit II: Energy management and audit : Definition, energy audit need, types of energy audit, energy management (audit) approach understanding energy costs, benchmarking, energy performance
Unit III: Boilers : Types, combustion in boilers, performance evaluation, analysis of losses, feed water treatment, blow down, energy conservation opportunities. Furnaces : Classification, general fuel economy measures in furnaces, excess air, heat distribution, temperature control, draft control, waste heat recovery.
Unit IV: Energy action planning : Key elements, force field analysis, energy policy purpose, perspective contents, formulation, ratification, organising, location of energy management, top management support, managerial function, roles and responsibilities of energy manager, accountability, motivating motivation of employees, information system designing barriers, strategies, marketing and communicating, training & planning.
Unit :V Global environmental concerns : United nations framework convention on climate change (UNFCC), Kyoto protocol, conference of parties (COP), clean development mechanism (CDM), prototype carbon fund (PCF), sustainable development. References: 1. CB Smith, Energy Management Principles, Pergamon Press, NewYork, 1981 2. Hamies, Energy Auditing and Conservation; Methods, Measurements, Management & Case study, Hemisphere, Washington, 1980 3. D Patrick and S W Fardo, Energy Management and Conservation, Prentice Hall Inc., 1996 4. Thuman A and Mehta D Paul, Handbook of Energy Engineering, The Fairmount Press., 1998 5. Kennedy, Turner and Capehart, Guide to Energy Management, The Fairmount Press., 1996 6. Wayne C Turner, Energy Management Handbook, The Fairmount Press., 2000 7. Kao Chen, Energy Management in Illumination System, CRC Press, 2000 8. Gellingn, Chamberli, Demand Side Management: Concepts and methods, Penwell, 1998 9. Charles M Cotlschalk, Industrial Energy Conservation, John Wiley & Sons, 2002 10. Bureau of Energy Efficiency: Study material for Energy Managers and Auditors Examination: Paper I to IV. 2006
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UNIT I Applications of Fourier Transform Fourier Transform methods one-dimensional heat conduction problems in infinite and semi- infinite rod Laplace Equation Poisson Equation.
UNIT II Calculus of Variations Concept of variation and its properties Eulers equation Functionals dependant on first and higher order derivatives Functionals dependant on functions of several independent variables Variational problems with moving boundaries Direct methods Ritz and Kantorovich methods.
UNIT III Conformal mapping and applications The Schwarz- Christoffel transformation Transformation of boundaries in parametric form Physical applications: Fluid flow and heat flow problems.
UNIT IV Finite difference methods for parabolic equations One dimensional parabolic equation Explicit and Crank-Nicolson Schemes Thomas Algorithm Weighted average approximation Dirichlet and Neumann conditions Two dimensional parabolic equations ADI method.
UNIT V Finite difference methods for elliptic equations Solutions of Laplace and Poisson equations in a rectangular region Finite difference in polar coordinates Formulae for derivatives near a curved boundary while using a square mesh.
REFERENCES: 1. Mitchell A.R. and Griffith D.F., The Finite difference method in partial differential equations, John Wiley and sons, New York (1980). 2. Sankara Rao, K., Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (1997). 3. Gupta, A.S., Calculus of Variations with Applications, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (1997). 4. Spiegel, M.R., Theory and Problems of Complex Variables and its Application (Schaums Outline Series), McGraw Hill Book Co., Singapore (1981). 5. Andrews, L.C. and Shivamoggi, B.K., Integral Transforms for Engineers, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (2003). M.Tech Renewable Energy 11
6. Elsgolts, L., Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations, MIR Publishers, Moscow (1973). 7. Mathews, J.H. and Howell, R.W., Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi (1997). 8. Morton, K.W. and Mayers, D.F. Numerical solution of partial differential equations, Cambridge University press, Cambridge (2002). 9. Jain, M. K., Iyengar, S. R. K. and Jain, R. K. Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations, New Age International (P) Ltd., 2003.
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1. Study on green house effect on solar flat plate collector 2. Estimation of instantaneous efficiency of a solar liquid flat plate collector 3. Study on solar flat plate collector in series and parallel combination 4. Estimation of efficiency of solar air heaters 5. Estimation of efficiency of solar still 6. Performance evaluation of concentrating solar collector 7. Performance evaluation of solar cooker 8. Estimation of efficiency of solar photovoltaic panels 9. Effect of Shadow & tilt angle on solar photo voltaic panel 10. Study on solar photo voltaic panel in series and parallel combination 11. Study on charging characteristics of a lead acid battery using solar photo voltaic panel.
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As per Gandhigram Rural Institute Deemed University Norms
Student should work on Energy Resource Mapping in a selected village.
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MRE 0201 WASTE TO ENERGY CONVERSION TECHNOLOGIES Unit I Solid Waste -Definitions: Sources, types, compositions; Properties of Solid Waste; Municipal Solid Waste: Physical, chemical and biological property; Collection, transfer stations; Waste minimization and recycling of municipal waste Landfill method of solid waste disposal; Landfill classification; Types, methods & siting consideration; Layout & preliminary design of landfills: Composition, characteristics, generation; Design of Sanitary Land fill - Movement and control of landfill leachate &gases; Environmental monitoring system for landfill gases.- Gas Recovery Applications
Unit II Waste Treatment & Disposal Size Reduction: incineration; Furnace type & design; Types of Incinerators Fuel Economy - Medical / Pharmaceutical waste / Hazardous waste / Nuclear Waste incineration .; Environmental impacts; Measures of mitigate environmental effects due to incineration;
Unit III Energy Generation From Waste Types: Biochemical Conversion: Sources of energy generation, Industrial waste, agro residues; Anaerobic Digestion: Biogas production; Determination of BOD, DO, COD, TOC, & Organic loading, Aerobic & Anaerobic treatments types of digester factors affecting biodigestion - Activated sludge process. Methods of treatment and recovery from the in industrial waste water Case Studies in sugar, distillery, dairy, pulp and paper mill, fertilizer, tanning, steel industry, textile, petroleum refining, chemical and power plant.
