POM Mid and End
POM Mid and End
POM Mid and End
Depart1ment of Mechanical Engineering
Mid Term Test, Winter Semester 2022 - 2023
Timc: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 30
Answer ALL Questions in Sequential Order
3. There are 500 workers in the assembly section of afactory shop floor. Five of these
workers were made to work in a separate room, and it was found that their productivity
improved despite the working conditions being poorer in the room. What are the likely
reasons for the increase in productivity? Identify and explain the relevant experiment of
the Hawthorne studies with respect to the case. (2Marks)
4 Praveen was a supcrvisor of an Aata factory. The factory was producing 200 quintals of
Aata every day. His job was to ensure smooth working and no interruption in production.
He was agood leader who would give ordersonly after consulting his subordinates and
working out the policieswith the group's acceptance. ldentify and describe the leadership
style being adopted by the supervisor. (2Marks)
5. Suppose you need to start a new business in your hometown. ldentify the type of business
suitable for that place. Conduct a SWOT analysis and explain the feasibility of starting the
business there. (2 Marks)
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haphazardly. He would never decide anything in advance or do any forecasting of events.
This ledto a lot of confusion andconflicts. As aresult, the goodwillearned by Kumar over
the years began to decline. In the context of the above case:
a. Identify and explain the function of management which Jimmy failed to perform
by quoting lines from the paragraph.
b. Describe briefly any two features of the function of management as identified in
part (a). (1.5+1.5 Marks)
10. Draw the following organisation structures and list the advantages and limitations of each:
a. Line
b. Line and staff
c. Functional
d. Matrix (2+2+2+2 Marks)
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Name: Roll No.:
Department of Mechanical Enginccring
End senmester Examination, Winter Semester 2022 - 2023
Time: 3Hours Maximum Marks: 40
Answer ALL Questions in Seguential Order
Assume auny missing datasuitably
+. Choose an operating system (0S) of your choice which is there in the market for the past
ten ycars. Draw the product life cycle indicating allthe stages. (1Mark)
2. Compute all possible productivity measures for a product that utilises labour machine
time, raw materials and purchased materials. Assume 4000 units are produced in 500 hours
and arc sold for 35/unit. The labour rate is 25/hour, the cost of the materials is 4000,
and the overhcad cost is two times the labour cost. (1 Mark)
3 List any eight Corporate Social Responsibility activities practised by Indian companies
during the Covid-19 pandemic. (2Marks)
s Mr Saju has started a new biscuit manufacturing company. He has devclopcd a uniquc
biscuit mix with Choco flakes and nuts, from which biscuits are mass-produced. Even
though he has succeeded in making delicious biscuits in-house, the company is not getting
the anticipated _ales. You were hired as a new marketing manager in the company in this
situation and given the responsibility to implement new marketing strategies and methods
to improve the production and sales. How will you distinguish between selling and
marketing? (2 Marks)
6 Two workers X& Y, while working on two identical machines, produced respectively 75
and 85 numbers of the same job whose standard production is 80 jobs per day. From the
following data, calculate the earnings of each worker
Labour hourly rate = Rs.12.
Rate differential to be applied = 80% of standard piece rate for below standard
performance & 120% of the standard piece rate for standard and above standard
performance. (2 Marks)
a In an engine assembly unit of a car manufacturing company, the standard time for
assembling an engine is hours, and the hourly rate of paynment is Rs.250. A worker
completes lhis job in 5hours. Calculate the earnings of the worker under Halsey, Rowan,
and Bedeaux plans. (2 Marks)
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interviewing techniques and training
g As the HR of an MNC, which of the types of (2 Marks)
pandemic situation?
methods you wouldadopt ina
Managcr. (3Marks)
. Explain the various functions of a Financial
crcam in spccial prcssuriscd containcrs and
10, An icccrcam nnanufacturcr sclls soft scoop icc
period. The company wishes to
is planning production for the summer. which is the peak containers can only be
cnsure that it has the best quantity of containers on hand. The
purchased in lots of 500. The following table shows the estimated cost for various ordering
Number of
containers bought Poor summcr Fair summer Good summer Very good
very low demand moderatc -high demand summer - very
demand high demand
S00 10 |5 20 35
1000 20 20 25
I500 20 15 10 30
2000 35 20 15 15
Determinethe optimum strategy using the Savage Criterion and the Criterion of Realism.
(2+1 Marks)
1/Explain in detail
a. Hezberg's theory of motivation.
b. Vroom Expectancy theory (2.5 + 2.5 Marks)
2. Explain the models of decision-making with the help of flow diagrams. (5 Marks)
No. of copies 30 32 34 36 38 40
undertaken at all, the company could still pursue its drilling programme or alternatively
consider selling its rights to drill in the area. Thereafter, however, if it carries out the
drilling programme, the likelihood of final success or failure is considered dependent on
the foregoing stages. Thus:
If 'successful' tests have been carried out, the expectation of success in drilling is given as
80:20. If the tests indicate failure', then the expectation of success in drilling is given as
20:80. If no tests have been carried out at all, the expectation of success in drilling is given
as 55:45. Costs and revenues have been estimated for all possible outcomes and the net
present value of each is as follows:
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