95681D2 Oim241a24: October 2009

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95681D2 OIM241A24 OCTOBER 2009


(For those who joined in July 2000 and after)

Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks

SECTION A - (4 x 10 =40 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. Defme the scope of financial management. What
role does the finance manager play in a modern
2. Elaborate on the long-term sources of fmance with
their merits and de-merits.
3. Elaborate on the relationship between leverage
and cost of capital. lllustrate.
4. Discuss the discounting techniques of evaluating
investment decisions.
5. Critically examine the different approaches for
computing the cost of equity.
6. Prove MM hypothesis with the help of arbitrage
SECTION B - (3 x 20 = 60 marks) 10. Surabi Ltd. Has an average selling price of
Rs.10 per unit. Its variable unit costs are Rs.7 and
Answer any THREE questions. fIxed costs amount to Rs.1,70,000. It fInances all
its assets by equity funds. It pays 50% tax on its
All questions carry equal marks. income. Sunny Ltd., is identical to Surabi Ltd.,
7. What are the motives of holding cash? How would except in respect of the pattern of fInancing. The
you determine the optimum cash balance to be later fInances its assets 50% by equity and 50% by
maintained in organization? debt, the interest on which amounts to Rs.20,000.

8. Determine the degree of operating, fInancial and

Differentiate between the Relevance theory and
irrelevance theory of dividends. combined leverages at Rs.7,00,000 sales for both
the fIrms and interpret the results.
9. A pharmaceutical company is considering
investing in a project that costs RsA,OO,OOO. The
estimated salvage value is zero; tax rate is 55%.
The company uses straight line depreciation and
the proposed project has Cash Flows Before Tax
(CFBT) as follows;
1 1,00,000
2 1,00,000
3 1,50,000
4 1,50,000
5 2,50,000
Determine the following;
(a) Payback period
(b) Average rate of return.

2 956~20~241A24 3 956~20flK24/A24
9569no21~25/A25 OCTOBER 2009 7. Explain p-system of inventory management and
its applications.
8. Explain pareto analysis with example.
9. Explain - Kanban system with example.
(For those who joined in July 2000 and after)
10. Explain material requirement planning.
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain the functions of operations manager.

2. Explain the similarities and differences between

production management and operations

3. Explain the time series methods of forecasting

with examples.

4. Explain the error measurement method in

forecasting and their importance.

5. Explain the principles of material handling.

6. Explain the types of plant layouts and their


2 95691D211M25/A25

95701D221M26/A26 OCTOBER 2009 6. Explain briefly the term personnel audit. What are
the approaches for conducting personnel research?
RELATIONS 7. Elucidate the major causes of industrial disputes
in India and explain the statutory provisions available
for resolving strike, layoff, lock out and retrenchment.
(For those who joined in July 2000 and after) 8. Discuss elaborately the various incentive plans
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks that best suited for performance success.

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. illustrate briefly various methods of performance

appraisal and explain its merits and demerits.

2. Describe the steps involved in employee selection

process with suitable example.

3. Compare and contrast the following methods of job

Ranking, Classification and Factor comparison
and Point method.

4. What are the causes of grievances? Explain briefly

grievance redressal procedure followed in Indian

5. Why do workers join a trade union? Explain

functions and role of trade union in India.

2 9570no2~2WA26
(i) What is the average number of 9571nD23~27~~32 OCTOBER 2009
customers waiting for the service of the clerk?
(ii) W11atis the average time a customer OPERATIONS RESEARCH
has to wait before getting service?
8. Write short notes on :
(a) Graphical method.
(For those who joined in July 2000 and after)

(b) Travelling salesmen problem. Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
(c) Simulations.
Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. A firm manufactures two types of products A and

B and sells them at a profit of Hs. 12, on type A and
Us. 13 on type B. Each product is processed on two
machines G and H. Ty'pe A requires one minute of
processing on G and two minutes on H. 'Type B
requires one minute on G and one minute on H. The
machine G is available for not more than 6 hours and
H is available for 10 hours, during any working day.
Formulate the problem as a LPP.