Unit IV Rural applications of biomass Combustion - Chulas - improved Chulas- Biomass Physical - Chemical composition properties of biomass TGA DSC characterization Ash Characterization - Preparation of biomass Size reduction Briquetting of loose biomass- Briequtting machine
Unit V Thermochemical Conversion -Basic aspects of biomass combustion - heat of combustion - different types of grates - Co combustion of biomass Gasification - Fixed and Fluidized bed gasifier - Gasification technologies for the selected waste like Rice Husk, Coir pith, Bagasse, Poultry litter etc., - Pyrolysis
References: 1. Parker, Colin, & Roberts, Energy from Waste - An Evaluation of Conversion Technologies, Elsevier Applied Science, London, 1985 2. Shah, Kanti L., Basics of Solid & Hazardous Waste Management Technology, Prentice Hall, 2000 3. Manoj Datta, Waste Disposal in Engineered Landfills, Narosa Publishing House, 1997 4. Rich, Gerald et.al., Hazardous Waste Management Technology, Podvan Publishers, 1987 5. Bhide AD., Sundaresan BB, Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries, INSDOC, New Delhi,1983. M.Tech Renewable Energy 15
MRE 0202 WIND ENERGY, SMALL HYDRO AND NEW RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES Unit I Wind Energy Conversion - Wind energy conversion principles; General introduction; Types and classification of WECS; Power, torque and speed characteristics. Site Selection Criteria Advantages Limitations Wind Rose Diagram Indian Wind Energy Data Organizations like C-WET etc., Wind Energy Conversion System - Design - Aerodynamic design principles; Aerodynamic theories; Axial momentum, blade element and combine theory; Rotor characteristics; Maximum power coefficient; Prandlts tip loss correction.
Unit II Design of Wind Turbine - Wind turbine design considerations; Methodology; Theoretical simulation of wind turbine characteristics; Test methods. Wind Energy Application - Wind pumps: Performance analysis, design concept and testing; Principle of WEG; Stand alone, grid connected and hybrid applications of WECS; Economics of wind energy utilization; Wind energy in India; Case studies.
Unit III Small Hydropower Systems - Overview of micro, mini and small hydro systems; Hydrology; Elements of pumps and turbine; Selection and design criteria of pumps and turbines; Site selection and civil works
Unit IV Speed and voltage regulation; Investment issues load management and tariff collection; Distribution and marketing issues: case studies; Potential of small hydro power in India. SHP Renovation and Modernization Testing Methods
Unit V OTEC- Tidal Energy- Geothermal- MHD - Thermionic- Thermoelectric energy conversion system- Fuel Cells Batteries Micro Alge Biodiesel from Alge
References: 1. G L Johnson, Wind Energy Systems, Prentice Hall Inc, New Jersey, 1985. 2. David A. Spera, (Editor) Wind Turbine Technology: Fundamental Concepts of Wind Turbine Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers; (1994) 3. Erich Hau, Wind Turbines: Fundamentals, Technologies, Application and Economics, Springer Verlag; (2000) 4. Paul Gipe , Karen Perez, Wind Energy Basics: A Guide to Small and Micro Wind Systems, Chelsea Green Publishing Company; (1999) 5. J. F. Manwell, J. G. McGowan, A. L. Rogers, Wind Energy Explained , John Wiley & Sons; 1st edition (2002) 6. Tony Burton, David Sharpe, Nick Jenkins, Ervin Bossanyi, Wind Energy Handbook , John Wiley & Sons; 1st edition (2001) 7. Mukund R. Patel, Wind and Solar Power Systems , CRC Press; (1999) 8. Tong Jiandong(et al.) , Mini Hydropower , John Wiley, 1997 9. John F. Walker and Nicholas Jenkins, Wind Energy Technology, John Wiley, 1997 M.Tech Renewable Energy 16
MRE 0203 SOLAR PASSIVE ARCHITECTURE Unit I: Introduction to architecture; Building science and its significance; Energy management concept in building - Thermal Analysis And Design For Human Comfort - Thermal comfort; Criteria and various parameters; Psychometric chart; Thermal indices, climate and comfort zones; Concept of sol-air temperature and its significance; Calculation of instantaneous heat gain through building envelope;
Unit II: Calculation of solar radiation on buildings; building orientation; Introduction to design of shading devices; Overhangs; Factors that effects energy use in buildings; Ventilation and its significance; Air-conditioning systems; Energy conservation techniques in air-conditioning systems Passive Cooling And Heating Concepts - Passive heating concepts: Direct heat gain, indirect heat gain, isolated gain and sunspaces; Passive cooling concepts: Evaporative cooling, radiative cooling; Application of wind, water and earth for cooling; Shading, paints and cavity walls for cooling; Roof radiation traps; Earth air-tunnel.
Unit III: Heat Transmission In Buildings - Surface co-efficient: air cavity, internal and external surfaces, overall thermal transmittance, wall and windows; Heat transfer due to ventilation/infiltration, internal heat transfer; Solar temperature; Decrement factor; Phase lag. Design of daylighting
Unit IV: Estimation of building loads: Steady state method, network method, numerical method, correlations; Computer packages for carrying out thermal design of buildings and predicting performance. Bioclimatic Classification - Bioclimatic classification of India; Passive concepts appropriate for the various climatic zones in India; Typical design of selected buildings in various climatic zones; Thumb rules for design of buildings and building codes.
Unit V: Energy Efficient Landscape Design - Modification of microclimatic through landscape element for energy conservation; Energy conservation through site selection, planning, and design; Siting and orientation GRIHA Certification of Green Buildings
References: 1. M.S.Sodha, N.K. Bansal, P.K. Bansal, A. Kumar and M.A.S. Malik, Solar Passive Building, Science and Design, Pergamon Press, 1986. 2. J.R. Williams, Passive Solar Heating, Ann Arbar Science, 1983. 3. R.W.Jones, J.D. Balcomb, C.E. Kosiewiez, G.S. Lazarus, R.D. McFarland and W.O. Wray, Passive Solar Design Handbook, Vol. 3, Report of U.S. Department of Energy (DOE/CS- 0127/3), 1982. 4. J Krieder and A Rabi Heating and Cooling of Buildings : Design for Efficiency, McGraw- Hill (1994) M.Tech Renewable Energy 17
5. R D Brwon, T J Gillespie, Microclimatic Landscape Design, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1990. 6. D.S. Lal, Sharda Pustak Bhawan, Climatology, Allahabad, (2003) 7. Majumder Milli, Energy Efficient Buildings, TERI, New Delhi 2002 8. T A Markus, E N Morris, Building, Climate and Energy, Spottwoode Ballantype Ltd. London, 1980. 9. Sanjay Prakash (et al.), Solar architecture and earth construction in the NorthWest Himalaya, Vikas, New Delhi,1991 10. Energy Research Group, CD Rom Version 2 , LIOR Ireland, Solar Bioclimatic Architecture,1999
M.Tech Renewable Energy 18
Unit I Introduction to renewable energy grid integration, concept of mini/micro grids, and smart grids. Review of synchronous generators, Introduction to power system stability problems: rotor angle stability, voltage stability and voltage collapse, classification of stability. Modelling of synchronous machines: transformations, synchronous machine representation in stability studies.
Unit II Introduction to induction machines: electrical characteristics, slip, speedtorque characteristics etc. Self excited induction generator, Constant speed Induction generators, Variable speed Induction generators, Doubly fed Induction generators.
Unit III Introduction to power electronic devices, AC/DC converters, PWM, THD. Permanent magnet synchronous generator, solar PV systems, fuel cell, aquaelectrolizer
Unit IV Issues in integration of synchronous generator based, induction generator based and converter based sources together.Network voltage management (discusses the issue of voltage levels).
Unit V Power quality management (voltage dips, harmonics and flickers).Frequency management.Influence of WECS on system transient response IEEE standard and Polices
1. Brendan Fox et. al.: Wind Power Integration connection and system operational aspects, IET Power and Energy Series 50 (2007). 2. Marco H. Balderas (ed.): Renewable Energy Grid Integration, (Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2009). 3. Nick Jenkin, Janaka Ekavayake: Wind Energy Generation Modeling and Control (Wiley and Sons). 4. AJ Wood and BF Wollenberg: Power Generation, Operation and Control (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996).
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Natural Resources Classification Importance Role of Natural Resources in Economic Development Energy Resources Types and Classification Properties of Energy Forms of Energy Emergence of Energy Economics Its Scope and Nature Energy Indicators - Energy Economics and its relations with other Branches.
Role of Energy in Economic Development Energy intensity and Energy Elasticity National and International Comparison Low, Middle, and High Income Economies Role of International Institutions OPEC, OAPEC, IEA, and World Bank.
Energy Crisis Causes and Consequences Remedial Measures Environmental Crisis Causes and Consequences Remedial Measures Impact of Energy Consumption and Production on Environment with illustrations Role of Energy and Environmental Economists in solving Energy the crises.
Energy Planning and Energy Conservation Meaning, Objectives and Importance Energy Management Meaning, Objectives and Importance Recent Developments Energy Auditing Energy Accounting Energy Pricing and Taxes Role of Economists in Promoting Sustainable Energy Management.
Indian Energy Sector Organizational Structure Energy Supply (Coal, Lignite, Oil, Gas and Powers Hydro, Nuclear, Thermal) Energy Demand (Agriculture, Industry, Transport, Domestic, etc) Renewable Energy Sources and Technology (Solar, Wind, Biogas, Biomass, Geothermal, OTEC, Tidal, Wave Hydrogen, Fuel Cell, Bio-Diesel) - Renewable Energy Programmes Energy Under Five Year Plans Energy Issues and Policy Options for India.