2. (a) Wl'ite the economic interpretation of dual

simplex method.
(b) A machine producing either product A or B
can produce A by using 2 units of chemicals and 1 unit
of a compound and can produce B by using 1 unit of
chemicals and 2 units of the compound, Only 800 units
of chemicals and 1000 units of the compound are
4 9571/D231M27/A32
available. The profits available per unit of A and Bare 5. Use dynamic programming to find the shortest
respectively. Rs. 30 and Rs. 20. Write the primal and route from node 1 to node 7 in the network below:
dual of the given problem.
3. (a) Explain assignment problem. (5) t?@'-
(b) Solve the assignment problem. (15) , /4
0) )et~
1 2
3 4 5
~ !~
A 10 3 3 2 8
6. (a) Explain game theory and also write what is
B 9 7 8 2 7
meant by pure and mixed strategies. (5)
Machine C 7 5 6 2 4 (b) Solve the following game by using dominance
D 3 5 8 2 4 principle. (15)
E 9 10 9 6 10 Player B

4. (a) Explain Integer programming problem. (5) 3 -2 4

(b) Solve the following problem by enumeration

Player A -1 4 2
method. [ 2 2 6]

Maximize 7. (a) Explain queuing models.

z = 90Xl + 100X2 + 70xg + 40X4 + 45xs (1)) A road transport company has one
reservation clerk on duty at a time. He handles
Subject to information of Bus schedules and makes reservations.
30Xl + 40X2 + 35xg + 25x4 + 30X5 ~ 100 Customers arrive at a rate of 8 per hour and the clerk
can service 12 customers on an average per hour. Mter
and Xi =0 or 1; i = 1,2,3,4,5. (15) stating your assumptions answer the following:

2 9571n)2~]d27/A32 ~g- -- 95711D23/M27/A32

9572JD241M31 OCTOBER 2009 7. Critically examine value chain analysis.

8. Explain the variants of stability strategy.

9. Define strategic choice. Explain the process of
strategic choice.
(For those who joined in July 2000 and after)
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks 10. Describe the role of leadership in strategy
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss the nature and importance of strategic


2. Write in detail any four strategic management


3. What are objectives? Analyse the factors affecting


4. Summarise the social responsibilities of business.

5. How does strategic management contribute to the

success of public sector organisation?

6. Describe the environmental forecasting

techniques. .

2 95721D241M31
95731D251M32 OCTOBER 2009 6. Describe the concurrency control in database with
7. Discuss about the distributed databases in briefly.

(For those who joined in July 2000 and after) 8. (a) Explain the basic parts of SQL statements.
Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks (b) Write about the SQL plus commands with
Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

(5 x 20 =100)
1. Explain the major components used m
E-R diagram with illustration.

2. Describe the data retrieval and update facilities in

hierarchical model with illustration.

3. Discuss the data structure and tree structure

diagrams with example.

4. Explain any two normal forms in detail.

5. Write about the axioms for functional

dependencies and inclusion dependencies in detail.

2 95731D251M32
95741D261M33/A33 OCTOBER 2009 8. Write an essay on international entrepreneurship.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND MANAGEMENT OF 9. Discuss the regulatory laws in practice with

SMALL BUSINESS regard to small scale enterprises in India.
10. Explain the various project appraisal methods.

(For those who joined in July 2000 and after)

Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 marks
Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain the specific note that entrepreneurship

has fulfilled in the economic development of the country.

2. What factors do influence the emergence and

development of entrepreneurship?

3. List out the good qualities of a successful


4. "The greatest problem and women entrepreneurs

is that they are women" - Discuss.
5. Explain the different sources of business idea.

6. Describe the main problems faced by small scale

industries in India.

7. Describe the various steps to be taken by an

entrepreneur to start a small industry.
2 9574nD26rnd33/A33

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