References 1. Agarwal, M.C. and Monga, J.R. (1992): Economic and Commercial Geography, National Publishing House, New Delhi. 2. Agarwal, S.K. (1985): Environment and Natural Resources Economics, Scott Foresman & Co., London. 3. Common, M. (1985) : Environmental and Resource Economics, Longman, London. M.Tech Renewable Energy 20
4. David Pearct et al., (1990) : Sustainable Development Economics and Environment in the Third World, Earths Can Publications, London. 5. Deoffrey Kirk (1982) : Schemacher on Energy, Abacus, London. 6. Government of India (2002) : Thenth Five Year Plan, Planning Commission, New Delhi. 7. Hemalatha Rao (1990) : Rural Energy Crises : A Diagnostic Analysis, Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi. 8. Karpagam, M. (1991) : Environmental Economics, Sterling, New Delhi. 9. Kneese. A.V and Sweeny, J.L, : 1993) : Handbook of Natural Resource and Energy Economics, North Holland. 10. Munasinghe, M and Meier, P (1993) : Energy Policy and Modeling, Cambridge University Press, UK. 11. Paul Stevens (Ed) (2000) : The Economics of Energy, Vol. I and II, Edward Elgar. 12. Raikhy, P.S. and Parminder Singh, (1990) : Energy Consumption in India Pattern and Determinants, Deep and Deep, New Delhi. 13. Richard Eden (1981) : Energy Economics Growth, Resources and Policies, Cambridge University Press, London. 14. Sankar, U, (1992) : Public Sector Pricing : Theory and Applications, IEA Trust for Research and Development, Bombay. 15. TERI (2012) : Teri Energy Data Directory and Year Book 2011-12, The Energy Research Institute, New Delhi. 16. William Burch (Ed.) (1997) : Readings in Ecology, Energy and Human Society : Contemporary Perspectives, Harper and Row, New York. 17. World Bank (1992) : World Development Report 1992, Oxford University Press, China.
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1. Estimation of Physical and chemical properties of waste materials 2. Study on sources of waste materials 3. Proximate analysis of solid wastes 4. Ultimate analysis of solid wastes 5. Calorific value of solid wastes 6. Combustion characteristics of solid wastes 7. Study of Mechanical handling of solid waste 8. Study of Composting of solid wastes 9. Estimation of energy recovery potential of solid wastes 10. Waste heat recovery 11. Study of refuse derived fuel (RDF) 12. Estimation of BOD, DO level in effluent 13. Estimation of COD level in effluent 14. Comparison of Aerobic & Anaerobic treatments of liquid wastes. 15. Estimation of Calorific Value of Gaseous fuels
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Student should undergo an inplant training in a process / product industry / NGO in energy related area focusing on rural energy planning or should undergo an energy auditing in any rural industries and submit a report along with certificate (details of the training undergone) from the industry where he / she undergone the training for a period of 30 calendar days. Student should present a seminar about the energy saving potential / case study of the industry or energy planning. Evaluation is based on the report, Seminar Performance and viva voce.
Report - 50 marks Seminar - 25 marks Viva-Voce - 25 marks
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Unit I Scientific basis of research methods of acquiring knowledge Inductive and Detective Reasoning, scientific method and its applications - Need for conceptual analysis, selection of a problem for Research, Survey of literature, formulation of Hypotheses, nature and types of variables, problem solving and developmental research.
Unit II Research Design and Methods: Purpose and dimensions of research design, steps in formulation of a design - Types of research design Historical, Descriptive, Experimental true experimental, quasi experimental ands expose facto designs. Field surveys, diagnostic and evaluation research.- Qualitative and Quantitative methods in research, Need and relevance of Interdisciplinary research.
Unit III Data Population and sample, Probability and non- probability sampling Techniques, Requisites of Good sample, sampling distribution errors - Tools and techniques Observation, interview, Inquiry Forms, Psychological tests, Projective techniques, rating scales, Likert and Thurstone, Guttman type scales. Sociometry, Focus group Discussion, PRA, Psychodrama and Sociodrama - Organization of field work for data collection. Validity, reliability and feasibility.
Unit IV Analysis of Data Categorization, Presentation of data and Frequency distributions - Descriptive Statistics - central measures, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis - Correlation and regression, analysis of time series, index numbers and trend analysis
Unit V Inferential Statistics - Testing of hypothesis, concept of sampling distribution and standard Error Type I and Type II errors- large sample and small sample tests - Test of significance for attributes Non-parametric tests chi square test, run and median regression - Analysis of variance and factor analysis - Structure and qualities of a research report dissemination of research findings evaluation of research report.
References: 1. Arunkumarsingh, Tests, Measurments and Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences, Tata Mc Graw Hill New Delhi 1986 2. Britaha Mikkelson, Methods for development work and research A guide practitioners, Sage Publications , New Delhi , 1995 3. N.Kerlinger, Foundations of Behavioral Research, Surjeet Publications, Delhi, 1983 4. Dwivedi.R.S., Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences, Macmillan, 1997 5. Kuttan Mahadevan and Parausewara Krishnan, Methodology for population studies and development Sage Publications, 1993 6. Blalock, Hubert M, Social Statistics, Mc Graw Hill, London, 1993 7. Gareet. H.E., Statistics in Psychology and Education, Vakils, Feffer and Simsons, Bombay, 1981 M.Tech Renewable Energy 24
8. Gerald Hursh-Cesar and Prodipto Roy, Third World Surveys: survey Research in Developing Nations Macmillian, Delhi, 1976 9. Slegel, Sidney, Non-Parametric Statistics for Behavioral Sciences Mc Graw Hill New Delhi, 1982 10. Runyon, Petal.R., Fundamentals of Behavioral Statistics, Mc Graw Hill New Delhi, 1996 11. Dooley, David, Social Research Methods, Prentice Hall, New Delhi 1996. 12. Aggarawal Y.P., Statistaical Methods: Concepts, Applications and Computations, Sterling Publishing Company, New Delhi 1998 13. Walker H.M and Lev J, Statistical Inference, Holt, Rinchart, New York, 1980
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MRE 0302 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Unit I Basic concept of EIA : Initial environmental Examination, Elements of EIA, - factors affecting E-I-A Impact evaluation and analysis, preparation of Environmental Base map, Classification of environmental parameters. E I A Methodologies: introduction, Criteria for the selection of EIA Methodology, E I A methods, Ad-hoc methods, matrix methods, Network method Environmental Media Quality Index method, overlay methods, cost/benefit Analysis.
Unit II Impact of Developmental Activities and Land use: Introduction and Methodology for the assessment of soil and ground water, Delineation of study area, Identification of actives. Procurement of relevant soil quality, Impact prediction, Assessment of Impact significance, Identification and Incorporation of mitigation measures.
Unit III E I A in surface water, Air and Biological environment: Methodology for the assessment of Impacts on surface water environment, Air pollution sources, Generalized approach for assessment of Air pollution Impact. Assessment of Impact of development Activities on Vegetation and wildlife, environmental Impact of Deforestation Causes and effects of deforestation.
Unit IV Environmental Audit & Environmental legislation objectives of Environmental Audit, Types of environmental Audit, Audit protocel, stages of Environmental Audit, onsite activities, evaluation of Audit data and preparation of Audit report.
Unit V Post Audit activities, The Environmental pollution Act, The Water Act, The Air (Prevention & Control of pollution Act.), Mota Act, Wild life Act. Case studies and preparation of Environmental Impact assessment statement for various Industries.
References: 1. Y. Anjaneyulu, Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies, B.S. Publication, Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad. 2002 2. J. Glynn and Gary W. Hein Ke Environmental Science and Engineering, Prentice Hall Publishers 2000 3. Suresh K. Dhaneja S.K., Environmental Science and Engineering, Katania & Sons Publication., New Delhi.1998 4. Dr H.S. Bhatia Environmental Pollution and Control, Galgotia Publication (P) Ltd, Delhi, 1996
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1. Wind Rose Diagram 2. Effect of Blade angles on the performance of wind turbine 3. Performance evaluation of horizontal axis wind turbine 4. Performance evaluation of vertical axis wind turbine 5. Performance evaluation of wind water pumping system 6. Study of power electronics system on grid interaction 7. Synchronization of wind electric generators 8. Study of theromgram of wind rotor system and gear box 9. Noise level study of wind turbine system 10. Study on tower design
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A group of 2 or 3 Students should develop a cost effective renewable energy gadget / Biomass Assessment Study / Village Level Energy Planning / Evaluation of Renewable Energy Plants Evaluation is based on the product, report and viva voce.
Product / Report - 50 marks Seminar - 25 marks Viva-Voce - 25 marks
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As per Gandhigram Rural Institute Deemed University Norms
Student should work on Rural Energy Planning in a selected village with renewable energy gadgets and energy conservation technologies.
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Student should take up project related to renewable energy and work at GRI or they should obtain a permission to take up industry / institute related project where the external guide will be made available in the organization. However the evaluation is only based on the internal guide. No financial commitment will be given to the external guide. The evaluation of Dissertation is as follows:
Seminar I (Identification of Problem & Literature Review) - 25 marks [Month of December] Seminar II (Report on the progress of the project) - 25 marks [Month of February] Seminar III (Findings and interpretation of results) - 25 marks [Month of April]
Report Evaluation by External Examiner - 75 marks
Total - 150 marks Viva Voce [jointly conducted by internal examiner (internal guide only) - 50 marks and external examiner]
Total - 200 marks
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MRE E001 RURAL ELECTRIFICATION :TECHNOLOGIES AND ECONOMICS Unit I Decentralized generation technologies; Costs and choice of technology, Demand and benefits forecasting and program development, Principles of cost-benefit calculations
Unit II Economic and financial analysis of stand-alone electrification projects, Decentralized versus central station generation, Traditional power systems, Load curves and load curve analysis
Unit III Basic gas turbine generator concepts; Utility system turbine generators; Mini and micro gas turbine generators; Solar thermal power generation, utility scale photovoltaic (USPV) generation; Wind- powered generation;
Unit IV Biomass based generation; DG Evaluation: Cost from past, present, and future, basic DG cost analysis, cost Evaluation and schedule of demand.
Unit V
The power grid; DG-Grid interconnection issues, Mini and Micro Grids Economics Environmental Factors Transmission and Regulations
References: 1. H. Lee Willis and W.G. Scott: Distributed Power Generation: Planning and Evaluation, Marcel Dekker, 2000. 2. J. J. Burke: Power Distribution Engineering, Fundamentals and Applications, Marcel Dekker, 1994. 3. T. Gonen: Electric Power Distribution System Engineering, McGraw-Hill 1986. 4. M Mohan: Rural electrification for development: policy analysis and applications. Boulder : Westview Press, 1987 5. G. Saunier: Rural electrification guidebook for Asia and the Pacific, Asian Institute of Technology, 1992.
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Unit I Traditional and modern energy use; Methods of accounting the role of traditional energy in the overall energy system. Energy consumption patterns in rural areas . Trends of rural energy consumption.Need and development of rural energy data bases (REDB); methodologies for building REDB. Case studies of REDB
Unit II Integrated Rural Energy Planning (IREP): Origin, implementation, case studies, critique. Socio- economic and environmental issues of traditional energy use. Health impacts of biomass burning in cookstoves. The debate of black carbon from biomass burning. The energy ladder for cooking. Gender issues in biomass collection and processing.
Unit III Rural electrification: Overview, current status and future perspectives. Linkages with rural livelihoods, rural industries and social development. Issues of subsidization, last mile access and paying capacity.
Unit IV Review and critique of various programs of government: National Program for Biogas Development (NPBD), National Program for Improved Cookstoves (NPIC), Village Energy Security Plan (VESP), Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) etc
Unit V Use of efficient/appropriate/renewable energy technologies for rural areas. Technologies/products for cooking, water heating, drying, irrigation pumping, small/micro enterprises, lighting, motive power etc.
1. Report by a Panel of Experts, Rural electrification in Asia and the Far East New York United Nations, 1963. 2. B. Kaye and William S: Pintz, Rural electrification issue papers Honolulu: Pacific Islands Development. 2004 3. Chambers, Ann, Distributed Generation: A Non-technical guide, 4th Ed., Penn well, Oklahoma, 2001 4. Devadas, Planning for Rural Energy System: Part I & II, V Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 5 (2001), 203-226, 227-270. 5. T.C. Kandpal, H. P. Garg, Financial Evaluation of Renewable Energy Technology, Macmilan, New Delhi, 2003.
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MRE E003 SMART GRID Unit I Introduction driving the move towards Smart Grids globally and in India Smart Grid. Overview of how Indian power market is organised, operated and challenges being faced. Overview of how the Indian GENERATION, TRANSMISSION and DISTRIBUTION business is operated and controlled and some of the challenges being faced.How software can manage generation and optimise generator performance, Software to support integration of renewables, System planning & condition monitoring based maintenance, Forecasting & basic trading, Demand response, Performance management
Unit II Overview of power sector communications, Generic model of communication network needed for Smart-grid, Introduction to different communication technologies available in the market (Latest standards.Emphasis on importance of inoperability and standardization of communication protocols), Matrix of different technologies against the smart-grid communication needs in a given utility environment, AMI, AMR & MDA: How it works and how it will help to; reduce peaks manage networks more efficiently and contribute towards smarter grids, Communication Standards IEC6150, Wide Area Situation Awareness (WASA), Network stability and Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU), 6Automation and Integration of Distributed Generation / Renewable Energy, Automation and Micro-grids
Unit III Distribution Management Systems (DMS) and Meter Data Management (MDM) are improving energy efficiency and security of supply in Distribution Systems, Overview of Power Electronics in Electrical T&D Systems, Power Electronics in emerging Smart Grids, Transmission (DC Super Grids) , Distribution (PE facilitating the integration of, (Distributed Generation, Renewables, Microgrids, Virtual Power Plants (VPP), Storage, Fault Current Limitation, Power Electronics, Super Conducting and Magnetic types)
Unit IV Developing technology and systems that will enable grids to work smarter in the future: Storage: Organic and Inorganic Salts & Synthetic Heat Storage, Developing technology and systems that will enable grids to work smarter in the future (Smart Meters, Recording consumption, Advanced payback options for load-management, Communication between the utility and customers home (for home automation)), In-home controls, Demand Side Management (DSM).Power Trading & the India Energy Exchange : Encouraging Markets, Regulation enabling grids to work smarter in India, Project Financing:Financial Incentives to Enable Smart Grids in India, Smart Grid Economics: Making Smarter Grids Financially Viable, Planning for Smarter Grids
Unit V Challenges faced by the Transmission System Developing technology and systems that will enable smarter transmission of bulk energy (Metering, Trading mechanisms, AC FACTS (Statcom) DC HVDC, Fault Current Limiters), Challenges faced by the Distribution Networks:( How to be more energy efficient, stable, reliable and environmentally friendly, Reducing losses, Integration of renewablesConnecting/disconnecting micro-grids and virtual power plants, manage bi-directional M.Tech Renewable Energy 33
energy flows), Developing technology and systems that will enable smarter distribution networks (DC MVDC, Fault Current Limiters, Others (AC/DC TXs etc))
1. Join Gridwise & Smartgrids groups in LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/ 2. Sign up to Smart Grid News www.smartgridnews.com 3. US DoE Smart Grid Book http://www.oe.energy.gov/DocumentsandMedia/DOE_SG_Book_Single_Pages(1).pdf 4. Technology enabling the transformation of Indias power distribution http://www.infosys.com/newsroom/features/power-sector-report.pdf 5. Gridwise Alliance website http://www.gridwise.org/ 6. European Union Smart Grids Technology Platform http://www.smartgrids.eu/
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MRE E004 ENERGY MODELING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT Unit I Macroeconomic Concepts - Measurement of National Output - Investment Planning and Pricing - Economics of Energy Sources - Reserves and Cost Estimation.
Unit II Multiplier Analysis - Energy and Environmental Input / Output Analysis - Energy Aggregation Econometric
Unit III Energy Demand Modeling - Overview of Econometric Methods. Methodology of Energy Demand Analysis - Methodology for Energy Technology Forecasting -Methodology for Energy Forecasting - Sectoral Energy Demand Forecasting.
Unit IV Solar Energy - Biomass Energy - Wind Energy and other Renewable Sources of Energy - Economics of Waste - Heat Recovery and Cogeneration - Energy Conservation Economics.
Unit V Cost Analysis - Budgetary Control - Financial Management - Techniques for Project Evaluation.
References: 1. M.Munasinghe and P.Meier Energy Policy Analysis and Modeling, Cambridge University Press 1993 2. W.A.Donnelly The Econometrics of Energy Demand: A Survey of Applications, New York. 1987 3. S.Pindyck and Daniel L.Rubinfeld Econometrics Models and Economic Forecasts, 3rd edition MC Graw -Hill, New York 1990 4. UN-ESCAP Sectoral Energy Demand Studies: Application of the END-USE Approach to Asian Countries, New York 1991 5. UN-ESCAP Guide Book on Energy -Environment Planning in Developing Countries:Methodological Guide on Economic Sustainability and Environmental Betterment Through Energy Savings and Fuel Switching in Developing Countries, New York 1996 6. S.Makridakis , Forecasting Methods and Applications. Wiley 1983
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MRE E005 NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES Unit I Hydrogen production - water splitting - electrolytic meth-ods Chemical cycle - photo splitting - photo galvanic - photo chemical.- Application of Hydrogen Fuel for Vehicle
Unit II Tidal energy - operating mode - overfilling of the basins - Energy content. Ocean Thermal Energy Cycle (OTEC) - Baseline design - Heat design - Power cycle design - plant working. Energy - commercialization - problems and opportunities. Geo- system classification - convective and conductive systems - binary cycle conversion - waterfed heat pumps - electric generation - steam generation - steam field.
Unit III Nuclear power systems - light water reactor - high temperature gas reactors - liquid metal fast breeder reactor - Thermal - Fuel elements - Types - operation - Reactivity coeffi-cient Positioning fuel requirements.
Unit IV Fuel cells - General systems - Reactions - Gibbs' rule - of formation - Internal cell voltage - Types of fuel - Design of fuel cell systems - applications - Conversion - problems.
Unit V Thermoelectric converter - Thermionic converter Magneto Hydra Dynamic system (MHD) - Electro gas dynamics (EGD) principles - types.
References: 1. Culp,J.A., 1979. Principles of Energy conversion McGraw Hill Book Company, London. 2. International compendium. Alternate energy sources, Vol.IV, Hemi sphere publishing company, London.1977 3. Thielhein,K.D. Primary energy. Springler verlas, Berlin, Heidelburg. 1980
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MRE E006 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS Unit I Introduction to IPR, Importance, need of IPR, Intellectual assets and value realization, Forms of IPR, Patent, Copyright, Trademarks, Protection of IC layout designs, geographical indicators, Protection of undisclosed information, control of anti-competitive practices and Industrial design.
Unit II Patent: Concept of property and history of patents, Indian Patent Act and rules, Novelty, inventiveness and usefulness, Patent application procedure, Patentable and non patentable inventions including product versus process patents.
Unit III Industrial Designs: Registration, concept of novelty, originality, utility, obviousness, rights, obligations and limitations of registration of design, offenses and penalties. Trade Marks: Introduction, registration, concept of deceptive similarity, rights and limitation of trade marks, Offenses and penalties.
Unit IV Copyright: Introduction, nature of copyright, subject matter of Copyrights rights, obligations and limitations, registration. International treaties: Introduction to international treaties, conventions and organizations; TRIPS, Paris convention, PCT, Budapest Treaty, Washington Treaty, Berne Convention, WIPO, EPO, UPOV.
Unit V WTO: Introduction to WTO, International jurisdictions, National Treatment and Most Favoured nations treatment, Technical barriers, Introduction to dispute settlement mechanism of WTO, Indian position in Global IPR structure, Facilitating Technology Transfer and Capability building.
References: 1. Suzanne Scotchmer, Innovation and Incentives, MIT Press 2004. 2. TIFAC, Intellectual Protection in India: A Practical Guide for Scientists, Technologists and Other Users, CSIR, 1993 3. Maan TS, Transfer of Technology, Himalya Pub. House, Bombay, 1982
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MRE E007 FUELS AND COMBUSTION TECHNOLOGY Unit I Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Fuels - General: Coal; Family, origin, classification of coal; Analysis and properties; Action of heat on coal; Gasification; Oxidation; Hydrogenation and liquefaction of coal; Efficient use of solid fuels; Manufactured fuels; Agro fuels; Solid fuel handling; Properties related to combustion, handling, and storage
Unit II Origin and classification of petroleum; Refining; Properties & testing of petroleum products; Various petroleum products; Petroleum refining in India; Liquid fuels from other sources; Storage and handling of liquid fuels. Types of gaseous fuels: natural gases, methane from coal mines, manufactured gases, producer gas, water gas, biogas, refinery gas, LPG; Cleaning and purification of gaseous fuels.
Unit III Theory of Combustion Process Stoichiometry and thermodynamics; Combustion stoichiometry: Combustion thermodynamics, burners; Fluidized bed combustion process. Stoichiometry relations; Estimation of air required for complete combustion; Estimation of minimum amount of air required for a fuel of known composition; Estimation of dry flue gases for known fuel composition; Calculation of the composition of fuel & excess air supplied, from exhaust gas analysis; Dew point of products; Flue gas analysis (O2, CO2, CO, NOx, SOx).
Unit IV Burner Design Ignition: Concept, auto ignition, ignition temperature; Burners: Propagation, various methods of flame stabilization; Basic features and design of burners for solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels;
Unit V Furnaces: Industrial furnaces, process furnaces, batch & continuous furnaces; Advantages of ceramic coating; Heat source; Distributions of heat source in furnaces; Blast furnace; Open hearth furnace, Kilns; Pot & crucible furnaces; Waste heat recovery in furnaces: Recuperators and regenerators; Furnace insulation; Furnace heat balance computations; Efficiency considerations.
MRE E008 OPTIMUM UTILIZATION OF HEAT AND POWER Unit I Basic concepts of CHP- The benefits and problems with CHP -Balance of energy demand Types of prime movers Economics CHP in various sectors
Unit II Pinch Technologysignificance Selection of pinch temperature difference Stream splitting Process retrofit Installation of heat pumps, heat engines - Grand composite curve.
Unit III Insulation Recuperative heat exchanger Run around coil systems Regenerative heat exchangers Heat pumps Heat pipes . Waste Heat Recovery -Cogeneration Technology
Unit IV Sources of waste heat, Cogeneration - Principles of Thermodynamics - Combined Cycles-Topping - Bottoming - Organic Rankine Cycles- Advantages of Cogeneration Technology
Unit V Application & techno economics of Cogeneration- Cogeneration - Performance calculations, Part load characteristics- financial considerations - Operating and Investments
REFERENCES: 1. Eastop, T.D. & Croft D.R, Energy efficiency for engineers and Technologists, 2 nd
edition, Longman Harlow, 1990. 2. OCallaghan, Paul W, Design and Management for energy conservation, Pergamon, 1993. 3. Osborn, peter D, Handbook of energy data and calculations including directory of products and services, Butterworths, 1980. 4. Charles H.Butler, Cogeneration, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1984. 5. Horlock JH, Cogeneration - Heat and Power, Thermodynamics and Economics, Oxford, 1987
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MRE E009 ENERGY AUDITING INSTRUMENTATION Unit I Instrument classification, Characteristics of Instruments - Static and dynamic, experimental error analysis, systematic and random errors, Statistical analysis, Uncentainity, Experimental planning and selection of measuring instruments, Reliability of instruments.
Unit II Data logging and acquisition, use of intelligent instruments for error reduction, element of micro- computer interfacing, intelligent instruments in use.
Unit III Measurement of thermo-physical properties, instruments for measuring temperature, pressure and flow, use of intelligent instruments for the physical variables. Electrical measurement Power analyzer harmonic analyzer power factors
Unit IV Techniques, shadow graph, Schlieren, interferometer, Laser Doppler anemometer, heat flux measurement, Telemetry in engines.
Unit V Chemical, thermal, magnetic and optical gas analysers, measurement of smoke, dust and moisture, gas chromatography, spectrometry, measurement of pH, Review of basic measurement techniques.
References: 1. Holman, J.P., Experimental methods for engineers, McGraw-Hill, 1988. 2. Barney, Intelligent Instrumentation, Prentice Hall of India, 1988. 3. Prebrashensky, V., Measurements and Instrumentation in Heat Engineering, Vol.1 and 2, MIR Publishers,1980. 4. Raman, C.S., Sharma, G.R., Mani, V.S.V., Instrumentation Devices and systems, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1983. 5. Doeblin, Measurements System Application and Design, McGraw Hill, 1978. 6. Morris. A.S, Principles of Measurements and Instrumentation, Prentice Hall of India, 1998.
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Unit I Review of Semiconductor Physics: Electrons and holes in semiconductors, doping, electrical transport, Photo carrier generation and recombination Junctions; p-n, p-i-n and metal semiconductor contacts, band bending, Ohmic and rectifying contacts, Surface and interface states, homo and hetero-junctions
Unit II Analysis of p-n and p-i-n junction: Depletion region, depletion capacitance, Carrier and current densities, Current voltage characteristics in dark and light Device Physics of Solar Cells: Solar radiation, conversion efficiency, p-n junction model,
Unit III Effect of Parasitic resistance, irradiation and temperature on I-V characteristics. Numerical solar cell modeling Principle of cell design: Cell type, Optical design, surface and bulk recombination losess, design and fabrication of metal contacts
Unit IV Crystalline Silicon and III-V Solar cells: Single, tandem and multi-junction solar cells Thin Film Solar cells: Amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride and copper indium gallium diselenide based solar cells Organic photovoltaic Devices
Unit V Photovoltaic System Engineering: Thermo-photovoltaic generation of electricity, Concentration and storage of electrical energy, photovoltaic modules, system and application
References: 1. Semiconductor Devices,Basic Principles, Jasprit Singh, Wiley,(2001) 2. The Physics of Solar Cells, Jenny Nelson, Imperial College Press ((2003) 3. Solar Cell Device Physics (2nd edition),Stephen J. Fonash ,Academic Press (2010) 4. Handbook of Photovoltaic Science & Engineering,A. Luque and S. Hegedus (Ed), Wiley (2003)
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Fees Structure S.N. Head Amount Rs. I. PER SEMESTER FEES 1. Tuition Fee 1,000.00 Special Fees 2. Library 100.00 3. Games 20.00 4. Laboratory 1,000.00 5. Course Development Fee 5,000.00 Total I 7,120.00 II. PER ANNUM FEES 6. Village Placement Programme 390.00 7. Heath Service 200.00 8. Group Health insurance 200.00 9. Calendar 30.00 10. Computer 600.00 11. Magazine 75.00 12. National Science Day 50.00 13. Sports Tournament Fund 100.00 14. Miscellaneous 50.00 15. Association 50.00 16. Student Club 50.00 17. Student Placement 500.00 18. Khadi deposit (refundable) 300.00 Total II 2,595.00 III. ONE TIME FEES 19. Admission 30.00 20. Smart Card 100.00 21. TC & CC 50.00 22. Counseling 50.00 23. Shanti Sena 10.00 24. Youth Red Cross 5.00 25. Placement Services 0.00 26. Syllabus 20.00 27. Language Lab 200.00 28. NSS 10.00 29. VPP Record 35.00 30. University Development Fund 100.00 Total III 610.00 IV. CAUTION DEPOSITS (REFUNDABLE) 31. Library 300.00 32. Laboratory 200.00 33. General 400.00 34. Field Placement 1,000.00 35. Coop Stores Share Capital 22.00 36. Study Tour / Industry Visit 2,000.00 Total IV 3,922.00 Grand Total (I to IV) 14,247.00